Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 18

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B6 Tie Canadian Champion. Wedeesday, October 25, 1967 Mrs. Elizabeths Briskrne Oherraismede. Germany. t)er Elizaheeth Il Nou hadraome ta visit as wries i1sas arhild, t ceuld hase taies you dams lise rel- ier sleps la show yeu misaI Mother bcd "pul up-le jars fac inier use. Fcrn spiug- time mies fresis risuiaci mas made ie sauce. jarns and pre- serves. rigisitiscaugisthlis m- mer ta early tal. al asalable frutusai reuldu't bc ased on tise table, mas presecved in seme mcv fer tise future. Ca- rambers, ant nsand tlemales mccc made ie opickles, chaI- ney-s, relishes. chili sauce. and many forms etfvoel cand ce- rumber pickles. in cracks, jars ansd bailles. il mas ancetfaur char estot carry tiis preduce demu le lise sierage sielves mises t mas ceai enaugs.se sotaI wies Meliser asked us te go dams snlise iniertirne la gel cer- tain items. me ksew preliS meli miere le ind tiern. Tise traits and jams wuad be ci- asg tiseide mail and lise pickles etc.. alesg lise back mal. A isage sieging sieit bang fromn lie reilisg and mas îtsed ta keep tise carres t pro- visions as. Al tsi s wasitn tise isside relier and mas rearised by a slairmay eut of lise hall. jus t fthlie kilcise. A door led frorn tiis leside celar lte misai me caled lise aulside cellar. because tisece mccc aise Sleps leadisg trern lise back serasdais and garden segetabies cesld be carried dams ihis as iliseul ging lisceagi lie .iseuse. miicis made il vey coeien~ti. Beets and carraIs. miicis bcd been lefi e is e gcaund la mature. ece dug and gatisered ater lise irst trost and put jto bins aed caveced ils saed or damp ceaves la keep tbemn ram dcyiug eut. Turnips. miici oece gron larcowrand pig teed, ere ste- red ai lise bacs, but a tem rhiate eues mauld be sorted eut and leftIthere fer table use, Ans squash or pampkins tisat ere left Oece sîeced lu lise cellar asd gave sariety te aur meals tac mass meeks. j Elampio i m SPORTSWEAR AND CURLING FASHIONS mmme medelled fer members of the ladies' division,i Milton Curling Club onsManda y eaenîng. Seven members acted as models as 27 ecîfits from Miltoc Depe tmes Saore mere dîsplayed. Ouwendyk - Mullin N assagaoeta Pre-bytet tan Cisurcis San decoraird titis sandel.thra and stasdards cf whirteuants,.tttdtgrec etin lai tise Se!ptemhi. 30 anîcile- lit, dituhle-rîng nsedsfing ai Bannir Chersi Mulliti anti H.îrrv Ouesdsk. hen 1).Nichoalson attictateuf ai the.-ssremotss sitis Mit R. Mates ,ît thte iiigan and tise grooim's sisir. Miss Trials Ousedvk siegîng tis eMd- ding Praser andi fiPertesi The gsrooitî stise uit tf Mc. andI MrJoîhn tltienslvis of RR > 3 rttetto ihlc tise bridte islie daîi1bl et iofMr aind MrsM N F MtllntirthR R t Campilisille, The bride morea.llîîîîîlengtis bhis îîtn Sthlblise biie and empireisaisI i sritofif-i lits oser cepe. The train fe11 frma hî,t ai tise h.tsis Sise sarrieîf aîBible tls-sirut- cil mus dotuble mniisiitb ve wcnrsiepha.noîtis anîd sîrcamers. Hetttîbsypendatt and earriegsssecetati tiof cise Ëgrittm. Maid-ol-isaear Bath Carrde aed isidesmalult Mac fIcittîn and Lieda Siares nuir.-fluor- lenglis games aifrultiîîlared flttmscsnia bhiebackgroîund. The matertal mas risiffonît oer tailcia itt blue assessoittes Tises eamred sitîgle mnmn %ittiwseltitscentie,. Plamer girl Wensfn Irittan, a stîtîsn iof tise b t iclt.w ing Illîîr.t raîî intndti uitci a Wtchitng Lu Che ce are Lz Frame, son, Pet Noble. Arnold. Mît Ferr tise ssew. basket tif double tnmrriitis Tise bride was rives te mat- tt.re bh er f.ttbeî îîîîîîtt stîatin!as Jni Mîstîti ofi Milton titis Emna.nî Justiie tisenilisk. brîtibers ofi ttce5cgro, iim Mullen. bru- tirertif tisebhidîe and Riscar Brittits mîtMitntce.tl, t ui iii the htiiu. atingflaisisiers, Rttmeheecis. ath ie brie', A weddteg dinner tias brl(i .ît Mohawki Ins, Cýimobncli 11. mus .îabouît 1100.îîtenslint. Tise bhidîes, mihe rreceit'ed rit a pale ierocmetaiu.dresi antiti tshi ne lare s tit compi littnituit ht sclak blue .tses -rtie, andil.ai.trstgetifnwhite gatrdcit.tandI tephaîntis he.etii.. tiortbi theintoo, bis mtuti ei tîttre a plum-olmred llîîîllpîîilitepe dress mus lii. Iatuessîtites .înd a cr sIjarcit itsgtfntt î A danceewaesedt Brai sîlte Hall tîilliwntts titin Fuc tise bîîse ' îîae rip 'i New York btate .înd Mere.îl.aý tîte hrl4 - tite.ttreen-print- ed silis îress tif brîsn, green, hIueand scail muac isittin fuirtîsiscet mildlîrtîin asies- -reAstcal siîrs.geitîtîmp liieniedth ie otafit tîpînts iilrretitrn thse% tti k up tesisesse in Milton. GuîrIn titenileilthbstisif iîr rtînt Totrotou 1ramItnuiin. Miltont. A5 ttitCaîîîybellille. Guîbtii Cielpht. Miti tailxand Cîtibînt haffiner lest a rock dlown lise eCarol Cisadîîgis. Lots Thoem- ,Evelyn Nedalin and Joanne n Hiliz mes cammestetor for (Staff Phsoto) Sbower bride Priar ti ber marriage th Il.trs Otî%esdsis olRR I Gei t etîtî na. Bannie Cherst Mttlletîtîf RI t, Camyhelivtlli uaitbinîredfstitb.îteries of Tîtese ins lîttid a miscellase- outi hoater biiseifht.tseigh liai. Mri Ps.ît, .tchina tisnw et hN hecittîtt, Mrs H.trd o Toro~nto t, litsr missellanc tais slîttîer bs Mn, T Brillai aind Mi, K PFicer. Otsel hovcîttrs %ver( biiseil hi Mis tHamiltoîn n Ditinit VaniiButsiirk..iidro baser BfInîtCttrrir .and 1inldi 'îioiet .and Mis M(,Millan Wiile mans efthtie prepara-i iens laci nier îaok place on ire, golden October dcps. there ece sterne tisat aiant seemed te conen sced. doit davssmisen esen aeetraccoct ttould sat keep ouItlise chilis tisds. Ose of tiese jobs mal diggisg and picking ap lise talter suppin of potatees. We did not gror 100 mass ef tiese oattr ea isc riessoit but we iad tise nsti esper- lenre of hart estîng them sever- tieles Chisidcec mee enrus- ed-fl fom scisool fac c dav o isso tricgthtie ptate iarvest ced parents genecousin offer- ed tise heip nf tieir ciidren to neighbecs. tiesds and rela- tives la ielp pick ap .We earned c test-cents pies a beg or two of ptatnes fr our trouble. Il mattered nat tisai me stcrîed amas ram home mrmis dressed and eattng mitis. Tisevs- ooII beccme dafnp rem 'tise sametirnes seggv ecrtis. tien ueeamfort- aIt vcolâd lntil sometîmel - l mas better te mach en euc bare iands. wacmisg îiem ram ime ta time usdec aur rrnpits. Ois, lie erembered agees at tise raid. coid iands! Tise phisiosopiss of delisg witis unpieasant tasks ett lial ime as miai cude't be ielped met Se esduced cend tise tisaugis et tise gaod bat disser tisat emaited us, miicis meld inriede fiaffn mesised ptctues. made tise endrisg more bearebir. Ta meke lise ime go faster. a garne mes made of tise lob le tee misa reuid pick up a rom tise test- est and makinsg suce tisai me dtdnl isave ta be rclied hans ta pick up missed patatees. Ts eacly autume. befere tise slave had been mased inta lie front kitches tas tise wster, suc back kilciset mas a vers ras place. Thece mas an open stairmav ieadisg to a barS raam. ohicis was an ideal spot ta stfasd seais up tise wacmtis alter pectormint aur char et esîside. Tt mas isere me chsne te sit ta sheli set tise mister beass tisaI bcd dcied an tise vines, basket bs basket uni1 tises oece ail shelied. ced tisen me would base te looks hem avec te tact sut tise monts an- et. tise disreluced oses and tise tam tisistie seed and otiser foreige metter. This jeh mas frosted mith anticipatian aise. as me ai]liosed tise big pets et haked beuns. iared mils mat- asses.,misicis me couid roueit as toc supper evers Saiucdan uigist tisceugiout tise minIer. Shwie we dtd seat pet base cetcigecct",te cep forn. il mes uecestacy le maltutil frcze-up tirne t laucgiser a bag for minter use. Water mould ise ieated as tise kit- cisen stase snlise masis baller and every otiser avcilabie ut- ensl te be used le tise sraid- ing baccet. Thsis isuge barrel moeid base te be prapped up selîdty an a siant agaiest c samiserse ced atter tise but- cher ksife bcd dose its dutv is tise sîresg bandt ai ose of tise mes, tise caccassbcd te bc dipped in ced out efthlie scaid- îsg mater antil tise ceacte isairs couid he easily scccped off. Returned missionfmry explains Zambia work a e hamimisler's ife, but Mc. stockin a Bible Schael, a blessed dacieg tise four nears. Miss Satan Mateles tram wmus mans hccdiîps. stiîri Brisbane, Autia lia, bas beec ibm bhave lanfuilv a.îsted spending a motist iolidit aed long lrrads te be basis miti Mc. and Mst Bah Reed. %iilis tiseir pespie:. Tises Woodward St., Milton. isepe tîaetucc te Zamnbia sent Februacy. ~ .-.-.- I Piano drowns out squeats Ladies end ciildren le tiste ci days oece pretected tramt tise a ceacte and vulgar îiings in 1 lfe ced me mee't eveutsol>- posed ta iear an cntmls dy- f îng squecl Sa my lder sister c stouid go te tise pianoen lelise parier and ils tise fortissimo % pedal in acton, old renier h suris noisy numbecs as "Theise Stomm" ils variations, until tise ail ccca signal came. We used 10 irS and etcape te an upstaics indam te tee miai ail the mvtery as Wot but me ould be missed ced braugisi iasis damestairs misece tise lisnder ram tise plane dcomeed eut ail outtide noises. OnIp aller tise animal iad bers iniernalis undressed ced tise goceisud ieen mcsised umcy ils raId mater. ere mc aloed ta ga eut ced tee t aeging tisece upside doon oser a bearnin tise meodsised. ils a stick ai mood popping tise hisd legs apart. Tisai nigist, me kneo me meald hase Icesis peck liver toc supper and possibly je e day or Ime. e delertabele esit ofdrented heeci. Tise kidneys mere ai- meys gisen ta Englisis fiesds in tise village mis ticansidierif tisena reat. Hurns and shouiders mece etten cuced and smeised or pickied in brise and lies ide meut and cisops pan lied and ]tcîd ie cracks ils bol fat. Etra fat frontlise ruttiegs mouid bec endered eut le big pans je tise osen and used et lecrd foc baking. Rests coatd be kepîtfoc seneral eeks jusi iscngig is tise nom ver-cld bars kisicies, miere tise in- ter sas neec shose le tise ose serth is ide. Som af tise meat was gcound. spiced and made snte seosege pattiet and seaied amap je cracks. I de nt ecel tisat my parents ever used tise intestinal casings for sausage. but il was quite cermnetet t de ta. citer iscvisg cleansed ted sterilized lisem tisacougis- ly. Esen tise meelt ram tise bead and jemîs mcs atiieed toc isead cheese. misicis mes sooised. gcoued sand secsesed. lises jeiled je tise stock misicis oct macde tram heiiing tise harks. Thsis mas quile a favoc- ie supper ced snack disis. tn stome cemmunities. a greap utfccarners mould tern misat tisep calied ae heet ing". Peciodîcalty. e beasi mould be siaughieced. cal up and disid- ed equcliy. eacis akisg bis tuce oltis tise scieus cu Is of mccl. Eacis meuid deecte ce animal et similar pcopoctions ced Ibis mas, il meuld he pos- sible le gel their mccl vers ecanomicclîs mithls ait e lp ci tise hucdeesome tcsk Tise unly discdsanlage I1 isave iseccd mentioneuf mc- tise tcc lsd lise ser,- eek peu ex- pected tu entectais tise min- istcr or seme olhec cespected persesage, meald beclise meek tisaI yeu gaI nofijg but sleming beef. Testp as a stco cen bc, il mase't censideced tiîlisg for "companys dinners. Besi regards. Eleanor Cealler. RECENTLY MARRIED at Nassagaweva Presbyterian Chureis were Bannie Cheryl Mullen and H-arry Ouwendyk. (Photo by Merle Gunbyl Propose new Brownie Packs for Omagh, Boston districts Eacis pear incceaslng num- becs et yung girls are hecom- ing iterested jenlise Guide and Bramnie Mevernent, resal- tisg je tise teme Bremnie Packs becoming full, and je solDeratses necessitatieg mail- ing lisîs. At tise peseeî ime ruiild- ren front nortis and seulS of tise tome are heieg transport- cd je hp parents. Thecaface il la proponed. if tisece is sulfirmont interest shon. te open t10 e ocPacks, anc foc tise Omegis ced Bonee acea. ced anc foc tise Boston risucsisarea. Anyoee ils a chisid in tise cge range 7-10 pecmn aId intec- ested je atteding Bcemnies je eitisec eft tese ares shoutd phoane e tiser Mcs. Tielma Grceen t 878-6870 or Mrs. L. Bacc 97"-729. Hardenieg et tise ieriag- et people moce quirkiy than iardeeing efthtie aclerjes. MlteaPwrwc 246 MAIN ST. 8r8 -2 3 43 COSMETICS Elizabeth Arden Preparaians Du Barry-Max Factor Chanel No. 5 Agency fer LAURA SECORD CAN0114 Helping with neighbor's fields Warnen's Missienary Feliaw- siip met a lise berne ut Mrs. Normas Hace au Tisursday Cv- eeisg, Oct. 19, le melcorne boenue ofthlie missiasariet, Mrs. Ras Conrie, mise bas ah- 15 assisled ber iusband le tise isusv curriculum at Crizeca Bible Scisool, Zarniia, tacrtise past tour years. A graduale sur-se. thistoftiescalled apas la treat tiese ,udesls, espec- talv o are for. cetr %ives. sshen ber issaîvîrsige of mal- witetv s inetinie, te-ted. Pos-ilthitse climax of ber surieg esperiesce carneaises ber issband %vs then hv lise deadis Blacks Mamisa ssake. tramt iicis lie viciim usualîn dies 15 minutes lalec. Tise nearest docter was l00 miles amas and osiv rearised ie m- ergenes iss plane. ta mils a toaa antidote cnd mautis sur- ias, alihaugi s ie lgsi bit palse severail imes, se kepi ber busbasd alive. by Gads ielp. actif tise daclar arrived ils a secam asad isad iim îcassferced ta isaspilal tac bhrrr eeks" eaiment. Tiese tudeat ibody escircled their haute, kseeiisgin prayer ttcrlise recavery aft lieir belav- ed teariser asd paslac. Todav. he s in Canada sn gaod bruts wil is btvile asd tisre ciild- cen, praittng tise Lard toc it mandectal recasers. Twcsnv - brrr ladies mere present as se celated i in- c ident. Castiiuisg. se tlId of 3,masy farettat ber stock am- eeog tise -amen studets-ln- ýe sircrias sn seming, rookief tf and dails clealinsts sinseir homes etc. Sise ld hem sec- essars ilisbcrame lac ber ir lave thttse people betare ste v- rsi tta mtniter ta them, ban )f tse bad ta prevail is prayet e-askîng Gad fer Hts lave la hc ýn shows is ber lite tisat bei 'r mniisitrs migist ibeeffective. Siehdpeardhrett Phone 878-95331 ------------------ ------- - international secretary ofthtien Chisilan Lilecature Crusadeh ils ieadquartecs le Piîa-r delpisia, iscaugistlise devatiee- al prier le Mcs. Cemrie's îatk.5 Sise speke tcern Genesis 22,. misen Abisaham mas asked bp God la lake bis eely sos fac a isursi ttfecîg. Abcaisam obey-g cd Gad, is faits mas justit-1 ied. Glad pcevided a tamis jusl as Abrahsam mas about le sac- ifice is tan. Bath he asd his son went home, justitird hn Glad lar Abrtharns ahediesce. Tise story waa applicable ta tMcs. Camies slep tnt faitis, (lods lave cornpellieg hec te ga la tisase mise did net keem et tise lave etf(Gad. A secy ap- prapriale yrns mas tises sang isy Mcs. Fred Bensos, Camp- beliville. Great istecesi ceeteced ar- aund Mrs. Corncie as tse is a very chie speaker and bas saneliig ceai ta tell tram ber aens especieucet. A hsappy lime mas speet secially mises Mrs. Bisseli and Mcs. Callan secved retresismet. Mcs. Ray Thomnson closed lise meeting witliprayer. Honor retiriflg hospital chef A staff tea was held in tise dining mornt of Milton Dlýts'lCl Hospital on Wednesday ettr- soon of tast week te Isdsor Mrs. Maude DeForest mito bas retired. 'Mrs. Dfleorest jal ned . tbe staff of tise iospital\whee I opetned je 1959. Admniltrmtor -D. IL Mc- Osaig, se behal t et thé Board of Direclors, spoke of BIrs. De- Furest's devotien t tse\bspk_ tat, her masy heurs sp nt jn the dielary depacîmeet and her com plete co-operatioe wilh ailldeporirnenis ot the hospital. She wili bc reern- hered for her loyally and mutl be mlssed by allmiss knew her, be said. Mrs. DeForest was preseet- cd wiiis a waleut mastel rad- io tram tise Board of Direr- lors. Tise Social Club wjshed hec weii wilh a giftot a isaed- bag. Tise dietary- department held a dinner for ber lise pre. visus eveeîeg and pceseeted ber mils a sweater 6el. SOCIAL BRIEF Mc. cnd Mrs. Fred Edmards enierlaied aI liseir borne aI RR. 1, Carnpbellville. toltom- i isg lise weddieg rebearsal of r Betty Cheryl Mallee and Harry 1 Oomasdyk. About 26 attend- cd. YOU'U. SMILE HAPPYI When you have a Iovely new coiffure created i ust for your personality Our expert alyllala are alwaya on Iand Fuashien Bseuufty Louage THE HOUSE 0F PROPESSIONAL HAIR STYLING At 171 Main St.

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