Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 15

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CREDIT VALEY SCHOOL 0F NURSING ai Cooisseille iii open neot year to train nurses trom Iis district. Milton District Hospitali n one of f ive supporiing and co-operaiing hon- piais, and M.D.H. ciairman John W. Osiier s vice-chairman cof tise Credit Valley hourd. Wr. Osiier, li.t goes oaci plans fo mus tise ciairmon James McCarth di Silvesiro of Eagiewocad Const generai coniraciors on tise conSir 1Milton hospital co-operating in newest1 Construction is about ta commenece un tise nent Credit Valley Scisool ot Nursing. Tiss building, tocated un tise land ta lise soutis cf tise Sauts Peel Hospital in Cookseitte, siti bouse and educate 300 nursing students. Co-operting le tise program by providing clinical esperience for tise students wilît be bospitals le five areus, Brampton, Coaksvitle, George. ttan, Milton and Oukille. Tise building eonsists of a reidenîlal tasser rising tram a Isso storev podium cuntain- ing lise educutional accus. Tiansgia fot ubi-Inua ta tise casual viesser, tise residence planning is vers' different tram lise lypicul stadent res ideece ils its rotas ut idenlical roosn stroeg long endless corridors. While 90 per cent ut tise stadents are housed ln single rooms and tise remaind er in double. bv means of a slit levet f-tour svstem. tise roomns are diidcd inia sotal gruups ut roines or "bouses"* tu preserse a sente uf intiot- acy me tise interiar ut tise bud' ing. Eacb "bouse" shure a kit- chenette, sesing and iraeing rouvris, etc. and bv ta doing milI, in tise philosophv, ut tise designers, auaid tise "intila- tianal atmusphere". Tise tullv air-conditiueed scisool sics tarots tise base aftie building foliotas todats educatiosalthîiniing in pro- viding tbe utmost in fleibilitv lu accommnodate changieg cor- ricata and melbods of teasis' ing. Flexible classrooms sitis aperable salîs con bondIe large or sotatl graaps froot tise entire sebot dame ta individ- ual tadying in tise small sent- In every smy thts building bus becs designed ta be cne of tbe mont modemn and pro- gressive residenees and sebools of nursing in tise province. Tise building silI be ready for par- tial occupancy by September 1968 whien tise fi rs ctasn sil be enrolled. Final cumptetion s enpected before tise ed of 1968. The Cisurcis of Our Lady in Guelph was decorated wth md and whiite gludioti upon tise utar for tise Septemiser 30, double-ring ceremony of Paul- inn Anne Maliies and James Patrick Anderson. Tise bride s tise daugister of Mr. Amas Matiies of Campbielîville and fisc groom s lise non cf Mrs. Madeline Anderson cf Guelphs. Pauser John Noonan officiai- cd ut tise wedding eeresecnv tsiti tise grooms voueger liro- tiser Peter ussisting le tise mass. Tise sotoisi und orguvisi suas John Marlon. Tise bride, giveo in marriage bu lier tatiser. suas radiant in an empire A line gosse of pure sis organza sous guipure lace enisaneing tise eeckline. lips of elsows seeves und emtintf.nnd fuvning uppliques on tise floso- ing chaupe] train. A iseadpiece of orguezu fiossers ted salin ceases hetd a sisoulder lenfuis vcil ut illusion. orts csc T h~Fe bridai bouqaet cuesîsird ,or h shoo ofcascading red roses and 'h and Tony whiite tephanotis. traction, tise Tise brides attendants tuere 'action. Miss Anne Wlieliban of Camp- betîsilte as muid tif bonite, tise (Staff Phocto) brides, sister, Miss Janice Ma- thies ted friends Miss Brenda l'ardt und Mrs. Susan Brethet. AIl tsere gosueed atibe le iolîîî c[u. rîthu red ottoman d reset featîtrieg a fiiied prie- school of nursing Theeuost oftis pruietin- irai Mîrtg.tge mil Hutitîtn cluding land, furnisbingt and Corporation. eqaipment, is estimuted ut J. W. Osiler, stc-chairmate $3,417,388. A grant fromtlise ut tise huard of tise scboot t]- Province ut Onttrio for $3.036.- uogsis Dr. C. A. 'Manienrep 674 sili coter tise major pur- resen s tise Miltotn District ion ufthtie cs[ t oithtie bal- Hospital' aneeheing raîsedîbhrougisa In thserecttexpansion prot- murîguge ouan from tise Cen- grass at tise Milton Ditrict Hospital, a classroom svts con- structed ta prîtride teîcbing OBITUARY aciliictie o iapprttsitiatelv 15 ____________staîleets Tise tudeets sitire ceietlheir practicat esperience Mrs. H. M. Hume in tise Obteiricai Meeical. Surgie.îl anti Paediatriu flous Funeral service for Mrs. aitishe hospital. Hannuis Medd Hume lwsus eld easliltno prwcl frottise ehupet of ilson Fan- ~ as l1 ltirsia crut Home te Kasesacks Muni- tteomisal lii sottll Itusi- tuba. un Saturdus, Octoher 14 tis utwhabite ii rou n atrs ieg ut 9.30 uro. Res. K. Fiesiser of susol.tise Regiîînîl Stistist Westminster Memorial United hbise dcielîîped. lThecio'- chureis condacted. sept oflflie regitifll cuhoul pittides tectsbng Ihîlîîcsrii Interment suas made le Rt- t"nue locatit. ant i y'.tiulu-t servieso cemeters. Palîbeurers patslesptt'"e '11e .ît l . sore Garfield Penecl Ras- icipattttg bttpitt, Pennect. AieKurenofi. 8111 A[i mg tite' iegttlvtht ie Smundvch. Tom Hosorisa and iShititiof Nu; ing 'humld be Frank Dixan. ci rescul o tise liire tir ioftise Scisittl. Miss0. O Iîbbîîulc/ti Ma-. Humlne ded October If Sotutish Peel Ho.spitatl. Coîtiss tn 'Kumsacis Union Hospital af- t ille. ter a short ilteets. SIte mus bureNuHnnais Medd Pearson in Scarisorougis. Engtand, 86 vears ugo. and came t0 Can- ada sitis ber parents in 1882. setîlin ie tise Milton area. She receivcd ber educalion ut Milton. On June 10, t903. at Milton, she sous married ta Cbarles Adamo Hume. Tbey ment west to Grandviess. Muni- tisa, in 1911, and to Kumsacis e n1912. Pi'edeceeed by une daugli- ter, Ellen te 1913, and ber lias- band in1947, she is survined he lhree daagbters, Mrs. Jan- net Gauthier. Edmonton; Mrs. Kutleen Hussev. Calgary and Mrs. Mary Brosse, Kasosacis; tuvo sons, James and Teford, bath ut Ridgeway, Ont. .and îwo sisters. Mrs. Ellen Pennett and Mrs. Surah Hamilton. bath ut Miton. cess odice and defining waisI- ise. Esisaneing tise dreqss u a panel flowlng from a liow ut lise low neebline. Matclalng sianes and head- Pieesecoesisîieg of a velvel rose and t euves and tulle veit complemcnled their cassading bouquets cf red roses and white carnaticans tilts sthile velvcl ribisoneeîsined and isungieg oosets. Tises' ail trore single sîrands cf pearîs, a gift ut tise bride. Franks Wheeliban if Pot Cre- dit tris griiumsotae. Thse groomsq broiliers Rin and Jark Anderson and tise brides bro- ther Don Mathiessoereausbers. Tise receptican ud dancescere ut tise MeCrae Legican, Guelphs. Tise griutm's moilier receincd tseuring un olise green double iu dressuend coat eesemisle tritis matcbing teltiblaiand ar- cessories. A corsage cf pink carnations completed lier ont- rit. Leasing for a honevmoon trip to norîbere Ontario, tise bride score a beige twveed salis- ing suit lrimsscd Nstl a fox cttttar, taiti durk brosen acces. tories and a rrl corsage.Tises' have laken Up residenre sortis tif Cumpiselîitîr. A lisree llered treddieg cake nias mode by tise groom's mo- Anderson -Mathies 4Miltea Phanucy 246 MAIN ST 878 -2 343 Blizabeths Arden Preparanions Du Barry-Max Factor Chanel No. 5 Agency for LAURA SECORD CANDIES MR, AND MRS. J.P. ANDERSON Sise 1se flamerPauline Maises) "kt' pod husiness t. sove wsely ut pur local trustd '3 lu 4. cmnpoayn GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Term 1 f0 5 years Amounts $100 fo $100000 SPECIAL SAVINGS Interest on minimum monfhly balance. Withdrawals may be made in person or by mail but no cheques may be îssued, CHEQUING SAVINGS (no service charge) Interest on minimum quarterly balance. No service charge on reasonable number of cheques, COME IN AND ASK US FOR DETAULS osent MILTON 2S2 Maie Street - 878-2834 LORNE SKUCE, Manager - O SMITH. Assti Manager LOCAL DIffCOOfDr Cou Marin, V-un Presrcdeni NORTH HALTON ADVISOBy BOARD John T Arrsirung Choie vu Relord Gardisoase, Maurice C Bnaiy Mchael Ledwviis Johne Goy, Dr B D Young CON\'fNlfNT OFFICE HOURiS Mon Tisais 9 00 5 00, Fîdays 'fil6 00 HALTON & PEEL TRUST a SAVUNOS COMPANY Head Office: Oaviulte- Other Branch Offices: Brampion, Burlingion, Sîcoe De lh, ,GeorgetowenCooksiolle ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION EXCEED $79000,000 Memnber Canada Deposi I nsurance Corporation Tise Canadian Champion. Wednesday. November 8, 1967 Interesting programs ait three workshops Flower show Tise Oukville Board of Parlis Management in ca-operation wîth the Oakville - Trafalgar Memorlul Hospital Ladies' Au- xiliar , ifl presen I their Cen- tennial Flower Show ai the Boards Greenhousen on Re- hecca St. ie Oukvitle on Sut- urdav and Sunday, Movember Il and 12. Seven greenhouses featuring a glorious dispiaY of mums %vii be on dispia. iher and a friend Mrs. Kueleer tf Guelphi decorated il Tise bride wsn ontared ai seseral sisowers priiîr lu the ss'edding. Her hosiesses were the brides ister-in-lusv, Mrs. Sandra Mathies of Milton mlii iseld a linen showcr: Miss Bren- du Hardy of Milton, a brides- muid. held a kiiehen shower; Miss Iris Kampf of Guelphs, a f riend had a cup and saucer sisoscer. Mrs. Susan Brethel cf Campisetîvilie. unctttr brides- ssaid, isad a punirv shosser. Miscelincous shower.,wr gisen bv Miss Anne Wheelihan tif Campislîsille. thc muid of h onor and Mrs. Bernicc Ma- ihies of Cumpiselîvilie, an aun i. A pariv was held in Guelphlinl honar cf thecvcang couple and one in Port Credit ut the home tif Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wliecli- han. Thse uvs'peuple mîtis whcîm bu huld tru lu gel even are tote ýohavbec ielped sua. ene' was given by 'Mes. E. M4. Flowers and ber commilîne. At St. Paut's, Milton, on Oc- toiser là, lise subjeet mas "Mess Ways len'finance." Tiss mas presen Id by Mrs., D. E. Mepudden, president of 'Hum- ilon Conference 'U.C.W., assis- ted bv Mms. Harry Scisuaf, Mrs. G. F. 'House and Mes. E. S. Leaiser. Tise neso may le fin- ance is "Self Delermieution." Ai East Plains, Burlieglon on Octuber 24, tise uieme tuas "Tliree Ms on Programme." A panel beadcd bs ýMrs. Kennetis Muter of Landys 'Lune United Cisurcli deuIl soitis tise ire Ms - (1) metisuds, f21 mater- ais and 131 motivatican. Tise large booki display ut echi vorbsbop crealed mugis enterest and nearlu $300 noirtis of Patmphlets and huais s sure ttId. Tise %orksisop lield ut Christ Cisurcis, Clarkson, on Munday, October 30, mus tisefinal une ut a series by tise Halton Pres- hyterial United Churcis Wom- e. Tise mornief sessions were idoentical uit euch workssiop and coucred cvery phause ofthtie tuork oftuomen in tise churcli. Sume of tise metliods used ocre. drumutie discussion ttîricr.s, plat readtng. sits. t ný,fli triji.,, apci'coird- icin- itu pr.teiai dcii; wt; ba tilicie ut tbcmc at; cdi tons- ,bop, Ai Clarkson the tbcme "Tise Stutus of Wome" tuas tise ficeof a taIS gis-elis T. M. Holden intise absence or Pe- ler MacWillilms, OC. A panel 'Tise Octails ut Preparieg a Oriel nte seStatut ot Wutm- SPECIAL! O VEN REA D Y - FRESH BOWLING 2 Heavy Roasting FowI 45C HAL TON POULTRYPRODUTS Down Gardon Lane, off Mili St. 878-440 PROCLAMATION ST. JOHN AMBULANCE WEEK WHEREAS: A division of tise St. John Ambulance Brigade has been formed and ciartered in Mlton; and WHEREAS: The'work of tise St. John Ambulance Brigade s always of useful benefit t0 the ctizens of Milton wherever large public gatherings are iseld and first aid treaimneni may be required; and WHEREAS:lise Milton Division No. 488 of the St. John Ambulance is conducting a financial campaign Nov- ember 13 to 17 to raine funds to carry on this vital work in the community; and WHEREAS: The citizens of Milton appreciate the work of tise St. John volunteers; NOW THEREFORE: I cail on the citizens of Milton to, generously support ihis financial campaign to en- sure the continued good morks of the Brigade; and 1 HEREBV PROCLAIM the week of November 12 to November 19 "St. John Ambulance Week in Milton". S. G. CNILDS, Mayor, Town of Milon. lb BETTER CARS *b BETTER TRADES *BETUER SERVICE *BETTER FINANCING ON A NEW '68 OR A GOO-D USED CAR MOTORS11UH c 409 Main St. East 7-26 J' il 878-2369

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