Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 17

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Valedictory, speaker, awards: commencement fulis h.s. gym <ICantnted tros Page 1) Donna Galbrithli, Robn G1- lard, Robert Inosles, lune Ku- drasaun, lames Mtnarshsall, Lina Mazorato, Teena Rentenaar Stephea Thoamson, Janet Tom, Chrital WeeJohn Wieeli» hnBeeley Wilîon, Brion Wolkowski and Wee Fong Young. Fuur-year business and com- mnette stodents odded lu thse moIl laclude: Doris 'Debruyn,. Sharron Giega, Ronald Gullis. Zandra -Miller Murella Muta- ii Ken O'Rara, Dehorais Pres. ton, and Joanne Wilson; seile Judiths Dance, George Presniak and Douglas Malcolm achtgs'ed lise stalsis in lise special lwo- 'ceai- course. FIs.year arts and science studenîn wha, campleled grade 10 lant year sitis isonor iol qualifications secret Donna Ba- ble. Linda 'Biloski, Richard Brown, Pamn Caltard. Joanne Cannon, Ingrid Falk, Wanda Guay. Hanne Larsen. Nancy Maison. Iaren'McEachern, Lois MeNahis, laby Newegîl, Bren- da Phieps, Marion Reishai-dt, Douglas Stuartl, Ursula Tuerk. Leslie Watklns. Ianlise four-year business and commece Anni 'Nielsen. Nan- cY Restivo and Mona Sorensen auiieved ionors and Donald Wrighst made a similar goal in tise faur-year science, tgciso- logy and liades course. Certificates of training in lise tWO-year special course were Piesented by J. E. Hopkings and K. J. Black 1: 'Linda Her- i-an, Constance McTracis. Linda L. Pareisem, Carol M. Roinson, Rebecca E. Paxton, Christopiser M. Buehier. John'R. Ervin, Gai-- id L. -Hill. John W. Mayes. Har- oid F. Penson, E. John Penson, Rick G. Prestidge. Anthony C. Taziai-, and Bi-yan A. Watson. MeS. Aime MacArtisur pi-e- sented a drama tmophy lu Roy Tonelli for the hest perfoi-m. ange ia a major rote, and anoîh- ni- to Elizabeth Roinson for the hexî performance in o mi- tai- rate. Secondai-y seheol graduation dtplomias gui- ive-vear arts and science were piesented by E. E. Loeprich and 'Miss Lois Walshe lu: Victoria Addison, Yvonne Agnew. Loi-iaine S. AI- lixon,'Mary J. Anderson, Susan Bal, ýLinda M. Btes, Edmond J. Boer,. Diane E. 'Bmown,. Phil. hIP J. Brusis. Lois C. Cairno. J. Richard Cii-ment. 'Rohert J. Col- Inn. Scott D. Coi-p. Nich Digii-o- lama. Jais. T. Fletcher, Glenitis A. Ford, Douglas A. Poster. Reid A. Fi-onk, William C. Fi-re-. man, Douglas J. Gardhouse, R. Allen Gihert, M. Parnlyn Grec.. Mary J. Hadlev. Julia M. Had- don, Judith A. Hardy. David 'Hay. Nora J. Hearas, Trevoi- M. Houston, R. David 'Mnter. Moira 'MeKeani-. Bienda M. Krantz. James W. Legate, 'Margaret R. Mackav. Peter J. Mass-y, Joanne M. McCuaig. 'Bary W. McTrach, James Mer- cer. 'Maurice Miljoar. Lawreince J. Milîs. Margaret T. Real, Dav- id M. Regis. Lynda Rose Si-n-os. Susan C. Smith, William J. Ste- wart. Douglas R. Stokes, George Sîrase. Douglas W. Tigt. Guidan 'E. Timbers. Rus J. Tunelli, JohniR, Trous. Eliza- beth C. Vandecan, Ala. Walh- ci, Iennetis R. Wilson, Maisha S. Wilson, Sandra 'H. Wilson. Michael R. Wood, Alan P. Young and Linda Ledwiîh. In tise fuur-year arts and science. Dennis Wbalev. John 'Keilly and Robert Lloyd ie- ceived diplomas. Mrit. M. A. Pows' and Mrs. D. J. Brampton piese.led four-yeai- business and comn- merce diplumas lu: Maria Baudler. 'Bi-san Bougiton. Glo- ria Callard . Donald B. Davis, M. Don-en isher, Glenna M. Frei-oan. Clarence Haringa. Paîricia Anne Heffernan. Mai-v Lynn 'Hyatt, Elsie Jagt. Lucv An.. 1. Jeffares, Jette Laison., Carot A. Leslie, Sharon G. Lv- uns, Niil A. Martin, Bonnie L. McDougall. Gar- B. Mountain. Bonnie C. Molli-n. Judy A. ParI- on, Gail W. Stickle and Dasen J. Van Buskirk. lihe John Milton Chapter of tise .OD.E.. represented by Mrs. Ele.. Martin piesealed tiseir trophy and award for the iigisest standing in grade Il ou Kennetis Browen, oho ac- qaii-ed 8.5 per cent. Douglas Tlgist receî'ved the George Dawson shield for is 81.8 pir cent in grade 12, the iigisest standing i. that gi-ode last piar. Milton District 'High Scheol Board member A. H. Britton presented tise huards progi- ciency pi-legs for senior gi-des. Tise aseards included $15 to Kennetis Brose. for highest standing in grade 11 fivc-ycoi- arts and science, and $10 lu Inge Jensen for second highesî lin the nom.e course, siis 82 per cent. Grade 12 student Douglas Tlgist seas aworded $15 for bis 81.8 lier cent sehile Michael Wcod came a close second wl-h 80 per cent, riceving 10 dol. lars. tInlise four-year business and commece course. Jacqueline Kingdon received $10 for 78 per gent i. Grade 1l, seiile Muiray 0'remnan aciieved 75 per cent in tise samne gi-ode, wlnnlng $8. Jette Laise. sas awordcd 310 for hi-r 77.6 per cent i. gi-ode 12 , and Maria Baudîci- and Bryan Boogiton ieciived S8 eacis for thei- moi-k of 75.1 per cent. Tise student council honor i-ot plaque for pi-adn 12 wsa pi-coin ted hv this i-ars cou., il president Jim Keane tai Goug. las Tigbt and Jette Laise. Dn the grade Il honai- i-llt fine-seai-arts and science, ai-e Edward Ag ne s, Kenneti, Brown. Robert Hadîci-. Ann Hophin. Sharon Humc, Inge Jensen, Janice Mathies, Rie- D'Hara. Petcr Svi-iansand in foui-i-car business and com, merci-. Mur-as Pi-eetan and Jacqueline Kindom. H onor ioll mcmberin i grade 12 isecveai- arts and scie-ncec -eGtenith Forid.Itolia Haddon. Mu-gai-et Real, Doug- tas Tight and MichaelV.'od-' sihile Mariia Biodci-. fi-ian Boughton. and Jette Laise. achieved bhat goal in f""i-s'a -r business and commerce. Recipients xf the stdent counicit honor ioit plaque for grade 12, prcseted hi-piesc, t counneil president Jim Keanc. itîclude Douglas Tight .ad Jette Laise. Tise L.eiuv luglis Mewrr.l scisolarship and Cap for grade 12 business and commcrce-. i-e- sented bs Mn- J, Weelila, wsowoon b, Jete Larise.niiih 77.6 per ce-nt. Tiseic-i-ar grade tl Anne MacArhur history aisard of $100 mas split betwei-c Ingr Jensen and tenneih Bruisn. lîmwas piesntdh, Mi-s.F. S MeQuat. Mrs. M.A. Powvs presenteul Mariha Waldîc ssith the M. G H.S. staff amard loi- four-yeai- grade Il historv. and Maig-. iet Real reccited the $25 S-bus' fer a ward loi- grade 12 Englisb and histors' froot Mrs H. Schu.vîni. Tisose riici,.the Admin- istratiec Management Suc-itîs arithotetic rpioiciecv icitfi- cati-s for on-car business and commerce. piec. r hi- 0. K. VanSichîr, înctoîlc Bt- an Boughion. M uni-as'recan. Elsie Jagt. Sharn,.Ls'îos and Moi-v Lou Moiris,,.. Mr. Ana. MacAithur pi-c sented tise Tei-iy Desaurier cit. izcnship cup. dttnaîed hi- mem bei-s of Milto, District Htgh Scisoot staff to William Ander- Secondai - vs hool honor gra- duation diplomas wei-e pi-e- sented bv J. J. Suttivan and Mi-s. Jean Brigstocke to Wil- liam John Asnterson, Marc Rog- er- Boser. SI-nes' Coetie Brooks. Carat Ano Cnnon, Judith Sha- John Wood, seho acisieved tiseiighest uggregote of giad. 13 mathemaîics marks ut 82 pi-r cent ososwarded lise P. L. Robertson scisolarsisip for S100 bv J. J. Sullivan. G. G. McDowell preseted Bn-an Goutoushi sitb the Mil- ton, Lions Club 3100 ascard: "ýhile the R,-ekth 1odge No. 79 scloîlýi.iip for igbcst sianfing io grado 13 Englisis and another language mas pi-e- scnted hi-Mi-s. Dean lohnston to I-iurie Sinclair, seiso auel- cd 855 pi-i-cent. The 3t00 Universiti- Wom-ns Club scholarship seos pi-si-nI- ct to Jtds- Cannon hi- Mrs. E. G. Litt. and John Wods mark tsf 79 per cent carned iim tise Halton and Pi-el Trust and Sun. iops scholarship of $100 for the ihist aggi-efate in tseo of grade 13 ciemisîri- pisvsics and biologv. presenti-d by toi-ne Shuce. C. M. Bradbury pi-isenti-d Ss-dnei- Brooksositis the United Steel Woi-ers scholai-siip of Mai- Pichett and William An- derson cacis ricived a $100 John Miton Chapter 1.0.D.E. contennial scholar-ship, pi-e- sented hi-Mi-s. Eldo Presse. Mrs. Mil-cc Armsti-ong pi-e- sented S50 to Lynne Thomas un hehaif of the Federaîjon of Wo- men Teachers in Esquesing. The award is for an Esques. ing girl pr-se. tly attending teachers' college. The Ontario Scisolar cerlifi- cale and S4M were presented by R. W. Gardhouse lu Laurie Sinclair for 80 per cent on sev- cn grade 13 credits. Mr. Hunter announecd the Qucens U.niversity 125 onni- versary admission sholarship of $200 went 10 Judy Cannon; Alan Young was givin the $500 Conadian Legion hursarv award. and Milton District Ho S pitat Women's Ausiliari- bar- sarv if 3160 tent tii Donna Leusinglon. Grade I3 h onor iroll ment- bers include' Larie Sinclair, Sv'dnev Brooks. Judy Cannon, Grant Schovler. Mai-v Pickett. John Wood, Brion Civdei-man. Student Counili Award Sys- lent presen lotions were made hi- Philip Powell, vice president of Stodent Council 1967-68. Scisool Letters w~ere given to: Yvonne Agnew. Gai-v Andress, Moud Bn-ce. Cai-ol Cannon. Jludith Cannon, Linda Clarke, Mariante Fov, Douglas Poter, Jo-Anne Haves, Ruth Inglis. Georgette Martiutiw, Wendv Murphy, Mary Pickctî, Dereh Presse, Bill Presse, Dale Bar- rett, Bi-san Boughton, Diane Brown, kenneth Browen, John Coi-k, Robert Hadles. John Hansen. Sharon Hume. Inge Jensen, Robert Marin. Rick OHare, Margorî-t Real, AIex S;coti,.BBll Stewnart. Douglas Tight, Maisha Waldie and Michael Wood. PLATFORM GUESTS at Milton District Higb Scboot comencemnnt Friday nonning inctud- cd High School Board rhairman Reford Gard- Trent your home to l"f unctional" furniture depurtment of extension education. University of Guelph, and principal R. C. HunIer, shosen here looking uni-r the progruot shortly hefore rnCannon, -nda Dot-cen Clarkeh, Charilotte Comber. Su- ,an Ci-ap. Brian Kent Ci-scer- min. 'loeositi John Dcnich, W.îvttcDonsmître. Marianne Eltizabeth t'as'. DoigtasAtas- tait- Fîtter, fuimAexainderi Michaiel Gout,tsi. Eik Han- sur, Ju-Annc Hase, James Inglit. K.tthlecn Patir. t.tIrving, Paît., Anne ticithi Doricc, tocs K nolt. Jamis Kt*,Itikiiwshi iDtn- naLin. L.eîî îgtîîtî llîng Ni, Ma-h.,.c.toretieMarie Mari. Mars lî.îîîMcDtinald, Dît il <harîca MlterK.îîfm.în, Mishietitisi),pi-Nesers, Marv Wi-ut. Piîkeit. Robci-t Porter. ques, tan Presse. Donna., Ptine Pti-d%. Af,,.. Rostisi,,. tenni- fci- Leigh Riddctl. Elizabheth Anne Rîsstîîn RobinsoînGrant Ris Schtriý-t aurie Leu Si.' CLkii. Jus Lionne Thomwas, Kun- nethCcGeorge ThiutoinD.ig- w.. Fliisaheîh Viii Cîthi-ad Dinîglas John Woodi Principal Hunter piesc.ted W-ends Mon-hvi- oith ie Uni- setsuti f Guelph Mati-iculation Dipîtimu. and the Pichtt shield fiai higisest grade 13 standting %sas presenîcd hi- G R. C.îibcrt tt. astrî'eSinclair. MIgis scisoal huard pi-ofiicn- i.-Pi-ies pressedbv A. H. Brittîîn. incîtîde $195t Laxrie Sinctair fît- hcr 0905 pet- cent. and SI() t., Sitnes Brooks.i Student cîtuncit president iot Keane prestented the coun- cil isards foti-gi-ac13. Thev is- cîtîde- the Fîtt, Dearing $25 schîlarship foîr grade I3 Eng- lish tii Gratnt SebuvIer. 89 pet- ce ilan the Annc MacArhur $25 seholatrship in grade 13 science tît JoîhnWood. isboa c- qoireti 79 pe-ricnt. The Rutssell Leadrship Tri> phv iris pr-scrted tii at.s i-ars Cide t onsil Presittent Mari- anncFa%î b, WC Rîobinson. Mn,.Wlter Witson piesc.teit the Sarah Mît-tit i O.DE.chap- fer airard î,f 3200 tii thtlcrn Irving USE OUR CONMENENT LAY-AWAy PLAN ut no extra cost1 Have your purchase delivered whenever you like. Shop conveniently on Friday tili 9 p.m.2 8 I4*4 203 MAIN ST. MILTON TEL. 878-6642 Similar bargains available at Guelph, 90 MacDonnoll St., North Tel. 822-2341 AVE,,.jya asOU HEnnri, Ak, to.ui OFl [m m ,. tm.tun1 Gd 1 a. BhdId Hi B".t.,n , t '" ,.ntoLdsb An nttkn L.

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