Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 16

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34 Wednendey, october 25, 1967 Brookville ScFuool addition officiai opening is Fridaly_ Offciai qening f bon $300, 000, aine - roam addition ta lirookvtlle Public Scitoat in Nasaagaweya Township wll labo place Fridey evendng, wien a Trio on staff since openiflg itren siaffers aI liroolevifle Public Scitool have a record 0f elgiti ears f service ai te achon. PrncpaiKenneth Trow- bridge, teacher LeonDufeldand custodian Staney Robinsan ere ail on te staff mites il opentd la te faitOff19i0. Mir. Robinso's connection get bacia evea frther titan elgitt year. Ht apent 10 earu on te townsip neitool board and te- slgned rom the board just beore te scitonicpeaed ota lao te position of csaldian - - Sc ite as aima actie lante planning for the original aciton. Mrs. Shirley Zehr aas aise on te original staff and nom lsaa pari ime relieftacbor, allhongh ste lefi te choni once la worit at the board's ther scitool aI Campboitviite. lirookvile ias asa laiten mn an international flavor hitserm. Htarold Mahalon camtes tram Trinidat, hMr. Jay Tiaker was trained la Eagland, and Miss Esthter Suherland as bora la Eagiand and langhtin laAbrta for ose year botore lamnthbo Brookivltie staff. Titree board membrs aise itaethIe distinction of bolng on te board ince te scitotlin1- ception la 1960 -- J.H. icPhial, J.H. Gibson and Horace Blytit. 37Ystaff ut Irookviiie lironiaville Public Scitoni bas a staff of il plua aix supply teacit- ers ibis cenleanial year. K.F. Trambridge la principal and Mc. Marguerite Wlitired is is secrelary. Teachers lactude MissaKabocyt Maredean and Misa Mary Jane Fogan, Grade il Mrs. Joy Tioboi Grae i and 2; Miss Karen Mac- kenie and Mrs. JudithoGianfld Grade 2; Milas Jo-Ane Campbell Grade i and speech correction; lira. Shirley Zehr, ier reIliai Mms. Vicora Jame, Grade 3 Mias Derdre Toer, Grade 4 lira. Sherry Prenlice, Grade anti 6; lra. Florence Parsoot Junior pportuolly;lira, flancý Leibead, Grade 5; Miss Alic Stermood, Gradea 4 and 5 an, hall imeinthbelitbrary; lirs Margea Tot, her haiftina relief; Douglan Hnes, induniria arts; ira. Kathleen flanoal honte econics; Leon Dnteid Grade i and prlncipa's analat ant; lira. Dorese liyerman, h relief; Mms. Elinabebo Dredg Grade 7; lira. Helen flarnel indergarleal Harold Mahatox Grade 7, James Zeir, Grade& Mina Esther Suberland, liner mediabeo pparunity; Geraid Ktf Grade 6; andMlra.ULnoraViel ery, music saperinlendent. lTe senior division teachei inaîrucl la specialineti ubjeci on the haiftime roiary ayaler lir. Dulfleid iandies adient boys' ieaibo and piysicai educi ion; lira. Dredge geograPl girls' healbo antipiysicai educi ion; Mir. Mahaton creative Et linit and aria; lir. Zehr hialei and music. Supply leaciera bis yeari cinde lira. Clara lnc, Mi Lee Wood, lira. Elede Thomac Mms. Mary Ftadlay lira. liar arel Miteit and lirs. An Paul. Cutodiana are SIan Robinson, Nlorman Kennedy a Cari Kennedy. Tite scitool board ibis year1 cludes chairman fHorace Bli JR. liePhial, A.f. Glbnq Caude Inglis and Carton lin Tieir secrelary Ireanurer lira. Doeen liaion. (.riytuloytioars TO BROOKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL On thse Opesing of Thei CENTENNIAL ADDITION - fror DOREEN'S Go-neral Stori Brookvllle - 854-252 former Haio inopeclor B.F. Bornitoid retnrns la cul lite rtd ribitos aod offlciaiiy deciare te schoi's brlgitnew addition opt. 'Te ceremosy boginsuai 8.30 p.m. in te scitout auditorium us Fiday, and te public is cord- inly invîleâtoi atend. Mir. Bor- hld, wefl-known thrmgiotufal- ton County as a ieading educalor, la presentlyRegionalSuperinlen- dent of Education for te Mid- western Onaro Ares and works tram te Deparlmeni o Edca- tion'a Kichener braucit office. Tite addiion includea fur gen- eral ciasamoum, a science ronm, itndergarlen, library, home economica and Itoluarini aria rooma, pluste boiter conm, nurse' quartera, staff iuunge, lwo store roomu and waaironm. Il wau campleied duringte aum- mer and bas been occupled since te tarit of te taitle rt. il bringa te aciotolua loiai cf 21 clasaroumu, and alowed te staff la institue a sew senior scitoni system liis year. Tite Grades 6, i and i studenîs have boen lrannferred 10 te sew wing a te rear utfte txiating acitool and a hall-lime roary systm itas botu adopled this ytar. Prin- cipal I.F. Tcowbidge is proud of is achoot btespecially happy wuthlite senior scitool innovatio, as il aliowa te tudeals a bolier educaian andi btter preparaati for higit achoal and allowa te teachers la conoennrate on sptu- ialintd aubecis aucit as science, piysical edecation, gtogcaphy, creative Engliait, ai,history and musc. a i tinis il laan excellent achol and te people otitown- ship cao bo qule pcaud of abat lhey have pravided bre,' Mr. Trowbrldge nutd. Tht taci te entire tacilg staff o laul year returndtd l te acitoniltis fait denoiedti ieir saisfaction aiit te scitool manage ment, ie aaid. Tht principal also praised te board for litadecialon lu impie- men lite home economics anti industriai arts programn rigittin te scitool. In former years, senior sludens travelled la Ac- ton reguiarly for instructian 1n Ihese specialized subjecis. Th library ronm latte shaw- place' of te scitool . Brighti anti cieertul in appearance, ilco- tains sitelvng for up 10 ,000 volumes of books Pius a disPtay ares for chldcen'a projecta, work tables, readingtlabes and a separat workroum for researcht and study. Tht nurses' roonInte new addition las a smail rowm outied wilh couches and a desit. When il is oui bein used byte ourses, tenchers are welcome la use te privat quariera for speech ther- apy and remediai readiag work, and eventually peritapa for guid - noce couselint. The ronm is helpingtlafuifili ose utlie pris- cipai'a desires-mare individuo.l atentionstb siudens ascompared 10 te aid style gouplut andi retomenlatian. Al rouma in te scitoul are equipped wit a public addresa syalem. The whoie addition is neatiy laid out along botides ot a long centre corridor, aud the aditionul roos are jcdoto te exising school by a sloPlog rampway ta separate it tram the prtmary and junior school sections and provide maximum sunlightt for ait lite classroomS. Wiile te addition was occupied ai te tari of te fali lerm, tite indusial arts roomils ailiiteing asoembied. Thece was a holdup on tite turniture anod some of the tools have yei to arrive,.lTe senior boys are, iolhe meantime, taldng instruction ia dralling la one of the regular clasarooma. Tihis year, thanksto thie senior scitool program, sindents are ite- ginning 10 becotse tnvolved in specialined programs Ihat are helping 10 round out Iheir oviral educaion--Ihe topics that don't fait uoder the old Ttre Ell nyslem. flouse leagues have been focmed for compeilive sports and evenlu. Clubs are springlng up for varions Interest groupu, and they loclude hobbies, music, piysicai educallon and drama groupe. The final penlod of te day is usuaily reserved Ifor sucit aclivites. "IT'S OUR PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU" 0 20 Ymars of Service to this Community *At Brookville Publitc Scitool we provide reliable and courteous transportation to and trom Brookville and Campbellville.' OEstablialted in 1947, Inglis Transportation serves students attending Nassagaweya Township School, Milton District Higit Scitool, HoIy Rosary Separate School and the Ontario School for the Deaf. OUR SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS TO BROOKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL - CENTENNIAL ADDITION OPENING - OCTOBER 27 INGLIS TRANSPORTATION CAMPBELLV ILLE GEORGE AND MARION INGLIS AND STAFF CENTRAL MEC HAN ICAL CONTRACTORS ' (GUELPH) LTD. GUELPH -ONTARIO WE ARE HAPPY TO ADD OUR CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD WISHES TO THE GOOD PEOPLE 0F NASSAGAWEYA AND THE MEMBERS 0F THE SCHOOL BOARD UPON THE OPENING 0F THIS FINE NEW ADDITION. LMECHANICAL CO NTR ACTORS On The. Brookville Public School Cent.nnial Addition The Centennial Addition t. the BrookvilIe Public School is a*rdtt h People of Nassagaweya. * WE ARE PLEASED TO JOIN I N CONGRATULATING THE * PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD FOR THIS * FINE ACHIEVEMENT. S SENTINEL ALUMINUM SPRODUCTS COMPANY 150i RAILSIDI ROAD, DON MILIS, ONT * MANUFACTURIRS 0F * ALUMINUM DOORS *AND w ENTRANCES CONGRATULATIONS TO THE PEOPLE 0F NASSAGAWEYA AND THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS 0F THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD UPON THE OPENING 0F THE CENTENNIAL ADDITION TO THE BROOKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL. Kruschefl & DalIey Profesona l nginetr and Architeet WATELOOONTARIO

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