Curling club plans opening for Monda> Action ettiseh e s nbg Tte tollodsg daesha 00 club wll resume focrsthe 1967- becnsest aside for BosspelS: 68 sesson Mosday evcnTie Nov. i - 'Mixeai Club, Nov. fiat two meeia mlw b. ial 25 - Business Gins, Dec. 9- cateai 40 praccice andainitroduc' Mens Open, Dcc. 27 - Hiâb tion ta tise gamne for tise sew- Scisool, Jan. 6 - Mixeai Open. corners, miti tise ist iggtns Jas. 12 - Ladies' Club, Jan. sciedute commescing Monday, 13 - 'Mes's Open, Jas. 23 7- October 30 Ladies' Club, Jan, 27 - Mens 'Present plans eaU for Hi. Open, Fcb. 3 - Farmers Open ginsa Topby curling on Mon' Fei. 10 - a.C.A. Colt Play- day t 7.30 andi 9.30, Tuesday doms, Fei. 17 - Sweetheart, t 7.00 and 9.00. andi Friday at Peb. 23 - Ladies' Club, Pcb. 7.00. A nom handicap sysîomt 24 - Mens Open, 'Mr. 1, 2 - will be introduced this year OKeeto's, Mar. 9 - tlept. of mitis skips racd t four, vice' Transport, Mur. 16 - Ladies' skips hree, seconds tmu and Club, Mar. 23 - 'Mixcd Open, Icas une. A tcam consisting 'Mar. 30 - Hici, Rebout, April of players subuse handicaps to- 6 - Mens Open, April 23 - tal more thue 10 mustil-)veTrs.ounty. usd0r opposition tise nsamter ut Registrations for higb scisool points over 10 tomards thse curling mitl be hetd t tise game scrept Curling Club Octuber 21 frumn Metc taettve curling 9 arn. te 12 sous. wil Start on Nusembor 9 a4Ld Studeniasetilbure a simitur ecci subsoquent Thursday sciedute to tast oas. lic whilc Mixcai cumpetitise iiiime is available once a mdck Se on Wcducsdus ansd Mixcai sitistise exception of tmo oe- Social us Friduys t 9.00 oe ou casions durine tise Veur. When- Saturduy encnings. eea ice timo lu et uvitabte Newmemmberships are asail- on Saturdav. time milI be ai- able aid rrangttcetsifor lt ted on Tbursday or Pidav upreuding out tise puymcut outftram 4 to 5.30 p.m. tise debenture are possible,.tOc tnterested students cas con- lober 17, 18 aid 19 hune becs tact Piil Garber t 878-.2776 tue set aside us nigts for nom or snfornsation about higi scisunt prospective members' intro- curling. dluction te curling. Taso speciai eves of intr' est hune been arranged. On Otbr23, 25 anai 27, a fricnd Refs m eet lybonspiet iti becisld mth S uhcen s prizes. Thiss ent ge wlbclm t tiste frst 64 **re Sun curiers misa sign tis e nl'5 Aupone inlcrested in acter torm miicis mili bc posted onceinu hockey gantes this in tise bulletin hord October 16. ter should attend a meeting A Maloees party is bief r- spunsuteai by lise Reterces' As. rangeai for Sturduy, Oct. 28. sociation aItishe Miltas Accus Watch tise bulletin boar'd toc Suedan uat 7.00. futiser detuils. Os December 18, 19 undi 20, lie annuat Tuc- Brocse taod wmut ho there t. key Bonspiet mvilI take place - rue tise meeting. Raies mi] agin limited te tise f ics 64 ho esplained and tiseintes entries vceineai. csted wmut bc shome tise prope Riecteai to office tiis yar may ta fficiato a game. mccc president Ray Couller, Reterces are needcd fer lb vice-president F. C. Martin, Tri-Couert ganes as mli a secretac.y A. . Milson undt bouse beague and lise naious treamrer C. Doie. olber beagues. )r ýn ig ýs- la t ill er- er he as 'us Edward Samuel Byertuae of 35 Court Street, Milton, ded je Milles Distrsct Hospital Sep- tembor 4 aller a brse[ illeess. Ho mas buricai Septeseher 27 t Ebenozor Uteld Chureis Fuserai servsce mas held aI St PauaIs Unitedi Cbur.h se Mltso wis Rer C. A.Hainer offseits Ho Icones is svie Gladys. ane daughter Mrtel (Mos Rob- er1 L. Smyth> of Don Mili sotne son Ronald of Montrea,ia.nd four grandchildren. Me ia atso sursived bu bru- Ihes sDtaniel and Nrormuan tf Brudhagcn ad mas a hrsther of tbe lte Emmanuel.,s'ruv andi Leslie. Martbs (Mrs R. Kahie) ut Mitchell is Isissnlv sier. Born n 1892 ,t Brssdb.sssen se Huron Couels, Mr. Bues esss wasaason of Mr. and Mrs. fleurs Bversn.nHo and Iis sife scre strried je 1924 se Nsa'oaeea. Aller living 15 vears je Thsnsesford he o mecd t. 1,Nassag.ssse'. Ho spens the tsit 14 s-crs toIhi" lre je Milton. Ho recived is educai ion ie Wallon Puhlic Schsttl ,and t Sîralfurd Business College. Ho scorkod mans sear% s a C.PR. station agent and elegraph operotor. Mr. Bsersss ,sssvts noise act- sve ie soseralIcluths,std urgan- settons in tise s.ssrnsnty. He aaP.sst Masses of Camnpbell Mý,stets Lodge, Past Pseidcnl of the Y's Mous ClssinTs lhasts- estssrd, ,an ider su St. Pauls United Chrb se Msilon, at execossvc in the Progtessive Cttnsers.tsse Assoiation. Post Preident ofthlie Mlen Horti- cuturaI Societs aed a membor of Milton Latsn Bowling Club. Ho ets active in hoches' andi hachbait and co.tehed for a ladies' hall team. Hti, hies include horticulture and ptay- inf theoine. lttc%%s ohtir leader for tho Prcshu erissn Cburch in Nt,ssag.ssces.sin the 1920's and ,slsstije Thssncfssrd He %%ass also asn active mnbter in a harhorshup qo.sstlaso mass yearsin Mottlatifdi Thamnesturd. Ho tausght Sssedss Sehttol en tngersssll iUnitedi Chsreb Rec- enlîs ho act.ed ass lerk for Hllon Cstnts' CousrtFtouse. sersout as ses rcltrssf M ilton CemetrvfBoard and served a" a nember offthe Csmmit tee of Adissstment fssstho Issuso f Milton. Pilltsoa,sc s t thoeIsuoersi 'or. vcore .a nophets C istes sf Gueltph and E Boss ic s>of Brsmptssn.asnd A FrasskW, Randcîl. R. Relisos A. Cafrns. aitosiblston. S. & K. ORNAMENTAL RAILING R.R. 3, MILTON COti Us For 0 EXTERIOR 0 INTERIOR WROUGHT IRON 878-6768 POEMITN 878-2425 $38.99 c.Id oen tee sec ut OMthe Lyiel ai 1ecpellhe mposiwe t ir hja nd nR FEIA POCKET PUCER! ICampbeI Manulacturrs of HIGH GRADE MEMORIALSI MEMORIAL ENGRAVINGI Tetephone 621-750 LA" Mr. Solder sald vootlc coulai he indstecd te buv scasnes tickets ise raftine the e3rice of admission from 15 and 25 cents te 25 ad 35 cets. Maxwell House COFFEE, 1-lb. bag Devon BACON, Sliiedc, 1-lb. pkg. Schneidor's WIENERS .- --- Maple Leaf COTTAGE ROLLS Fresb CHICKENS Ocean Spray CRANBERRY SAUCE. SURF - 3-lb. pkg. A Tise progrurn was hasdicd by ~s L ~ * The building et a diving - V board and the innovation 0f seasons. tickets te Mlton Cern. munitu Ssimmtng Pool sere among rcommendstioes Pool Manager Dennis Seidor made IotehoReeroation Committeofin liu var-onai report. tf sesons tickets scors' sota as t "c.,A h csjdrri onstd tss gc.sor opportanitsoi tashe ta ,rn cistisssand f(sill ttss' psrpoeotf the ool.nMr. Snick-r foot sucosan ticket% hould ho - mode availahleinothe first isen chitairen in a familv for $5 oaci, andi t? oaci, forervos chitd terca ter. This vear app)resimnasoî 350 HOCKEY SCHOOU. got underway a! Milon beys are a litile young îo lcase the finesse of ehildrenc nroitod (or tessons arena Monday. Here head coach Glen Dance the gamne they carn benefit a lot by picking up andai al thoewha sec ond sstructs three yongstees. Although these funclamentals: (Staff Photo) eosseh a.dvasncecd ruoa higher proup sherc thev hogan ____________________________________ in Jane GERMAN-CANADIAN CLUB Winzer - Fest Dance (GRAPE CARNIVAL) Saturday, OCT. 14 8 P.M. UNION HALL, PINE ST., MILTON KEPUING T N THE1 PAMILY, Joe Gutoski and honors. The barre! race was one of eght H. Meissner Orchestra his son George show off their prize wnninq events a! the Western Hrse Show that was R E F R E S H M E N T S horses and ribbons. Joe won f irst prize je the part of the fat! fair barrel race and George took second prize (Staff Photo) SOlece teulm Dont Yi iindefeuted Milton District Higb Sebstol Gcarfble scrcd a 1-0 sccer ie ory on r Bishop MacDonnell The n c- tory stretcbcd Mitons oncle fcatecd slreak lu Ire c ame . W ith George Straw came brougb wihthe lune taltin jeFrd F ir game tu dlaim the victov i e CoachiE R Stvns said the club ptaycd a sîrung firsi bl but tihe offence slackcd oft je tbe final haif. and it mas only a strung delence Ibat saned the game iu thse latter portton. Deer hazard to drivers Thes sumerosa aai asinsats FIRE PREVENTION -ee desda aieg tise isiiwaysa W E NMLTN aboulai semind ait duilvers tt W E INMLO : large animata cas ai 8tado 16 cIause msaa erisus accidenta, Oct.6 o1,97 Mut,. OPP Sgt. C. 1. Partais. amsu oeain a weeidy paessa siasMunady. This tact wsasostevclient as tis meekta ofitise acctd enevlivOiVd s deer &and-a ted in cae persS bteing njasis ad and approi &et IO aisassge t i e lil Durts isedu rai dx ussasntls ai tisaYser, tisse.ere SM au- dimse invoiving atânais, sstisdeer catg uwice se na- 157ast 5557other apeçisa sitsiis ____________ thse peSaince. Suggests seusea 'stickets for swim pool sert ypar - - it .....75c 59C lb. 59C lb. 37c lb. 2 for 45c 14<ou.Tins -...95C RIB ROAST - - - 69c lIL RUMP ROAST-- 85c Ils. ROUND STEAK-- 85c IL. *FREE DELIVERY* IJoe's General Stores 1 176 Main St. 67-11 FALL ee WUUILNI I 15.1 vinua ana&an t~<~SALE ~<~ OCTOBER 12-21 Supplementary Heat At Its Best in "Sa Easy ta Keep C/ean- AIR KMUGI FORCIED ARCAIR BASUBO)ARD MATER Aensenew 3 Termostaltolesealute centres CO OP $ q . postiosn traf * esI thait eeens SALE ..Chtot test are - te a ttI stsbtsItt PRICE . '.mode ut _______________________un breaaf te, RIN S ADE cathabît ustyl. MEN' ~OF Popult AiL eather / "ZL..~ CItAR tangere S GRAIN cleur. GLOVEseCEDAR REGULAR t dt Perctess 'VALUE $295 «Ch A tentertable. Rust Rts tan t uts Chain ~129 C.05 SALE suprbCO aisDeluxu BIRD ~ SL $2 ý twhe. FEEDER i coO0P S 11- pair Line 5.. RguaVal ue .57 %_ OTHER ITEMS 0F VALUE AT VOUR CO-OP STORE Regular CO-OP Value SALE PRICE TEAPOT 6 Cap dripless spaut, each .... $1.69 $1.29 LEATHER PALM GLOVES pair .... ...... $3.05 $1.99 ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS Size up ta 60" (Width plus heigist of upeningi $14.10 $12.59 60-1/8" ta 80" .,,,.,, . $15.95 $14.29 80-1/8" ta 100" , , ,, , , $1695 $1579 100-1/8" ta 1 1 0 ",.. $19.75 $17.49 SCREWORIVER 5 in one .. ....... $ 2.98 $2.39 2 gamuine Philips and 2 ganuine Robetson bits, 1 tînt bit. ROTARY HOG FEEDER 11ibu. capacity, each . $34.95 $29.99 TUB ENCLOSURE Fits 31/' ta 5' upening, sacis. $59.99 $49.99 6FT. ALUMINUM STEP LADDER, sach . . . $14.95 $11.49 LOO FR UTTADIS PIIAS N NEC0P ag Utan dCad MR C - m *~RoNrdTe ST LJNE r MILTON _______________________________ 878-2391 Sharon Emmerson and was wctll handled and weil receix' ed. Mar. Salder reporta better crowsd than tast year andi be- ieves they could have becs ligher had thec meather becs better Although the exact fi- cures mere unavaitable he es- liniates the total gate recipts bosmeen $700 and $800. X BL New Democrat OBITUARY Edward Byermon Milton