Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 4

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:hrpin ededaNvebr8, 1967 M erchants trou nce Orangeville club House league happenings MET Bi" Clark and Ricky -McTraoh Park Parm Dairy blanked scored frMiltcon Police and Knigbi sMens Wear in midget phi, Cohen1. scored the Bell action last Wednesday. Ray Bros. markers. Fish andGame New SUffer uspensio s in StretsvilleEvans scored from Rîck Mi»- knDprmn tr p Dy AMn Couisun Tisa isunlas iaseon is le full swing again, andi as every yer, tise age-old question comes op. Sisold we ailose lsunling here lus tise Souibere pari of Ontario or nol? AI- ready word bas hee coming in front our neigbbors 10 the soulis about huniers causieg danmage 10 properly. Sonse of ihese complainis are wiih god cause. andi somte are slricily iearsay. Yaur seier tied 10 irack dowe some coieplaînis lise heard lasi year about vanda- lisnt caused by huniers, and foond oui mont were siricily word of notoh complaints or gossip passed on f romn ansi- boniing cranks. Borne, t foued oui, sere compleiely true. Myself and Frank Gowland jusi ceiurned front a dock isunting trip 10 Alberta and iisey also have the samne pro- blets 001 lisere. Ie one en- siance we seere asking permis- son~ 10 sboot docks and lise ranciser iook us 10o a section of land across the roati and sbsoweet us sobere sonte huniers, jusi the day iefore, bad roi foor nrands of borbeti wire sitb ire cutters, 100 yards from a gale and let oui a prize berd of Aberdeen Angus catle. Tisen sec sonder why me can- nol boni on cerain properties and why more and more land is belng posied every year. Fellow sportsmen, welîl you please ask permission 10 bonI ibis year? Wbile we are one the subleci of damtage dose by huniers, Ontario Hydro bas a problent also. Wbes a misguided moose moses dome a bodro pole the resoliing poweer soppage s us- avoidable, and seben a beaver isiscalculales and feMs a lree across transmission lenes, or porcopine eai lhroogb insola- lion, hydre emptovees are like- y t0 shrug il off as pari vf liseir jobs. Bol lisere is one type of interruption ihey sel bever sbrug off. and usai s direct vasdalism donc 10 isy dro inslalion by huniers sisooing ai lhem. Hydro mies le Ontario lasi year suffered 10 tie tune of $38.0008 damage caused by huniers. This is nol b y a ren c ou1 s o n a prelly piclure felloses, and t do not enjoy srting about Il aey more ihan vou do readleg about Il. Most monue huniers front ibis localiiy are home and from A reports. the hag of moose Ibis vear sous awav bc- low average. Now ut Ibis wrii- ing the deer hunters are aseay and me wish ihent everv sur- cens le iheir boni. The ntork on the addition 10 the Nation Sporismens club bosse is comieg aloeg fine ihaeks 10 a fews seady, re- iables from the club. This is going 10 improve our club fa- dIltes a lot witb more floor space, rest rooms for ladies and gents and atso a sire bichen space. This ail lakes lime, money and a lot oif work. ht oas decided ai the lasi meeting ibat we have a club dance on Nonember 25, our s night on Derember 8, and se annual Turkey Shoot on Ssiurdsy. December 16. Paul Coulson bas taken over is dues as Prest. dent and is doing a fine job. This lob etails a loi of bard work. also and a greai deal of diplomacy. Acyone bhisnktng i*he huniers le Haion Counlo are nol psy- ing ibeir seay. lisien 10 Ibis - mosl huniers ein he eouelv now have le iheir pockri: (1) a resideni hunling licence. (2) a migralory bird hunting licence, (3) a moose lcence, f4) a deer licence, (5) and a resideni hue- ing licence 10 boni rabbii. pheasani and fox. From the Deparimeni of Lands and Foresî's nemu ce- lease comes the storv of an ar- dent Geraldion District moose hanter suddeetv spolief a moose. Ne fi red his initial rounds ai the animal selihool toucbleg a hair and then reach- ed intobis porbel for a spare clip of cariridges. 'Ne slammed the "cip" 510 he reqired slt onlv 10 Bcnd il seas a com- parable sized chocotate bar. The moose îroîîed awav. Ques- tion-have moose been known to chuckte? McDuffe Ieads Pro-Arn scorer Bp John PucLean Neelands 21. Louis Tmo players front Wilson 121 and Wayne Sharpt were bise igb 1point men of sisîs ment in Rantsbt lasi meci as Brise McDuffe Sharpen. Chaînters, Cai firedt lree goals and picked Shurpen, MuLennun uni up eight assisîs while Jobnstsra. Reptying for Caii Heipel mas nocbîng fîve goals Bruce Gales with a pai and bbc saine nunther of as- McLeod, George Brown sists. le bbc gantes, Pcddic Zuesl and Tippv Thibi lopped Turner 7-4 in the open- sisîs s weel 10 Zuest I er and Wilson osîlanleti Mc- and Caln Cuoicieon 16-12 in a no goals barrcd affair and on Thurs- day nigbî Edmards fooghl 10 a 3-ail deadlork siib Hlie and Is .. nlise finale Champau defeai-F y r trc cd Calsn8-. lu bihe ftrst gainse Tuesday t k a nigbb Peddie had a 4-I advant c ce ar age aI the ed 0f the fîsi per- aliEecr Fy loti and liesTorner kepi pace NdaiEtcrrFy n tbc second as tisey lobk a tons juvenite cnti-y ii final 7-4 margin. Capîsin Dosg tecon league 15 Olie Peddie fired one goal and duos lie eau nlr. mccc counbed by Gordie Bell, dumpcd Hespeter lnEb AI Joncs and Ken Thompson. Tbursdav 8-2 aid lasi Assisis were by Bob Lawrence Ibet r second in here (2), Pcddie (2), Lee McPhaii Acton Monday sigbb h- and Ken Tisunpson. Foc Turn- Paul Kibeisen led tb. er single goals mccc scoreti by witb a Ibrce goal effortb Wayne McConneil, Nick Colli- assisb lenHespeter. son. Wayne Tinthers and Bri- mas nanted the Mont an -McDuffc. Terry Cairns, Nip Gervais, MeConneit and Mc- Duffe had one assisi cach. In bise Wilson-McCubcbeon P»e Wees -a basis, otiser ntarksmen for bbc viciors verce Ron Phisllîpu and season opiei John White mîîh Ihree apiecg, Don Wilson and Bob Lawrence Milon Kinsmen Pet mits singles. Oliser assisîs opcsed bbc 1967-68 sei meni 10 Nip Gervais (2), Dave a triumphant noie Lockie, Bill Hamitihon and bealing Hespeter 4-2 Bruce Bell. For McCulebeon, peler. Dave -Lawrence fired liscee, Nampered Sp slicky Mike Johnson, Pal Carc, Doog Kinsmen had to0 rm McCulciseon ail had a pair andi beind 10 score Ibrec singles eni la Murray Gren- smcred goals. Scott h ke, Amit-Melanson and Dennis pst Hilton abeud earli Sinclair. Melanson assisled gante afler aking s p fine limes. Lawrence, Art Nocnt Mowbray. R. S Brooks, Sinclair anti Johneson eveed the score tati isice apiece and single assistis firsi pcriod and B. Li came (rom Grenke and Carr. gave Hespeter the te2 Edwardus ol goals front a goal midmay tbrougi Mike Sullivan, Fraser Mass rond period. Rick Bci and Joise Hopkins. Assisis sel Garry Gooding sp men t b Tom Sargent (2), Hop- îying goal, in and Nemeil. For Niliz, AI Afler a brief resl Red iad a pair and Ross SItar- periotis, lise Kinsmer pen lallied a single. John Jar- out flying. Wiîh 0011 vis and Jint Donaldson assisi- ronds lapsed of bise fi cd.,iod, Rirky Bridgeman le the final gante of lise 10 Ken Psy for bbc meek Champaux recelved goals goal. Tiscee minutes la front Tom Ramuhaw f3). Don ter Chucismacis piekeo tenue puck in the Milt TRAIL HIKEIRS broke dosen bbc rigisi5 Several esihusiasis enlopcd slipped a pas o Garr an organized iike along a hO- isg for thc Insurance mile section of bise Bruce Trait OfficIabI eved eyer nbie norts pari of Borling- penalies 10 Milton and bon on Sonday. Thcy malked Hespeler, Th istlnsnt fronthbie calcium plis on Tmlss ibeir firsi home gante Road 10 Kelso Adtos Saiurday aI 5 p. Nadalîn Pe.As- Impatin id Duint- jen me r, Ross m, U-ovd irI. As- Hossden Sireeisviile Derbys flese 10 a 4-I viclory le ibeir ficol gante of the Sabarban Junior C Hoo- key againsi Milton -Merchants ie Streetsvitie Tuesday eigbi. Il seas the -Merchanis' second toss len-lhree gantes. Milton mas mbbbout the ser- vices of defencemen Kevie Tuckwett, Sieve Gervais and Leos Stiikte as svelt as for- ssards Paul Ktchen and Dote Ileartis.The gtîtp sat îot t unoe gtoe suspe nsion that ce- sultcd front a brasot le George- towen the previous Sueday af- lernoon. Bob Lee seas side- licd witb an ankle ijsry. Lee injuccd is ankie before the scasoned opeed and il gave scay in the firsi pay of the gamne le Georgetoswn Sueday. Il ws ou ond 10 hurt, replar- ing five plavers soecarl ibe seasoto. but the big probtemn soas the Strecisoille goalie, Stu Patterson. Paîterson tur- cd wa v 38 shots compared to 30 h5Y Miton goalie Date Due- ning, Perbapa lise iurning point of the gamne sas laie le the second pcriod. Miton bad a Iwo mae aovantage and the rubher flew aI the Strecîsvitte net. over the net and ttc elîber side of the cage but the Merehanîs coulde't gel romn a ficker oui of the rcd ligbt. Had thev braI- e Patterson. ibm ithe game May bave had a differeni rom- plelion. Pallerson played juvenite for Brampton last yesr and boasis a 1.98 goal average for 40 gantes. The Sireetuville puck- stopper robbed Miton aitack- ers repesledly. -Bill Perko, Dave -McCaltsm, Fred Nasalo and 1. Workman scere the Streeisoilte goal scor ers. Rich Cote seat Fîtterson ,nabreaktoots- le io the tttirot period to spoit bis shol- Sireeievile scored all four goals on close -le pîsys and Dunning had litle change on any of lhem. Ken Fanon. Tom Gouding and Dave Gales were catîrd up from the midgets and juvenites bo replace the suspended plav- Alîhough -Hilton ousshot their opposition 38-30 the Deirbys made thel r chances rusert. Had il not bren for goud goateed- ing ai cubher end the score could bave bren considerably bigher. Referre Bitl Divorski haeded out 38 minutes le pealties, 22 o Strecîsoitle and 16 to Mil- ton. ait for minor infractions. SUMMAARY FIRST PERIOD: scoring - Ferks fS), McCaltum IS). Penalties - Witkcv f(1I(trip) 3:29; Hanzasca (Mi (bold) 4: 43; WorkmnS) 11 elboywl 5:51: catie8 pomer play. Tise -Mer- Robson (W (ilelerfere) 6:46; chants bombed Schilîbell. Hall fMi (trip) 7.36; Nasalo Pscks flem ai itbe net, over (S) fhighsîick) 13:16; Metoase the net, off the goal posîs and fS1 iroogbi 15:16: Hall f-Ml wide of the cnt on eiher side. Iroagisi 15:16. Bol of the 28 sisois on the net SECOND PERIODt Scorieg - oely one beal the Orsegeville - Nasalo fS). Workman fS). goaler. Fenalties - Pallerson (S) Milton scoied iisree imes in fhigh stick) 6:41; Stringer the firsi period, Imice it the thigh stick) 1:38: Hall (M) second and once en the final Ibîtîthi9.11; Ricidal(M) hfbtdstanzaa Orangeville's only goal 91f1: McCaltunt 1Sf (bîol Il: came in the second perloot. Mil- 01; McLicbtan (SI lioterferci ton detence teft the put.hin 12.09: MrLachtan (Si (liosolIconl uf the set. ltappcared 16:18; Bond (S) irosgb) 1733. as if bath Tsckweli and Stir- Cote (Ml irougbf 17:33. kte espected the olber ta lake THIRD PERIOD: Sroring - the park and sobe neiber Cole f(M). player obk possession Bil Penalties - Riddalt (M) Carrof swepl le and lurhed il ihigis stick) 4:07; Mcl-aar (S) le the short side. (board) 8:44. Milo Mrcbasts cuasird to a 6-I1sin avec Orangeoile brrr Friday nigbî. Oniy erralie sbuuting by Mlton and as autstandîng performance front Carl Scbeilbell wbo replaced sîarîing galer Bob Siuddarl ie the Orangeville n et suord the Orangeville tram front a sery severe trousî.ing. Stod- dan sous rcntîîoed wilh an le- julaitl e ite lirsi period. Milton outahol Oraseevitie 61-11 for tbe wote gante and ficd 28 shitis inethe Ibird pet- iod alune. Tisc estire bhird periud %vasisilatutta otrust- I ~EIrnmpioui s' MILTON MINOR BASEBALL CHAMPIONS for Ibis season were tise Giants coaciseti y Dicter Cta:r on lise rigisl andi macageti by Daweson flt:son on lise lefI, Fron t loti1 rigis tise plagers are Richard Arnold, David Wrigist, Lawerence Cargîi. ,Rîch Robonts, Haroldi Sales, Doug Wright, Jerry Zanaîra anti Ken Arm- strong. Absent and col ivnlise pintemore Van McPhiaît Raymond May, Brian Lyoes and John Zanatta. (Staffihoto) Don Hearnu and Roger Wild- fong srored tisece each for the Merchanis and ingles seeni ta Brssh and Stickle. Heures pickcd up assisîs on bolh of Wildfongs goals. Wildfong bad one assist and SticbIe bad Dracgeviile plaved svib Il men sutl Bob Larrbmand soas cieccein thIe firs t pcriod. acd Ibro plaved the rest of the gante with 10 plan-crs. Dtog Hearess, bît saso bis first action of the s-car. did eoervthing bul score. Hcures tesled the Oraspes-ilie puck stop per on evers- trick le bis repertoire ard came oui sec- ond hestin 0 acb move. Athnugh bise Merchants base pluord betier hockey, the Orungro lIte learn neyer pused aserîuus tbiccu i a ueopoint te the gante. Miloc selîl mect Streelsoilte bere Fridas night. The wlî ieaves Milton m-ilh a 22 wi-n-loss record. Novice goalies allow no goals Milton Novice leant slaried iffsonihe righl faut le Tri- Cîîîniy action ibis vcar. blank- icg Hespcler 3-0 Thsrsdav and Actîte 6-0 Monday nigbi. Bruce Ellison srored îwo goals againsî Hespeler and picked sp an assisî on the Ihird goal srored bv Rod Good- ing. Broan Wilson and Craig Juhh sbarcd the golîending dues. Ellison was named MVP for the gante for bis three point effort. Faut Sproaî fired a pair and pickcd up un assisi. Ellison svttrcd once and udded brcer assisîs to bis record. DavcTsr- ner. Brud Smith and Rod Gooding scorcd singles for Mii- toc. Sprat w as chosen MVP for 'Miton and Robin Inscoe was chttsen MVP ftor Arton je tisai gante. Coach DawmonEltisos mas pteased wilb bis tam's perfor- maire is bols gantes and said the score could have been bigber lneeliher gante. Pour ire conditions le the Hespeler rink hampered the play. ounce Hespeler, Acton y seaison league Ieaid yes. Mit- 010 lise it t0 set Finors -bespeten sed out eagailes b ýe Ftyers and une Rutches Valuuhie vlin ner ee Wccs Friday, le Hes- yire, bise ce front y in the inns front Snowdcn t e i he ead wiih gh the ne- ridgeman pfor bise ly50 ne- cial pet- ipassed miening laer, Pe- d up a ion end, side and y Goud- Sgoal. en minor id f ive 10 rien play (againsi Piayer for lise Milton temmfor Ibal gante. McTracis scored twicc aid assisîrd on one goal soiile Marty Serds. Keish Higgs and Ken FanIon ail ruppcd in singles for tise Milton cause. Serds assisled us ail of Kilcis- ec s goals. Mulard and Heitcr ocre lise Hespeter ntanksntcn. Frod mus tise Most Vatuable Placer choiî.e Ironthtie Hespeler Icant. Hec as flicegoatender and playcd a-cil inspîte ftiflie higis Bar-y McTracis rccorcd a bal trick againsi Adtos Monday. Other goals we c scored hy Wayne Arnold, Bob Cîîtbecc. and John Erwin. Fhillip Brusis sos nantcd Mont Vatuaislc Fiaver for lise gante for bis oststuanding per- fracin tise nets. Wattlet scored lise oni.v Ar- toe goal oI the gante. le exhiiion piav Dtober 30 Milton losI lit Dahitir 3-2. Oak.s lob a 2-I first pciod Iead and sohstantiatcd il sith a bhird period marber. Arnold asti Gouding ocro- the Mittîts marksmcn and Fergu- son, Virus and Leslie sciired tise Oubvîlle goals. New features at ski resort Oi es EdeSki Accu ai Ret- sobas addcd seocrat neso Ira- tur c' iî"r the 196768 season. Tise resorî offes itprîoed ibatet lasîliies. greater skîîng arca. sco snîsmaking cquîp- ment and groop imes and ra- tes sili bc avaitabte. The resort Is opcrated ho the altIon Region Conservsut- ion Astbîsity Ken Poiler wsil] bc in chargeoutishe resort ag- ais ibis scason. Membersbips aie avaitihic ai tise ski area or ai tise H.ltos Regias Con- servatîion Autborily office ai $20 ian stustents. $30 for adulîs aînd $90 foc fantil% mcmhcr- siips. Sicigis rides, skating audito isîgascisg andi cen dancing arc also hcîng sîtierd. FRED'S Taciloring Shop FOR MEN 217 MAIN ST. MILTON Wl FEATURE "LONDON FOG" ALL WEATHER RAINCOATS The Weatherwnar of Distinction" In Beige, Navy, Blick, Brown, Charcoai OGrey 0 FORTREL AND COTTON 0 MACHINE WASHABLE A Real Alil Weather Coat $4000 With Zip.In Linine - $4993 Emms scored unasnisted and Neil Gibbons scored from Rick Colbeck. Trev Roberts regisi- ered a shuloul. In the other midgei gante Harris Siaiiosery blasked Ledwiih's 2-lt. Bob Koles scored iwice with Stuart Rob- ertson and Don 'Fay assistisg. PEE WEE ln the Pee Wee division Fay Plumbing blasted Canadian Trire 10-2; the Chicken Kings baîticd to a 3-3 :raw with Mc- Cuaig I nssrance and Milton Pharmary dropped a 5-4 squea- ker io Milton Lomber. Mark 1-bat and Steve Mc- Cann each scored bat tricks 10, lead the Fav ieam la vicior v. Dîher Fav marksmen were Steve Marshaltlsoitb iwo and Bruce Bales' and Steve Wilson singles eachi. Mike Pearson and Cal Hîltz seored for Canadian Tire. John Tonetti and Randy Rog- ers took rare of the Chieken King scoring. Tonelti scored twice and assisted once and Roger, scoeed once and assist- Ad once. Keith MeKinnon. Wayne Wil- son, and ored Thom pson scor- cd singles for McCuaig. Thomp- son had scvo assists. ln the final preewcc game Mike Font scored threeounas- sisted goals and one assisîrd goil ho lGnds' Msrrav for Mit- ton Pharmacv, onts is have bis efforts thwartcd bv Mitton Lamber. Ron Rowles' and Chartes Atcocb sced tvce for Miltotn Lomber and a single wn o Alan MeKinnon. BANTAM In the hantant division Mit- ton Picie trouned Keith Reat Estate 10-3.Bitl Ctarridgc ce- corded a hat tricb. Rich Mc- Trach scored tovice and singtes seent to Moointain, Tom El- tiott. Bob Rush. Sargent and Redman. Garry Lawerence, Dave Mad ili and Pete Mute sore the Keitb marksmen. Milton Potice Bantams edg- ed Betl Brus. 3-2. Bob Rush, WINTERIZI NG Miner Mutor Tuce.UP lb Chers Spark lugs, Points anti Condenser - replace if neessary. 0 Clean Air Filter & Fuel Fluer andi replace if necossary. 4b Ad uni Carburebor anti Aulomalic Chsoke 0 CherS Generalor or AI- tereator Cisarging Raie ID Clean Ballory Terminais Ceelicg Syttem 0 Flushs anti Fia-Test your Rudialor. 0 Tigiten Hose Connec- tions 0 Change or Addt Anbi- Freeze if noressary. 0 Winerize Windsiid Wasisor 0 Check Heater anti Def rosIer 0 Check Batory ffficiency anti Atit Water if neessary. jOpen: 7 a.m. Monday thru Saturday - 9 & .m. Sunday IClosing at il p.m. Sunday thru Thursdoy. ýc.n 'tii Miht Fridaqy md Saturdev! 1 MILTON ESSO (Formerly Allons Esso Service) Cerner Main and Ontario lis. - 578-M44 Me Honor Ail Speciai Booklets Previousiy lssued 4 The Canadien Ch AT YOURSRVC W. write aIl typesoet 1c,. ocea,and areai te quota rates seitheut obigeatioc. sefece baybcg or renewicg yeur Insuranca, chseck eue rates, C L I McCUAIG INSURANCE LIMITED 208 MAIN ST. E. 878-2894j KEYS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT 0 W. are able to make duplicates of most ixes and shape k.ys - quickly - et low cost. MILTN HADWAR set Newe Banb ia6-. i24m Rob- erison and Randy Hannon scor- ed singles. Ricky Jubb flred tbree goals for New Bantants and assisîed Craig Brown for the fourtb goal. NOVICE. te the Novice division Mose- bray Fuels edged Rehekah Lodge 1-0. Beech Bros. bealt Crest Hardware 73, and Little Firemen droppcd a game to Little Pontiacs 6-. J. Timbers scorcd Mowbray's îtntv goat for the win. J. Roskam scored four limes for Little Pontiars and R. Fac- lev scored once. Terry Nova scored once for the 'iremen's onlv goal. tn olher Novice action Rog- er Devlin scored three goals 10 lead Beecb Bros. 10 a 7-2 sin over Cresi Hardware. George Wiseman fired a pair and boe Saliba and John Noble scored twice. Midgets open tie Hespeler beat Acton Milton Rotary Midgeîs lied Hespeter t-t Friday nighi in bhel rseasun opener le Hespel- er and bailled 10 a 5-I1sein Moeday in their home opener agaiest Acton. Heapeier beai Terry Cole earty le the firsi peniod wben Milton was sborlbanded. Mil- ton played most of the firsi perlod shorthanded. Nigel Fcresson stickbandled lhroagb the whoie Hespeler tram and sel sp Gary Young fur the iyieg goal. Df the 15 penalties awarded, Miltion tob Il0 incisding a 10 minute miscoedsct and a bencb penaly, and Hespeter tok five ininors. Pergson paeed the Midgeis against Acton with Ito goals and an assist. Diber Milton marksmen weece Jim Marshall, Gary Young and Rlcb Good- ing. dm A 1

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