"MOIton in the past" Russell M. Clements recals town 's early public schools BY Ruaeell M. Clemenîn I What 1 am about lu tell pou bere, are tacts tld ta mu bp my father and thingu I bave found ouit ram reuding the early minutes ut the sehool hourd ut the last century and minuts of aur local losce councsl as recordud mary yeurs ugo, udded to the macs odd litltîhicgs I eau pursos- ally rumember. I leel if our community cit- mzens rbo are getling op in pears do nul maku soine re- cord of ruhal bus bappenedl lu the pas: in this part ol our country, il map soon bu 100 laIe and losIturever. The fIret thlng I mighî louch on is scbouls, The school that is nom knomc as tbe Bruce Street Sebool ruas built "n 1856-57. lu the scbool minutes of Jue 16, 1856, the contruel ruas givun lu Imo men, Dodue and Hambueg to build a neru uchool for 000 pounds la lilîle under S4,000), but appurenîly Iis amoun: ruas insufficient, as thal same year, 1 sue by the school minutes, lhey badilu raise an addilional 300 pounds 10 complete tbe job. Theru ruas anather item they forgol ruhen the plans mre drarun up, sa, there ruas an etra cosl of six pounds lu build Isco prisies, Plans and specilsea. ions cosî Ibrue pounds. They bul mul in those days, as the sehool ivssl very substantiel building 1101 years lter. To mu, il is uncer- tain jus: ruhere the urlier sehool mas 'etore this lime. My father muutioned that ut une ime, there ras u log school on Broute St, near the old cemelery, and Ibmn as mosl of you knoru, the bouse conneclud 10 Brouns Green- bouse on Main St. Eus:truas et onu ime a schual. Hoss' ever, there ruas an orgunieed sehool section ilb trustees, as I found, rube in 1149 an old minute book showus mp grandtlee John Clements ruas ose outIhe trustees. In 1847 a Ielmay MoCalluru mas ired lu teach o: 125 pounds and lbe lso had an assistant, a Miss Marion Spmoal, rho rucrivud 50 pounds. Mr. MoCallum taught for 14 peurs and on retiring ruas prusecled rith a silvur matéh and a 'Bible. 1 Acording lu the minute books ut 1854. il ruas muolved that the sumntucessarv for stovu ruuod bu raisud by us- sussmeul on al the parents of childeen ruha go ta sebool. lu 1856 a motion an the boks slaled each pupil aîlunding ruas 10 pay une shilling, bre pence, monthly in udvunce and pupils tram oulside the section ruould pay onu shil- ling, 101/2 pence monthly. Th iret mentionesoo a care- takur ruas in 1857 - for $50 a yuar, bu ruas la keep the sehool dlean. ighl the ires in inIer and keep the ruoadbos filted. Bp 1885-86 the brun uuemed to0lbu groruing and ruas more prospurous. as rue find a heud- master et 5650, a tuachur ut 54M0.onuetl5300, one a: $225 and onuetl5200. The curutuker ruas alsu geltiug the grand sul- ary of $75 flraaers mark. The school estimates for 1885 mure $1,585. lu the minut- es of August 24, 1886, is an il. em thal Miss Louise Kelly and 'Miss Cenler buieugugud for the remaindur af theper et a salary of $75 ach, or lu ather mords, for the fal lerru. Coming a littîr nuarer lu aur ime, lu 1905 the principal ruas gelting 5800, or an increusu ot SM0 avec the pas: eight peurs. Iu the fall teru lu those days, rue bad lu 00e Milton seboolrubat ruas callud Mad- el Suhool classes. The yoong people aîlendiug mre called ',Madelilus" and came froru ail ovur the eounly. The prin. About the author s io',Noie: As bis ossu î:ieiii, rîîlscl Rtîu'c' ll M . Il. in, i '112 0:--e St_ Mît g la , i iiij Car. îetiti s>,:: W.use îipe scîdeis su-iti lus hiýrecllsetious iclercs:- ime Mu. Cluments ruas hu n i Millton ndsîsapaiîît irtîu flie tinte hb uniec t lbhb3rd ('anatitti SMîount Rilles su Suth bAt: Saan,îd oes ssitblthe Canadian Ariny Ser- vice Cor>in Wiirlsl Mar Onu, hhbssycvîbîscctrc lite i Mlilton. He %%,s .î tici of tows ýcilisortlti5'e%-ars sunne finite agu..îand,îî::ieîhruofhe lite brigadse ,îrîîîusl1905. He .îllsudstnîît:,îcscîtul in Tîsîocîîî,nd Lonîdon, andtoi, ,eea er vscapluin ut the Nllon Conîpans of the Loi-tic Rille,'Rui-g: He bas utn nerber ofltbe Maso- nie Ori ti olie: 61 %cars. He cipultob charge of tbuse teachers ic the muking uti an extra $50 for the turru, and au etra tuacher mas tukun an tue the flItetrru uat $125. Goîcg back ta, March 1886, I icd Iis on the brun court- cil records: "Maver thu: the matter ut esluhtishîng a higb sebuol ic the brun of Milton bc ef ehvec lu aur nec: meut- cfg.' Threc e perulalur, il came op and me ficd tMis un- de the Augus: 1009 minutes, "That a hsgh sehool bu eslab- isbud ibe Ton ut Milton accuedîcg lu the High Suhual Act, ou cundition tha: the us- tablishutent and eqipruent of sucb High Scbonl dues notes- cced S3.000. - This mtion eur- rîcd. Homes-e.>:ilruas rescind- cd the ces: vear and il toak uver 30 sýears tu really gel go- ng again. Bp 1918 Ibreccss tuachers uere put un the staff of our public schoul - Miss G. Youung, Miss Lawrence and Miss Bosses, ut salaries feoru $450 tsi 5550. Thusu cames are quille fauiiiar lu many lu Muiltou todap. Bs iisl, ime. She ttetduince svemed lu ouugrusv tbe choot, ,in 1913 tenderu mure caled and the tender ut John Brad- lvtii add aî (wu runtaddit- io un as ac,c-pted a: $4.179. 1: suas unuthecirth corner tof the originat building. and the slune ssirh oas s:: osîtîs dune aill thetoriginal ssorh. les 118Seh, biiul 5, cs- ili the iloepidernie. lu my lIme aethIis scboot. and e.ch tee hrtad o sre large box stlove and a gnru %sîîîd 'cils..îlsîîa galvanized paîtlîîr r i îuhng maIereand a ti.incp Theress.sunourunnine osier ,and nso ights in the building. bist wue ad a gaod isetl punît: ai ilic reste. alsu a sets- crude oathuîtdîcg about i50o u0se 6te:behînd the pump. The caretaker rang bbc 1,30 bell. then the principal tbah user lue 9, 1030.1045, 12 noan, heu agaîn ait 130. 2.30, 245 and 34'clîsck. I1vnderstand bhal is centennial vuar. the bell bas becn ticgling again aI ,,dd tntes. Onvthe lîîîîicil tbe junior rorus. ast ictruc: ut the icachers pîsîlorru.mas a iSse-qss.rtcrich mceutal strip iachcd in 't roos 10 the slo,,il u isc: sspascd o omoe u12 Wben sitar iv s%%ý allest sp tbutbu Ironet \outlookhvouor r:gbt pisse, pîîîbahls dupendicg an boss hright % ou wscru.nd Iis jssncd btheo'c bumowing club in: 1924 asnd has heen an ecth- toitha pslttC-r 'Iuce, Whrn bu ruas :tsuse.sssaa the sîcîs lime bc bas missud the Toîronto Exhbitiocsince 1897.,scnd th,î Oas tbu peur of Oucen Victoria's Diîruond Jo- hilce u rade in London. He rezlls* tttusicg pictures ufthbu parade sscre shown in Toron- tobut itssassverv crude by lods: 's standsards. Sincc ru lie- ing ass Pîîimster:uof Miton Pus: Office lu 195, travelling ha, been Mr. Clerucîs' hobby; bc bas siited Euroîpe and bas twiîce dî luc acrî:ssCanada fonthe Alanctic tu bue Pac- tfic Hi ,articles seul bu pt'lîsh- ed cn a fîîîrrparIscris.The Champion sould oulcomne srîtn recollcîîîns ut the lîîîn'u cariv da%-, froc:tcshers ictcrcsîed cn batsng such bis- lite: p esurvcd andi published. s mbcre the expression 'buad tsf bue class" or "foot of the class" liîbuy originaled. The suhool yard had a fosur sîr fis-e fout pichet fenctq.in front i:btrstwcoru - proaf gates Tbese scerucd 10 be ne "sau s a: that ime mansi peiople hep: their uvu caws and to keep thetîs feor tees- The "College" Study Lamp has been designed and en- gjneered to provide exaCtly the right amount of light for comfortable studying. It s the only study lamp ever approved by the Illuminating Engineering Society, the world authority for ighting standards. The -College" Study Lamp complelely eljminates glace and shadow and helpo prevent eye strain and fatigue, t means btter light, for botter sight. If could very weil mean btter marks. Get one for the student in your home. Look for the lamp with the "College" tag. EBENEZER 55th wedding anniversary for Mr., Mrs. Roy Carter pussiug 100 muuh, practically evury residunce lu brun bnd n pickeî fence iîh Imo gales. Si uru coufuderalian lu 1867, rue bave uaîueally come a long ruuvin udueution. At thal ime rue hud une public sehool rith b rceeue fouîr teuchers and a budget ofutsnste: 1.500. Today tnour [ive public uchools. we have aI las: roun t 59 tuacb- ers and a budget ut 5442,398. Add bu Ibis the 37 leuchers lu the high sebool ritb a budget hetrueun $400.000 and 5500,000. Theeuamoun :5homever. are suhstuntiully reusuced by gos- en mec t subsid les JuI one more thought bu- fore 1I leve the subjeut of sehools. Ou Octabe12, 1892. ou celehrutud the 4001b anniv- ursary ut Christopher Columu- bus' landing in Ameica lu 1492. Il oas quite a due for the scbuol children as rue ail ruurcbed fromthe bu chool ta bueasuditoriîtu otthe brun hall. Mr. J S, Duasun.the srhoud nspector et the timu. in is ,:dd ressunouthis histîrricut ev- un:. ruuntiuced hum this ruas suvrs important dav lu 00e lieus and uskrd huwm amny childeen ssould be hure taceut- lebrate the nus: unnivursary- Naturullv. ail the junior cbild- ren put up thir bauds. Horu- evur. timu bus takun ils 1011 and if is douufilanp milI turc up in the euar 1992 for bue 500th anniveesurv af Col- umbus Day, Tu bc costn:ued nus: ssek) Congreluletiona lu 'Me. and Mes, Keilh Anderson on the birth of their daughtee, Cindy on Oct. 19. Also congratulations and bus: rishes îu Me, and Mes, Ruy Carter, Aekeli, ou clebra- ting their 551h o'uddiug aunin- ersaey, Nent Sondas alternoon, the unnual Remerubrancu Day sur- vice milI bu held aI Hullon- ville monument aI 2.30. Afler- ruards a: 2.45, a service ii bu huld a: Nassagarueya Pres- byturian Chuecb ritb the Ac- ton Choraliers lu attendance. Thu ent Communion service and opportuniîp fur anyoue de- sirous ut joiuing the churcb milI bu beld Dec, 17. Caution pilus courlusy, plus curmuon sense. equals satety. Drive sately. your hyro t The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Novemnber 8, 1967 B Fight continues Seek 401 signs to Kelso lThe fight ta get direclional signs for Kelso Conservation Area placed oc Higbway 401 continues. For the past few years Hul- ton Region Conservation Auth- ori:y bas been afler the De- partruent of Highmays for siges on 401t pointing out:the routes ta their Ketso park. But the Dupurtruent wont bvtdgn. The Departusent once adeis- ed it wonlt put up sigus for a park util the annuel attend- ncre reaehed 100,000. The Au- thority wrote again eecently, pointicg out the attendance bas reacbed the magie figure. But the Departruent meute back and said it was reconsid- uricg ils signing regulatians, and the newru res would proie- ably limit signs to parks with 125,000 vsiotors. Tbe Autbority put the ltter on fite, and cn the meantime ducided tu ask HaItons trua MPP.s Jiru Snow and George Kerr 10 se whal they eau do about the situation. Helping H.O.P.E. Georgetowun'Lions Club miii bu holding a drive in George- trun lu cohe:t alumicum lawc chairs lu bu rupaired and ru- webbed a: the HOPE Adlt W'srhshop sn Hor:î'ny. Pick-ups ar bcel d for Nue.il. 246 MAIN ST. 878-2343 I PRESCRIPTIONS PikdUp & FREE DELIVERV Rev. Russel inleys sermoi was based on the lJth chapter ot Paut's ltter 10 the Romans, These brand neru Christians needed advicu. Religion is like the truc sidus ut a coin - one lu belief, the athur s behav- loue. Touo uttes religion eru- phasizes the nugative. Mark Twsain sai'd bu didu't morry ab- ou: thu Bible bc didn'l under- stand; t %oas tbu parts ssbieb bc did undersland thut gave birutbe mos: trouble. To dedicate or give ourselv- us to God onselfisbly lu a transtorming usperiencu. God dues nu: desire a demonstral- ion sucb as making a huruan :orcb ut une-uIt to shoruunes objection lu somelhing. We sbssulsl give our bodies us a tiving sacrifice. Yeaeu ega, Josepb Scr:ven came out f rom lreland and seorked as a pelvate tuber to a mualtbv tamily near Port Hope. He saved bis mouey and sent for bis bride. Homuve, the sbip on rubscb siteruas co- ru:ng ruent dlown with al on huard. In hsssorrom and grief, Joseph Sceivun wrote a lut- ter to corufort bis brides mu- ruother. In il bu enctosud a simple verse wbscb bu hud coruposedi. Decr tbu suars, this serse bas buen a favorite of cîsuntle, peoplu "Wbat a lriend %se bavu in Jesus. Religion is front page nerus today. Thc firsl step is unsel- fisb gss': g s:f onuself. Second, lut voueminidbue enuwed. Do eevdus the nturul. easy bhing in kindnuss. Hi school highights ... foothaîlield and an umblem ofsut tnt:'df-,nsPope BI)>1 pe for the gym floue. and ffor cvrvon isThe bieat event tu take place during md lfoi veroneivputting forth. the cour-se ut the wekwas bhe.:nns:al The duadîscu for the 'Astra' cuver de- comrmenceument. Fiday, at 8 Pc: stu- sigcentriussvas tu bu Fidav, Noseru' dents suho attended MURS. last vuar ber 3 hut uditor J ulia Haddoc tculs the and graduated, reurnes tut receise thuir entes date -hould bu ustundud due to diptu:na%, Grade 12 diplomras crc also thc lact sheo asut usactlv beicg ::verru sued Iot::husu tudunts mb-: ruade the b:%scontributioncs. This s quite disappoint- grade and are prusen :1v enr::lled in inlu in'ru're al] the squdents scant the grade 13. There ruas also the presuctt ic bus: sua: boouk possible f:,r thu 1967-6f8 îof major and rinor award t: sitidents scb:elsear. Whs'don't tbus'do sortiu- wo sceled in curtain fields. hing t:: belp ruahei u ? 1-: tknuwo f macs' Vatedictorian ruas LatriluSinclair talented studunts wbo sh:îuld bu step- seho graduatud froru Graduet13ssitb fies: picg c::: tbe ligbî acd ucturing a design. class bîrcors. Pollowing bue formalities Hlo' aborut tl. gang? ufthbu ueucicg rufrcsbmects mure served Wcli. bue studuot bodv ha% tînallv and a dance look place. It mas a timue got its peojeelt:or 1967-68. lu taut. thev se when teauburs, %tudents and parents decided oc ttss licgs. bleachurs for the e:tuld bu pr:>:d ut a job oeIl dunc, Notice t. Electors of the Town of Milton NOMINATIONS FOR MAYOR, REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, SIX COUNCILLORS, SIX PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES, TWO HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSIONERS For the Municipality of the Town of Milton FOR A TWO-YEAR TERM wiII be held in the General Purpose Room of the Martin Street Senior Public School MARTIN STREET, MILTON ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1967 From 7.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m., E.S.T. The Voting WiiI Tae Place on MONDAT, DECEMBER 4, 1967 et ah. Poil.wing Places: NORTH WARD: GeneraI P::pose Room, EAST WARD: Union Hall, Pins Street SOUTH WARD: Agricultural Hall, Fair Grounds Ob At the same time, the opinion of the electors upon the follow- ing question will be obtained: "Are you in favor of the Province taking over 100% of the cost of education in Ontario?" liectors of Milton are h.reby requieed ta lake notice: 1. The obove is a correct statement of the question to be submitted. 2. Monday, the 27th day of November, 1967, ut the hour of eight o'clock in the afternoon, in the office of the Clerk, Town Hall, Milton, is appointed as the ime for the appointment of persons tu attend et the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk. Polis Open ut 9.00 a.m. and Close at 7.00 p.m., E.S.T. AUDREY B. BRUSH, Deputy-Clnrk ot the Milton, November t, 1967 Towun of Milton. better light, better sight, better marks with the 44College" Study Lamp ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 136, MILTON BANQUET AND DANCE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Il Commencing 7 p.m. LEGION HALL - MILTON music BY GEORGE ROWE'S ORCHESTRA ~ FROM GEORGETOWN ADMISSION - $600 COUJPLE MILTON HYDRO ELICTRIC COMMISSION "COLLEGE" STUDY LAMPS ARE AVAILABLE ATr: MILTON HARDWARE ilARRIS STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES 227 Main E. 878-2333 __182 Main E. 870462 i -- Ji 1 1 - - 4Q rýmýý