Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 3

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Invites St. Bernard owners to "fun match" this Sunday. Despite hoing four St. Ber- nards, a poodle. a monkey aud a hudgie around the bouse. Mr. erald Scobie ot Milton stili inds ime lu act as secte- tary of the S. Bernard Club of Ontario. The club secretary asked The Champion lu make a men. ion cin bis week's paper about a "ton match" the club s hotding aI Claremont tis Sundav atercoon. "There are a lot of Si. Bernard owners around the Milton area who arc nol member'tf theeclub, an euti i hecto sec tbcm tube theur cdog'. oulmore oft ten." she esplain'. Sunday'u event is for fun only. and there mil ot he ans judiging or points amarded. But bhe club want'. to interest more owners in the regtlar dog shows and championnbips that are available. The ton match starts t une o'clock Sunday. lncluded wiII he a parade ut champions - fusl to show visilurs sume of the hest dues in the province - and one ut Mrs. Scoies dogs mill he loinîng the par ode. He is champion Moon- light Havens Great Roger, knuwn as "Rock" around the Scohie housebold. le finished is championship in Mav of this vear Sbe suggestc .uvneinter etcinthe ittn day eau oh- tain directions atnd further in- formation bv calling ber aI 8783515. Hec home is at 2667 tomer Base Line, .R R 1 Mil- ton. Lions heur publisher tour printing plant Milton Lions touced the Ac- . toc plant ut Dilîs Pclnting and Publishing Co. Ltd., publishers T 1,'of The Champion, atter their eglar meeting Monda y ecen- ing. Champion publisher Jim Dilîs spoke uitIhe meeting about the production of a seekîs pap. er, then conducted the tour ut the planltithere members ex- pressed quite an iclercst i the press,. machiners and comp- osition melbods ssed in produe- ing an offset paper. Members learned duing the BRANDY AND ROCK, Imu Si. Bernards owued by Mms. G. business session the esc bock Scobie ot Lomer Boe LUne, R.R. 1 Mlon, ccc real "hamu" campoigu launched Satordoy when it tomes lu hoing Iheir p-elures laken. Rock, a cham- gat ot[tto a slow slart. Each pion, ii be oinug the 'parade ut champions" Iis Sonday member mas given pledge when the Si.enord Club ut Ontario hoidu a ton match ai cards and infoîrmation and urg- Ciaremout. Mrs. Scobie, serelcry uftIhe club, is hopug other cd to signu Oh as macs dunors S. Berard owuers in the Mlton rna wil attend the cucul as possible. Another donor in- formationccentIre iti be set up (Staff Photo) ibis Salacdav attercoon ai Cte. Town total 6,670' Population breakdlown shown Town assessur Jack Chari- ton bas released shoîsing a breokdomn 1r Multons po>pa ltion hy age gcuups. The popu ltion ci 6670 it an increse of 50 oser last ear and includesi are 297 inthe Hulern Cenlen- niai Manor AlnNuMt alE ofithe toc nu population is elceen the ages -Ext:ra shores wiII b. sold Shareholders in Naton and Peel Trust ccd Savings C. wili 'e able to purchase an ad ditional share for eacb eigt shares presentiy owned. il mas ancoucced Monday. At a coul t f SI. he shoces will be on sale un tii the end ut November. open to record ubareboiders os ni Oct. 27 Shores in the rompons. as ut the Tornto over.tbe-couct- er market quotalionu ' the tomne day. ttood a t $16 bld and $17.25 ottered. o fi gure un- changed since Friday. --Warm temperatures Iis sseek remind us uf Indian Sommer. Do sou suppose Iis s il? ci 20 and 59 vears (3,193). The .i'sser îccrdcd 475 ih ccc- scareilds. 138 4-scar'elds. and 308 beisseen the ges cf ixsîand sesen. hle Ibece arc 283 in the eighl liluine vear grouping and 572 lu the 1013 range. There: are 136 aged 14. 583 in tbe 1519 groapîng. 188 aged 60 lu 64 sears cid. 162 in the 6569 range. and 485 arc 70 or oser. lncluded in the older age brackels arc residents ci the Ilallon Cenlennial Ma nor uchu. or census purposes. are couI ed as es idenîs of Milton. Multons assessment reoches $10251049 Miltons% taxable assessment grecs bs lusi$189,099 lu the pasîsyeur. accordingto filgures recased Iis eek bs Milton assessor John Charlion. The preseni total is $10,251,049, mbîcb means a miii e! lemu tae n1968 sili preduce Sit., 251. LasI ser's assessment total ma s10,t061,950 mieb gises a 1967 miii a' value of $10,061. The 1%67 ntat s, broken domu nIa 6639,785 lu residentiai as- ssment and $3.611.264 in cîm- mercial-indust rial assessment. The assessor protides a for- ther break-dtown Ic iand and buildings salues. Resîdentiot. building' are mrib $5.525.975.: the i ndust rial -commerciali s mort 1.,928.970. Residential lacd isvalued uI $t.t1370 com- pared tu industrial' - commer- cial orth $673.849. Rounding oct the figures i $1.0088.445 c! business assess' mecltfoc the grand total iof $lt.25t.t49. ment Pain( and Wulpaper Store on Main St. The club donaled tonds t assist a groop iof Wakefield Road esidents in hiiullng cbld' le rom OSD. fic Halliîisen reats cet wmcu.kPlnts'ere mode lu "adîpî"tîcîl ned tamilies aI Chrisîmas. hold a yuIe parts for mcînhei s and Iheir tumilies and bîld a.îr heu' shoot inlulaIe Novt'mber. Too hard to police Shelve new by-Iaw1 es istea ut egulltoncou A suggested new bylaw co- neiog the collection ut refuse in Milton guI a briet airing hetore îomn council un Mon day hetore il was shelued for turtbec sîudy by the sewers and saitalion commlttee. The hy-lam. similar lu laws in other towns, n'as suggested to replace the present towc bu' bma conering gachage collec- tions. But councillors decided tl would he impossible lu pol- ce the new bytlam. ot the turc titne noting the presenit h\uhs iset being enforced, citber. Wurku superlntendent Bruce Mc'Kerr admitted the present law is not being entorced but he garbope crems are doing a good job and the lumu looks a lot neuter for their eftorts. "Il our presen t bs-lam is ec. locced, there is o lot ut gar. hage ssc could nul pick op." Ite 'aid. "Il %%e policed this ueo' hs.iasu.we mould Icone hall the gat'nage in Milton sit- ting on the side o! the stceets. We eau bc prepared for on aw- i Ilot ut di'.satistied loupas. Betoce dcopping the propo. sed hs-law hack iclu the lbp ofi the sîrecels and satks com- initIer. ucincil decided 10 re view restrictions in tbepres- cutl ats on the nomber, type and steight ut gorbage con- ainers alltimed. Many resid- euls are using cardboord box- or plastic bags and some are over the 5t pound wetght ltm X-RaOy unit cornes here The provnces portable X- rau unît mas in towc vster- dav and Iis morning maktng t he rounds leinduosties tbal mîight he using i e mino lui;, conta,;cti lb sopha dusl. The Unit is manned hv tsco mec and tours the entire pro- vi nce. tn Milton it isited the ,qbarrning industries as mdll as the grandl and chemicol tirms. ELECTION DEDATE The two candidates agreed lu a debate. Sneered une candi- date: "I am on bocent mac. Out ut the thousandu ut ways to make mocey. I know the une hocest way. "And wbicb woy is tbat"? asked the other candidate. "Ah!" uneered the tirsl. "I did't tbink vou'd know!" "At the end of October or early November is an excellent tirne ta change your account ta receive the best interest return." You are invted ta corne in ta any of aour offices and ask us about this! RISTIVOS Phone 878-6043 4ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE NEW CARROTS, i 6-oz. Cello Bag .. 2 for 1 9C Large Firmn White CAULIFLOWERS ..35Cen.. Canadien BLUE GRAPES 79c 6-qt. bskt. Fresh Roasted PEANUTS 3 lb. $1. Ideal Brand Plus Deposîl GINGER ALE and FLAVORS 2 qts. 29c Maple Leaf LARD 4 lb. 89c Large 2»-c. Tins Baxter Brand PORK & BEANS 2 for 49c BreakfastlClub JAMS and JELLIES, 9-oz. Jars 5 for $1. Primo VEGETABLE OUL. - $1.59 gal. tin Pacelle RoyaIe - (Reg. Plce 67c) 2 PIy TOILET TISSUE, Sale Price 4 rolis 59c Fresh Chicken LEGS and BREASTS-. 47c lb. C.P. Thrift Side Rindless BACON -- 2 lb. 99c Peameal BACK BACON ........ 69c lb. pcs. Mapi. Leaf BOLONI ........... 3 lb. $1. Maple Leaf WIENERS........ - 2 lb. 99c RISTIVOSPhono 878-6043 e' SPECIAL SAVINGS Your TRUE SAVINOS accounti No cheques may be îsucd but you may mthdraw auy amoucu at aniy lime in perses or by mai). 41/% inerest on the mInImum monthly balancel CHEQUING ACCOUNTS SO f ree chequing privileges 1 There is no service charge made on à reasonabie number of cheques issued. Your chequino accounit ari 4% Intorest on the minimum quertarly ballancel MILTON 252 Maie Street - 878-2834 LORNE SKuCE. Manager ~6'leLOCAL DIRECTOR: Dr. CarI Martin, Vce'Presideut NORTH HALTON ADVISORY BOARD S John T. Armsrong, Chairruan, Retord Grdhouse, Maurice C. e Beary. Michael Ledmîlh. John Goy, Dr. B. D. Young ~CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS Mon. -Thurs. 9.0DO-5.D; Fridays ,'tli6.00 HALTON & PEEL TRUST a SAVINOS COMPANY Your local trust Company N..d Offile:t Oakville- Other Branch Off ices: Brampton, Burlington, Simncoe Dehi, Georgetown, Cookutille ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION EXCEED $79000000 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation better light, better sight, better marks with thue "College" Study Ljamp The "Callege" Study Lamp has been designed and en- gneered ta pravide exactly the right amaount of lIght far cQmfortable studying. It s the anly study lamp ever approved by the Illuminating Engineering Society, the world aUthority far ighting standards. The "Callege" StUdy Lamp campletely eliminates glare and shadow and helps prevent eye strain and fatigue. It means better ight, for better sight. It cauld vnry welII mean better marks. Get one for the student in yaur home. Look for the lamp with the "Callege" tag. your hYdro'* MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION "COLLEGE" STUDY LAMPS ARE AVAILABLE AT; MILTON HARDWARE HARRIUSSTATIONERY 227 Main E. 878-2353 182 Main E. 870"962 The Canadian Champion, Wednesdlay, October 25, 1967 AMON 0"727 show mus YUN. deu. ?UR THEATRE THURS. FR1 -SAT - OCT. 262728, "DOUBLE TROUBLE" - Color ELVIS PRESLEY- ANNETTE DAY "JUMPING FR005 JUBILEER "CELLBOUND" - Cartoon Saurday Matineeata 2 p.m.. - "White Feth.i"' - Color SUN.-MON.-TUES.-WED. OCT. 29.30-31-NOV. 1 "THE SWINGER" - Color ANN-MARGARET - TONY FRANCIOSA Recommcnded as Aduit Entertajument "THE DEADLY BEES" - Color SUZANNE LEIGH- FRANK FINLAY TIIURS-FRI.-SAT. NOV. 2.3-4 "FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE" CLINT EASTWOOD 'PIQUETTE PARIS" - Cartoon Watch for "DR. ZHIVAGO" Coming Soon WSHESTO NONC TREH ORUIND 0F AOFIE an teMArtnveet MION - ANONTAR Telephone 878-4502

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