flThe Canadien Champion, Wadneaday, Novembar 8, 1967 Su gar and Spice b y b i1 1 s mi 1e y Those "taithol tess - aissays tors up lu do the mork mhile the "measingless majorily" i back and do nthîsg bol complais. You'Il find the "Fr'- type evecymbere -ai wurk. in churcc, in the club or lodge. They usuatiy epresenl about 10 pur cent ut the mbole. And tbey do 99 per cent ut the mork. The "MM" types stay buste and do nthisg but match TV. lmu l ypical, aI Ibat cecesi Chaux- ber ut Comnmerce generai upen meeting, hat osly 13 atiended. The 13 încluded the president asd secretary, mbo bad lu be there hecause the * vcalicd tbe meeting; alsuose reporter mbo bad lu be tberc lu mrile a slorv and isiocm the "MM' segment about mbat the% missed bs stayisg home. And use mas a business- manss ite. And t mo mcc mcm bers ut toms council. Su Ibat mrks out lu a sel gais ot neyes actual members. plus thecvisiIors and Ibose mbo HAD ta bc Ibere, Chauxher execu ice secretarcx Earl G. Black mas a bit upsel aboutltibe ailes- dance. He had malid oui Imo notices about tbe meeting tu eacb ai the Cham- bers 81 members, and eacb member had received a personail elephose eausii- ing im 10 attend. Besides. Ihera mere eyerai notices ufthIe uxeeting in The Champion. The alltadance (or lack ofut t the "taitbfui fem' lu studs the business aI band and make the decîsions attectisg ail the 81 mrembers. Voua ust ssateb; there iii bc a loi ut gipis0 and bock- iîing trom Ibe member', mbu mccNOT Ibere. But Ihes bad tbei c chance. Thece are user 100 retaîlers and is- dustries sn Milton eligible tac Cbambcr memersip-set about ase-Ibird ot them dont esen car:esaugb ta lake ouI a ansuai membership in the orgasi- ation. Wby? Dont ask me. The Chamber ixs ot a social organi. zation, il's a gcoop ut business peuple vitally cuncernied ilb ibeir oms and tbe Iom's sel-being. Thes plan joint pro- moions lui build business-,anid ta publis cizr Milton and tbey aîm ltu make thc toms a better place tol hecand mîck. a 1 gol a liftIout ut the tact somne 17,000, mustly young peuple, under- look luascalk 35 mites tu raise money tue Ihose in another country. Tbe Miles for Milions program ix Hamiton saw spon- sored yousg maîkers slugging aliîng I heip aIliers. I sais a gaad auîeber of them uand sonne ot lbem scere obviousîs uncomtartabie, bol ibev ereni stop- ping. Il seems lu prove !a me bhat tf we can chalenge yoosg people ilb somelbing wortbmbile and a ltulle ton, tbey witl seize tbe opportunily lu belp. Every sommer bosts ut young people are unable lu ind empto «vueni dorisg the sommer vacation and il some nationally cballenging program couid be deveioped, jusîtink ut the spirit and sirengtb ibal couid bc mined. 0 The ispening os Thursday ut Mrtis House ai Hallon Ceniensial Muntîr, fllliîs'd by the open bouse on Saturda ' and Sosdav, mili bc anexce'llenioppor, Iunsus lue cousis esidents lu sec tibe kind of care and lacilities available tl senior cilleens. Tbîngs bhave cbangcd since the irsî Manor sasaopned in 1952. Additioîns bave bccv madL, and sasc a camplelely neican ibas becs added. Al coniribute la happier %,cars for bondreds lit senior citizen%. Some ot the tapics discussed! ai the lasI meeting îscluded the tomns seed toc ansesation, the decline in popula- tion gcotb, heauqilicaIion and parking regulalions in the damstomn area. and Ibat aid semisis, parking. Who sans il isn' important lu betung ta the Cbam- ber meevoor viems and opinions un sucb essenliailupîcs cas be aired? t use te Chunher ut Commerce osiy as an ex ample ut someibing micb is happening esers dus ib e toms ot Mil- tus. Esers otbec ocganieaîius sn toms s tacisg the same dilticuities. Where wiii it end-miit me bave lu totd up aur orgaiaions and lt eversone spend eren nigbî sn lite giued 14) the TV set? t certaints bhoecr-st.. Heard a guud stars tbe other nighi ut a meeting ufthIe Ontario Steam and Antique Presersers Assciaios. Bob Raehurn ut Maltas rcad a cipping tram a nespaper svhicb tld the stucs ut Mother Shipton, a wmxan accused ot ix itchcat. Motbec Shiptan mas a propbetcss, and a goaid une ai tbat. She ivcd (roux 1488 ta 1559 sn Esgtasd and mbile she did îlot lise lu îitness il. mass ut ber puetie prediclions came troc, t baven'I gut her sshote piteux. but I mas able lu convs statches ut il as Bob read the stucs the other nighf. Thes inctoded- A bouse ut glass. . . mar in Toc- kev .m.s. cardiages mithoul hurses - ma - sing aroundthe seortd - - mmen iii cnt their long tresses and meur mens breeches . . mlgbitv leurs mut be pianned in 1896f . sb %ips, libe ish. siii sîim beios-t1he sea. Nul had tar a scîtuan mbu ived in an oye seben Ibece mas nu Espo. su global mur. nu automobiles. su snoba divers, su slimluims. nu subuxarines. And U.. O toisvers viii lbc inter- esled ta b sns- ut asother predicîlon she mnade - "mes ,hall he sçes in the air. îsbite and bluck' and grens" IPEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST WAITINO FOR A TROOP TRAIN, a Waters of Millon says he remembi crowd ut Millanians mare photograph- helping ta bud the station in 191: ad at the C.P.R. station os Court St., Photo courîesy George Jackson, prolially round 1111, - "15.I1, Whal wili the Flower Children do on Remembrance Day? Will they refuse t0 buy a poppy becaune they ansociatc il mvith past wars? Or wil l hey boy every poppy they can gel their bauds on and try to infuse a brese of opium, s0 that hec cas tom on? a Sometimes in our enthusiasmt for a subjeet. me are led 10 esîremes. The subject ut annexation bas been a ratber fruslrating topic for years here and the slow groywth of the îumn cas certainty be attributed lu tack uf land. fi shuutd sot, homever, he assumed the toms ss deslioed for ghost status under is pcv'- Cnt striagent bonds. Certainly Ibere ix su justifiable excuse for the province 10 delay any longer a decision on the Pion- keit Report mhicb is sil holding up tbe annesation decision, but 1 doubi the town will just btow away even if a dec- ion is nul particutarty favorable. 1 notice the Chamber ut Commerce is discussing store bours and a com- mitîce witt invenigate tbe subjeci. Un- questionabty store owners bave a right lu set Iheir hours as any factory woutd, but I soggest shoppers lake an interelt and express an opinion 10 store keepers. I'm sure the store uperuior-, mould ap- preciale it and afler ail, tbe shopper is tbe must important person to the retail oullet. Tbe sbopper opinions could serve as a real guide 10 tbe retailer un mhai bours be muuld support. Besides ils better lu speak nuxe iban bolier laler er bcd cevlred witb luxa magos mbnels and a name sîgv, and framed in white stases. lUntorîanaîely the flomers hndl died ssben the pboto mas taken). Nor- mas, sbomn mîîb bis bandiwork, receiv- ed the coanty couve il prîze ut the receni 4-H awards igbt (Staff Photo) (>twctictil >mutiple mie Carrent plans for as addition at Miltos District Hîgb Scbool wili provide a major education canîplea la serve Ibis orna mben tbe canstructions s fîsally i ni sbed. The gromlb ýn Ibe Calent of build- ngs indicales a siniilar eapansiosn ý courses and options offered ta studevîs, but more than tbaî evans il offers a nacleus araund mbîch ta eapand can,- musity actiailies tram the carrent nigbl seboal program la recrealioval and cul- tural pursuils, The nem additionî sii1 pracîde far a bhird gymnasiaum deemed vecessary ta bandîn the anticipated 1,000 slad- ents. Bcsy as these facîlities may lis durîng tbe day, lbey could nomn a good masy bours of use by are a citizens in the evnng if praper supervision aaid organieution cauld lie arranged ta cape witb Ibis need. n sauxe Amerîcan munîcîpalitîns ed- acation and recreuias autharîties bacc learned the mîsdom of combining tbeîr efforts for the ecannriic use ut espen- sîse facîlîtîns. Nat anly dons Ibis Frac- tic e cake sense la Ibe laspayer, il empbasizes the importance of a shboal ithe communîîy Obie is rio rmosan for instance, wby the nucleus of a lttie Ibeatre group mîgbt sot centre ils actîvities ai a sebool Stage faclîties eist and ander competent and responsible supervision rbere i s va reason mby îbey sbould val lie used taibe maximxum. A neux playîng field is incladed in tbe plans for tbe addition ai Milton District Higb chool.ls 1051st estime.- ed ai $30000, and me moald cnrtuivly hope il woald be csed as mach as pas- sible by otber responsîble groaps that Inopayers muy alitais maximum calas. Multiple use of bîgb sebool facilities would vaturally involve lime tabling as meli as esponsible saperavision. No une wacld scggest Ibat the nupensice facili- lies sboald lie tbromn open ta groaps mthouci dscretion We do, bomecer, feel lbhe exîsîîn g and plansed tocilîties sbocld be used la Ibenmaximum liy sta- dents and adalîs Sucb a program moald reqaîre co-oiperation liai the most lîkely groaps ta arrange sucb use ueould lie tbe lichool Board and the Pecreation Committe - Me woald lîke la ser Ibese Issu groaps meeltot consîder the possîbili. ies of tbe mont est ensive as e of fucîli- lies. Nalurally the Recrealion Commit- tee is iot liely la propose programs for ssbîcb Ibere is va suppart, but mîtb ail assurance af soniie facilities tbey nigbt uveocer sanie cnfîlled communi- y needs. Tbe Sebool Board ssould nend as- surance of campetent supercîsion bai il ssould lie bapnd a scbedale of char- ges for use ssould be suffîcient only ta covr cass s i ce the tospayer. mbo procîdes the sebool faclîties, could also benefîrtbroagb a recreation program. IF ~riiampion a~J 7/te ppice >( remnem6ra»jce il doessI sseni passible mweiiityiaos siiiseitenesruc- lion, degedution and buvian suffeing o1 a a mrld engulfîsg mai cnded Tssen- ly Isso yeams since the hubasle hape of valions of Ihe globe ssas cantîsuîsg peace. In th Ie mîsds af all of us bhat peace seevîed tbe ovly îeally important tbing in tle lîglit of lie ses terror manss inventions-Ibe A liamb The omînaus predîctions of the resalîs. sbould a thîrd ssorld mur break oat, come only in the days as nations ieaped ta ness alliances and the United Nations mas formed as îhe soundîng board as mbicb future diffîcuities lielmeen cousnes mers Io lie pounded ouI. The Ihought of mar stil1 stîrs deep eniation in the minds and bearts of Ibose uxho mere the real lasers of Ibe ast Imo "greai" mors, The sbttering impact of ove of ibose lirief telegroms duiied iy thebelalux of passing years for a fauiiy or ie uhoxe ioved ove dîd sot reîurn, but the memnory ix xtli vivid. A mhoie gesematios bas couxe sisce trs Iben iv the relentiesuxarch oft baman- 1. ity. A uxhole geseralion scns mer as souxe page of history across mhicb glanies mere ssrîtten, but the genera- ion ix uvtouched by the aery realvess af the suffeing and sacrifice that aI- lended il. And once each yearî un îhe bitter- vess of Navember sseathem, a serv ice of remembrance ix beld ta serve as a emînder, hossecer brief, thut lices mere vacrîfîced for a muy of life me vass evîay Fappiex are the slent sndi- cotions of pesosal remembrance. Bal the reai strengîli of the tessons lsarned and the remembrasce me feel must lie in aur mînds and heurts uhere a neux resolize mauItlie fommulaîed, Me mast reolize the nienlual dîffîcully of bales and preludices. selfîshness and inssîscemîîy ix canflicî. OnIy as me ac- cept personol respovsîbliîy for the evenîs lIaI shape aur genemation and aur age mîlI me lie payisg adlequete trîbute to thase mhose 'acrifice mas total. No United Nations or Leugue of Nations miiilibe successful mhiie ivi- cerity and prejudice, eiishness and bale abousd in the mindx of the indivi- duols mho must calectively mahe ap the nations of the morid. Tbe price lit meanisgtul reuxeu- lirance ix higli, but the sacrifice mas uouplete. not mean much to the average kid today. Its flot nearly as important as the latent "soul' record. And il's mild bore, a sol- emn moment aI schoot, thal han no date, or the really important tbings of tif e. its jusî une outihose silly îbisgs Alil t kuw is tbai ibev'l hav aîtoagb bai middle-aged peuple gel "ail hung op" trne getiiag axy pappys ju icis oui ai thace about, like bard work and lionesiy axd paper pappies the Legion selîs. chasititsv and ail those other drags. Ms' daugbîer and I have a runni ng baille about the Fioscer C hildcen and hippies is genecal. 5hehbas a slogan. "Love is att y ou need' ss-icb I find scrassled os Iis gs ail oser the bouse. Mv contention is that these kids dont liove asybod 'v but lbemselves, ibai bheY beartilY baie aspune svbo doesn'i subscrihe 10 their halt-baked philosophv, if son scanito grace it witb sucb a iermâ, and ibat Most ut tbem dont know esougb about fl t luvipe their oms This gues over big, of course'. Iaux immediatety relegated 10 that rapidly- incceasing segment ot the population bhai doesn' undersîand an vlbisg, s againss everythisg and canIt commusi- cale. Even tbougb she does admit thes are prelts snobbisb about iheir "love" deai1 I asked ber svbs she didn'î have a scback ut the Legios con lest. Il's open la ail studenîs, and bheY cas sriîe an i.ssayaor a poem, about the meanitt ofu Remembrance t)as. Coud cash prizes, and she mrites melI. "But it doesn'i bave any measing lac me, Dad. I didn'î bave an onc le or anvtbisg kiiled in the mac." Weii, ss'ai do sio do? I apoiogized for the tact that boîb ber mur-lime oncles are alive, and bhat I couldn'i gel msseit killed, cees ilb the olmost application ut iscoux- pelesse, just su Ibat she couud reulis enias Remembrance Dus. Eigbleen seconds lter, shes eetisg because I basent gises ber a dcîvisg lessus sn a wboie weeb, and shes just gut ta gel bs-r license hetore qhe ssow flies. lux alraid ere guisg lu bave lu lace the iaci Ibai Remembrance Oas dues And il's sut jont the kids mho ignore il. Most young auots sseer ut il as a relie ut "Britansia Rotes the Waves" and "Over the Top" and beery old veterans. It's uucb more fashionable lu jais a "proîest groop" and marcb on somre- lbisg or uther. City Hall. The Americas Consulate. It doess't malter. Break some indows. Sptasb somne paint. And go home sniggering ibal, "We reatly sboseed Ibose tascisîs.' Theces a vicarlouos Irillinîth Ie tbuughî Ibat -the police might mhack a fcw heads, even dram blood. Nul saurs, ut course. I wonder hum mass uft chose pro- lessers tsuuid have the guIs lu cham- ber out ut a moddy, slinking trench and bon ithemselves into barbed wire, and machise-gons lookisg for iheir vitats? I1svonder bow many outhie peuple sebu carry placards, witb their litIle fat omIs bauscing on Ibeir white coliars, could ls lhrougb a thousasd acres ut ced-bot la1mbbecausc sumnebods bad lu do il? I1svosder hum mass ufthie pelitios- signers, îiîb their ciras socks and Iheir under'arm deodorant, couid take a week ut pukisg and getting smasbed about in a corvette. Mashe I soond a udrtl bitter. Maybe f am. Maybe ibey cuuld and would, some ufthfem. But *until thes* vIrs t, they shounit pil os uthers. War is cottes.' 'War i% stupid. But lu those who died, ".Salud'. And lu those who ive mitb mîttes longs and arîbritis and all the rest ut il, know Ibai there are stili somne ut os wba îbink about sou us Remembrance Day. Pages of the Past f r om c ha:mp i on f il1 20 years ago Taken (rom the Iesue of The Caedian Champion, November 6, 1947, The last ut rationingifs gune. Sugur i, ssui acai lubie as sredcd. 0f course, il's gaîng ta cosl a cent a pound mure, but Iben gasoline aisu had an iscrease Ibis sseck. Osiy anc Ihing that bus ncîaised is aid price - saur meekly semspaper - and all torces arc ai monk lu put ii foc an i narcose in subseription prîce, in spitc ai ans*stiig saur ediior can du lu pee til. Miltas Public Scbooi Home and Scbut Association beid ils cegulun meet- ing Wedneday eseninglictober 22. Mcx. C. K. Stevenson mus in the chaic. As part ofthie prognaux, a turum broadcust tram Toronto max iuned sn. The sobject, "Pssi.botogy versus the hair bcusb" or "Hum ta bisg up youu c bldres", butb isterestifif and instructive. mas deul scsîb lis hrec spe-ke-rs. Dr. W. H. Blute ,il Taconto University and Mrs. Jobs Hait, diiccors- litfncrsery xcbuut, tavured pss- chbougs, and Roy SteIranot Toronto ta- vaned the bain brusia. Habgoblins, mitches, black cals and bals gaits prunced tbcoughouu the toms and dcscended os the Toms Hait toc the Roaon-Ctob's Hallumees party last Fri- day sigbl. Oven 300 cbiidren and parents iamuxed the bail almost lu uvertiumisg 1cr he parts- iih parents enioping the esenisg es-en- bit as mucb us the vsuug- 50 years ago Taken trom the Issue of Thes Canadien Champon, November 8, 1917. About I pux. taxi Baturdas, us ain- plane circird araasd Miltos and iasded in a field on the A. S. Wiltuxuil tarux, about a mile uaut omsw Ils nase struck a rongh spot, the pcopelier mas smash- cd and the machinie mus athermise dam- aged. There scas osiy ose mus in il. He mas is 1he asitorux ut a R.F.C. cadet, but said be scas Licol. Bedier ut the French Acmy and had bers ut the ft rcoux the ineginning ufthIe mur ustil he came ta Canada sonne ime agu lu act as as in- sirccoc. He said bc had camteftram Camp Bocden and mas torced 10 descend on accoonl otengise trouble. The mach- ine ceuxained mbere il mas ustil Sunday aftecnous, uhes hait a daces air mech- asies came oualtframtTuronto, Iook il ap- art and luaded il os a molor trolley, us mbich Ihey leftItor the cily ut 8 pu. Mr. Bedier ment lu Toronto by Irais. A greal masy peuple tram the toms and neighborbood viewed the wreck unsBal- ucday and Sosday. A great deal ut manIas damage wus dune by Millon bossasnIhe nighî of the 3Isî. A nomber ut suxail buildings mere opset, fences broken, a creamery wagon mas more oc mess brokeu, and put in the creck, su mas a big gale, the box of a de- lisrry magon in the ruto the Nem Ray- ai Hotel was smashed and the seat car-, rird cdoms behind the bill, the paie mas cacried off troux William Andersons bar- ber sxbop. 1he spunt mas sties [romx the drisking toastais opposite the toms hall, and a cuscrete ie post opposite the Bank ut Nova Scutia mas upset and rotied ac- ross the strecl. Four boys mere brooght betoce Police Magistrale Dice os Saluc- day. Tbcy pieaded guiiîy lu a chacge ut upsettisg a building, mece urdered to, re- place il, and tîned $2 each. 100 years ago Taken fronm tiseiasue of The Canadien Champion, Milton, November 7, 1867. A greai cuscal nuuxed Jases, former- lv ut Georgetown, and mcii knums in these parts troux hi s cunnec lion mith the Jiux Jettrey robbecy gang in the rob- bery ut F. W. Gales and Cos store, han lteIy ended bis exploits ut a Iumn in the Western States. a jury ut Judge Lynch's court having suspeuded bis ea- ceec and bis curccss ut the sume lime mitb a piece ut rape. His execution mus ordered us the sIrenglb ut a costession made by a contederule samed *McDou- gaîl, mbo hadi previously bren iysched aI Latayette, Indiana. Mark Twain, tectucisg on the Bond- mich Islands, ottered lu show hum the cannihals eut Iheir food if souxe lady mould hand him a baby. The lecture mus sut illostraîrd. Truly me ksom sut wbul me muy be or mbut a day or us haur may bring torth. The Iranturmalion ut the galaînt Col. Chisholux, almont the hero ut Lim- cridge, tronm a high-Ioned Loyal Cosser- valise Candidate for the Communs lu a commun informer, is sol a mhiî mure sorprising Ihan the metamorphisix ut the young lady into us oml. (Col. Chis- hulux mas the major layer ut charges ugainst ýM.P. Jobs White, in mhich -Mr. White is accused ut bribery lu ubtain votes.) THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Nakialait k 19t mai.nsrai tt Pano.78-150 Moi, om" O JasaJ. A. i.. M..nirg dit. ta Ry E. Onne, NSE dita, Hte. Park.,, Ad~.ing Managar Pulîbit, -Y nesan Wasaaa i 191 Main I., Miln. Ona.oM. mk.r ni Mecanadien aabiy samWpns,.Aoiaai-ne ad thaOntans Waabie N- peaa AaanannSabauItne,«,aa eae n Mio. 5.0aP., 1 70ivi nanIrMyea nthethon canadaé. Anins slo. auSeu nl s.aMiliosa ala,M haovni fety isrp5leajaaxr th, ;;U orItse auuxsslag s S =aed in bs awnsama ilin. talote i tha, ii sanaaf le Ihya. fnr sintm iim eiaraid fr.t tbai IeSuam nPusx Ainl l b.aid f.,a.1lia in theflns l nt 9 YIspiaiennm adurtshqi 8-d.luai, assi . anna aq ei. aosaa. a-ss -iennbn.l aId, uAd,si.ir8 iaMaaf, an aet tand axMfanyh. ithdmasaaaaita Auhn,îaad as SasasalCtaaaMa11kv l*e Ina, 044k. Oapa, eOit&n. LANEWAY DECORATIONS AND SIGNS are sprisging op Irougliaut Hulasn County each year, thavks lu a couxpeti- lion omong members of HalIons busy 4-H club members. Normas Milter of Fiee Sideroad mest ot Campbelleille mus tbe 1967 mînver ot the contest for the best enîrance decoratiov, mith is flowx- Down[s] in this w t r0y o ns Corner