Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 15

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Dy Mss. Wliaem Watson The Explorer geoup eles led e nem lule ut otticers recenu ly and lhey are Dehbie Sauli. Chiet Explorer; Faîly Cuulsnn treasurer; Barbera Nukoruk. keeper ut the log; eggs Anu Smith and Grase Robertson are the leaders and report a mesu bership ut 14 giels. A graduation cercmuuy usili teke place on Mondav. Oclober 30 in the Sunday Sehito rou et 4 p.m. Att mothers are in- vitedlu ateud. Following the ceremtony a Hallorween part-. cill bc held for the girls. Mes. A. Thompuon is the lefad- er ut the C.G.î.T. ilh a mem- beeship ut 12 girls aud onuis ers are Carul Wrner president, Linda Smith ,s-cretarv; Bei. Jaskson t reasurer - Ann Rob- ertson and Sheluv Thosupson eccreelian supervrs. Toanetae ne cuasonof the Enplurers and CG..T.. a sussesutul bahe sale su-s heid Seturdey, Osînher 14 in the Sundey Sshooi rousu. rnceeds trom Iis event ltalîrd $3494. The leaders lbanhed Mn,. Rick Young and Mes. Ed Par- rhem tue heiping serve and lu ail those suhu helyrd iv mukîng Iis even t the succens usas. Donald Coulson usas eiecled shaiemen fur the 19%7-68 lersu ut the Mens Gruup Commiîiee ut the 141h Burlinglon Cubs and Scouts tit-. munthis meet- ing Monder cuenine. <liber iii- ticeru are screîarv Jack Bue. Ireesurer Murras Callowuay, mork summitter John Lills. ceup. Blt Watsun and Les Wiil- sher. Rev. E. E. Baskicr. B.A., B.D.. ut Louville United Chursb took charge ut the mornsîîg sevice et the l7th unniversues ut Kil- bride United Cborsh un Sun- day, Octuber 15. Rev. Baskier resen tIv came lu Lomille tram Knox Uniited Church, Owen Sound. Rev. C. Robert Wragg. B.A., BcD., sonducted the cuening service sith spesial ususis he- ing supptied bv Kitheide chair and the ladies tinnosu Losu- ville and the Carlisle choir ren- dered upecial musicrin the morning. The Geod Neighbour Club met Monda-. euening in the rommuniîy hall. Hosîs mere Me. and Mes. Robert Weir and Mrs. Elma Bullard. Frizes for eucbre ment lu Mes. Llovd Feer. Mru Clitt Fretz,. Mrs. Waler Wilson, Frank Finamare. BarneesMc- Cusueli and Cutif Frele. The door price usas mon by Mru Wilberî Ford. A loy demunsteation sas beld lest Tuesday evening et the hume ut Mes. Ron LaSalle. Fanton Street with 14 ladies attending. Mrs. Norma MeKercher wes in charge ut the demonstretion. Mes. Harey elant. MuNiven Ruad ii hure a demonstretion un Wednesday. Noucober 1, and ýMes Jim Farhem on Thursdav. Nusesuber 2. A total of S161.00 suas clliect- cd tue the United Aispeali n the village Ibis year. The dis- trict cosercd by thescansassers did vol include Cedar Springs Road and No. 8 Sideroed. The returns mere the igbesl ever n the urea. Canvausees mere Mes. Brase Hamilton, Mes. Robert McMui- len, Mes. George Hardsand, Miss Neta Barns, Mes. Rtussel Robertson, Mns. Andy Wctber- cl, Mes. Clitt Fret,, Mes. Reg. Tsiss and caplain Mes. Wil- liam Aiison A fine pound six ounce son suas humn Saturdey. Oclober 15 et the Joseph BrunI Memorial Hospital tlu-Me. and Mes. Wil- liam Savit. Cedue Springs Road. Tbey bave une olber son and Imo daughters. A miscellencous shumer wse hld et Kiheide Ccntre Wed- ncsdey cvening in bonor ut Miss Marie Scotlied and Gor- don Davies who are tu be mer- ried Saîurdey, Otuber 2f aI Kilbride United church. TRADED & SCRAPTED Whitc mosî automobiles are îraded in for thc irst ime be- fore îbey are tour yeers oId, the average une being serap- pcd is 13 ers old and bau ruv 120,000 miles. 4-H iater-cluh cem1uetitiea Queen of Furrow competition to highlight plowing match at Eden Milis farm Saturday The cene toc the senten- niaI version ufthIe annual Hal- ton County Ploing Match, scheduted for Iis Salurday, wilt be the larsuofut San Nur- risb and Sons. The Nurrisb tarm is ilualcd t Lot 28, Concession 2, iv Nassagameva Twp.. ove mile soulb ut Ed- en IMils and four mile-. norlb ot Moltat. Tbe "Ouecn outhIe Furrusu Contesl' miii once again higb- igbt the evevî. Farsu girls be- lweev tbe ages oi lb and 25 iii compete foruseverai priz- es and a lrophy prcsented by Peuples Credit Jesuliers. and tbe opporlunils lo represent Halton in the International Pluwing -Match in 1968. Contestent& wll be judged a short speecb 1150 points). plowing abililu (250 points) and deporîmeul and appear anse 1100 poi nîsi. Al contest- anIsshuvld be dressed in siacku and ail applications shoutd be tormerded to J. -H. Taylor, 13119 Appteby Line. R.R. Burtington. bu îumorrow tOc- lober 26). Mes. Spencer Wilson, Mrs. James Reid and Jerk Merch- ment are memberu ut the Furrusu ueenrconîeuîrcommit. Oîher leatures inlude borseshue pitcbing. eight racIne drawn plom matches and une horse deamn plnming Ledwlthîs Fend Market bas donuîed a siluer îrey as tirut peice toc a sperial rentenviai ploinie sasu. open lu buti- nes-. and pruteusional men or anrune suho bau ever pertirip- ated in a Hlton matrh betore. vt iii runsis t ftmo rounds wsith a salbing plow. bornes and plomu provided. The horse showu, open lu i ptow leamu wbicb piosurd their respective ridgeu. iii ai- so be beld. AIl awardu iii bc present- ed et tbe banquet aI Bruok- ville publie sehunl aI 7 p.m. Wiltard Gordon, .OC.. utTu- ronto, iii c he Iegueul spea- ker aI the banquet. Offeiers et the association are president J. C. Cunning- hum. irut vise George Swann. second vire J. Cemneron -Mer- shall. esretary - treasurer J. Hl. Talor and peut preuident Lloyd May. Honorarv direcînru are J. E. Ellenton. Stanier Mav. Claude F. Pickett. Rus-. Sepssuurîb. George Readbead. Spencer Wilson and Henru Stanley. Dlreetore are Roy Currie. Clillurd Wriggleswurth. John Wilson. Vernon Pichet. lrnm Euqueuing: Frank Feerork. Thomas -Howden, Jerk Marcb- ment, William Ramner. frum Dekuille: Hugb Warminglun. Ed Segsworîb. Gord Tbump- ington: Sam Fin don, tri Asuoci Rohertsc John Bn The t the 17th sale of item bu tenuo Breediti Breedît Sales Aý 16. Twe 39 lttu The sul tbe ense cash. Heul hem, EC liem I. for aV com, sr Leader. -P mwin tunnu, trum Bue- AWARDS NIGUT ;and Lloyd Stokes, The Halisîn 4-H Agricultnral innie Sr. and Ross Gr, assards nigbî uili bc heid un isu Nasuageweve. Fridas. Ocîsiber 27 Il 8 p.m. in :ate dirertoru are Bert Si.- Fausitied Church Christ- un, Bruen Marshall. ian Educalissu Ceuire, Milton. reckun and Lee Wilbin- AIl parents, club leadiers. 4-4t mcmbers andlfrîevcl.arcein- ciledIlsuattenvd lis- climaxs of the 4-H ccir. Trîphies, prize itfer suie mvnr, and asunrd, îis.almem. top prise was $1750 et b s- ilb th annuel Shuow Windom evsng fbeiters sircd by I-l- vils in the Centrai On- ELECTRIC CURRENT and Waterloo Catlle Do susoissaetc Icdil ng Association Arlilisial s'ie, si-sss s.slii-iiile ng Uits beld ut Hays lecirica i appîsa lice Ihlsi gies îVene, Oukuille, on Oc . su a abis uf a ingl, 555 is eents--eigbt bead ut the Il s. u, u shnulclin'vregici sil. sucre boughî for cupuet. This is a iuruisg ibis sive o ale loteiled 125,250 lue the nsnlai,îtn bas dciriii cied ellent average ut $647 and ils, getiné! dasigecisus Thal litile inglu cous cidise Ip ot Mountain, South Dur- a big joi t he ic 51 ueo :)ue. oid 850t. il- usecil. Sîstisuissc .Bennett, Burtinglun. Very Good siu-ycae-uld red bu Haver-. Dark At the 37th annual 4-H Inter- Club Competitions held ut the University of Guelph un Friday 14 4-H Club members represent- cd seven ut the 12 4-H Clubs trumn Haltun. A tutul ut 227 trams troa il cousutes and districts ut Ontario cnmpeled n 9 classes. In tbe Field Crop Section. mhicb includcs al Forage, Grain, Corn, Tobacco and Sug- ar Beci-., ihere wssc,62 icîiiis enlered , bThetlao 411 Cliin Club i eauni ol g iiMmi ras' Brcusn riîgc a nd Carl Mid-i dlcbruuh, placed firsi in the cumpetiliun.*-wilb a cure ut 888 out oI a possible 1,040. The Haltun 4-H Furage Club tcamn ut Cucul Ssuae kbamer and Bob Leslie placed seccond. s, iib a s or f041. This i, the sec- und ime in tb cc 5,ais bhat Halion Couvisbisissîn the Field Crup Tropbs-. SCOTCH BLOCK LASSIES Ry Mary Anderson The second meeting ufthte Scotch Blnck Lassies wns beld Oci. 15. Members discussed subal clur ibeir buoks wuutd be. Mrs. Frencb sbusued buw lu du a Frencbh-eam and tflat telled seim. Wc bey bruke tor cnttee, We di scusied tbe preparal- ion ut maîcrial and hum lu lay thte paternuon and bon lu cul t out. higbesî pelition ibte 520. Middtehi uecoud t ssilb 429 lie ec questisut score i peiii. bail pet, placing class o Bob Lc! Brumut lis plus cours, Due tI interest in mode be beld lice. sti Ibis cou the Onti rîsullur Sharon Watel nenl fh This nu the 19-lb G Nexi again I lisse I distict Gsssd tusial kers aI lis sch îvceh The st for lent boohs, ured b as ailabl The Canadlien Champidn, Wednenday, October 25, 1967 63 One farm organization rejected by Unionists y flrownrldge was the ectriecumpetilion, the Halton individuat in the comn. 4-H Electris Club placed sislh m itb 459 nulut fa pus-.ouI ut eigbl teams competing, ) Bob Leslie and Cari ssilb a ssure ut 68nuut f104f. rook were lied tor the The leam members mere Rose- higbest individual score, mary Butl and Bob Tarzmelt. t points eacb. Bob Les- In the beler lasu compeli- ivedi thetop score in lion the Halisîn 4-H Beef CuIt is, and be and Carol Club leam of Bill Jackson and iamer bad the higbest Dnug Gardbsiuse was lied tor i ibis pari il the cuill ttlbplace iout nI 37 icams. s, ilbh a isce il 879 oul (i i1040, a cfIlile Aclisi 4ttBcd Caît cîniiiflt(ail Mîidle- (li, ssiilied lor 23rd plice. and Muirai Binriclge Teani iieiiiberwcre Boib nd leci score, of 200 in the Bill La-by. !and reasons lor the lu the* dai rv calcisspels- If is-eal. In the bav lion in scbich 72 ieamswr Carl Middlebrsîok and enlered. the Hallon 4HE Jer- siessere the only t\sii sey-Guernsc-Avrshire ClIu b unIs subo pluced the ccaiviof Murray McCaig and correcllv, aînd Murras B ruce Pckeri ng iras lied tor idgc gui 49souiîof 50vn 13th place. and the Sosuth Hal- ing. ton 4-1t Holsteîin Caît Club, le4-H larni andbhome lci-so,is-.ing ofi Docsg Stokes and Paul Bennett îu,,s25th, si? At the banquet bibis ing the ers gril e cîînpesiîissn. Iriphies %eepe suied Iotescinning ieams. eMscaeld Pal Keri, p residenl oitei un sirFrmers AssoiciationoftOn- Ioulachuof respunse and turin, brîctîs , ddressed the in the propnsed cosurse audience. and c-isgraiulaled lru driring bhal was lu 1Ibinembers [rosm ail parts su inhe Agriculînral of- uot Ontario, She si ressed in tarîing un Oclîsher 31, lier ieîvarh-, bai evrrsne irse bas bren canccl led. si-s,.as si-uer, but in lite peuple ai Deparîmeni ut Ag- are lutl luhing ailissu lu sec rcrepsried hi-. ireeh sîheiber inn issu sr use, hut ____________ huis issu plas- the gule. Ken Lance. Assisutant Depu- sv Minisier in Charge ut Ser- i s'os the Ontarios Depurl- S.D. News vcI o Agriculure and Food, menîsssved Ibas lherc- sure riuisîcîl IssusPaoru, I hce hnîls il penple -buhse Il Coo and*Jd% Smih. bisomahe lhings bapper, Ibuse s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h Cns n Jd mîb sbssalcb ihings huppen, and htfor-the girls alsssîc hisse sWhsdonnîhnmsuhat's mnîbaîl garmei going un. He satd 4-Hers be- weeh As sun plîssed hissi Isnges lis the ieut cleus. hcd orAcon T i For à Iuw prie@ en Lhv il cmpleina CaCnado'u fina e i volevhal tornamnt. ernibuilding .. . Liberty is the unly îhivg vau cennutbavecun ess peu are unillitlg lu gise it lu others. THIS FALL ]Fertillize Ha> aLnd ]Pasttjre THE CO-OP*BULK SPREADING WAY Some of Pontiac's new features bu=z,glpow, flash, click or revealï themselves on demand, but mostly they just look after you with quiet dependabiiy BAVE MORE: Use CO-OP bulk spreadtng serv- ice and reduce your labour and machinery costs. CO-OP bulk spreadiug saves you lime and effort and actually costs very litte. Your fertilizer is spread at approximateiy bag prices. With Co-op nmodern equip- ment you are assured of fast service and uniforsu dis- tribution of the fertilizer. Truck or Tractor-Drawn ~T.,<-. Speader- sce your CO-OP and arrange for the mout practtcal, most economical spreadiog method for your farm. bdt FrtiixeseSpeeedin s ia euote C-eperctive Service te tb. Ontanio Fermer UNITED CO-OPEIIATIVES 0F ONTARIO Miltn 878-2391 Bronfe St. W-ho said you cant have ewrydiing? (i)lBzzz. Ynur Pontiacstellspou if! yoa Icase pour kepu in the ignition;1 open the drivers doue and a bumzer soundu. (2) The drivers iper blade 110w bendu ut the elbow 10 sweep1 around corners. Neut trick. And bides, away suhen vol in use. (3) 'Astro f Ventilation" on the side windows spelis nesu closed sur cosufoci and nu 1968 PONTIACS COMPREHIENSIVE WARRAN side ventl windows-with Grande Parisienne Sport Coupe, More? Hum about ideawap head- ligbls standard on Grande Parisiennes? And concealed winduhicld ipers standard on ail fulI-sire Fontiacs? You gel the "estras" ut nu cuira coul -wben pou go Pontiac. r' di mary Fa e h '68 Wide-TrackFbntiac [] 2 musstls/24,OOmills as uanty on the eîlîre car. [] 5tears/BouNtelles aaMa&d n t he power1 trlait. [] 5 Years/t,0NOmIes earranty on stentitg, frnît and tear suspetsions atd weuns, Faoremplète infao-mation, te ev, rPontiac doaler. See yeur euthorized Pontiac dealer Authorized Dealer in Milton: P-68C MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITED, Milton, Ont. HI ton wins field crop trophy KILBRIDE Explwrerselect .11cmr church holds unnivmusry Attention Farmers qw W. stock a full lin. of MASTER FEEDS CALL OR VISIT US AT MASTER FEEDS (STE WARTTO WN) "YOUR ONE STOP FARM SUPPLY CENTRE" QUALITY - SERVICE - INTEGRITY DIAL 877-3512 - Georgetown TOWN 0F MILTON CLERK'S NOTICE of first Posting of Voters' List Voters' List 1967 TOWN 0F MILTON, COUNTY 0F NALTON NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Sections 9 end 12 of the Voters' List Act, 1960, and that I have posted up at my office in the Municipal Building, Milton, on the 23 day of October, 1967, the list of aIl persons entitled to vote in the said Mtsnicipality et municipal elections, end thet such t ml romains there for inspection. And I hereby eall upon ail voters to teke immediete proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected eccording to law, the lest day for appeal being the th dey of November, 1967. Dted et Mllts this 23rd dey of October, 197 AUDREY BRUSH, Deputy Clark Town of Milton Hopes for building on' gev- cratlerm orgenization in Ont- ario eppeer lu bave becs utsh- cd, ut teant for the lime \belg. But the president of t he Ontario Federution of Agriel. Ivre says bis orgenization's îsearrb for a busis for build- ing a meaninglul single orgen- izalion miii nul be stopped bu- ibis set-bucb." Chartes Muro ut Embro ucnmmeningonnanreulu- lion pussed ai a recen I dir- eclurs' meeting ut the Ontario Farmers' Union. Tbe resulul- ion lurncd dosun an ofler Irosu the Federalion lu bave the Ontarionsctlion ut test upring's Ottawa March Coin- milie suorh un plans fora nesu single larmourganicalion. (The Federntiun nnd the lUn- ion sucre Ontario represental- ires on the march commiltee.l Mr. Munros cummenîs are in un editurial under bis signa- Ivre in the curren I issue ut the nesuspaper Farsu and Country. He says tilale wilh sbock 1luch girls5 Lockup! 1IanItaddisanral Iii tma rlin Sit.Senssor FPb- s.l uas epsscied tii ierlcosup.srlsents.u-.ed s pîsru sîsirage of cuais. lunch, etc. scili bc sec su a combinaîsîsîs ic k )eu thesechool. il ý and regret Ibat OP-A members reacîrd lu rejerlion outchir ltent bid for discussion, ut tarm urganizalion unîty. îThey inslrurted Iheir exec- olive lu keep the door open for future discussions." UNIQUE GII'T ",What do you banc for the manbu obas rnerylbing?" a cierh as Tillany's was asked. "Ens. i he crh rcpiied. "Nu- b ing but env. For A UWeilDeundI HATINGI SYSTUMI S by Shiptan a 1Rl FE3 OBRN1 et 870633 Auk about the BP Finance Plan FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 1221 Belvlew Av*. BURLINOTON, Ontario 634-200

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