Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 9

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17 rEAL ESTATE Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BROICERS 189 Main St. - Milton TOWN $19.900 ful price, 3 - bedrooni brick bungalow, Youngstown kitchen, living rooni, full basement with finished recre. ationrni, weli maintained. Ternis. VILLAGE $10000 fuil price, 2 - bedroom clder type bungalow with large kitclsen, living room and summer kitchen. Cash. FARMS 100 acre fam, 3 miles froni Milton, 4- bedroomn home, large 'ank bars. Asking S65, 000. 100 acres, west uft'Milton. Ask- ing $42000. ACREAGES 25 acres. Price $8,500. 30 acres. Price $10900. 10 acre lot on escarpment, wooded. Price 116,000. Cati 878-2095 878-6057 17c25 A. E. LePAGE RIALTO" UMBT Member uf the Toronto, Ontuclo and Oakville - Trafalgar Rou Estate Boards 54 Years' Continuons Service EDEN MILIS CAMP SITE 21 Acres and 2 Streamo $20000 fuit prce for Ibis veey appealing site, ideal for camp site with cte ittie 3- rooni 'Panabode cottage, dec- tricaiiy heated, al convenien- ces. This property bas large area of open land foc play- ground or subdivision, bal- ance beautifol miaed bush wilh 2 streams that conven- iently flow along houndary, whicft alto couid be suisdivid. ed. Five miles from a concen- tration of 60000 people. Sel- dom do we have the oppor- tunity to offer for sale 'a pro- perty that has so many pos- sihilities and such a sound in- vestment. MOFAT 10 ACRES S5,0 oniy, 10 fertile, slightiy roliing acres, just a step off pavement. 5 miles 401 SOwY., hydro available. Omner wiii take back substantiel first mortgage. ACTON SPARKLING FAMILY 3HOME $18_5M fult price for this 7-room 'hack split-level home. 3 hed- rooms, teatures large bright kitchen. living room, divided recreation room, excellent view. good site lot, close to schoois and shopping centre. A reai buy at ibis price. CALL TOM BRADLEY 878-9543 MiLTON a 17c24 19 LEGAI. NOTICE fMilton Pavisg & Consraction Ltd.. <f Milton, Ontario wili not be responsible for the dels in. curred 'oy Wilred Fretnch in thse name of or on behaif cf Milton Paving & Construction Ltd. from and cter tise 11th day of October, 1W6. 19M2 Notice f0 Creditors AI> OTHERS lainbthetaI. of ALFRED ME PIOM, lt of 10.11centst. otulMasser, tn thse Towniof milton, in thse Ccssty of Hul- ton, RetOnd. Doeese&i Creditors and others havlng dlaims against the abovenamned deceased. who died on 17th Aug. ust, 1965. are requlred tb send particulars of sucis clima 10 the undersigned on or iefore Ooldber 25th, 1967, af er which date the estate wili bc disteibut. ed having regard only 10 dlaims ut which tise Admitsstratlx shah tises have had notice. DATE aI MiltIon, Ontario, tisis 251h day of September. 1967. 19 LEGAL 20 AUCTION SALES DEATHS TOWN 0F OAKVILLE Walter Reinhart McDONALD, Russetl - Suddes. ly on Saturday, OctuYber 21, M ncplEetos Brampton Livestock Excacsnge 1967, RselMDnl fRR December 11, 1967 Licensed Auctioneer toved issbasd of Dorotisy Ser Foa Sales, Householid Sales vice and dear tatiser of John, Tise Voters' List bussiseen and Appraisale Grace (Mrs. Roy Dame), Diane, posîrd up atie Clerks Office, PHgONE Rose Mary. Fred. Roy. Joyce, Scisoots, Libraries, Shopping Sselgrove 843.1071 Donald asd Heatiser Ans: bro. Plazas, Oakvtlle Public Utilities Bolton 837-1726 hier of Mrs. Pearl Littie ot Commission and varlous stores CollecI Kitchsener 519742.7437 Everton: Ken asnd Cliff, botb and srvic staions Of o)Actos: Mms. Margaret Muti- CndseckictistVtersostdurig - tie ofMitton; Arcisie of Lime- tisec lime tirsispotdringbouse: asd Normas of George- tOctober 25tis 10 November gIs, AUCTION S LE tomrs, prideia.Sad bstorbro- 1967) 10 ensure tisai yoor sanie SALE tbr.Wlim adJrat bas becs ttsted. If y our saniue îtralwviews edai does sot appear, Write tbe 0f 27 Jersey Cows iho Runitos- Shoernaker Fus- Clerks Deparment in order - ral Homo ., Acton. on Mondas tisat y our rintme may be ester- At bred artificiatty and are ai 2 p.m. Iterrnont Limehose ed os the lisI. good sized cows, for cemetery. Remenibur - if your name is ALBERT ELLES a sot on tise Voters' List, you Lot t, Con. 3, Chinguacoosy Mvayor flost may lose your vole. Tmp., on Steetes Ave., 2 mites S. A. FEATHIRBSTONE, mest of No. 10 Hwy., i mitte annucal ainner Clerk, n ortb-east ut Cburcbvite. Mas or S. G. Citds and Mms Tows of Oakvitte. 19C25 SATURISAY, OCTODER 28, 1967 Citds estertained members At 2 p.n. of cous cit and soeir ives as Breeding dates witt be gises ssott as municipal officiats at un oday utal. he asnu.ît Masor-, Dinner os Thie Voters' List Act TERMS:Cs ihcek o audveeig Section 12 day of sale. Osrisa tise evesigcucl N o reterse as fan s sotti. doan. Chartesisiohson proses. CeksNtc ofFirst Acioseers: led tbo Mastîr wmu a haro- Clerks Notce ofmeter and Mss. Ciilds witis a Posting of Votersi List WALTER and DONALD pioco of BItio Moustain pot- RE1NHART. lors. Theo m;vorssasocommen. 0 nOmer or auctioseers wilt ded tir is condutcî f utmnici- Voters' List 1967 sot be respossibte for asy OccI- pal boisoss dorns0 the past dents on tbe prem ises os day vear. TOWN 0F OAKVILLE ut sale. 20h17 Mayor Chisîds espressed ap- COIINTY 0F HALTON preciatlion 10 Ibose present for CLEAING heir cuotpration and assist- Notice is hereby gises tisaI LERIGnco during tise vear. t have compiied ilhSsections AUCTION SALE 9 and 12 ufthtie Voters' Lisîs BE SURE At, and tisaIt1 have posted up 0fM srhr atiNg ESF at my office aI Oakville, on tise sCrhekns, FeiHIp E A 25th day ut Octobur, 1967, tise Sep Cikns a Ipe BE CERTAIN ist ut ail persons enltittedti l ente, Treciore, Focal. Antiques vote in tise nunicipality ai mon- etc. icipat etections and tisaI sucis list remains there for inspec- Tise undersigned bas receised ion. instructions troni0 9 MISSES MeLEN'NAN & NURSE NILIIPII LISTINS 1118111M AND t HEREBY caît stpon SISTERS CONSULT A ait voters lu taise immediate proceedings lu have any omis- To sett by auction aithtie MEMBER OF THE sions or errors currected ac- fan. Lot 13. Con. 8, Brin Tmp. codn atise ast day for ituated on No. 24 Hwy., t mite cSdigou ams IhBrampton Reol appeat beingth&h day of mest ut Brin Village, on Novembur, 1967. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd Estate Surd DATED ai Oakvitle Iis 25th Commencing at 12.30 p.ni day of Octoher. 1967. sharp, tise fottosisg: CATTLE - Red corn. bred ____________ S. A. FEATHERSTONE, Marcis 4; red corn, hred Marcis Cterk. 27; ruas beifer, bred fsarch 20,; O O T Tomn ut Oakvitle. 19c25 red com, bred Aprit 12: red TO N O com, bred Aug. 5; miite corn brdAug. 9; red com, tresis Aug.jyB s 2; red com, tresis Juty 17, 5 .a.b B s 20 AUCTION SALES yearlings; 3 calses, about t year oid; 2 calses, bors in Marcis: Lose Fores - Good Any Dey 2 calves, hure Juty and Aug. AUCTION SALE This is a mett bred berd ut ONE WAY $1.35 Shortisors caille;:Inlate peurs, EDIEN MILLS AUCTION ciey hase been bred lu Central RETURN $2.45 CETXM Unit: presious to tisai. Soots Fridey, Oclober 27h date butîs mere used. TIME TA L 7,30 p.m. 'HOGS - York som. lu becIL - ired: York som, isred Aug. 16; Antiques - uiceesture York soW, bred Aog. 21; 13 -chunks; 10 pigs. hors Aog. 26. C A G C. 'H. TUFFIN. Auctioseer, SHEEP - il emves, mosty ____ 20h17 Phsone 8564246- Leicester, lu be bred: t0 erne tambs, lu be bred: ram tamb. Effective Ocoher 29, 1967 AUCTION NOTICE Hmire x Sussx; 75 ensONT lts, Hamipshsire- Sussex, hach- TO TORO T Tise foliowing Registered ed in March. 6.40 o rn - roc. Sot, Sun. Sisorthorn CaIlle omned by MR. IMPLEMENTS - Ferguson and Hol. JAMES McCILLOCH of Acton traclor, in good running order, milt bu aotd by auction aI lise Dearbore 2-furrow plom: Froc- 7.50 a.rn Satordays unix tan sale uf Mr. J. C. Mclnîyre mas loader; Ford puttey: drive un Satorday, Octoiser 28, Blue bet: M..tertitizer and grain 3. 10 p.rn . Strdays only Springs Lise. Nassagameya dirill mith grass seeder: cuttiv- Township. atur: 4-section barroms: Cuck- 8.40 p.mW -Surdayt5or i. ELMAC LASSIE 2nd. humn shoît momer, 7' cut: I.H.C. side Hoidays 23 'May '64, breai 9 -May '67 lu rake: hay loader; fan wagon Lonedale Baron 22sd. mitis fiat rack: M.H. masure For Holiday Service 2. STROWAN JOAN 16S, horn spreader: putaIn planter: pota. Se Time Table No. 3 17 Aug. '61, bred 6 Jonc '67 lu lu digger: tornip sumer: M.H. Tickets andtIlnformnation at Losedale Baron 22nd. binder. 3. tINDINE LADY IV, hors 15 MISCELLANEOUS - 2 ma. MLO April '64, bred 9 May '67 toi gos buses: block and tackte: ILO Losedale Baron 22nd. blocks and tite for chimney: TRAVEL SERVICE 4. McELLEN DLICHESS IX, pleasure steigis: sloop steigis: 14 Martin Street hors 22 Nov. '66, opcn. pulper: fanniog nIt: vise: Dr Pedigrees given sale day. Lavai creani separatur: paits Telephone 878-9211 A god group ut caIlle. etc.: 3 tadders: cotuny bouse Mes fller Casson -- Agent N o reserve. am soid. 10 x 12; bruoder stuve: fous. MAX STOREY, tains and feeders; Gurtsey bigis 20b17 Auctioneer. beani scales: set ut smatt scal- es; Burdizo set: bout trim- DANIA JERSEYS mers: robber tired wheetbar-. Complete Dispersai1r ANTIQUES - 2 i ron sugar, ketîles: pea harvester: mooden ______________ Omneai by: torks; 2 cradlles; 2 flaits: set ot K. E. Larsen, Brampton, Ont. clsco be;seih el; 50 HiEAD sae:cr el tibbts 20 AUCTION SALES boot jack; shoulder yoise: 2 __ At tise aId cocks: cherry chest ut G.M.'. WoSuiesAme dramers, hasd -.'mode: side- COMPLETE AUCTION (14~ mile soutis cf No. 7 Hwy., huard; chest: tronis: 2 iron SERVICE 8miles nurtis ut Nmy. 401 atIn-e couches; tout cbest: picture Hosods ipess terchange 40, on Trafalgar Rd.. trames:; pancake griddte: sud Hor Far Sa isesai et Georgetown). irons: odd dishes: otd cup- o a> ae FRIDAY. NOVEMBFRE 3,1967 huard: pastry storage: bins: o-Chi A Scoue At 1.30 p.m. cking chair: medicat books, C rs .Shu R.O.P. - VACCINATED printed Nov. t0, 1783: 2 iîiang- ACINE FREGNANCY GUARANTEED es; 2 masis stands: Coumbsia A CINE FULLY ACCREDITED andi victrula. many records. Graduate irom Kansas Cipy CERTIFIE» PURNITURE - 2. picce ebes- Auction Scisool 1966 herd average 9.093 ibu. terfield suite: rockiig chair: Sol es conducted asymisere. miik and 459 Ibs. fat - DCA kilcisen cabinet: bookss. Please colt cotteet 878-2576. M130 - F122%., LUMBER and FEED _ 6 o40t "Records tu 15000 Ibs. Mitk sproce plonk, 2' x 10. 20' long: ___________ and sear 784 Ibs. Fat." isemtock tomber, various.si;es: CLEARING Atop miiky ierd, but uver etm planis etc.: pile ut dr tise years on tise bust available moud, beecis aod mapte: 2,500 A C IN SL sires. ottering a yuung ierd ut bales ut good quatits mmed A C I N S L caltie, in excellent condition, boy: 500 bales ut sîram: 500 bus. mils cxceptiosaity sound. mcii- ut uats. Modern anti Atique Furniture attacheai iong.mearing odders. TERMS: Cash is mlscleris un I i ilg tCnpu No btter opportunity 10 boy .day ut soale. n the VGlaeor apel niilk. along ils foundation te. 1 Ômner or auctoneer sut res- bol.nth uslpis Line gisg maies backed by yearu of possibte tor any accident or in- fort s, e on tise mest sound. proven ability. jury occurring on tise prtemises of roat or 0 Hyfrts Catalogues maiied by requeul. Everyîising lu be removdby 1ATE ANNA GILMOIJR Luc vial isale. November 20. SATURDAY, -NOVEMB3ER 4. T,,esdas -am On Friday, tise fedieral gov. oromest gave its final blessing o tise project. Residents ut lise Ranctitte Rd. orea whis %eeobjectiog lutiste Autisur- lyvs expropriation poymenis tsactsed dorno' said onecon ,crr.ition officialmises lise DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Residentiai " Industriel " Commerrcial Ready-made Drapes in stock. For Customi Service CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME APPOINTMENT SYERS 228 Main St. 8782067 GENERAL CONTR11ACTONS RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. " Home Improvements " Renovatuons 1 Aterations " Additions " Commercial or Industriel UL 4-2263 CALL IRVING ROOFING For ROOFING EAVESTROIIGHING ALUMINUM SIDING Re-Roofing aur Specialty PHONE 878-620 MILTON -Free Estimmates - 1t GARDEN SERVCU Formosa Landscaping CONTRACTOR " Seeding anti suadiol " Weed sprayisg " Fertltizing CTree trimmisg ePatios 878-3263 PAINTINO AND DECORATINO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor Industriael Residentisi Interior -Exterior Colt nom for Pree Estimâtes 878-6137 Bon 114, Miton. 21c-f WELL DRILUNO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Miltas, Ont. Phsone Borllnglon NElson 4-M02 CUSTOM UPHOISTIE MILTON UPHOLSTERY Nîîm omneai and operuteai by Lorne Artisur PHONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 Milton " Rc-uphoisteey " Auto Irini " Upisolstery clesning * Customi bout fursilure " Free pick-up andi dellvery 2c-t Halton Upholstering Re-Jpisostering Custoni BuilI Furolture Chrome Kitoises Chairs Rug andi upisuistery shampooing Free pick-up anti dellvery. H. ENSEN R.R. 2, Campiseilville. Phono: 854-9939 2lc52ti Harold's Upholstery 379 FINE STREET Coîl 878-2056 Reupisolsterisg cisterfielti suites, chrome chairs, truck seats, custoni building anti -e 6tviing. Fre Estimates Pick.ups anti Deliverica HAROLD KELLN ic-tif Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFURE Desigsed JusI For Yoîî - and - OOMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Coli 878-2461 192 Main Street HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 Mill St.. Milton. CALI 878-3711 FOR APPOINTMENT "Modemn equipmeoî. " Expert stpling, cotoring,wav. ing. 21c-tf ELECTRICAL SERVICI McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INDIJSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL e DOMESTIC e ELECTRIC HEATING Complote Eîectric Home ô6 Cisarles St. Milton 878-9513 TV uad RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE " Piiips TV & Tape Recorder& * R.C.A. Stereo, TV, Appliances " 8-portos TV and Stero 222 MAIN ST. 878-444 c-tf SEWVINO MACHîNM SI NGER SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE RENTAI PHONE 878-6061 Milton Fabric Centre Services and Repsire on att mires ut seminu machines. 20c-t TAILORINO - RIAINS TAILORING ALTERATIONS andi REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Slree PHONE 878-4472 2tc47-tf RURIOERAION DOMCO REFRIGERATION Domesîîc Retrtgerator anti Freezer Service Phono.. CampboIIviIIo 854-2605 2Ictf KING REFRIGERATION INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SALES & SERVICE Memiser ut: Retigerotion Service Engineers' Society - and.- Association ou' Rcfrlgeration Contractors Reliable and Efficient CAMPBELLVILLE 854-2228 21ctf PRINTINQ For Vour Printing.. *Top Oualily *Efficient Service *Reasonable Fric. CALL THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 191 Main St. IlIo 416 - 878 - 2341 The Canadien Champion, Wedneudey, Octoier 25, 1967 9 DIVeéU Iea ChoeWe peoetwBll ast ~~ A final go-aiseati mas 9 4~4Utie~iie~stise Halton Region Cons lion Authoritys Morre Wetigernood Creek duvet projeci by Haltos Jutige DRCORATINO EEAUTY SALON B. Sprague snoaiearing m ATTENTION Wine Makers Wr are pleased 10 aninoonce that Wer 50W carry the Lt W#iète 41'ht- Un figrediens -es t concentrates, notriesîs etc. for borene rmalîng. F R EE R E CIP ES LINBROOK PHARMACY LIN$ROOK PLAZA - Sois UNE Sosths of thse Ford Plan# 845-3483 SPICIALS THIS WIIK EGGS - Special This Week Only-- 5 doz. 99C MacINTOSH APPLES. 49c 6-qt. bskt.1 Tres-Ripe Sweet Seul> ORANGES.- 3 do:. 99C Facelle Moderne - i ply aboIts - 4 raislsntapke. Reg. 4 rails37c TOILET TISSUE Now Only B rils 95c 16-on. Jsrs - Reg. 69e M.L. CHED-R-SPRED NS Fresh PORK HOCKS...... ow OnIy 59C !or ---4 Ibs. 99c Sirloin, T-Bon. or Round STEAK ý .... 85c lb.1 RIB ROAST POT ROAST -- -----65c IL 1.......53c lb. Freuh STEWING BIEF ........... .53c lb.6 Loin PORI< CHOPS ...------......65c lb. Furmer's PORK SAUSAGE ----------39c lb. Fresh Lean HAMBURO ----------39c IL Pruuswood's WIENERS - Vuc Pac 45c lb. pkg. Macaroni anda Cheese, Mach Chieken Louf, Hiead Choe.. Plekle anai Pimento or Dulcis Loaf - 6ot. vue lIme Presswood's COLD MEATS.... 4 pkgs. 99< ALFON SO"S FRUIT MARKET 172 Mili St. Milton 878-2460 FREE DELIVERY with *SSO-RAD Antifreeze or$325 ihu FOR THAT FAIL SAFE START ON COLD WINTRY DAYS. Your sUd bsa.rs, je seceti $5 trsde.ln c«Af 0 7WISdw Atlas Conventional or Studded Winter Tirs INSTALLED FRE1 I IOpen: 7 a.m.Monday thru Satjurda -1 9 .m. Sunduyl Co ilqet1 p.m. Sunduy thru Thursday MILTON ESSO (Formerty Atiens Esso Service) Corner Mais and OntariolitSs. - 8784641 We Honor Ait Speciai Bookiets Previosly tsnued isearisg was iseid beore tise judge. Tise homeosenr had Ibreat- ened an injunction against Ibm work. tn recent weeks they have tisrown stones at Autisor. ity surveyors whio were work. ing on tise site of tise crack diversion. Construction of tise two and a batf mite diversion cisannel was experted 10 start tsday (Wedsesday). PRESERVING Ttlp A heautiful blonde reports bhat sise tound tise best way to preserve a mont bikini througi tise winter - wrap It aroond a motthalt. i sesà Tison- Alan ig on lu

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