~ke &inÔiau Authoriaad aa eona cia..Mail ha the Poat OftrceOsat., Ottawa. tc.in aag. paOix .O-hai tMitia. Onaria MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1967 ~Iîampion M-i te o amu nir1eae Election interest mushrooms as local nominations near Miltîtn'-. lceiinring i,-. co.nl usîng situa ttîn his week- itgitn the paîimta i, andii îtl iitaîtl To tutti iatiotîtnsaon Nov coiil. cholbo hard andl lit- Tii-. tak l'lit apionont taicd îIincombnti-lur ablit tl.irk limtent" Tu date, svnne i u iiievrunniîîg I r ctitil - i, a]ti ichin nu- hns .- o neii icîiîbnhii .nd tour tiher, rs une- i.in- anaut ha a cuncil race and oane piesatac tuiîcillaî i driopîing oiti îîha enxutithe The schotittiboard lias une dlirtiie antis. ilira puossihle, cite reiiring mainibei andi ona plan, t iirîuag.îiii. a l hie othi,î îsquitting iii tiI liii a Thea tiass muiipapl siitý loi, plo ide, 'ea i f i tliti Miltons proposai Four others voting on educotion costs VA(EDICTORIAN LAURIE SINCLAIR mac alco minner of namneros other awardc ai Fridap's commencement eoarcises t Mlton District High School. Here she ix sbewc mith last pean's sident councîl presîdient Marianne Fap. mînner of the Russell Leadership Trophy. (Staf f Photo) Commencement honors students Averaged osai axer ail papars writicil. siudpfll wbo spant ffie graduoiing yaar ai Mil- ton District Higb Setteol dur- ing 1966-67 regisiared a 91-9 pr cent scnan. This comparas cry favorahip with tbe provincial acerage of 80 to 85 par ceni. Of diss, ý15 par cent wara et bonor standing.-Milian District High Sabool hoard chairmax Reford Gardhousa noiad in is addrass ta tbosa aiiending the M.DîH.S, commencement an- ercixas Friday axaning. Mr. Gardisouca cbairad the eecnlng wicb feaiurad prasen- tation of tbe pagt ears awards and a ialk hp guasi spaker G. L. Warlow. cf tbe deparimani o extension education ai Uni- versity of Guelphs. Mr. Warlow, in is gexinein isumorus ramarks. suggastid Ibose mondaring whera tha younger genration ix going should consider wbare it cama fronm. Ile stresd tic peung people of ioday bave coi enly a nom- ber of new problams bol alto a few laI t unsolved tramt pra- inus ogas. A graduate et OA.C. ai Guelph and who ase aîîexded Wayne Universiity in Amenias Prof. Warlow ix a former îaacb- e of Milles. Vice-principal W. M. Tom iniroducad hlm. -Rflecing on tisa mord 'com- mencemnent, ha noiad il ratars te a bagtnning - the heginniag of iigis scisool gradoales ie the adult, warking or oniversiiv world. Baind may fold needs support Tisa Miltan Girls' Pipe Band ix in danger cf "foiding op" unie ta il gais soe fianciai support, Reaca Austan Ladilb warned 'Milles Council an Manday. H sggetcd tisa bond naeds a service cia-b ta sponsor it and baip il erganiza and ha ol-sufficiant. 'I wouid bte ta, ea tis bond droppad, itos the aniy bond wa bava ha tawn, said! tisa maya, "but if thcy dont gt soe blp Fi afraid lisai ara goaf ta fold up-a The bond bas requasted tome financiol assistance frem cauncil, and the requeso was tuened ovr le lise Recreutiox CommIttaa. ise commencement et a nem awareness-miseiber il's et lita. education or persoxul relaton- sips oten egint ai Com- mencement. Ha advised s'oxng people 10 stear reur cf therescape sorld of drugs hecausa cf a suppîîsrd boredom mitb rcaltv. The mcxi axaiiing world ot ail s% the isorld of reliiv: if ibere mare 100 bours in avenv day and ware 1000 yeaun long. sou would ha able 10 ouais onîs the triage o t ilbha oiad. Tee briser amihasizer iis. Professer Wurloss closad ssiii a quota from laze singer Louis Armtrong, Lies a hall-if onetssou kxom it Apprecialion of the guesi speaker mus givex hc lasi vearssiudrxt council presi- dent MarianneF'as, and a hou- quet cf flomers for is ite and tumils marc presenird hv Wusda Guv Principal R. C. Hanter rons grtultrd hotb students and leacisers in is remarhs, and welcomcd guest 10tie ven t Ne noted tiaI of lasi vears graduaing class of 46, 2f ment 10 aniversiiv. ine weni on 10 heome teuctuers. four hecame sortes and ie mmcd indoci- ries Ciairmax Gardisoose tîtucis- cd hricfly uic lhe propoxad scisool expansion progam. sav- ing studexis could aticipate a brigisi future in ibis area. Vaiedicioriax Laurie Sin- clair commenteionex ctiviliex Ibrougisoot tise 1966-67 scsotît saur. bols tise sarleax studv and tise more isamorous avents. and îiankad lie euciers on baiait et bar feliom gradoales. Siese ated lise generalion coming in ix te lobe newer and more important roles in tse orld, and quoied the laie Americae praideni Jobs P. Kenneds's constant rferenca 10 tise Nom Proatier. In cloixg se voied tincera rianbs le ail and tuccesta bar feliow gradutes. Seccrai seaîions mre isard froax the scisool Glea Club un- der the direction of -Mrs. Myr- na Tiomptox and Miss Lois Walsbe, M. 'Hunier received lies li- dent counicil cenleonial psoject, a spors imer micb was pra- senied by last years cauncil praidant 'Mariasse Pop. U.nited Steel Worlart Local 4970, reprexenltid by C. M. Bradbury, divided ibir $25 bus- cary baiweee Douglax Stewart and Douglas Wilson.,ciso acb hCî.cLlnd cm Pae 3) Four misicipali tics tril'l con- suitt haie atacicralas lin the qîîîasiîîxoftifha prosinca tub- itg tiertha ftlli cuti cf cdii ato.ilt %., .nnîîîînccî t tetitan Cauncil Mtndas. Cotîneil bati taxi out 925 lt-l crs in Octoher .sixg other Ontaîrio commlcitias tc put ha issue 10 a cote. as Miltox idaing iis %vair Esipanola, Amharstburg axd Atlliston rapliedtt bas xiini- duittaha quastitin on their balltlinxtha 1I8 lactic . axd ha Tomnship ot Peiec wsiti put il laIbthevt rs Ibis scar. Oaaetthere.immuxits' mill place il an (lita nalt it h-re sanc alliotoit toc endors- cdtha rasîlctiîîn bu o iîînox Itrihar actirîx Olir santiment s oti ili tha 67 replie traceited in- iouda 50 icceit-dan d iiad. -.tx'n rtfial tata lii li anîd îbre abiAti tntîl the 1968 Vanrdalism ut Io w ebh Paint, pumpkins, pipe vandalism A "i a l uîtu ' iO il-i'ui Miltutu Poi-ia iti1 Millttuil O P. P.wil th,.î'.tttaal 'thtl 'l1h .î%'iCA t ui Theiiluî uitenidîîîîîl ilita, uiuu tu tIe n riteliIittup it l nI Aux' (lupa trit ut ut. "-luIllei tauui h.uugli mi tuutt in th,- G(nand.uîuliituaspriatd tan Itigbtx.uî 7 ai Nîtu t l as cd save rul liatireits bafoua tbey ela pchau t p, Chidran marc rapoielîthrîuxîng .ppies al trilers paurki-tinmca titrsal Oecart'stiui u'i crachetwiiiuvuîtutîh .uppeui pîîmpk us utc tit l-sutiai- liagftiugbsav s401 ifrocu Ilie Titon Lin.- uîurp.-ss Twou usasjb uL î o u11Lu. (niiuttu iIue F:' sqiisopuisplua.tuattisntuugh lictanighi. but %iîauuan tutu St-iut haepu luta -l n Miltont Policeraerport uuucli etuarîvasspluIiarad aîth tulîci Halliexa ian ogisi. Itllttm- itgan1 incidentith ie pravius tughtuuttittilttaraI- i.iixru utippu paint tubs Epganccu aoaoc vra lb roissaruocd in the oltt tsssuction t1tti lîup gsiOux lIeue i., lit iisiuiePaini ls.. apîncai oni tisa astriruof ne hitite culdt ic aige.l Chiti a% u Anuitets saîd ha mas puauis vel pleased i hl haeutnpra ion tisa forc ra caiveti tusHallowsen igsî START JAYCEES Tisa irsi meeting tof the Mii- taon2.ycces has beex sialeel bar innigisi lWeîtncsdayi in tie Charles Restaurant. Fouxnd- or of lise nclubais Don Smits said ha especîs abouti 12 la 15 pteuple le attend tie meeing. huit le lts 'utsttt il. tha s Ii-' l liitsauîhuttispaci ptinO l11 iii lu rlaltîl u tr uptIuiieu top11f tguus. Etcit tut-. or tutu-e aillue tOiopln- leuts, butbai.' poil I lita gutaI lpato (i el". utihir v'uiiIcapertttuintoc mm ch poteouti ChiaI Anairasues it an'.- ne mitlb .u in'omartuioun aîbout theîuuuhîuîvvonp.intlart- it shatîlîttepîtrutut.the police,. an hues sill hi-spIllte inftrun- atitaninxtha suris est uoxbiî- c-uit " Th.,-nncienati lits ha.ve .1 uspunsiihi tts lle iin iii the eonnunuuut luihelp us cutrail ihis isuue tub nonsens.e." Oubvilte Police utc bad a ains quiet naîcraliox 10 nopa tvilh. A ntmbcr uf rua mail- botes sveu'a buuuukîu iotes in ha uotthelsanti tf toms andi sotiule stop sipos îvcra upîuuît- acl tisrouagiosîitheuuitcmviintly. Pre - Halloween remnovat et stop sigas bas beas lamed for imo serios ucidents ix thiaIcomnmuxiiy. tiastut reesa and depuiy reeve and six counciliors on ,htil bard andtncommis- ainr n hth rn obody. AIl ,asare open and ihosa eI- tatiw oit Decisaiber 4 wili xii Hata'. ois' iby stand: COIJNCIL Mastîr Std Chiids, Raeva ilsian l.adîî îb and Dapuiy aase alels Mencfy ara ail in flictace loi ibair present seus igatîl Ctiuiltnrs Char- iiaJhnsotn, Per.y Barr and lîtîtîtn Kiante -la raturcine ao tbe lray. Couacillor Char- lsFat, quated by Tbe Champ- ton 1-siueîals as *"undacided, ixý oiaep bis mind t10 n A ,tew eniry in thbraîce is tîlin Snîillie, isba ba% servedi ,ixc i n haeItdra cornm Ha suoi lt:-dbha s dalim- t llvrutlting Ifara swat an Iýjni itslima. Cauncîlai BittiBcas tstill uncarta in. fIraa locai lusînessman an- il d ha piciore tibtisek %, lia i Mise Ledisitb la former stavoti ,Bohb McCuaig and titi Coilaaxcuxcedtheba a tîttaerastîrdbai stlun- ,erlatit ahaut tunniing or itintil seats. Antiba potssî ie clander sý RîîntIlarris. a membai af lit litiliitchbool huard tir hie pasi seven peurs. Mr. Har- si sait. 'tl.itni delinitaly risc 'tiing li a mnunitipal offiuca but 1liie nat set decidad th- etiý i% t i iba tue shaul (luit alla ofithe presen t .îîîntîillars. TaîsCusens, i piiiiglia relira tram taux il il lis îaar. ScHOOL BOARD Jas une prenant sehoal irtîs tee.H.tP. JabnyJohnson lits autid hu ill rnafor the litail abain. Member Dian SIioun wiîstitli ois-on and tiitiitlabla lai comment ibis tceak buiiirumorad bcii h"LI' in tch, raceaoace mare. tt'otes, Alec Cooke and Mis M.el. hKarnatbaxld The Cha~mpion tbey stere as- teiltiti abiot rining agaîn. Mi, sKerniglian. a sexiexpear %oluiac. sidsbct%'as cxtid- cig qtîttlngbut manîs 10 sec moreit,,tinicii interosled inmu- nçplonu b iclîna sha %oli t irelira aniass aaotb- et umncould take ber Dsaug Cruickshank xaid "il %eas a dittiext decisban le inialo ndiltreqird alotlof ihinhiig but bhais defixitats raîîrintz nie ha board ibis %crîller ibrea pears of ser- lite ItL, cilad i ncreused busi- eti cminilcients and work- îng ssih .a Scotut lroop as ra- AntI Mr. tirrs.as mextion- vid prs-stisls. ix ctlii ndecidad ibitit raîîrnixg 10 the board ori supping up t o 0ourc il lev- et. Hea.isas ebairmax of dia tchttl hoard ibis sear. HYDRO Cîtîtîmisitînar Smilliec danc- iioIolauetaha thraa -max comi lanes axa tat openan ticiis croup. Com- îîîîssiîînar Bill Romney. an aigh-sar valaran and piros- t cils chai riaxof tha hourd, sa libel]bc in tha race agaix. Tha titrdicanittar of tbe nom- ntiioiiis the ecîsor. isho l .iittimaticaits appointed te the ,'îîcîmîssiîîn annualty. The nomination mroting cxill bh badfront 7.30 te 8.30 pa. Mondis. Nasamber 20 in tba auiditotriuim ofitha senior pub- fi,- shootlton Martin St. Ruta- piaier Lre ns lied 10thaealeet- ig.Iopirlicipata in nomixa- tiil, cindidiatsand Io sitini tit [lita aleclioncering speeches adreponrts frcm incombants bhal t ilfnilnxc-tha nominal- ionîtur. Remmue pamwde Militon Braacb 13b ofthIe Royal Caxadian Logiox miii ob- serte Remnembrante Day Ibis Saturday. Nocamber Il. A par ada miii forint up ai the La- giox Hall on Charles Si. ai 10.30 a.m. and a mamoriat car- vie mii ha held ai tba Vic- toria Park cenolaps on arrivai ahoiuI 10.45 a.m. 'rhe tome Scots pipe bandl cwlllatiflie parada. Frank Shannîon is parada marsai and Mayor S. G. Childs wiit 1chatir the program. Lagion 1Paîtra 'Rex Fuiber J. J. Mur- îîhy will gis-r the addrass. Bubble bath lob newest industry - Bubble Bath Laboratoriesuu, a chemical menu- facturing firm presently locted in Dunnville, is build- ing a new plant on a section of the Wilson farm on Onitario St. N. in M ,ton. A spokesman told The Champion this wcck the nem Mlton plant mîîî replace the Dunnville operation. Several products including bubble bath, car freshen. ers and numerous other related items wiii be manufac- tured at the new building. He could net top how soon the operation would start here, or hem many would be employed. Cars kili, wound deer two steers destroyed Wbîla buxdrcds ut huniers toxerged un Hulton for the tht ea-tav dec-r tcatox Mondas. local maltîrisis made ibeir tiare kilts a lttae caris ugaix tht, sear. l(liet irec dass preccding ha apenng of the Halila bunt. îcatîîrîsls hilîrd lis-aand mîuxded one deer on the bigh- savs. Enen -a couple of stray secers gatinttilaebaact obax tas ctlliied sxilb a caracear Actan an the xeexd. The firsi deer la meal lxs sebieular "Waterloo" was slrui.h hy an Elora man's car an Higbsxay 25 xorib of Spay- sida aurit Friday eceaing.fil caused $200 damage te the car. Then ai 1.45 a.m. Moxday maroing, a fam bours heforefil isatlîl bacc ta stan ruaxixg -lmhutr% dear commit- tatlsuiide bv runnag iclo the sidaet a macss tar on Hiab- o'av 401 near Campealcvilie. causinil $75 damage and and- ng fraver ils mornies ahout lriggar-bappy hoxtars. The third deer 10 gel mbt ha aci mas sirUck hv a mans car on the Guelph Lina 051t nurih ut CampeilitaSuxday csenîng afier dark. Tise man tld police tl fait dcci, rliled over. ibea siood op and ron aisay Il loti a bit of hiood and bair ox the frnaioftiha mas othermisa undamagad A group of teens owned hy John T. Lazaxby af R.R. i Ac- ton mara haîag hardad acroso Higbmav 7 near Adtos Sunday whex a car drivea hy Oscar Brougbtox of R.R. 1 Acion bappaxed aloxg. Tha rasultunig collision ixiared 1500 steers so badîxi Ibexi ad lu ha desiroy- cad xS aused $150 damage 10 the car. The steers were valu- cd ai $250. "WE SH-ALL REMEMBER THEM-..."Saturdoy 0f 10.45 &.M., Miltonians are inited te coix corodes from the Royal Cona- diax tegiox Brancis 136, as they parade le fhe cenotoph In Vicoria Park te hold their annoal commemorofivo service end remember lise dcod et thrcc mors. (staff Pholo) Vol. 108.-No. 27. Twenty Pages-Ten Cents.