T.am lists M.M.H.A: clubs ail set for op ener Saiturday Close to, 400 boys bave reg istered for einor hockey Iis year. The team lhIss and par- tial schedule are as tollows: There wil be six teamo in the novice bouse league. Vrn Gooding wBll coach a tearo sponsored by Beecb Brothers. The players are as follows: Terry itzpalrick, Robert Frame, Joseph Saliba, Glys Ro- bers, Peter Thompson, Leo Wysesan, Jobs Noble, euf Chalinor, Jeff Lyons, Jobs Loe- prick, Jobs Alas Noble, AnlO' eny Rorz. Roger Demnis. Joe Wilson and Bill MeGîs' sis wileoach o tcam sponsor ed by Mowbray Fuels. The players are: PaulI MeCann, Danny Grecs, Bolian Wilson, Derek Griffilbs, Dave Marshall, Guy MeGinnis, AIbert Klip, Stepbes Hannon, Alan Duncan, Gerald Timbers, Doug Strafh, erry Capuo. Scott Wilson. Crest Hardware will sponsor a team coacbed by Harve% Brusb and Keilb Seesey. Their players arc: Gregory Brascb, Normas Ar- beiter, Richard Serafisi. Bruce Mundy, Brias Mosdy, Douglas Waters, Bradley Labisowicz, Gregory Rusk, Eric Ellisos, Cristopber Orpes, Mark Bras' cicr, George Mclllwraith, Mich- ael Stafford, Gordon Hume. The Lilie Posliacs wiil be coacbed by Asdy MCartbs and Art Cooper. On that team there isu Peter Rota. Dnayse Hagg.îri. Sandy Cruickshank, Pool Watts, Blt VasSickie. Brian Farrel, Brian Harkis. Jobs Roskaes, Robert Fartes. Alan Cooper, David Lots, Kevis Fsh and game ... <COntlsued fi-mn Page 4) otter and dock ponds ai Ibhe C.N.E. bais becs donalcd 10 Bloodiew Cildre's Hospital en Toronte. Resuts bave sîarled îc come le lrom the moose boni- ers 'wbo îravclled norih. Stesi Keose from the club. whi eent corly and lac sortb. re ports no moose but millions of black flics ai ibe ime hi eas Ibere in aris Septcmn ber. Wilf Pension rnen the Mil- ton Fiee Brigade and Part report no muose. George and. Art Roberson from Kilbride are bock and report nu moule. Russ Roberson and a frieni from Burlingtofl report two osoose. Gord Lee from' Horn- by two moose, Ron and Joe Marshal. Ted Blohm, Do: Carney and Dan ïKidd so moone. Roy Robrtson, De mar and Elvis Colsos of Kil bride report no0 moose. and at Ibis ime no report .rom Pete Thomas of 'Milton and Dose Perry of Lowvillc. Dock butief opcsed os vers gond soie for Rus. Jii and Arn Coulson. Wayne Aock land and Bob Martiedale wbo report Il docks tant Sat urday sn une and a baîf hbus of hunting. Front Kemptvlie comes thb news that fishermen do nst catch al the tropby ice fisb- mukellunge 30 to 54 inches in ength and wiging up lu 40 lbs. wre caugbî sn trop nets by the Deparîment of Laeds and Foresîs. le their sets, sel En study game fisb concentrat ions.'ere 60 moîkies, cight walleye, 542 eortbere pikle 582 seallmoulhbabss and 55 largesouîh boss. These fisb were lagged an. released. Also ib tis ose 1Il foot trap net, rhree eight4foo and teso six-foot lraps 'ere used. Also includcd is lb catch wece: 26,010 bulheas, 114 white bas. 323 rock bass 2266 rappies, 3,100 y e11uos perch aed 1,831 while suckcrs. This is an aesazing concentra- tion of fisb in ose area. Howden. Robert Recd. Don South and Jack Oharl- ton eili coach the Rebekabs. Included os Iis tearo arc the following boys: WaIly MacKay, Todd Carra- delti. Donald MacDonald, Jeff- ccp Foras, Anthony Frot, Ste. ses Power, Kevin Ktchen, Danny Delaurier. Geoffrey Banner, Robert Borke, Fred McEachers, Peter Leriche, Dos- nie Riddell. The sislb lcam in the league will he the Firemen cooebed hs Craig Bi'ssh. Thev are; Esses Robertson, David As- deri.hcck. Brad Brosb, Steves Hokanssos. Thomas Bradbury, Stephen Drew, Jim Clarridgc, Tommy Cbucbesacb. Russie Knox, Trry Nova, David Pear- son, Frank Home, Kevin M- Cos. DouglasErvis. the Milton Minor House League sebedole gels onder way Salorday morning siîh seven games beine ptapcd and action again Wdnesday. This s the firsi prt of the sched' oie and the remainder 'iii Oc psblished sent weck. SAT. A.M. - OCT. 28 6.45 tu 7.35 - Pas Plumbinez %sMilton Lomber: 7.35 lu 8.25 - Millon Pbarmac s' loodç Chiches ings: 8025 10 9.15 - Cdn. Tire vs MeCuaig Issue- once: 9.15 lu oOS.0-Keith Real Estaies's Local 4970; 10.05 Io 10.55 - Cresi Hdwc. vs Mow' bras Fuels: 10.55 lu 11.45 - Rebekab Ludge vs Little ire- me:1145 10 12.35 -Beech Brus. vs Ltte Pontiacs. WED. P.M. - NOV. 1 5.30 lu 6.20 - New Banlam Teaes vs DepI. Store: 6.20 10 7.10 - Milton Police vs Bell Brus.; 7.00 lu 8.00 - Harris Stationery vs Ldwitb Food; 8.00 tu 850 - Kigbl's Mens Wear vs Park Form Dairy. SAT. AM, NOV. 4 6.45 l 735 -Bvecb Bros. ss Crest Hdu'e. 7.35 10 .25 - Little Firesen vs Little Pos- iacs. 8.251tu9.15 - Moîcras Fuels vs Rebekah Lodge. 9.15 10 10.05 - Cdn. Tire vs Pas Pig,; 100 to 1055 - ouds Chiches Kises vs McCuig In- esurance: 10.55 la 1145 - Mil- te Parmacs: 11.45 10 1235 -Keith Real Estate vs Milton Police. e MONDAY NITERS (3.13 to 6.0) Ian Wanlcss. Michael Dm5'- dle. Mueras' MePhail. Edssard Loepricb, Grant Macinnon. y Michael Hvnit. Ronds Pcddie. [eDaid Siasies. Sentt Reed, Kenneth Black. Jim Leriche, e.Blair Pillips. Don Arnold. ýdDavid Msheti. Brion Turner, '0 Msurray Hunt, Sleven Milie, nJimmy Farrell, Glenn Young, )e Robert MaKinnun. Dovid inCarke, Stewne Blair, Lyul Ford, ' Terry Asetun, Richard AseI- il on. Lance Lsons, Donald Bell. i-Brion Bell, Revis Smith, Mark t Cole. SeuIl Walkinss Randy te Bell. 'c MONDAY NITERS (430 En 3.13) Sewart Roberson, Brent a Wilson. Brandy Crewson. Bn'- w an Crowe, Garry Crowc. 51ev' :-en Straih, Gary Love, Duane e, Sark. Brel Coates. William a-Harkis. Douglas orses, Norm rs Fleminglon. Donald Halkirk. Jeffrev Penrice. Wayne Munds, Richard Shannoin, Timmsý ce Greens, Parick Tbompson. Bi]- n hLytens, Michael Murrs, Ai- - fred His. Deug Thomson. in Danvs Cross. Gregory Orpen, $0 Teil His. Daniel Saliba. War s ren Liii, James Cartwright, ls Mark Langride. Lrrv Withnell, t Mike Franees. Michael Shcp- bt erd. Dannv Nodalis. Garv tl Knoox. l, WED. PM. - NOV. Il 55 5.30 10 6.20 - Local 4970 vs id DepI. Sore;- .20 lu 7.10 - Bell 6-Brus. vs New Bantaes Team. )t 7.10 lu 7.00 - Harris Sation- ce rs vs Knights; 8.00 lu 8.50 - le SAT, A.M, - NOV. Il d' 6.45 lu 7.35 - Keilb Real Es laitae vs Bell Brus., 7.35 lu .25 v - McCuaig vs Fay FIg.; 8.25 lu. o915- Millon Lbr. vs Hoods a-Cicken ings, 9.15 lu 1005 - Cdn. Tire- vs Milton Parmacv; 10.05 ta l055-Mowbray Fuels vs Little Fireesen: 10.551ta 11.45 - Cret Hdwe. vs Little Pus- tiacs; 11.45 '10 12.35 - Beech Brun, vs Rebekah Lodgc. WED. PM. - NOV. 13 5.30 ta 6.20 - Local 4970 vs DepI. Sore; 6.20 lu 710 - Po- lire vs New Team (Bantami; 7.10 tu 8.00 - Harems vs Park Fres: .00 lu 8.50 - Ledsiths vs Knigbl's. SAT. A. - NOV. 18 6.45 tu 7.35 - Cde. Tire vs Milon Luesher, 7,35 tu .25 - Fay Pig. vs Hoods Chichen Kings - .25 10 9.15 - Milton Pbaeesacy vs McCuaig Issue- oece: 9.15 lu 10.05 - Keitb Real Enlate vs DepI. Store;- 10.05 tu 10.55 - Rebekab vs Lile Poniacs, 10.55 ta 11.45 - Becch Brus vs Mowbray Fuels: 11.45 Io 12.35 - Cresi Hdwe. vs Little Fireesen. WED. PM. - NOV. 22 5.30 t106.20 - Local 4970 vs New Team: 6.20 tu 7.10 - Po- lire vs Bell Brus., 7.10 tu0 0 - Park Farm vs Ledsit's: 8.00 tu 8.50 - Knights vs Mr' SAT. AM. - NOV. 23 6.45 lu 7.35 - Mowbray ns Little Pontiacs. 7.35 lu .25 - Cresl vs Rebckab: 8.25 lu 9.15 - Beech Bros. vs Lile ire- men; 9.15 tu 10.05 - Police vs New TTam: 10.05 lu 10.55 Fav Pig. vs Milton Pharmacn'. 10.55 tu Il.45 - Miton Lhr. s McCoaig les.: 11.45 tu 12.35 - Cde. Tire vs Chiekes ings. WR». P.M. - NOV. 29 5.30 tu 6.20 - Bell Bros. vs Reifb Real Estate - 6.20 lu 7.10 - DepI. Store ns Local 4970;- 7.10 lu 8.00 - Park Fores vs Knigbl's: 8.00 10 8.50 - Led- wilb's vs Harris. SAT. A.M. - DEC. 2 6.45 tu 7.35 - Nets Teoes vs Local 4970. 7.35 lu 8.25 - Bcecb Brun, vs Cresi Hdwe.. 8.25 tu 9.15 - Little Fireesen %s Lttle Poniacs, 9.15 tu 10.05 - Mowbray Fuels ns Reekah; 1005 lu 10.55 - Milton Lues ber %s Milles Pharmacs. 10.55 tu 11.45 - Hood's Chicken Kings vs McCaaig Ins .il.45 lu 1235 - Cds. Tire %s F,,o Pie' WR». P.- DEC. 6 5.30 tu .20 Riih Real Fsialev Bell Bris. 620 tui 7.10- Police vs Depi Sore; 7.10 to 8.00 - Knigt's us Led' sil's. 8.00 tu 850 -Park F.rm us Harris. MIDGET There will c a four ueum eidgeî bouse lague. Harris Stationcry wili sponsor a ie.îm cooched Os Gerrs Timbers: Ledu-ilO Fouod Ma'rket sill ire a teaw lu bc coached hy J1,1m McLean. Art 'Melanson an d Dick Jones wili coach Rngb's Mens Wcar cutes and the tourlb tcam s spunsors-d Os Park Pares Dairy and coacbed by Elso Bssu, and Nhp Mas- cell. The leaes lisîs folow: Kntght'n - Rick Oresond, Philip 'Raesshaw, Stefan Des- laurier, John Hopkin, Bob Fer- rier, Harold Sales, Leslie Wil- sue, Bernie Johnson, Robert Coller, Andy Trenes. Donald Coulson, Aes Lewis, Parick Coneolhy. Ledwth - Jerry Legole, Neil Bradburs. Marcel Zwolmae. Kirhs, Munruue, Jack Roberson. John Whclijh.is, Si ove Smith, Jies Dance. Brs'o Hossard, Jeff Coobson. Rue Dunsmore, LeRos Rhsnohd. Gordon Young, Garnel Mitchell. Parks Farmi - Steve Cok- son, Rick 'Mitchell, David Nec- lands, Stene Clarke, Joe Harri- son, John Malcolms. John Jen- sen, George Pivsniak, Jack Do- rante. Paul Saliba, Bihhy Brouse, Neil Gibbons, Trevor Roberts. Marris Statipnery - Richard Law, Don Pop. Robert MeCor- eick, Tom McTracb, Peter Ro- bers, Stuart Roberson, Stir- ling Bockley. Harley Pckering, Normaon Biggar, Danny Esans, Bob McKee, BubOs Keossies. Ras May. BANTAM There wiii bc a six teaes hantant bouhe Icague Iis year. The Milton Deparimeni Store wil sponsor aîeaw coached Os Lorne Evans, Ron Shannon and Harold Perguson. Milton Poli ce sponsororclub coacbcd bs Ted Kennedy. Wasne Hardy and Russ Con- flor. Mos Bradburs and Joe Hutberingio siti coach Local 4970s esîrv. liesSmitbhil bondIe the Bell Bras.etrv. Vern Bridgeesaen ili c'oc'h ReilO Real Estates team. and theresi'llbciine clubsvith a sponsor and rame lu crne la- The team lisis fur the ban- tant bouse leogue foloss" (To be Naesed Later) - Wal ter Raikeussku. Feues De,lge. Johnt Scluruchcu, Bis Lainu' wcis, Besi IDanuce, Richard JuhO. Bll Tardi. Allas Dyer. Muke Clements. JohnuuuChaliunpr. Craig Brtutus . Stepheu Wai- kins Keilh Real Estale- Philup Hepwsorth, Juutu Thomtson, Pet' e Mule. Jitu Sales.,(iariy Law-u rence. Pauul i Slson, Buu.uuuIs ns. lus at,,Maeeuuuat,. (,u duin MecchuuuJohn Muoneua,v 1 utn Madili. Bell Boms. - Br.ucl Fiait Brvas Hulmes. Tom W ihis. Mark Chase, Gir% MacDuugali. Durrvl Graham, Philip Cilien. 1KersRvitcheit. Dise Anderson, 1 ReilO Austin, Maurice Curtis. Local 4970 ims Destaur' er. Dase Mcece Phiiip Rh%' nould Duug M.luuuuuKen Austin, BRITSH WOOLLENS TRIP TO BRITAIN L FOR TWO rtRAVEL WAROROBES *25 other prinut s o 1u lts eg Iertifcales aso beo. As l [ 2,5n Yo ' Shppng ~ : Fr y o rf o u r a f r i n acet ils.dfonognieOrts aneTo î por u h'sMnWa r aemnaoul0 el Wooliens MontO conten ut. Cone l Rs ovgoatorspMens Wear suas the Brtish Woolens Montb ontesi closes October 31. Michael Orpen, Robert Brad- bury, Randy Howden, Lloyd Rbysold, David Coller, Ro- bert Sîringer. titon Poice-Paul Brancb, Kimn Moonlain, Hobby Rusk, Bill Clarke, Ricky McTrach, Bob Sargent, Stephen Bran- cier, John Kelman, Tommy El- liol, Bill Clarridge, William Purbrick. Milton Dept. Store - Anelio Sincovich, Martin Cairns, Jies Labisowicz, Stephes Hender- son, Jies Roberson, Robert Mannerots. Don Leslie, Jobs Zasalia, Bil vPressiak. Dun- cas Craig, Rodsey Wat%. PEE WEE Thv followisg ai lsi sn the Pec,'Wec hoiclegue, McCîtaig inttrance -C,,.î: h Art Bioo:ks and l hisPleer,: Daîvid Roeetson. Leslie Brown,. Glenn Moi ras. Aods Wysmas, Richard Case. Kims Jensen. Bill Frances'Miliv Leslie. Ken Hoiid, Ron Cole, Craig Thomas, Lennsr Spesce, BobOs Pelci s. Mlton Lumber-Coich Ken Orr: Allas McKinnon. Hiw- ard Wrigglsvoih, Charies AI- cock. Siese Knoosle',. Michael Gray, Roheci Nelson,. Siephen Wardes , Michaîel Ai sold, Ran' dv Hamilies. Ros,,ld Roles. David Pearce. Paul Willos. Fay Ftuesing - Coauch Bob Waikir'. Marin is iueli, Paul Siuser, Tess' Dmioglas. Rich- ard Arnoild, Jolie Roherîson. sleiell Wilms,. Bill Fis. Roh- cri Langiide. Broce Bailes. Siephies MC,,os. Sicue Mar- shall, Mark Hyatt, James Har- The Canadien Champion, Wednesclay, Octobnr 25, 1967 kmn. à_____________________________ Canadien Tire - Coach Ray Eairiy Birds land 222, Joan Waters 220. Fuller: Carl Hiltz, Stephen Ca- October 20 Other good triples: Len Ma- puto, Mike Pearson, Stuart Ladies' high single, June son 705, Reg Thomas 696, Porter, Alec Elliol, Wayne Goutd 242; ladies' hlgh triple, Dean Gray 601, Reg Gray 672, Wharren, Douglas Anderson. June Gould 714; mess bigh Fred Rigo 623, Sadie Thomas Jeffrey Smith, Larry Charlton, single, Doug Picket 276: mens 649, Jack Goold 642. Eric Keller, Van 'McPhail. igh triple, Doug Pickel 716. Eddy Ford, Robert Farrell. Other good singles: Reg Tho- Jack P. won 7 for 28, Bruce HMonde Chicken Kings - mas 274.,llred Rigo 266, Len 0 for 25, Sadie 0 for 21, Ede 7 Coach: Joe Wilson, Doke 'Masos 261, Dean Gray 252, Roy for 19, Roy G. 7 for 19, Bill O Coales: Douglas Brown. Wayne Gray 235, Reg Gray 251, Ede for 14. Wilson. Josepb Forlos, Randy Crsdermas 233, tvy McClel- Rogers, Keilb MeKinnon. Ah- ________________________ oIl Roberson, James Jefferson, __________________________ S,îsds MacKav, Dasnv Ervin, f)errv Zanalla,'Gordon Tbomp 0 4b- son. Dav id MeNeil. John Ton-' c rr ? Milton Pitarmaey Coach Boi,Llî , k i:iKeel ils it, le Scafni en iii.dBrd SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL les Joesse. Paol Marin, Bobbs Haggarît. Dav id Miller, Rands CHICKEN NOODIE SOUP Murras, Brendý.A Merrit, Dos- .ld Pope, Williaim MeCormick. ROAST CHICKEN DINNER l2 Youth Bowling Buim: Mark Bradies' 204 sngle, Caroline Rush 196 ingie. Mark Bradley 348 double. Caroline Rush 304 double. Juniors: Gars' Arpa 241 sngie. RKaths Rush 175 single, Gurs Arpa 374 double. Kolhv Rush 308 double. Seniors: Duncan Ruessus223 ssnglc. Duncan Ramsav 435 double. 2 YIAR to 620 BeIow Zerel Polar Brand Anti-Freeze 97.51% Pure Glycol plus Inhibitors! Be gre! Be sfel Be noce yuu're safe this Winter and aIl yesr- round 'ith Polar Brand AntI-Freeze for worry-frea, driving. Cent evaporate or houl away - keepe cooling nytees cleats - inhiblîn ruât and corroson. Eecomesend- ad foc une is aIl vebîcles încluding thone wth aluesînues componente. POLAR... Anti-freeze at iRa BESTI Chrome Carburetor Ignition Cooling System Moto-Master Guard Conditioner Spray Conditioner Thermostats -Prshecte chrome Workn 'mile poucre Misture-proofa the Wncha 5 'maya En - -Control tempra- frses coad sals. diving . . remesen eneplete ignitiont prevent the cammun ta re and beater per- Protecte aIl wintec 'ater, vacnioh and nystees. Mandy causes oft colîng formsance. Pelle long. 10 oz. ilE in gao 6ozO. ystees failore. type. spraY E linen, etc. fls pray ~lWnrkn 'mith 9 lAs Ia'm e, b)omb,........ 1.17 20 oz, con .-.70 hom . ....... .59 Anti-fronce.7 cach .O 8 Mat-Mlaster Regiai- Mealers - Plug in type, avait- £ 29 able foc mot ppular esahen and modele, Freeo UL Wlndhield Sealer - une os glosa, rubber, moetel. atope leaks. draft, etc. 3 o.,..................... *497 Mo-Macler Radiatse Fluns - Removen mut,sceaie:. etc. IntprveecLreulatlon.and effieecy. 10 sz. Mns 49S Mte-Mater Water Puusp LubrieUit ad Rail la- ibitar - Lubrîcatecaend stops Inaha. 20 on. con ... *64S Moto-Master "Purge'l - 2 stage, donner, candi- 1.14 tisser tur plugged radîxtore, 18 uz. can . ..... Reieterced ieater Nms - 5/S" diameter, ita est malien ut car heaters. Fer Foot ..................... 7 / I1 ilOilui i SCHUYLER BROS. LIMITED 459 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 878-2349 MTRA Cas an ar MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH PRIES CHEF SALAD FRESH PEACH SHORT CAKE FOR RESERVATIONS PHONO 878-9061 W. Are Open Every Day ?hroughout the Year LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONED Milton NOTICE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS 2 A.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON PLEASE TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK ONE HOUR AUDREY BRUSH, D.puty Clerk TOWN 0F MILTON