A WISTFUL ARTIST, probably a "Pcasso" of the future, ex- presses her nard thoughts in an ourcloor scene shes pint- ing in the kindergarteon lass at rokville School. The paîster, Geraldine Wîndmoller, is one of the students in the new kindergarten clossroorn which parents aod osyose îrterested may tour ater Fridays opening ce remosy, (Staff Photo) THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD 0F NASSAGAWEYA DESERVE OUR SINCERE GOOD WISHES UPON THE OPENING 0F THE CENTENNIAL ADDITION TO THE BROOKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL, OCTOBER 27, 1967. a C. ANDERSON & CO. 24- 26 WYNDHAM - GUELPH BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES As the. Painting Contractor for the. Centennial Addition Brookville Public School WE ARE PLEASED TO PARTICIPATE IN CONGRATULATING THE SCHOOL BOARD ON THE OFFICIAL OPENING ON OCTOBER 27, 1967. TERRY MARTINI PAINTING R.R. 3 - Guelph History of growing schotil Today's modern al - roose Broabvîlle Publie Sciool lean far cry trom the tlay on - room dllltle red schnlionte' titi tond ta dt tic Unes and aide- ronds of Nasangaweya Townsip. Tiare are tinte wwil lisilil argue the an-raam ocinol wa thc lent place ta recelse on cd- ucallon. But lion who were educnled la Nassagaweyprlrta 1960 (mien Broobvlle frsi open- ed) dldn'l have borne economîrs and indusrl arts room, n science classroom, afer-scbnol clubs, iome-lo-door bus service, staff roums, and ou auditorium, kindergarieus, boose leagues, senior public scinols or massive piyslcal educatian prograrna lile tiey do lodty at Brookoile Scinel. Wien Il wns tirai ccupled la octoler of 1960, tic original Broniville Sciant mad elgil lasurooma, two offices, n gen- cal purpose onm, bolier roem, and vasirnomo. Ils cpenlog meatltliccloslng aie one- room sciants scalteed tirongi- out lie townsip, including S.S. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.'7, 8, 9, and an- otier empomry quarters lo tie Towsip Hall. S.S. 10 (Camp- blUville) remtloeduopen, and sll s; and su did S.S. 6 at Kelso hilcit vas o separale sciant section malnlaiaed by ils -no bord of trusees. Tic year Bronkille opencd, ils oumoimeut as 274. In lie faîl of 1961, il as crowded and tic genemal purpose ronm lid 60 le lurned inlu 4 classranm. Tic gowlug townsiip ppulaion necessitated lie audtorium lelng keptinb use as n claurane for lie neol six ears. la 1964 more oumu were ueeced, and Imu new ceocraI clausmanses weeeneed. la 1965 lirce more clssranms were m- quired so theb ord balli atwIo- crn maddition and brougti una Portable Classranm. Tint fal, tie lownsip's first indergarlen was launcied. Tic Kelso scianl ond tie townsiip syslem liat year, Ia. Program Progrms for lie officiel open- lng of Branisille Public Sciood leglas ai .30 p.m. Fridny algil atllie schanl auditorium, and t cpeabng wili le followed by re- fresimenîs andantourof uthti schanl for ail tic guess. Prior tb tic prgram, t board 1e basting lnlled officiais ta a dinner in tic Uibmry roose Girls ut tic borne economlcs claos are eing prepare t dinner for lie occasion. Rolert F. Brniold, Regona Superinlendeal 0f Educalbon fo tic Midwestemo Otaro Areaano, a former scbl inspecclr inHal- Ion Counny, ilii preside i tie openlng. Principal Keneli F, Trumbrldge will iniroduce lbe staff. Among thum scbeduled t parlicipate are Nassagameys Iteeve and Halona Warden Wlllair J. Coulter; lie lownsiip's lirec mlnsters e. Dvid Nicholson, Res. PH. Flnley andRev.R.P.E, Jeffres; scbool board membor- Horace Blyli, J.R. MPiail, ouc AH. Gîbson; and tic scionl'! senior choir. By 1966 tootier ranrn at de- rnonded ta a second portable clasaranm at added. Tistycar, tic alte-maorn addition wau com- pletcd. Tic addition siould have meat thli closing of lie lmnport- ailes, but again lie grammeg popuatilon (caupled witich Iransler of ail Grade 7 and 8 stullents frorn île CamplellvilUt acianl) left lie baard stlllinaaeed af one portable. Todny, tic en- roîrnol la545. Tic original egit ronrns have leen lurned loto a prlrnary mlng for kndergarten and Grades 110o 3 ciildreu. Tie four permanent ranms addcd in 1964 and 1965 plus lie one porable are biog used an n junior mlng for Grades 4, 5 and 6. And lie semeal add- tion Is n senior mlng, ili lie exception of lie ose iladergarten classmanse. Brankilile Schanl bas came n long way wien yau look bock ta lie original acinol tint wa erecled ln 1960. It bas been a longer rond mien you picture tie ane-room sannela il replaced, thnt were otîlli n businesn natale Las the sprlng of 1959. AS SUPPLIERS 0F STRUCTURAL STEEL - 9b Ferro Structural Steel (Toronto) Ltd. AND Halton Steel Joists 42 Armnstrong Ave., Georgetown 0 ARE PLEASED TO JOIN IN CONGRATULATING THE BROOKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL UPON THE OPENING 0F THEIR FINE CENTENNIAL ADDITION. LANDSCAPING AT THE BROOK VILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL BY THE DUTCH MILL NURSERY RiR. 3- Guelph 822-9806 PETER KEMPERS i We are pîeased to see the Centennial Addition to Brookviîîe Public School. We of fer our Best Wishes on the Official Opening. THE GENERAL CONTRACTORS For the Brookville Public School Centennial Addition EXTENDS CONGRATULATIONS To the Public School loard of the Township 18671967of Nassagaweya Sehool Aria UPON THE OFFICIAL ÔPÊNING 0F THEIR CENTENNIAL ADDITION ON OCTOBER 27, 1967 IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE TO SIRVE Y0OU I nCOMPANY A. Battaglia Construction LIMITED One view of the new addition at Brookville Public School in Nassagaweya NEW AMAZING OZITE INDOOR - OUTDOOR CARPET MADE WITH VECTRA OLEFIN FIBRE A carpet PROVÉD DURABLE enough for outdoors, attractive enough for indloors. Vectra fibre, shrugs off rie, leet or snow, mont rot or mildew, resists grease, ecid and virtually aIt househotd chemnicols, is non-stotic and sos-allergic. Vacuums clean isolde, hases ctean outsde. Ories fast, tool Ideal for patios, kitchans, roc roomns, docks and bouts, terraces, bedroomas, porches, station wagons, bathroomns or anywhere you wlsh t0 put it. EASY TO INSTALL Ozite indoor-outdoor carpet cornes in widths isc feet wide and four feet, six loches wide. Buy asy length you necd. Cuts easily with sharp knife or scissors to fit asy shape. Lies flat, wiii sot curi. COMES IN BEAUTIFUL DECORATOR SI4ADES TO SUIT ANY COLOR eCNEME. TERRACE CARDINAL, TERRACE BRONZE, TERRACE GREEN, AVOCADO, OATMEAL, SAPPNIRE, ROYAL BLUE, BROWNSTONE, DARIC GOLO. AIJO PRETTY PARTY PASTELS IN PEPPERMINT, LIMON DROP, ALICE BLUE, LIMEADE, ORANGE ICI AND TAPPY. You cao gel Beauty, Long Wear asd case of cleanisg, al ot the remarkably low cost of sq. yd. -- CONGRATULATIONS «. To the Rtepayers and Public School Board of Nassagaweya Township. WE ARE PROUD TQ HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO INSTALL DRAPES UN THE BROOKVILLE SCHOOL ADDITION. 127 Wyndham St. N. - Guelph - 822-2420 Adding Our Congratulations TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD 0F NASSAGAWEYA UPON THE OPENING 0F THE CENTENNIAL ADDITION TO THE BROOKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL. e FRAN'S Dependable Construction Lt d. 236 Gorden St. - Guelph ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS TELEPHÔNE 822-4171 (Are& Code 5 19) 127 FERGUSON STREET GUELPH, ONTARIO '