Candie ceremony, music highlight U.C.W. meeting The St. Pauls tnilted Cburcb Women beld their annual Christmas meeting on Monday eeening, December -Il, in the Fellowsbip room. Mrs. T. A. Hutchinson, pre- sidenl, opened the meeting by reading a timely quolation tram the wriîings ni Henry Van Dyke entitted -Keeping With Gladness Men ni Old" secs sung foilossed hv prayer and the laordsý Praver 'n uni. A cordial weicomne was ex- tended tualal members and vis- tors presenit and the president expressed the wish Ibat ail would enjoy the benefit tram the Christmas meeting. At Iis ime, the programt wbicb bhas for ils tîtte "A Can- adian Friendsbip Caroi Ser- vice" was presented, under the leadership of ýMrs. D. ODeit1, with assistance frnm the pro- gram canveners ai ail the Units and ather members of SANTA AND ALL NIS HELPERS wera out Saturday ta take orders fron youngsîers ail across the coantry. Young Brion Brown of R.R. 3 Milton chats wiîh Santa t the Milton Plaza. Santa will baiet his booth in the Plaza again Iis weekend. (Staff Phot) A CHRY GREITINQ for shoppars le the Plaza Marchants Associations onnual conribution la the Christmas brightnning- up ceremonies in iown. The decorîted Christmas tria le fiank- id by a colorful "Saisons Greetingn n lights. (Staff Photo) 500 very excited children gret Santa at There aere araund 500 very excited children iv Multons Legion Hall Sunday afiernoan when Santa Claus arrived with a ýho ho ho" and a hutging pack of presenîs for the child- ren oi Foreters from the Mii- ton - Georgetown - Aclon area. The avent, the annual Christ- mas party for the chiidren was an unquaitied xuccesx. Be- tween Santa, the presenîs, a variety of enterîainmenî and the refreshments, the hungry and escited children gobhied up, there wasnlt a compiaint. Milton Court 1159, Independ- ent Order of Foresiers, which bai members throughoui the whole norlh Halon area, spon- sored the parly. The LTD. ix the targexî fraternal organizat- ion in the worid and ived up 10 ils size ai Sueday's parte. Gifîs for the 500 kiddiex mare dixhed oui of huge car- tons by hall a dozen Santaxs helpers. Each receiver aixo had a chance lu stop and xay "hi" to the bexhiskered old lent and shake hix hand. The very young appeared imid and some were even scared, but thse older onex <seho oh- Re vers p»d« eves te hwek Milton Rover Crew bas lent ils seholehearîed support 10 the Milton Lions Clubs appeal for donorx for the Lions eye bank campaign. The crese leaders have sign- ed uP Mont of the 20 Rones, At death, the cornea of their eyex iii e removed and lransplanted mbt a blind per. sons eyes 10 restore sigit. Lions report that ta date around 70 -have made a pledge of their eyes 10 the campaign. More pledge cards are avait- able from Lions Club inembers or fron eye hank chairman Bob Brown. FEATURE PLANT MtRtonxs new semage treai- ment plant, recenti> enpanded lu serve a population ai 1l,000 People. wax featured in a news story in the Daily Commerc- ial News recenîly. A Champ- Ion photo of the enlarged lacil- ity accompanied the article. Foresters' do viously kvow on ahicb side iheir Christmas hreud is bal- teredi acre freeaih hugs ced even isses for iheir raie- poly benefuctor. Jack Montgomery cbaired the pragram and c fea aurds ni acîcome acre aiiered b> Chief Ranger Bev Hepburn. Milton. Mrs. McGuigun ni An- casier led the children and Ibeir parents in a sief-sang and music aux supplied hy an orchestra macladie0 Ron Har- rison, Pauai Squires, Larrs' Mc- Donald and Waller Green. Lunch including coabies and chocniaie milk conciudeda ceny happe day for ever.vane. Unit 3, who rend severai re- sponses. Several Christmas Carols, interspersed tbrougb- out, were sung hy aIl. A lovely candteligbling ceremony con- ducted by the representalives lrom eacb Unit carried ouI the Friendship Theme. T-is was enbancnd hp îwo musical nom- bers - a vacal duel bv 'Mrs. K. 0. Foster and Mrs. Harold Magee - "The Huron Indian Carai, and Christine Rossel- ti-, Poem. Lave Came Down aI Christmas" read by lbree Expiorers. The three Explorers who assisted were Jua Bar- ber, Vice Ervin and Kathe Mc- Dowell. Mn. Chartes Hainer aisa con- Iributed ta the program by tecding in the respansive prav- er - Our Lards Sumnmarv of the Law. -Mrs. Huîchinson con- cluded the service he re-peat- ing the henediclian f rom Luke 2:29-23. A sincere expression ai thankesecas ex Iended ta Mrs. CAMPBELLVILLE Nominate trustees next Tuesday night By Mrs, George loglis Your Cumpbeillslle corres- pondent exîeods aid lushianed greetings ibis Centenniai holi- day scason toalal readers ai ihis column, aiea mue health, wealth and bappinees bec ours Nomination oaithi-ci lage ai Camphellviile trasices wili bc an Boxing Duc. Tiîesdas night. December 26 t Campheilville Faliieschodil, 7-30 pm. Iu 8.30 p.w. Please show %iteresi n your village affairs. PriendsofutJames Lmbert ofl R.R. 2. Campheliviiic isiil be pleused he is home [rom Jos- eph Brant Hospitl,.Banling- ton. Wr îish him avell Filteen ladies iif Si. Davids Presicclerian Church îearkers aitended a smorgashiird lunch ai the Plinsman Restaurant ast Tuesdas- on 'Na 5 Highwav. then spent the aflernînnvis- iting residenis ai Halian Cen- tenniai Manor, Milton, hrînging Chfistmas cheer. The village humes aîrc decci raled prettile for Christmas witb caiorod lighîs and dcvi> rations of al kinds. Cangralu. laiones.folks. Mrs. Frank Quixian is a pa- tient ai St. Josephs Hotspitl, Hamilton, and Douglas Free- man is a patient an Joseph Bruni Hospital, Burlînglon. We wîsh tem ohîîa îspceds' Thse anesiat Christmas pot loch dinner was hetd for St. Davids reshyterian Sanday sebool pupils and parents and aduits of the congrc-galion on Fida evening with a godcat- tendance. A shoîrt prsîgrcm aas eejayed he ait und speciai trea Isseere given lu the chil dren. Mrs. Liord Crawford wcs hostess ta the Christmas meet- ing ai St, Davids Wiimens Missionurv Soietv and the Womens Assocaiolin ast Tharsdav afternoon. Mrs. Rab- ert Eliot presided aver the irsi portion taken Iran the Glad Tidiegs. and Mrs. A. T. Maure prcsided aacr t he last ha-i ness session ofaithe ceur. Mrs. Kenneth Maure wus pre- A 810 HIJO FOR SANTA CLAUS. LttleLretta Tielemîns of Milton shows ber appreciation to the lovable oid hewhiskered gant, after rnceiving a present ai a party Sunday afternoon le the Legion Hall. Lretta waxove of 500 chitdeen reated to prenants and an aflernoan of fun t the annual children's outing sponored by Milton Court 1159, Independent Order of Foresters. - (Staff Photo) senîcd sith a Lite Membership certificate fronm the W.A. Io the W.M.S. A social haîf bour lollowed over a cup afIcta. Happe birihdav greetings tn Janet ced Judy Ferrier, Edgar Cairns. Christine Ciolter, -Mrs. Wallace King, Louis -erman, Mrs. Rae Lewis. Joc Van Bus kirk. Wayvne Wasonn, Mrs. Ver,. Cuckrun. Russe Crberi, Chris- topher Stokcs, Robert Dennis, Mrs. David Newbald. Liîîsd Crawford cand Mrs, Lawvrence Sharpe. Weddlng anolverzary greet- ings lu Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ureînic-i-son thi-occioiin 1,f iheir 401h aedding ,ixni versarv, December 18, and ta Mr. and brs. Sicnie v nc on the oc.- casion ai their 23rd wedding aeniversarv December 23. We îeish bath couples manv -happe Mohawk tIne enterta ined iheir staff la a Chrstmas par- te on Sundue. Mrs. Veina Narris. Mrs. Wil- liam Wecband Mrs. Alred Pterson attended the Farm Safety meeting held ai Bramp- ton last Friday. Mrs. J. New- bouse presided and suggested ail farmers shouid wear bard bals ut ail imes. Films were shoxsn an fcrm accidents amungevisitors. salesmen ced buersevisiling aI tbe larm. Safete kits make good sug- gestions for Christmas gifîs ta fcrm folks. Douglas Penninglon. Onta- riu represenla ice, and Douglas Jefferson ai Co-opraalors te- surane cach hrought greet- ings and answered questions on laims. Sticke rs are availahile for home use. ta he ptaced aI pour lelephone, ta gel heip n case of poisanîng. A smor- gashurd dinner seas enjoyeel by al aI the Brampton Inn. White gifla weee received aI St. David's Preshyterian Ctturch Sunday, lu beip the un- fortunate in Vietnam. On December 24 aI 7,30 pm. a Christmas -Eve candletigbt service wili bée held aI St. Daids Prexhylerian cburcb 10 which ail families are w0 comed. COUNCILLOR HONORED Councilior William Green of Ward Three. xcho ix retiring frmw Burlinglon Couecil Ibis vear aller losing the race for the seat ai reeve. mas bonored îith three other retiring court- closlast -eek. He and Mae- a, Liosd Ber, em,în, Depute- Reeve Frank Rogers and Coun- cilliir Eiîsîod Mrrow were presenecd with civie rings dur- ing areception fotioming the fial meeting ai couecit. Make sure bhal matches are kept 0out ai reach ni children, and neyer leave Young cbiid- e anal ended. El.E CTRICITY IS OUR BUSINESS Do nt ha a Tinkerer sitis Eieeîrieity, Cali an expert for *NEW CIRCUITS *ADDITIONAL OUTUTS *OUTOOCR LIOI4T FEATHERSTC NIE ELECTRIC 878-6378 OlDelI and ail wbo bad contri- huted in any way, for the en- spiring Christmas service, A collection was laken for thee "Over and Ahane Gifla", and Ibese gif-Is were ta be sent ta headquarters for disperse- ment in the ioltowing order: Ludbiana, India, Bella Bella, B.C., Kimpese, The Cango and Matagami, Ouebec. A bieR business period a held. reports were gis-en be the vaiaas chairmen and con- veners of cammiteces, and the correspondence included let- lers of apprecialion fromt John Wilmnîî, Chaieman ai the cummiîîee ai Stewards, Ihank- ing the U.C.W. for their ex- penditure of $1,000 for Manse kitchen renavation; iromn Mrs. Austan Ledwith, express ing lhanks for the pie axant eve- niog and exchange afi deux the Anglican Churcb Women bad enjayed aI the U.C.W. pot luck supper and execurtive meeting in 'November; and f romt Mrs. L. Riva corresponding secretare for the Haiton Presheteriai. expressing appreciation ta Si. Paul's UC.W. for havîng the a orkshop in Oclober and con- piimenîing hem (in thc splen- did 'arrangements made. The meeting was broughi la a close be singing the carol, God -Resi Ye Mcrry Gentlemen. foltowed be the hene-diction. Deicious relreshmcnîs acre sereed he Unit 4 and a sociali haîf-hour broughî a profitahle cnd eniovaixie evenief t,, a close. Brea k-hs, thefts in O.P.P. report During the week of Dec. 10 to Dec. 16 inclusive, personnel of Milton detachment, Ontario Provincial Police, worked a to- tal of 936Y4 hours and patrol- led 6,749 miles on area high- ways. As a resl of paîrol, 31 charges were preferred, 28 traffic warnings were issued, and 12 vehieles were safeiy checked. There were -,ix property da- mage accidents invcstigatcd and four persona] injurv ac- cidents, resulting je five per- sons lneing injored and proper. ty damage totatting $7,395. Causes of accidents were inat- tentive driving, driver lont conîrot, and speeding 100 fasl for road or traf ic conditions. There were four charges laid as a resul ni Ihese accidents. There were 67 convictions reg- istcred in Magistrates Court. There were 41 generai occur- rences reporîed during Ibis periad, inctuding four break, enter and bhell investigations; onec stoten vehicte iran Mo- hawk Raceway: twn liquor in- vestigations rcsulting in tbree persans being charged! under the Liquor Contrat Act; twa thefîs frnm parked càrs being investigated; onec persan cbarged witb impaired driv- ing: ane lraud investigation re- sulting in anc persan being charged: one theft of aulside Christmas ights: îwo nîber Criminat Code investigations. Att other occurrences were of a min or nature. The Canadian Champion, Wedvenday, Decembar 20, 1967L Escarpment sludy Mns. A. J. MacArthur, Town- ship uf Nassagaweyu: L. Mc- Neice, Townxsip of Toronto: and G. P. Braeeh, Deparîment ai Economiex aed Devetopmenî heid a meeting aI the Haluon County Offices last week, wiîh C. E. Spearin and J. 0. Spcn- der, members oi the Niagara Escarpmeeî Sludv. The siady m a lades the Town ai A:- ton, large parts of Nassaga- xeeya, Esquesing and Caledon Townships The fmai r-cam- mendaLiona f rom the ,qiudv could have fae1reachieg et- tcson these municipclibic. On bhailE of the Esî,,rpý meeni Committîc of the Cen- Irai Ontario Regianal Decelop- ment Councîl. Mrs, MacArthur disc-usced en-cime delait the large sione- quarries and sand and gravai oarîlns in the sîudy arec - logether aiîh their cils-ct on Ibe aesîtheîics iof the Escarpment. it a-as agreed the Commiîîee wxouid recommend ta CORDC bhat, as c tîrsi step. c brief be prepared and submiîîed lu the Niagara Escarpmenî Sîudy. The studc arra ttNsm 450 miles ix length. G.E. Luxury Electric Blankets $2998 G.E. Electric Floor Polisher $2879 - G.E. Electric Alarm Clock $1 1.98 Deluxe Heating Pîd $6.49 WRAP UP YOUR SHOPPING NOW AT NIED CO.OPERATIVES Oi ONTARIO BONTE ST. MILTON aia .le..eam ivi-o., Alit CmoNITiONINQ INDUSTRIAI AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING SUBSIAIONS AND MOTOR REPAIRS- UNDERGROUND WIRING POL UNE CONSTRCTION -ALlIA itFOOtIiGHTING CLISIOK CONIIOL PANEIS 34 NOLli MANTONICI 5119R LOU NADALIN