Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 6

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.l . . .-_. . Hunt Heim!l There's No Limit on the Bargains You'II 'Bug' BIRTHS DILLS - Shirley and Jico DilIs of 419 Camnpbell Ave., Milton, 1 Ont.,.arc happy f0 ennouinco the birth of their daugiter, Carolyn, ai Joseph Brant Mcm-1 orial Hopial, Buriiglon, on1 Wcdnesday, November 1, 1967. -A sister for Stevon, -Mark, Paul and Catherine. KING - Mr. and hics. Andy King of 289 Etrmood Cres.. Milton, are pteased 10 annaunce the birth of their daugter, Penny Marina, weight 8 lbs., 3 ozs., aI Milton District -Hospi- tl on Tuesday, October 31, 196. A sister for Bil, Pets>. and Ter- ry. PAUPST - Gerry tnd -Mary Te- rosa (ncc Oinlani of 268 Ec- svood Cres.. Miton, Ont., are plcased 10 announce the birlh of Ibeir son, Brion Francis, meight 7 lbs.. i oz., t 5M811on District Hospital on Monda>, November 6, 1967. A brother for Michael and Mrion. NOWAK - Mr. and Mrs, U- rich Nowak of 58 Derry Road West tI.R. 1, 110mb>.) are ptcased 10 announce the birîh of their son, Franc Heinricb, weight 8 lbs.. 10 ozs.. aI Milon District Hospital on November 2, 1967. First grandchild of No- wak farnil>.. TROTTIER - Mr. and Hrs, Lu- cxc eTratier (nec Ladouce- oir) of 61 Miil St., Milon, are pleased 10 announce the birtb of a daughîer, Waniîa, weight 5 lb., 10 ozs.. aI Milton District Hospital on November 3. 196. ENGAGEMENTS ,Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Scbenk of 356 Kingsteigh Court. Milton, ish la annoonce the engage- ment of their daughter. Anna Gricîje, 10 Mr. 'Marin Dyksr, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. DYk- stra of Vancouver. COMING MARRIAGES VAN SOELEN - SCO4EN-K -Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Schenk of 336 Kingsieigb Caurt, Hilton. are happy ta announce the torils. coring marriage of thir daugh- ter, Annie Irene, 10 M. like Van Soeten aI Picton. Ont. The wed- îing iii takre place Il Novem- ber, 197, aI 7 p.m.. in the Christ. ion Reformed Church of Adtos CH4RISTIE - SMITH - The forthcoming marriage is Wn nounccd of Jaete Mary Smith dasghter of M. and Hrs, Jam ex Smith of Miton, 10 Garry Wayne Christie, son of Mr. and Mm. Attan Christie, Milon. The edding 10 takre placc in SI. Pols United Cburch on Salut. day. November 2, 1967. ai 3-M< a'clocit. DEATHS GEMMELL. Jean - At Toront. on Monda>, Ocîdber 30 1967 Jean Russell bloved ite of h aie Richard Gemmeli; l10cm mortier ot Bessie and Margret Toronto and Dr. James Gosn mli. Las Vegas, Nevada. Funcrai service mas held oz Wednesday. November 1, fr01 the family residence. Bute St Ayr. Interment Ayr cerneîery. CARDS 0F THANKS I mould like 10 thask n triends. neighbors and relii es for cards, visils and tel phone clis doring ny sam>. the Hilton District Hospital., special thanks 10oDr. MacIC.e Dr. McCrea. Uic nurses an staff who madie my ste>. pîcaxanî one. c27-268 Syd Scrive COMING EVENTS Euchre. Palermo -Hall, Fr day, Novomber 10, 8.30 p.rn. A mission 75c. Lunch provided. c27-2 Dance 10 Jet f Barry orche Ira. Adtos Legion. Frida>., Na ember 10. Admission $2,00 p couple. bl9-454 Hornby Unied Church Ane ai Bzar. Noember 1l, ope ing aI 2 p.m. Doake table, po and tancy work etc. Aflenat tes. b27-11 The C.W.L. announces ths annual Chrismas -Szaar i Tea, November 25, 1.30 10 4 p.rn.. aI Hol>. Rosaoy Par Hall. Hartin S. c21-488: Rummage and Bake Sale, S orday. November Il, 2 - 4 p.m., i the I.0.OiF. Hal, Me S., spassored b>. the MIII Co.Opraîive Nursery SciSl. c27-1 Turkcy Sopper. Salorda>., i enlber 1;, 1967, St. Geog Anglican Churc, Lowille (7 Guelph Line North, Duli ton). Servingo 5.30 P-111- 7.30 p.r. Adultes 51.75; child 6 îo 12 ycars $1.00; under yeme (ith .parent), fre. COMINS ENETS St. Stephens Anglican Churcis, .Hfornby, iii boid Iheir annual Rummage and Homte Daklsg Sale on Prida>., -ovember 10, 10 arn, - 6 pin., in the 10,0F. Hall, Main SI., M.ilIon. c2744 A meeting of Oakvilio Ward I Ratepayers' Asesociation iii ho heId in Doyne Communit>. Cntre on IWedssday, tlovcm-1 ber 22 ai 8 p.m. Re: Suri - Oak Airporl. Everyone melcome. c28-275 Rernembrance Day social ev- enisg tnd dance, UA.W. Centre, SaIurdmy, Nocember il, 8 p.m. Musc b>. J. C. asd The Squires. Members $2 per couple. Guesî $3 per couple. Couples onîy. Ev- eryonc selclome. c27-278 Hilton Senior Ciixens' montb- 1>. meeting In Knox 'Presbycr- ian Church Hall osn-Wednes- day, November 15. ai 6 p.m. Pot tuck supper. Please bring sl- ods, scalioped polates, pies and desserts. 'Meamlmli hopro- vided. Musical progmam. c27-4542 i FOR SALE SIONS f Il kinds, la>. Guay 878-2150. 1c8-3163tf PR1514 killed mmsing chick- ens. 878-9482. c27-301 HRAVY bons for sale, Tom Sousfield 87&-9417. c27-241 SCOUT thiri, site 12, and iScoul hal. 878-9323. c27-305 WHRAT stram; I Oueblec cook siove. 071-9843, Joc Pickett. 1c27-274 I PAI mec's skates, si ne ffl. ix good condition. 41784390. lc27-246 2 StJGIRS, cage and stand. Phone 8054-9973 hfore 530 pE. lc27-249 LADIES' black sister coal, for îrimrned, site 2434. in nest condition. 8542390. c27-282 -LLOYD baby carriage, blue with mhite rim. in good con 5dition. Phono 878-9269. c27-248 A3DING MACHI-NES type miîers for sale or ental. ?11011 878-6962, Haris Staionae. R ABBIT business for sale -Pure bred Califorsia Catis ir -cluding cages. Phono 874«10. e l1c27-241 2 OAS space Iseaeresti venting. 66,000 BlD miths ilei moulai, 25,000 Dlii. 878-3137. y l1c27-24 t CWrDNET siereo set, 4 speak t. rs; plus 30 new storea records rPhone 053-2774 belmeen &9 pis 3 1h19-458 YOU WILL LIKE bsytng yoe *bidingi eateialsanmd aa Crawford' CacophlMIle. OuId service. Higb qualîl>.. tisa -cam#beilville 8-2232. -lctf4i 1 LARGE il space healci i, 200 - ga. il tank; 1 salues le gas coukisg slave; i prapan, 19 gos coaking slave; alun 7 ft ýt heifers. Phase 878-998. n- 1c27-31 sn SYBRS malernit>. fahian n taps, sims, skirlsanmd dresse t., b>. Lanon. Camplele and laIes styles in maîcmnit>s loliing9 Sye's Parnu li.o8nsa,21 M Main R., phono 87&-2067,.titi lc24 - CAl, TRUCK & TIACTOR 1 s>. RRS nem and uied, over2.0 v. Kelly Springfield iesi aloi ce. al sites, lom pries; fiat. fixae n 5125; mheelà balanced, I.. V A have batteries for mail et gy, and tracks. Hilan Tire and I d iaiar Service, 191 MIII S a 878-2711. lc52.347$ -LARGER glasi>.prinîs af Cam n.dian Champion staff photosi,1 7 7site $1.00,Szl10size I51.0.Pi tex. Cash lmusl accompan>. c der. Rsquiro nom il Champi' -office, 191 MalnstS., Milton. i4 FREEZER )e SPECIALS! 0% f Federal Inspected an- Grain Fed Prime Beea ion * FONTS 49 103 Z. *SIDRSS39c oei ad * IIU>S 69c .0 Cul asd rapped fam pour is fezr 12-tf 11- ýDeliver>. i Milton area .30 Wedneida.s aid Tlusumdm; (si aon Do> diret fraotlise farm. -197 ii. BUD ORGAN ge'8 8-51W TR O F 1 68-51iAE DO In es r-6 USRtis&acae for q"l i ion your renalIte hma. i T-f m Les a ut. lon 1. ici- Cali sVEHICLES FOR SALE 1959 FORD car, sedan, outo- malic. 878-190. 5c27-279 1950 CH VILET 4-door. ix gond ronning order. $175. 878- 9107. 5c27-309 M96 AUSTIýN 1100, excellent condition. $1-508. 878-6925. Cel afler 6. 5c28-243 1960 CRVROLET. automat- te, oexcelcnt candition. -Hugh Scalp 87-6120. 527-308 1963TRNMPH iHerold coupe, malor rebut 4 rnonlhs ago. Bsct offer. 878-3353. 5c27-261 1963VALMANT -2t8 i m door. autamatid, radio, witcwoils. cx- cellent condition. $995. 87-2477. 5c27-271 -i%62 1FORD Pairlane 508 4- door. V8, standard, radio,biadk mitb red and white interior, in eellent condition. Phone Ac- ton 053-0664. 5b19-4587 1963i CORVAIRt Monta, black, red interior, bueket seau,. radio, witewails, duel arb. Excellent condition. Used as second cor. Mot seli. Makte offer. 877-4636. Geargctown, Ont. 5c27-267 For Vour Next Car.. TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 878"380 SdI TURN &J Ta your friendi>. Champion Famil>. Went Ado and se. mil of lise brgmlna affered, ive automotive parts manufact- urer in Georgetown. Appicans shoutd boxe com- mercial higb school educalion or equivalent mith uitabIc ex perience in accoonîx payable sork. Lite insumance. medical and bosptiat plans available. Apptp on miting tu: PERSONNEL DEPARIIMENT Standard Products (Georgetown) Limited 346 Gueph Street GEORGETOWN, Ont. 8h19 Cost Accountant Second or third year .I.A. stodest or equivalent required !or the position of CasI Accoun- tant ith a mli established automolive parts manufacturer n Georgetown. Applicants sbould base a good moritino knomledge of ;tandard cosîs mith suitahie cx- porience invoivixo inventories and isvcnlory control. The ircumbent wilI report di- -retliy ta the Controlier and wiil be activeiy involvcd in budgets, insventories and cost reportino. Lite insorance, medicol and hospital plans fuît>. paid b: (ornpany. Apply in writing 10: PERSONNEL DEPA3TMENT tr Standard ProduCts (Georgetown) Limited 346 Gueph Street GEORGETOWN, Ont. S.00 aI Elstcy Fharmacy. 15c27-4861 sEI!F.CONSCIOUS due 10 acse. picoples and siritar hie- mishes? Hydsotin iii hetp clear paumecomplexion. Clear, colartess. equatly cffective on dry or alpy skis, use nigbt or day. Mas>. plcased users. Ask pour droggist for IHydsolin. $1.50 at Elsley Pbarmacp. 5c27-4867 16 SERVICES EXPERT dog cippino, speciai continental styles for poodies. Bp appoinîment only. Clt 878- 9210. 16c27-263 Furniture Restoration Cratsmas efiishing. uphol- stcry repairino. Antique special- pst. Fbee estimate. Pick - up and delivery. r 1-519-833-2210 W. WHITE - ERIN a 16h2l s ED. MCMULLEN CosOacor 11 0 PIasIcring. Cernent Work Il * Chirnocys and Fireplices ï, Exterior Sîocco 0 Plaslcrisg Repaire , Phone Acton 853-1818 îlet K. & R. LUMBERS PHONE Adtos 053-0633 -ilton 878-993 Cerlified CarpcnIry ContractoI General Contracling Remodclling OIc. 19 16cz 310 Haie S. Milon, Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 NORTH BURLINGTON - 100 acre farm, lacaîed 3 miles 1 south oft'Hilton, large steel 'bank barn, 3-bedroorn brick b ouse. oul furnace, baîbrooco, excellent mcii drained land, al morkabtc, Askisg price $65.000. Terrns avoulable. FARMETTE - SiIualcd close 10 Milton, consiting of 10 acres witb a large bank barn, 4 floors. mater and bydro, 10- oom bouse, oit fumnace. bah- rooco, could ho mode inoa2 apartmrnts. LisIed price I- $20.000. Terms acailable. $19,500 - Modems 3 - bedroorn brick bungalow, centroil>. la- cated in Hilton, close la schoots. spidlous living room. kitchon iîb breakfast area, baIhroom, full basernent. STONE HOUSE" - Situated on a 15 acre porcel, close 10 Milton. This borne bas a bot mater heatino system, bath- roorn, scesic viems of the cx- carpmcnl. Listed price $35,00. Down payrnî$29.. SCENIC 10 acre porcel havisg 400 fI. fronlage, beauliful tf birch and maple trocs, aI- tractive stone ouIcrop, excel- lent home silo. Yours" for on- ly $1150. Open 10 offer. YOUR BEST 37 INVESTMENT - is inl ,l Real Estate Members of the Brampton Rel Estale Board. 7 l7c27 Move? Rami>. possession for pou mises pou purchase Ibis ohrming 3-bedroorn red brick bunga- lom, located in nortis Hilton, very concenient 10 public and separato schools, brigist living rorroomy kitchen, dlean painted bosement. iovely land- scaped lot wilh white picket fence, patio, paved drivcw>.. Dont miss seiso Ibis anc. Asking $19.508. Wel.Established Cornpieteiy equipped seing center in domntown. Milton. Omners are doing a Ihrivig business in dressmakisig, al- lerations, formai bridai ouI- filtiso tnd suits. An excellent opportunil>. for ambitios seerntress. Business and equipment 93,0W8. incorne Property A spadjous borne with substant-9 iat incorne fromn 2 calma self- contoincd apertrnents. Thbisi sturdy home ix in good con-i dlion îhrougboot ils ocOx-1 omnicai hcating systeco, alum-î imnc storms and scrcens and1 otber extras, nicely iandueap- cd corner lot, close 10 Miltax's business section. REquires - .00D.Owner milling 10 takebeck tiret mortgage. Pull price $35.000. Ack about our farms and ocre- agos. Cail Gibsox Wiiloughb>. Limited representatives. Anna&Archie Cairns 34o Mas Stome ai Phono 878-6980.._ CLASSIFIED RATES a HELP WANTED 16 SERVICES - 17 REAL ESTATE 17 RIEAL ESTATE ___________________M SEVERAL girls needed in SMALL rnoving jobs donc onl FOR SALE PAUL S. STARR TIphame Th. Canadimn 191 main St. Milton 'area la self cosmeties. -weekends or evenittgs. 73PoneAtractive 5-roorn bungalow, sit- 87u hmin MloOtro Fuit cosmetic training programt 8542500. 16c27-3 uated on lIwy 25, 34 mile REALTORS LIMITED 171351 hapIn ut,, OIu46 provided f ree. For further i1- sourt, of Acton, on %- acre of 173 Woolwlcb St., Guelph, Ont. BMMli. OATHI, oRtme.an. ,oucrcoeoim uw tAi..ZNe- formation, cati Burtington 632 OAOtetc- No cnege1159 or write Box 216, Canad- ACOI mii andscapcd grounds, 4- FOUI S - No charge. . 1.- IIcetlcixeceg 0 l 0d :nCapin cvO6Piece bath, fuit basernent and -Parc-c theaiterc. SoSoOqaOlt mttwevi <(esYc coco ea Stok gOel ctnxo 5c 0 5 oO.O . 0.100. LDE .Da tc eoal aa:.8 awo V.L.A. Income Home ==jhacali arue octe ol c. s e ,.terflr. DE.slHolidayîy 522.500, 8 acres of gentlymi COMo nitrures. C"M Or FTRANOOS- $011 fr0in ce-s cc < approaching. If pou need mrney LIMITED CHARLS5E.0CTT1macîa oreîs 2 -tloll 10e for each additimal Une -u ~oboy gifts etc. for Christrnas, HRE .CTS igca om ls2-soe IN UMORIAM - 0I.5p-10. p, c.. ce.o0voom, self ur beautiful fine of cosrne- Highes, cash prices for dead or ACTON, R.R. 4. cernent block borne with 2 CLAS5I. O10DPLA.Y. REL STATE - 0.40 parenco i Inch t icand «<ber prduts. Larg'e dsbl cows adhos 17h10 self - contained apartmnents, I1- prou. r ______________P-_________profRcated inM.ffat, on pavot Ornit. stoc<rntrnts -c c.' MnOb. roit. Write Rawliîgh. Dept. K- CALt. OFERATOR - ASK FOR road. mithineasy commutini BOX esNonZ ti. Osootet - se dMdOco. I204-t, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Hen- o IEDIEI 2NO USA y otra.Znt -90 Crsi od ton or Metro. ptenty of large I __________________Lic. No. 73RP67 97C67 RFAL ESTATE BR=KR evcrgreens and shade trets, _____________________________________ l6ctf chocil bus ai gate. $7000 D.P Theaadin C USm12on, OOdedaN TUeSDAY 8,197 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 189 Main St. Iton with balance o one00mot- The anaden Campon, edneday.Nosmber8,397 -gage 7"49. 2 OUEBABY siiting in the evcning. WALNUT RANCH TOWN Milton 10 Acres 2 ROUE O SL 7 WNTD 878-6875. 9c27-285 LTD. S19.100 fu price, 3 - bedrooco 10 acres of lecd, choice, cIay brick bungalow, Youngstown loarn. 570 f t. of frontage, on 50 BLAGK pullets, tarting 10 HOME for kittens. 878-6875 af- rpldadDsbeCo kthnlingomflbs- fay, 5 mos. old. 878-6274. ter 5 p.r. 7c27-284 il LOST OR STRAYED CpleadDiaedosa ktbnlvngor, ~5 good grave] oad, jusi mit. 2c27283 and Horses ment with recreation roomAATETsz ergrt elmiti.Tri . otes fron 25 H1wy. and 41 ROAY, 1966 and 1967 crop. or. 878-3219. 7c27-280 MALE hound. rnediurn size, a 24 Hour ServiceFA S homes. 1.800 per acre wilb Straw, barlcy and dry shetied little rmore thon haIt white, bat- AM hait cash, balance on ote corn. 878-9360. 2c27-270O WELL preserved. used, Fock- ance blackt and tan, losI uouth Lic. Nos 133-RP 208-C62 t00 acre farrn. 3 miles frorn Mil. mortgage ai 7340,. ____________________ t books. Cali for valuation. 178- of Campbeilvitle, mcxl of Go- ton, 4-bedroorn home, ai on- APPLES: Mcîntosh, Spy an d 2t51 or 878-2527 evenings. elph Lise. Remard. 871-730 WtrnM -044venelag akbrnlre aalge Gmcning. Howard Gowland, R. 7c27-273 I 1b27-306 Widoif AU9sk44 veieng $65are000. arn 878.656. c30.4 _______________________ OLDENcoioed plice og, O ace farLisitilage fam Liting oarsshoms, areag R. IOLDMilion. _Policd-9,_0_acre_________lare____m and country properties i AiIPIES. 'Pick youm oscn. 8 HELP WANTEO ishite chest, blackt mouth, spay- bouse, large bank barn. Price Guelph, Orangeville, Wood NotenSp,7cbushel. Bal-______________ ed, innucuiated, wearing red $500 ci. dlean. dry oa, wheat straw- -ollar. ansmers t10"Jingle., pi akPrpn tc,'itnadBapo Harold Hurren 878-9846. FULL-TIME driver for night St.r.yed lrorn farrn an Hwy. 25, xl CAiL 2c26-184 pick-up of live pouttry. must 8.R. 3. Miton. Fhone 87-2224 BLUE SPRUCE ENTERPRISES '.aii bie 25 years of agc with good o. Weston ( reverse chargesi BRA A KN APPLES: .McIniosh, Con.- driving record. Apply in persoot 14-7984. Reard. 11b29-265 Dornestie and Industriel. 878-2095 878B-6057 BRAA KN lands, Deliclous, Greceninos and Mapte Lodge Farrn, Norval.172 100 -Martin St.. -MILTON. Spy, fancy and CEE grades. 8c27-28MLON-87-867c27_________ Tel. 878-3551 1Dring own containers. Roy - ITO7c7866 5Bousîieid 878-6355. 2b30-219 13 FOR RENT lIO _______________ APPLES One Experienced ROMad-adfrld .EL P G Mcntoh Crtand pessioner. 87-9477.* 3c27-286 *EAMETAE . . eUG Spy Satn Tow 4a.xor Driver - -17 RAETT 1E>RRMLTOM LUAMT D Deliclous Sandow 03ll- BEDROOM apartment ix- U Nl 1. $200 per bus. up. Mlton. Fhone 878-3161. 15 --ROM -BRICK BUNGALOW' Member of ltse Toronto, Onur 5 w.2,4mlsN f41 With ability to pile material - 13c27-277Laglingrc, the 3 FRS E and OakvilUe - Trafalgar Re Hvy 2.4mie . f018___tu __________-Lagelivngroco ktchnfORSAE elate Boarda 1. OPEN EVERY DAY 18o20fehg.trmdm 2 - BEDROOM apartmnett ix bedroorns, 4-piece baihroorn, 3-bcdroorn bungalow wiib large 54 Yee-s' Continuons Service 1. Noon tc, Dark seed plant at Snetgrove. Miton. Fhone Acton 853-2069. living roorn and hall carpet- living roorn, kitchen, roc. 9 Soi. & Sun., 1 10 Dark ___ 13c27-287 cd. Complete aparirnont in roorn finished with bar, ~ M basernent wiih living roo'm, hrcezeway and double EDEN U IL GIespe Frit arkt OTARO SED VAIABL Deembr ~ kitchen. bedrourn and 3-pcce car garage, stuated on cor- V We buy used containers.klt' hedroom aparîment. 878-3294. bathroorn. Soft water systern e otco 0seoî n CAMP SITE t.,LLE-tANES AND13c27-303 oaroe ad paed.diveose-- 21Acre and2 Staand 2b30_gargeand______drie,_alti shopping. Asking 122,900. 2 ce n tem eDEALERS LIMITED 200 FOOT stet barn for rent.' mnum siorcos and sereens.1 Miton 16 Miles t»P.. ox21, RAPTN.Applv Box 215, Canadian Cham- Asiing price $23.900. 1$45.008 for Ibis 9-room Victor- F0. Box 2O9,SBLAMF o . 13c26-255 ian style home that bas becs $20.000 fuît price for Ibis ver 3 AIMLSFO7SLE-2530f¶~x> cornptetely restored, situated appeaiing site, ideai f a. Telephone 843-2246 FURNISHED room. mwith or 17c27 on 25 acres on good road, 5 church group or service ci te PUPPIES, 3 maie, Spaniel 8c28 without board, cetralty locat- _ miles frorn Hilton. Home bas camp site with cule itîle type. 878-3«0. 3c2-31 cd. 8784300. 13c27-272 3 fireplaces. Ideal location roon Panabode cottage, cl, LANDRACE hog, 2-yeaELdECTRIC HOT WATEI onrdR for the commuter. Inspection tricaity heated, ait convenie e.rrsl.8899. 3-247 NeedChita HEATERS with f me service. by appoinîrnent only. ces. Thts proporty has lar mr sle.8789390 3c7.27 *.. Crismas HAN LERarea of open land for pia >Phono Milton Hydro 87-2345. C A DE 100 acres of lovely rolling fam ground or subdivision, balai 13 PIGS, 9 weeks otd. Appi>. Money I3ctf-425 REAL ESTATE BROKER land, situated betwcen Camp- beautiful mixed bush witl lGlen Campbell 878-6205. DEOSRAOSCourteous, Professiosai Service' belîville and Hwy>. 6. juilstrcrsta ovn à 0<e ut 32-0 Needed until Deember 1&h. --Tin ,. north of Mountsberg Conser- flow aiong boundary mhicb HOSE* fullne of Gol. T- hinkingT fEN - of Seling? cation Area, buildings in 50 could bc subdivîded, Fi desnilorseshoe Fecds. D. Shaw, No invesiren. ____________ good cnndition. An ideal spot miles fron a concentratI 14_683_rafagarRd._878M._o_______ng FOR FAST RESULTS, Io Invest soine moncy. Asking of 60,000 people. Setdorn1 - 53TaagrR. 871 -0 No dlvre.4,ROOM house or aparîrnent LIST WITH onîy $42,000.me have the opportunit>. e- 7 3LDHeeodc21-5 Trnortiiveries r. n Milton, as soon as possible. Leonard R. Chandler Scenie 1234 acres on Guelph offer for sale a property ih pur rd oLLE Hereord 7w, Tasottonncsay otc 1724. 1c926A leading Real Estate Broker Lino. hax large spring fed has su rnan osblte Ca rFdr, 001 rcgiormatrndliandde7, sudst a sound invesirnent. I aves. Thomnas Joyce 87-9392. o hrifrain BUSINESS couple moutd ike pond. 612' fronlage da 3c27-307 cail or write: 2-bedroom bouse in broader Mil- 824-9199 home ste, U DA3SUDpps tnad MRS. MAUREEN SEWELL tan area. 87-0053 af er 6 p.m. M FA siýAHHN us tnad 80 Duncan Drive 14c27-264 R.R. 1, Moffat SEL A T N1 CE -k srnooth, 2 litters ready 10 go; a SEL A T N1 CE ne feoc older psps. Greenhafex Georgetown, Ont. ______________ Homos - Farcos - Acreages -$650oyfrIbscici ý1 Kencels Rgd., -1w>. 7 t Rock- Doe 87-16ER NABsnses 7c-î Milton 878-6705 ccl of general purpose lai - oood Conservation Park, 856- Phn 7738 15 OA 1c9t r; 4332. 3c28-262 82______________ 17c25 just a stop off the pavec 87 5 miles fron 401 0w>.. Wou la___________ CORNS? Use Loyds Corn bc vcry desirabie for vetor a Acut aal and Caltus Salve for painful For Service & Satsfaction who manis 10 purchase ute 'i4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE icons aal corns and callouses. Ouickly conssIt VI.A, Clerk effective. 98c ai Elslry Pharm- - BADORR born cîcaners, silo Cleî cy. 15c27-455 CAU, Is unloaders and feeding equip- Male or Female AMAZINGLY quick relief o O RDE Oment. Sales. Installation. Ser- consPybecekwt discumfort of rnouth sres. vice. Rami Snow 878-46' A konot aybl e r w bswhte canker spots, dental plate BEST 7-94 84C*31-213 soine koldeof Traffic an -oe, edr e mIbFo- 1 Rmi ad -9543~sonCn Va Custorns-7meRomtyea tom prgrss Shers ort - outh Mdicin 19 LEGAL FOUt 4 - SECTION 12 Clerk's Notice First Posting -o(Wt- VOTERS ?LIST 1967 MUNICIPALITY 0F TOWNSHIP 0F ESQUESING County of HaIton NOTICE IS HERRDY given Ihal I have cornpiied wiîh Sec- tion 9 of the Volers' List Act and 1h0t1I have pouîed up 111 rny office, RâR. t, Georgetown, on thc Jmd do>. of November, 1967, the lisI of ohl persons os- itiIled la vole on the municipal- iIy ai municipal clechions, and Ihat such lisi rernoins there for inspection. And t hereby cali 1upon ail volers 10 loke imme- .diale proceedings 10 have mn>. ierrors or omissions correcîed iaccording 10 law. tise 1LAST DAY 0F APPEAL Being the l7th Day of November, 1967 Y -Dated Ibis Srd day of Nov- ember. 1967. K. C. LIND2SAY, Clerk, 19h20 Tmp, cot Roqueslng THE AD i hli pale lait eek mie ilapped becauie 10 gsI ce. moluie. 049 I y -27 - sf. i- ivo on bt md <ni <dem 1c27

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