Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Qtober 25, 1967 Esssgâbeu Harley to Hialton b y h a rry h a rle y m. p. Since aur last column te Budget debate bas eoncluded witi thie Goveroment surviving relativeiy easily titree furter votes of non-confidence. Tite Goeroment bas îabled a list of te me sures il *ould like 10 deal witb prior lu Chrismas. To me te main items in the montito abead milI be us foi- laws: . Capital punisitmeiil will bc voted on again - i voted for te aboiioimenl of capital punisitmenl lasI note and ex- peel lu do so gain. 2. Broudcasling Ac ta re-org- anize te Canadian Broadcast- ing Compuny and 10 perbaps chtange some policies in reter- ence la broadcasliog. 3. Ameodments 10 Cusoms Tarif fs gnoing out of te Ken- edy Round of Tarfi negotial- ions ecently eonluded. 4. Establishsment of u Depat- Esquesing Council briefs Esquesing Council meeting on Monday: 9 Read and passed a by- law autorizing te township ta borow $14936 fromntte bank for Imo portable class- rooms aI Pineviete setool in Township Scitol Ares No. i. Tite lan is ta Ite repaid over tree veurs t te current in- leresi 'raIe citrged ty te itanit fan muicipal boans. Tite ity-luw s subjeci 10ate appro- val of te Onario Municipul Board. e Received correspondence from te V. L. A. noifying council of titeir intentioni t0 evicl a maman seit igitl ciildren from VL.A. properlv. *y Received a leller from a lady trailer occupat abject- ing 10ate licence fee cburged and slating there mas no in- tention of payivg il unless site could see some benefils. She fet te ]and omner sitoutd puy te tub sioce be paid tax- es. Tite lady role il mus be- caming bander and barder to raise a family and impossible .10 gel aitead an an average mwage. Counillons insîrueted te clerk ta rte a leller of reply, saling te StO a monlt mus for a permit ta unve in a railer. Tites ere empomered by a by-lam miici ttie Munic- ipal Act gave coune il tite powe- er ta pass. e Agreed ta petilion te Dent. of tligitmars for ivîeîim suitsidy of 130377.28, oad ae- counts unlil Sept. 30 tiis yeon, a Received a request for a Good Rouds corsea t te Uv- iversits of Guelpht, -Mas 12 tu 15. e Receired a requesl from United Gar lu exlend temr pipe lmes iv 0ev Wiliams. Reeve Leslie objeeled ltate positiun ot pipes. 'He said tiis coul be "an Etiopian in te moodsited. Sreets may bave t0 be idened. tIbm me bave gol la bear te cost." Couacil fel ite companv sitoatd gel permission from te county lu ay pipes along Main St. in te 01ev, a coaly arler *v. before tev give their OKC. e Passed a moion autitorie- ing te road superinlendeol la pureitase savd from te coun- îy - 1,500 tons aI 11.60 ton de- l ivered ta superintendent. e Agreed ta cul tenders for snom ploing on tomnship roads. Reere George Lesie presîd- ed t te tree and a hait bour meeting mit Deputy Reeve George Crnie, Councillors Tom Nill and lire Goodiel. clerk K. C. Linditay and road superiolendent Bud Snom i altendance. Asssessor Art Ben- ton assisted te clerk in thte absence f assistant clerk D. Frencht. ment o Corponate and Con- sumer Affains under thte Regis- trar-Generai ta deal mit al consumer affairs as drug eosls. 5. A Bill to amend te Patent Adt and te Trade Marks Adt miich it mliimpiement, in al probabilitr. te ressîmîenda ions ofthIe Comîitîe i ebairý cd 10 lomer te cool ai drtgs. . A Bill 1 umevd te Pool Office Adt 10 increase postal rates generully and reduce post office defici. 7. A Bill tacchunge Canadas divorce laws, espected lu lib- eralize grounds for dirorce i Canadu. 8. A Bîilt oîtiass bats' lit' 9. A BilIla prohbit te sale and advrnising aifitaardîtus sobstances. 10. A Bill 10 estublis thlie long - debaled. long- awailed Canada DereloPment Corpor- ation designed tu encourage Cunadiuns 10 inreot in Canada. It is iabrous ttthlie listis lung(ilaveburevl ivcluded îbem aI) and te ime is shor t. We hope il miii be possible tut deul with most ofthem Georgetown asks township for grant to arena A detegalion fram George- town counil appeared ai Mun- days regular meeting of Es- qaesing township counciltol ask the township la contribute tomards support of George- town arena. Spokesman Deputy - Reeve Art Speigbt was accompanied bv Reeve Bill Hunter and Pubic Schnol Sourd At the regular a tuter meet- mng ofl Miltun Public Scitool Board Tuesday eveing Octo- ber 10. thte board: a Learned af the officiai openiof of the addition tu the Brookviile Public Sebool Oc- lober 27, t wicb Regional Superintendeni R. Bornhoid mili officiate. e Accepted the tender of Unted CoOperutises of On- taiotosaplp b eating fuel t acoel ai 14.1 cents per gallon. e Hard a report indicating Coanicillors W. Emmerson and Roy Ballentine. The depuly-reeve's pieu for inancial support for ihe. Georgetown arena received a mined receplion from Esques-- ing coancillors rangiog rom bostiily 10 receplivity. Mr. Speigitt sid be couldn't find un olive branci to10bring mit im but would have scitool population bas risen ta 178 sith an average diy at- tend ance of 975. e Granted te Sarah Martin s itîer ofti OO.P F.permission o place tatUNICEFF îîîicciîîn bosin W.1.Dick puhlts sehotl 0 ecitled ta posiprîve grass seedivg aI Bruce St. public scitmîi until sprîng. 0 Ptittitved the ep.rtmet o iHgbîs.îs for an itrn pasmet tn the graîtsotrcex pendituces on the' tîsîdo and - Our Readers Write - CHAMBER NOT "DEA»" NEEDS WILLIPdG WORKERS Dean Sir Last meeit's paper covtin some remarks about Thte Mit- 100 Chumber of Commerce on- der lte iteudtîae of Jim's lot- lings". i hope esers-ve ivnlte urea itas read a - if lter basent ltes shoald -and re- fiert on lte problems of some ot the basic mosemvnts inv lit t055.0 Yes. rte Citmber bas bad difficuit limes. and wiil tîkelv busethem again. but mit arc lthe businessmen and residents of Ibis anea doivg tu improve lthe conditions? -Do people come outIte, meetings and ex- press theirsviems or do ltes unlustis crilicize hefore an ea- ger listener' Deolter offer constructive ideas 10 improve lte situation and gel some- ihing dove. or do lites 55-it for someone else lu do il? Are ltes ubose persttval criticisre or do ltes muni 10 blume someove else? No, the Chamnber i5 001 dead and 55111 vol be us long as me huve morters. not knocters. and vo lang as me bure people minit Pe guIs 10 souritcovstruc- lisety! Tt s entirels Op 10ulte businessmen mtelter ltesy munI lte Citumier 10 bc a stronf f once or die. Firost el's gel on mitit our parkting, ivstead of arguing about il. and vol espect a fem men tu do the lob atonte. and pas for il us meli. Secondis. ltls geltan milS developmevl v inte tomIt We necd mare land, mn necd bous- ing badis. and me need indus- lry. 'Nitsdîtme itave lu turv amas peuple wmita mnI 10 es- tublisit indasîrs itere. ta buifd a home or. for -,omne alter rea- son? Ouesrtis make sense? Do me munita argue and 'orile briefs and itold meetings, or do me manitaogel sometint dove? 'Niat are sou doîng about il> Raise coeNly The salues of thte Warden of Hallan mas raised ISi 00dur- ing a meeting of Couvty Coun- cil lasi meeit, retroactive tautte beginning of 1967. The previaus by - iam pravi-. ded an annuat salues ut 13,50 and lte bp-tam approved ut lte meeting called for a satary of $5000. A Iravet allomance af 10 cents a mite mas onchanged. Thete rouble miitlte folote mita li t Iafast is ltaiite is likely la say somelting ho hasol even ltougit of pel. ThirdIy, are pou betping 10 keep te tînca en and naa and mushe addig a tous-h of iteauts oiit a isk of paint0 We veed mItre garbage con- tainiers loa Main Street. te stîet tligts nced replacing andtiveveedtnmore coîîr andl lufe on Main Sret Fourbis. me nced mttre tn. tegnatton and ctonsolidatioîn si effortin iis 050v 10 gel thiigs donc.Tiis .îppies par- tisuiarvtu lSersise Clubs cf výiitiit e are uetting lotî mans. Nou,)ie its te lime tii sîttihule 1 mitre thaît anc or passibîs tîco organiztos su, itsjoivivg more.,tîne ol dinides te tota-I effotrt. Lets, ite ittneot and sas taI tvts a feos people mîtrkin any oîgaa- czalions. soIt isvalo(puit Iem togetiter aînd muke sîmtbivg srorîitieTiis ton ipres- entli too smuti for te srvic clubo se ihave. ]tlaiove ans Flfih. wity do we secenoi st ets servise tructs frrtm îtt lierts- ourîtv. îsien tIhe gîods or servicsscoutdhbcsup- ptied igit hiere0b1iteottter feiiom abteeltu gise beller sec- sîse tan telosai man,.ri t ust becausse 00001 tgise our man a break? Sixtit. 0h01 abotut store tours Du wmsmat thecstotres opeaseven savs a meek. 24 itouns a dav? lu some places tes are dotag Iis Dot mc wa t n Milton - or are ors going t use ore omn Loot. but not,1 icsi% slite mattir tof sapporttng The Mil- ton Chamber of Commerce. Thte Chumbcî veed s clîns truc tveîideas sud planningsand itardsorkinivorder lo be o vtlforce aib tis communtîr Wc -buve conftdevce taIttere us n abondance of Iis talent ivraiabe and re ould ak ta t ttteresled pettplecsonte ou ucspress hein iieus st te vert meeting May t point nult thtTite Chianhr insctipelr.tion wstith Tits' epîrtmcvt tif Pdîîstiî,v. isag.îîr ptesrtttivg cdutsatlon- ai stîstîse foit hîiressmen. Ticecor'sesaresiel attend- cd a1dc(lm,,ntr.tte tbat te CittmheriKssotiircfor te gîtdotrf te huinessn anud his cîîmînvts No. ose are not dead %et.;oe are u sat ingtgofr000 Titesesare just a t lssstmarks whitich corme il) isîd tn te spur aifteenooment Your cci- tariti remarit, qttîted abtîre, made me sers perturhed. 0111 ai vsîu ît(i nstive iaparticular. bai aI te itatiros schieh ex. it in man r .îetsanti. 'oicit t tint ose san (lusonee ing abotut. if sîocar mae a nanl bel ai peutple iaîenested Jim, sîu ou ilitave aseomptisitei sour miosisîn.Mashe ter iii be nilet ev otîg Io linem it an open meeting of te Citamhen, Tittrsdav -esenivg, Octhber 26 al 730 PMr aitte Miîtîv Fine Hait. Voursi ncerelv, ParI G. Blackt, Esece Sess-. Mitotn Citamber tif Coîmmersce ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Optoeatri Tuesdiy f amn. le 5 pn. Fidey 9 m on. 8a Ipet flU MAIN ST., MILTON Il (Devs aJeweben SIds.> IA~Aaa.. uscon hlp Yeu prmhlm? W. ton salve id! Allknds of Hearing Ads sopplied including thelatest completely in-the-ear models I aso rechageabe hearing ads requirng nobattiees and Philipa powerfu! body aido and ail theirother new models. Supplier te Sourds of Education. Hearing Ald batteries rnailed post.tree onywhere. Retailers supplied ai wholesale prices, Save money with eue BsBtery Club. Ait mas of Heorlng Aids repaired. *Member ofte Onarioa llrirng Aid Asscaion *Member of the Toronto Hearlng Aid Dealers Asace. CONFORMING TO A STRICT CODE 0F ETIIICS orone: S TORONTO aÉ TO EPTON HEARING AID CENTRE 925-2675: * Physciens and Sureons Bldg., Suite 330. M * 86 bleor St. West, TORONTO 5, ONT. MiiPieuse rush me FI1EF actaal modet of yttar tew * IN-THE-EAR hearing aid.M *iiPlease send me ds-îails on itow t con, save money* on Heuriag Aid Batteries.M *<iPieuse arrange a FREE Heaning Test i n y omIt M I home witit no obligation.M NAM' TWN______ Je PH - brougitt one if ite could bave.. "Wiat are lte possîbilities of pour couneil assisting aur an- ena?'be asked. "Whien i say 'aur' arenu I mean lte George- 'son arena'. Ne said lte urenu drew from ail orer lte tuwnshtip. "Peaearequ ires more muney titan thte corporation cari afford 10 put in lu give pnîlper service. Wc're asking 10 sec tfvo au sacc sosr soas olart makc a fIant tossards lthe operation stase your corn munity benefils from il," con- linoed Mr. Speigit. 'Witut was pour budget titis f ear?' usked Esquesing court- cillot Jim Goodlet. Georgetown cuunc illor W. Emmerson suid of a total bud- get of $48.000 for parts and resteation. $15,t00 went ttc %sards lte urena. He mention- ed lte issue bad been brougit up several limes ut Georgetown tînsîcl meetings since Esques- îtg residenîs w'oc usine the 1 don't like the mord using", rctorted Coancitittr Tom Hill. Thev pay!" Mn. Emmersoouagreed Es- quesing residents pas lthe same as evcryone elschbutitcî.ont pared arenuoset. thlie librarv, ssbere patrons frîîm oulside Georgetown wete obiiged Io pay one' dollar Ion useof facil- Ites. On tup of titis. licsaid Lsquesing curtributedtl lte Georgetotwn bigi ssitooi debra- turc debt osiisitset aprece- dent. 'Hîasrmany Esquesing resid- puly-Reeve George Carnie. Opl- y a small area aroond George- tomn ose tite arenu. I've ocrer iteard of anyooe arouad Asit- grove or Horaby aing George- Rising expenses including $3.00 f or dlean ing ice, have contriitutcd lu the need for ad- ditional revenue. the delega- lion c lai med Georgetown conii,,t Ro a 14titne saidi the uime teassaîiog .pplied t basehaili 'We cao't cec t fencsrond Georgetoos o,' hc sutd. "and dont sant t set up a harrier." "il's a good job vua dititti do it vears agt", said couvrit- Ion Hill. "You ouidol have itad anv hockey or hall plas- ers.mould vou?" More .trgument evsued octil Eoquesing re Gcorge Leslie said, -Givc us somne figures of tbe township chidren using tZtIarcua or thie gî.oî sou inigitlssant!" 'il bc itonst, said Mr. Speîght. "Consider a grant of S1îtO.- There wcre no figures asailuhie for te numhner of shiidcen inroivcd but Coumcil- or Balcntinc cstimated 5t0 boss piaved ktd b onitev, a portion ofi hem tcom the town- ship. "Antbtng sou can do t> blp us wout he appneciated," said the Georgetown dcputs rveve. "Mutua good will belween the town and township iii dep- end on your picking ap5some sbace ai the tub and do a lot lu cemeni better relation- shtps.' Now is a pertedi ime 10 conaerl lai modern Naturel Oas. Il daont lake a large cash outiap. Tieres no duten papmenl - and the cust aifte fur- nase, plus te sappîn nf gan. dan ite patd fla i milequal pupments. Yousun enjynthe beitstîofnia naturel gas torsed air betîva spsiem. ouIl have itlanced beat and itumîdîlp, a constant suppip ni resh ilt tred air. enen boutt trouogoul te miole bouse QUIET WEEK, Milton Police repart anly one minon accident oceurred during the past wenk itht vegligible damage. The incident oecurred on Titursday. WATCII OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT West End MEAT MARKET Cou.d Mon. Open AIl Dail Wed. Open Thur. and Frldzy t Wr Foulure RedBreand OSaI W. Servb tieatEnd, To. ... ana ut course, tree service Itoafs poalil iikely neyer need Il). Tieres voiina lite Naual Oas for compiete camfort and eBîicancy. vn- otli a nete gas trnade sysiemnt om and tnd nultfor poursoli tiis inier' Ses United Oaa or pour betiaf con- teactue Asit about te "4Steps 10 Total Indoar Commîrt' UNITED GAS PCALL THESE H.EATUNG CONTRACTORS FOR ESTIMATES; * STAN MARTIN HEATING 0 " Phone Collact 112-545 823S 774 Rannie Ave. S Oaa Company Aliowence ltonord " No Oblgations ferEsitimate Hamilton, Ont. 0 AIl Werk Ouarantaed - Est- 1947 * S. A 0 Piton 870"533 1 S 146 Main St. E., Mllts FAY& SON LTD. * 0Plumbing and Heatng Servlng titIs communlly for over i quie of a sWlMe welM make yTo umRNvMUm LOOK LIKE NEW FOR 'j CHRISTUAS 0 Tme nom ta, dean Up- 0 Reopholster 0 Bg Fabric Seecton 0 Modest Cost le Cli us new for special .. pre-Chrisamas Primes- 0 Estimates cheerfuiiy giver - No obligation UPHOLSTERIN H. JENSEN Rt 2 - Campbellvillia Phtone 854-9939 DR. J. DOUGLAS HINES wishes to announce the opening of his office for the practice of ophthalmology in association wtth DR. J. C. C. ALEXANDER at 213 Church Street OAKVILLE Telephone 845-7841 Consultation by appointment only if your furnace dioesnt dio its job, fire it REPARSARE EASY WMEN YOU P IS USE OUR TOOL RENTAL W. have many tools and equipm.nt for the handy min - hore ère just a few - cati us for what yau n..d : SKILSAWS 0 FLOOR SANOERS -J 0 Reeve George Leslie tld the delegation there maso't a fui- coancit since Councillor Put Patterson was absent. "Ne coolt agree tonigitl. Theres nothing in thte badget. W'eit consider the equesi. We're nul speakîng for next year's council." Council-lor Emmerson ex- plained difficolties in George- town bhetoceen Legion sponsor- cd itockey attd tbe rena board ,%hi(h prtnsipitaed ithe emer- "Wooid se bhave a membon on the arena board," asked Mr. Hill. Two voics in unison an- swered, "if voor grant was suf- ficient". 'Wbat du sou meus," to- derecd Tom Hill. 'Eser- thing is on the top of the tabln in titi s oonsil". Mn. Speight said Georgetown oouid hc satiqftcd with a toit- en fr001ttis sean whiie Fs- quesingilaid plans for nest The delcgation 'oas dismis cdý

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