Wednesday, Noveamber S, 1967 M5 BOOK OFBIG- --PRIZES KEvusEP nHS1101 r IN Y,>I, RS - @9 SPECIAL! CHOICI SPECIAL! YAC A PICKLEDCOTTAGEDfROUS SPECIALI mr Pork Side Spare Ribs SPECIAL! LOBLAWS 3 LITTLE PIG - SILS Pure Pork SAUSAGE SPECIAL!wir S IFT'S IU WIENERS lUC LU. TEFLON PIECE TMWR :1 Î F fl ~ AVAILAILE THIS HAND CT - HAO LGW WIIH IN[ PUICHASE I WEEK 10" LIMITED OF AMY IWO OLASSESI 49c FRQA UANTITY Il Y AND RIOUO FR A - AVAILABLE omI A3D L H---COUPO PKG49 VALENCIA VARIETY! HONEY - SWEET! JUICE ORANGES LARGE SIZEt MEDIUM SIZEt DOZEN69DOZEN55 FROM B. CIFANCY GRADE! RED AG DELICIS APPLE S IZE 49 ONTANio GROWN No. 1 GRADE T U R NIP S LA 1 FROM CALIFORNIA! BROCCOLI FAORU!BUNCH35 SPECIAL! AYLMER PINEAPPLE TII-lITS SPECIAL! HOSTESS CANDIES SCOTCH MINIS SPECIAL ~ MC I ACIKLE UTFUNl*1 FRlD FROZEN POMMTES SECiAI! STARI ORANGE FLAVOURED< SPECIAL PRIMO MACARONI OR SPASHETTI SPECIAL' BIGGCEREAL WITII RICE COUNTRY CORN FLAKES SPECIAL! FANCY ASSORTED AYLMIER PEAS SPECIAL! LOBLAWS FRESHLY ROASTED TWO CUP COFFEE 2 19 FL 2TINS 6VJ CELLd PKG.33 BW. d45 :RYSTALS 743OZ 2 55 (55 214 FL oz.£1( 2TINS 43 1LB. L BM V69 Legion Notes by charles scofi, Foremost in the schedule of eveohs for lise month of Nov. ember is lise Remembrance Day parade 10 befiseld on Bat- urday next, November Il. Al members, veterans and service clubs are invited t0 be on pa- rade, which assembles andi falîs in aIt 10.15 arn. aItishe Le- gion Hall. Heading the parade wiii lie the pipes and drums of the Lorae Scots. BANQUET AND DANCE Our Annual Remembrance Day banquet and dance wiii bc held on the cvening of the Pa- rade, commencing aI 7 p.m. Tickets for Ibis popular evenl are sîjîl available and cao be had from the clubroora ste- ward. See advertisement in Ibis GENERAL MEETING The monihly general meet- ing of the Branch is miibe heid on Monday next, November 13, commencing ai 8 pr.. SBUFFLEBOARD The lime bas rolund around again when our shuffieboard champions have pot iheir iisree trophies (Zone, District and Provincial) on the uine. off 10 a good start they relain- ed the Zone lmophv on Salur- day, Octoiser 28 with Port Credit Branch as runners-up. On Saiurday lasi, November 4. ihey went on to hoid the District B. irophy. Teams rom- peting mere Woodstocic. Erin (rwo teams), Port Credit, Mil- ion, Dundas. Millons wlnning leam-maîes were Cono. Bob White capiain), Cliff Taylor, Steve Rasberry, Stan Caliard; Don -Murdoff. Max Bradbury and Ron Mercier. Tise boys stem 10 be confident ihat on Saiurday. November 18 they con hold the triple cromo of shuffleboard for the second year by winning the Provincial irophy. Pourleen teams miii take part in ihis loumnamnet. i share their confidence and am loking for a photograph for the 'Legionnaire". Dart. Team standings of lte Mil- son industrial Darts Leagsse as of Octoiser 25 are as foiilows: i Enecutioners mon 2 for 46, 2 Scrotams won 10 for 44, 3 Trafalgar Motors- mon 14 for 56,. 4,League of Hations won 2 for 10, 5 Mustangs woan 6 for 32, 6 O.S.P. won 14 for 32. LADIES AUXILIARY At a general meeting of lise Ladies Auxiliary heid last Thursday evening an eleclion of officers mas iseld and ltse foilowiog are the resulîs: Im- mediale PasI Presideol, Joyce Murdoff: Prvsident, Jean Has- sc3feldt; First viceipresideMsl Ediîh Patierson; Second vice- president, Elva Howden: Sec- relary, Editis Wînney; Treassar- er. Millie Dance; Sgt-atýArms, Jean Coulson. ýExecutive Corn- milice: F10 Egglelon, Mie Blubra, Carol Marsisall, Dor- otisy Elmood, Irene Patierson. Tise election was cooducled by our Pirsi vice-presideni, Fred Johnson. Uuhwky 13 A total of 13 accidents oc- currcd mithin the lomn of Mil- ton during Oclober, Milton Police report. Tise crasises caused $4,145 properly dans- age and lhree injuries. Ho lfa- lalalilies mere reporled. ToI- ais for 1%7 50 far loclude 152 accidents causiog 132,815 pro- pcrly damage and 12 injuries. Tise elecîric e]eel balmosl blind and locales ils fond by using a rudimenlary radar sys- CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM. FRESN LOOK Corn in for a comploe.appraisal today. AUTO BODY M 8 78-2721 & 0 50*' 50"50 50 25 25"*m" 25 25 11 11 1 TIR A 1 I'RA1 TPA EXTRA EXI vA 1 x a A EXTR I Il mi 1', s 1TA.p slamc S nMe, SY.c S SAMP 25 SOFF240 5 2I5SPA F 2LRA 5 PPE 25 CK2 MI5 S 2 MASRIE5o, 25 25u SRVITE 111. mii EXT A SY-OFFEXTR IIELF PAXERA iE Ima HESI E XTR A AASA LEcomn as