Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 6

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6The Canadien Champion, Wednsdsy, October 25, i1967 A tiseer mue delegatian re- ceived assurances of c-apera' ion in tise provision of trans- portation of nortis Milton res- dents ta tise Milton District Higis Scisoot, if tise delegates mere milling ta arrange the financing. Don Stinson ieaded tise group of A. Merritt and W. H. Tbompson ie pointing out 10 board members of tiseiigis si.bool tisaI l6 students lived inKiegsleigis Ct, wmieisas aille asci hrte -qoriecs Ironsthopreilse iVlt.ihtdl at the 'îoth ei of on. SUSPCT MIDS beneatis ache na e tofum rdcrie as police transfer hîm to Tocot.(SafPho ) Students iad, until recently, been able ta gel a ride on the counry bases f[rom tise Mar- tle St. scisool 10 tiseiigis scisool but iis iad le be dis' eontinued misen capacity mas eîceeded tor tisaI portion of tise trip. Mr. Stinson agreed tise re- quirement for provision of bus service mas aI tiselieu mile level bultie eoted nu pupil in tise country mas required ta math eveCa mile ta rearis trasportation. le -.itVVei r eidenis imulcl ' illig icpav a no- minai prîce foe bus sersice Milton -te GARAGE DOOR aI Milton O.P.P. station ides suspect fromn photagraphers as he is ransferred t0 Metro Police (Staff Pioto) THE GOTAWAY CAR mas apprehended hy Ima Milton O.PFF. Constables on Higis ay 40l sear Mlton. (Staff Photo) 32 educators of deaf, blind swap ideas, tackle problems in centeninial meeting here Tiirly-tmo educators cf tise 'eiied and deal, eperen ingt al 10 provinces of Canada,t met Oct. 12 to 14 t tise Ont' ario Scisool for tise euf. Mil- This fini -eser con fecencv'i mas consened as o cenienniai project of tise Special Scisoots and Services Brancis of tise Deparîment o Educatton ol Ontario ta brcng togeliser tise1 headi oi ail scisuols for tise ! blied and scisoot.s for tise deal le Canada and tise officiais te the provincial deprîments of eduction responiible for use sehucis. Tise main puepovi. of tise conferenci.. 10 shace ideas and tachie mutual problemsinc these spectal fieldismal educal- ion, tias aciieved tisecugis dis- cussioe graups stimo laled hi a key.notc speaker and a sym- posium of mtrodctorv tathi on topici of mulual concece. Ronald E. Jones, academîc coordinatrfor tise Metropoli- tan Toronto Scisool Board. and director aI large for Can- adian Affairs o tise Counci for Eeceptioeal Children, ced off by outlining trendsinte pe- ciat educalion aed îiroing tise challenge lu educatues of the blied and deaf 10 meri tise needi of ciange. Membres of tise symnptAýiumi and tise topici tisey ieîroduc- ed ere: A. F. Leard, superîn' tendent of tise Saskatchewan Express sympathy bereaved parents Much sympoiisy bas beenex presrd ie tise district fcr Mr. and Mes. Kenneeli McLren of R.R. 2 Rockmecd, wise mnis to-o ciildeen died en a ice men Torcnto. Despite fracef-c' forts, lise Imo soung gilscad twooyoueg fieeds icît ieir lises n lthe fire. Tise ycungstccv attenedc Beoohville sciosoti ice Sep- lember, afler mmving berc from Brampton.Tise famiti were ibuilding o neet home in tise Campbcllviile district. Mr. McLaren mckv preseet- y for thec Deparîmeel of Transport aitishe islond aic- port. His parents lise ils tise family iere. Tise foneral as le Actîn ast Wednesday. Scisicuci[orctise eai, "Tise Ob- taining ci Adeqotely rcpae- ed Personneel"; DOM.FPlum- mec, principal of tise Manitoba Scol fortise Deaf. "Ade- qualels Fcctvidceg for tise Mat' tiple Handicapped Child"; D. J. Jenies. superinteedent Interp cvînca t Seiool for the Del, Manceioha, "Deselaping News rograms cnd Services for eaI Chitdren", S. E.Arm- strong, sicpeectendent of tise Onario chbtol for lise Blind, Drselopieg Newt rogeami and Services for Blind Child' The cunerence hlen dided ii odi scustsionegroopi la con- ider scise pcîblems ced ts' ers olmulul conerce Delogate, ocre gisen tise op- pîccloits tof vsiting lise Ont- arincShictl flice isenudin Brinicîcci.tise Meteopoliiari Tîrîontîo Sciscîcifcr tise Deaf, ansd tise Ontarîi Sciscal for lise eai ie Milton. Ban quel speaker as Dr. Ar tiser Prter. engineering de- parîment, liniverits f Toron- to, cihm p evesieci a cisalieng- ng vieii ci ecuccion in lise computer cgr. Cisirman of tise confeece mas W. K. Cloche, adminis- rator. Scisîtuisfor tiseBlied and DeaV. eparîment of Edu- calioe. Toronto. FOR THE SPRING GARDEN YOU WANT IPLANT 001CM IULBS Cou n ci1 B ri ef s At Mondas eseninmes meet- ing ni Miltonecouneil: e A proposed em liceecing i laivcosering tise ticeecing. conicol and administration of iceeces forolibusieses le the tttmn ias cevii.'ed. Tise nes bs-I ais consolidales aIt Former b- fawsi. Il mitI be for- isecreiised in fatore meehi. e Tise maiermorhs cCmmit- me as aîked lu rote on an tpplication lcom Leslie Hugis- es for a mater cotttec tion ut 7244 Bell Scisoot Line. e HowelI Hopisins mas ap- ponted to filthtie unexpired ermir ot Gordon Collinson on the Milton Parhi Board. Mr. eolison cesîgned and is mos- eng iii the UJnited States. His term expires Februars t. 1969. a Council decided te ofler 3261100 debentore for sale tu tise Ontario Educaticeal Ca- ptaI Aid Corporation, caser- Vandals tip bus shelters Vandli i in ai tiseir cvhou]t bu, ,iseliecs eected te rural areis oi Eiqoesing and Nassaga- ,.eaTownshsipsis geîlceg prelis di scoucaging. a MilIce Lioîns Club memscr ia id Mite dav. On tise paît[mehkend. une siselter oietise Appleby Line ai 14 Siderctad cvii upiet three limes and danîaged.It bas beeecrepatred and moved to anstîber locatione on tise Ap- pleisi vLiCe. Lices poiceted oittise helters cciii îiem $100 cacis foc mater- cals. tu sa oi' nciitg moltise isurs oi frce labor lise club mcm- bser c ctiibute building tisem. Tises are ecect'd ici prîtteet c.iildce :îssautteg ichscl baies foitise sinter elemcets. FIRE PREVENTION IS PAYING OFF Dear Sic: Tise Fiee Presenîtite Commit- tee of tise MilIce Acea l'ire De. puriment i s nom, conctuding anotier very sccessful Fie Freveelion campaige. Tisecugsoul lise past 12 monthi. tise eommiitee has warked isard tu promote fie effort sappeac tu bc pasing off as tise eombec tif ftces force su peciod i% doms lccm lise pre- vîousîveac This me aeia sas- ceg lu lise laep,îîerî n u art nd we hope tisis tceed %ilcontinue. The members oftise Fie Freventice Commitîce greatîs ,tppcec.iate tise coverage given orcimpaige bv Tise Canadian Cisampion. Witisouîtishe assist- sit o vur nemspaper, our campaign vîuld no be susuc- eesîful. We îsold also ise te thank atl] tise otiser groups and iedi- viduats ivio bave abîs assisled iine tise paît. Yoars trots. Capîaie V. C Coulson, Fiee Presenlion Cisairman. tise tnesi bheatiiest iulisoin tise wrid areZ 0liere. Tiel ame peu tise lelirst spring garden peu could want- il peu plant tiem ' j SAVE 10% ON ALL REMAINING BULBS e AT UNITED CO OPEBATIVES 0F ONTARI ret i. Mlton 878 .............. g a îng tise purcisuse of additioeal lands cqoired foc tiseiigis scisool adcdition. "Tiatican amful price for land,"Cet- meeted Councilîcir Ciarles foh nson. 9 Arrangement s sere 10 bc made ici leur dome a hoose council isas porchaîed aI tise corner tif Chartesanc irFie Sis, and for fil]îtic edomp- cd lisre Ici round off a cor 0 Membres agreed to ce-pc- ilion Esqaesing Toweshsip IC asis fer samne proteclive zon- ing in tise slrip cf townsisip tond belmeen Iligismav 401 and tise Base Lice Road miere il mecis Miltîns boundary. If lise town'ship dlors nal compîs iitiin 90 duvi. tise omn crin apppls 10 tise 0MB for per- missioe 10 zone il. a A newistiering b-law mas upprcsed. prosiding fines trom $0 iOt $300 for people misa 'lunge, ]ntïf, louter or stand as un idIereieans public place." Ciief Ras Andress ex- plained tiere iad bren some complinis abotut Main St. loi- teres tenlise earlv morning isoues. but tise courts oare re luctant Io rrgistrraconvict- ion under tise criminel code as il gises tise persan a erim- eutl recoeil Under a tîîmn v la tise pe stn cou Id bc char- ged and fined withoot gaine a criminal record. e Tise police ere ashed te insestigate rateposers' comp' tints about a loeal indostry staring and burning maîrriats n an ora adjacent to a rrid- enliai district. [rome nortis Milton if anc of tise present buses could malle a pick-up afler completing ils country run ta tise soot. Trustee J. Noble suggesled tise provision of bus service îcoutd be up ta lise îown. Mr. Siinsoe disagreed. Tise spokesman for lise dele' galion mondered if there mas ans area leinsiici tise resid' ets could gel sorte co-operat' ioe [rom tise board le arrang- in, a solution. Board chairman R. Gard' licvvcgi'id hec. mîgisi bcse'everal ouser arroi mitisin tise tusse tisaimould be one and tiseequarters of a mile assas but tise statutory limit under isisicis transportation cuuld be provided by tise board was Imo miles. Mr. Stinson noted tise prob' lem isas ciicly le tise more- ing si nce students stayed for luechs and isad lime to math borne afler scisool. Trusiee G. Roiserts sugges- led tise board could not dis- oreilself trom tise probîcI" evee il lîeaecial obtigations isere met bv pareets. Thsepro- iem ci discipline and otiser cielcol factors mould bave to cem.tîn mustiste staff. Trustee Noble agreed bis cnmiitec îvould bc. millieg to mcct isvîstiste delegation ta cletermifle il sometising ciold bc sorsed out . tenoliser business beloce tise boîard, principal R. C. Habler tid members tise driver edu- cation prograre bad begun cuits 24 enrolled and the sec- ond course iii begin en Febru' ayas already filied op. Tise secessa ci car bad been order- ed and tise prograI" mas con- ,idvted vers mortismiile. Sponsor concert by Salvation Army itamillon Saisation Army Temple Sucver Band mili per- terni ai Si. Paul's United Cisurchisn Milton on Tisarsdav. evening ai 8.i5 p.m. Tise baed lirsitiiormed ie 1890 aînd bas perforîned aerîîss Can- ada anethtie United States. Thiscr perfoirmance includes selectîîîes from tise classies and maiestic oratoriosv, timeleis bvmns of lise cisorcis. brilliant festival pieces aed slirrieg mac- ces. Att memiers of theibaed are Sctdiers lIav membersi of lise Safvatiiin Ari. Tise benedie- titîn svil] begiven isv Ren C. A. t4ainec tif St. aul's Cisureis Milton Mayor Sid Cisilds wili melcome tiseisand. Tise concert is spitnsored isv Si. Faul's cisoir. Urges parents report incidents to police Transportation problem heard at high school board meeting and treats in recent weeks. "We dont went anotiser Kil- bride incident ie Miton", the chief said. "tf oey chitdren are accosîrd b y strangers. t mish the parents mould tule- phone the police deparîment immediately, wbetisee the je. cident is serious or nol. A car icense plate number moutd be ielpful." H4e suggested tise police couid do ltte lu preven t. ciid molesters or kideappers. if tises done recels e al tise aîîil.ihle inforcmation cîiLt Oakville -refuses Halton deer hunt refused lu co-perale in holding tise usual tisece-das' deec isoat. sportsmen iiriugbout Hal- ton mas havse 10 go tside lise coonîsv for tiseir gamne Afier haviee speet nea'.tv a mcetb diseussing tise malter, Qakisite Coqencil fîoalv decid- cd last ivecis tiidiselloi tise isuet. srieduted i eCialiceliifor Noember6, 7 and 8. The motion follossed one couicit passed recetîs' vicci proiised tise firingoflgons nol onlv from No. 5 Higisiv sootis, bot as larmorts as tise Lomer Base Line. North Oaissille residents claimed properti damage ai- lriisuted lu huniers. It mas esen suggcsted schou] buses traselling ietise norlis- ere reacisesiof the titmntvould bc in danger. A numbernofvonciltors leli lise Deparimeet cf Lands and Foresîs scould ise onaisete l adequatels police lise counis. Tise depacimreet mai' inlude Halton tenii dcclared hueting acea. This wmut allîwthe tise hemlitownisips, as iveli as tise nîîciiern paritiof Burlieg- lint hld a dcer seasite. POumENS Two frlends were having lunch together. To oses dis- glaît, thc other hetped hlmself to thc targer portion on tise plate. "Fine manners yo1t have,' said iis frlend. "If 1 had bren ln your place, I woutd have tatcen the sinalter portion." '4Wctt,' was the an- imer, "you got itt" ltany of us grsw sage after sawing wild oas. COMPLOTE LAWN AIND GARDON SERVICE No lob too emmml or too large a Complet. Maînfenatice Service 0 Fre Estmates RAINBOW LANDSCAPINC Celi 078.2741, 080.2097 THE WASHER WITH A 12 YEAR GUARANTEE PRICED FROM ONLY $119.95 No Down Payment $200 a W.ek AT CHASES Home Appliances 18 1 Tel. IMiil St 878-3221 fi i Tise Ciampion to alerl parents ta a recent incident in tomn misere a smatl girl mas asked ta get mbt a car ils a strang' er, and have asked for parents' co-aperation le gatiserine en- formation on sirilar iestan- Chief Ray Andress said onee girl was accosted isy an aider mae and tise iecident mas re- ported to police. Wisen other parents beeae diseussing tise incident, il mas eareed tisat 'everal ciildren have bee ap pr ci ii ad ffered rides AUCTION SALE FMCU-lb'PlSponsored hy THE OPTIMIST CLUB OF MILTON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 MILTON FAIR GROUNDS Commencing at 130 PI". The commttee members re very pleased with the variety and quality of items se generosmsly dont.d le the club by th people of Milton and surrounding ertais for this auctiots sale. 0 Among tho Items we offer you willI find 0 Washing Machines Stoves (electric& gasi - Refreiger- alors- Chesterfield Suites- Chairs Rocking Chair - Wicker Work Chairs and Settee- Beds - Cribs - Baby Carniage- Lamps - Aquarium - Lawn Mowers- Kitchen Cabinet - Skatesý Skis - Ski Boots - TV Antennae and other items too numerous ta detail. Pease do corne &long and hoUp us moka thîs sale a success. Remember agil profits go int0 youth work and other worthy projects ssch as fsrnishing a room in Milton District Hospital. b - t-i'W- -/ MASKS AND PARTY NEEDS FOR KIDDIES *AND GROWN-UPS TOO 1 0 W. have a b.witching assorfment Df masks, cutouts, f avors, etc. - Evrything you need for a fun Halîowoaon is hors. HARRIS STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES 162 Main St. Phono 878-6962 £W~JDROADLOOM EVI COMPLETELY INSTALLED Ororen Only * W on Bachmng * Loomed from $9.,9 HARDTWIST Wea feer Nylon sq yd * Thîs pr ce nclades tachîrso installation over rubber paddlng jis d a 220 Main St. MSLTON Phono 070.2067 ELECTRIC MOTORS WE CAN SUPPLY PARE MOTORS UP TO '40 H.P. REPAIRING 1& REWINDING FOR HOME - FARM - INDUSTRY W. carry blow.r motors, drilli s, appilances DIRECT SERVICE HANCOCK ELECTRIC 25-C WATOR ST. 0 W. urvice ln Milton, atNeiwn 87726»6 Actes, Oeoegetown qro j . . - m .

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