Looking for a, Treat Instead of A Trick? Use Our Classifieds CARDS 0F THANKS We sisi tosu hani al aur friendu and neighburs fan cards and many kindnesses during aur benavement. M. and Mrs. Kennetit McLa- ren. 625-144 We sisi t su hanit aur many iriends and neighbacs fanrte preucolatiali ai giftsu me re- ceived ai lite surprise party Oc- iter 18. Abert and Launa Marchment. c25-177 t wouid tube ta thank encry- ove mita sent fioers and cards mhitie t as in hospital. Speciat thunistu l Dr. MacKay and Re. Hainer, also nurses and staff oi Milton District Hospital. c25-170 Marguerite Southt. Ta te memberu of Hornby United Ciuret, me si su toex- press aur siscene titanku fur te tovety mineur: and ta te U.C.W., incere titanits fon thes gif t ai a lufe membership pin. ,Al.bert and Laura Marcitment. c25-178 t mouid lite ta tant every onc for tite loveiy cards, gifîs, flomers and visits sahilb inte Guepht Genenai Hospital. Spe cialt sianists s Dr. Maure, Dr. Hobsan. nurses and staff of titi second fluor, also my grandai for keeping store so Daddy ans Mommy cuuld camne and set me. Titanits a lt. bl7-4529 Helen MacLcod c25-174 Knox Preubyterian Chancit, Milton, 1121h Anniversary Ob6- semoance. Sunday. Ocluber 29. Services 11.00 a.m. and 7.»0 p.m. (standard imd). M. Denis Gib- son. rangevilie Teedsmuir Memociat Chancit, goess minis- te. Speciat empitasis on youth as evening sernice. 8.45 p.m.. Fireide Fettamship pesented by Young Peuples Society. Congregasionai dinnen, Mon- day. Oclober 30, 6.30 p.m. Ad- mission: aduts $1.50; ciildeen 12 peurs and unden, 75. lMtusic by Dixie Dean. c25-163 1 FOR SALE SIGNS ai al kinds. Rap Guay f 782150. Icg.3163-t 0115.K beds, in nem candis- -ion,180. Cal 878.2132. lc25-171 BABY crib and matlress, in rgood condition. $12. Piton. 878 t 9433. c25-l39 e. 40 HENS, t yean otd, 5-6 lits., t. oake goad nastisg fusai. 878- 8 6108. c25-172 BOYS 24" miteet bicycle; boys 26" 3-speed. Harvey Peiti grewsa87.263. 1C25-50 LLOYD 1mbn strolter, seldon r. umed: ovety large aId dresser sasit mirran. 878-9687. -c25-20 dAUDIMNG MACHINES type s sriers for sale or renIaI. Phosm 878.6962. lias-ris Stationany. J. Ict-411 BIRTHS IN, MEMORIAMIS COPELAN.D - 'Mr. and Mrs. ALCCOC - In toving memory John Copetand (neezt4owe) of a dear hushatsd and fatit. of 26A Victoria St., Miton, are er, Bert P. Acock, wtto passed pteased to annouce' the birth away Octoher 25, 1964. of their son, Terry John. weight Gone. dear husband, gone for 8 ihs., 6 oas., ai Milton District ever, Hospital on Octoiter 22, t1%7. How we miss your smiting face, But you teit us to rememiter, HALLADAY-Mr. and Mrs. Wit- None on earth can take your tard Haiiaday (nee Ham- ptace. mondi of Acton are pteased A happy home we once enjoyed. ta annoance the birth of the ir Hom sweet the memory stit- daugiter, Tracre* Margaret, But death has lef a laneiness, seight 7 lbs... 14 oes., ai Mit-Tite worid can neyer fii. ton District Hospital on Satur- Wife Mary, sons Ross, Chart- day, Octoher 2t, t967. es Acock. c25-157 NEWMAN - John and Leona____________ Newman (nec Smitht of Camp- heitvitie) of R.R. 4, Acion, are COMINO EVENTS pteased ta annoonce the irth.- of their son, Leonard Witiam BsTpt xo evn Thomas, weigit 7 tbs.. 4 ozs Bu Trpt xo levn at Miton District Hospitaion Georgetown Friday, October 27, October 17, 1967. A wee brother9 p.m., returning Sunday. Oct- for Timmie. Gtenn and Mark. aber 29, 9 p.m. bt7-4528 WiHETHAM - Mr. and Mrs. Hornby UJnited Church Annu Bruce Wietham (nee Thi: ai Bazaar, November ilt, open-. heri) oft'Miton are preased ta ing as 2 p.m. Bake table, aprons8 announce the ith af their and fancy work etc. Aternoon daugiter, Beveriy, weighi 6 96., tea. b27-103 tO'l os.. ai Miton District Euchre Party ai Paermo Halt, Hospital on October 22, 1967. Friday, October 27, ai 8.30 p.m. Admission 75. Lunch provided. ___________________- Spansored by the Patermo Batt COMING MARRIAGES Association. c25138 ____________________ The C.WL. announces thele annuat Christmas Baaar and CALBERY - WRGHT - Msrs. Tea, itovemher 25. 1.30 su 4.30 Dorotity Wright, Miton, wih ;.m., as Hoty Rosary Parisit es ta announce the forthcom- Hait, Martin St. c2-4882-tf ing marriage ai her onty daugh- ter, Lynda Patricia, ta Mr. Jam- The Scotch Btock Womens In- es Edard Cathery, son oi Mr. stitute witt hoid a euchre in and Mrs. Carence Catbery, R.*R. Ligny Hait on Wednesday, Oc- 2, S. Annes, Ont. Wedding toi tuber 25, as 8.30 p.m. Lunch pro- take pace Sturday. Novemiter vided. Admission 75c. c2546 4, 1967, in Highway Gospet sPusUW.AsutPî Citurcit, Miton, ast 3.30 in the S. alsUCWAnu Fl afternoon. Bacaar in Christian Education Centre, Saturday, Novemiter 4, irom 2 ta 4.30 p.m. Variety tof booths and aiternoon teai. DEATIIS c26.4%7 ___________________- Miton Districtigit Scitoo BAINBRIDGE. Wiiam E. - Af- Annualt ommencement eser- ter a brief iitness, as Western cses wiii he hetd as site Wit- Hospital. Toronto, on Wednes- liams Ave. High Scitoot on Fni- day, October 18, t967 , William day, Novemiter 3 as 8 p.m. E. Bainridge ai 254 Base Line, C25-31 Miton lfarmeriy ai Hamiton), Hornby United Citurch Annu- betoved hushand ai Gertrude ai Turkey Supper, Octoiter 25. Wiliams; faher oi Wiliam oi Supper 5 octock. Admission Hamilton, John ai Kitchener, SI 50 adults: chilidren under 12, Garry ai Long Sault, Mr$. Jam- 73e. In the basemeni ai the es Luton (Diane), Mrs. Wiliam church. b25-lO2 Burgess (Judy) ai Buringion and Mrs. R. D. Stoane (Marityn) 'Miton Figure Skating Cub ai Carkson; rother ai James registration starts 4.30 p.m., Tu- and Gard ai Hamilton. Pere oi esday. November 7. Tuesdays London, Miss Ann Bainbridge and Thursdays thereafier. Sec ai Owen Sond and Mrs. Jack appication iormi Octaber 25 in Wilamoson (Florence) ai Ham- Champion. c25147 iito96 aiso sorviving are 16 grandchiidren; predeceased by Turkey Supper. Saturday, No. hrothers Jack and Thomas. ý,ener l, 1967, St. Georges Angican Chorch, Lowviite (7051 Fanerai service was hetd as Gueph Line North, Burting. the J. B. Martatt Memorsai Cita. tan). Servings 5.30 p.m. to pet on Saturday morning. In- 7.30 p.m. Aduts 5.75; children erment White Chapet Memor- 6 ta 12 years $1800; under 6 sut Gardens. ears lwith parent). free. LIDSTONE, Mabel - Ai the c27-119 Reddy Memoriai Hospital, The Hamilton Saivation Ar-ý Verdun, Que., on Wednesday, myTmin ivr adaegv October11, 1967, -Mabet amit- yTml ivrBn r i tonheivedwii aiFrak Ld. ng a concert ai ciasical and ton bloedwie o Fan Ld-sacred musicein St. Pau'sý stone, 285 Woodand Ave., Ver- Church, Thursday, October 26, don 19, Que., in ber 73rd year; ai 8.15 p.m. Admission $1.75 as dear sister ai Mrs. Violet Mc- thc door or $t.50 advance. Pro. MoMuiten ai 122 Town Line, Mil- tor th ton. serice aorhidtceds rgon fondi. Funerat eviews edonc213 Saiorday. tlctaber 14, irom sthe The Nuvombor meeting ai the J. W. MacGitivray and Sons Fu- Miton and District University nerat Home, 5644 Bannanlyne Womens Club it ii e held as Av., Verdun, Que. Inierment the home ai ýMrs. H. Powys, Mount Royal cemetery. Verdun, Sideroad No. 5, Esquesing. on Que. Titursday. November 2. ast .30 p.m.. miten the speaker itI 6e McHARDIE, Frank - At Hal. Mr. James Woodtord. managing tan Manor, on Titursday. Oc- direcior ai the Ontario Feder. toher 19, 1967, in his 77th year. aian oi Natoratisîs. His talk Fanerai service was fromt iiusiraied witit sides is en- te MacNab and Son Ciapet on titted "Woods, Water and Wiid Saturday, ctoher 21, wiih in- Lufe the subjecl on wiicitlhe serment in Hamilton cemetery. is weit quatified ta speak.___ styles in oatecnity claltiig ai Sye rs Famity Fashians, 228 Main E.. phone 8782067, Milton. lc24-f CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR TI- RES, new and used, one 2,00 Kelly Springfield ires in stock. ait izes, iom pices: fiats fined, $125:;mieets baianced, $1.00. WC have huileries ion mass cars and truckts. Milton Tire and Ra- sialar Service, 191 Mil St.. 8782711. c52-3473-tf FREEZER SPECIALS' 0f Federal InspeCled Grain Fed Prime Beef *FRONTS 49c *SIDES 59e *HINOS 69c Cul and mapped for yoan freezer. Deivecy in Milton area Wedneudayu and Titurudayu Buy direct fom te farmn BUD ORGAN Phono C,îmsteilville 854-2504 af-l- ler 5. 5c25-207t 1957 PLYMOUTH. radia and heater. $100. Clt Campiteilviltea 854-2354. 5c25-202 1%65 BLACK Crvair Monza 50",adio. Besi affer. Cait aller 6 p.m. 878-3484. 5c25-137 1%2 FORD Gaasie 2 - doon, standard. Ponice oniy $495. Lie- eneNa. 395293. Phtone 854-2533.r 5c25-141 1967 MACK. 0cwmoodet R60., t8speed bas. 250 dogmne, fuit tandem drive. Lom price. Phone Dabvilie 27-4177. 5c25-161 1963 PONTIAC convertible, aulomatie, V-8, pomer teeing. power braites, power windows and scaîs, radio. Phone 878 4525. Asit lac Bob. 5c25-164 For Your Nexi Car ... TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 870-380 7 WANTED 689-6561 WATERDOWN 1 ,GOOD hume for ktlenu. 878-1 11c25-tf 675 aller 5. 7c25-2081 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE APPLES: M lnlout Spy and Greening. Homard Goseiand. R. R. , Miton, 87&-656. 2c30-64 APPLES: Mebniosit, Carl- tonds, Deiciaus, Geenings and Spy, fancy and CES grades. Dring usan containers. Roy Buusfieid 878-,6355. 262593 FOR SALE Near Campbeilville, appron. 12 acres of standing grain corn, suilable for sitage, esimated yietd appros. 65 bus. per acne. Appiy ME. R. N. ROBSON, Canada Trust Co. Guelph,. Ont., 824-1121. - 2c24 t USED uitaltom mcii sysieru. Phtone 87"-132. 7c25-145 GDOD home for purs Coulic duc. Ideal luron dag. Clt 878 9601 aller 5. 7c25-206 URGENT, anted su rent or boy tond tl arpuit ouse traiter in Esqueing Tmp. Phone coticci Hamilton 522-7555. 7c25-142 YOUNG girl ta store self- coniained apariment. Rent rea- sontable. Con move immediale- y. Phone eveningu 878-4504. 7c25-146 MIDDLE - AGED sauonn e- quires 2 roons, furnisited on uniurnished, suitable for ligiti itousekeeping, in viciniiy ai CNR station. 8783653. 7c25-201 USE tiis space for quiet act- ing on your rentable items. Cati 87M2341. ange International company i the agrîcîîlsucat field, and arelS ,îtoking foc a mon saiith necentl secicullucal backgroond. Position is loti-lime, or cao te tandled ai ursaiossg mitit <oc present farming upenasion. Soccsfut applicani can expect abuse - ancrage canningu on a mrekiy hasis. Titere is aiso ex- cellent opportonisy for advance- ment in fitis area. If you are ambilious and mont ta te associated saiitlte fasteut - grxywing company in ils field, write tll'ig me abou vusl.Write ta. GEORGE B. JACKSON Regianat Sales Manager Box No. 207 The Canadian Champion 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. 8c25 Salaried Sales Representative C. I. A. G. neqoires a salaried sales representalive lu mark nrom a sales and service office ta te opened in Milton. We are pariicutariy intenesled in aprpticans mitarancactive in Credil Unians onralter co. operatine onganizatiosls. Sales or i osurance esperience i s nul reqo mcd. A gaod training s pcusided. Applicantsuituutd have Jun- ior Matriculation, 6e married. mcli spoken, friendty and enjay rworking saill peuple. Samne en- coeing mark is requined. t Goadsariiof uaiary, plus commissions and bonuses. Good staff benefits, expense ailosa- once and cor espense subsidy. Please write in detailtut 6 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE r ASSOCIATIONS (GUELPHt) 441 Kerr Street Oakville, Ontario Attention of il MIR.FRED J. M. MASSES BC25 adosv. Hydsoiin is $1.50 ut El-1 tlev Fiarmuen. 15c25-4f66 16 SERVICES ED. McMULLEN Coniracton 0 Piasiering, Cement Work 0 Chimneys and Firepiaces @ Extenior Stucco 0 Plasiering Repaira Phone Aclon 853-1818 K. & R. LUMBERS PHONE Acton 853-0633 Milton 878-9937 Certiiied Carpensry Contractons Generat Conteaciing Reonodetling etc. 16c27 PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Higitesz cash pnices fon dead or disahted cama and hanses CALI. <SPERATOR - ASK FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 73RP67 97C67 11l6ctf WALNUT RANCH LTD. Ccippied and Disabted Cas and Horses 24 Houe Service Lic. Nos. 133-RP 208-C-2 Waterdown MU 9-1044 16e58 S.ptic Tank Pumping BLUE SPRDCS ENTERPRISES Domestie and Industriai, MILTON - 878-6869 Let the Winds HowI 8y minier you can 6e unuggly setied in titis easy ned brick 3 - bedroom bungalow saiith brigit and citeery living noom, kilciten saiith room for dsnsng, fuît clean painted hasemeni. paved driveway, situaled an ireed and fenced lti in norlth Milton. Manigage halance ab- oui $9.500. Fuit price $19,500. A Nifty Smart brick bungalow mitit itreezemay and double garage, 3 bedrooms, baihnoom, mad- cmn kitchen with dm108g area, citarming living monmtsaith tosuriaus new brnadloom, toveiy corner lot. aicely liand- ucaped and lneed, Price $22.- 980. As Comfortable As An OId shoe Titis iv an aider home but is munm and comiortable saith hti ater ail funnace, large kisten, living roam, 4 bed- roomu and glassed - in porcit, garage and noomy back yard. A handyman cao make a itriisy itile home ai ibis. Fuit price $13.980. Business Opportunity Titniving local business, futiy equipped fan dressmaking, soits. coats and alerations, couid aisu do mel in draper- ies, ideal location on Mition's Main St. Wonderiut apportu- niiy for ambilious persan. Bu- siness and equipment $3.000. Farmns & Acreages Inqoine about our acreages and farmu. We may have mit yoo are iooking for, Cati yaur Gibuon Willoughtby Lsd, rep- neseniatiees. Anna&Archie Cairns 340 Main StrM sBaUI Phone 878-6980 - 7c251 bluet building 20' n 20' saiith matit-ouit ram lthe tfullbase- ment. Ideat location for TV repair, etlecinicat business etc., plus a 2-car garage. In- spection by appoinsment. CAIL BARBARA KING Tel. 878-3551 17c25 Por Service & Satltcteu consul 310 Man St., Mto.,Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 Country Lots 10 ocre lots. Nantit Burlington, Bell Scitoat Line. 5 - 10 acre lots, 2 saiit a creek, Priced inom $11.00saiit $4,400fsali dama poymcllt. I oniv. 10 acre lot, 300 il. front- age. $950mith $48800 dusan. 6 acre laitsaiit a picluresque viesa, situated an thc edge of te ecanpmcnt, Ili mlles messtaif-Miton. 117.800. EDEN IMILLS - 100 acre farm, stune house mhitiat as beets campieteiy madernized, bath- room, teasing systcm etc. Lits pice $55.800. $26.800 FU.LL ISICE - 47 acre paccet, siiuated 3 miles fnom Milton, $6.000 full dasan pap- ment. We unly have 2 properties lis-. cd ion sale in Miton and U. gentlty equire mure listIngs in urder su, keep pace saiit te increasing dcmand, Member of the Bramptoni Real Estate Board l7d25 CLS8ID AE HELP WANTED il LOST OR STRAYED 16 SERVICES 17 REAL ESTATE _____________________ RAWLEIGH business nom op- SM'ALL itlack itound dog, in DO YOIt want your trucs cui Teisphofh Te Cadian 191 Mai . ilinUMil.n ed nrtHall.n Kei rea. Pieuse cati 8542388. iown? CatI 8783108 for free es- c aunty. T cade w ellr stab is ed. Il2 -16tti -Ae d c25-2 5 F R S L On Ose Chnmm"eM.ltonsOntarionmeExceInn potu!t . llt M itoe oie Wstn 21.e75 BIRT8, ATM.MAPMAGM TITUCOMO ARRIGMM- 1WrME HANîC iiitDeperiJ-nce-9,84 ttgtcoordpoie25-516.0 Lmvgjos ateo 55e Mo ms. 5i N C550. 4paiR i c eliuSar., S.c rwiteers. Cuk uzl, e veknstom Dang 3-ho e dra uglwsii ag MRosiosoFUMET. C. - Offl tAiurn 85 sor 10_______________________ living room,"Jinle". ki4chen..1crue. %,Ps.,5R5M- inn ater. S on urees.pumu snd taOsSs(FIRT ALIcam hniite wth ar mcv.- arofr garage,&per siiuaied iltn olon o cor-44 10DErAhdiNEiS.12 NNTUairY s CARIR un PRsO RS i ut ns . Kiliride P on BS in-.5 bdrsopingalo in022a9ge IN________-_1.25_lus_10____u._t_____ 1, c25s nd-t5,000s[l acig to ,itis 9- ro m V cr CLSII IPARA U AI 14 rri nh mrW c uirt S oo - t - dor1 CO FRABE bedeoom, iaro nishe lit baree BO-UBMt hi M 5 sdtoj uishoe LdeAtivrycrrer it8 gnlean87844331c2-8 ortears gn 5areson god ondor sales campaignetnMilton arean-rmites osMiton. ome an 1 FR ALE 15 2 POD UCFSAE drig eohr n Nvebr. ATTRACuTVEiun. cise Phne8m8-34fireopiag.es ideal1locatio ________________________WTitisi eenig mrk- and cr avouabe om. Pieuse pon en'ATMBIESRVC ac stle commertnbspetin cetun,84 rpia fiittnsO E'N la50me ey c arferw iturs lma.87-47. 13.e219ss * TIrSthnd B sTE iES 1 obylapnies ny.rat ELETRI stve,$3: seam HAL s-ork aivn ing. ritnaer n LCRC O A CNETO EYtoilaes ra ilvty o n g efasm ai acFsOReS:ALdmEr,25 PUMPKINRSALE formin supierad bNoning H ATRCIV lit ie vle * tnd, ita.Ird iesmeocinap 178-336his25548 enith 11000 orkit Tn a Pvio en Mitt pone HydroATO8O ILE.SRVIC.fortehvle andm m .I6,p jutio APPLES tv, 30 sea-i Stncar, Box 9, P arC redit. 8c25 ad 7 l87-203.c by ppoutaiMnt berg Conse er LACES4:ersinc a iht ak, __________u __40 _______fr _a ____ocatta3n25AccuTIbuildingsTERin etr sice 18.20, in good condition- Melntasit Cort00ndcresof____________________ ai cso ieton T, 6 ber, 5. P Satn ORS ato uple b n. t-BEDTROCO T si -coTaed at 78252gocnd, ition. Aten idam pot modet. Poe08.20 c2-66 Deticiaus andow0 or .Ci S Toon opAnESment, i freMis. evc-Ly TGOERE ela i oestasnd moy. Ajskin ________________Lambjack- .80pLEbs. i tap.x9,Bas 255, Ca2 Pon MltnaHdn Champio. 10-25 Srvice Sttion aniC542,000 et2,area 18-gsin gnyloiioran;i- CorhCotlner 0 Sderad- 24Hm cctinic 1.are s ouldn gelin an, Sivro16Vc62abe5 Liro -FRO M sl -cn.nd al88292go onin neba ilr e apr o t e Joncl Drapeis87823. N-6 elcoan 6Spndo GradeTORESdcato Ered. c ent mîtnsMoulton Rpll uiMittanmne. skn BAGR an iuer;sio 2lnp00 ritM rktaper pebusi.vetaopa-at oox 1,naho ne Camin870-9957 ttin ny 4,00 item sin centrd x wy 5,4 ilsN.of40 AL sEs.t pn.13c25-l5101 ELETT TLAPRO untouerus ind ylodngorqucip- Weobusused0cntainer. ble-ac5cepenisiig stoc,2re-2URNcrHE homeGuMilph mnt. aes, instalto, $ uer-. 2625 ceYDAY IvIg iss in8 .n disiht LAavalabl ed oog coulemous62 ie a lresrn e vice. Erapriesna878-6413. Milt6pm raeXIeuaio eii.rnt ie otho itn on 878-6705ge Iea lc38.106 Si u 0-65 _________________ e a i s upple v asitat. bceabe and2. o fhaer gaorf- LeonasdtR. For brncenr; ioGenpyFut akt t. persnaten ces.o Writlin hoe Champion7Box5-176 spaccaersanew etigei ta-- ______________ in_ paeta ltoes, ______________1c_7_EA______TELAATO me t. aeainsmtlltoner i- Fe50bLE imsed c ktien bel els A MI in-Jg3 istocRkaprîen, EA ETA E vie atSow8860.cigrisig an itiu. aund bleflor, rngecruprigemas- citen suites. McLeod Furnilore, 854-2960__3c25-30 M lon DsriiH sptl o nd for ait ee ried, T- PIUL£S. .s-. A--n BEAGLE pupu1:MiltanDiamrcciHosk-ta or adaisevicaed, aoviedNo. ..nkng ofselliing? REALTORS LIMITBD 1960 ENVDY station wagon; 2 E. E 878.6464. 3cc-7 Milton, Ontario. 8c4 enrlvoatd aibeN- pair limcd drapes: etecînicen%._878-6464. ___ 3cc5273 %ember t. SilO montitty. Adulis FOR FAST RESULTS. 173 Waolwich St., Guelphs, Ont. -lave: camplte bcd: 2 contin- 24 PIGS. 8 eeks aid. Witson ny87-3. 1c220LITW H entai bedu: table and chairs. McDoweil 878-9463. 32-04TrdoReie ntLoarR.Cndr- $54-9889. c25-167 -- - - -- 111 Trd o eie e t en dR.C a lr _______________5-MDNTH-OLD Bue Tiek Then maki an appoinsment 14 WANTED TO RENT A teading Real Essaie Beoker Campbellsiille Acreage WEDDING dresu, size 18.52: 3 haund. 87"-513, 87 Commercial sio furenRat ________- e, nnn $750 per acre for titis gently ladies' sus.2 size 16 and 1 St. 3c25-543 Esiat utut ret cmpnRelong ---D Iau82o4aarm9n19977rolîng 23'. acre scenie cor- sîze 12; 2 - piece veines dresu.32-4 sae wl o pn og 4R O uw raatetnrpoetlctdo u ioc 12; ladies' mitie skates, ule WHITE ROCK and Newa kn0vn an d ecîîgnized for ils in Milton, os souri as possible., R.R. 1i, Moffat elpht Line, 2 miles soutit of 9. 8782453. c25-169 Hampshire poticis and rout- curai and ion sales and devet- Ciotact 877-2142. 14c24,-175 toi0 Cioverleaf as Campbell- ers, 5 mas. aid. 878-3119, Gar- apmevi. Or congeniat staff and Homes - Patins -Arae _GIRLS' 3piece winter oui- don Jefferson. 3c24-123,'til time sales manager iiuines e ags ville mt good frontage on 2 fil, izs 2 4 rd, lo, ike%%lct Businesses yu tatl7 " roads. Con be soid in 2 par- nesa. $10 cacit: alsa ladie' in- ____ext__________ ur,.hel p esersone needs. Ev ___________________ ___________________ ter coo, size 14. green minit en il vos hase neyer soid te- coulac. $35 8782552. c25-148 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE tare, diint aerlou t ho pas- PAIN itter for cornu and cal- LAG gosypiisa Cn--. - _-- sniits aif begînnîng te mast loses, Loyds Corn and Cal- $35.000 AND UP Hornby Building Lots diAG Chmpon staffp otosCan FOLEY sam îiîng eqîn. rem,cdîng caccer ai saur tufe, tous Salve. Prompt relief. 98c ai $6.600, 2 building lots. just off 770-425allr$530.0c,5i8 xsktoc c Dnsdîe,1.am5an El-evacres or mare. Phtone COLLECT 401 Clonericaf as Trafalgar 7 sire $1808 n 10 sien$150. Pissa451-1510 or Toronto 6773230. AMAZINGLY quick relief for Cahbyr fo fam i18 Sîee Av.2mls frm tan. Cash must accomain y on- NUFFIELD universai 4 diecmsela mut orsToronto 362-3323 and ask for Rd., 125' s 200, in an area of der. Enquire nom as Champion1 sactor. 2,700 tours, good candi- A L .SAR -ilcaniert spotdela patr n.Frtuit.good qoatity homes, office, 191 Main Si., Miton. lion. 87".134. 4c25-162 & CO LTsuetn rgmmitPe- i 16433451&C .LD %re.tne u swt lt ________________-16-CAN Champion huik cool- 242B Oucen Si.. Brampton. chers Sore- Mout Medicinte, 'lYar~'5 income Home -YOD WILL LIRE buying yaur er. jui lite new. 1280. - Phosîe 8c25 $1.00 ai Etutey Pitarmacy. Ra saeBoe' $000 noepnet, o bsitdings maîcriais and coat ai Burlingian 634-2758. 4c25-158________________15c25-4860 él hîo fký' $800,ctstrme Main St., ine Crwfrd Cmpeivll. sakHAVE pou a comptesian 62 Richmond St. W., Torntno i. commercial area, 2 - store) service. Higit qualisy. Phone ii~ ~ ' ~ ~ 17c25 toms mt l-bednoom apan', Camprocilvilte 854-2232. Icrf-416 551nu0ual pporuflhy prab!em mt acne (p mpîes) ______________mp nuu bopu SYERS maîern.iîyfasio.ri VHCE O SL rmtos ui u aeso ipebus e ysinbattu, kiiehen. living eooec VEHCLS OR AL Pomtios itin urSaesheip sou rieur il up. Effectine _______ tops. suons, ukiris and dresses u rganization base creuse-j an on dry or oiiy skin. Clear col- and dining noom: second fisti - .5... ...ose .. or,, h...t T... bhas 2 .- bedroom apartment )f il- 2 r- ff In kr 9 lie -YIl rt- 2 M or Mý v -- -- 1