The Canadien Champion, Wednanday, Octobar 11, 1967 83 Scotsdale, Aberfeldy Shorthorns seUl wel A net-v iigit for bouls was ta It-sice esakished aithtie t- Georgetowun Sitottltrn Sale. ai This is an annual event wit consignnees iro ite herdu af S. G. Bernnt, Georgetown;, fi R. W. Garditouse, Milon ami N. D. Mlgg, Uxiridge. Prices of S10,100 and $8,000 F recived for bultu ere bot welL abat-e records previously S estaiVlished. Bth u tteetops A came fromn the herd ai S. G. Bennett. T-be 12-month Scots--c dle Arrogant, 1,030 tht. ai a c year o oge, t-ldai t$0,100 ta Chevelie Farras, Aeda, 111. Tiet wayear Seatdale Win- ner mas taken autS$0000 hy Aulbiturne Farms, Lagrange, Ky. He meigited 1815 itbs. at 26 mantit. Odiel Demeester, Ineperiot, Suask., selected thte vnry pramising Scotsdale Ad- ventrer, 990 its.. ai lt-t-1 mftntles. He look ed like gaod ituying at $3.800. (Runner-up mas aotiter Sas-katcewasun o3ir, Barry Andresu and W. J. Srmaîl, Regina.) Front the Gardhaot-e eroup, Aierfeidy Imprint wot- taken oui ot $2.600 by inmes- arms, Galesiturgit, Ii.iThte 12 bt-als mode an autttanding avrage t-fi$2,759 (hast er il sas« $2,280). Ctte fromnttis sate 1 ment ta 1l sttes ond pravinc- es,. sitit Onarioanad Iliic Top Jerseys T-ie iigitesl record reported ta tite Canadian Jersey Cttie Club tacrtthe montit o Septem- ber by a -Record (if Perform- ance in Ot awau t-t-ut ofa Rat-egale Cbarm . a daugiter ai Brampton Sistit Genrtian. bred and ested bu Mac Aies- ander, Nrval. At teten yeort- af uge site produced 15472 lbs. of milk 788 tht- tut, .50% -in 305 dayu, a Goid Medul and Medul of Meit record. lu lihe senior iaar-year-old lats ite htgbett record stas made by Strcrest Commanda Betty, a daugiter ai Maria Commanda ýMiiettone. ired and osuned ity A. Neilson Stark of Georgetowun. Ber recard at four yers 216 datv. n 305 daps wus 11,528 ibs. milk. 586 tht. ft. 5.8%, a Silver Medut record. Senior emo - yeur - otds sucre beuded b.: Starbeite Saniteam Mudge, a daugiter of Fundy Suteum Marvel. bred and owned by Mrt. S. L. Et-o Harp er. Georgetown. Ait t-t-o ears 206 days. in 305 day-t, site pro- duced 10620 Ibu. miik, 549 ibt- ft .157t-t. tot-sin a S-lt-e Medal. taking a total o«i 35 head. The 91 femates sold mode an aver- age of $901 (lasI year $815). Top femate ai $2,000 mas f.berfeldy Roan Lady l5tit framthte Garditouse eetries. Site mas taken ity Melbtourne Farms, Big Rock, 111. K. C. Farmas, Kansas City Mo., look Seotsdaie Vesta Clipper ai $1,625; Sct-mtdate Cindereita At-b ut $1,000. New itreeder T. Cet-aroni, Carien Fntcrpt'iw-s. Agin- cout-trt, t-clectedct t bttice lot for bit- foundutton berd inclit-ng Aberfeldy Rttýewund Peucit ut 1,500, Abett-icidy Moud Nora ut $1,350, and o promit-mg young hitl. Aberfeidv Ilatnd- er ut $1,400, Scotsdale Warmn Rt-at-aitautS1,125-, Aberfetdv Pri nce.,%- Roberto at S1,400. Wiisona Furmu, Greent-fietd. Ind., paid Si1,500 for Scott-date Ulia Rt-srsuood. Acadia Farms-, Nt-rtbmield, Ohitt, pur- eliaaued Scttît-tle Anna CtiP- per Ilt$1,400. SCOTCH BLOCK LASSIES By Mary Anderson The first meeting of the Scotch Block Lut--iet- t--ut-ield ut Ligny Halt ii tttrdtt- Oclo- ber 7, fromtS9.3 - t130 am. Offieer- electei t-tet-e pt-es- dent, Sharon Hume; %,ct-Cpresi- dent. Dora Ht-tme; -ecretur5ý, Cindv Ct-tuiter.: tîe.t-trer, Eiiza- betb Ft-sher. pret-treporter. Mort- Anderson. The roll railtt-t-- , tkeot-tith 24 member- pret-en t, The fallprt-i-t-t lt- t eb. l club t- Slceeping Garmentt- Tbe girlt- have t-t muke at pt-ir t-f pyjamas- or at- ightgttt-coThis- cao bctt-tn.-ot t--Ilc the girl prefer- W. t-it-ct----e-ithe qu-tt gt-t-ttat-tot-seeping gtrttteut ',houd hav-e.,t-httttalcritl- arc bel ru.: t-be cillerentt--e andmbuat tritmming i, betlton eaehstylVe. Nge of Murtiaique is huyiag Hsteins A thtlt-etent t .121 prehtbi Hoit-te-ot- b ut- t-tlei t ( l. -le the WtInice, Tbhis t-t-the et-et t-ent t-t-- -tt.rt-n-t- t-t rt-tu The cutîlet--til bhel lt--t-tsuppit- t-ttik tuor t-e t-t u ýn.: -torit t rude un the tit- od Th-t-tnt t-et aututaltof47 dieret cuntre- t-n the t-t-utldt-iu ht-te bt-ugt-tb Canada. t-htpment. Vegetuhie, fi. wer groweas invited to night schooI Bp Chartes Waere A nighl schoai program bau becttarratîîcd lot grc-n ht-ut-c s egetahie gcawcrs on Oclaher 18 ut Vincland Station, and Ot-lier 19 ut Milton. The ltt--rîa-ers nigitl scitoal t-tilt ibc te tuame atVinland and Miltun, t-o a gramer eeed anis attend tetestian ai is chice. The t-ct-tions wmut rue ront-7.30 ta 10 p.m. le Miltan, te meetings sili be fied ut Lige.: Scitool. on Na. 5Sidcruad. about huta mile mesttoa Higituav 25. Na. 5 Sideroad s thc fi rtt road nartit ai Higitmav igbsuan 25. Th vegelebte progrom iii canisl af the folioming: CCa camiter Praduction on Stram Baies: Tomulo Varieties and Grcenitause Proitiemu; A Re- vies aif tite 1967 Operation of thte Onario Grteeitoase Veget- able Prodocers' Marketing Board;.anut-iDit-euse.t tC, Geeu- bot-t-t-eVegcltîliet- The Iiîît-rr pir-gratitu t--t]Il oi ut-ut of: f.trhoît--Dt-ttid, St--i Mit-et-.Grccnht-tu.eSce-utuog t-td Paniog. ,tnd Pro-ut-ioî-n Cott-and Market-ng. There tvil] be limne perniîîeýd loy tiuutttt-io antIguet-t-t-t-s aîîtiecen-ioflachoft-iheur tes Thteegrrenoh-u-t- igblteh- nuhshoudhctan ecelettop uotnivt1I-coîme ap-l-rcitt t-tit tome o the ltetI-- t-aret atattale NAME iS CORMAN An error hasbeen otedlin te typet-c'ting o a ltt -t-cks Kilbride correspandence. At-t aiittaar ' vreport- ohtch lppc-ar- cd as t-tWilliam Arhor Coul- sont-t-sitouid bat-crcad "Will- iam Art-br Ct-rman- Sîncere apologies ~iiapiou Farm Page Speakers, tours, demonstrations highlight regional %%corn day"i Corn grot-cers tram BHalton, Peel, York, Wellington, Went- t-tt-rth and South Simcae Coun- t-es detcended an tite Camp- helitillie at-euatm ai ofGeorge at-nd L. H. Laser Tact-dat- af latt -îeek ft-t- a regioa-tcorn dat- The tpt-nt-o-rt- -tere thte bt-t- itt--tt- Ct--tp itprosemeet h , t--t - o---tt--tttt tl-- t-l-tee cton Teonsaresofion rnadie pant ded dr lte ist week ant- e un tthestcie equýate ranftaitadgo tneundemutr ednfl sueli. Tite aen au I u.m miTheaour a lit col aît- atC.uH oKfnghurcora plt-utIat-d C.opH.perîiit-t. rom t-ut-t-tatd at-t h e i is t-t- Irtiit t---ttt- t e t e t-tt- t leet-tet- t--t- te tlt-t iitu Pd .TIhe noue lunch mut- t-rt-cd Open house at Vineland Stn. ~"to show tomnato experiments Vl~- Bp ChtarUes Warner itest rom otai ter location. t- e l îîri l t- l itote AIl varieties reeased romn II11rt- t- t aIVttt-ei, taîtSîioîn, Vtneiued Station are reist-ant t-ttlt -tpten t-t o- tt-tltt--nr- --t ridu.':v, ta Ieai-moid t the present- lIt Itîer i3,t-t permit grouters imte. i ecreoued reustance lu ,c . >t-rve-t-tt-.. -tt-t-l- t-int, dt-lun e r i seat t- 'ses looks net-sible T WAS CORN DAY aItbe George and L. H. Hatan Agrt-ultturai Rept-eseutatitve Henrvt Leaver fat-m Tut-tday. Here uoted resting Stanley took oct-r a "Mat-dort- toct-rI-teut-ne champ and larme, "Whipper" Bily Wason, of mayp ptetes of harvest-t-q at-ti ttlIt-tq equt-p Leaver lt-os, farm manager Dace Mt-Lean aud meut demout-trated at-bhe t-boue(Stff Ph)t-ol $249,700 hildàv g ennits EBENEZER issued for Septemnher in Twp. Voluntary services lt-tr lte smme Peranet .re- mtea8gsrjl Bt-ilt-ing pc rmiîits totutiing S249,7010 lt-c issurd hy tht- t-t--t--t--btp o-f P-q-tes-ng for the t-ltt f Septembe- -building i ospector Tîîm MrLe.îo lt-Id t-be îîtst-nsbip cîlucit at tbeir regulur meetinf Mandat- Big item t-t the 22-item tlisl t-sas,.a530.000 adîdition t-o n hîttel tn Norsal ot-cted ht-t-Rus tI Brt-îu Other pcrmits t-tetc It-îît-te-tht-,tet-uan-dt--.t-tufet Couacillor C. P IPîi Patler- t--ton lt--tIk Mr. Mct.en t-otut-k lt-tr bit- iant-linc oft-fIhe truiter t-tsue sshici hat- tiiturbed cîtunicil the put-t fet-v meetings. -if th, îîoship is foin1 te besaccut-ful eot-to-tiing troit- st-t-aý're poing lu but-e tobe t-ugbr i-tan t-tu arc". t-he Nt-rvuil it-t-rtt--Iucilior told Mv, Mci et-o. Mr. Pulteren touliter truiter WOt- beilîf lit-et-inlut-tn Draper St. iu t-trt-ali îe tt-ot-allthe 1-ealtti Utnt---tî-itholdche,-k il and o septit-at-k insîalilIiumo ntthe t-ame st-eted Reese (trorce lesýlie osked Mr. p.îlleruoo IIlooit aller de- CeunelUlor Pattersn att-o mat-de ct-uric il .t--t-ure titaa pr- %inct-.îipermithautbeen isqued for at-truiler park aerot-s fremn Acît-tupark hut-î-lte rcee-taid Ibis tînît-permilted lte uscer t-t atlit-î-ttraiicrst- l-Ipark ltere parking su-us oul. Council ut-teir tut-t-meetingt pased a restlutitîn cline for arut-tcmi traiter permit fers rom 310 te $20 per menti tottt bectîme effertive jan 1. 1908 Confused bush out of season Lilurs bloom in spring. Us- ialit-. Thercus a bot-h on te First Ltne., asct so-uh oMil ton District Hoîspitaîl. htn-t-s er. titat %centst t--e as confus-- eîl abut th-llictctler aet- e rt-tnce elte. Kt--uL.twrenc-t t-f RR i. Mtilto, svha, but een l-tne troq ueon It-s-a;ikt-ot- o ttct-t-rt -- tr t-ci, t-.t-,u t--,iing ont-t he ret-ut t-ilh hiti.t-tghler blt-îcv t-t-be uhe tpied te tu lt-ililar biîîîm- tuf. The tprig t-pears qt-tie icailv and inot-tsuat-dîsarf- cd or mulaied. -Scitools have bren prutis- t-ni Iheir lire drill routtince,% iv prc'paralion for surprise uit-- il.s rom te fire deparîmeel t-l-tring Fire Prevenlion Week. Bp t-ars, Rue MeLean The tttl-I b.tîiallon VU- oittaI- Scît- eIce t--ct-Iskîlltt ltt- jt t-t-ut-t- lt îîle tt-tlt- lt lte îît-.ît-itlt-. Aoit-aîctt-t-edciu- lt--ltt-b1. 4 At-t-t lt-l h11. tigtt- f t--tt--tt-t-I l't-I t lt-- ,t lît -tt-tIltliltlte -ttmtta% tt-- uleicte ltheî-tît-t--ttl- t t-Il t--tIl . M r t-t-t-t-t-r it t- l-îlt-î i t- bt-uc ttlt-.îMIltLt- l-t-Idt-pt-t- Township building permits - $1 33,500 N outagatî ct -.zt-t-tut-t-It- ttlt-t--t-t-tt-t tratur S. s Savagt-e, teî-t--t-t-t buîild ing perîlîlii tt - ït-l - ----ttI t-aiae îof $33.t-I0 t-trc-uIA---ttc- durîng the iiottth t-t-IS1t-eint-er The permiltt-.iOc lt-tt-t l-fetghl residet-îceuadaIe%ýIiiIi dîlionu anti the(t-,lt-. î t-ttch-te totalîiîsuoed t-t- seat-t --- to-t 4810 sttrt. t,-et T-et-tpen t-ht-tt--euii take p - tI2 pm.Thit-st-ii bcan t-e%"ýt-r. el. standard grot-t-n ett -ttth one au ttlier. t-dlul--tt-îît-c t-t-I the net- t-t t-stt,-tnt-et-î lt -tt-ieievlton Tlîe t-t-tex-lasrict.: breeding pt-ttgatîîaitVtt-lad itgeared lt- ltt--tltt-ait-tobjet-c-t-ives - ta ht-t-ett tt-a-tt-- -ttt- t-e eurlv- set. t-r t-rtt-t.and 2 il,--tt- i I. Un t-beptas( t- t---l- ufne- hue lt-Oua[ t-g.: tut- Vt- t-i m- V- -t t-l-t LAZ' t- - -tlt%-n t t -l Titis open itoîtse thouid be un apporlunitu lt-tr groxrers 10 gel a look at somne ofte var- ieu thevsuhîtuid be rsitîfin titeir o--n bouses. Tt oites hem auchance, ton. II t-cet-ut-at thet- might 6c able la grt-.seil te net- -tt- sv earu. Pert-oeu t-tiibeonbhand to n--er ques-. tionsuont-oriout- aspects ai grcenbousc tomultt- grasting ity Mountain Union Women's Institute. Alternoon speakers tncioded Dr. Jack Tunner of thte Crop Science Depurtinent of lthe Ontario Agricolturul Coliege wbo spoke on breeding, future deueiopment and weed control i n corn;- O.A.C. So-t Science staffer Tom Lane t-tho-r lt-tpicmut- ie.rtiieing oi cý rn t--t att n tid .tir- tpec lit-- ti t- t-tlt- Ciatpp or th-t Ontartt-L-- toch Bruneitt-tho upoke on leeding corn. Machiner.: demnanutratiaut- ioilomed. as ucuerot area deal- esbibited ond demonutrated picketM, combines. sbredders and d rvers. SIE US NOW Fer a leta price on Coada's fineef farrm building ... FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 1221 *ellview Ave. BIJILINOTON, Onario 624-2805 l'a ctt- î.:t hct- 'st- ratcet- ai leal mold O c or reigo cal telies and I tîr îtîr mur r'c o e t- Vtt-ulnd Station ,lUcesfle l7 t t- it-ctîieus Of green- lt-tet- for Ontarioa7t Thue t-rielies Van- eft-tO t-re Imo t-ar- t-tni.: frtluen eOn- býttt-e buen desetop- ut-i The vorietics conupele wt t hlie YDRIVERS V t ut- tmet- bat-rt-ou miest-ct-lb a dirty uttt itecaut-e t-au antl-a lt----) - If? îlo-s marru mou, -t--- t-%ou heen fou laS. dîpto Su ut-It il t-u, udii ct-tanv.traf- ii 1,ra iwmuiror? -SwX ie t- o t-.ttt - h.:etum'not- 'thna al.but dueil et Ilei ohase un 7 SCIENTIFIC FEEDING 0F HORSES The Master Program for Breeding Stock, Crowing Stock, Racing and Pleasure Horses For a Complet. Lino of Mester Norse Feeds cAMASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN) R.R. 2 Georgetown Dial 877-3512 (Georgetown) Commerce financing and bank services h.lped this farmer buy a new pick-up truck. Are you planning any purchases? Corne to the farmer's bank. CANAIAN IMPERIA IBANK 0F COMMERC MITNe TO AE b:."" 1. n it it 0 le 1 CI, o requiru ilicilwitclia