CANADAS CHAMPION PLOWMAN, Grant Wells of Soffviile, centre, receives lise Esso Sf ver lore tropisp from W. D. Arcis- bold, right, Onario Manager of Marketing, Imporiai Oul Limited. Reserve champion, Yvon Belisie, St. Eastache, Que looisa on t legr. Tie Imu plowmen mon tiseir asuards in competition minis a dozen otiser plowmen "Baking with yeust"i training course topic Dy NMss.Katlsy WtIass mIn em.Eosost 'Baking mis Yrut" h vie tapie tocrlise training ichool tise Home Economirs Broncis ufthlie Ontario Departreent of Agriculture and Food is hold- ing in Haian and Pel Coun- tics, Leaders tram somens groraps ut buis counties will b. meeting t tise Cnsumeri Gos Building, Brampton, riis ers tu learn tise neeittehniques n bakis ivg brseasr. Tise course iii b. ronducerd by -Miss Virginia Brosen. Home Economint instiste Ontaro Departrerni ut Agriculture and Food. FolowhthtIs raining ichool ractu leader and assistantr lead- er bll go bock ru Ifrefr owrr cisurcis group. WomnçInsin- tale Brancis or service lubs and trocs rise courir ru tise members. Tise training irisoul bell be ieid on Thurîdav and Friday, November 9 and l0. Classes iii be heid frore i ru 4 pin. on Tisursday and tram 10 ar. ru 4 pin. on riday. Tise rutrefeaioneuttise courses tismugisout fiserosie- tirs wili be on Februacv 23 whien al tise groupi miti par- ticipare le a Sammary Day . At tiis ime alltise momen mso have taien tbe coarse wil bave on cpprtuity ru dispiav tdur bread-maising talents and shrt ideas and reelpes for speeil breads and roils. Urges local growers exhibit veSetables at 'winter fair By Cirrles Wrner Tise Royal Winter air, held atie C.N.E. grounds, Nov. 10- 18, invites vegetanle gromeri ta eshibit tieir peaduce le tise many clasti availatle. This campetition featares leat ares ente es tram maît ut tise lare vegerahie cropsinil- cluding beets, caishage, cauli- flouer, celeey, carrurs, citron. teks, unions, pacînipi, pump- kmn, squash marrosu, potati and taenips. Single entrins in tisese items mop campete tue prizermaney ut around $7 for a inst prizerin one uft tiese classes. MaSS dlspley campetitionfl are open ta gramer groupi and prouce ihippers. A frît prizer leone oftris e classes s marris Stof. Generaily sucis an ettiibit conilts ut a showe- ig of severai iindi ut vege. tabes areanged in o sitahit diîplay, prefecabis mitis some educationai value. Exhibitions in riis type ai show ccon servu eons purpos- e. For tise geamer, tisece s enougis prire muvep ta cuver ans expenses tsar map bc in- volved in sisowing tise produci and if ie i ss ecy saccestul, pechaps sorer profit. Mare ire- portavt, hasuever, ix tise peu- molioaaivalue ut sucis on ex- ibit. This ls a ciance for a local graer ta3 îshow tise public lise qdaity and kivd ut peu- duce avoulable feore use local Participating in .F.A. convention Rap Coulter ut Lomille, cd- acation chairman ufthlie Ont- aria Federalian ot Agriculture s onr aI tise atticials wm imlii partrcrpatr in tise Jlst annual O.PA. convention in Toronto tram today ru Friday. Ht hs scieduled ta report or recommendalluni and resla- tions for iis com mitte aitsih Wedneîdoy aflernoon session, and lead o panel discussion ut subdivision contrai and if acre lots at T-iusday'i pro tram. CtÀSS LEADERS Rock Bla H C Betis, o Jer sey cow bred and owtd by Keenetis Bla and Sues oa Hornhy was second in tise clans tue junior four-year-oîds in the Canadien Jersey Cattle Club'E iist ut leaders for Octobet Village Posing Butter Gil ownntd hp Ernest Aeander nf t'orval, itood second in ht senior sliree-year-old clas ta Octobre. Bth cases earaed sil ver and gold medal awards, represenrîng provinces from coasl lu ruait in a compelilion ield near Barrie, in con- lincion witise annuai Ontario piowing matchs. Tise Imo inners sili represent Canada attise 15th Worid Plowing Chame- pionship Contest lu, be held near Salisbury, Riodesia, in April, 1968. ASH Present broaChes ai dinner party By Mrs. G. Peltettesho Mrs. F. Seoso returned home Sarurday irore a tiree week bus tripsirs lise Senior Cutir- ens ru Calitornia. Tisey travel- led over 6,700 miles. While in Lus Angees Mns. Snom viited inis ber epbem Wilbcrt Gai- braitth. Tise Afernoon Braneis ut St. Luies A.C.W. isld liseir meet- ing lait Wedvesdas afiernoon or tise Parisis Hall. Sieldon Fratheeston was tiseir ganst speaker. He gave an auiine on eleclions an4 boss rie arccon- ducted. Mr, and Mrss Allent Paterion, Me. and Mes. Harold Patterion, Mr. ond 'lurs. Haroîld Sonder- son atevded a family dinner parts at Stanirvs Resraurant on Sondas miere uver 40 rel- atives garhered for a farruneti paris for thiir cousues, Mes. Mas Wiliams whiis etrnint ru heerbhime in Smansea.- Wales. and Mrs. Ted Hubble whoisf rerarning ru Worrhingron, Ecg- ]andTise tamilu presevîrd tisermîrbt Mapie Leaf broacis c.Ftiliiiing rise dinner, ai] retrired ru tise home tif Mr. and Mes. Ras Cripps for the remainder outhrisc vening. Pack paur troubles Whou y.oUre âiviag Ilpoua have probletes - and misu lasnt - tep cult t taise therem inis ou wmien pou drive. Il pou tiinis about vour troubles aI tise misel. pua are more likely to drive -iraightis irn ae nesu artes. Accidents offert iappet misen peuple rv ru do tunt rhnking jubs or once.Salt drisîng requires paur camP, leconcentratnon Please gin- r tise attention it deserver Corporal L. Kneale saggesteî in tise meeily press reltait irom M itaîrn OPP.Iis weel Seven houses get permits e Building permîts sîued du ring October in Mlton iadi tta aiule ut $56,150, assesc J. Charirun reports. Tise tta issuad in rame for 1967 sa fi s 532,120. Tise October permirs mer tire seven isousen. productiov aceas. Ir is alsoao chance for indviduai gcowers ta gain somne adverrisereevr for their asun ivdividual packsi. Tise Rosai Winter Fie is an exsellent appartanity for vege- table prodacers and pachers ru gise ubir industrs o hoosu. ILucy tINO &h us Omso Iucky chai Il's st every day ous gr-w e lucky turntp. But Ciris Seiruutes et Ftne Sderuad tinks tirai's eirt ire gut (ram one of hie turnip) ttetds us Wednesday Outla- week. One turntp caeseOut ut tise grnssnd neatly ensbedded in lise rentre ut e rusty nid irorseairse- 'Tht seed muet liave tlles dtreetIly interecentre utfmiere tire iorsesisue wae lyt niatire gruund," Mr. Scirauten seld. Tiese ia pertectlp rlased tire rester ufthlie tunlp micir, escepltur tire isdentatin made bv tire rusty sisueseau aperteetlp siraptd spectnu. i1s1sisrthre wse nasse weY icautd preserne tirt,"ire sald. News from 0. S. D. areport on activities et Ontario Scisool for tise Deaf, Milton JUNIOR BOYS' RESIDENCE This paîtsrtis bkas benn a hs,one for bonis lie boys and caunsellors berrrin tise Junior Boys' Residence. As 1 mentioned previouasi* v. each dormitrvtess decorared sirs lue themu- (il an% uumtng les- tîvîrs As \ue ail kuuw, Hal- s b'nitis euming Tues- dos isesterdasi and evers dorm bas spent a frm evenings - some even more - cisang- itg and dangling tise sarioui ubjeets associaled minis Hal- loeen. One wmuai4 hink that lise cild ren taise the druortitit of their au-n dorm ligitis*, but thes dontEvers child mrksi seriouslv and industriouslv, usclaiming secretîs and mure otfen thon rnul, openiy, tsar "Our dorm is hetter thon durm ..- Tise buvs s rom lise orier durm s visir une another and tise hosts "krrp a mors rpr out" for ans fingers miicis are nul sapposrd ta touci tise decorations. Thts Tueday enening, tise Junior Residence iii isoid a Hallomeen ports. It iii ibe aecostu me partv inis prizer for tise varioas gomes. 1 base serti a tem ufthtie boys' cuita- tomes and tises are really gond. Quite o fem boys have igs, beards, rimîrsi glaises and old coIses brougist frumn home. One buy bas 'conned" is mother mbi letting ite bave a dreis, bat, higis heels, jemelers liscads, earrings), ipslîek and evrn nylons. t guess lisetrend bas not cbang- rd oser tise sears from mien me usrd ru go tricks or treal- ng in our parents' ciothes. Altisougis risspair ers ias been basy, 1t riinis our prepar- ations iii resait in o 'betrer ime" beine had bs ail iv tise stiming meek. Bs Graeme Colsen, Rkesidence Coanselior. SENIOR GIRLS' RESIDENCE In tise Senior Girls' Resid- eneail the girls are havint fan preparing for Haloween. Tise girls arre vers creatise in brier ideas and al costames arr "homr mode'. Al ings are nicely decorated inis seird and munderlul dramiti,- in tise halls and bedroomi. 9 There wivli bc a Halloeen ;-parts an Otober 31 mien tbe ishard tasis ut îudging tise eus- mteswlh toise place. Las Saturday miile tise senior girl s visited tise sen- or bus-, residence, tise inter- 7-mediates had a pyjama party eaticsiistises mode pup cure and dranis pop. A guud ime tsas had 'nv al. This Saturdav. Blleville i sevdivg soucer anrd voleybal rumst Milron , consequentl here s, greai esscitement ir reîtiense. Fîîioing tise gamn esa sîci hop isto bciseid rn u tise gsmtnsvil f p.m - mien the giand boys can have i bhavcertcompare notes ond e reminisce. Go Bravers Go'. 5. Bs Elizabeth Andrems, n Residence Ctîunseilor. a0 te MOUNT FOREST BEAIS O KINuGS OF THE FOREST re To us, Octobere3in tiseftout. h. all seoson mas a great day; ýd for me mre ta plas or Mouet te Forst, tise home ufthtie Bearç m.iso had braten Pergas ont Sheiburne rariier. And likt ieirs, Our garer record ma! mco in-s. Wr had deteoted N Sheihurne 34-0 in the upening gamne and Palmerston 20 iv n apset. This game was impurs tant ta us ru reloin our stand-b ing in first place. Ar 1.10 p..o wc quirtls assrmhred or iheN bu, and eft. The trip tas, a picîstite0un- tii vear Fergas. Ourirus siuP- ped hecause of engine troulule, shich we orrempred lu fix our-h selves. Hornever, it mas o fail- are. Then o leet af îhree trucks came and their driv- ers stopped tu help out. Oue monsmroer whrn the engine eoughrd ruluand surd were bock in a hap rod thanks tu the truck drivers. -Bt it Wa unis' vshort liued le- cause the bus stopped again in Fergos due ru the sanie trouble. This ime perbopi more fortuaoely, there suas a gos station neat'ny but il de- luyrd us su mach thort the gos station hecame 00e dressing oor'. FLIly tise engine troubler W 05 corrected and Wr sped ru- Wards aur destination Werr Wr arivrd about 3.30. Wr îOw that aur upponents' field Was short but in goud order, ex- cepl that une of the goal puits rnos opset and the end zoneron- ined or the some end. A Whilr later, the gamte be- gan Wien We caught the open- ing kicisoff. AIrer this, there Werer nu reaits inieresting plavsrnxcept the rhreaten ing drives we hrld off. Up ru hall imte, We duelled for the hall, but inolly it sas mon by Mouant Forest and sihen our rmo penalties led their drive thep moved deep into aur rer- riturs. Wr firmly held themn ta bhird doWnoaround the 25 yard fine, which mas a [air distance lu pont, su tisep punird. We wetclsed the bail soaring and aur boys tbought il mighl gise Mouant Forest o single and perhaps tise game, for earlier their lait pont ment toui out- side our end zane. The hall ouanced tomard tise imoginors endfine and stopprîl as oor WE OFFER .. M>RH GOOD USED CAR FOR LESS MONEY Reg. Wiltshire Are pou ooiing for a insu mileage guod usedl car? Do pou suant pour car purcisase backed by dependlahie service faciliies? Pride of osunersiip and cunrome satisfac- ion go iand in iand sitis une of oui dents, GUARANTEED USED CARS MITO e.- SLE muNIA Tise Canadian Champion, Wednesduy, November 8, 1967 811 Support Oakville bld on land separations player Gerold Wideman stood over il. The opponents .5ur- oanded him as he had flot ouched the bail] et. Sudderily a ployer tram Mount Fcorest larled forward and grabbed he bail as Widrman fr11 on it. Thr mhole ream signalird tl as a îouehdown for themsetves bat sue quickis protestrd. The referee sctttrd thjs argument b *s awarding a single ta the iount Forest tram. Now the gamne ssas loir. In he d' ing minutes, aur offes- ,ive tram tried 10 drive bacis bot Mount Forest kept us in our owri territoty For ose of thre tout ptas Mouant Fore-t qsiarterhack tilird for an end ssweep and orholc dîlenenttc iruex cept Leigir Juhuston, our de- fenive ha1fhock, oas far from stupping the rushiet fuliback. t-e was dashing lomard the goal fine ,and Leigh Johnston ssas rnnng to tachir. Il was oas if tises ocre goive ta col- lid, sutth eacb urber. Lrigh Johnsttînsmwoped ioss on tbe ni-ber's legs and hr feti user lus shoulder, landing hard on his side. and o lew yards aom as Leigis Jihnsitn mas on bis bock Th, g ome %ua s delaved suhile he mts sent witb a shtouider fln iii 0tise Fergus lDistrict Ho-plitai.Tbe gomne was cuîmplcteis suilh the baill harev'out of our end zane. Atter thre gamte,'Wr werr In- outd ru a snack of doughnats, mîlk and pop. Themeussett iie tiN i he mciting bus and had tu goît r the hîtipital ru gel Leigh Juhnstun. We arriv- ,d ai bheisuspital and Mr. Moir, mhii eseurted Leigh. suas tulsi h %%as in the X-ras dr- part ment, As suc waited for mure thon an htîar. a-e gîîr anuther snack -puorut chips and pop. Fin- ,iiiv Lciglu came îîUt ut the bospîtalti sîh Lishouider srp- aration. He mas tdmired lor hîs otorsinding piaysin the gome. AtI îs t se returned ru 050 ar f p.m.and riredis are thesiîid uîpper tbatsuas wait tvg fir us. Bs John Hemingmay. Senior Sehool stadeot. An objeur suiti meigh slight. py mureut the equatur thon or points north or south of il be- cause the rarthis flot o per fect sphere and the poli of ils 1mass, which is grasity, is the greatesr alther quatoria buîle. ihe Milton Planning Bord, a resolution was passed sup- porrine o perition thol urigin- ated in thr Oakville Planning Board. If enocird. the motion would prevent any land separ- ation ofpaccels imoller lisan 30 ocres irbool consent ut lue Commilîre of Adjustreent. The Act as r s now alross peuple u sei land over 10 tcres ini sice wtujiut any ap- piosal frorethe commireen. The amendmnent is designed for brîter planning becouse it will prrvenr a bosI of smaol parcels and londlocked prop- ertires. A cupy of the buards sup- portrng rrsolution mas sent lu the Minister of Municipal Af- fairs os well as tht members of Parliameni for Halton West and Hllon East, the Oakville planning huard, tbe« Central Ontario Joint Planning Board and bue Halton County Plon- ningg Association. The renluttan is designed lu prevenr landomners troit srparoling their land mbt poorly planned divisions. AI- rhough the resolution bas littie effeet on Milton, il witl carry wilh it a province - ide ef- fecr. Similar moions hase heem discussed ou the Counly 'Pion- ning Association but rbny bave set ru endorse ony movement. In ariser business, the buard seircîrd G. C. Gowland ta re- place E. S. Byermon on tht Commirrre of Adjustment as a reprrscntattvr from the Plan- ning Board. it suas decided Tom Huolden. ELECTRIC MOTORS WE CAN SUPPLY SPARE M0TRS UP TO 40 M. l REPAIRING & REWINDING FOR HOME - FARM - INDUSTRY îW. carry blower motors, drill us, appilances DIRECT SERVICE HANCOCK *LECTRIC 25-C WATR ST. 0 We service la Milton, Atention Farmers SEED CORN MASTER PIEDS (STEWARTTOWN) S YOUR AUTHORIZID DEALE FOR UNITED HYBRID SEEW CORN. UNITED HYBRID CORN has agaîn encelled iseif this year. We are now taking orders for neot Spring's planting. BEEFCATUEPOUCHSAERS USE cNEGUVpy ON i POROTh PL t isHAeffiv o forbie otrmko plous uprssion. or bet reat NHEGUVON POU RO shqual useddriand oebr FAOU CALL USN O DAY And Place YoUr Order MASTER FEEDS (Stswarftowm) E.R. 2, GEORGETOWN - DIAL 8773512 TOWN 0F BURLINGTON NOMINATION MEETING 1. Thse meeting to nomner. candidates for thse offices of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy ey.e, Councillors, Members of tise bard of Education, Members of the Public Utilities Commission end Trustees for tise Separate Scisool Board, shail h. held on Thurnday, November 16, 1967 in the auditorium of Central igis Scisool, 1433 Badwein Street, Burington, b.- tween 7.30 end 8.30 p.m. 2. Polling, if recruired, shail be held on Mon- day, December 4, 1967 from 12 oclock noon uni 8.00 p.m. 3. An Advance Poli, if required, shall be held on Saturday. December 2, t1967 from 11.00 arn until 700 pm. WM. K. SIMS, A.M.C T Town Clark . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ted tu the cent meeting ofthlie -Planning Board. Tht hoard ai- su diseusurd means of impra- vine Ibeir altendance record among their nwn members- Think big and ynur deeds wiii grow: tinsri mali and pou wilt faT beisind; titk that you con and yu riti. It's a]] n the mind. Ornamental MRON ýRAILINGS 0 WroUght Iron Work 0 Phone 87e8.927 SE usNOW For a Iow prle@oen Cenedaés fine« farm building ... FARM SUPPt.Y COMPANY 1221 baliviere Ave. BURLINOTON, Onfarle 634.2005 1 m