Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 2

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Open bouse on w.ekend 2The Canadian Champion, Wednesdey, November 8, 1967 Open Martin House Thursday TeoInrrose IThursdayî altet-- The $1.58008. three-storey Nevember Il and 12 fromn 2 huilt, and Dr. C. A. Martin wo resident who is l101 years1 focal îbnee mea wilt jointly resideace for bed care and ta 4 p.m. ix e paxl ceueîy wardcn and yong; 'Halton Wanden William snip a hright. red ribbon Cc de- speciel cae patient cf t4alton Martin Houa. ix named te municipal officiaI ix Miltoe. J. Coulter. Reeve cf Nassaga- cdare iHatten' nese lSO4ed Centenniat Mener sitI alxa 6e commemorate 1he Martin fam- Ribboc-srtipping dulies wilI meya; and Noble Drese. direct- Martin Houxe home for the open for public tours on Salon- ily o-hich foueded t6e milI 6e shared 6v Simon Henri or of the homes fer 16e ageti aged cfficiatly open. day end Sunday aflernoons, around o-hich MilIce was Baverslock. the homes eldest brench cf the Deparment cf NALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT H, H. Hnton, Acton, uperrntendent Sanley Allen, Mlton; and for 1967 includes these gentlemen, responsible for ThursdaY's Reeve Gordon C Gallagher, Burhington. Standing are Warden officiai opm.rgr prcgrarn at the new Martin House wing of the William Coulter of Nassagaweya, Reeve Austan Ldwith of Halton homie for the oged. Seated from left ta right are vice- Milton, clerk C. McKay and assistant superintendent Jack chairman Reeve Herbert C. Mery, Oakv ile; chairman Reeve Charlton. Stof f Photo) Church Sevices 10oMikea Éls Mrch 35 miles for $35 Social and Family Services. The board feltIil luttin8 Ibet a resident. himself aIder Olsen confederation, should partici- pale in the eeremony te open the building during Canadas c clititiniaI vear. Scheduted ta speak during the officiai epening ceremonv are Reeve H. H. Hinton cf Ac- tcn o-ho is the 1967 chirman cf the Menon's heard of man- agement, Reene Gordon Gel- taghcr cf Burlinglen, HalIen M.P.P. George A. Ker. Haiton's federal MiFP. Dr. Harry C. Han- lcy and Reeve H. .Merrn cf Oakeille. The keys wilt 6e pre- sented 6v 1. Richards.. generat conîractor te architect Donald E. Ski nner and in turc te ReeceGaltagher. Martlin Heese ix HalIons .second home for the aged. The firsî schich opened in 1952 ix knowe as Pellil House, le me- mory cf the laIe .Mrs. Mary Peltil sehe serned as a Miltoe and Hall on couneiltor for sen- eral years. Camplettan af thse ne-e home. adjacent to -te Pellit House on Ontario St. S. le MilIce, was a contronersial issue. Severat construction sînikes held up ils progrcss and il was a yeer laIe le cpeeing sehen the first residenîs moned le ce Apil 18 of tbis year. The tirsite arrive transfer- mcd from Pettil Heuse. and Iheir rommin le 6oeder build- ing see quickty ,taken hy these ce -the large waiting lst & Ve There wen'î be any electien for couccllero or uchoot board trutees in Nausagawe- ya Townuhip this December, The prexent ceuncil and schoot board were elected in 1966 for a two year term. TOUR METER PL.ANT The Toronto plant cf Nep- lune Meters was toured Wed- nesday cf last meek hy Milton Ceuncilters Charles Fay. Gora- tien Knanlz and Brian Best. depuly-reeve Chartes Mencfn and work superieteedent Bruce McKerr. Council was sekixg information on metrs ini prepitralitln for installation cf meters ie lown in the neur future. The company trealed the guesîs to a diner at the Constellation Helel folloming the tour. -"No Hunting" siges hane been seltieg meti recentty, sînce the open deer season o-as announced. Man farm- ers posted their tonds. BOSTON AND OMAOH PREBYTERIAN CHURtCHES Minister: Ren. Stanley E. Smith, B.A. SUNDAY. NOV. 1216. 1967 10.00 a.m.-Boston: Worship Service. 11.15 .m.-Boston: Church School. 10.15 a.m.-,Omagh: Church School. 11.30 a.m.-Omagh: Worship Service. LOWVILLE . ZIMMERMAN' UNITED CIOURCIIES 0F THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Minister: Reverend Ernest E. Baskier, SA.. B.D. SI.NDAY, NOV. 1216. 1167 Remembrance Service Sermon. "Pillons aI Every Crxssroad." 10.00 a.m.-Sernice aI Zim- 11.30 a.m.-Sernice ai Lose- ville. Loseville - A Nursery Ion the o-e folk during service. "The hurdees of file shaît 6e ifted for ail who enter here." ET. FAULS CHURCH of THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Main St. et James St. Minister: Rex. C. A. Hainer, BA.. B.D. Organist and Choir Leader: Mes. Harold Magee. St.N'DAY, NOV, 1216. 1967 11.00 a.m.-Remembrance Ser- vice. Sermon subject. "No Grealer Love." CHURCH SGHOOL 9.30 a.m.-Sunday SchoI for al1 boys and girls ceer 8 yearm. 11.00 a.m.-tnfaeî Nursery ie charge of registered ceue and nursery depanimerot. 11.00 a.m.-Boyx aed girls 4 -8 years inclusive will attend church wich parents a n d proceed tote 6cdopant- ments fellowlng the sec- ced hymn. Invitation To Al KNOX FRESIYTURIAN CHURCH Minister: Ren. 1. K. L. McGown, S.A. 878-6066 878-2652 '0 came Jet us worxhip aad bow desen; lt us kacel befare the Lord aur Maker." SUNDAY, NOV. 12th, 1967 9.45 a.m.-Sr. Church Schaol. 9.45 a.m-Youeg Peoples Bible Claxx. 9.45 a.m.-"Thc Youth Think- crs."1 10.50 a.m-Jr. Church Scheel. 11.00 a.m.-Rcmembraace Ser- vice. "Swords lno Plough- sharea." 11.00 a.m.-Nursery. 8,00 p.m.-Thc Adaît Think- ens: Enquirers' and Mem- bership Ctass begins. Tuesday. November 14 - Ro- bertson Auxiliaey meeting ai 2.30 p.m. in r06e Chtc'ch Hfail. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Chistians gathei-ed in the namne cf the Lord Jesus Christ. Lords Day SUNDAY. NOV. 1216, 1967 10.30 a.m.-Brcaking cf Bread. 12.15 p.m.-Sunday Sehoot. 7.00 p.m-Gospel Service. Wednesday. 8 p.m. - Frayer and Bible reading. AIl are welceme te thexe services. But seck ye first the king- dom of God. and Mis right- eousness. Math. 6, 33. ORACE ANGLICAN CNURCH Milton, Oetaria. Rectar: Rex T.M. Dustan. B.A.. B.D.. D.D. Associate: Rex. Canon F. H. Masce. MA.. B.D. SUNDAY. NOV. 1216. 1167 Trinity XXV Rememhraece Sonday 8 .80am.-l4oly Communion. 9.25 a.m.-Jr. Chorch School. 9.30 a.m.-..Holy Communion and Sermon. 10.45 a.m.-Sr. Church Sehool. 11.00 a.m.-Mattins and Ser- 7.80 p.m.-Youth Group. 7.38 p.m.-Adult Confirmation Class. Thursday, Nonember 9 - 10 a.m.. Holy Communioe. IOHWAY G00PEL CHUECH A local assembly of THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF 1CANADA Pastor: Rex. M. Christensen LORDS DAY SUNDAY. NOV. 12î6. 1967 9.45 a.m.-6Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.-Mereing Worship. 7.00 p.m.-Evangelistic Service. Wednesday. 8 p.m.-Bible Stu- dy aed Prayer Meeting. Fiday. 8 p.m.-Young Peopea Service. A Church You Can Make Yaur Home A Warm Welcame te Evenyca. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Commercial Street, MilIoe Paston: Rex. Ctayton Cles 878-4473 878-3542 The Lords Day SUNDAY. NOV. 12th, 1967 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Schottanr aIl. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Wcrship. 5.00 p.m.-Youth Time. 6.50 p.m.-Song Service. 7.00 p.m.-Evening Wership. Nursery aI Sunday services. Wedeesday. 8.00 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. AIl Are Warmly Welcomed CHURCH 0F CHRIST Na 5 Sideroad and 416 Uine Trafalgar SUNDAY. NOV. 121h. 1967 10.00 a.m.-Bible School Clus- es for ail agles. 11.00 a.m.-Mcrning Worabip. 8.00 p.m.-Preaclîlng of thse Gospel. ACCOUNTING EARL G. BL.ACK( B. Comm., RIA., CA Chartered Accountant Municipal Audtor Bo 163 Main Street Bx40 Milton, Ont. f786542 ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B.Arch. - MRA..C. l7A Mill Street, Suite 2, Acton Telephone 853-2740 or 20 Stanebank Rd.. Port Credit 274-3428 Office Hours by Appointment AUCTIONEERS FRANK PETCH Auctioneer and Evaluator 30 Chapel St. E., Georgetown Telephone 877-2864 CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Doclor of Chropractic 237 Kings Court Crescent Corner Martin St. Manday, Wednexday, Thursday t p.m. tu 9 p.m. Tuesday and Friday 9 arn. te 6 p.m. Saturday Il a.m. la 3 p.m. Phone 878-2031 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home, Protection-Accid- ent and Sickness - Family Liability Farm Liabitity Your Milton Agent Mrs. Thea Kure R. R. No. 1, Milton Phone 87".390 IThe Mutual Lite ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Ornitte Road, Acton. Bus. 416-491-3460 Res. 519853-1527 c-tf î FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE PUNERAL HOME Complete Air Condiîioning Sincere, Courtecus Sernice Nighl or Day 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. 184 Main St, Milton Phone 878-9972 Res. 878-9678 Tuesdays, 9 a.m. Io 5 -n. Fidays. 9 a.m. te 8 ,ý WM. C. MILLIGAN, O.D. lit Trafalgar Rd.. Oakvilltc Office Heurs Daity including Saturaay a.m. Calil 845-511 fer appoielment LIBRARY HOUAS w Tuesday, Thursday and Friday t2 noon te, 5.20; 6.38 le 9.0 Monday, 12 noce te 5.20 Clesed îWednesday Saturday - 9.30-12, 15.30 ,ii Noire Dal.ine Acad.nis. Wa- iorslîîîv n, andi une HoIv ROS- iii iucci îi clolt un the 35rnii, *.Mtile, Im Mtiiîons" îîî.î,lî S,îîîîmîLt.s Bcgîiiîîg aitI.îmilîcv Civ iil, the %%liî.is inicnded iotilc îîîîîîcî loi Cr,î'.sîoads Marche:i, is,'t c pînored bN fiiend, aniiiiiiornîle case. Mccl t ofte Mltoiînîs ic- .Iodîng Gc,.îîîGtch.im. Marie Miii s. rcmeu, Linda Bniiîli Dale Chîîîlnî.îîb. Nue- MatnîiSanl% Wright. N.n- of Notre ~ D.îoie..andi Patricia C.nis iioftIiiis Eiîs.iisierc rn.iini.th.i l ik ifor rîc dol- lar per ilernieii.t.sragfi(if S5 srouîndltrip. Titre.. ofithi girl'. ilcnt muke ti.ilh. îî %as anîîund, buti pî[linii aîî.'îîîi hoiii ng aI 25 i-i 27 uiles. MF- BAVERSTOCK mass 'Semias" CUisai fcr admittance. À fese days ta- ler several ine-w, redsdents secre admitted o-ho had neyer licd in the home befere. Staff membshanad resîdeets had a big xcv in the design and lavout of the building. Bright colers dominate the rmcmx tbroughout the building and audio-visual communications svstems are in ail mcmxs. A staff cf about 75is rcquired eo luok aller the building. SUN.-b.:N.-TUES.-WED. NOV. 1213.1415à i"THE PAD (And How To Use It)' - Color I Recc,., nmended As Aduit Entertaiement BRIAN BEDFORD - JULIE SOMMERS t "OUT 0F SIGHT" - Color Jerry Lewis tend the Pîayboys ITHURS-FRI.-SAT. NOV. 16-17.10 "TAMMY AND THE MILLIONAIRE" DEBEIE WATSON - PRANK McGRATH "SALUTE TO TALL SHIPS" "ROUGI-IRMING HOOD" - Cartoma WATCH FOR "DR. ZHIVAOO" COMINO NOV. 23 PRE-VIEW 0f the New Motorola For '68 SEE THIS NEW COMPACT MODEL NOW! modal CT603C Durable Metal cabinet in attractive m.îaellic colon t171/9" high, 251/" wide, 20" de.p. lDepth includes tube cap.) The Ideal Gift For the Most Colorful Christmas Ever ONLY $749.95s WITH TRADE *Easy Terms *Fre Trial - in Your 0wn Home 9b SEE MOTOROLA TODAY -or Arrange for a Demonstration in Your Own Home RICHARDSON'S RADIO & TV 0 We Service What We Seli 200 Main St. E., Milton Phono 878-949 Our expert atylisa are alwtysy on hoaid Fushien Beuuty Louge I THE HOUSE OF PROFESSIONAL HAIR STVLING jAt 171 Main St. Phone 878-9533 SPOTO'S Drive-in FRUIT MARKET FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 1 mile West froni Brampton Dtive-In on Steele's Av e Open 7 days a week f ton, 9 a ni 9 p ni - à - -- jk - L.. à

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