Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 4

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4 The Canadien Champion, Wednesdlay, Octobor 25, 1967 s prtsforum b y b ob bu rt t if the enhibition games are any indication of what Mrchant fans have ta look forward taF and coach d Swiss has ta contend with this year, tl might be advisable for some alet caitalist ta devise a way of selling tranquilizers whole- sale at the riday night home games. In both contests the Merchants played the first period 1 as tf they had left their skating legs at home and came back ta in bth games in the third period. t mas suggested ta Swiss between the first and second period that the boys had been hustling but he thought differ- ent. "They're flot skating as al', he grumIbled. "Only a couple of the boys are skating'. Don eamna lad the club with a pair ot goals and con- stant diggiag and hustliag ram start ta finish. Phil Brsh torned la his second fine performance la Imo games. Brsh played the last haIt ot bth games and its nt unlikely he cold have been the stabiliziag factor la either game. Last year's reglar goalie Bob Lee started the first game and Dale Dunning played the first baîf ot the second game. Dunning cames ta the Merchants f rom Etobicoke and wili ose up anc of the four import cards if he makes the club. Dunning ls the oxpected stater for the Georgetown opener if tees ankie is stili bad. Although il is conceivable Bjsush could gel the sartag nad, it s eapected he iii spend the season in the Jovenile nets. Tstomu Hanzawa caught the eye of the 350 fans Friday. Tom, as he has been haadily nickaamed, is anc of three Japanese boys tryinq out with Canadian junior hockey clubs la Ontario. Two of the three wor ked out as Wednesdays practice bt oly Tam sam action Friday night. One mas mark- ing out as a Hamilton Junior B camp at last report. Apparently the trio have been sent ta Canada by a Japaytese firm mho have agreed ta foot the bll for the year with the eapress ltent of having the boys retura ta Japan and represent them n nhe 1972 Olympics. It s also rumnored this same firm has plediged t150,000 for the three boys' ex- penses. Although ne docision has been made about keeping Tom on the squad, he has met mth the approval of maay fans and several enecutive members, Onec man admitted "If anyaone had totd me they cauld skate like thîs ia Japanl'id have casea my shirt Id looh la the Sahara desert before gong ta Japan ta look for hockey players'. But Tom is real. Athough is skatno ceaves littie ta be desired, the coach shomed some concerns about his ability ta sake the punshmeat. If he cauld overcame the language barrier and avod injuries he cod be a oery re ai asset tcs the club, Jovenile manager Joe Wilson anaunced yesterday;, practices mlii be held on Thrsdays tram 10 p.m. ta il pm., with players ready ta go on thea ce t 10 oclock. Aller a sbaky fiet priod. Milton Mechats settled dama. started ta skate and lurncd ita bel r aeeîd camne back wse inv mc strls.Mil- ion beut Dundas 53 Fridus be- fore a crumd ut 358 peuple. Somtbiag less thon a 1001 pere cnt skating effort tram the tormards and the defcace- mens tilurc ta cîcar the puck gavc coach Ed Sis cause for ronce ra aller tha firsperiod. Don Heans îsced [liluiib svtlb mu goals wihle sngles wcnl lu Rager Wldtoag, Cruig Brush and Tslomu Hianzaisa. Dunds scored irst and Brosb ticd tbe game up la the Five Milton teams in Tri-County action Fine Milton Teams in TriCoun Milton mill bane un entes insu ecb utofthe tîve tr-cîunts divisions agin Iis vear Tbe tolloing is a break dama of the teums, bacie couches and sponsors ut the variaus tcums. NADALIN ELECTRIC JUVENILE TRAM Coach Sia Hannant: manager Jue Wilson; assistant manager Veen Goodiag. Plasers: Rad MeKrsie. PauaiKiseben. Rick Colheck. Keitb Higgs, Wayne Arnold, Barry McTrach, Tom Gooding. Steve Clemet. Phil- lip Martin, Pauni Muntain. TRAFALGAR MOTORS Coach Gos Mambras-, an ager 15amson Ellisan. Plusers: David Turner, Bruce Ellisîsa. Ronald Tmlss, Scîott Seni. Gara Dance, Beudies Smith. Craig Jutsh. Stevea MsCatch- eon, Pasul Speout. Rod C,îsd- îng. Brens Murai. LEGION JBAYsTAMS Coac Glen Dance; Manager Bill Ramais' Plaves: s.Fi, tic MueKav, Richard Mrras, Greg Heipel, Wadec Bebus., Mark Grenke. John Arnold, Ranid% H annon, Rayer Rîîii lesv, tise ali Mers, Hugh Mrshall. isieN McCrlhs. .Rssski Buekar. Pal Devlil. ROTARY MIDGET Coach Jue McCana, manrag- Luckie McKeesîe, asailt mn ager Nick Chuchmach. Plus- es: Ras Evans, Budds Thomas, Mike Frumec, Bill Wlsonv, Ras- mnond Tunelli, Banay Mijblt, Rick Gooding. Jim Marshall, Keitb Bridgman, Nigel Feegu'- un, Donnie Cbuchmacb. Terra Cule. David Gates, Gara Yoong. KINSMENrIPEE WE Coaeh Bob Cîslcan: manasge Ken Young. Placers- Tisai Sa]- ha. Dune Roberts, Rsis Fuler, Richard Bridgmans, GIlenniiTise ver, Scuit Mekenzse. George Hoad, Gara Gusdîng. Ken Fus. Norm Mitaîbrusv. (anv Hunt. Peter Chucbmuch. tîrst period inhea hc. scored on a rebauad off Ted Hoods -,bolt ram aboutl 20)teeloui. Duadas wea i ahcad la the se- con îdperîîîd iAhen Fraie Bis d l ucked one ia belsoea gualleader Dale Dunalaf's legs. Hearna came baek ilh smo goals less than a miaule apari laie ln the second period. He foraished the irst goal anas- sisted. He sapi aue the bloc lace and dipsey - doodled lhrough the Dundas defence ilh the park silîl un bis stick and sict il pais the Dan- dus yack stopper la a bock- hand shut. Dais seconds luer, Heaes rapped une op insu the top rigtbaad corner ut the net. His second gîtai came an a meli esecuted pass plav tram Rager Wildfoag and Fauil Hlîve, acied the equ- alIzer tîîr Dundas midmav Pro-amn schedule The toussa ing is a lil Pro-am schedule Prseam hockey plaier don baie skates ior the apener in ohsthe Tuesd Thuisidas sîlub dinisisa. ecek, The failowing arcsei and a prtionsoflteiý, lis e ieThîssida igot io.Bîsîblueidas snd d,î i nghit irs gasmes%% i 745 pm. The lîii, lssîed iii hegin t .745i secoand iii star) si 9 p. GREEN - Capi Rlek E (suai iJhnaF%,;R' [i ftampion t is, a nd Game News b y a ran co0u 1Son LaI's ail huai sataiy Ibis yeor. The huntiag seuson isi bere again. and risad 1 ihotguns arc being raadied ture the big hiuatin the noth. Supplies arc hooghtad huaI- ing ciothas are brought out ut muîhbails. Licences have ail 'acen bouglat and hopes are high. Bt ishai about the hunIerm Has ha bacc oerhouied and mode reada ta huas satcly? Great effort bas bacc put sala eveesshing for the huaI. but veyerarcly ducs the hanter lobe stock ut imseît. Vas ha s the anc mhu aimi the gun and pulls the tiggcr. the anc mho mokes the rifle ihl. Wbaî he mi ilbih s onothar mtter Me as, sporsmen haie a ec- urd tue safty in the lait fais peanesthat mc con ascII ha prood u, set sic hava a long a tu go. In 1%6, 130 huniers in Oat- ario happaned ta ha la the lina af ire ot huniers asho ere cal sure ut their larges The score - 13 kiiIed. 147 moond cd. The enperienced hunIer lait yea caoîed juil as mony accidents an thebecmomer ta the spart. Why? ta the inerss of sale huaI- iag, ina us the Halon Sports- mens Association urge you su beush ast un saegan bondi- ing. A nem hanter. hctore he con gel a licence, bassu otube a course an note gon andiîg. Hoas about sîsme ofu o der unes ltaking a refresher course? Wc mac di seuver things about safty bal me did nul bnom hetora. To sum Italt up, the mos importatrule', ut safe hans- ing are: A gun lsadad or uloaded inos a sus. and mont be reaird alwavss ius t il isaded. eer poins t i a coae. Meecreiauoded gun ic a boul or cor or plane. and pieuse cner laune une ioaded la a bouse or building. Make sure of your larges be- lare sou pull the rsgger. and he sold suber. Rotas ut satety. like rates ut the ad. hecîsme duli and '00e- iog, but me tons cant forges hem. Me ai the Halun Sports- mens Association have mulch- ed ilb high hopes the plant- if lot rhe Kohue Salmon, and are vanv happy ta an- nouanibehisthe% are spa. iag hi the îhsîusandsin Bloc- ta Creek and the Manilac Rine on the souib sida otf Maniaulîn tsland. This is. per haps. Itheimajor spawn- ing ilfIbis species se Ontario. Th,:s, tibhocra piucted in 19614 The Deparimeni aIfLLands and Forcs-, ould uppreciala anglers etting them kausu if uns ufthese smuiî. red fisb lIcous like la form and ha- mwena 12 tsu18i ches ilong) aeseen. Alîbuugh ifl s stii1 tou earln su hc certain, il ap- peurs bal tha introduction bas been lesi succristol in LabeOntaariîo tho n LakLoe Huron. Sisiy-ive dollars* aaeth ut imali change, guihercd ram the bu)iom ofthe D5parlmant ofi Landsand Forasîn braver, (Cvnined us Pate 5) MUSTANGO FNSE mies up for action. The Mustangs ios Fridays game 24-23 ta Bshop MacDonnel la a Junior thriller. The Juniors nom have a smo and smo record Qoarterback Paul Perrott prepares ta receive the bail tram Don Fay. To the baftsof Fay is Ken OHara and tu rigt s sRenard Folovu On the leftsia the backtîeid is Jîvi Marshall and on the rgbt Yuri Kudrassosa Staff Photo) MILTON MOTOR SALES 0 N T'ýC --- - Pý ACAýDlANý B U 1 C ýýK PHONE 878-2355 MILTON il i0he leud., John Hopkins, Frase Huss. Mika Sullivan, Digbt n isu May. Garnat Foran, Terra Bar- ý esn ker. Muanin Stephenson, Ros la% and Howard, Dune Pinkaca. Bob uni lis RED - Capt. Dick Cain hodîse Gualie Don Timbers: Wayne it divis-Humden. Lluad Zueit, Ross 1Tisun- Sharpea. Vie Auger, George ill lartl Broma. Brase Gtes. Fred Sol- it garse livan, Dsck Veenstra. "Tippy" ail the ThibertIan Shepherd. Flue- atwards ciii Lambrt. Amie Vannest. ,ss Me- BLUR - Cap(. Cnet Bizt Goalle. tan Adams; Jim Don- % ailen. Dîsn Aikenbecid.Dan F stdeJm JhsoRo SliaMacElli M .H. A gr onJrKBen Ade YELLOW Cp.Jack Champous Goalie Reg. Zannutta. AI Chulmees. Lau Mudlin. John McLennun. Nîrm Barber. Tom Ramsham. Frecî Duimstra. Carl Smaith. Win Cameron. Bob Burt. Dosn Neelands. ane Sharpen. - Ost. 26 - Edwards vs. Cin; Hiltsivs Champouo. Non. 2 -Edis-rds si Hiltz. Cala si Chamisoux Niii. 9 - Edmards ns Champ- oua. Cain ss Hille. Nue, 16 Champisux is Hiltz, Cainlacs Fdscaeds. Novi. 23 -HiIi, ns Coin: Chanspou ssî sEdmards. Mise 31)-Champoun is Can Hîhe iv, Edicirds. Slow start Merchants continue winning ways Hearns sparks attack wilth pai*r seneral mhacks os il la front ufthie Milton net. Widfng scored the ianer [rom Risk Cule and Kip Tug- weili Hanzama, ove outhIrer boas spoasored ha a Japon- esc irm ta leara Canadion hackey, senerd the final goant. It mas thc Japanese ladsfirst appearace nitb the Mecb- anIs. Lasi eara goaltender Bob Lac matched the tome tram ha stands Friday igbt.Lace s outl mll a sproincd ankîr and was rcplaced by Dole Dun- niag aad Phil Brosb. Beusb ce- pcated a tinc performance of ha irs game, alloming but oîne goal. Brusb playcd steadav tuaI tbruughbut ltookcd en- ceptionallY guud un a break- Membership Fees Se. 13 yearn and aver- $2250 Jr. -6- 12 years, inci. -520M0 Pre-Sehool- 5 years and under - $1750 Famiy rate for 3 or more applicants on enquiry Mai EARLY To > amay hy Cam Hostein. Brush- moed oual, cal the angle dama and lhmaeled the for- mord in a campaIent fashion. Coauch Ed Smiss, a litt1e happier afler the third per- lad thon the first, tld bis crem they could go a long way and do a lot of things if they eould plov Ibrceapersodi of hockey rather than juss the ast Imo. Offidiata Iesfed 18 penalties, smo majors for ighling, a mis- conduci and a major for bull- endiag and several minors. Steve Gerevais sprat fine minu- tes ie the sin bic with Pete Aussens aller the pair engag- ed la a brief duel. Milton milI meet Georgetown bere Friday aighs in the leagae opener. Merchants release Junior "C" schedule Milton mili apen the season ih a hume game ugainît GeurgelsamaFidan and a sec- ond game in Georgetomn Son- dai. Then have slatad an an- hibition game uginst Hamil- ton Red Wings tram the OH. A. Junior A divisison tue January 7 ahsaspecial attraction. Miton home gamea iii gat undiricasson Fridavs as 8.38 and Sondai us 7 pm With the exception ut theýce Sunday gumes. Milton miii plan' vail their home gumes on Friday. HOME Feidas-. Oct. 27 Georgetomn; Frîdav. Mac. 3 Orangevitie; Feu- da, Nue. 10) Sirecîscilie; Son- das Non. 19 Oakcilte. Fedas Nov. 24 Georgetomn; Fidas Dec. i Orangen le. Frîdas. Decc f Ajax; Frîdlan'. Decc 15 Mem- market; Frîdan. Dec, 22 Rish- mond Hill; Fridav Dec, 29 Lsnd- sas; - Endo ian. 5 Orangevîlle; Sondai. ian. 7 Hamilton R-cd Wsngs: Fidav. ian. 12 Siracîs- sie; Sunda* ioJn. 21 Oakviita; Fidus. Jan. 2h Oakniie: Fel- dus- Fec 2 Georgetoswn. AWAY Sondas> y ect.29 Georgetomn; Tucsdav. Oct. 31 Slreeesviile; Thursdav Mov. l6 Orageville; Fidlav Nov- 17 OakciIIe; Sun. Nv.2h Georgetomn; Tucîday Noný 28 Sîrcesnilie. Sunday. Des 10) Rshmond Hill; Thon-. da% Des. 14 eismarket; Sot- oeday Dec. 23 Ajax; Munday Jan. 1 Lindsay; Thueîday Jan. Il Orangeville; Thurîday Jnn. If Orangenille; Fiday, Jon. t9 Oukailte; Suaday Pcb. 4 Geor- getowin; Friday Fch. t Onkaille. -Basaballi s fiaally one and hoclea s geltiag under- mas. Close lu 40)0 boys wiut sak arpue)in Minor Hockey in Milton Iis ycar. -Those samne laces toas shumad 01) taithtally ta coach hall during the long, bot som- mer arc poppiag op ut the ar- eau. preparing ton a long, cold limier ut hockey. -Miltaa Merchants meet haie aId rivais, Georgetown Raiders in the Sohurban Jun- or C opene here Pidnp night. IA.T. MOOREI INSURANCEI ICDIiPSLLVILLIl 854-27 1 Executive Pres. - Mes. Larry Tyror nIt Vice-Pres. - Mes. Ron McKay 2nd Vice-Pres. - Mes. T. H. MCutcheon Secretary - Mes. N. Straob Assistant Secretaries - Mes. Mormon Pearce - Mes. Richard Farley MRS. JOHN SEMPLE 370 MARTIN STREET, Milton, Ontario 0 Please Include F.. With Application l****u******u....A.Pu.P....1uuC*uA****.0m.N Mama Maiing Address ýge Sîze Fre School Parents Initial .... 1 Telephone Mo. - Junior - Senior -..... Private tessons Available - $250 for 15 Minutes Additîtnal Forms Availab. at Milton Aress MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB SosrMEMBER ilC.F.SA. Spnaed by Milson Rotary Club '7 TUESDAYS end THURSDAYS 4.30 f0 7.30 STARTING TUES., NOVEMBER 7th Mrs. Mary Jane Robinson - Professional FOR THE SPORTSMAN - SHOTGUNS OF VARIQUS BORE - BUCKSHOT-LOAD SHELIS - GOOD SUPPLY 0F DEER RIFLES AND AMMUNITION - REMINGTON, ITHACA, C-I-L, SAVAGE, SAUER McKim Hardware 860 Main Sf. 878-9222 Fees paypbie in fulllin adeance or on f irs dey of lesson

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