Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Dec 1967, p. 14

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14Tih. Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Dec MARRIED RUCBN1 Churcis, Milon, we word Calbery. The iT1.Y in Highway Gospel Wright, daugisler of Mrs. D.H. Wrigisof ere Mr. and Mrs. James Ed 325 Bronle St., Milton. ie bride s lise former Lynda (Photo by Milton Photograpic> quiet. To bts miogled pride amd cisagrin, tise bny had tise puzzle snlved l10am amazlnglp shonrt lime. AsIdng Mn sxx hnw lie managed 10 pnt tise pieces tx- getiserson (ast, tise man tund tisai tisee wan tise figure nf a man on tise iacisnf tise puzzle. Put tise mon tngetiser and tise wold wll ho aliglt. Net Snnday Bly Communin wil ho ceteirated. ABter a erf ctnset contested election, M. Keitis Moore atsd Mr. Earl Ward were elected fnr a tiree-year tem, amd Mr. Dav- id Mnrse tom a nne-pear term 10 cnmplete M. Chas, Thonm- sons teres xx tise ccmoisaruL l-igiswas Gospel Chut-chsvas dscrated with standards oi settosrmoums for the atternoon inarriage on Nos. 4 ni Lynda Patricia Wright ,and J ames Ed- isard Catîser %. The bride is tise di.igistei i. Mis,. D.H. Wright, 324 Brunte St. S., Mitton and [lite gisionis. anenspiovee nf Mîisi nOuais c is the son ui Mr. and iMis. C.Calsers. St. Aime, DOntario. Re%. M.Chi isicnsei con- cducivtheieiciiiiirans ilBl Hiuoh plass-d theitegail. John Ssniiilr a,gThse liedding rite bridle, ý, i -q, a ilîilts- II .Ii l Ad \ Ils .îi c li a O ite pie- ol rîi il;ute sl is'letîci ul ic ide'cal-d St5 ucSis. Isîsli \si lu antdi .la -i i.,'iu s i Duncan-Alexander Margaret Risena Alesander and Ronald Edsvard Duncan wrensarried in NorvaltUni- ted cisurcis as 2.30 p.m. on Oct- ober 14. Tise bride is tise daugis- ter ut -Mr. and Mrs. Ma-ckenzie Alexander. RR.,Norvai. and use gronom s stisesois of MrJ. N. Duncan,- RKR.2, Aton. Tise coopte alser a trip tu Montreai. Wasiington and Kes West, Fiorida. arc lving ai R. R. 2, Mono Road. Thse churcis wan deeraird witus li candelabra and bou- quelsnifironnze goid and o-ile mnms itis coiored o-boasfoe tise douisle ring ceremonv con- doeted ise Rer. Water Ridiev. Organi tMiss Mason. Streets- sie. a..companied Miss Joan Beatv. Mitonnsio sangO0 Fer- cci Lovre and The Lord'sPrss- Tise bride score a fll-lenglis gissn iof ciiiidswbite voor îs lb ithlong siceres. hisgb necistine. sitisdaîsr appliques as tise steeres and bottom of tise gosn. Tise long ciapet lenglis train iriicis feu ifrnm ber sisuilde s sas also edged wîtb daîsies A ceon oiers stals and pearis beld ber in- gertip lengis rei and sise car ied red roses.is-sand seps.- Maid of bonor wasMi-sGai MeCailuse. Brampton, a tiend. and tise bridesmaidsssere. Miss tronc Drss,iie anciMiss Sisaron McNeil. Brampton. Tises sere guis ed aliked in asiegreexnirepe glsssns nis dans g reen veirel topssish iiossing panel ail lie sack, a.. ..ented silis green seiset dais- es. Tises sore brosnze mums iniiseirb,îîr and sarried abhou- quet iof brotnzeenîssn ESENEZER bp Mrs. R. McLean Tise Decemiser meeting nf Ei- enezer U.C.W. was dampened isy tise tragic news nf tise deats tist atternoon on ilBltMcLean, nf Eden Mi. Att tise peopste nithe communittpetend great spmpa- tisy tn bts maop iriends andreta- lves. Ties anctnarp nn Snnday mornlng was ieatfled wltisflnr- ai trîbutes n l bs memry. Mes. Don Jnsn had charge of thte program, Mms. Eart Ward asntsttng. Ms. Murray Bay- ward sng «The Bappy Betin are Rtngng. Fourteen ladies annwered tise roii cati wth a «whiste gitl for tise Votnntary Services. Tise treasnrer's repnrt sbnwed a ieatthp ialance. Il was decided tn raine nur "fir siarel --(ait- neaton Is a iad wrd nnwadaps) for tise cnming yeis y $65. A mnstcal content was held. Mms. W. Darisy, Mms. Young and Mm. McLean served lunnch. Norman More, Rae Biptisand Eteda Ward tnnb part in tise Sn- day-ncisotl service. Tise cnm- itned Snnday-xcbot concert and choir carni service lx tn behietd ons Frlday, Dec. 22. Rev. . Ftiney bave an inter- esting sermnn, apprpriate (n titise Snnday. Be referred tn tise Chismas accnunt rom St. Jo" hnTie Gnd nf Love express- ed is love 1i nmnfnrm. Let un read tise Buste lnteliugentlp. Tbe meanlng lx clear. Times have cbmnged since tise time des- crised in «The Ctte's Str- day Blgisl.0Bt It Is stili ipnns- (ie to takve n ittie time for nome tlevotlotts posily wttstise aid Mf sncb a gdde as «Tise UPper Boom.' M. Ftnley told tise story Mf tise [ad, wbo gave btss manl sot a buge and compllcted map Mf tise wrld, tlntise form oM a jlg- aaw puzzle. Be tbougbt It wmuld take tise pouog lad so long to do it, tisai lad would bave peaoe and Tise bride' s nîcce. Miss Deis- bie Reid, n-as flinser girl irer- ing a prin..ess gosnoltciîsud shitie peau de soie tri b nvlon nrerskirl acceniesi br iaisies itisa gisd paneialthe back. Sbe curried brosnze andsitiie Tise bride isas sivc i. x mr niage b v ber itier. Grosoms- mnasKen Green, North Ba v, a cousin;- usisrsiserc Russell Duncan,- Braiinaea. tise grooms broiber and Bilt Assxsnde.r, Niivai. a isiotiser ni tise bride and tise ring bear- erBrian Zaesi. Mlîîsn. nepisei ni thebiride. At lise recepsisîn us Stewasrt- townnhail, tise seddîîîg pinsy weicomed gucsîs rinuNothl Bar. Bradiiird, To roîn s,. Guelph,. Genigelîsîs n.Brainp' tonn.Streelsrîlle Nsîî,l and M ilion. Tise bridesnîsilier \%orie a bronze and golî ci resus ush sequin irise. brossn cc- ries and yeiinn- sses-icani.,ro . Tise groom',s sepinothber score a gon utlb..% l n blacks brocade. blaelk.î..cessîî ries and gnid roses. Tise brides going zaasout- lit isas a green and gîîid sait sous bssassn andsiitiîr ux coler7brs , aIesIsl',sZ;, seliobaissiir. isd,. Tise bride ciarried anskei- ciiel ber grz.d isîtlier. Mis Ruddeii. carried ai lie ssci ding in 1 900. Sise %tas.îs e .siiie eddng and aliiastici propnsed lforlier Sîlis iribdi onOc.1lb Tisere srere seserali galbe. îngs belsîre lise ssedding lis bonor tise bride îsr tise coîuple MARGARET ALEXANDER lieaneMrsRonl dad Duna in o ceremovy os NorealitcîcîlChurrh -nOctohes Sbe ix tise dangister of Ms and Mus Mieku cir ine idps of R R. t, Nosai and tbeqgroom.isthie son of 1N Ducan,.R 2, Alon. (Photo by W Van Harlem) %Ir mt and i,, ii , -i --i li . t, mi Mtilssi ii.. s11-1 i, 0i ii g t.. ton es hî ii i - S r I I A S i ..... i i -- 1 u - 11-i ii il M --i-ii\1fh l 'Il..Ilii..d i.iii--i l ,-.. ii i FORi Richardson's TV & Appliances 201 MAIN ST.E. MILTON 878-949 matching headdresses and car- ried tare covered Bibles with swhite streamters and corsages ni white and pink variegated carnations. Their seite crosses. siere tise giit outhlie bride. Groosesman was tise groom's brother John Calbery and tbe asbersss'ere Richsard Force and Don Wright, brotiser of tise bride. Dinner tollowed aitishe Mil- ion Inn. Tise brides motber %oea blue and green ena t dresssvitb beige accossories and selioss-carnations. The grooms motiser score beige lace. broisn ac..essories and pir i carns atins. Tlesogiiissî .ledImî Ilegl Il"gîaoiip.rtiein Fngi.sd n d a ,siiii i Guelpis Amongthe guvsis ireretise brides .unl Mrs. Davison, Nortis Bas-: aontand oncir Mr. and Mrs. Dasid Wrigist. To- ronto atnd godfatiser Mr. and Mrs. Henrs Gesistes. Agincitusi. A ssedding dasnce 1%a, iselin lise Steel ssii- kers isall. Milton. Tise csuple eluixn a rip lis Pennssirvania. lise brisdessear- ing a iisrec pieceisiralui wtts ,eeiismiiaisîhte c.arnatiionvcorsage. Tisesr siakingiiseis bhumseîis Milton. t3eiire tise isi-tisiîng. Mi-sJ. (i ilieiger bl a lînen shisie Miss Binis-Kelssî,ss .îp.sntis sisiiiei -emplîtrees iiA Goesras E. e. tri.. iýclneu hj% et soit tise Milîsîn GOtisis ci istisees presevieiltihemi \ilhu a swivel ils ksr Calbery-Wright Shopping Lote? Seo Our Gifla goeit o CHRISTMAS aie somethlng hoe'Illemember ail yeai long We ýeisde selion f hnd.. oreAIII5W giltsforbis uIsfa- vrie men. Men f 1llis . and shirts oil sio-s.n. flre 81hrtseort shirt. and m~îot knitg for~ pt.ssnure. Idres ndpajasms for mi eofor j-d CHECK TH 0 WARRENK 0 NASH TAIL 0 ATZN HIS LIST - Most Wanted Branda of Men's Clothing K. COOK SUITS LORED SLACKS 1TERRY WILLIAMS & 0 LIPSON JUDO ROBES 0 ARROW PERMA IRON SHIRTS 0 ABBEY - E. S. CURRIE - CHRISTIAN DIOR TIES 0 ARROW, CURRIE & LIPSON SPORT SHIRTS 0 HICKOK & WEBER JEWELLERY 0 JOCKEY BRAND, HARVEY WOODS, STANFIELDS UNDERWEAR I-Then glveaàKn!gWosW Mans Wear Gifs Certifi. k Icite orMHaCeificate - Lethi coos hs wnMEN'S WEAR MILTON878-4472 r Provincial grant for Limehouse land The Department of Energy and Resources Management for the Province of Ontario lbas given approval for a Provincial grant in the amnount of $55,255 ta the Credit9 Valley Conservation Autisority towards the addi- tional cost of the land acquisi- tion in the Limeisouse Conser- vation Area, in tise nortisern section of Hatton Connty. Tise annooncement uf the grant was mode bhis week b%, lames W. Snow. M.P.P. or Hatton East. In Holland Dasiser, Dancer, Pr ancerand Rudolptiswould cause noseex citemeot in tise Nettseetansls, where children beliene that a horse putls Si. Bichotas' leigh. Tise greut horse h oamed Sieipoer, and tihe DuteS chit- dren itl their wooden nhoes wth hay for hits. This given hise energy ta get t St is ta exery house. ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Optom.$vlist Tuesday 9 aie. to 3 pue. Friday &.e1p. t0 9 pa. 184 MAIN ST., MILTON LAST MINUTE Wfw>L GIFT IDEAS DRITZ ELECTRIC SCISSORS $9.98 Thse RemIIy "In" Gift Pair' Sewing Basket and Stools $4.98 to $23.98 SKIRT and SWEATER KITS $14.98 ea. MAPLE LEAF TARTAN SKIRT and SWEATER KIT - On. OnIy Reg. $19.95 , SPECIAL $17.95 Wiss Dressmaker Scissors and Pinking Shears SKIRT MARKERS BOBBIN and THREAD BOXES 12M RINST878686 Elections held for church board WARREN KNIT SWEATERS ARROW PYJAMAS STETSON AND BILTMORE HATS HICKOK WALLETS HARVEY WOOD'S KROY WOOL SOCKS

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