Dy Mn. JIm Hamilton A former minister of tite Hornby pastoral charge, Ras. John Hill et Pine River mas te guest speaker at tae ansi- versary service et 'Hornhy Un- ited citurcit on Sonday, Oclo- ber 22. A large congregation allended mit te congregat. ons ut Asigrove and Bethe] îoining witt te local mem- bers. The lopic of Mr. ýHilî's ser- mon mas "The Faitittul are sol Forsaiten" and ho took te slory et Joli for is inspirat- ion. A member tram te Belt- et churcit choir assisled te choir in te anthem "The Cen- lennial Hyme.' A duel mas ai- se rendered by 'trs. Jim Snow and Mrs. Leslie King. Following te service, a short reception mas ield in te basement, giving the congreg- ation a chance ta visit wilb te Hilt tamily. On Siandatu evnule, Ocloher 22, a congregalional meeting mas held aI Hornby tdnized church ites te morîgage aI te churcit mas burned. Rev, Keitit Hamkes mas in charge ot a short service mit Rev. Hill reading te Scripîure les- son. Lem Sampson and John Wallace were called opus aI mich ime MIr. Sampson gave a short synopsis of the sîury i n connec ion ilh te remo- delting and building of te basement ut te churcit. He mas secretary re asorer ot te building tond and Mr. Wal- lace mas citairman ut te board ot stewards. Following the taIt. îbey burned te morîgage mhich had been paid ott the begin- service, att mere inviled t0 te basement mitere a social ime mas held wilh Rev. Keitit Hawktes leadiof in a sing surng. Clfford Wrggleworih mas calted uou te say a tem words and ite catted on Mr. and Mrs. Abert Marchment to laite a place ut honor. Rev. Hill spoite a tem mords. aiso Rcv. Hawkt- es and tes Jîîiton Nec- lands and Jobs Wallace pre- senled the Marcbments wilh a large plaIe glass mirror tram te congregation. 'Mrs. Har- old Rîîbnon read a short ad- dres and Mrs. Clittord Wrig- gtesmorlh presented Mný. Marcbmenl mitit a le mem- hersitip pis and cerliticale from te JCW. Boîh Abert and Laura e- pressed teir tanks for te gifts and însitcd te triends tu cail and visil tem in their sew hume in Streelsetîte. Mr. and tIrs. Marcbmenî bave sold teir larm and milI bc great- Is missed in themworitofthbe cburcb and aiso sn te coce- munils'. Luncit mas servedi it the ladies miicit broughî sery ple.isunt esing oe a close. Get cr11 mlahes are éxiand- cd u Wallv Stemmans, wito nuttcred a heurt allacit Wed- neiday mornief. Mr and Mrs. Jobs Hunnab enjoved a trip tant weeh tu Rnpo. They left as Tuesdav and relurned home on Fridlav evenief. Belted greelîngs te Mr and Mrs. Grant Boueur, mita celebraîed their wedding ansi- varsarv on Mondas. Oct. 23. Birîhdav greeings lu Mms Grnet Homden mito witl cele- braIe ber irtbdav on Oct. 28. Anniversurs greetings te Mr. and tIrs Altred Bll mito ili clebrate their edding anni- versars' on Wedeesdav. Octo- ber 25. Frlends le tiî district mare shocitad te heur ut te sudden deat ot Mns. Ross Brown, mito died Fridav evenieg. Mms. Brown itad becs hospitatizad tor a tam davs sn te Orange. ville hospilal mitit c case ot pneumosia and mas transtar- rad to Western Hospital in Toronto, mitera site died trom a sîroite. Thea Brome famitv ived tfor severat peurs on te Ninlt Lise, Hornby, prier lu moving 10 Grand Valley mitera they tarmed. Sincere sympa- lhy is aseded 10 te tamily. Birlbday greetingu te Mrs. Fred Lister, mbo mili celebrate her iirtitday Oct. 26. Ansivarsary greeisgs 10 Mr. and Mrs. Garrv Hlamilton mito milI clebrate thir edding assivarsary Wedeesday, Oct. 25. Mr. and 'Mn. Abert Marcht- ment visitad tat meait miti Mr. and Mrs. 'Melvin Penep and tamily of Fordmieit. Gel mati isites are entend- ed te Mrs. Arthur Death chu is a patient in MilIen District Hospital. ,lu Oeiowt meeting ut te Norlt Tratalgar Cemmuniîy Club mas hatd recenîly aI te home et tIrs. Jim May. Tite sew presideet, Mrs. Dava Dom- lng melcomad te ladies te the meeting mticit mas open- ed wt tha club Ode. Tite rolt catI mas assmered by JOînea- bars and ona visiter. A dis- cession mas iteld lu mata fi- nal plans for te tucity lunch- eus and auchre mhich milI ha itatd aI Streeîsville United citorci os Wdnesday, Nov. 22 mit a variety ut door prizes ced aucitre prizas. A euctra mut hbchýi-d ai te Bayna Commusit 'v Lastre in J anuary and te second osa iespecîed ta be itetdin Fait ruarp. ut miicit time there iI heua druscon a quilt miticit mas mode hi' Mrs. Clii- tord Mas. A donation wiili be madetiei te Unitiianite ic- es.iandlgittibe sent tute White Croýssofrte Meniai Heaullt. The 46tit ansiversars ut tae club mas di seussed and memn)ers decidcd tes-mnutd bava di nner t a restaurasnt and attend a shom on Titurs- day cvening. Nov. 2. Convaners for te pear mare numed and are as tltoîrs - Taylor Graîîp. Mrs. Fred Near isitit Mrs. Lloyd Marshala the rit and floer canvener; Triangle Graup. MArs. John Cor disglv iit Mrs. Bert Lelie as te fmît and flîîiicr casse- ner. Thank vocati swr read fromîbaseîîuho tere re- membhereîl utile ltîLunch o-as servad and a social houe entas-cil Th e nt meeting %sîlî be ut thte home aI Mrs. Alec Watson on Nai. f8nsith Mrs. Dan-e Oomling and Dora Mc- Carronaso te coni-esers tif te program. ,Mr. antIMes. Jini Plant telîl aHalliiiie'en ptiti ion <i.tiîett. niglît O,î 21. ai ilie Nirt fi Tî,iîtlcai îîîîîî Cent,,, mestici,'Isittil m l pe %tr iejIsuit(,ini oteeitesi il resss-d ladlî îiîh Mes. Grant Rance. ishît ii, cliesset ina sailîîeiîiiî ltantI carning a larege sucker, te îîinner. Freil McLaiîgilin tiI Bamptni theeîtîonng lgentlemîanstidhe ua lrei i Chi ncse ont- fit. Davicivii tsi. niiîsed iire ior, tnd t'dlicioiiisbuffet lunch %%ai., eviietthiall Dinnoe .-îeosn iSiiedîn ci' esu5inîii tMI .andîlMis Jin, Hamiliiistici,('Mr ,înîtMis, Peter Gîte, tnitBîesîl,î tf Lîîîîîî le ail Mi, lic King antI Flt.iitiofBut ingltit Lions campaign 13 donate eyes to C.N.I.B. Personniisig to miea caluable contribution a itctp- îng the bisd appeared la do- sale taeir es Na' t haLions Club evc bush in Clements' Parks Board honors retiring Chairman Relring chair-man Goîrdoîn Calli nson 'as commended for is warit aitb the MilIce Parts Board durisgua dinner meeting aI the hoard onsThur- sda eves ing ci tant mee-h %1i.Cllinson han served as board chairman since te in- ceplian otfte groap. l5uring regilar businesoI the meeîîng. members agrced ta issenigale te erectios of ahage cîîmmunîîs Chrstmas are n thte Cestennial Park site,;te ptanîîng ai a lips in te Victoria Part flouver bed; possible plans foliii clar ieg asnte ponsd or auldoor ntieg: te placisg of lag- nlose and ligitisg ai te nem toastais in Victoîri'a Park do- nuied b hlie Kinsmes: and brasit clearing un te noult side ot the nîrea m in Rntary' Fart, PaioliandlWallpaper siiîe on Satîtaîici nîîîîn itihoiigl oiii 13ndI atlion,îî %eematete. b u isblete get i, Ilie 'eceptian ceesiic cas t stedtite onetFieltd ibis Salt-- ît.îv a i the an icloain Slghl cammîttiar eh.îit mas Bob B iit tbheîl bus oc Mltîsians %%hobit ld gise te gilt il iglît. asjtiaseditionti, Club mhnet'i.iiilthe glatli Io vîsît peupile inv ie ittîmen tii ismepi applicaî tiis, il tiisjs People uii.ing i m,îhe i- ianeiett caoccontact Mi1 Bit utai 8789;901 îcib Ithe cîsîîpee,îlîîn of the Cisuclian Natiiioalvsîîîtî' tir te Bliont BEAT TAKEOVER H.îlîîîvandlPMeTrî,t and Saitsgs.ppe.îiigo h.înebe.îî enatiîhciiiei hiti ns a Trii rono i. Secîîeîîn Capital Corpoîratioîn. fî,ltît tf ifSec- ccilvivnîd latiusce hthen havne pies ap theuilleIinîpi o i,%bu a otrointoginîtert-%ni sl- .[onandPeel. -TheItii sîIsl n IlIte Pmpkis Former minister Rev. John Hill speaks at anniversary service The Canadias Champion, Wednesday, October 25, 1967 i ASH, St Luke's duyr is ohserved By Mis. George Pellelterlo We etend aur sympathy la Mr. and Mrs. John Kribs and Familp in the recenîisudden Ios cf a father and grandta ter, John Kribs ut Niagara FaIl. Severa I tram titis dis- trict allended the faneraI whit mas held on Wednesdav ai Niagara Plls. Thte tongregation of Si. Luhis Anglic.an churcit gat- eted loti j dinc at the paiî l'lhall ei n-lievefing ta '0oiioaie Si. Luke', Day. Zîmmerenan United Chure h Oýas the scene ut a pretty wcd- ding Saiurdavafternoon when Beverîs Fattercon and Haruld Sande rson exchunged teir marriage vonss Several relat- ivand friends tram this dis- trict ullended the wvedding and mamare were inviled 10 he dance tulamving the reiep. (ion held ai thie Hîrnhv Toiser golf club. Sondas isas Lasmens Sun- dus ait St. Luk's 'charcit The sei'ice %as conductud 'hi Da- vid Reid, usited its Ris' Ken Fttersîîn. The 1eless r read bi Ken o Rîîitan d Ray Ci ipp, îî h George Aikins Pies IiiOg lie sermon. Marg Feîleiterii spentlast tiehkenil ai te Ranger - o- erMoulîe ai Camp Manitou. Mr. and Mrs. William 'Merc- aI %er ust lRes and Mes. Harvey rreî, f aI lnil- io nSinday il last iseek and tieinikd tite sericeie Calvar% Uniteid Mssiînary Ctîîreit. Mr. and Mrs. G. Pelletîerio anîl Larrv. aceompanîed ity Mr. and Mrs. William Orretl and Sitaron o I Scarburougit. speol te (Xi,1316 sseehend ,il Espo. Mr, anit Mrs. Cliard Pen- mîanîîît Burlînglan isere dis- ici guesis an Sondas a ut Mr. and Mlis iEal Gabraitand1 Jim.t Laymen hold Knox service Kîttîs Pîîshýiîtutîo (tuîc h tIetIa Lmiltss ý'tuictSuiî .la fiial McTaî,ihBrîglit. l te gtei s11 ie.keiandI te seicutatiittcs bn R ma, h.u t) Petltie uaîd t). Rhi stîl 'sut tuit pai in s i 'u Mu- Petltle c il le cingegaî- lunin Ilicaei nale p,aiuuî uit .Mr. Rlîii ItisPiteu.aboutî bi, tir,[ impreu.iîîs iAK,,,%,îsit Confl eente. \RFGoodrich~ PRE-SEASON nnirrri 1111lIl UA r, B. F. GOODRICH EKfb Specially Deslgned for SUN 'N' SNOW NYLON Miles of Mghmvay Driviaag DONT WAIT FOR THE SNOW - SAVE NOW YOUR B. F. GOODRICM DEALER f u iô 11 T4 - E FVZ [i 'A j[ PNI 9 Annonune New Healing Subsiance: iShrinks Piles ExlluiaOiahOapatOé beacmri.nddrepirdsR.RadA th A resomeuresearch intîuiitu h fond aunieiqnnalînsubsltance cilh tae abiity la niris thamnr- rhiniilainlemi.tIl eliv tei-J and dîsfîîaîinmisuîrecand apeada ýp.heolîna utflte ieiuand. i..m'd tonsun. te ccm afler casie, chir RCaily relle cieg pais,acetuaulroduitona Iliieagoî t place. Mt iamponoraf ai relulta carre iharactithliti iaimpasse "lnt simmaistined aoran period r't mosy monta. Titi, eue aeenmpioitd cit neauhalinrcohbuause uBu-Dynel mhiiriqaickh trpo h-n1 i"1" red rella and titmalates ganutit n n Nmflîin- Dvsoîrs ffaîed insoint- ment and aîu oîi,rv orm callad Preparuîcin PAshhfr iîantall daag lioiio. Satifatoni or ya9a manap refunded. *ites 9*uNt me.î.UN LO". CHRYBLER ENGINCEREO Aie COtOIDTiONlNG INp-USTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTINO SUBSTATIONS AND MOTOR REPAIES- UNDERGROUND WIRING POLE tUNE CONSTRUCTION -ARRIAL ELOOottGMTINO CUTOKM CONTROI, PANELS L 24 Haut MAINAH"CR SMRIi&OU NA0AUNf 7Friday, October 27 DINNER SPECIALS Ask About Special Rates for THE BANQUET ROOM Juicy 8-oz. Sirloin Steak .with fresh mushrooms MIXED VEGETABLES CHOICE 0F POTATOES JELLO OR PUDDING COFFEE, TEA OR MILK $1.95 Roast Chicken with Dressi.g Mixed Vegetabies Choice of Potatces Coffee, Tea or Mutk Jell0 or Pudding Speelal PRICIES for Childeg ln the Milton Plaza 8784901 June Draperies presents the 4 in HARDING 101CARPETS made of Acrilan Acrylic Fiber - 139 Colours, StylesA and Qualities - here's a preview of four of themi tard twist tetulajiv. o gppae betause tieepact abi. 'n u@vers' qulîîîîies t* 10-8Par square yard. Loap tilein v ariai! litait fer texture. plus tour pln tai in nique cdieurcombisatinns. Apporo tit iutcaxial end is 8taIocarifera.VRi g tond talae ei 011.86 par square yard. A if-thaatftirarîoo sgîaî ti. pttîrnad tarpt a A plush plair suracetexpressesslanedla men tdtilons subila two-tore iisho. A topuiar îie aeoî uple Ia conient. Acrilor acylia tibre Roait loisePrctical eai Wht pratar $auRaptltera. Fn ii sstaor 8 7.95 parr ralexparsive. Price range baginsoai $818Upar oqaur square yard. yard. BE SURE TO WATCH THE SOPHIA LOREN COLOR SPECIAL ISPONSORED BY HARDING CARPETS - OCTOBER 25 ON THE I CBC NETWORK. I ONE 0F 13 PEOPLE in Miltasovito carad eassagi bouîtte malfaeaofi ahersto cdosais is syes ta te Lions Cloit sponssr- CragcntntClub prsicdentiSaris Nadolitslotoks on asMr.Brens fllm out the applicatton (Staff Phsotof PORK CHOPS 79c IL PORK ROAST 49c lb. SHORT SPARE RIBS 65c IL FARMERS' SAUSAGE 69c lb. T-BONE STEAK 99c IL SIRLOIN STEAK 99c IL ROUND STEAK 99c IL GROUND CHUCK 49c IL SIDE BEEF CUT IN RIBS 56c IL JOHN'S MEAT MARKE 276 Main lit. Eat Commercýial 878-9260 *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEY PHARMACY 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 878-4492 - Afier ors 878-6961 FREE DELIVERY REVLON COSMAETICS K H FL5I(Y BRc ,PhM