Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 7

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I .- .. 19 LEGAL 1 20 AUCTION SALES 1 THE CORPORATION OFITHE Town of Burlington MW nR1EMATTER 0F Section 257 of Tht Municipal At, R. S.0. 1960, Chepler 249; AND> 1N THE MATIIER 0F Sec. tites 379 (1) 10 of Ise Muni. cipal Ac. RS.O. 1960, Chap. ter 249. TAXE NOTICE that the Cous. Ci of t e Co rporat ion of the Toms o)Burtnglon, pursuant t- Sctio1n 379 <1 00 h Municpal Ad, R.S.O. 1960, Cbap- ter 349, decided that the fol- lowing question ha suhmitled 10 the electors quaifird 10 vote on money by-laws aI the muni. cipal elecios 10 ha hetd on Manday, December 4, 1967: "Are you in fayot- of the repeal (cancellation of Bp- law Number 1290 wbich pt-avides that ose haîf 0f one mit! shaît ha tevied and collecled annually ta estah- lish a fusd for the support and aid of bands operated by Burlinglon Musical Soc- iey?" AND TAKE -NOTICE Ibal tbe Mayor or a member of the Councit appoinîed for the pur- pose milI attend aI the office of the Mayor in the Civic Ad- ministration Building, 426 Btast Street, Burlington, for appoint- ment of persons ta attend aI the polling places and aI the final summiof up of the voles by the Toms Clark on bebaîf of the persans interesîed in pramoling vating in the affirm- ative or the nagalive on Wed- nesday, Navamber 29, 1967, aI 10.00 oclock in tbe forenoan. AND FURTOIER TAKE NOT- ECE thaltI will suin up the vo- tes in the affirmative and saga- tive aI my office in the Civic Administration Building, 426 Btast Sreet, Burlinglon, on Tuesday, Decamber 5, 1967, aI the bout- of 2.00 oclock in the afternootn. The foregoing is a correet statement of the question t0 ha submitad. DATED AND PIRST PUB- IISIOED AT BIJRLINGTON' Iis Sth day of Novembar, AD. 1967. Wm. R. Sims, Toms Clark, The Corporation of the Toms of Burlinglon, 426 Brant Street, Burlington, Ontario.492 20 AUCTION SALES CLRING AUCTION SALE Of Hauaehald Fuxsllsne in the Tmp. of Nassagaweya. Lot 16, Con. 6, approximately 2Hi miles cast of Haltonville and 2Hi mitas mesî of Speyside on the 151h Sideroad. for msS. E. BECK Saturdey, Nuveasher 11, 1967 At 1 p.m. Davenport chestarfield; hast- ass arm chair; sival at-m rock- iog chair ilb matching foot- stool; ptatform rocker chair; 2 set-y old matching chairs, in very sica shape; 2 corser tables; floar lamp; occasional table; hostess chair; footstoot; icker fluor lamp; antique hall rack; bridge lamp; astiqua high chair; astique arm chair; kitches table iîh 4 matching chairs gnd matchisg cabinet; kilehen stoal; antique drap leaf table; I very oId glass cupbuard, com- plele bedroom suite mitb Sealy mattress and sprtng, dresser and dressing table, Iis suite is very old and in perfect con- dition; 2 tabla lamps; ward- robe; day lied; dresser and wasb stand; continental bed; gossip table; Johnny pote fot- liathroum; Roy refrigerator, Il ci. fI.. in real sica shape; 15 cu. fI. G!E. dep freezer; ice box; set of drawers; deep fryer; 2 cassing pots mitb racks; coal or seood circulating heater, just like sem; coal ail heater; canning jars; real astiqua ica box; quaslity of pots, pans, dishes. GARDEN T0OLS-ýDep mati hand pump ih pipe; ateel sheelharrom. ruliber tire; 150 fI. of gardes base; gardes spray- et, only used once. just as sew; combisalios rototiller and laws mamer; iMayfair power lamo mamer, good tuning m-dat-; rotary electric pump sitb mot- ar; 20 fî. extension ladder; stap laddar; mail box, just like new; hart-y boxes; and mnaty more small articles 100 sumaer- ous 10 mention. No reset-se, for owner bais sold property. 1'EStS are cash day af sale. Auctioneer and awner sot respansilile for accidents an premises dsly of saIe. CHRIS. A. SCOOOUTEN, Auctiaseer, Walter Reinbart Brampton Livestock Exchsange Licensed Auctioneer Fata Sales, outbald Saest and Appraisai PHONE Snelgrove 8431071 Ballon 857-1726 Collect Kitchener 519-742-7437. 20ct1 COMPLETE AIJCTION SERVICE Housebolds - Dispersais or Paroi Sats Chris. A. Schouten AUCTIONEER Graduale from Kansas Ciy Aucion Sehool Sales conducted stsywhet-t. Please catI coltect 878-2376. 20e44-tf AUICTION SALE The undersignrd bas rgceived tnstructions f ront MISS MADGE CHAMAN and MES. DORIS CIOAPMAN To saIt hy public auclion ai their rasidence, 17 Main St. S.. n Acton. on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 111h At I p.m. sharp, the follom- ing: Oak dining monm suite: buf- fr1. table and 6 chairs; 2 beds; 2 drassars; refrigerator; electric stova lheavy duty); Admirai TV; radio; vacuum cleaner; odd tablas; chairs; badding; coaking atensil; dishas and al bouse- hold articles. TERMS: Cash mhen sold. MAX STOREY, 20h19 Auctionrer. Wellington County Club Sale HOLSTEINS Thuasday, Novenber 16, 1967 Immediatrly fottowing Ranada- Ras Century Sale, ai the Georgetown Sale;Are (Hi mita south No. 7 Hwy.. mitas norlb 401 Hmy., ai inter- change 40, on Trafalgar Rd.) Selacted from the top herds of tha counîy. from leading AI. sires mith nothing less than Cooud'Plus or beller dams. Cataloguas mailed on request. Lunch available. lkockwoad lnternatiottal Ltd. Sale Managers F. 'Bon 67, Georgetown, Ont. (416) 877-4101 or 877-6101. CLEAING AUCTION SALE Of Truck, Treegara, ImpleanenUs, Feed. Uveelack, Fuantur, ec. The undersignad bas received instructions from the Execulors of the Estate of the LATE REID MAROUESS To salli b auction ai the farm. Loi 16, Con. 3, Nassagameya Tmp., siluated on the Moffat Sideroad, I mita east of Moffat and I mile wesl of Hatonvilte, MONDAY, NOVEMEER 131h Commancing ai 1.00 p.m. sharp, the following: TRUCK - 1966 Chev. Hi ton truck. TRACTORS - B275 19K die- saltractor; Fergstson 85 ractor; Fordson Major traclor wilh loader. MISCELLANEOUS - Ouan- lily of nem lambar 1", s 6.i fi. long; lawn mowar ilb gas motor; .22 rifle; double - barre] sholgun, Springfield; 2 .303 rifles mitb magazines; al omal touts; Iih bp. elecîrie molor. *rMPLEMENTS - Allis Chat- mers forage harvestar mitb corn baad and pick-up; Dearboro 3- ftîrrow plow mtlb 3 ph; Fergu- son stiff îooîh cultivator wilh 1 ph; serd drill. 3 ph; sel of chais harrows; McKee sucliOn blumer; Ferguson 7 fi. cul mom- er wilh 3 ph; land mItler; wagon and rack; grain auger, 27 fi.: fanning mit!; bammer mit!; cir- cular saw; dump rakte; bay loader; wagon; chais saw, 2- mas; set of scales; sel of truck racks; mbetbarrow, robher il- rad, nem. LIVESTOCK and FOWIL .- Hereford heifer, 550 lhs.; chi- ckans and docks. FRED - About 2 tons of grain; about 2,000 bales of hay; about 500 hales of slram. PUJRNITURE - Viking lec. trie slave; round table; piano; refrigerator; smalt freezer; svashing machine; Raymond seing machine, very good cab- inet; hoxn stova; single bed and înatcbing vanily; 2 chesîs of ,lrawers; dresser; radio; odd tables; chairs; rockers etc.; dishes; cooking utansils etc. TERMS: Cash with cterk on ctav of sale. Executors or auclioneer sot rasponsible for accidents. No reset-va as Estale mast he settled. MAX STOREY, Aucioneer, 19% s edbas 1 -- -.. -- à 0 MCINTOSH 0 SPY * DELICIOUS 0 CORTLAND 0 SPARTAN 0 SANDOW ONLY s2.oo A lushel, And Up GLENSPEY FRUIT MARKET (W9e buy used containers> HfwY. 25 - 4 Mlles North of 401 - 09494 WRY DAY - Peom Noon te Daek Saturday end Sunday' 10 &.m. te Doaci DÉCORATINS NEAUTY SALON 1 20 AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUClON SALE Of Houstiiald Furniture In the Village of ithaida, for tha Estate of tha LATE STEWART ROBERTSON SATURDAY, NOVEMBEREI8 At 1.30 p.m. sharp. Sce fuîlt in sent waeks is- CORIS. A. SCHOIJTEN, Auctionear, 20b27 Phone 078-2570. KanadaKan Century Sale HOLSTEINS Thursday, Novemhtr l6, 1967 1.00 p.m.. at the Georgetown Sales Arana (Vi mitr south No. 7 Hwy., 8 miles nortb 401 Hssy., aI inter- change 40, on Trafalgar Rd.) Neyer mas there a finrr group of fematrs assrmbted for a con- sigamant sale, with pedigrees tor tbr most discriminating lireeder. Catatogues maited on request. Lunch avaitabte. Roekwood International Lsd. Sate Managers P.0. Box 67, Georgetown, Ont. (416) 8774101 or 8776101. 20h19 SECOND DUAL - PUSPOSE Shorthorn Opportunity Sale PdONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1967 7.00 p.m.. aI the -ergtonSaes Arn (H mite south No. 7 Hwy., 8 mites nortb 401 Hsey.. aI inter- change 40. on Trafatgar Rd.) 30 LOTS 4 BULLS 26 FEMALES A top quaity consignment. Tha kind that made Iis fine cattta a trsly dual - purpose bread. Catatogues maitad on request. Lunch avaitabte. Rockwood Internatioanl Lld. Sate Managers F0O. Box 67, Georgetown, Ont. (1t6) 877-4101 or 877-6101. FAa immheuses la tewaship perits Totat valua of building par- mils issurd in Nassagaweya for the past monlb mere $01,- 500. This incudes four new humas as a total value of $63.000, one addition to a bouse estimatrd at $8.000 and a gar- age at $500. There mas ose commercial addition valurd aI $10,000. This brings the total for the year up 10 $1,093,200. -The stores are prrparing hei Chrstmas dsptays atrea- dy. It must he November! BE SURE SE SAFE BE CERTAIN CONSUL? A MDsi511 0F THÉ Brampton Roui Estato lourd DRAPERY BROADLOOM * Residenîlal * Indasîrial * Commercial Ready-made Drapes in stock. For Custom Service CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME APPOINTMENT SYERS 228 Mals St. 878-2067 ORNERAI. CONTRACTORS RAY CLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD " Home Improvamenss " Renovations " Allerîtions " Additions * Commercial or Industrial UL 4-2263 CALL IRVING ROOFING For ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING ALUMINUM SIDING ReJRoofing our Spedlaly PHONE 8701-6020 MILTON -Free Estimales - 21ctf GARDEN SURtVICU Formosa Landscaping CONTRACTOIR ee dlg and sodding eWeednopraylsg eFertiliaisg eTre6 lrlmmlsg e Patios 878-3263 2ie-If PAINTING AND DLCORATINO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Coritt-ctor ladustrial - Realdentil fnterlor - Exterior Caîlinow for Fret Estîmaîta 878-137 Box 114, Milton. 21ctf WILL DRILUNO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Milton, Ont. Phase Burlinglan OfElson 44M2 CUSTOM UPHOLSTUR MILTON UPHOLSTERY Nom amned and aperated by Lot-se Arthur- PHONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 Miltosn " Re-uphoîaîesy " Auto IrOns * Uphalîîery cloan2n " Cuatom buillfuritr " Ps-e. pick-up and deivsMe 2i1:d Halton Upholstering Rte-lpholstering Custom Bult Furoltuat Chroma Rîtches Chairs Rug and uphalstery shampooing Free Pick-up and dellvery, H. JENSEN R.R. 2, Campbelîvllle. Phono: 854-9939 21C32-Ui Harold's Upholstery 379 FINE STREET Caîli878-2056 Raupholstering chtneserlid salles, chrome chairs, truck saats, ruslaintbuilding ande. atylisg. Pt-ee Esîlmetes Pick-uPs and Delîverlea HAROLD KELLN 214m Il Dear Sir: The abuse subject has been a tive issue for some years, bat so, Far results have been practicalty ni]. Like Mark Twain said about tbe wratber, evars'body comptains but no- body dors anytbing. Thera is an old sayin.g, if sou can't 5maI them. juin them. Su jet as gise sariaus consid. eration to amatgamation. Wr bave att seen tbe vast indusl- rial expansion to tbe sotb7- ssbicb it bce eventualtv fore- ed nortbward bv risiog costs. 1Igrant vouatha oîr first pro- cedurc s- -.a onsboul d be to iostatt w.ter met ers and su accumatate mater reserves ta be able tuo attrue t industry. There la.aàlMe For action aod that ime is NOW, other- wise we are going tu ha stock witb a couocit of somnolent Rip Van Wînktes who arr go- ng to waka up in about 20 vrars to tbe fact bhal the as- pansion bas passrd us by. Tbankiîîg sou lac thr polb. tication, t remain, Yours truty, Frank H. Hadlay, t21 Mitl St., Mitton. -Whuops! !no ast wrrk's Cbampion, a mistake was nu- ted sn tbe Asb nrws corres- pondence. "Gitt" Taytor sboutd basa read iitt Taytor. Our apologirs lu Miss Tavlor, who won an M. M. Robinson staff scbotarsbip for tbr higbast standing for a studant attend. ing Ryrrson tnstitutr. -Usr a Champion etassifird te rrach tbr vital centrat Hal- toun coan ty market. Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFURE Designed Jut For You ' asd - COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Cou 878-2461 192 Mais Street HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 Milt St., Multos. CALI 878-3711 FOR APPOINTMENT "Modern eqaipmest. "Expert stylisg, colorlsg. mav- lng. 21c-tf ILICTUICAL soIVICR McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INDOtSTItAL te COMMERCIAL e DOMESTIC te ELECTRIC HEA'rING Complote Eloctric Homne 06 Chat-les SI. Mlton 878-9513 TV and RADIO SURVICI DURNAN TV AM!>APLANCES SALES & SERVICE " Philips TV & Tapa Recordera " RCA. Slereo, TV, Appliances " Sparton TV and Stereo 22 MAIN ST. 870444 SrMINO MACINE SINGER SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE R ENTA t PHiONE 5754061 Milton Fabric Centre Servicesand Repaira on. aIl makes off awl machina. TAILORINO - UPAI"S TAILORING ALTERATIONS a"d REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Mals Street PHONE 878-4472 21c47-t RRiImATION -KING REFRIGERATION INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SALES & SERVICE Mamher of: Refrtgeratian Service Engineera, Society -and.- Association of Refaligeration Castraclars CAMPBELLVILLE 854-2228 21c-tf PRINTIN9 For Your Printing.. *Top Quallly *Efficient Sasrvice *Reatonabie Pricae QAL THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 191 Main Si. Molan 416 - 878 - 2341 mitCODITO46 L e. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING SUBSTAtIONS AND uOTOR EIRiS - UNDRGROUND IING POIt tiNE CONSTRUCTION - AllIAI FOOOLItGTING CUST5OM CONtRaI PANELS 24 WXtu I6NIDU4ai4Cl VICI Phono RESTIVO'S 878-6043 ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCIRY STORE -- --A- - -- - --E-- 10c No. 1 Local POTATES, 10-lb. bag . 35c Canadien Fancy 10Oc CORTLAND APPLES ......3-lb. bag 29c 6c Large Green CABSAGE.......1 9c head Plin Callfornla 6c Gr.en HEAD LETTUCE ...... 23c headi 10Oc Gradle'A' Medium EGGS ... .. 35c do:. Planteras 10Oc PEANUT BUTTER, 1g. 16-o:. Jar -... 39c - King-& Cholce 17c TOMATO JUCE, 1g. 48-o:. fin - 3 for $1. '?Cc 'Rbyal SHAKE-A-PtJDDING ..... 39c box Breekfaat Club 25c JAMS & JELLIES, 9-oz. jars ...5 for $1. 15c Bonnie Brand DOG FOOD ..... 8 tins 79c Sunheans 10Oc Mealtyme BREAD -----3 1lg. aves 65c Froman 1 6c French Fried POTATES, 2-lb. big .. 39c Pleet Grade (Powl) 10c BOILING CHICKEN ........... 29c lb. 10Oc Maple Leaf WIENERS ...... 49c lb. pk. Maple Leaf 10c PORK SHOULDER ROAST ..... 39c lb. Mepbe Leau 20c Beef and Park SAUSAGE.....2 IL.99c 14c. Lean Loin PORK CHOPS .......63c lb. RESTIVO'S Phone 878-6043 OnIy tih. Leader Could Offer So Many Exclusive Features ut This NEW LOW PRUCE! F ull Stereu Sound f :FM Stereo Radio '0 Garrard Stereo Changer le Deilcraft Fine Furniture $2.99. ti~ hnks abou ornorrowto gve you the best today. SEE AND HEAR THE NEW ELECTROHOME STEREO TODAY AT CHASES HOME APPUANCES 181 Milst. Tel. 878-3221 The Can~adien Champion, Wednesday, November 8, 1967 THE BLACK HORSE ANTIQUES By The Miii Pond. 4~t tque4 Canad an and American t4ft tqtrejPressed Glass, ENGL:SH FURNITURE V!ctorian China, Lamps, CHINA -GLASS - Pottery, Iron HUNTING PRINTS ELIZABETH DUIONAN HWY. 25 - ACTON 202 Margaret St. Mutes 853-11~57 0044 Mr@. Wm Meke. - OPEN DAILY - IThiis Space Available for Your Message ITO BUY - TO SELL - TO FIND IANTIQUESI Phono The Champion for Speelal Rates MURRAY HOOD DRIVE-IN Base Une Raud West af Hlglssay 23 aI Milton Opens Dally la 8 pan, Frday & Salut-day la 1230 sim, IUCKITSOF RLWOR-10 £» CHICKEN 8Whole Chk$2.19 12 ~ PS.ra".Fur $3.27 16 Serves Saven $4.35 18 Serves Elshl $4.89 20 P%'eurm $5i25 24 Pw Serez12 $7.41 32Seeeve 4 $8.49 36 Ph $95 ADD TO YOUR DINNURS OR PAI( SPECIALS Sox French PaIn la Sarve six si»S Six ROUS 3.0C Cole SIese . ne Sisngle Order French FFsln 25e Six Packs of Houn..... ..c3 PHONE 878-6028 and seli have pour order ready Open Sunday 12 foon te- 1 --41ferTip 1 a $183 3maseus ga.. MIanas, ONT. LOU NADALIN

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