Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 20

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U 1*0 Canadian Champion, Wednosday, Oclober 25, 1967 CIurch, U.C.W. meeting in week's district news By NMes Ron MeLean The tlowers nithle savcicary on Sunday moringsverc ini memory of Mes. Thcmas Store. a lite-long resident cf îbc dis- trict, and the motherorfci c t former memnber. Mvi. Andi t Frank, nosv uf Mlton. 9 The choir sang "Thebcnen- 9 niai Hsms. Rer Russel Fîtîlcubasci li, 1 message on a harsest tîcis 1 frcmin 1Samuel. th Chapier. The Ark cf the Lord. in whicb these primitive people heticscd that God acloalîs resideil. bai heen iv the hands cf the Phi]- istines for icves moths. Thes had had mach had loch, so thes wantcd ta send the ark hack ta its rigtfut cînros. Thes pot it on a ncî cari andsibticb cd two catte beasis tuo t. h relurned tu the Itraetites. si-bu mere husy mith the wheat bar- vest avnd ere vers ptcased ta have il hock again. Thcy splt Up the cari for a ire. stew the caIlle for a barnît offering andl gave lhanks tu God. The ark rested i i a field cf Joshuas. It might have rcmaivcd there in- definitely. but some cf the peu- ple coldnt cave les' about f. and had il sent amas. This s irreverence, 10 bc sorrcovd- cd by the presence cf Goil. and 10 hcenegrossed i n oves cmv petry affairs 10 cure. We must think of the positive side. Insteail cf complainivg about the flics iv 16e inimovl vie shold bc glad boere is ans intmenl. What a comfcrt ta share the feeling of gratitude and lhaekfulness me have! Wo have ta sîrengthen ove avotb- er. A gloivg cool rcmovod from the fire-place suan fick- crs and dies. "Whal shal Irender ta thbe Lord for att His boonts ta- mrds me?" "I will pay mv voms ta the Lord iv the presonceocf att Hîs peuple'" Psalm 116. The president. Mrs. M. Mof- fat. opened the UCW. meeting ilh some ideas gteaned fram the Preshyteriat meeting site had attended t Paivtey Charob Guelph. Mrs. David Munrc- assisted Mrs. EavI Wavd ilb the program. H arvesi andl thanksgivivg sangs mre sang. Mrs. Munroe gave some inter- eslings fhoghis on 16e stors tif "Ruth,. the Gleaner.' Naumi iras oîrr si-ber sons mur ieil fcaîon isomen. hut she iras i gîîod mithcr-in-tam. Aller les ieurs in Moab, sorrow Is as bard to stitt hetieve utn Gud. Wbes ,,Itlorictose, stiiletiites God tipens a ii- ,, N.îuttandtuthibrtorsi- cul t,, Btcbt'eliioibe time ut birlesfares t.Tbe gtcavevs fiied ap alterthe lreapers. Ne -medding cf 16e ricb Boue wiib tbe pour Ruth mail base cvcalcd msîch intercît iv the, vittage. Rutb nover dreamcd,. irben she istevcd 10 Naomi, thaitbvhough ber son Ohed. and grandsos Jesse. she oulod bc- crime tbe greal gruodmoîber cf King David. the grcat-greal- gt-.idnttîer of 16e greai King Soloison. Tlrîîîgb the cssaing goseratiois, sie irasthe anres- trois of Josepbthe hoshandiof Mars. the nîciber oîf our Lord. Mrs. M unvoo's message seern- cd partieutarîs aprapas in 16cm timies, u-hon so many ivomen foot bhaitbohy masl bave a --rer. The job cf a moîber ias impurlant as ans job in the ortd. Sometimes big tings ic abead cf a family. The isftuence of a wise, under- standing moîher in the hume i s sececsars- la hetp the tam- tly roulit/e (Sir potential. The cbuvch mu9 carry on mbal 16e homne starts. Sixteen ladies ansmered the rotl catt mith a verse fromt the Fsatms. A commilîe mon formed for the ploaghing mat- ch au bc hetd ai Stanles Nov- rish's on October 28. Mrs. Art Norrish and Mrs. Earvsesrrod tunch, asisted 6v Mrs. Diamcnd. Mvi Haie Frice has retorn- cd fromt a sery enjoyable tmu- siock ptane rip 10 Saîn Fran- cisco, and Lcs Angetes. Vutorie. the 8-mveck-old dau- gbîeroîf Mv. and Mv%. Wayne Taylor. mas in cbarch on Son- das mcrving. Dorolhv MeLean. nurse - in-raining ai St. Catharines Gencrat Hospitlt.spent t6e hstidas eckend ai her home. Theve itthc o vochurch nor Sandas Sohoot at Ehenezer on October 22, iv order vol 10 conftict mitb avniversarv sec- vices ai Arkeil. Open deer season still uncerlainly The holding of an open dccv ing moutd he alomed iv the hunt iv Hallon Coovip on No.- cmv imils. vember 6 7 and B mas oncer- Il mas alto reporicil Sur- tain a County Coucous Oc- lington bad a h-law pi-ohm-. tdher meeting loti week. iing disobarge of firearmt in Councu had carlier agreed the soulh section of the mon- t0 an open teason. providing icipalils. nieighhoring countes alto par- icipaled. Tt mas reporled DRINKING & ACCIDENTS Wentwortb and Welington Sans tir. William -Haddoc Jr.. sere heieved aflowing the National Safety Council due- season. but 'a final report bcd 10v, 'Usoalîs. almoni a fiat nul heen received from the 70 per cent of single car fatal Depavîmeet uf Lundi and Fo- accidents iv major cilles iv' ets.. volve susaniially elevaied htuod lcohof croîls and ai 50ev H. NM oi-- ld cour- least huif of them mcci any- cil Oakviite wootd vol support bcd' iherul definition of io- an open teuton and vo boni- ioxiction.' Duscuss .straiglitening of county's suderoad Th rec represen tatises 0 r Campbellvillc Gruvet Suppisv Ltd. aiievded a special meeting of NasgacaCouncu Mon- day evening to meet ,ith assis- tarît enginecr Paul Stesens. Mr. Stevens, Councit and thc fandatrocrs. inchading D. Mac- Arthur. H. MacArhur and W. Dais--,. stadied dtailed plan- fur the stratghtenisg îof No 5 Sidcraad CounvsNo' ') di- rectiv cas) f ai îrpbclruff Rough estimates cilanud ac- qisitions necessur% for the projeci include 6.26 acres frore CamphettviloGravet Suppi., 3.82 acres from Tuttis Estales. 298 acres from Van Herman. and 2.16 acres tram the Ontario Departiment of Highvass, A to- tl cf ovcr 16 acres is nccdcd. Negotiations mîtt hegin o ith tandowners shortIs. ai an of- fered price of 1300 per acre. Council sent inia committec of the whole o di scîts the con- tent of threc b6v-lais s, vnhcbr- cd 2367, 2467 and 2567. By-lam 2567 ivas passed ands gave the road depariment a supplementaro 8$3,000 inep- ditureis on maintenance. By-iaws 2367 and 2467 wcrc amenidments ta carticO bv-tav-s naming Fred Besson as plan- ning board and commitie cof adjusîment 'member. Murry Mahon mas appoivted ia replace Mr. Bensovosn the towvnship planning hourd srhitc Douglas Beaty. ai readi a mere ber cf the bourd mas vamed to the committec cf adjusimevi. Ail thre nets bv-tavs ore -passcd upon rccpening cf tbe meeting. Commiîlee cf adjosiment, mhich met Thursdaî.v approvecd land separation applications -from Edmard J. Farsons and Miss Margaret Hubbard. bot refused ove from -Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence on era gronds, ivclading lach cf suf- ficient area and frontage oit the propcrty. 'Ilallon Counv Road cotrn- milice will investigate means of improving visibiliîy ai the intersectionsoi Citants' Roui No. Onec(theGuelph isc) i- Nassagaîrci .tSidcriid No. 30. Correpodeneetasricccitcd frîîm Nassugttîcs.tSettool Board invilinic ts.-tsers cf Cituscil ii the opcisg of the adldition IotBrookvillc Public Scbtsif. Oc ttbcr 27. Cîtuseif decideu to pas for the and [o1,uu~)t la\t t i at t ti,,Ct i,,pi 1 t~ la 011/s selected Porks Sk chinnon Fotfttstith le rcigsatton cf Gord u Collissoit as c bai, mao f thc Milton Ptrks Biord cf Maagcmttittiecrs dîîrîng a meetigl t siieck iiamcd Ji n, 1.sutte poitin itîssr DawcSmiihsttscut ecrctary. Mr. CoUnnon bis bect chair- nian ,f theBcîttitiijsin- ccptii antIit ii.reigntuimi s nccssar'hccauscuof plansIt fcasc Militn.Mmebciscptcs cil regrets ai t osingthet i chair- mas irbi bail bees regarifri as aparks ctIbsiasi. Durisg the metinig mmbcrs as iisussed l hointaltion,, of patio st,,cc tvundItulitefourt tain iii Victoia .,Park si'icb iras eccttî uosateifi%-s lie Kin,ssr Club of Miiiton. Ar- rangcmetsi'rre t,,be madec for ibis cciiik tutbe cse Ornamental IRON RA-IL INGS e n l Wrouglt Iron Work Phone 878-9827 FAL AN EXCITING- 0F GAS RANGES & GAS DRYERS Bvring the NEW LOOK of '68 iniayour kitchgn and la und ry with fabuloun rfew flalurat gan ranges and clothes dryers! They're ail up-fo-lhe- minute famoas modela mîfh the mosi modern of features. 1468 There is Something Special About an ENTERPRISE GAS RANGE Plus More For Your Money . A0 Or, atc Top Brner Ligting Remnosah c Top Brner Heads 6 Bemnosablc Top Borner White Porcelais Sp')) Bomîs s riTip Cast Porelaîs Ovales Chome Valse Havilles Non-Drip Cooksg Top ENTERPRISE DELEIXE 30" ALsar O esinron NOW Silcone Ruhber Oses Door Heavv Cas t Ios Door Hînges 09um68 Gse Denste Fih eglas feslation 2 Ovsen L1gb E aSYto Clcas Oses Sîde Racks Non-Tp Oses Racks 0 Corne in and se. for yours.lf ICanadian GENERAL ELECTRIC check these Outstanding Drying Features it Permanent res) Wash'n Wear sellusg f Ions temperolore tettiîvqfor syvîbvîtos it Air flufstiusg i Saiety strn ullon f Iterior dros i lqbr it Etingition te al) CGf dryers, carefllfy esguneered parts reduce noise and vibratios fend. and make thcm safe, dlean and dependable Remocvabte Ores Boîtorn Heasy Duls Cast i fon 0mev Brnier Ions Temnp Oses Conîrof Aulomnalir Cook and Holil Oven Con iro f Renîosabfe Oses Door Fuil Lcvgîb Ftuorescent Lamp Cfock ControffeiOsen flectrc Mnute Minder Oses "Beady Signa) tighi Ocen 'On" Signal tighi Roaslusq Cbarî Harper Cenfer Simmer Brners Cast i fos Top Borner PLUS MANY MORE FEATURIES pir' AT S5pECIýAL ~C5 *CG.E.Washers Avamiablel .. ,perfect for iod'a 'ts r ldo f f a'b ie.t NO DO WN PA YMENT - EAS Y CREDIT TORMS ALL RANGES ANCD DYERS ARECG.A. APPROVID - INSTALLATION UXTRA TrO TI4E. FIRST 100 VISITORS 1 ~ ~ TI4is FRIDAy and SATURDAY B, w4TUI#ot Lcool( OOK * , P I PN S . D is~îC 0v e ing C and i n c u isin e - 4 8 p ag e s * BA LOON GA of a modern guide 10 cooking and en tertaning 32PAGEUOAl l EacIl deligtful menu and reciPe has bee n Fr da ve ~n 9 e ected and es ed by a team tf C n d ' e d and t'il Day sa'. igitm Cnmas MR. "'GORD" HART -- Representative frm Unit.d Gai Lirited - WiII be liere Friday Evening and aIl day Saturcley, Oct. 27, 28, ta answer any questions - and to explain costa of gai operation, etc. 0 Free Balloons for Chidren (if with an aclult) NO MONEY DOWN.. 5 Years to Pay 0 Free Ballp 201 Meir point Pana 0 Free Cook Books RICHARDSON'S TV & APPLIANCIS in St. E. Milton, Ont. 87"9649 DECORATE YOUR HOME THE FAST EASY WAY WITH NEW 1/2" THICK DO-IT-YOURSELF BRICK ... : iYA R1KOERA BEAUTIFIES ANY INTERIOR SURFACE 1. APPLY AOHESIVE 2. APPLY BRICK. 4 ElBOIIIS C(00801 GOLDEN WHÉAT CHO6COLATE fIPPLE BURGUNDY BLAZE NOW AVAILABLE AT: 0.iLTON ýLUN4BE P le, & COAL CO. LIMITED 189 Mill st. Milton, Ont. 878-23371 BE PREPARED TO 1EIiIlAL Go in Snow with A!NLLQY STUDDED TIRES OR SNOW TIRES 0 Don't wait until the Iast minute rush time 0 MAKE A DEAL WITH US NOW I

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