Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 8

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CAMPBILLVILLE Ry Mats. Ge-p rga eao Mr". Omar VanSickle was hosless 10 the November meet- ing of the Campbellslle Wo- mens Institute on Wednesday esening when Mes. Stewart Cramp presided and opened wilh the singing of the Ode and repeatiof of lise Mary Stewart Colîecc. Mes. George Black gave the secretarys re- port. Mes. Mrray Mabon then look the chair for the Citizen- ship and Educalion programn, and gave the mollo 'Take Time tu Read, It is the High. way 10 Knowledge". Mes. George Blacki inrodsc- cd Kenneth Trowbridgc, B.A., of Guelph, and principal of Brookvilte Public Sehool. who bas taught 1f years ln Nassag- aweya. His theme was "Educa- lion in Nassagaweva, Paît, Present and Future". The def- inition of learning, is some- lhing we do. 10 develup a tal- ent for earning, wiich is an important factor in life. Edu- cation should be a positive ex- periesce for each child, to face future changes and hum- an cbaracteristics, hc said. Mes. -Murray Mabon lbasked the speaker, and presented gifts te, him and is wife. Tise roIl cati was answered by naming the number of schools attended in lifeime. Mes. Reginatd Austen, Ms. George Blacki and Mes. Robert Elliot att won prizes for bey- ing attended f ive sehools each. The president ilhanked &Il driv- ers who went to St. Georges in October to the Adelaide Hoodless Home. Mes. A. T. Moore gave the cheer report and plans were mode 10 cater aI the Gilmour sale on Salue- dav. Any interestcd residents of the township, older citizens. wilI be wetcomed to a Tweeds- mir centennial teeaI the Ma sosic Hall. Campbellvitle on Sunday afleesoon. November 26 fromt 2 10 5 p.mn.. no charge. 10 witness the Tweedsmuii History book,. page by page, compiled by Ms. Lennard An- drews during the last year. Plana wereemade 10 enter tain Badenocti and Scoch Blocki Women's Institutes ai the Christmas meeting on De cember 6 Cenlennial Theme, with Ms. William Webb and Mes. Lloyd Crawford on a commite with Miss K. MC Phedran and 'Ms. George In glis. Mes. Stewart Cramp gave a report of the Guelphs Are convention held ai Guelph Un. iversits in October. Mes. 0 Vansictile gave the financial report. The president announc cd a refrigeralor had been put chased for the Masanic Hall 10 be used bs ail organization using the hall. Mes. Lennarc Andrews and Mes. Omar Van Siekie wcre in charite of lbt UNICEF bases on Haltowe'e which nelted $37.15. Several ladies expressedi desire 10 attend Recognitioi Day for Haton District WC mens Institute ai Stcwarttowi Hall at a dessert luneheon an court whist paely on Tuesdai November 7. Twenty-five Ie dies answered the roll ca with "What i am tooking foi ward la doing sohen I am senior citizen'. The Qume w as sun g followed by W. Grace, and a social half hou enjoyed by ail. t j The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, November 8, 1967 Fitida o Phyllis Freeman, grade one t Campbellville public school and daugiter of M. and -Mes. Douglas Free- man, R.R. 2 Campbellville, are sorey t10 hear she feti t sehool and beoke er right aros. Mrs. Philip Shepherd and family of Buringlon spent a few days with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hermnas at Campbellvitle. M. and Mrs. John Kovocs. Patricia and Richard of Kitch- ener were dinner guesîs wilb Mr. and Mes. Omar VanSickle and family on Sunday. Friends of Mes. Frank Wheel- ihan are sorry to hear she bad the misfortune lu faIt and fracture ber aros between the elbow and shoulder. Wr wish ber a speedy recovery. Notlcad smvera hunters in this ceea with deer on top of their car the last three days duing open season for hunt- Lnaey Andrews of Campbell- ville entered the Mites for Millions in Af rica march on Saturday, 35 miles around Lake Ontario. Il is hopcd S175000 was aised. The annual meeting of the lst Campbctlvilte Scout and Cub Group commitîce was hld aI the -Masonie Hall on Thursday eseninlg with 17 pres- est. Daniel Kidd chaired the meeting, and Mes. Kanseth Moore gave tbe acting secre- tarys report. and the financial revort. The chaieman review- ed the successful year, men- tioning the basket drive whists nelted $20.; aiso the Apple Day which netted $75. Mes. L. Bayley has rcquested fuil or part time assistance for Cubs and Cliffe Blt finds it neces- sary for etra bnlp to carry on Scouts. 1. Walah, District Commis- sioner fsom Burington Dist- rict Council was gsest speak- er, asd gave highights of botb Scouting and Cubhing. Eler- ion of 1967.68 officers rcsull- ed as follows, chaiemon Dan- iei Kidd, vice-chairmas LeRoy Wood, secretarv Mes. Lloyd Earty. assistant secrelaey, Ms. Byron Essery, treasurer Mes. Kesneth Moore. telephose con- veser, 'Ms. Daniel Kidd, car- ricslar assistant William Tees- witb. Mrs. Keith arker is assist- ast la any commtîce. It was decided 10 have a specific mosthly meeting osnte third Thursday evening ai the Ma- sonic Hall, Campbeliville. ai 8.3t p.m. open la ail parents or other inlrrsted parties. leaders and esecutive ta carry on the business of Scouting and the woek of the Cubs. li is hopcd that ail parents of these boys wiii show more in- terest in the future thas in the past. Waddbsg anssversary greet- ings 10 Mr. and Mrs. Lennard Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray MPhail and Mr. and Mrs. James Early. Happy birlhday wishcs 10 Mrs. William Mahon. Glenn Goldstraw, Margaret McPhail, Miss Elizabeth Kennedy. Miss Katharine MePhedran an d Chartes Baynton. Candidate Jim Snow officially elected Jim Snow nf Hoenbv, Pro- gressive Conseesative candi- date in the November 17 Hal- nu East provincial eleclion, is officialîs lecîrd 10 the seat. OfficiaI rerures posîrd by relaening oficer Allas Mas- son. Oakvillr. os Octobere31 give Snow o 164- vole edge Even ladies Cafl bag fox Six people including twu momeol appied in October for bounty tees for kiliof fos. Leona Wilsn oflMMton and Rita Ouliet o Weston ap- plird for the 17 bsuntyIe from Ithe Township of Nassaga- weya. Bouaileamar awared for the animais because thry have becit known to spread robins through an enlire hrrd o caIle. BUSSED TO BUFFALO A busioad of Carlton Show- band tan club members fromn Hilton wenî 10 adance in Buf- fats Fridas esening. where the popular bond was piaying for a chanits drive lu aid îwo mis- sioneey'presîs. Attrerprîrd having a grand ime. oser Liherat candidate Robin Skuce ut Oakittr. Tise resurning officer mode is official tabulation of the resulîs Tuesday ofl ast week. Frior to Ibot, thev w-ee "on- officiaI'retrns [rom the de- pul y relurning officees. Inose of Hatîns closest elec ions, Snow ended up with 9867 vot- es. Skuce had 9.703 and N.D. candidate William O. Gities of Oakville bad 6359. On eleciion sighl. Snow led bs 160 voles. then errors redo- ced tc igure lu 104. The ser- vice vote mhich came in a isccb ater gave Snow ,eghl sotes and Shuce fise. Skucee bd consîdercd a re- ouant but drcided 10 gise il op. There were osly 129 spoit- cd balots - nt enougb 10 gis-r im a victory even if al oI lbem had luened ouI 10 be valid ballots in is favor. "Il mas qile an esciisf irsi les," Skuce said. He bis. pes to beback inthce nxpro- vincial eecion race. Township's senior citizens invited to centennial tea HORNBY Euchre club makes donations to H.O.P.E., charitable groups Hy Mns. Jim HamItton The Norh Trafalgar Euchre Club held tteir weekly ruchre on Saturday night. Novembre 4. aI the North Trafalgar Com- muits Centre. There wcre eight tables of cuchre in pay with the prizes going to the following winners: Mes. Frank Pcacock, Terry Jackson Imbo played as a lady) ýMes. Jim Wil- son. Clifford Norton, Tue Ellis and Wate Barnard. Host and hostess for the evcning weree M. and Mes. Fred Woekman. Following lunch a short bus- mness meeting wa% held wiîh a very gratifying financial re- port given by the secretary- treasurer Ralph Featheeston. A motion was moved and passrd that donations he gises to Ihe fltowing: HOPE sorkshop for Eetarded Adulîs, the Cancer Fond and the United Appeat Fond. Iltsas also dccidcd that 15 games of cuchre be playcd and the usual lunch houe be cancelted. Gel weII mushes are estesd- ed t0 Ros Break, seho is a pa- tient in the Milton District Hospital where he iv bcbng treated for a case of pneumio- la. Aniversarv greetings 10 M. and Mes. George Galbraith. who wilt celeheate their ss-dding anniversarv on November 9. Friends in Iis district et- tend gel mdll mishes to Mes. Lloyd 'May seho is a patient n the Miton >istrict Hospital. Me. and Mes. Orest Shein of Toronto visiled on Sondas aI the home of Me. and Mes. Rov Break. M. and Mes. Gares Hamil- ton. Kent and Kendra. stsited wiîh Me. and Mes. Keery Jep- son and familv on Saturdas evening. Tise RecensIon Committre of the Bosse Communitv Centre betd a servsuscressful eîîchre paety on Fridas night, Nos- ember 3. There mere 16 tables of cachrerin play mith the prizes going t0 the foltoywing winners: Mes. Frank Peacock, Mes. Veenie Bradley, Donald Douglas and Ross Colings. 'Mse lucks deaws were mon by Mes. Fred Smith, Mes. Ross, Law- rence. Howard Wlnch and Mes. Wilfred Lawrence Imbho ptaycd as a mont. Lunch secs ser ved hs the committre in charge. Me. and Mes. Henry Arnold held open bouse on Saturdas, Nosember 4, in honor of Mes. Arnotd's faîher. W. A. Cripps. who cetehrated is 89th birth- day. Friends and neighboes called to etend their irthdas zretings on Ihis speciat das for Me. Cripps. Tise fourtis meeting of the Itoreby Actionetles was held ons Satorday moreing, Novcm- ber 4. hin he Hornby Unted Churcb basement. Thte meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge. The roll catI "Show a sample of the materil and the type cof stitch to bc used" was ans- wered by the Il members pre- sent. The girls spent the dos on seing os Iheir formels under the supervision of their lead- ers, Mes. ils MoKas and Mes, Roy Wilson. Anniversars greetings 10 Me. and Mes. Graham Gillies, who cetebraled Iheir wcdding an- niveesars- on Tuesdos. Novem- bere 7. Bithdas frecelings ta Mes. Cl arence Dennis on Novembre t, Mes. John Cordingly on Nov- ember 12 and Mes. Littian Hum- ilIon on Nosemher 13. Me. and Mes. Arhur Plant wcre guests aI the wedding of Me. and Mes. Alfred inder (nec Lorraine Slephensl who were marricd in the Shetburne United Chuech on Saturdas. November 4. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT West End ______________ MEAT MARKET INSURANCE Clased Mon. Open Ail Day Wad. Opens Thur. and Flday tilt 9 W: Feature Red Brand Beat MW Serva ti saat End, Tee CLEARANCE LADIES' FALL DRESSES AND SU UTS i'SIZES 7-17 8-20 161/2-241/2 1 àv LARGE VARIETY Give Her Carpet for Christmas FREE ESTIMATES - GUARANTEED INSTALLATIONS QUALITY UNDERCUSHION SE ET H EM A T 228 MainSt- 9' PHONE 878. - Milton 1.2W6 RESTAURANT FIEE Milton Fiee Deparîment was callcd Ssnday aflernoon 10 in- vestigale a misor fiee in the kitchen of the Lido Restaur- ant, Main St. Il mas nel seri- F.PA.O. MEETS HERE The Fiee Fightes' Associa- lion ol Ontario beld ils qoar- cerIv meeting in Miton Fiee Hall Sondas aflernoon, wilh about 150 delegales atlcndisg feom al over Onario. Severat Miltoîn fircfightee'. serve on the F.F0A.. coccotive. US OUR BUSINESS Dons hae a Tnkerer wllls EIecticIty. Caii an expert tor * EATINO *WIRING *NEW CIRCUITS *ADOITIONAL OUTLUETS *OUTDOOR LIGIiT FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 878-6378 - - -L "ANIGHTMARI" was 1,0w oe polica officar deacrib.d the massive collision of cars and trucks on Higtsway '401 near Streetsvilla during the heavy fog lait Wednasday mornung. A total of 11 vo- hicles - six trucks and fîva cars slammed togathar in a chain-reaction collision. Sevý- eral were iniured and damage went into the thousands cf dollars. One of the vehiclas involved mas a Supersweat Feeds truck f rom Milton, tiha reir of which can be sean In the centre. (Staff Photos) DRAPERIES! Fr.sh Grade 'AX CICKENS 37lb Fresh CHICKEN LEGS ............ PEAMEAL BACON .6....lb.. COTTAGE ROLLS .5.......lb.... PORK CHOPS ....5..... lb..... SPARE RIS ----------5-----lb.-- DEVON BACON ..........lb.... Salade TEA BAGS - 100 bags 8 UNICO OIL - gallon tin $175..... Maxwell House COFFEE 75..lb. Redpath SUGAR - 5-lb. bag. 3e Gisat Lady Fplnen PRIMO BISCUITS - 7-oz. 5 b-xe--$1 *FREE DELIVERY* Joe's General Store 176 Main St. 878-3161 M RIS ROAST- - 69c lb.* RUMP ROAST --85c lb.* RON TEAK --85c lb. T-BONE STEAK- 89c lb. qb food pricoe ME « ME 7 1 37c lh. 47c lb. 69C IL 53C lb. 65C lb. 59C ib. 73c lb. ............. 58C - $1.75 75c lb. .......... ý 39C

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