mOinn nos nm ftnùbian MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25 Elîampin 5, 1967 AolhiMleus S«ond Clan. Mil bu Oue PoitOffep. mid Otawaor u Potage Pub ln Cas aI Mltug, Otuein t v wenty-Tmct Pages.-Ten Centn. $1049,5 3 8 bid is Iowest sweeptkket t a winer tvr laridg fWaoodiîard S.Mlton bad a liii eslilîng daswhen 6e iound oui is for high school addition IrsSwetasinau- Miton Distrct High Shool In detailed analysi of th f0 taiter te originallv apprVo pons were ai a provjded in day's race. Mr. Clarridge did Board las nght condionaily bdsan rror was foundin thz cd dben eur e r Otre rignol tndercatil. o im ad s vnsr accepted the $1,049538 om net orginaliy lbm b d and yaks. from the monicpu _______ if is barye tan in the race. ..n.o paîoo atra - -Cprupos AAý;- -l bid f Stemuri-iiari Corpora- tion Ltd. for an addition lu Mit- ton District High Schoul. The huard noted the aceep- tance mas subjeci lu the De pariment ut Education and On- tario Municipal Board appro- vals. It aso retained the righl lu add back mb 16te conîract a proposed j44676 provision which mas detet2d from the accepted figure, mithin 98 davs of the signing of the commtra. The deetion covered work or- iginally proposed in oiîering the existing stage, rcpiacîng il on the est mati ,f the eistiof gymnasium. Tenders for the addition mere opuned 6v the Board un Wednesday oft ast week and the original base hids ranged from $1.097.00ta 11,195,000. tives and detetions brought the Stewart-Hinan set bld in tom- est, according 10 a report ta the Board bv the architeets. The huard lasi nigbt instruat- cd ils sertary la -make an eorly appointment wilb the De- partment of Education officiais to place plans and tenders be- fore them for final approval. Cunsiderable di scussion r- volried around ringing the fi- nat equipped addition witin the original amouni arnruved by the local coancils of Milton, Esquesing and Nsassagameria Capital grants un the proleet are cstimatcd t $956530. The total addition, inciuding equip- ment and architets feus is expected lu aut 11,445.394 and members agreed Ibis mould Snow Ieads Skuce by 161 votes P. C. candlidate Jim Snow's lead over Liberal Robin Skuce in 1tast Tuesdiays provincial election bas been estabiished eI 161 voles, Halton East riding retarning officer Allen M. Masson reports. His compilation of figures as reported from the Depty Returning Officers in the 163 poilis and four advance poilis shows Snom mth 9,859 votes, Skuce with 9,698 and N.D.P. Bill Gillies traiing mith 6,359. There mcme 121 spoited ballots. About 65 per cent of those eligibte voted. At prers ime. Mr. Skuce bad stiti not decided mhelher t0 cati for a recount or vol NHe was maiting to sec the resuts of the armed forces vote, mhich is enpected t0 be couted withiv the net meek or so. If a recount is demanded, some of the "spoiied" ballots may be couted as qualified votes. The returning officer cannot make an "officiai coant' vtili Tuesday, October 31. Original figures from the returning off icer ou election night had Snow leading by 160 votes, but laIe in the eveving a 40-vote error was found, then anoher mistake turned ap 10 varrom is lead to 102 votes. Later il jumped 10 t04 îjnd then back to 161. Here are Mr Massons figures: Poils 1-4 Advavcc 26-35 Esquesivg ....- 36-60 Georgetownv ... . 61-77 Milton ...- -...-- 78-85 Oakvulle North 5 Hmy. 86-98 Oakviie North Qucen E. 99-161 Oakvuiie W. 16 Mi Cr. 162-188 Oahuulie, E. 16 Mi Cm. include i[out cluvsrroms. tisa draiting roami uand a ibrary. office pructice raam. business machine ruam. uccaun ting and baakkeeping raam, market- ing & merchandising rmomt,e- ectric tNIping raam. itboauory, sheet metai shap. accupatianai sbap for girls. autor sbap. single gymnusiom. cfeteria and slor- ugeuand ofice areus. The 13 bids reccivcd came fram canîruclar, in tondon, Si. Catharines, Stratiard, Hum- ilion, Guelph, Toronto, Bramp- ton ,and Georgetowsn. A nom- ber ofi allrnatesîivere suggest- cd inthe bîdv and tma deietion CA.S. à%Ids opea house Neighbbrs wecinvitcd ta open bîo-ie at th,, Halian Ciidren', Aid Socis Grîîup Home lîîr bais in Oakvilie an Sondas teeve Auttn ted- %vbtai lMilano biischair- mai oHala.n CAS ,îlendocd Nomination, election dates are established Dates for Mtons nomnina- tion meeting and municipal et- ectian dav. hours of voing and poil lacaÏions were set outi n abvilaw uppravi'd Mandas' 6v Milon Council. A question ut wetherir nut t6e proîvincial gîîvernment shoutd t,îkeiirer 100 per cent ai the cdut ioieduatian itu hi' plai.4 on the halats iis Alil cunel, sebuai huard and bydro commission termi are tii bc for tua riers.The rate- payer% mus[ name a Mayior. recru.-.deputri-reeve,sils coun- citiors. six sehooltirostees and wabridro commissioners. Nominations wmut bc heid aI 7.30 p.m. Novamber 20 in the Martin St. public scboîîl autdi- lîirium. The etectian iii bc beid on Monduri. Decetuher 4, frontm9a.m tu 7 p.m. Cîrun- ciiiiir Brian Best attempted ta gel the vting boucs changcd tu if a.m. to 8 p.m lu accommo- date those îvho mark sut of tomu and connut vole b6v 7 p.m. Humever Ibis change mrust bha made6M doris before the nomination date, so il mas tua laIe for ibis year. Polis wII be eslablished [or the soutb mard ut the Agri- culural hall. nortb mord a01the senior public sebool, and cati vmrd a the Pine St. Union Hait. OPEN MEETING Dont lorget Milton Cham- ber of Commerce bas an open meeting sceeîd for Tburs- day evening in the Fiee Hall 10 discoîs currenl topias. The meeting milI look imb park- ing, store hours. promotions and progruns of the toms. à î - A GIANIT MONUMNT commemnorating the ai the unve iing are Burt oglon Mayor Lloyd former Nelson Township mhich merged mith Bemmyman, Lynda Rapson from mhose Lomviile Burlington in t1958, mas anveiicd Sanday af- ornai farm the rock mas taken, Nelson Mcm- ternoon on the Gueph Line at t6e Burlingîrin omri commitîce chairman Murmay W. Fisher, Board of fduaatîon administration building. Rev. W. S. Noble who dedicaled the markem, il mas eected by the Burlinglon Historicai and Nelsons ast resue Harold Adkins. Society in tribale lu the pioneers of the town- ship, as the Socieys centennial project. Shomv (Staff Photo) Tribut. to 160 years of history "Nelson monument" tramt the lake shore ta Bave tine mesi of Miltoni covured une-quarter of county oh Hulons total o Gone but not forgotun. tomnship mas remembereil Sunday wilh o permanent mariol, o 12ton granite 6v ar n the front of mi stands a braus ploque stat "Nelson Township, 1806 - 1 Tu 1he memorri of Ibose ic and industriaus pioneer fa taes vao first mode Il homes bure, and lu bî those vaho therufler folIo Iheir tradition in building aommunity. This maoie iv eructed hy ribe Burling Historical Society in Cana Centunniol Ycar. 1967'. About 200 guets, must thcm 16e descendants of voions vho pionuered township, uttnded the u ing ceremony. Nistorical cietri member Murrayi W. i ut ihimieli o descendant the Fishers mho helped sE Neson) and '1he tomnst final reerie, Harold Adi shored the unrieiingc mouy. Assisting mare B.H.S. p dent Duncaf D. Fraser, B. of Educotion choirman1 Armitage. Rus. W. S. Nahi, St. John's United Choral Neson Village mha dudica 1he cairn, and BurlinglonP or Lloyd F. Brryman. The stane holds a spt signîficotice for ane oh yaunger mambers of Sund audience. trindu Rapson, 3ear-oid daughter of Mr. Mcv. Doug Ru psîîn on w Fise Sideroad frm reur1 villa. 16e 12-ion houider laaated. usad ta caîl il Lrinda mas disappai irhen 16e crems moved ii rejarie il fromt 1he form. ber disappoinimeut turne, joy ou Sundari mheu the ca mon singled hec oualof cromd, mode a tukan pr ltion. oud promived hec coold continue ta cuit il " rock crera ime she passei the site. By Rap Downu spot anvmay. Sunday aflar' Nelson - boib the beau and noon the Brlinglan Hîstori- the townsip- dîcd iiiany cai Socicli uuvailad an w-. yars agîî. bultbthmcmory pressi se cairn inauommemuro- avill iogeroun ur many ayear. lion of thepeuipleof Nelson. The memorivs ai a bruie l waa in 1938 thal Nelson groupaif pianers who ond- and the tamn of Burtinglon cd. îevlueipd and sîrengihen- amaigamated ta form the num cd the foirmer Township af Briogtîîn -Cunadas arg- Nelson iii rie iorever ai une esltuvawn - hiu.b relcbed Gilies Shuce Svow Rejec. 54 156 322 382 658 813 10 1034 1219 1306 29 561 985 928 24 265 497 510 4 662 846 693 10 2749 3496 3083 33 652 1841 2204 il 6359 9698 9859 121 And here is hum Mlon votedl: Poli Gilies Skuce Snow Advavce t. .... 22 45 61 .. ......- 30 78 73 62 ........ .. .... 37 102 61 63 ......... 31 33 32 64 ...... ....... . . 24 44 40 65 . ...... . 15 39 31 66 ........ 39 71 62 67 ...... 17 48 29 68 --- 38 56 64 69 ... 33 55 54 70 ....- - -.. .. . 37 41 47 71 ...... .. ....... 27 76 44 72 ... .....- - ... 64 61 50 73 .. ... ..... . 25 63 64 74 .... ....... 27 54 77 75...... .. 51 63 80 76 ..... 44 64 61 77 22 37 59 Tols ...... 562 t,007 973 Five hopeful furrow qusens As ai Monday. Iere mure five entries is the "Farrow Queun Conlsi" lu bu hld ai Salurdoy's Halott Ftumung -Match. Ruemary Booth, inner ut lasI ears cotest, bas enicred ogain Iis yeor. Challenging Rosemory milI bu Heatber Mc- Caig ut Narval, Doris Piakut oi Georgetomn, and Mrs. turcs' -Piket, lsa of Gorgetomn. A fif16 cnlry just confirmad Tu- esday morning came rm Bet- ty Lu Riche ai Hornhy mbho as also unth1e conesi lasi year D.S.T. ends on Sunday Ir Fou donlt msnitIoand U#a~ ni mrk an buasse ua ai eV «yoepais daManday --a&n yassd bettes Biln ti ls.utcl baock, Y»a- DACE, aie b-Wi liare s'os go ta bd Salrias agt. Dayligt aing Tins.liiof- fgMls' ssptead lis'E-tmat tandard Tins. et Za&mn. 1515 hSmday, Outber 29. NINE NEW CLASSROOMS Io be offiially opened aI Brookville school Frida y eenîvg imlade the science oora, hume econom- las classoom and lîbromy. Leon Dutfield queies studevîs as 6e stands beside th- window-bones full of plants, flomers and tropical lsh (Staff Photos) ITFS $TORY TIMI and thais une ime of day story fa hem yoang charges. The brlght end whcv ALL the lots in Brookviiie Shools kmn- airy oum is une ut severai nom rooms lu be dergarten re on their besi bebaviour, Teach- opeved Fiday aven ing . et Mri. Helen Homnetti s sown reading the (Staff Photo) commemorates township the The site selected for the ciatiari for the moument "on prospered, 6e îuid ash e and rock mas aivo an historicat behuif f ath le peuple of Nel- caiied hom Mason pupulation the one. Il ils ouisîde the Bor- son Township",Rccaling t6e of 16,000 and Burlingtons rea. lingilîn Board of Educulion boom growth of Nelson doring 9,000 in 1958 bad gravn as uto- 16e heodquarters administration the 1950s. he praiscd thc ciraI- duy's record 71,000. Nelson, à on building an the Guelph Line. cd and appoinlad îofficiais and hc hait, contrihuiud fac more me- midmori helmeen Highmuri5 the tamnship'sist saf who thon tangible assets 10 1he îuld' and the Oueen Elizabeth Hie6' .accepted 1the caullenge and union, she contributed 'ber ihich mari. The farm mus originaliri t6e incrcaveît responsibilities honor. iniegritri. forusight, am- ting, the Ireland form and mas once oh office impnîscd upan îbem bition. dtermination 10 sue- 195. omned bri s British officer Of 6v' 1he ipreaedcnicd growth ceed - ail 16e qualities of ber loyal the mur of 1812. The OiSFtph of the towvinship mithout a pioncer humilies." mii- Line is described as one of complaini ..16ev gave 16cm- The monument, laid tn a ce- hith1e mail hisînricol roadsi n ives fac and beriond 16e nor muni oundatian and neatly uor bue province as it mas anc of mal call of dutri"indcp.ivhngfacd med the foup main roads 16e cartri The union of Neson and hi' 16aedisricaisoincr em- Iis 19t6 century pioncers îraveiied Burintgon bas gron and bvterstd rivatu individuals. ment ta hem nem humes fromt the rsadpitenivul. f100n mildernuis.fIl mas mentioncd ut Sunday's dos The granite tone. aci.irding (rab ni bloni ceremonv that contributions ta Mr. Fisheur, signifies the mouid still bu meicomud. t of sirength, purpase, forlitîîde. Despila Mandas marningis Speciai uppreelation ma Nul- discipline, perseverunce and heais iravl 1the Indian Sommer gis-en Walcr Reavus Of the the love of iheir home and ilonr- lîkeaeiar iv causi'ng miraci' Historicai Sociatri for bis bard veit- irN the pianeers must have as iii happen. mark on he prajet - whiah So- had. Il iv helieved ta ha a rare Nick Cbuchmacb, 311 Wil- ha gruciausiri shunned. turm- Fish- geotogicul spuimen. and paît,- iims Ai. reported Tuesdov ing it "a lobor of love - vou aio abiri o million reurs aid. ha bas a flomcring crab trac ail knom hose 1 fuel about Nul- ;ete Mr, Adklns usprussed uppre- beginning ta hbaoom an is lascu. son Tomnship." ip's Ikins, prusi- loard Fred le of sh in atud Mari- )eciai the iay's 1,Il- and hase Low- .'er' ,.nted .But boair- rshe 'ber" d bri Criber gets perfect h&W I. ddnl cm b koom t mas a pereta bnd, Mc .Phyllis Rashecri tld The Champion afler she scured avurri crihhoge placr's drcom bond une day lait mcek. Mrs. Rosberry. a novice ploy- er mbo had onlv ployed Imo or Ibru games, bld thre fivus and the Jack of Dia- monds wbcn the fivu oi dia- mands mas urnud op un 16e duck. Mot knamning ber tuai, she ployed out the hand, hun asked onu of the girls shu mas playlng mitb ta hlp ber caunt up ber points. Theri Ioted a perfect 29. She mas playing t noon bouc witb Ibrue girls from the Sharpe and Niehuls law office mbere she works - Shirley Sim, Marie Murphy and Ml-ari- lyn Reynolds, Two Milton OPP. Constables apprehend robbery suspects Tmo Milton OFF.. Consta-1 bles mýrc highly pruised Mou-1 day by Toronto Mtra Police, fur succssfuliri aaptoring ibrea suspects wantcd in con- necciaf ith a robberv ut a Toronto, hank. Constables Joseph Fetdcamp and Ronald Hudd of Milton O.P.F apprehendad the trio ut gupoint on Highmori 401 near Milton un hour uvd a hall al- tei the ruhharri "Thes dida firs cl aasv lob, bath men de- serve a lot of aradit:" a Mtra detactise said lalec. Police reeovered alîof the moneri loken f rom the Toîron- lu hank - an evlîmaied $2900 in coins afd vmuii bils-from the suspects' car. Churged ilh ohhcrv arc a 22-var-old L.ondon mon, a 21-rer-aid Landau maman and a 29 reur- uid mon oh ni fiscd uddrcvv. David Strihling. 20, a tlter at the Canudiou Imperiai Bank ai Commerce branch in Fairiomn Plaza on Kcnnecîl Road. Scachora mas virui. oser the baud mith a Mhin. v strument mhan hacîîpeuaî 16e bank ai 10 .m. M-îudari. Wît. nessas tld polic.e le ipenud the doar la lci in lie fiî vî austomar shen bh a, lv vi gcd. Il looîîk nîne tiichcv ltuclose u gali in the tlelers bead. Mcliii Police o-are iuformcd anîl immadiataîri broudcast a description of thie isuuîid car andlils occupants ucrovv the province. The occupants wcru describcd as 'armcd and con- vidcrud dongerous" althugh nu gunis warc ound. Although roadbiocks mare set op ait over 16e ity and suborbs, the cor is beluevad 10 base taken o circuitotus route throogh the Brampton area before ruaabing Highwari 401 around Struetsvillc. Canst. Joseph Peldeamp of Miltas O.P.P. mas cilucru. r the 40i IrufficaiutIhe Sescnlh Lina. ftarnbv abîot 11.30 ar.. sîaî en sspottedl a car fitting Ill a1ai cary, description. Ha chascîl il and rudiîiad in ta ha Miltoîn office for beip. Cîîvvt. itaîlî, sîbihud tovt îriedi lcîoffice fram a c.or cas,unped imueraris- erau'nd lîca.ded lai the High- iuv 25 off the cur. The poilice aficers vucocessfuliv busc4 in the suant- cd car aind puiiad t off the rîîad-Const. Hoîllin a crois- e in fr-ont aud Canst. Fcld- cump right bebinulinuh iv croiser. The me iîfficerv îemîîvcd tetria from 1hecaIr ai gon- point. Police vuîd. us the mu- mail musbeiîig remsuved she grahheîi hi.stecri'ng sshael and rammîî ficIllcari mb gear -homever sfite îîisiaîged 16e disauce and thcal rammcd their iof Cîusl. Hudd's Ail Ibrue mure hroughita the MiltonO..Poffice for quasîlanine, and Mtra Police mura uolificd. Thrca Metro deteclis-es urrived ta curry out thc quastianife and check aîr theamaueî-huund in 1he Juvi hefore 3 pîri., oua 0f the suspectcd men %sas token from the Milton office in a croiser. Folice shicided his face mitb a black icaîhar jack- ut aud had bum enter a cruiser insida 16e police garage su a grap ofhnaus phloographars wiing outsida cold ual pho- îograph hlm. Delaclives told t6e namsmeu thari did nul mont auri isoiagruphs loken antil the suspects 6.-ie uppaar- cd in liic-upv. ter in tha aflernuon 1he mon mas rcturued ta 16e Mil- ion detachmcui office. and aI 5 pus, al threc suspects mccc remuved lu cllinluToronto. Detectilven suggeaicd 1he triu would bc qoestioned about 016cr bank rohheries in the cdlv. "Marihe this will cleer up a loi of robbcries." onu po- Vol. 108-No. 25. mpapft. ý for 107 yeam