Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 9

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=Elîampun FRONT Hot dogs, pop aid UNICEF Studenssout'Martin Street Senior Public Sehool have been using varouos means in- cluding the afler -schasi silo of hot dogs and pop t0 raise money for UNICEF ibis week. A program ii be held Fri- day in observance uf Remem- brance Day. For every benef il you ne- ceive , a responsibility is ev- ied. ADVANTAGE 0F OUR 6th Annivorsary SaleI LASTi 3 DAYSI Thurs. - Fr. - Sat. SAVE PLENTY 1 Milton Departn'ent a Store 6 1 »a ma- mi Annual commencement highlights school year By Shirt Parsons Fridav, Ocîsiber 27th mas the date o the final junior football game. The gaffe, mhich was helAd ai Cenlennial High in TWO RECIIENTS OF AWARDS ut M i onDstrctH gh Scbool cummencement Friday ecenng mere Jette Larsen, win ner ut the Leroy Inglîs Memorial Sehol' arsbsp and Cap for Grade 12 business and commerce percectage ut 77.6; and Bill Anderson, awarded the Terry Des- laurier Citizecship cap for ouustandicg liais and sîhool contributions daring bis final 5ear at the school. (Staff Photo) PROCLAMATION Dy virtue of dm eauthority vttdln me endut aithe drcton 0f the Municipal Corporaton 0f the Town 0f Miton, i h.mby proclalm Novembor 13 to November 19 YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK To recognize the accomplishments et youtb in the home, school, church and community To promnole more active participation by members of familles in the interests and actiities involing the famity as a unit; end lu encourage parents te re-dedicate themselves ta the responsibilities of parenthood To provide the proper envirosment for youtb, is- cludisg opportunities for participation in recreetionat and social activities To focus attention on the influence religion and marais have on the lices of youth and ta encourage yoaths tc, actively participate in spiritual activities To encourage a greater interchange of idem, be- tween aduits and youth leading to a broader anderstand- ing of ach others problems. shqr 8, 1967 S. G. CHILDS, Meyer, Twn of Mille,. Guelph, prssvod iiibe a lass lor Milton, Il a-cl a very pleasant may ta ecd the sca-ian alter the lerritic sIarI. bul gond campetijors, nu maller mhal the com- pelilion. must be able la lobe defeol o, The seniors also encaun lered a ls on Monday. October 30. Thes lust 87 tu OSOD Spiis rase an Tbursdav, ho%%- ee, shen Miltoîn dclealod Sheîhorne svitih a desîsive 31-6. Hais s[bat lac a score, eh? Practices for the boys' basiscîbal leams, arc nais anderssas. The leams, as a whles hould souiacoing strang and 1ldanll hink ilasiuld bcsuchbad idca il the girls' teimts gai ihings riilling a lilîle earlier Ibis Yean. Pehaps ur practice waald reveal blier resulis bicn %%aswitnessed last vear Tbe variaus clubs metoi itr theuoghaut tbe si-cois The missi receiils% larniedclub, he Che,, and CbeckerCtab andor Mn.Sulli van, mei an Tus.sda%, Oct- îhor 31i The membors of he clob plis oîcb oibeon aschedulo basis The cm picitiiacgoos an unlil inalists a ie cbiss' and tbe baille af ihe best ensues. The camera bugs score aisaac band Tuesdlav la prescita film osicphoto-. graphv.The film s%as presesîod nui anis liretho benei iofitho club membees bul anvion s'bihad aniceosîlincthesub- ici i The curling club, abicb Oas srgani- oil ucder Me. Pallen bas been oailthe graundfur a coupleiil weclssnîsand participants ouI plaY îccardingtlisuhce- dulo ai the curling rinkin iiMitoan. tboar bheipl.n lui %tecep esols-sne e o ff sI hein IcetiLois isatch and sec %sbal bappens. Coming on eirong i, ho draia clob. A meetigwasbceld Tbursa,and il mas storîdoîltho casting Ifortheojuioir plas %vould commcenceioncMiiîdai.Nasclbci h. A schcdule far tbe casting iiitho junior drama 5h11 lStand The FHiu,"bis hbecs arracged. Casti in he jlaisse camcds "Pinis and Patsobos willlaise place near the end ofthiisi%%tek.Presideel Gordac Timbres said ho is roalîs ploasesi wisitheibnie turnoîiandltbe hardaiîîbk ,niiiiiii -i luayB3) jLetters t. SLAMS VOUTH OVER CHILDISH DAMAGE Dear Sir: As saur 'Ycuth Front' is de' voted te the Vaung peuple roucd Milton. i suppose Ibis iront even gel put in, but 1 ibsisgbt it mighi bc wcrtb a Il seoms ta me svmbolic bait a ichole page ota noms- payer shouddbc dcvaled tisan age grsîap mitb 1no respect for subhers' prupenty. t read In The Champion that a number ut cars weene spray- cd mith paintis front utf the arena the sight belore Hallo- iseen. and theres nu doubt in mv mmnd about Ibe age ufthlie porions respussible. The ioadie oas once as Ecg- iii lîsîssîsng dug. The canotai- s tri,îcedanimail snifled ai- sssg the ground ai nighi and liiiiied quarreis micb put up ais lighbi Mîsing in mîlh a shu. sel i, musser b,îgged tbem tru5 ssi reuth Front1 Muche if Hallumeen. ateng siîh masl ut the ther seese- les ciildi sb tinolilies mwere ahelished. the wonîd could go bacis ta hein g 505e ogain. yauve given these iids a chance ta air their viems. and I suppose Ibis mould ho aright if thcy had anv. Ils silîs ta ex- pect a gtciup ut delinquesîstust lobe imeoualt ram Ibein glue- ssifting and LSD and secietY- eseaping ta compose somcîbing literute andoencanstructive forsir apper. 1 dont wast mv proprets spnaved aitb paint. as l'es sure moaîd prohahîs he Ihein ce- venge, sol1 must sign mvselt as. Revulîrd. tFrom the Frasil - Weil, Weil! And so close ta Yoaîb Appreciation meis' JusI as 'Revolîed' appeans le bave made a mass ludgmesl os us berause ut a vers' tom. are bis lin ber opinions lu be iudged as the voire of al uver-2's' The Front thiniss set. MILTON, ONTARIO, WEcDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1967 ENTERTAINMENT AT COMMENCEMENT mas procided by the tbrough the eanrcisns. Heme the cuab s shown getting into M.D.H.S. Glen Club wbo gae hree seleclions mid-wav formation priai to ectericg the auditorium, (Staff Photo) Sunshine students enjoy party, movie By George Adams Tuosilai, Oiiibui31, the papîsil, f lic StinicsbcScboai 1 iloc enpir% G-if2b- tsrais i.mps, iluoens anid caabiiicisoi c ,e Miind.sv i'b a parentiea- bher mooîiiîglîls cnîîod cibv tii peoîpleo lw cia .vsuiiodpro- grain ofinformîcatioîn and in- ive[ oparent is lias micd \%isssgaiio andsidancing. A film "le Taus.b was soin, hboucsing bads image. invrn ifad rbstbm. Parent, mil odIacboersbad iol rsbhM, nic nmadie bs tbe H.R. students get interim reports - Ail sudcnts iof Holy Rosary beparair Scosl oeept hic- dergarten recciscd peagresi repartslastsseis Sîsme icioriews ssib pai- entsmoerc rqairecl liiensarc a beiieî undoesîandîng iof tbe siudonts' pasition hclorc Cbeisinias ocam s siari inear- sv Decembcr. No schoot was field Man- dat as lca.hees atendel a co n iin Oakvîilce. CallectioncsliseUNICEF lui- .îliod $42.74 acd Red Cross rmbcr-ibip for the sason isoic cecti n. Sîsme clas parties-eo bold Ioi minisHaliitoc'n. Instullation held for KAPS. Officers Knas Cburcb Preshylerian Yaung Peuples, Sacicîs i nstal- led ils îîllîcers Sundav in a speciali sernvice. Ollicons îîîslalled include presiieci Maîg Bol], vico pes idoeni Ruth Koî cîgban, incas- trtDan Rbsniild. secreary Mies Ann faadisins, wmaesbip 1 nd lellaisbip îunvoner Gar. dan Tîmbees. publicîiy cne fe-Sucaii Bos-ibe, andi a nom- io oio iinitiioo bads. The saciety's seondiofcatla iieeing lias fild îlSuiislat, Oc. iloî 29, ansi ssii delegaite, as lCla i%, absoniorsfrn Mlioniiailondoil c 'cct iiiiiiiil mingiiiitheibops'sv lrriti Briamptonatho camne dav. A îîîîîîî bei ioi Mil ssient beri, tif,-nde(ilii- theailatee dneas HîspoîlaloPrîci 1er ian Cisusoli Bandl iis the taots1', Open discussion of problems helps adjustment to maturity By Janet Ferrier Il yau louis araund tuua ta d'ay, esen su Milton, you sec tbe graming gap betiseon par- eals and yaang peuple. Unlar- tunaieiy, il il evideni overy- wbeîc. li uld semrnto me, bhat as ibese yaung peuple gel aider and tbe parents marc saieani, tbes' v old cc l u- geîher, rather thon siaaiy bh- came strangers. Wba's la biame? Is lber ass-bsIs there a aay? As la the question, mba c tsi blanie, t doubi il tbanc s ceai- Iv ant defînste answer. Pub- icg the blame bacis and forth urm ne goneralian la anotb- et docs nuebing ssbatsaever ta c-Ive Ibis eruming probicm. Each generattan bas argu- iens Is support Ibeir siccss. bliols, marais - and Ibese arguments sbaald cal bc use issaied. Leis analyze the silo- Hume lifo sbouad boid for tbe family protection, laive and guidance. These threce qualities put forth by the par- enis muid iheir childreons er- sasalîties. wbicb in turc pro- diuce tbem inIa rhe type ut vautb bhey becisme and laser, cvnulis, respansîble parents ansi adulis. Tbissouiids sim- pie. doesci il? Hawecr itis casier sasd than dscc. Tidassisorid isiîiingftast - tais fast! Macs obildeen arc missing thc mnisdie stage ut lit; bichb s the learsisg stage. Ta lump tram ebitd- baud ta tbe aduit worid e quires greai agitits. whicb iv lacising sn mast voung people. Tbe% are Ibrusi frssm tesn- scg pan sirectIviv cluthe tire. Matuntty dom cal bus-e in ,-ime isith age. No one con sic that, a s sain as sua rearb 21, visa arc resysînsibie, ahle and ready. t trots îtaubt that -insonc person intibis world isolver rumpietels maturc i sii sayss Belîscen lbhc ages of 13 and 17 appears ta ho the difficuit siage. sshercbs the vssathbch- (ornmsccaught boa-av belmeen a sid and an aduit. He sbows rebeiliaus 0055 ta prove bis independience. and assures bis parents Ibat hoisnows il ail. and di scsorages tbem trum in- irrfering in bis lite. Cosse 5451ntl1, îlsrsng Ibis period. ho s s iclluenced tismards the svrîcg direction. loses bis closenesscrith bis tamits. and ocîlîsop %iiîbatew hard-ears. s'ileos Thts leaves the parents in a stage af hopeiesssess. Thev. bisîerrasotinue showing lîssoîs bicb gises as mach pro- tection and guidance as pos- sible. Tbcs alsempita ounder- simd Ibeir chitd's behaclour. Aniiler poinlsftviewissthe ici bot some parents go ta esîremes. cither being vr Optimists plan program for 'Youth Appreciation" Week A belîci image ut peuple betîceen the ages of 13 and I9 s the oz051oaiMlton Optimist Club dus îng Yautb Appeecia- ion Weeis mcbsr bgins Mon- siay. A club brochure on the pnroet soies Ibat "libough les-i iban ise per cent outhIe youngctcrs intho 13 - 19 age 'eariset oser comein scontact mitb the tam. crnless critic- issi andi unluunded accusa t- sans (have) frequestly turned puhlic opinion agaisst the ne- mainingi 95 per cent mbo are lau boss gruming up noresal- IV la gel inia trouble." The week lis sstended lu tel soung peuple isnam their acb- scvomntsoarcappreciatcd and respecti s amarded thees nul unis as a groap but euch as an indisîdcul. Font ut the local prugrues iii ha an evenisg ai IMartin St. seniur public schoul in îcbîch grades 7 and t stadents svud big bc alla% ripai cil The qs a lice m ucprepai chonce1 turc Ilt The i Tuesdav rrtetie asrirt, and pusses- svor the 'su wat"parents seho don't care. Tbcy show nu love. guidance, and sesd thein cbiidren directîs inIa a fog ot unceelaiclv and cunfusion. Neithor wav coald be classi- lied as gaud. even ta henetit tbe parents or the childrees Parents bave ta grosn wiih iheir dbhiidren. In Ibis wuy, the parents deveop iheir an- derslanding ufthIe cbild when be or she becomes a teenager. In lues. the young peuple sbauid try lu sec their parents' points ut siets. There are aI- waYs 1lau sîdes tu escrv cule. Times change. thes say. bol do marais? Are yesienday's 'don'ts" the sume as today's "donts"? This retors lu tam' ils aalhoritv. prelodices, reli- glus and son. lv il a question ut righit ram wnong? Perbapsif theiscvaîîg peuple and parents were more louse- ]y bsitted, lhey cuuld, wben prohiems arise. bc uble lu 'air' the pros and cens ufthlie situ- alion and cume in as agree- mont. 'Mis is democracy is a tamilvs. Have voua guIil? te the past yearn, wbal the parents said was law - cbild' roc were secs and sut heard: bal chiidren cred asswens. In toduy's world ut tant liv- ing, ihere bas lu be an upen discraion among tbe tumily membens tue the reusons wby and a-bv soi. Wben il cumea ta e point mbene a yuuth cas sot contide in bis parents, she or ho sbould secs aid feues bis cburcb. vouib meifare, or a roussellue. Parents cas sut hetp sou, if s-au do sot show thern yuur need for help. sichool stadents mould Ose of the mosI serouos piro- «dtqusinmani- biems in lodus's seciety is suco u stio marais in connectien iîb îuostiuning mdli include 5. s.Il is uluresinig tei ee the minute free - for - aIl of amaunt ut yousg peuple gel- as ed qaeries and a îing inIa"trouble". contueting for he cuncilorstu venereai diseuses, net lu meus- lor tbecsnlonse u-taion dragi being tubes fun tise se tble an be ud-puepose of aîîasving Ibene la progantwil tak plce raresonan duit relatiensbips. trognam mîlItoi14 pace Oncre ogin Ibis cames froes v. Noembe Id. lacis of moral Ieuchisg in the home. lnaman aiguesent, the mun wilbtho g' iter intlligence is ai say', a-rang. hecause ho did nul usc' lus intelligence lu av- aid tho lsgumcnt sinbe first place. The ahane I a stong sub- ject 10 hc di scusied, but neyer- thaiess, il is a prublees aeong toay's yoeg peuple. This sîcis proves the aidenesa ut lise gup hotîsees yuutbs and adaits. Ta claie, me the yausg imdi- vîduais cas oniy anulyze our- selves, e alize mha me are, wbot me une, muse acen sumne- mbaî for oun parents, and de- 'elup a bond af lave and asitI betmeen parents. and ounselves. Perbaps if me maise the first muse. aur parents wmut tollow sait. Shaatd soi the parents and youtb meet hait muy, and iberefone ohiain a icher un- îlot standing and a maris bap- per hume ife? A. Te MOORE INSURANCE CAMPSILLvILLE 854 ý227 1 IT'S MILTON'S FIRST "YOUTN APPRECIATION WEEK" and You are invited ta attend * the special evening planned by the MILTON OPTIMIST CLUB for November 14 at 8 p.m. IN Martin St. Senior Public School "A "Quiz BowI" wilI be held for competitors from Grades 7 and 8 from Martin St. Senior and Holy Rosary Separate Schools. "A panel of Council and Board of Education members wiIl be questioned on Municipal Affairs by Grade 12 and 13 students of Milton District High School. The Democratic Hit Parade ~MOVES ON=- soeAgi This is HOW 2-Hum Con I Be Sure? 3-neseadPepr ou m-i sosndt epr 4-I Can Sce ton Miles Voted 'emn in 5-Neyer Ms Lave h-'Te Lait Waliz Oct. 28 - Nov. 3 7-Lave is Strange This Week's Winner of t-A Natarai Wamasn 2 "4'" was 9--Gimme Littl i n Mary Ann Lyons tO1-lt Mail he Hies of 141 Anne SIvd. Drop in and See the New Polydor Fine Discs alto - Amps, Instruments, Tapes, Turntables, Wrîtten Music etc. Wuyne'S Hunnoy Recors 14 MARTIN ST. 878-2151 See Our Selection of Christmas Records, Music Books and Sheet Music for Guitar, Organ and Piano Novery For Young or Young-at-heart Drivers 311 , i fl ý M 169 MERCURY MONTFCALM FASTBACK - '68 Mercuries are again available for immediate delivery. Winners of the Ford Co. dram made Monday, the Lotus Pedal push car, Sam Nadalin of 182 Waketield Rd., Milton; and of the stereo hi-fi, Fred Saedlerhuyzen of 390 Lake Promenade, Long Branch. GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED ln Milton Plaza 878-2883 1 v 1

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