~IîmpflYOUTH FRONT LI ,.L ,L.... >l i L c MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1967 SEEj OUR i JUMP-UP AND GO 1 CAR u COATSI 1They are rîght (o ithe fashion point * ifor busy girls on chiilv a evsv Boyne centre holds bi-weekly dances Thece yers ugo. Boyne Com- munity began holding rock dances imice a manth, Under the leadeship of Mes. S. Curtis ad George Masird, the events are hld Saturday eveniefs. The progeam begins ai f p. and ends ai midnigbi, with rce lreshments aviluble and sup- Coored lgltng is avilable toc 16e visitiig bands, but most perler ta hing ibeir own spec- il eltecis. Bands pupular ih the pat- rons are învited ix mke reture engagements, libe the Chupter Six' Eom Orangeville, which bar bren playing the Borne toc Iwo wecks. 0 Priced right, f00. Girls discuss utyear s program j Milton Canacian Girls ie Milton E Training brolce inia hree jgeuups Monday eveniof for a iDpartment discussion oi future projects 1 I and prOgruots. Store Groups included juniors un- der Miss L. Sinclair.,ierne- diates under Mrs. 1. Chase and aituamt.i.ititamami enior ns under Mrs. Fsher AT YOUR SERVICE... We wnite a&H tyesof Insu>. ancandarm gladito quOe ret wthout .bllgaflos. befoc buylng or rnewlng - your Issuconce, ch.ck eu McCUAIG INSURANCE LIMIED 201 MAIN ST. E. 11171214 News from 0. S. D. a report on actîxities t Ontario Sebool for the Oeuf, Milton "Ibo ltter" Muke it ao1 write-inI Dcd you ever want ta stand on top of the Milton Post Office and scream, "Listen, people - tue got sometbi ng to say. Heres a fragrant bouquet for this and a verbal bop in the bead for that?" Or mayhe pou aust like to comment. Suggot. Question. A dozen issues make the scene simultatto- ously, and everynne, non matter how privately, feels one way or the other about eacb of them. Youth Front is lookieg for VOUI Beginning iis week, letters ta the Front wll be publisbed, providing space is avaitable. The only ground raies are as follows: (ai Inlude a pe-name for publication if you like, but me must know who pou are - so, sigo on, please. lb) No personal grudges aired. There are plenty ni back allies in rnwn. (c)Issues eommented on must be of ganerai interest to the Fronts readership. (dl) Grammatical changes mviti be made where necessary. (e) Occasonally. editorial comments wilI be made followng pour statements. (fi Libelous letters wiii end up in the "circular file" Whos goixg ta drop te f irs nte in Yuuth Fronts mail box? For Young or Young-at-heart Drivers: TARE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on a brand new 1968 Cougar. tn an exiting array of epe.catching colors and uphlosteries. Again this year, Cougar is the mnost desirable car tbonn - Theres stil l ime (o cash in on the big draw for a Philco sterea set or L.ous pedal car Wa have extended the draw-date af this dealership until NOVEMBER 6. GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED In Milton Plaza 878-2883 Paiti Wisnisbi and maorettes, Valentina Quagliaila, Liane Shunte, Dcbbie Sullivan, Chris- tine Cord, Diane Muteiih, San- dru Bertin, Naxur Welleix, (Contîîîued on Page B3) Seeking best caver design for Astra Bp Shirt Parnssu Lite matrche, u iiM L.H.S. The acidemic portion ai the shoot seems ta be ciasing in an the studens as tests aI anc sort oe inaiher crap op re- quentîs Athoxfh axe heurs the occusional camplaint. I îhink the students realize these class lests witl help hem greattv in the fIl st set ot exas.iw-,hsbcb, ni. tilis. re Natua,th e ustia - arti cua ciiis are galaf simong. The Asira commilie is worbing bard, luing the loundution lue axe vear books. Their adeertisemeiti sales are cantininng ta mare upwards. Because tee maxi the hesi toobtefbboks possible, tbe SPORTS NEWS 0.S.D. Fate Oas soccer icam inaily foi oIfthie ground on Saturday witb a 4-0 wie ovec Apptchy Cotiege. relax Cue and Alvin Smith are ta be coin mended tor ibir ixe perform- Luek dide't bold siib us an Monday bomever, whex me sut- tcred a 2- deteat to Acion H.S. Crosa Cosnsy: Althaugh ex records were beokex uithie CWOSSA mccti n Guelph on October if, the boys sbomcd fine spirit in bruxing the cold weatber. Alvin Smith ptuced seventb en aneextremety large field oI runeers. -Bp Tom Moore, Phys.-Edd Coach. O.S.D. Beuvers ent ta Shet. humne 10 play -tootbal ena rine of mud and a torrent nI raie on Ociober 17. On the irsi series OS. tumbled on ibeir ome one yard lier, The detence speurbcuded by Mamvie Ferris bctd Shel- humne scorelrss. Inspired by iis display oI spirit, the of- -Icose wenita work. Betore the gamne mas avec thcy bad racb- cd up 20 points. and 284 yards eusbing. Sheiburne did flot score and managed oly 24 yards total ofense. le the mud. which -us thege to tour inches deep on the field, the dilterence mas de- sire. O.S.D. blocbrs and iacb- tees wanted to in more ihan ibeir opponenis. A veey ired buncb ot Brae- es ment to Palmerston ta ight toc irsi place on Octobre 19. A short single, a fumbted puni and a long pass avec a slipping deeder gave -Palmerston an 82 ead, BrelueMacKncv kick- cd imo long singles againsi the mmnd tom OS.D.s points. fi eertaixly looked libe a Palm- erston victocp when 0.S.0. fumbled wiib onlp a minute and a haIt to go - but the de- tence hld and O.S.D. foi axe more chance. Bon Hall en- ginecd a fiec tuuchdown drive. H-arvey Rizgys seored wiih fIl x seconds let to tle the fume. Gm reg cktoed, Marie Fer- ris and Leigb Jobnslan tornet lnexecellent games - but Billy Wbytc mus a ber mue ut tht corner linebueber position. AI- thougb ouîweighed. be cxi aif the outside smeeps mhicb havi been Flmersions breud uni butter ptups. The entire teuit dcscrvcs a greul umaunt af credit tue a solîd performance -they jusi mouid nxxit.1 We ai O.S.D. are rry prous ot thcm. Bp Lindsar Mai Phvs .Ed. Coach. GIRLS'F. Thiefs bave sturted murch- ing uti0,...! The majorettes foe the 1967 - 6f scason are: Cuptains: Carol Bommiar By Mn"e ZuMa No mater mhat t6e inter- u:sis, there is somelhing for exerrons in M. M. Rubinons, sports depariment. The Gymta Club wmlt soox bc setîxng up their cquipment aller schoi and mili 6e preparixg tbe competiiions cxming up in March. Girls' intramural bas- keixal îamr have brun torm- cd suihai almast eeresclts bus tbeir ome îeam. Cheers rorsetram the boys when il mas di scoserd Ibai a Snookcr Club mnuld 6bclitro- cd. Il eux 6cexcpccted ibis pu- plar sport itI gain many loy- al supporters ihrougot Iis vear, To round off ourecollction of cstra-curricular activilier. there is the Badminton Club. 16e Gof Club and Table Ten- nis. Il studentrecontinue ta support ihese sports, il seems me mili have maxv physicalls lit people in our sehxol. In girls' basktball, Wednes- day, Oct. If, t6e junior and senior teams met Nelson 61gb school. Unfrtunatlvt, bth 21 and the joniors 22-14. Cross-country champioeships îaub place Thursdup. The cv- uni mas melI organized and îvn hougb the mether mas tes cld, il dîdel dampen the spirits af 00e participants. 01 12 schanîs. oxe juniors pla- ced tbled ted axr midgcîs plu- ccd laurib. Congratulations arc uexded in t wrihset- Everront s- iv iîg larmard ta Oct. 23 as iis is the dus of or big baskeihall gamce. Canadas, Harlem Diplomats, the Funmabees of Basket- hall" mill CEume up againsi t6e Facully AIl Stars and the sen- ite basbciball icam. Recenlly, Student Cîtuncit discussc-d 16e issues aI a sehool constitution and a sebo- astis amard s ssiem. The shîtal constitution mili oui- lins bu- raritias iams or prin- ciples ii tbechoobnL AI the p rerent imte, the raugh draft rs being di scusssd by eounicil. Aller al xecessarv amend- mcxiv and changes havec been posied in each af the claxs- raoms and the students iii vote un il. The idea xl a seho- unsie amard sysîem is silîl in the making. The purpose aI ibis ssauld 6e 10 amard mccis rueh as pins or plaques foe certain scblastic and thîlie achievements. A Walk Marathon is Io bc held on Satuedas, Non. 4. ta bexelît Crarsroads Alica'. Il wilI begin ai the City Hall n Hamilton and mili continue lite 33 miles. Students mbn sish ta participai e receler a card and muri lied people or businesses ix sponsrr 16m. We hope ta, gel a guod atiex- dance oneibis because somneaI the Buringlon schuals are challenging us. TIhe tlrst isu. oth1e sebool xemspape should 6e ouI soon, il milI bature a nem lapout and aira pictures. A dance is being organized lac Nov. 10 iib "A Fassing Fancy enteciaining. atcaver design contes i ibis suar. This iii give the comn milice a chaxce ix pick nul an original and eyu - catching design. i know there are a lot of gond arlisis ai M.DH.S. and iis is the chance ta enhibit this talent, The musie club bad is pro- posed guitar workshap Tues- day, Oct. 17, and tram aIl op- nions, il mas a buge success. Thes- also bad a debate Thurs- day on "The Beatles versus the Rolling Stones.BEven il pou have argumextative qual- tics, theres a place fxr vxu at M.D.H.S.! The Siodent Council met on Tbursday, Oct. 19, and pass- cd the budgets for the deamu and camera clubs. Beih Wardle, Wandu Guay and Ken Brown mere chasen by the cxunicil ta go ix the leader- ship convention wich will he hcld in Novemnber. Every year, the school und- erlakes somne type of projeci. Lasi peur the projeci was a sporistimer foe the gym. This year no one scemed 10 know wbat ihcy waxted for a pro- jeci, so ibe enunecil annouxced it would be open toc ideux and camments. Eacb studexi was issued a piece aI puper on wblcb he wus able ix volcerbis opinion. As ut pet. the pro- jedt hasnt bren decided on. The grade 13s banc been graxtcd some aI the privileges requerted, alihoagh ibere are si a 1cm onder discussion. Thev aree noweitied 10 leuve the school durixg studies il ihey su wish as study attend- ance is xo longer compulsoryt and write tbeir own noies al- ler heing absent. This shows the seboal staff teels the 13s are responsible and mature enaxgh la govern ibeir actions wisely. Im sure the 13s ceaI- ize ibis and iniend ta da the besi they eux ta upbold ibis opinion. Halloween is on ils way and so are the frade 12s. Att stud- cxix goixg on the annual trip wr odddîwtî iis stick wiih p.iuk.ipe- il Hillusea candice iii be YsIidnre mun- ev raised wilholp finance the trip. The volieybail season oftic- als came ix an end ihis week aller iwondurs of com- petilion. Mandas, Oct. 16, the senior girls piayed ai Gcorge- town. Milton won the tirsi game easiiv butt ast the sec- ond. The third game lound a scoe lf 4-lt [or Milton with lise seconds la go. 0r course, Milton made the grade and the lina> score mas 15-13, Thur- sdav. bath junior and senior teams traveiied ta Guielph 'rightand erriai 9 io ti partinixtbe solievb,îll îe ment. The îeams si-ru lucre ail das witb ise otlber chools; loue trams tram Guelph and one tram Georgetown. Approsim.îielv il fumes were plaved and Milton sen- i ors uerr a bic ta ix lhree and the juniors îwa Aitt he ames ere ciase and reveaied the skill of the plavers. M. H.S.s cheer leaders mere ihere ta edge on schoi spiri and no doxhi helped greuily. Al ln xli, coach Miss Corcoran said she was very pleused wiih and proxd nI the girls and l'm sure ibis is a reflic- uine af the feelings of the ex- tire siodexi body. Deapile the cold mexiher Fridav, the snccer tram play- cd an excellent game ugainsi Georgetown. The f1naI score mas 5-I for Miltox. Milton bas beex ied weuh uhx F. Ross of Guelph for irsi place, but if John F. Ross mas deleaird in iheir ame Friday, Milton will he in the lead suîlh axe fume ta go. The finai fume is ix be pluyed Fridav, Oct. 27, ai Mit- Friday eveixf's dance in haxor of the football anid sac- cer ieams wexi aIf quile smoolhly. There mereni uas many ibere us there eould hune heen but ibis didnit deler the vibrance ol the anes who did attend. Il seemed a ine way to end the sehnol week. Moe thon cuudy-reepers Dm wwId nil!in grave over HaIIuwe en's honfors Bp Janet Ferier t Hallameen, 16e nighî 1111es kîddies dress up in costumes t and go [rom diaor 10 door mih liffle baskets, shoutîog "trick or treai-' and hboo!' Homever, lîke almays, Ibesec tille unes graw up, and thcp arc na longer bîddies, and tbev nu langer cu res.vbaskets ta colleut gondies le. iset il a shume some of ihese l111et mites dide't sap 1111e? it per- baps wauld lessex 16e pcob- lems palice encounIr eserv Hallameex. Halloween, It seemns, lways hrîxgs u-îil x xit onv a black xîgbt i tr wiitues, but a black mark igainsi the souef gexer- alion. and unlariueaietr, 16e iew irresponsîble goans spail il for the Peler Pas and Men- dv.s. Haw muey wiedxws are broken and sides of publie buildings marred? Haw muey peur ibhelis occor and accid- ents due ta liai tires? Some gx lu the leegth ot steating smull chldeens baskets and 16e UN- ICEF boxss ith1e voung. stees curry. They put ioaded bus wagons an railwv crossings, remxvc dead ed"and "stop" igns, scuiter brokex glas ragments nver the road, tm neer park- ed subicles or tube off for a jo tr ide in a stalen car. These are a [cm cil the more serinus pr.îxks commun on Hallaw- eee. To me, il is senseless. Nixadv mixds îomocb the odd upset buckyard 'Jon". * Panel :t Program Ta acquaint students with municipal governotenti TUESDAY, NOV. 14 Martin St. Senior School at 8 p.m. Sponsoreel by the Optimist Club of Milton ln conjunction with Youtb Appreciatian Week, AIL ARE INVITEO serioos injuries and destruc- lion af taluable praperîs. a hait shauid 6c catled. But the daern don't cure. Thes*vre harixg ton much lue. Wbat the hcb - nobads miii eser hnau isba dîd il. But whatilifsomne o> ibese pruxks backlire - wiih a real tond' bang! Would thev see the ligbt? Nul likels- Il secots nu mralter whui huppees, ibere are alseavs the fec, who gel a kick oui o> 6e- ixg a Hallouenexeeisi. I'd bei raie aeslhieg Draula uouid tare cirer inbis grave il bu b ad ans ideatubai fîtes an on bis lavanite nigbt. No doabi the suitches ii-aald go on sîrike and the bais woxid go hativ. Ta appeal iii base %isba e respansiblu lai buese pranks iiaxld bc seless. Our modern isitches. goblins. gbasts. bats and faites are caxsing bas-oc everv Haliote'en. but perbaps lîke Dracula, il lus iii stme- dus realizeu heu kind isio% lv hecawiog estiaci. Second chance for medallion winners Those îeeligîhlc iii pariicip- aie in the sprieg Cexteeniai fumes ai Hais Rosarv Sepur- aie Sebuiol are baring iheir chance again nom, The scboxi i s uonduîctixg a siteilar series of ciitesis su bhal each puipil mas gel the gavere ment medaltion ollercd foîr participation Basheibail is inxflitswing at ilhb schbaîti silbrerai fa- mes. plaseul iiidate. SOOSTWO UNIID APPIAL funds, stadents tingent of about 20 arrived after lunch one f rom Lawrence Park Coliegiate isited the Sandap undl enjopeel an aternoon of apple apple orcbard of George Readbead in north pîckîng. strpping a fem trees of the appt. Bulngon ecex p o pieh uppies. The con- rap. (Staff Photo> At MAM. Rehiasea Student council working hard adtivities for ail unterests HERE THEY ARE!! "Milton's Top Ton" - October 14 - 20, 1967 t LITTLE OLE MAN ô LIGHTNINGS GIRL 2-NEyER MY LOVE 7-HEY BABY 3 HOW CAN I BE SURE 8 GIMME LITTLE SIGN 4 INCENSE & FEFFERMINTS 9--MEMPHIS SOUL STEW 5-GASLIGHT 10-NEXT PLANE TO LONDON m REMEMBER - Polis close Friday 9 p.m. - so siate your Favorites early. You could bu a winner of 2 "45's"'like SUSAN PHILLIPS of 3318 Main West DROP IN AND SEE THE NEW SELECTION 0F POLYDOR FINE DISCS Aise Amps. Musical Istruments, Topos, Tuctablos, Etc. WAYNE'S HARMONY RECORDS 14 MARTIN ST. 878-2151 - - - L -&&mufti Migh SChOOI happenings Il