Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 3

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cOmmencement fC4itinaed irons Page 1) sot &, per cent. higbeat score la grade 10 'Induatrial Arts. Ingrid Falk. wbo achieved 88 pet cent la grade 10 home economlcs, received tise Locaîns purseof 1M5 Por thsehigisesi sfanding fn grade 10 four-yrar business and commerce commercial sub- jects, Anal Nleetrecefved $50 frèrm Ron Marris, represen- ting klarris Staff onery. Mfss Nielsen acqutred 832 per cent. Janet Tom recefved a book fram Mes. J. K. Mahan of the Camttbeflville Womens Instf- tute for tise highest standing n grade 9 Englisis, at 87 per cent. Milton District High Sehoaf BoarO peoficfency prfzes were preseated by board membre A. N. leilty. Grade 9 rccfpients included Stephen Chsase and James .Mashall inf the five-year arts and scfence, with 86.6 and 04.1 per cent rcsprctiveiy; and Lis McNabb and tngrid Fak, 09.4 and 87.8 per cent fa tise grade 10 course. Firat place award mas ni ne dollars for eacis grade and se- cond place eceived ees dol- lars. In the foue-yeae business and commerce, Joanne Wifson at 84.1 per cent and Zandea Mil- fer at 81.3 per cent received aine and seven dolars; miile Anal Piefsen at 832 per cent and Mon& Sorensen ne 81.4 per cent came oui on top ln grade 10 business and commerce. Glenn Mitchell achfeved 72.1 per cent and Dale Devîf a c- qufred 71 per cent in tise four- year science, tecisnology and trades; Donald Wrfght and Dav- id PF iser gettfng 77.9 per omnt and 70.3 per cent rcspectis'ely in tise grade 10 course. Again bursaries amounted -ta aine dollars for higist standing and seven dollars for nent iigist. Special two-year course stu- dents Judy Dance and Douglas Malcoflm mere amarded six dollars and four dollars for tiseir 81.4 and 77.3 per cents in grade 9. Grade I0 standings in tise same course iacluded Liada Parcisem at 78if per cent and Anthony Taziar witis 76.1 per cent. The Wilfred Crozier shfeld for higisest grade 10 standntng was presented by high scisool board member G. R. Carbeet ta Lofis McNabb for ber 89.4 per cent. Tise Inglis-Poofe t ropisy for simifar aeiievemrnts at tise grade 9 fevef went ta Stephen Chase mitis 86.6 per cent. ti mas prcsented bv Mes. George taglis. Tise on tise honor roIll for having achfeved 75 per cent or mare on the yrars work fa grade 9 five-year arts and science tncluded: Sonya Agnese, David Austin, Karen Barber, Stephen Chase. Beryl Evans, Tise local St. Johsn Ambul- ance division is conducting its second unnual campaiga for fonds in Miftan and dis- trict next meek. brancis corn- mitter ciairman AI Tisorpson announced today. Tise ers of November 13 ta f8 bas bren proctaimed "St. Jaohn Ambulance Week in Mit- ton"' and besides tise financiai campaige, tise brigade is t- temptiag ta acquaint Miton- ans mitis their mark and the services avaifable. Mc. 'Thnnnpennsait! ]est vears campaign brought in $1,200 miicis mas certainfy gra- tifyiag. This vear tise abject- ive is $1,500. Tise main drive for tonds mil f be Mosday ev enini but about 66.canvassers mif f a continue Ibefe seark tirougioutanest meek until ev- ery home bas been reacised. Saturday, focal Cubs milf distrIbute information about the brigade ta every isome in toma. Tise pubficity inciodes an annual report and a iandy home cisart btn first aid. Brilgade superintendent Don Miller notes tisat since January of 1967. tise members of Mil ton Division No. 488 have assisted ut tise folfowing eveats: tise searchin Kifbride, tise Goden Ceatenniaf Air Show, tise Nassagameya Cen- teaniaf celebrations. tise apen- ing of tise mifi pond, tise Cen- tennial Caravan, tise Girl Guide rafly, tise Rover Moat. tise iremens Centennial par- ade, Hidden Valey park, tise Germnan Canadian club Hof- brauhaus, tise Steam-Era, tise Faf f Pair, tise local talent shoaw, as mef f as raf fer skat- ing and hockey ttise local ar- ena - totafling 2,3W0houes of duty and treating over 100 in- juries up ta tiseend ot Octo- bere. Tise training cammiitee iss taagist over 150 local people ln fiet aid and home nursing in FuRET OVINE» A meeting mas ield last meek betmeen fland omners in tise Ranctiffe Rd., Oakvif te, ar- ea and Haltan Region Conser- vation Autisority, ta discus expropriation of properties for tise Auriorit's Morrison- Wedgemood creek diversion project. Tise omners, tiseougis their solicitor. pledged co-op- erutian afler a poficy state- ment mas read bv tise Autisor- ity. Aznnounce New Efeelim gSuobstance: Shrinks Piles - --- ta-sses.sa A recownsdcusaris intitut. hbu fouet!a . e1*als ubstaan witb ti Saah ty ta àaiksemosar- ehaie ai"u.I nae thg en ifoet insminutesas d uppe d tp bsailag afthe lajured. hmammed Um tla cavs afte easeuhils g.aiiy fiefir« pantel e cto Mos nt Ipotaat of.alt-enst sensnthoensghthsn thlainsprova- *mi twas maistalasd ovea parlod ci my meansthe. Ibais wus antonsp8shs witls a nsis.sBHngsubstane BWoD» Nae BWoDynaianleod -Is oint. n.tum pAaltafo ten&Ud oi.fshato.0ey09 D-MY thse past veur. Mr. Miler not- rd. Dan Pegg lits secrrtary-treas- arer of thse campaign and re- ports canvassers wiff be makt- ing their returns ta him attise St. Jahn House as Martin St. Winter works grants May cul The possibifity of a cooper- atme winter marks programt for cleaning out diseased c m trees on bath toanand private praperty mas debated by Mil- ton Councif on Manday. The Departmeat of Maapom- er and immigration manager Miss E. L. Hartweff suggested je a letter ta concdl that the removaf of dead etms woutd be an ideaf winter works in- testive program. Grants of 75 per cent are avaitable an laboi CoNts, if thsse emploved are peusple wha are out of maork. Sonne eounclllors feit it moutd still be castly ta the toma ta puy even 25 per cent of tise remavat casts, because manv af the local dead elms are on tome praperty. Bot councitiar Brian Best said the tao shauld seize the appor- tunity ta have the gaverament pay three-quartrrs af the ex- pense white its available. "Wr dant seem ta take ad- vanageof enaagh gaverement grants.' be charged. htaming lack af faresigh t hy some councif committees. Town works superintendent B ruce McKerr was amay an a bunting trip when the tapie came up for discussion. 'Memt- bers agreed ta await is retare and if the proiect meets mith bis approvaf. he wiff 0e asked ta do a sarvev an the namber ai dead trers un towa praper- tv and laake a guess at the At the saute time, counicil may arder tise removat crews ta take down trees an private properfy. tf tise tomn cao get assurance of grants for the prisately-awned trees it moafd cast theaowners aust 25 per cent of tise cast. It was suggested a notice in the paper mould soon tel coanciisaw many dead trees there are on private property. TOWN 0F OAKVILLE Nominations and Elections TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the efectors of tise Towa of Oakvilfe wmut be hefd at tise Oakvitle Administration Buifd- ing, 1255 Trafalgar Road, on Moaday, November 20ih, 1967, at tise boue of 7.30 for tise nomination of candidates for a threce year terun for tbe office of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Serve, smo Councillors for eacb of the four Wards, smo members of tise Board of Edacation for eacb ai the four Wards, four members af tise Public Utiiiies Commission and eight members of tise Separate Scbool Board. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE sisal if more than tise rrqasred namber of candidates are nominated and do not mitbdram according ta statute, a Poilf miil be iseld belmeen tise boars of 10.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. on Monday, December Il, fW6. AND PIJRTHER TAKE NOTICE that if a paît is reqaired, an Advaoce Poil mil I be beLl for tise persans by taw ta vote thereaf on Tbarsday, December tb, f967, betwern tise saurs of 10.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. DATED at Qakvif le tiis ti day of November, f967. S. A PEATHERSTONE, Retuning Offese >7f*f eve,* your elm tree yet P. L hb.rts.a's Thini tlwf nets $1,000 Thieves again struck at lise and potlire are cotttinaiag their P.' L. Robertson Maaufacturing investigation. Ca. on Brontr St. Sunday evra- iag, makiag off mith about Plating unaierialn vaturd at $1,000 martis of cambiom-caat- $4,000 have disappearrd from ed halls, similar ta thase tuken the industry in the pant six an twu eressiaus break-and-en- weeks. The companv bas of- tries. fered a $500 rescarcl for infar- Tise theft was di scosecred bs mation leading in he .srrest af ah? s. .t tchsman at the plant the itrsaler, Thse Canadien Champion, Wednesday. Navomber 8, 1967 Request decisie n onglwt Councif s knuckfen mere col- fecfivefy rapped Manday far de- taying a decision on a grant ta- mard tise expatiofn program at Milton District Hospital. ta a lester. Hospital ýBoard cisairman John W. Ostier aoted tisat over a vear ugo tise iospi- tut had reqursted a grant and couneif promised it woutd be discussrd ln cammittre. "As of tisis date sve bave received no reptv la aur reques t," ie suid. Pinance commutter cisairman tlcpatv-Reeve C. Mc'nefy suid tise grant isad nai hen iacta ded in tise 1967 budget, but could be considered for 1968. Tise baard-at tise same lime had asked far relief from tise semer service cisarges. No ans- mer isad ever been givra on this request. Coutteilfor Chartes Psy satd bath enatters mere up ta tise finance committre, and tbey Sisoutd meet and bring dows lira decisions bv next weeks meeting. Members agrerd. What did ose IBM card say o ther other? t'm sofier than baou. CARS DAMAGED A car drfven by Ed.win Do- nald Mitchell of -RA. 5, Mi lion reeeived 1200 damage Tisurs- day when fi was fa collision mifh a veitee driven by Les- fie L. Sfrong of f049 Orcfsard Rd., Part Credit, on Main St. near Hugh St. No Injuries wente receis'ed, but damage fa tise Strong car mas $75. Onfy other accident during the mers was minar, causing $55 praperty damage Wednes- day. It is bard ta convioce a mas miis cornrred fisat be will get a square deal. Milton Department Store- Sixth- LAST 3 DAYS *THURSDAY *FRIDAY eSATURDAY SHOES Ladies' HEELS Ladies' FLATS Men's SHOES Men's SHOIS Girls'* and Boys' SHC 0/OFF 1 ALL THE 10 .FOLLOWING L BOYS" WINDSREAKERS SIJACKETS - DUFFI.E COATS TOPCOATS - SPORTCOATS CAR OATS- SKI JACKETS AND WINDBREAKERS GIRLS' LADIES' D)RESS COATS COATS - SLACKS CAR OATSSKIRTS CAR OATS CAR COATS SKI JACKET FUR JACKETS CHECK OUR BIG ~~Z--~BARGAIN TABLE liii"EVERY DAY FOR ITEMS GALORE AT DEEP CUT PRICES Stn John asks funds: 2,360 hours of duty in past nine months Reg. t. $1095 $3099 Rn., ta $10,95 $2.99 Rng. t. $1795 $9.50 R". t. $9.95 $5.99 )ES Spedal $2.99 WITTNAUE R à plaeaue; tf1096aea-wITNVra Our buat value Ose boit quality in a ise budget- priced watci... Wttnaaerns dainty LaBeUre, tise ideal watch for home, office, or campus mer Containa Wittnaaer'sowant 17-jewei preciains movemeat for earefree dependabifîty. Witis faahion bracelet and euoy-to-read full sumeraf dial, $39.95, from oue colection of fine Wittnauec vatcea". Oliser Wttnauer matches ~ 184 Main St. Miton à9 h Phono 070472 Pa hldJe.alt te, a InaWtna .h, L -MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 Main St., Milon Open Frday Evning 78916 3 1 - 1. buoïnai

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