Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 5

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ÊVWtc-«l - rf - MILTON MINOR BASERALL CHAMPIONS for and Perre Gaiqeau. Front raw Geg Emms, th "B" division in 1967 wera the Red Son. Tony Frost, Gerry Timbers, Craig Jubb. Tom Bill Thomson coached the tem la the victory. Bradbury. On thtetem but sot in he picture rom lefata right in the back row they are mare Brian Graham, Kevis Watson, John How- Steve Powtr, Gary Dance, Michael Stafford, it and Geordit Jackson. Harold Perrotn, Doug Thomson, Bries Harkins (Staf f Photo) By Mm .William Wataa. Expiorers and C.G.I.T. held a graduation and Hallowecon party on Manday. Octaher 30 in tht Kilbrid Sunday schaal room with thein mthens s special guesîs. Explorer certificates of mcmbervhip wcne given ta Mentes Soroski, Lauco Nom- ilton, SusaBye, K arcen Scherle. Shlia Crmas, Janet Corman, Karn Watvon, Cindy Watson, Cathy Zwicker and Pamn Turnen. First and second blue stars werc insta Veca Parchm. Firsi gld star was givnsta Vcna Pachcm. second gold star ta Veca Panchernanod Bet- ty 'MeMulles. Cfetfiate o graduation as givnsta Sharon Thompson wha han ginen thnee yeocs of 'ard work ta tht Explorers, Betty MeMullen for rmo ycorv of help and Vera Pachem fon ont yea. Each girl received an " E" pin foc Explaners. Tht- Explomens thankcd theuethtie. girls. C.GI.T.. Janet Young Daetta O'Brian. Vera Panch- em. Mary Parchcm and Betty MMulîts. Ms. A. Thompsan made a welcome speech ta 1he ncm C.G.I.T.s. She read tht duties of tht girls. Mrs. Hen- ry Goten ead dite duties of Mms. Thompson as the girl-' leader. Gansas wrt played and e- joyed 6v al. The Espioners funniest costume was won 6v Susan Bye. most original Deh- it Soult. Tht C.G..T.s fus- sitot costume wav won 6v Bet- ty MMulîts, mot original mene Sharon Thmpsos and Doetta OrBrian. A light lunch was serned ta al attesdisg. Plans weIS finalized foc the Navtmhen meeting of the Kil- brde 'Home and Schoot Asso- ciation sehen thcenecutive members met lest Manday in tht staff room. W. B. McGreg- or wili 6e gust speaker and use as his tapie - Emnengcncy Measures Operatians with th aid of a film entitled "Alaska Eethquake. Entcrtaismcnt wili 6e supplitd hy the Hltos- etts undcr te direction of Mrs. Nemell. A motion that the associa- tion puchase an elcctnic kel- dle fon tht school kitches was mode hy Mm. GrdoarNos and seconded b6v Mcv Leslie Willsher. Please make a note that tht Christmas concert wmut 6e held os Mondan. Dcemhec 18 in- stead of Decemhen 19 os soted sn vor yeon-. pcognam. Hialloween waa the scene of the grade five assemhly under the direction of teachen John Mrrow, with Colin Best s chairmas RoberI SI orev read the Bible. The MeKinnon is. ters estetaised with o piano tuao. The etire class did a charal reading on 'Halloween. A plan entitled. "The Magie Pttoîpki:t Patch, 1e-et the nighî hcefatc Hliave'en, a acted out 6v Hagornore, Date Gres. Ghoul Ha. Jyo-ns Mc- Kinnon. four sctches, Cindy Stein. Karen Hamilton, Beth Rees. Shellv Clark; thnee ghots. litn Woodley, ton MacNah. Chis Conway. Hem- hie. Tercn Couses..Pam. Mil- dred McKtnnun. Thnee commenciais fcomn TV concluded the program. 'Giont n the Washer' wos Bob Ban- retl. lIntenvtfied Tide, Ras Honis. Mitdred MeKinnon: 'Candy Commercial", Dehie Sault. Shllv Clark. Kim Towse and Jane McKinsos. On Wednenday. October 25 the First Kilhricle Girl Guide Company held their annuat Halloween prtv with 15 guides pesent. Mary Asdec- ehek and Ans Lillyccoypp o-re elected os patrol leaders. The four Guider% are taking war- rant training in Hamilton enerv Mondan night. The First Kilhide Land Raongers r e taing the St. Johns Finst Aid senior course sn Multas. MNU« Peggy Aun Smith e- ceined on amard foc hoing the highest mark in Home Sean- amies in Gade Il lest yeer at 1Jt fouth annuel commence- ment at the M. M. Robinson high sehool. The eard wsa silven spoos pcesented hy tht Hamilton Home Economnics Association. Ptggy Ans is tht daughten of M. and Mrs. Nor- mas Smith, 7244 Tiss Road. Dean Odoico is recupenat- isg aI home folloing a tnsil- etomy ecently. HUNTERS CAUGUT Three hunters o-re arrested lot illegalîn husting in tht Mountvherg Reservoir geme preserve i n recen t meeks. Hal- ton Region Conservation Auth- oritn officiaIs report. Officers ptrolled the preserve acta this week o-hite t6e deer hast Mako Your QOWN SPARKLE with ATTRACTION During the Coming Festive Season 1. l Puffsd Metallic Brocade 36" - $4.98 yard Antron Shimmer Crêpe 45" - $3.98 yard Bonded Lurex 60"" - $7.50 yard 36"" Silver Brocade - $6.98 yd. MIXE» COMPETITIVE Wadneaday aI 7.00 S. Nadalin, D. MoPheil. K. Hemn, E. Nadalin 14; H. Rid- dalîs, M. Bell, S. Mcyadden, F. McPadden I. R. Harrison. J. Harrison, A. Arnold, J. Arnold Il; L. Fadasn, R. MeKissos. A. MdKinnin, A. Leslie 6. G. Neo-ctl, D. Wlken, L. Walker, W. Nevecîl 9: Gond Sînats. Helen Strain. G. Car- ruthers, B. Carruthenv 7. Wcdnesday t 90 L. Hughes, H. 'Menefy, C. Chudlcigh hy defaull; D. Row- lcy. J. Rowlev. R. Rowley, J. Ferguvan. K. Moore, P. Nole, J. Nohle Il; C. Anderson, J. Andeson, B. Peltit, J. Kil'ly 4. P Banc, . Banc. S. Hanrop, N. Harop 14; B. Prame, L. 'Frame, D. Poney, L. Farley 7. B. Whecle, M. Emmenson, S. Luciw. D. Wheeler I-t; B. Pol- les, J. Snell, G. Snell. S. Pollcn 4. HIGGINS Tueaday aI 700 I. Slessor, D. Hill, J. Pilchcr, K. Wood Il; B. Pollen L. Wills, D. Hayward 2. S. Nadalin, S. Luciw. R. Row- Wr.a am inl og CW deaeished by trai A 210 fooit trip atang the mais ise of the CPR inackv near Given Road Milton esded sn the demlition of Miss Ko- therine MacDonald'v 1968 Vol- v-o ast Tuesdoy. The cor a ruined vhes it wavsmashed 6v a tris. No ose wos in the can at the ime. Miss MacDonald hecame aost n heonv fog an hec wva home from G uelph. 56e followed o truck, tursed when it turned and eventuolîn corne to Mil- tons Mis Street. She cruss- ed Ontario St. and drone alose Gives Raad. cnavsed une set of tracks, a vîdîng. then tors- cd antd went 210 feet dawn the main lite heside the Pigment and Chemicot plant. Theylf i the cr on the rackv and went for help. Night shift employers John Monroe and Pot Rhynald [nomn Pigment and Chemicot C. tried ta remnone the con hut oniv gaI i haîf way off when the train came alasg. Marparet Hoge of Burling- ton was the onlv povsengec. Cuntahie Michael Stasiuk of, the Oakville Police Force sn- vestigated. -Oîîly 39 mare shopping davv unlîl Christmas! ley 12; B. Wheclen, W. Elsley, D. MacFarlane 5. 1. Noble, P. Garhen, G. Car- ruthers, L. Sem.psan 7: S. Foy, S. Childs, -B. 'MDonaitl O, Martin 3. L. Hughes, R. Gardhousc, R. Cane, E. Tamplin 12; D. Mer. nIl., R. 'Harrison, H. Schyler, W. Casson 3. Tuauaday ait 900 P. Barn, M. Beaty, A. Cairns, C. Fard If; M. Phetps, A. Mon- roe, M, Rasherrn, A. Arnold 6. E. Hill. C. Beton. F. Divon, D Pegg 6; L Furtan, T. Hain- stock, D. Leslie, G. Snell 4. D. Farley, R. Rowley, C. Pic- kelt 8: H. Funk, V. Barber. J. Brown, G. Sinclair 6. M. Ezeard, A. Falk, S. Mc. Fadden Il; B. Phillips, G. Hav. den, J. Kelly 4. HIGGINS Monday ai 7:30 L. MeNeil, G. Newell, L. Do- vis, B. Newell 8; S. Legate, B. Knighl, L. Walken, B. Green- field 5. R. SI. John. L. Anir, G. Car- ruchers, B. Cassas Il1; H. Rid. doit, B. Clement, C. Thompsos. R. Segswanlh I. E. Milîson, R. Randeli, A. 'Munro, A. Flk 6: B. Reed. A. Cairns, E. Poster. J. 'Knight 6. C. Andenson, B. Frame, C. HunIer, W. PeInît 9: D. Ken- nedy, T. Frnch, A. Milter, D. Wilson 3. Monday aI 9.30 K. Moore, 0. Yemm. A. aiow- den. A. Sknuhheltnang 9: R. Coulten, D. Ptolemv, B. Mc- Clure, V. McOuire 4. S. Luciw. 'H. Stanley, E. To- lelzka, J. Reid 8; G. Sînain. B. Clement. N. Coulten, B. Tom 3. L. MHei., B. Eskine, E. Gawnonski, J. MCutcheos 7; S. Legae. B. Newecîl, G. New- cil, P. Brancler 5. B. Red, K. Plati. R. Brascier 6v default; D. Rowley, P. Gar- ber, B. McKer. R. Wilshire. -Du yaun Christmnas shop- ping in Milton. Start il now, whitevstoresvolfer the best set- ections. LOWEST OMAGH -P - M. - M- r",- 47 enjoy holiday trip to California By Mr&. Ceeil Pattersoma A pleaaani aflernoar Many fram this district re- spent ai the home of turned home an Saturday ev- Creig Royce an Thursda ening, Navember 4, [ram a vember 2 for a preste three week holiday by hus ta, party for two ladies of tl Califarnia. Att report having a trict who have recenllyi Most enjoyahie lime. Over ta Milton. Ahout 20 frict 6,000 miles were lravelled on the round trip. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robinson' Mr. and Mrs. Morris Turner, Mrs. T. Snow , Mrs. W. E. Fard, Mr. -k and Mrs.- Harold Rutherford 'i wcre amone the 47 passengers. We are pleased ta repart Mrs. Gardon Tasker is canval- escisa at her home following a stay in -Milton haspilal. SUN liA Daouglaa Peacock relehrated his nisth irthday on Satur- CREAM CHICKEN & h day, Novemhcr 4, and enter- tanednaaung friends Grry ROAST YOUNG Pattersan and Richard North- cote for the occasion. FRESH GREI We vend gel meti mishes ta Mrs. Arhur Death, Mrs. MASHI Lloyd May and Walter Stem- t mon. ait patients in Miltan haspital. Birlhday greetings la Sanny Ferrier and Jimmy Paltersan. FOR UESERI Congratulations ta Mr. and .A.On Mrs. Afred Fard on their wed- eAeOe ding anniversany Novemher 5. Johnnv Patterson was a pot-j ient in Milton hospitai wýith L8MiDO pneamania but iv doing nice- 11Mi y.________ PRICE AND ONLY AT CHASE'S ELECTROHOME 25" COLOR TV REG. $99 5.00 Sale Priced .....1-...... (HASE'S 599.95wn ..699WORKING TRAISE For those who want fthe besf in fiddle free Color TV - Electrohome gives you fthe quality and dependability of hand crafted circuits. Free.Home Trial - Low Monthly Payments HOME APPLIANCES 181 MiII St.- Milton Phone 878-3221 Open Fridaym Until 9 p.m. Free Parking KILBRIDE Explorers, C.G.I.T. combine graduation with Hallowe'en CONGRATULATIONS TO HALTON COUNTY COUNCIL AND THE COMMITTEE 0F MANAGEMENT 0F HALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR ON THE OFFICIAL OPENING 0F MARTIN HOUSE LANDSCAPING BY CwdoIh w e .& iGwven S4<î TWO MILES WEST OF ACTON - SOUTHaI SD! 0F HM. THE COUNCIL 0F THE COUNTY 0F HALTON AND THE COMMITTEF 0F MANAGEMENT 0F HALT0N CENTENNIAL MANOR ANNOUNCE THE OFFICIAL OPENING- 0F MARTIN HOUSE HALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR AT 2 P.M. - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 1967 0 A Cordial Invitation is Extended f0 the Public fo Attend OPEN HOUSE WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER il AND SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 From 2 p.m. fo 4 p.m. The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Novemnber 8, 1967 tended the farewetl party and m played bingo and contents. Mrs. Uenneth Pewtress read an address and the gifts were presented by Mns Rick Rowan and Mrs. Tom Bousfield ta 'Mr. Frank Anuzis and Mrs. m wan John Baoyce..The giftn ta Mrs. of Mns Anuzîs wcrc a pair of hand- lay. 'NO, same tabte lamps and'a china statton teapot, and ta Mms. Royce a the dis- 'heautttut triiight floar tamp. maved -Bath ladies thanked att and in- ends at- viîed att ta visit them. rDINNER SPECIAL UtUSHROOM SOUP EEN PEAS HED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES CHEF SALAD STRAWBERRV SNOW PUDDING RVATIONS PHONE 079-9061 1 Nery Day Throaahaut ahe Ya RESTAURANT AIR CONDITIONU Mihan

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