*The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, October 25, 1967 Jim's J ot ting s b yii m d iii1 Su gar and Sp ice b y b i 1s m ile y 0 Advocales ut reform in the Company ut Young Conodions seem tu be on prelly firm ground. Untess t misunder- stand the purpuse ut the group, il's a long way off base. A change in person- tel migbt preven t the twistixg and tros. traling ufthIe purposes ut the Company, lmino lilî tired of berint about David Depoe's oclivilies fottowed bp an officiai stalessent that sehen he spoke or when he seent lu, jail or when he organized this or that he wos acting os a private citizen and sot as a member ut the Company. If the purpotes and oiblectives were pro- pertp occepted os the challenge tu an individuol he would'l maxIt ome kixd ut dual persunalty, and is actions wouudnt have lu b. apulogized for or discouxled os usotticial. 0 Notice that 19 trois have becs sold lu bien residexîs under the musici- palilys hait price plan. l'mn alwops sur- prised the trees arent grabbed up os nuickty os the otter ix mode, but despile tome almost treetess streets in lown, residenîs are slow tu put haIt the price doses osa tree that admitledty sill take a few peurs lu be productive ut sisode. Now if someone could conme up setlh an "instant" receipe for a tree, perbaps att our streels would devetup the cborm thal comes wiîb icety spaced trees. 0 Premier Bennett British Coumbia is the lalesI lu assume the tille ut Prime Minister lu the contusion ut att. Premier Robants and Premier Johxson alto use the tille officiatty but lb.y were sol the instigalurs ut the palIers. If memurv serves me correctlIv Premier Frost was lhe first lu assume designa. ion. Apparenty il's att quile egal but il ducs tend lu confuse the public un- xecessarily. The bead uftIhe tederat goversmexî bas atmavs been regorded as Prime Minister. If me are nom lu have aittIhe premiers designaîed tisat way 100, Perbaps we eosîtd ixd a new tille for the federat head. but is it rcatly that impurt- ant lu the provincial premiers? 0 Just afler reoding the predictions ut an Indiax for a long cotd ixter, be- ginnixg in Novemnber and coslixuisg tu July, a copy ufthtie Farm and Hume At- manoc came lu mv desk "containing bits ut logic. formulas for good cookerp, wea- ther prugnosticaîiuns, bumor. poelry and odds and ends desigxed for my enjup- ment and edificatiox." Unforîunaîely t couldu't tube the ime lu sort out the weather progxosîieatiuxs lu delermine o-betber the Indian and the Aîmonac o-ere on the same track. The Almanac dues seem lu predict Ontario snow ,quatt', between Nov. 24 and 27th for the first time 0 Tutip planîixg at provincial build- ings acruss the country obk place lu serve as a national reminder thal cure- munily impruvement ix general shuuld b. contixurd beyond Cestennial peur. Thus Mitons decisiox lu plant lulip butbs in the lieds ut ils Centensiat Park cas serve tocally nent spring as o remind- ethat the spirit ut Centennial con b. kept live for ils lasting besefits. Tutip Ploxîixg Monîh was adopled by the Cen- tensial Commission last year as une part ut ils promotion progrom lu encourage ail Caxadians lu fiehl o mur octassî 'vs- ual potlution" and lu improve the quallly ut our environreent. Down[s] in' this. withrydow ns Corner Ah, Ihat eteclion! What a close race. a pull by poît mys- terp, o baIlle right doiex lu the final figure. And thex the confusion ut figures Ihal emerged! Il was a reporters nighlmare. I was t the Hulasn East relurning oticers headquorters ttempinf lu ublain tac- tuai resuls us lbey were tetephoxed ix by Depulv Relursisg Officers. Wben il appeared lu b. ended and I visiled the candidates' etecion headquarters ix Oak- ville, eoch candidate bad o ditterent sel ut figures as suppiied hy is serutixeers who sat in on the coastixg af the ballots. This week. somne "iust soles' on the elecios: 0 The Champions total iii voles in the Milton poils, as priuted*ix latx mek's paper, o-as incorrect. Local Liborots were quich lu point ouI that Liborai Can- didate Robin Shuce led ix'Milton bp 34 voles uver the winner, Jim Sxow. Thep are quite correct, t cheched bock lu find ouI where our error mas mode, and found I mode il mysetf. Bo the fixai total for Milton poils sbowed Shuce 1007. Bnuw 937, and N.D.P. candidate Gities 562. Sorrv. fettoies. e Skuce aiso heal Snow ix three other important reos. H4e ed hlm in Oak- ville polis north ut the Oueen Eizabth and soulh ut Highwuy 5; Oukviiie ling wset ofuthIe 16 Mile Creeh. Bnow beol Skuce ix the advasce polis in eacb tusex, in Esquesixg Township wberc be makes his home. ix Georgetowen lwhicb bas aI- wops votcd slroxg Liberal, in Dakvitie xorlh ut Higbwav S5 and in Oahviite eust ut the creek. e Gilies mas pieased mith the popu. lariîp ut the N.D.P. in the ridixg. In the test provincial etecliox ix September 1963, Gillies colected jast over 3,000 voles trom Esquesixg, Georgetaown, Milton and Oakviiie poils whes he mas defeated by Ccorge Kerr. This ime be bad over 6,000 and the increase broagtijubilation lu the candidate and is supprers on election night. The N.:D.P. scored severat firsîs bp takint the top voles ix severat puling stations. Georgetowen and a feu- oreasof utOuvilte were hi sstroxgcst sup. ports - in Georgetownx he lroited Snow by 272 and Bkuce bY 185 tramr a total ot 3,559 ballots. a Cotroversp over the rejected bat- lots erupted earlp un etection nigisl, o-ben srutixeers tfram around lb. counlp began reporling bock lu their partys beadquarters Bamne said onlp an 'X' mark was couxîrd as a good balut, wbite ailiers seere amnazed lu find any ballot marked wilb a tick or signifytyng tbe voler' s intestionsserre ailoseed. Re- tartIng Otticer Allas Massas savs he bold is DR.O.'s lu counit the balltIif il indicaîrd the vters intention,.seether it o-as an "Y' or a ick mark. A recount if une is beld, siti usuatty 0110w' exp ballot thal signifies the intention, foui- ever dont ltok for a recount110 upsel the labultions lacmach - os masp Con. servalives woutd 'poil a ballot os Lis- crois, and saio thIbse voles mev have bren inîcxded for the N.DP. lan e Whaî about the service vote, stili 10 came in? Tbe servicemen usulltp <et the tederat tevel. anvway)ltean heavill loseard the Lîberais. But there are tes thon 400 servicemen eigibte lu vote, and nutl ait thlemn did vole. and il wuuld take o prettp defixile Liherat flevurlng lu kxock ha1 104-vole cead off Bnose ai ibis point. 0 Siver ix-Hulos West, Liberat Jack Lusb ras a pour third ix the ballot baIlle. He bardly weon ix any individuel poli tbuugb il wsosa race in tome poils bel-cen P.C. George Kerr and M.D.. Ted MacDonald. Kerr's main support came ix the seest, central and norîhers sections ut Burtinglon, wbile MacDonald o-as heaviip supporled in the area be- lierex the Quers Elizabeth Higbseap and No. 5 and in the southeasl area of the laies. Kerr baxdiip o-on ix Esquesing, Actas and Nossagaweva. Luth wsa sec- ond ix Nassaguseepa and Esquesixg poilis, but feulu Ib tird stot ix Actas and Bun- ingtux. e Thet ciif-baxger ix Hoitox East wsa nul the ciosesl race ix Hulons bis- tory. If ypuait remember. Blan Hall harets woostheNaltIon ridisg bock in 1948 whes he ber Dr. F. M. Deans hp 83 voles. The Jane, 1962 tederal elecios hPEEKING; INTO MILTON'S PAST THE BOYNi SCHOOL ciildren o-are phatograpised i1896, oils their leacis- or Miss Gerrude Feethorston (scie Mrg, Dr. fdo-ards cf Brampton). Tise scisoal o-at kno-n as S.S. t, Trafalgar in those deys. Photo loaned by Miss Margar Dauiglas. *RINM, AUYUMN COIOU can b. sean ton is especially beautiful this week. araund the countryside these cool, crisp fail days. The escarpment west of Mil- (Photo bp Merle Gunby) .9t Con, t 6e 40nèe t silI neyer be possible lu legisiate honesty anymure than il miii ever be possible for gusernment lu "prutect" the consumer. There map be ail kinds of investigations, ail types of studios, and a hast of warnings but P. T. Bar. num's philosophp about a tacher beitg hors every minute bas stood the test ot imne in thse commercial market. Al the proaf ta the cantrarp bas still sot stopped people laoking for "bergains" or enpecting "someîbing for nathing". The tederal gavernmenî bas recent- py establisbed a corporate and consum- e affairs department. painted as the cansumers guardian angel against fraud in business. Witbin a fe nesespaper columns of the appearance ut that information a business bureau chief is remindîng bis listeners that businessmen rent the onlp prablems ix tbe field of hunestp. For exemple wben a persan decides lu sali bis car baie aften does he volunteer tacts about the car like a cracked block. Thon theres the problem of fraudaient insurance dlaims like tbe lady whose busbands shirts were dameged bp the laundry. Suddenly tbep were unly tbree months aid and seortb $12 each. Tests proved they were wortb about $2.50 and seere alreadp o peur aid. Recenttp o-e soieae cIter that mes affering special Bmm maties witb par- nograpbic-soutdiisg names. Investiga- tion bad shows the films were nul par- nagrapbic et al. Sameoxe wiebabnced ta b. caugbt in thet o-ehieoutd be out tbe $50 required and o-ouldn't dare cumplain ta tbe police boceuse the por- chas. iees illegal in the first place. Thora are the bait-end-switcb tricks, lb. pigeon drap and the bank inspeclar rackets al of whicb entice bupers be- causa ut their ring of sormethixg for natbing. Thra's the telephane caîl that tells poua ouubave jost woosàaprize o-ben pou kxo- perfectlp o-nl pou neyer on- tered e cantest. But il's the openinq gambit that draies pour attention and draies pou inIa a commitmnext peu sometimes van evede. Onlp consumer ao-erexess and a realizatian Ibet "sometbing for xalbing" jusl isx't offered bp exp strenger, o-Il protide anp test pratection far the cas- tomer. We onst cent sec gaverxments f iling the need Io exp great entent without seizing aIl the benk accaunts in the cauntrp and dalling out enougb for basic food. Wbet a horrible lbought. Criôe JOP 6ethàflq;e**teiti During 1965, there o-ere 4,879 par- soxs slaughtered on Caxadas higbseays, accarding ta Tise Cap TisaI Kilîs, an ar- ticle ix Tise Canadien Motailst. wsa penisaps tise most cusfutlng - seien etection day ended tise PC. candidate Bandy Besi hod o 61-vte tead; ihes tise sereice vte came ix lslrongty Liberal and reversed tise decisios, givixg Libenet M.P. Dr. îHarryp liey a 98-vote victurp; tises a recousi seat bld seiicis mode 1no differesce in the figures. e Tise votent ix ose sort ilMtaspuill (Na. 63) jusi coutd't moke up their minds. Thep gave Bkuce 33 voles, Snose 32 and Gitiies 31 . Il mas lise closest single poil Inxtise couxiv us eteclian day. 0 Norm Pearce, ose ut Bkuce's isandesi monkers is Milton, mas thiniied siti tise vote lursout ix toms. His figures estimabe il ut just over 70 per cent. Over- ait Hallus East turnout wsa about 65 per cent. 0 Local municipal officiais, seho have sol bren geiting atong 100 welt milS tise Deparimexi ut Municipal Affairs or ils rigsi anm, tise 0M.B. is receni peurs, seere atmust ieaping -for jop sese liey beerd Miister ut Municipal Atteins J. W. Bpouner losti iis seat in Cochrane Bouts. Weddepa bel lise Deparnmeni semet hire lu a sofl spot un tise OiM. nom?. Thts a political appoinîment - sut a seat vou have lu sin by voies. Tise close race beseces PC. and Liberai parties la tise Oct. Il eleclion proves ose point: tisai every vole Is Im.- portant. Yau'II note tramtlise figures tisai onlp lseo-lids outIhose eigible la vote ectualy casi a bellot. If pou ever doubitishe velue ut pour ose vole, remem-. ben - Charles I loul his head uver une vole; Jefferson became president ufthtie US. on axe -tale; Il tobk just une vote lu introduce conscription In lise States: and Oliver Cromwell gained castrot ut England by a one-vate majority. Cenadian eutharitiet estimais tisai clat l hoIfut ur traffic fetalities are adirect resuit ut drinking and driving. In to-o other higbIp mabilized caunt- ries, Britaîn and United States, figuras sho-tisait ram 56 la an astaundixg 68 per cent af traffic accidents cas be blsmed an tise drinkisg driter. Wisp ere iee 50 camplacent about drînking and driving? Dlfîo-enîp-five cauntries reparting ta tise Warld Hesitis Organization, Caneda teeds tise -ay o-us traffîc deatiss 25.3 per 100,000 people. Sometiîg s necesserp ta suir us truie sucis dengeraus lethergp. Ose -ap o-ouid b. ta make tise breetheipzer test campulsory everpo-bere ln Canada. Sa fer, onip Canadiens living in Britishs Columbis, Aberta and Saskatchsewan are compeIled bp laie la submilta otise breatbalpzer lest. Prince Edo-ard Istand, Hava Scolie and Quebec are cansider- ing simiier legisîstiox. Ontarj oils ber greet conccntration of treffic ts lagging bebixd ix puttixg ex appruved tiseory nIa action. il bas becs suggested tisaI sucis a test is an invasion of personal rigisis, but is il reallp? Is t a violation of rigist o-isen a policeman searches s sus- pect far thefttar inlerrogates s murder suspect? We would regard sucis action es pratecting tise rigisl cf ail others. Wisal about the rigist af other drivers as tise iigisoay? BSatlpcsmpaigss have na effeci an tbe drusk driver . . . ho is invariablp hostile and self-dettructive. We oast mabe anp pragrets uxtil o-e viielise intasicaled driver for misaI ise is . . . a patestial murderer. 1 wander wltat a teacher of 3f pears aga, wouud thlnk if he watked loto a ctassroom iuday? Personattly, 1 think be'd b. tuted off in a state ut deep shock. Sonne aspects of che atmosphere woutd be famîliar; the boxtike, ctaustro- phobie construction; the smett of cbalk- dust and bodies; the windows that stick and wonît open; the scuftting ami the snuffling. And the place woutd b. fuît ut kids, of course. Theyd probabty b. much the same, inside. Humait beings don't change their basic emotions, their bates, fears, shyness and oggressiveness, in a era lion or two if ever. But tbep certainty woutdnt look the same. The appearance of the boys woutd rattie him a bit, witb their cowboy boots, their potka-dot shirts, their carefutty waved hair, and trieir wortd.weary expres- sions. But the sigbt of tbe girls wuutd rock him rigbt back on bis beets. Neyer mind the ipstick, eye-sbadow and set siockings. He'd probabtp tors pure puce the first time be tuuked down those rows of miniskirts. witb the odd garter b.tt, in att ils feminine tovetinens, show- ing bere and there. Those woutdnt be tbe ontp sbocks bc'd receive Lets say b. taughl in a scbout with 300 students. batf a century agu. Quiet, droning periods. Leisurety une and a baîf hour tuncb period. I'd ike tu sec this chap step out into the halut a schoot with t1500 ismates, during une of the tunch periuds. Unac- custe-med to using is sboutders, knees and ethuies, hed b. a grease spot os the terrazo fluor sn two minutes. tf be did happes lu make it, bc'd gutp bis tunch in the cafeteria, with tbe din ut 5M0 students as sauce for bis wieners and beans. Or bc'd choke down a sandwich in the staff room. 'mid a ltler of coffee cups, a paît ut smoke, and a cacuphony ut tettow praclilioners of the art. Checking bts mai] box afler tuncs, he'd find: two memos f romt the admxints- tration; a pamphtet fromt the Departoxent ut Education, very badty sentIes; a note from the ibrarian telting hiax that Buste Doakes' book was overdue; a brochure tramn a publisher; a billet-doux from the vice-principal; a bill for bis federation in- suraxce; and tItrer anxouriex4ents ut conleots. al spuxsored hy commercial firms. Being an otd foshioned, conscientious teacher, he would pruhably sot file these in the wasle-basket. Bock in is ctassroom, trylsa tu teach with the raie malerials, o book, o black- huard and some studesîs, he wuuld be ixlerrupted by: the pubtic address syslen tettisg him lu wend Joe Smutz to the office; by Jack Diltz jusl arriving bock from guidance cousseltor; or by four stlwarts leovint for the Junior footbatt game. During the day, be would discover Ihal he was eiîber a dodo bird, extincl, or a phoenix - Ihal bird which repuled. ly arises from ils oies ashes and flics in ever.diminishing circles unlil there ix osly ose place lu go. This woutd be occosioned by the mace ut equipmesî which he woutd be forced lu master. Record-plopers, lape- recorders, ovcrhead prujecturs, under- band deflectors, and the tike. And he woutd bave my ulmost sym- pathy. 1 cas drive a car. Used tu b. able lu fly on airplane. Con rus a wash- isg machine ix a pînch. But tead me lu- word a dupticalixg machine, or anylhing more compticated thon o haxd-cronked gramophone, and 1 pale wilb terroir. Atter sehool, our friend would find that he would have o commilîce meeting about gtx-chewing, or a staff meeting about pupits acting tike humons, or a tbitling hour wiîh the lhree sludents isîeresîed in the sîamp club. t dont îhink be could bock il, pour devil. Pages of the Past t raom champion filet 20 years ago Tuas. ftum lb.heasmm orTmuaCmassdli Clsmplc, Oclolsar23, 197. PreHattoiec'en vandatism made Ils appearance ixnMllun test seeek seien a sumben ut windows ixnlise United cisurcis mene smasbed by siones. Officiatofthlie chancis counted Il stained glass mindose paels sisaltered by slunes iehich seere found inside the building. Passersby may count îbam in the large circuler minduse ai the front cf lb. cisurcis. At tome limte n everybody's lite, lisere isas becs an urge lu heeve e Stone et easindose. Us- uotip boys give vent lu tisein feelings as pensons lb.p du nutltibe. -But wsesetisep deslrup chancis windows, il becomet a sacrilege, as wecil as a buge bilt of ex- pense la lise guandians aftie property. VendaIs also brube inlu lise S.S. No. 2 Scisool, Trafalgar, Mondap nigisi on Tu- esdep morolng and coused destruction selîbin the building, invesllgalisg offic- iais reporled. PendIls and rulers seere broken and red mb secs poured aoven desks and oliser articles. Discuvery wsa mode bp 'Miss Evelyn Course, a eacher, seben tse wenl lu lise scisuol Tuesdap moroint Ilsathlie second lime tise scisot isad been brobes isba ix tesst tias a seeek, tse tld Constable E. R. Lemon. No damage mas ceused or mwas lisere any- tiingtaloes un tise firsi occasion, ste said. DuringthIis weeb , we have udded nesecastling equipmenl t lise lalest de- sign ta aur mcdern printng plant, seisicis seul greatîp faciitate tise makint ut ste- reutypes for use in illuslraiing adverlls- mng and otiser sesespeper illustrations. 50 years ago Tales. fou,,lieth e m cf 1be Casam Champioin. Oclaiser 23, 1917. The flepartment ot Agriculture bas supplied Hallun fanixens Ibis pear selis semi for tise experinsenlal grosing cf b.mp. Tise experimesl bas proved a suc- cess. Bamples belmeen elgisl and ntsc feel in belgisî are os exhibition et CIe- ments and Campanys hardware store, and tisera seere ulsero aI lise tain bere losti seek. -Hemp is grusen exlenslvelp and successfultp in Nese Zeatand and a masnseisa as beenlisere ayp s e neyer soie asp seiteiappruecised lise altos teimples in beigisl. faut un five fret long being about lb. limit, Tise ..0.E. is prepanlng their Christmas pareels ta send la, our boys aversees. As Ihere are about 200 tramt here, everpone seul be given on opportun- Itp la belp by allcnding oasisamer seiicis mliib. iseld In lise Presispîcias Sunday Scisool monm an Salurday, Oclaber 20, et 3 pm. Suggestions -for tise sisase are as folluses: dates, sortisreed, cisa- colale. fruit cake, raisins, Iaaf sugar, pue- zles. creaam cieese, lead pencif s or mon- oy. Tise progrant for lise afternaan sel b. given by lise boys and girls. A cor- dial invitation is exlesded lu, everyane. Comte anid hring pour knitting. The 'Milton public ibrerp seull b. op- ex on Balurdavs onîp tram 3.00 tu 5.30 p.m. and 7.30 ta 8.301 p.m., titi tsrther xit> lice, Owing luo asbsrtage ut fuel, the library cas is e baled un Balurdays ontp. 100 years ago Tae.,,tram tisa leue of Tisew snu aa Champion, Mtais, Oetioe 24, l867. Tise onnuat pioughisg match ufthlie Nassagasepa Agricutturot Bocietysel b. hetd os tise ferm ut John Ramsey Esq., Lot 32, 2nd Concession, unsBalun- day lb. 191h insl. -Four prizes ut $4, 13, S2 and 81 seul b. iven in cacsofuthtie lhree classes, Vint fit cdata mas, b.ing ait those misu bave laken a firsl or sec- ond prize ai eilb.r tosenship unreasanly matchs; second ctass mes, cumpising those sol inctuded in lise above titI; and liird ctass fon boys under if pears ut age. MATRIMONýIAL; Two respectable young gentlemen ut good pertonat ap- pearance ix Ibis laies are desirous oft op- esing a correspondence ils a timilmi sumber ut respectable and refined young ladies. Objecl - fus and mutuel improve- ment, ils e vice lu malrimuny. Ladies lui tend their pisotugraphs, mises lhey milI receive uneout cuber lise young gentlemen in relurn. Att coreespondenhe slnictly contidenlial and pnumptîy an- swered. Address: A. P. and M. Il., Milton, Ontario. A dark buffato robe lost. Trimmed seili red inlng, on Fridap, helsecen Mc- Dades Holel and my bouse in Loievilte. A researd ut one-third lise price of tise buffatu miti b. given lu lb. finder.- Isaac Warcup, Loseville. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION DUI00 dm tiaAm t0150CCO LM. t1i1M.ai. stns.t tasi Piom 878-2341 dO b J-., A. Oi,, Msc.ing tiN.r Sun tRy E.cs., N- atit Hyde Prha. ,Adwaiinisnges. Pnbidn*c-,y W.d-.dscCet 1Mainsat.. Mito, ont. is Mxci., ut the easaim Wsaiiy SctssOsiaisind heOs. anisa Wskli sNefltie.. Aucisén Sb-tiscp atm inx ableIsn. ixxi. in ic.vi..Osio i iis., .00Pme ex. $7.00Il xii . tia sur .. bccanule. OOdsi.ixa i aedo-th. omittboii tat. ts '?W sevet fs mYu, hi ame. titan prMma ot t. dcsni.lg P-îem.naet ith.ii o,ite . tsnr isî tii su.sbie iluxi lotM numu.wllMb hit ,sed Wl u t. iilbalista. oftn«tIa.tiailutb.lie pix o, ai O aicbet ate. n ils-si-m . ..,tieul 555e sdxsetla adi ., .isi. iffxs= ers isia si xxib,.uie old.Ai si a- I-t. O d.ei astb. itidý.stsaybs. Ostini»d as SicMmcAc. dMti e ii Pos stfis. 5,enine, =1e: ..