Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 1967, p. 21

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CAMPBILLVILLE 13 Instftute ntm visit hein.01 Aàel*ie Hwless Dy Mrs. Gearge lagUa -Ms. Edgar Cairns mas host-1 ess îo the Seplemier meeting t nf St. Davids Wnmens Mis- iosary Society meeting os Thursda'i ailernoon when 1 Mrs. Rdbert Elliot presided ; and opesed ich a hymn andt prayer. Mrs. RoT Parker had i charge of [he derotinnai per- mod, asisled ho Mie. Laura i Back, The hn-.ies-. gai-e the sertr' eport, the pesit- est the finanuiai report, and Mrs. J. K. Mahîin the hale e- port. The al thaskoffering meet- ing iii he hel at the church os October 2h -i 2 pst. with Mes. J. Tranodale oi Corwis as goesl speaker. Thirtees lad- ns anssoeeed the rot-i eal] with dues [or the lnd Tidings to Miss Laorn Back. Mes. A. T. Moore gave the siudv on The C-hroh Todav and Tomor- rose, which p rovet interesttng 10 ai. The presidont thanked the hosteso - grace svas sosg and a social hall hior foliîts- rd. Miss Gadvs Herrod of King- stons spent fast weeh with Mr. and Ms. A T. Moore. The Bind canvass for the CNlB witl lahe place rom Oc- ober 16-31 sn tbis area. Please welcome al caliers for this worthwhile projeet. Mes. Thomas Daes and tam- liv spent thisehend svih Mr. and Mns. Edgar Cairns, aisîî Sondayvisitors weee Me. ast -Mes. Eart Cairns and Kely ni Burisglos. ason Mes. J. Ciii lord and Georgo Reed of R.R. 2 Campbellville. Anntversary Services ai St. Dai's Presbsiorian Chureh tast Sondas- ise elol attend- cd. when Dr Kenneih McMi lin nf T oron Inn h charge oi both services vi h Roi- D. C. Ntchoson assistîsa, Speciai chnir muss. under ho direc- ions ni Mes, Liîst Craiitort and Miss Shirios Chester as neganisl. rentceed speciai music in the oesning silh Board raises sup.ply fees Durisg the Sepiemher meet- ing nf Milton District Higi Sehoot Bard: 0 Saliarie, for uptpl% ioach- cers %%cru oppeî i rom $23 t. S27 pr dai, ellec.tive Sepiem her 6o hîi ihîs e*Arrangemsents vcemi foriboard momhers Io ais-nd a semnr in Torontoin No%. cmhere 0 Priniipal tionier reoiiio he sis sI.ii rnmmhrssovre voking' ouit isel. and ospiain cd ho [,îlite Giile 13 ssier: vill change fis, soaî Io10 al sel. raihor than ceparimentl e An nindance report shossoci 701 students in the ,hool plus 30 ithors ai di,[ i ii schoîls laking cuse. wich are ont sel iord i Milton. The proieciesi oses)l mont oas 750a The lisI iludes 191 in Grasde 9. 210 sn Grade i0. l15itn Grade il. 128 in Gradie 12 and 57 in Grade 13. a A meeting was in huai i anged îcîlh the hbîs drivers ic n'oinoui ans siheiciioir roui prîîhIcms hai mighl haveîoi en sn the fir, siw loieies of sohoul. a A neispoiiusii-as adipic esiierise snhbalicai lenvo foi izccis. The polies ues th.l usl oe lacher sien- ihîîL >cars mas laho a oeva cav-e ti dcina and resoarch, ,a 75 per e ofi ilieisalarv.s Teaichers ap pinig for lioaî mulst have mniimum oeighivoazrs ofcperience. luie of them sn Mi e The prinîcipal reoanie4)9 he heidnîaisiers' cal Si. Aitleo PO. -hi, tinini,,r Rev. D. C. Nicholson and Lloyd Enrîys iigiog a duel. In the eveiso Speed Lodge Mess Choir ni Guetph rendered a fine reodiiosnifsong. The sermons ho Or. MMillan. The Church and the Mations iiiThe Wail- ng ather drw speciai altos- tions luthecoungrogatios. Seserai rlaives and frieîîds- fronSi. Catharines andiGuielph .s ice n eil k5- I le Li i LamnnolMasMilln. sîiiec îitih M. andl Me . i rne Mil- chou ll fer the sersvice ai assa- gaicesa Preshsieri.îo Chuti-ch. The Camipbelville Wîimens lostiltt. 13 mcmhors in al, jourseved ltu th, Adei.îte Hoîîdiess Home in St. George foîr their Ocioher meetingi and a tour h riogh the hirîhpiace of the [oundor (il ail Wriiîss Institutes, Aller enjoin nga hnx lunch alter theotlir short husness pe rînci munis-^ cet instenicii.shiiiecisariicr. Ptansisere matle furan alumfin- uni iras% î.kîog cour se to ho hield ai the hornîe ot Mes Mur- ea> Mahon on Tiurst.îs alter siion \ith Mis. HwsiisLush as inssiecini iliias tecîded oiicu.ic pennsies li kUnicef ios Haiinîîeeti Attreporitu ihis meeting a sssrîhssýhîle ceu- 105 nia p rojeci. Me. andciMis George Bic bois nI Mlton,. Mu .îandMi,lors: Moiore ofni rto.iuu nd icMr. andc Mes Raiph Awsses iof Haitoin sponi tho Thank sgîviss sseek- enuit îlh Mi andMus. George Blacek. Miss Maigirel McPhail iof Ottaaspontithe wokend wih Mrandcifi,.Mira% Mc, Phaîi hefore ihos leil iforIliar- rishiief. Pennsv.Itsiia. fie a conveioniOsthi sss-ock. Mr. and Mes. Abet MeCari- nesofîCarlisle, Me. ast Mes Wallaice King oîf R.R 1 Camp- helsville, Lois Inglis iof Toronto ast Eizabheth Vîsiiocas iiMil- ton î-ee gesis ,ifMeand Mes. George Inglîs. Mi. and Mes.Robert Laling sisiîcdiclh Mi . antMes.Ross Lakig and.Barbara on Sundas. Mr.and Mes.Rot Dosaves andJuie Meiittsponhtiîlnav cih RobertIinglîs. FrinstnE OýMaiiiiiand Liîîct Maihi s ale sarri tii lîcai Shes ai.-.in Joseph Braint Hospial. Burlingtos Wc-sish t- ihent a speet reciiserv. h Btthda geetiago ii Mtrs Wiianî Buck. Mes. iaiics Stoîk- os, Daniel Mullil. Wiliiii El- inîi, Jinms% Earis, Margarel i hhecýlîhan. Mars sv eî Moi i ai MPhail. Chartes Mit chou. Jamies Robhertsoniiidi Johnî . Currie. Weclcisg ini sîscs.îesgileti ing, ini Mr . andMes. Dogla lo ii, ndMr. mi isWil- ii.iam Colier. 'e Mes Frriîk Oiicil.iiandiJohni o-Grton.ar hiihin Si Josephs %_ sîuliileniiaîîuîliîîii mci sic al Mer.înd Mes Chritiipli-i- rt Thins-i,,i-,r, soswek oil ýI le Me. anl MeMichael (Collis, Il- andMý~ii,i RR 1i C.riheli- 0, ville. Je Oakville meeting in for Reading Assoc. lie.i'hoei îî.îiînoal k Cou.icis te A ssoîciatiîiion ilîfroi lie ii s il iiiciiig utthI al onIi. i of ii- (ciiilîi 12 ,.îIl i8 .iî i MI % is, Lîliî.îîî (iiii %,Iic il ,1e i l iii he 1:xi.îe eo pi rieic Appi i tociiîeicii (K t i', iiglisli oPii it, it NoiiihYol. Bîîîîiil 5 ing il [hcohii I - i eilci il w n i" o Thecil-le îîîî64 hlipirI a1 d , l i iiitil In i l asiii Free 24 Hour Service Put Your Winter Comfort In Our Hands Now. Controversiat topic Oakville may Anoiher aitempt to eseape [rom Haton-. th rc-da,% open season on doer in Novomber Gailet ni Qaheitie Counils meeting la-t wook. Tho cool- înrcrsiai-.nhiecisras roierrcct hack itu coiiiiie ofni euncîl i or ni. ic sin ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Optometrist Tuesday 9 arn. tao 5p.. Friday 9 arn. to 8 POL 184 MAIN ST., MILTON IDavs Jewellers Bidg.i RELAXING JUST A BIT frons a gresliing slec- lion campoign. Haiton East Lîberai candidats Robin Shoce enîsys a colles break. Two enlise parties mers heid lot Me. Skcce Msdnesdoay ut Help wunted muale uctors ýissi rblm f igth Milton Drama Group. Head ibrarizan Mes. J. Johnsion Oit The Champion of the geinps pronhin-. iiiing plav-. tu piuiiih the iîmi e]ntimherofîmaleiemhors. Mes. Davena Turvey, a pro- essîîn.îi.s.ress who rccentis directed a pay ai file Poor Aloi Thecair in Tîîrîniîî. .pnkeof tihe prohli maIthe groop, itmeeting. She polnted out thc som- tgofi men i, ad hasheen a stock problem. Anose intrciiot in jiinfg the group shou id contact Miss Barbara Mackav or Mr%. Johntstn at the iirars. Mrs. Johnston leets the grnOUP woudhbcnaronsing %ucce;itf lhey fund tomne mes b flli flhc mie rol,es "Tho,% .îII sm o be ton dp.'- she sid. il ne slips, 7 You Coud le in Tiomble . Lablity insuranve s Ont business ici peotect yours McCUAIG e Insuranc. Limited 208 MAlIN ST. E. e- 878-2894 i BELL BROS. LTD. MILTON 878-6380 ORDER NOW FOR THIE COLO DAYS AHEAD, COUNT ON OUR DEPENDABLE DELIVERIES, PROMPT SERVICE AND TOP QUALITY HEATINGOOIL 0 BUDGET TERMS 0 METERED DELIVERY 0 PROMPT SERVICE 0 QUALITY PRODUCTS Bell Bros. 878-6380 MBIlt SERVING THE DISTRICT FOR 35 YEARS The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, October 11, 1967 89 ban hunting At the samemeting, consecil passed a by-iaîn sîatisg the dis- charge ni firearms mas prohih- ted everso-hero in Oakville souih nilte Lomer Base Lise. Untit nom. hu.îtiîîg mas prohih- ted snuth nitifighway 5. Cous- cha o vd rpated cnm pantstrm on h end ei theLyia i o-eofMrs .MoNînen Mrs E Alon our thecofee hile the hosesîs. tecniaeadMrs.G, Jrkson chat. staff Photo) Progress in Agriculture The Robarta government rec- ognizes the difficulties that face agriculture during these years of change-is taking effective stepa including a $500.000 grant to the new Farm Income Committee; boans for farm modernization; crop insurance at favorable rates; promotion of exporta; and the new Capital Grants Plan. Progress in Housing H.0.M.E.-the Robarts govern- ment plan that reduces down payments, ircreases owner- ship-is providing many new homes at manageabie cost. And the Ontario Housing Cor- poration, f00, tas provided more public housing in three years than the rest of Canada combined in 15. New satellite city plans also promise ordèrly suburban development. hunters. An attempt three weeks ago lu -an firearms in the whoie tows mas protested hy a party of hunters who appeaced be- f ore enunil ose night. A decision is expecîed to be handed domsns the deer sea- ,on Octoher 1. -1t's rummage ,ale season again is Milton. October 17 YOUR DATE WITH PROGRESS Progress in Taxation Ontarios 1967 budget showed no increase in taxes. What's more, two Smith Report pro- posais have already been en- dorsed to reduce your local tax bill. One gives an allowance of up to $2000 of assesament on property; the other takes over the entire cost of justice. Progress in Education For the past five years, an average of 11½ new achools or substantiai additions have been opened every da4y. One new secondar sh oTevery two weeks. Five new universi- ties since 1963. Nineteen new Community Colieges. Educa- tion grants up 600%. Fast action in education for fat- changing times. THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY 0F ONTARIO JVOTE JIM SNOW I >In Halton EAST4 I VOTE GEORGE KERR In Halton WEST4 3193 m-KLa5555*- SM.L.. 0". AIR aglaDTIn Cccc .e, ti INDIJ5TRIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTtNG SUBS'TIîON-S AND MOTOR R5150155-ONDERGROUND m RINO POil uNI CONSTRUJCTION -AEIARO10ODLIGHNO CUSTOM CONROI PANIiS 24 HO005 hANTtNANct MSER V' TAKE 4 ADVANTAGE NOW 0eF OUR OCTOBER SPECIALS OCTOBER SPECIAL OUR $15.00 PERMANENT FR$12-50 1 1 OCTOBER SPECIAL OUR $1800 PERMANENT FOR $15.00 9 ta 6 Tues. -Wed. ' Fr. Thur$. 9 ta 9 Sat. 9 ta 3 lSe afth liair et, iii ti IN THE MILTON PLAZÀ A R~MS DONNA ARPA, Monageres ETTY LEARMONT - BETH BARNES ET Cali 878-2501 ELECTRIC MOTORS WE CAN SUPPLY SPARE MOTORS UP TO 40 HP. jREPAIRING & REWINDING FOR HOME - FARM - INDUSTRY jW. carry blower maos, drill saws, applianeas DIRECT SERVICE IHANCOCK ELECTRIC j 25-C WATR ST. 0 w. service in Milton, Geretown 877-2636 Acton, Georgetown --i -------------- -------------- - ----------- 1 --Airtemp 1 LOU NADALIN

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