Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 18

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DRUMOUIN 81 he Canadian Champion, Wednesday, November 8, 1967 Former Drumquin residenis describe life in Belgium By Mels. Cait Pattereme Ttc tottaig ix a etter re- ceived by this correspondent tram Mms. Juan McChesnty, a former resident ut Druinquin, and now living in Bussttn, Betgium with ber hushaad and failit. Mr. McCbesney ls with Fart Itnternantional. Tley hase heen inniveenn in Betgiomn and she hbas nritien thin etter tac Dnnmquin nemi. We eet it s su intereting, triends witt enjuy it. 46 Av des Orangers, Brusiets t5, Beigiain. Dean Etta: t proinnvoila something for pour papýr .nd i s long onerclue, tnt i s a ditîncuit tetter ta sri ie. How ta put all o Betgium in tino or three p- ges is tht prubtein. Haneer ...here eues . . . Tht peuple are quite dttight- tut. We hase tuund them vtrv kiad and hetptut. Thep peak tither French or Femish with tht ther anguage as a -sec- ond tanguage. Sometimes mwe meet sumeane who can îpeak Engish. but usuatty uur French is hetter tRan their Engtish. Language., are n eai prabtein in Europe. Sot think hum difflsit t s ta under- stand our neighbors and your lriends inho speak Eng- ish. Nom think ut Europe where there are sau iln imati coaunîries. each mth its omn anguate. molepand anis. There is deinitety a dit- icuttninncommuinication oi dean. Homever, the mot im- portant îhnng is that evervunt tries tnautîderstand wbai e inant; and mont ai thetitme, nie are amozai attber pat- ience ontiheir kndness. Belgun s a country dinnd- ed bhilisn tanguagen, si nteti- mes tink ihai Imiti nriie ta M. Pearson and ask him ta sec inhat tisaotficial languaut es con do ta acountry. A- nsas there is une tanguage nhich is tht nensibic language fon the cauatrInlaCanada, it ns Engish. la belgnum, it s French. Hoinener, the Femish hall of ihe coun try han a great pide ilalis langinage and tht ichuais ta thîs acta are taught ia Finmish. la Beian sehools, tht studeats alta studyftuor ingagen -nnllp French. Fieish Germîn and Engiish. Tis cai dtwn thet tnne as- ait'bie lacrcie ncetcusts. Brion ai Doulasgo to tht tnternationat Sehool wih initia icithe Atencanncurricu- lut1nicold nat sec any point in haniîng them fluent in French and Femish and tank- ng in ptnîiçesand chemitrv As it s, thes hase enougit French ta listea ta and occas- iousenter the conversatior when nie hune French friendn ,-n bann ik e otth-r Scigian schoointnhe huge amouant ai atnensanb givn e erY ena ing. The buildings heme are beau iai .French and Ftemish art. stry cominesnin this eoantrn a mahe a drine îhrough an' towa, cty or illage absatute. iv enchattat. Manp ut th- bosses are runs bouses. Samn times %vont settht fiisthasl or the middte bouse ut the rom al hbs tnt11- mitinî fac tht ret tutbcanîit Somt times cach uiner ut a rot hause bas is oma idea abon is owa rotf int; and su th( ruais iti took ike a nild' drawing - anc higb, une ton anc witb a stcep siapc, an( anc itb a faîne tepped rau Cancrete is ebeaper and tante ta ind thon w.1î, su itoat and tramensorb tnt tht bous are hut ai reinlorcd coi y:rete Watts are ai brick i store or stunnu Tht fluors il my hume are marhtt. Won, ioonri are a luxu ry and at polishnd witin anl inch t their lises. The gardens art eautiti Tbtre i s ctrtaintp no ank ri water for tbem i t raimu, ufthie time, bat it ls a diftnl cnt rain thon tht heanp daml pon s tbntiwe hase in Canadý Tt is jîsi a ight but onstar drize.e Rme dapi we dot bave ana rais ai al And soir timtes, a round JaIs r Set cmilrme have atinosi camplete manib ut arta su] ny days. Tht main dots ni hather anyaae here. Nabot stan home hecause it s rail ing. Bt t do hase a sommn rainnuat and a ainter rui caat and tbrceeumbcntilas iiffertat caturs. Ail thet tue tmai intha, acen are daimv ca ttie. la tl nsipier, thev munit ise an hR it ah eem - tanked oil ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, OCD. Opieuueista Tunday 9 sam. la S p.m., Frldey 9 am. ta P& 184 MAIN ST. MILTON (Davis Jiwsllen idg.) ihrough ait tht sommner ratas - dark and musty iuoking with a minimum aflitai, This han bren an exceptionat nom- mer with anis hait an mach rata. t notice tisai tht hay racks in tht fields are empîp. Su the hav must hanve died caivnidtinbecti -nînnccJ însîde. Fainni cttuipincnii i-nun-i as modern as i s ns aitaCaadian farm; but nse sec mudern equipment on the lrger larmn inu tEehetter farmiag dis- trits As the nonîiedge and the mony hecnmen asailabie, the farmers, are improi ng their tuais. When yau gîtont lai dinîcî Bi eigiun, sou reeînc a tahle fian 30 iii icote flint. i-au suit't b\ln- mciii,in tht %vaien se aig !c bhai, sou %iiihans- ihe heu food and thebe hstsrvice tri tht worid. We banc cama in ait surin ut resiairanintin Bel- gium and base oniy ance bad a pouar nval. The techînque nil diiin isiiltt cnuinte c.Col, vernatin andantietcînslîîp inn important tnt a neîai The food bhat sou oiii tisnîîc.cînnlvpre- parent tnfin ,Titens ti, laun cd oni a piatlii - .nîhec i tE a ncrk niofacntitd inspi nie Finalit in setint îscleli ireasce iRa t inin-n Wnen1, sersed, o ut can- i th lic toud Later the dtic ntis %ci% cd and sit talter btemnllc- tlnt. black mni îrnà ing A dittner caac-,,iininlnniiiioand a bail baurs i.nfi ci er--i % in hecutnear . to nîn id in itis sianier pact ol ht nag1t tininl. bhat i ns-il tik t nt tnt h longerto min-n --- a l,t.Col aimias mal ia ,i - -uch bhing nigt.tiE ot :odit AN-ahout Y-ni g-nfiitnt ner OR a %hittin1tidoteii ii thua thcky penpittii-, tt Espab.nd a- -mcinn t-ne aBeigian Inaot 1 baie teft thtBigitan tir. vnnîg inoat i t 1tiirtnihecto-ni bhei arc sue1,111cice ie, tcn telcl unît about Oitent, iai %,it,ani ic stand antilni, hanbie ,cin thentifo o snrs lins'111i!11- îhing than înn ins, i E nîttî hanibe reii -nit Iitn reinatietti i)iBeictunt mmmti romgiî engiti an.go.Ibes drivers are rn n-ietin:tl had. Thes -ie ni tunitiih Yann huagitia î ca itretl liai ptîlcîl nd ionil-n. t Ll tin hac îin itt nd tnsnni i ient cai thein,- iý,r intnreg tations - but ti i a mcii- known tact that reguiations to any French nation act ctuber as a dore, or are ignorrd. Su we bane maximum speed imit sigîts îbroogb open sections ofthile etty of appruimatets 401 mplî 1 drive t hern ai 50 1t-n-n ll\ n a l-, w it-iih eir a jeet atos picnse d to the tllrnIn the country, theîe is tn speed imit. Thet e is anmnhcr taw cattcd the Priorita oftihe Right. This iian hai any car or mutar- cccntttitag ram your right has theight ot no. Due ta bhis Eiopean rute as it s aP- plient hcrc. most Belgian cars haealarge dtnt ta tht front isi de of the car.This jusi leins jhibm someone insistcd oI i, vsingitiof i nîThie dri- ner. hcre du.,ts a mnatlte oi core l] the ,terrthte things MILTON LEGION thator heginnaecs caca NOT omroietnd tmnsu toîct tri the tîrst esson. for the "tri pie ni Thty race ln trafhie Thcv wmaniag bath te pins onite cnrne ut a eurved shi ps is tht pasti ti l.Tbyn1!ie ihrough ait 18 rhey a-il onp eitinge tights, and qaite utea n tîtoniipt red ighis. When they h rvnilca %inlituinnîn.ke ,t lett tara. thev do' cet thatî thev have ta gel iiito ihe eftt anc ut trat AIf ic. They are anite capable ut ; VM ilon rianga a icit-hand tara tîrougli ibrec lcnes trahfic. Tîts Near, diing licences are hecomine nempusory. We att 5*l ê tnt to k annow bwo nteach w ill se ilgte leachens The Belgiatis enai tts mcir cars, and tbey en- A team of ight lis drinitg Its toun, fan, tan' plas-ers tram Mi Bilthtie accident rate is terri- nswilh, sboating f l ndnlthe inuranc rates <md caniecetine-t i, 1tliene. ,tmnng tht htgb- tif thn shnffletvier -inEurope. Saiurdav, Nantir- linsrocis i ateiiof a City. provincial situfflil I hin enery kind out street pianships sitttx t in itie tbnoulenard's ta aur- Multons LegittaH i, ti tsing strects, une car rtltitn i'-amtal ,itmiih hnths enerv kind ni-g tht traphs. ni huil-ninn rînt modern te Lat year the ie .iý,j ent. ant, district an, is shups are fiited with finals, andt as c nides, hauecouture claiRes, teh division the, n ht ta hant att l'nois china, lace and intnasan7 9 vela, the îhings that are ta Miton this s-ý iee irv n osupport lite. Il trithes wnanc li, Vil Si. Lnmhert crsstni, pionntip agin. th nliichtin th, tinesti n thî f%,tochendefraie ined Lnnis vry reeus toims tt catithci uý,rl. Lad iýveryprecous ct "V, ltie. ns hi-nins country, 'but htnge tramre a t nninnnlent arens hase hectt kept o h j ntets foc tte enjoyment ai tie people WC e ancii cil, anaî peope - and scece DRUMQUIN . a nhall, tant t alai, l PS.Wceespeci t c homs o t n iii 196 he sc ure that g nn-i ni range a unvone' o n hb By Mca, Cecitt Pattumun Gel tnellsîsiearcenîctnded lui Mci Wit Aide rsînnnihais aiaininTemaple Hotspital. 235 Nînrthttooever St, Lits An- gete,,îaifniî..iRS M r, AId-cstin .nîd lien,-iici Miss Kvnnes nil Ant n ci ns.a tin torwliagrottiiofiSeunirCi- tin-s tMiliîton r n threc cecb hînidîn ijlnt tunaicinv site ftlaitnd tîieredt a trtkena hi n d h.îni tbt h ttpitalizatd. A, souri as hc snable steand tiernistlecrinit rtura horne ha anc. lierîn.îns tienntsish be aspeech, recanars. Birtbdav greting Ii Wallace Simpsoan, Dîn.nsno Curtis, Mcs. Johtn Pinheit.Sr.. Thelata Wii- hinsmnttPaîul iennan , ics Pîcktit, Davidt Prestige and (tarît Bradien. Mr. sud Mca, Bersardini ai- tended "Open linnne --ai Wacr- tînt Cnîttegct- at snncnd. O-cc 10,0011parents attdtfriendi ai Inn ttc- ýiLI M i S ni, nir n i Orî,în l c1 t-nu.Il".ir a nn T-- ctntjlII - iii S lo u Geitou Retn-mma mcnn1ti 1 tRa nn.ntniintgt -nl ltine it i %ta i nm I i s -t p ICîCatIIctli mii a - ii-n Mn-n. Mu-n-ni appitcet.t iiinn A utus execuive h-n.n i p Mt-uit,il ' ,iii i îtiiitit.i littlld S It ii, har,rn nt Ttheseninninnnu-1iniiin cot IrMn latinin ic,%IM Pitons. Milt-,- i uinneae oit F rniec înîiit %nnnIl, F Cres, ti t,, -, l -tansni tnnu, - rýn jt- Illie Pronîuciali - i -lin niaiio o pokil oni theni ctinlit cge ltiittiute pnanttt titotit-aui he uniaouen,;h *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEY PHARMACY 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 Afin Ifears 878-6961 FRF 11 bVFRh EVLON COSMETICS i E y 8-n PI-AI lest We Ferget" SSUPPORT ""POPPY DAY" IN MILTON AND DISTRICT BUY AND WE AR A POPPY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10 und il1 * Spansared by Braseh 136, Milton Royal Camadian iegian Pappy Day Fund 1SI4UFEBOARD TEAM bus Milon. n the ;t n are Don Mardoif, iucssc roundslin is ouestClifTaylnaptainBobWite nsd Max rad- crw- ai ranh-throwing, by lcinyý Stadnrg are Jim Sîtîit., Steve taibnrry, L zse and district champion- Stan Calurd ancdRas Mercierr They dnsplay ta-ao annEs. On Navtmber lte individuel trophîns, îeam trapity and Elan- ciels the rirent as thty ester Rets thep a-an et Saburdent s district final. tmpiasips ta be staged n (a StaffiPhto) iLegion's shuff leboarders ,ek second "ltriple crown"f sth.ffle&mord hourd piavers ta tht prcs4inct fitîl c snet rnphics ta tht glitas Legion %ilitibc desreadiag an Milton uini air- nI bt-emdcif the dos foîr their stec-tint tht Ontario pliofia o sck Mil t n mclm innladed capi- tripte nreoma tram Satnrdan. But the sîaune ain WltiteanaitDits Murdaîf, td conits on Mittonians ctaim thevsse gotai iSieni- R.nnhecrrN CutIfTentar, tht-r 18. Tht linger on thte rasen atrt-ods Jîm Smntih t Rii ant(lard, Mas Ihîard chair- TlaeY watt PtUurdaVn nus - alîin- n-IRnsMercier ,e ptavtd ati clmeetbandits, îahing 14 of WaonintinkE lavoîrq sere rap- Hli and Bah the 15 gamtes ihes ptnved snith itinb ()hCent -ndîtBah Davis, anxiausIv ee- tiite trouble. Watdsar tht Gi-rs-Faion. tiarn Wattr ctnantraupteam, emerprit ia n r)at Stnni. iteRAthinan ten vnthe. ecnctd niantcenur nnîtdde-a- tii tils Smth champions in se enard tht car. Ten doa te zane cham- brun on Satur- -ir scond Dis- h esi shute- Tram Tino ater cacb stitait bad wan 10 rames apierr. Bath Mitott and Woontsicb wiut represent Ditrict "B"la the pravtnciat piasifts. Diher trins comprtnin- ntî,dcd Pari (redit inih nrven sinFrin Na Onsîiîhtfour. ant Dondon ichî t îihinetr District sparts tficter Jim IS YOUR WATCH TAKING TIME OFF? Iet vuîr atch ino t iIli tetub ynnu eni-n t Ini. Iteiahle suri.--, îtti usnctnsord. htil-nn atits ce style COME TO -- ,tîîdents iînnîkAdantao f nthie eett ien te colitinge bînlin angi. SentitBernaiini iii rletient ilWaterloot. Cosgratlnn.ntîtis i.. ifl in n and Xtvn isitt n iit, bnitI n nsonona Nnemer 3 Ritulenttis -nl eNs Mets Rehi tit n t-I Inicnl tifiq N ICEF a %thwiihite. nearti SIhI) ias coites ted Hume and Schinîtnînnttn %vl etai Peren Menti Sehinm n iiTtitnrs,n Ntren-n ber 9 ît 815 pin hMiîntt v n s tenupr-idest A gondîlprngram insa hcen .r- cîngedaî,înd retrestnuts nvil baciret.AII,rc etcanî F-lt)iug Dis unl it eleat Peren Marn cs Rnb nît in d- nenins, Nunenîhen iU Kituben helpers foic[bttdt\nilnutlh t ceint ni10 an t ntt c prvsena ii-e fi)n Mm Diinnnei Cabinet decision Oakville shuts itaiton County had ita deet hunt, but flot in the Oakvillie district. The Ontario Cabinet met Thursday and decided to exempt OakIssfti ron the Hal1- ton deer huni. The decision tu have a hunt n Oakviiie was made and re- versed neyerai times belore Qakvitie Councit came finaily to a negatise decision. Several detegations ment before Oak- % ilt Cauncit including a group ofl 80 huniers an favor of the liaint. An carlier decision ta NOW TO ORDR YOUR I!J!INURODYAILI UNIROYAL... Tip-In Tire Sales LIMITED BASE UNE - MILTON CALI. 878-3131 FOR 24 H-OUR SERVICE 90 2 Service Trucks - Radio Equipped 10 Front End Algnment ID Brake Service l' Complete Linn of Uniroyal Passenger and Truck Tires ifs DUMONT- I homeno 1 'improvement >, time nw out Fiunt ban the hunt wau revered fol- iuwing that delegation. T- TieavewgSh.been cons plaints frons fa irs wlso have-Ist upto $2000 inas single year in trop damuage dont by dent when there was nu hunt. Mayor taiL-tan Anderaon ap- peaied to the Minister of Lands and Forestu ikene Brun- elle. When tht issue tamn.be- fore tht cabinet Thursday, tint aid Trafalgar Township ares was exempted frain thethiree dav deer hunt. North Hulton Os. S. UF elect P Murtindule heud non hospitalized us trip in U.S.A. GOODYEAR FIRST LUNE OR ATLAS SNOW TIRES AIl Sizes on Stock in Back or Whitewali Free Installation and Free Wheel Balancinq OR Wheel Bearîng Repack wîth each purchase of 2 tires. STUDDED TIRES AVAULABLE You Can Get Goodyear Blackwall ires in any size instatledl for as Iow as - - $1349 each WINTERIZE - before ift' 00lote! *GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS *TUNE-UPS *24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE *FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LOCALLY DURANTES ESSO H1ighway 25 Juat North of Hwy. 401 878-2079 REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE AND SERVICE "LEST WE FORGET' S NOVEMBER llth t Z.lw0 PARADE LEAVES LEGION HALL AT 10.30 A.M. 0 SERVICE AT CENOTAPH STARTS AT 10.45 A.M. PARADE IFORMS AT . LEGION HLLI mAT 10.15 AM IN ATTENDANCE ... Thie Pipes and Drums of the Lorne Scots Regiment ACORDIAL INVITATIONI15EXTENDED TOALLI EX-SRVICMENAND OMENANDREPRESENTATIVES 1 RMALSRIEGOPST TEDTEIARD 1 ,MW. . -

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