Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 1967, p. 14

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I ~~.-** e-.. . e. *.e~ e. *.~ e e e e *e *.. *eeeee*e e e. e e ce e e e... e e e **eee e. .. e **** ~*** e e e te. e. "e...... e Jim's Jottings bpy tim dils fer Octeber 1) te considar future admiit- ier of thre groap. Parking ced tome de- nlegmeet arcae couple of tire items stat- ed fer tira agenda aed tba'rr hardIe rau cribiects fr Ciamier ceeidara' tihrn Tba Chavihriasrr l-cssemad I avceiffieut tiima rivtingup il set tt im oe elfhirlp orpaieatien tiret dasqererea bttar irten'. Buinearman arr ntenirrurle indiiduaistir and tirt maires it diffiaultt tepetur tremamcl inIe onea erpeleatien ced bacc thrm cerne up apracieg on specifia courses cf action. An accu birarprubtem. boumver. l gtling tram le a matingfeloeg eiti li tireir rthar- eammitmentl5 * Tira Champion staff rs gerief up te baudie reporr'te rniection retures nest Tuesatrcaenieg aed e phone catI Irn f78-2341 ailica sountirahe atarI re- ports in tirae't-o idingr rarvcdirs%,Tire Chacmpiro - Maleneist ced Hlton Wast te dditron fuît cecerege relIt ir net ucidrin rire edecadarissuretftire gager- rir h irigtipinîslephoto and ,tern ireuecalcadtfied our treetinar bar,rt-t ikeag eatting aed s-rtci'reeeud poet rirourpiraI sema tima. MeI ire debgaec r et to et tiere csuts te noie r- qiriefisand atticientin as possible * Yrrc drr'îihave te go fer from Iis ar"ai takeinestîre of tire attraclice rrtrrrr orý.Tire ercarment ronidas cnave cîrre-trveasceece d tire conserva- c-,tiart-car cnd BreaTrait effer some tdar i rie' salîmes DownWs in this w .ti r top domwens Corner Nesspagr ulemnhtaira dccc te write about piriti.-, ara tcing ihatr life en tieir auds lu ccrcta acuriî-rv ta- mard une parts bLed sac. coure'dm ned if soucde, and dacte-d if sec da't " Ms ceteme lst %seek. reici r grdrel- ed a "clean -rscep" ut betir Helttîtee-t ced Haltun Fart idingr irs provinciel PC. candidates Goruge Kerr ced Jrm Seem, bersieen sraet s:ýigtLIi rnany geater- Tira catîgetirreacAci Liberats ced N..P ruprter. etcoursea tenoSetirhe fiet tîmne TiraCiampiun or ils staffers have bean i ao ri tair during tire resagt princial alaitien camperge ir hCampîre iar an ld regetetion fr baing c Lierai pager (l- tireugir%%eCaver 1-vaeîrtiniug rtire12 sears rervrk1ei tae ter niAi' pal hini hall Yal '. thre Aiiiarical l unes rircd teAtir-I. ci favrvers fer thiriccirica cf a nae,laader ivemerca accused of beîug a Ton' supporîring pres Mccl1 remind souetire editeciel imple praired tire parv1frrits choira if leader. it did net tl]aittet îte gel out ced quiebîn u)eectirnîî' rire aitiegfofderaI aucerement. Tire Sept',, 20r i,-,lutTire Championc rce-I d ciphi-i tilocal Cesenvatica campaigner- on rira (cent pae. Yeu guerradit - oecaain the paper mas severraîn atîached lit mus a mhirirer cempaige. mmnd sec, eotieg ie pubilic) irs supporters of tira vrer tu-o parties foc giisg tee mecir good rers te tire Tories. Mcc t emind eadrs thia duing tirtwmeri, t'e Libanais and N.DP 414 eethirig nerreruortire enaugirte rate c fceaI page pic tare. mutle tire Conern- etines appened tir de romthirig eetnm- eneeserrhintle tia rereece et tire Premier et Ontario -wminci ratad f(met page space le anc neres editen's ese. denita iis gasosat poiticat leciegr. 1%net e meciv e ran a pictere et Lihenal leader Robert Nixon on tira front page. It mas cascecirtire Tories dide't do mach. ced photo coerage of tirir cern- paige wac naegaîrd te an insid a gg Bus. did se hean il (nom tire Consacre tiens hat eeil Suddeels. le thel raser. Tire Champion war c "Liberut pager" Tire siird serek sntire cecte tees c dandev. Wr bcd iroti rePcmier John Ro- h tsed N.DP laidec Donead ManDes- aid riiisrrg lau-e rithiretu-o dans oe cei ",tirr Suppose it %mer a neesma'r ightmnare, Inn ing o set itut tira pîiticat priteard Ns' sicr Wc pane Premier R-iranrir e top spot pgtornrte ironet gareuitir M.acDonald a close second. And iraib are fcatuad en naes tories r-e Page Onea tnde tire gager. thene % tiare h eemira photo,îs rîtRobats isit- irg rire tain Liharat cndidate Robin Stira gî tira nest hart ting - a photo ire Pige Tirea Tirceoserege ced tire di-piactof tira photos wreramc oms dar- tarin as necrs erittin aed eacci store and girl-i cees rceied ire ils NEWS impont- ca. e- t bu ami gerýneat feelings. Tiet cainte.ite catmn- t used a ignead. gerrunal clume temnaire a pen- dictoruonrietraoulcîrme rîthtiraeletion InJo drinp -, mc crdsici wscsplin 'hirira en,-"ancd t rlecîrd mn reineens allerc tiroiug resnarerai te part elect- ion ficgtrer and a great decl of tiregirs. Mn predictiore on tira oulcome mre ase partie irarcd on tire Haltes C ouste not- er,' gr-niteoca le collet for tire parte - nocthe an. Agaiu. tire eriirism cama.,irt aed ieace «bila tire Consrnatives mene gadihaodîng me and melcomieg ma ta tieclutbi. me Liheral friands and a (cm N.D.P. acegaiet anees meearustieg me te publie (and gnrbls rahied lesed dîurs, tiret ton drieg ta predit a Con- s rire vctrs TirevomeaaIse a fese ,rrcar lic commnoit% cireurtirhcconeage cffirdad Mn. Robecs oe e tiro oppar- ing teamis Tira point of tire rn-ote tiing is. seule me predictianr impiied a PC. lcedslide tenrire taoridnimgs. e-iresans.t tiaIs hem 'm pîief o nota? T stitI tari Seewss eatiener. but Chts Io stop me fnczu cati g retotcaae nfaner et Siaca orc fitiestm And rememben. I nener raid 'sole Tre " Tirecaluse iad une etrs. m iet mltaitdup roietencrt ilte racampaige. Mhine sa rat agpr-rrreed me le pensce t dîccuns lart ceir rîrtume. enle Smo ibdaie fatto de te commentlie seitieg. fotitishicir t cina tram credit. Noritrercea. mi n reiahîsRobin Skore',i.rarrrsricirrer ie Milton. scmte: cîcci cari criPuce t-i Il PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST RWIEMBER THIiS PARADE trougir toms eeiibited tep Ramsiam's Issurance. masp pearr -Wn canner identify Photo trcm tire George Jackson coiiec- tire firtIcor bat tir ceet riil as tins * Ttere irise becnscorne mondnrfttl par- ades tsur year idtirte imptos cf tie Centeeniat, but tIave a nagging complaint about paradas. Tire spectu- tortshe lire the-slraett laes Ytira spectacle gue't unobld tireir arms long esogir te ciag hir iandr in appracia- tien. Att tire vrc ats litire effort et ectanteers, ailtirhe practisief by band members, al tire ctrecticeneseftet ehibitu dont seem te mece us tfront our self fnb ieief t exspress aupprecictiott fer tire efforts et ethaers mire made t pessibte. Wire s casotirmiile parada st aplauded? Tirancrad te ire I cas nemember, tee, tira aecouragemeet thit applause ierra secarvbcedrmun or marcher. Geess ma're soo ubes nom te encourage eciers. Businass gels btam- ed f or eeerytbing ase. * Canadiens are grectising a restreint. et rire indiiduel tacet. temards altire smo-nation tlkain cd tirhe itd fligirîs et seme Oceirea minitars. tirt mcc eut long continua undar tira prolonge4 prod- ding. t1irer more and more seiispered suggestions tire tua lc ust tel Oucabe ta gel oct if thea dent ltue Cefedaration . S'm onaeoft trîrsebo is desperatlîs rv- fng te cstre n mveaf rom sueir suggart- tiens le tira hapa tire sane populace et Querre mili roou e dnence cl tira sap- rtist suggestions. and sea meanoletivlie- s drceleg Canada. * t notice whrubaeeting ut Miltron Chembar of Crime terce ires bean stI .tccatinfg t/e peebet Mîlton Couecils deecion lu launtir a proroce-de campaîge 10 anir muni- cîpalîtîns te gîne niectors a vote on pro- vinerai pagmeet cf educatîce cets, 'r aI eart imagioativn Tire tome rînnîf iras agrend te asir etectors if thep feel tire province ciouid assume 100 pet cent cf tire cost et educatîce Tire rnasoieg is tiret if suffîient mueicîpalttes ugree te irotd tire pieters- cite, and rire resuits rue -e faner, as is antîeîpated, a trcng indication cf miraI tire people ment couid ire droppnd on tire provincial goveremeol's doot step Tinte are Imo basic promeums One 's tire timing. A te-tam approvneg tire pletiscîte mculd te reçu-ted in eacairoe rire egreectete moeîcigalîtîes ir tire end cf Octeirer te ire eftective thirs gear, Miretirer local moncîpaltrnr cen or mill acc remaîns te tee seen. Tire tier prcblem r tirer f ait gees mell tire renoit mep be pro'iecalip te- garded as a naturel oulceme Mcsl pro- pie,it milire rgued. mccld vote ie faner cf rnotirrheed il groenotire op- pertunîtp A note te cul educatîce cosîs item tire local tax bîi map ire a similat type cf situation, On tire-cure positive ideiromever. t mould redîcate tiret realytpales are beceming an issue.Tire hem-striegîeg cf local munîcîpalîtîns tep rnreasieg cestc must tee recegeized and people eem rtent on demandîeg more and 'note seruices item thir- tome et tome- ship Onea menaers if shirftîng tire rosI cf educalîce te tire provincial lmont miii rîtitmatelp nase tire ioad octe individu- el, but en a democracp tire fairent map te erina acenenus cf opinion 'c tep a note Miltron niecters cee craie tire de- cs'on rh-r December miretirer the ment te ment tire cent cf educatîce et tire gravier-ai lenel or tirougir a moueting local tan bill ftmpouEditorial Pqce #tabesu.* c/wice lueôdaq Tiere's an election on Tuesdap. fbrnr starersent on the formn egioeal From indications su far tiere daoenet government should aire seem te be a gteat deai cf concern or Most have seemed te recogerre the nterest. need for reductions en reaitp tac, mrth Candduts ae et srai'egirads the Lberais and NOF suggesting the drnidatofe andousrakng amnt: province sheuld bear 80 per cent cf the -'osr cf educatecnnrtheruthangtirempres thre-candidates ngirts, Leaders are criss- otfedcinrah hntepes crosin th contytryng o bildup ent 4db-55 per cent crossmtr e cuntp btryntabrid Up i Hem do pou choose a candidate? aentstae enruaste but Oant anorus- Do pou go by the sound cf his voice? dnenrs aedgnrli. orplcn ndu- iis oratoricai abilitp? hîs famiiaritp mith -nrerstedissues9?iis party leader? his generoas Tire Conseruatîve partp is runn ing promses?' is fîrrn handshaie' hic good on rui record cf 23 pears in office and loois? legîslaticn and leadersipin that pet- Were firanly ccnvinced that ail these cd Tire suggestion svccinctiy is - yoa thîngs, as ridîculbus as some appear, enuer had it se gccd have bearing ce the cane. The tberai partp ýs ruggesting a Unfortunateiy tire subject deese't vend for change co racine sucir probiemrs get tire intelligent con sderation it de- as polluion, ircus'ng and nroderniza- serves with nanpncoters It k mueh tinnroi nunicipal goverenent nasier te e a stavnch supporter cf on Tire NDP party argues tirey have partp Iran to arrive at an independeet earned a "place 'n tire sun' usti dyn- conc luson. Tiat preludes tire necessity amic plîc'es lu ope mîtir cost cf living cf ciocsing a course. tee lust automat- increases, ious'ng for lomet income îcaiiy and blindip accept miratever the fanrîlies and tire problems cf mater and partyproposes Tire growing number ait pollution cof uedecîded voters indîcates tuis prar- Haîron East and Halton Went have ice map te diminishirîg. tepresentatînes cf ail tiree partes. Vo- On Tuesday tire decisions te vote frs can taire tireir ciroice on Tuesdap. and rire piacing cf tire X are up to tire Me ihave irard uitle, duing the individuel. Whtirer pou maire tire de- canîpaign. cf farm prcbinms. Tiere ias cision te place tire X besîde tire stand- been lttie spoiren about tire concere cf ard iearer cf pour favorite party or farm income aed tire policins cf tiremiretirer pou choose tire location based Murk Marieting Board. osniis position un a speifir issue tire Candidates have been carefufle choice is peurs. Tire goverement cirosen tireir pronounicement on regiosaf gov- ythtie sum total cf ail tire elecrors iii arnmeet toc. At a met-tire-candidates guide Ontarioovcerthtie coming peers cf enening in Milton, ail agreed Multes challenge and gromtir. mas entitied to, an ansmer os ils anneua- On Tuerdap make pour decisios and t'on application but nove ventured a cast pour ballot in pour oms wisdcm. Theres an otd superstitiotiras tiings. guod or bcd, rue le sequescet cf tirree. l'ut vacl'rend te respect it. Duing tirevar, casuatties le mnv ,qîrdr'rncalrc.rnrreemed te ettore tire a Wed jtir- i'a loituildas. perirap- c,"th irx a. theu cane for -a meai Tiren tirrae mure. Itlirepps.ned lu rua. Due day t mas rirotrrru rirrrnr ire ti airttd te tend let 140 miles an huer. Na laps, ne brekes. Po)rrunatels. I rememirered c monte. jîrmî on tiroîtie. jui îed os tire rudrier' and grouaud-lueped eust short of a' rartrditair. Trea durs lter, t1irad a iromir irng- up, andirad îlulandrcilh a 500 poued irurtir, lced and reads ru go. dengling 1lrouvme\-leIt rrCg. TiraI mas tiresmoth- e-r landing raer iliade lu Wurtd War I. Tirer ole tiing tiret rcrs a bit dingos- corting uc-i tiret flirc errtrol rurcer made end, ver otire curing strtp. bol an rire gress hesida il, se talt 1staîdo't r in lireir r-urne'irn 1 tl"%ri e Tire cer' sert dan. 1t secssiesdoses. Thisîrinseseft rings happening le rireers i tl goiug oMrnras. tire toreacr' irs rrutire blir ,TuesddV. cour vite gel- epic about tire gîrbage or crmeiinp MWeduerdes. somte 1er res%- oucain tire partkrng lot. Eveautire good bhings came en tirees. Sud tirt'- rebat bappaned te me tsur treei. Tirrec e dligtful appur-lunilies for tirs' rece iend, and t cen takirl nev rî them. Siekening. Fmirt f l, t igned up lu irlp rap- er 'wa rip ta Erg" tram ver scirool. Thins in il-el1 siruuid grena a tirîn hinv cîper-ieuce Cent sou ree me maciing ip and dorcn tire halls ofa muonesters in rire middlerît tire nighirnn%,c psfemes cnd rainracl. trcing lu grran r buvs- rom living bus-. and girls rm living girls? Id lest commilled ms-self te Iis reiren '44 Aestralian bedds "Dutelir pirrred 10n-mind me rirati biswscstire lit weekeed of tttet ascietced honorable bath keews as lire Canadien Figiter PiS- ots' reenins. Same place, Monîrnal. And ire bcd hootced me on a fligirste cead (rom tire flesirpols oet tirt fir airs. t teeas soeaistcmpted lv scrtirdrem Item cira iiddicr' e-aur- ian, gov ter ring-ding. and taire tue machs te gel on- cr is, as usueal. Bel mc seita aid. Voure net going. Yee almens coma home teck- ieg lue e asieleten." And tiret uertiret. Resigned. end feeling geile noble, t %vsc cing mc steff for liehepu trip, and patîing mvssai on lire haifer do- ing mc%,date, o-ban number tirece came up. An inviration le ire a iedgc in e beau- t% rentent on Satardes. Thins ronea Ice bre as'iing fer fer %cacrs. t'eeiedgad essec conlasîs, public sgcciring contents . appla pie cuntanîn et tire tati fair, and for tircc saurs lhane beenea iudge forrthe Lcacoah Arecrd for humeor. Belt 'ee necer bcd e chance te lest ý litereacnd garep et tire cule kudr, ieerr'ng insid. and rctendinp t chose tire ainner beceusecof ber tlent, retirer thie th irev rec iaparts ber chest. Att t aan sev s r Shuicirs'And att 1teeadearevisifrMika Pearson tocltep ands as, Vnabean cppainted tiraheSen- île. procided t cee ha tireaSturdes Oh, T basant ivneup an tirets. 1 coetd go mitir lie kids toexFege.side on- er inte iretiter gilets' perts. rigtire brrr ridie home ced cachira plane te tire beaculscontest. Brît 1thunir tiras'd roieta rvn'me tira nast dec. On tira othar band, thit migiri net bc abd idc.Sm net long for hi - sortd cecu-an. Net untesr ms ie itot iabit about goiep te cottaege. Lt-t Fridas nipirt. sir cama home att trred ug iaut bier course. At 4cam. Set- urdîs. t ura, readine tire part cf Secra- tcre, nPlate's Dialogues. And bcd te ire atsvnte gel Kim te her bes for mente 1lassue Pages of the Past f reom champion files 20 years ago Taken trois ihe lente of Tire Canadian Champion cf Ocioher 9, 1947 At ce orgiied meeting belld n tire Legion Rrornn, il mas decided te entr au inrermadiaee ecm le tire O.HA.Ibis sean ced MesrsrC. Riddet and Dace Green srrtentecrd le orgasmze and man- age lira tram. Board et Managemnet cp- puieted mas Adam EF Armrng.Ken- netir bleu) Ciamesl and AI Henry. MiraI would oura cecetr-lof cf an 25 sears cge base tireegirlif soeonetin Hltec et that lime hed nuggeslad chart- er-le gan arregicer te fIs deme tteb International Pîemlng Match ut Kfngs- tee? And cet tiret n just mirtaI cgaoug et farners le the Georgetown district ara plannàing te do somelime durng ther sceek of etoer 13, undar tire cggaes- siva leadership of Wiîfrad Leslie, meSs- inome Hoîlein irarrdrced fermer cf R.R. 4. f3eecgrems%. Tire gaoug hune plans mell undenevas le charter c piase (nom Maltes le Kingston. They espect oa maie tirattip deme le 48 or 45 minut- et - speed thcira dccet tiraIterrnationcl cnd rature lthr ramereveeing. Sucir is ceothea indication cf tira changr e ccci- ctulmetirodr cnd tiing. 'S earnestts raqursl liraI eere ci-si- zen ren.pond ment mireteeanrcdle te lues mess X-ravsnurvee, mire byhaeieg an X-cce. ced tiren be rupperlieg tire grolest amoeg train fniends and urgucielances be reord et moutir. Bvsasedoing cou reltl ente gvrotecl seurnaîf aed sean femîts bat maie Milton eairraltier place te ranicir te re " C. oewtnd Mayor. 50 years ago Taken troistire Issue of Tire Crenadian. Champion of Octoher 11, 1917 Cauneittor David Clark secs tire is se drurit tiretiris herse a ssrcIn. Tire ehianar ired begue te clip him, but bcd rteppedtoc soea raon Tire anirmal irad hemn drisan irard, ced bcd tbe marks et irarnars on iris coul. The Grand Val- tefermer mire (oued hm cdneclfred hlm t' a local gagea mitheul neselt,but identitied hm (nom Mr. Clanks cd- nerriremant is c Toronto pagea. Tt is rurgeatrd tiraIlire tunef ties sot fan (rom Milles. -Iî uppers liraI EnrichI, thr fait- breaier. %vsec teîd cI Buffalo, mine ira mas a ne or ttie Y.M.C.A. beccuse ire tcad o mach. Haeirecume friesdty midi encIrer eeek, tle hm ie costidnd tire store cf iris dcisgs aed adetures inca. Ther cIrer ceook pussed Il on te bis t lgirl, wmire npecîrd il te ceetirer girl frcm miom ftlml entothre police Cbinf Constable Joncs breugirt Enright fcrn Buffaloo b Milles lad Tbursday ced Iodged hm itejfait, wmirenIeancd Smitb are nom beieg iretd for trial for thirer escape ced lhia mardereus assault on Goenrr MoGibbes ced TarnkeTt Reid. Tir 'azcette'sires Bucinglon mer- cansirase made e bcgineing ilteir ace et curling domnexrpensas irs curling ouI Saterdas nigirt daliceries Tis irea geod dec SfIli lldelicerirs oe trmait garcrtn renne abetisired meacirents eeuld attend te reduce paters. 10)0 years ago Talin fions she issue ot The Canadien Cirampion, Saison, Octoer 1 0, 1867. A Scirurl for Instruction et Votuc- tte-a n eCacatre Drill iras beau opaurd le Turntu mitir Cet. Jauges an command- ant ced une of tire efficers efthSie 1tt Husmars as adjutant. t milI haetfgrecS benefit ta tilt important arm et tien sereice. Tire FaIt Show le connection mitir tire Nasagamaca Agiulturel Society mas batd aI Haltoneilte un Tuesday. tien day bring clean and pieasanlti hreama a large sunnout et peopla, iruli old ced eeueg. miro att rremed beet on bcvng a holiday ced miro, judging irs their pleasent ceunltenancen, eidettenaeoy- ed îbemsetnes te she fuît. Tire herses, stock cnd implarnrntt mena shows in a (ild drrectte opposite Ma. Lyens' botl. ced tira grainrmots etc. le a suitable building in tire rear efthtie botl. Tireaexce lrutarangement of cire ecrtary und diractors, le conjonction mitir a gruger division et taber cmong tire judgas, faiitclnd business eery muair, ced long before tunsmt, tire morir mas dosa, tira grimer mereawuarded, tire peplebegan ts end trammwac borna- mard, aed recrYtbiec pasrad off inter musl ntisfarttiry masser. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Peieelrd bit eu ptetasale aeee0e0 c." e J11I1k J.- .A. ite, M i.9EindiMî, ianoyE. tuc.-Ecdie Ceai %.,uer, eiir Minitel, tubiihed emynWedredeyt i19tIMinrS., Mien, Ohterr. Meeber efth.iec.nineW.eki SNieiee lA-iti.o n nrite OnaioruWiekte N:smeeeîe Ceirtrue suburiptimr liMe nie .c. inea.n.,e.0a muec.deCatrrerSnticmn en Multn,300Pr ,;sn $7.00' nis .11tcu'e .. eaccerMisngiraeiuontcondmiton rIre, ia tir. cnour etaetyemereelliemren, t taie. ufthtie amrtrerce emSecunied the îie eut 5. 11 n . chinedfr.a te, -sbeta efthtre awijnenti oi e spealu' e îlee le1. e tfe Im.1.arentrýPiret crncd.mi.inge isole r.,e-1-c .i e creci rici, pifoa l- ..nie s f cl 5e e.Ia. uAcii.la teIniy ea.escrîet. 11aneyboiha-eeMc .Yf. AtSieîed ..Siand CI. Miluby th. Puet Otfiue Senienrt, Oniae. TiHE CARîBOO ROAD te tire gold fields emloieens of tire Hudsen's Bey Cc 's et B C., mas completed en 1865 Tire fer trading post plus 40 freeiroid farm- dtaocîeg shroms minets going te. ced a ers, t Fort Victoria ce tire coionp et coachr comîeng cul, mitir gold gearded tep Vanouver Island. Tien came tire im- armed men. Placer geid mas discover- pact of îheusaeds et prospectors and nd on tire Fraser River in tire1850s.' t aduenturers from Calitornia ced al mas Canadas firt important find efthtiecnerthtie mcrid, Britain quiciri pero- precîcas metal. Furtirt disceverrer up ciaimed a second cein on tire mais- tire river sparired tire Cariteco gel4 rush tend, nament il Britishr Columbia and of 1858ý Onip Ime pears befere tien, gave al a cii goverement mitir ils capi- tire wmite population et 8 C , tien rai t Nem Westminster. irnome as Nem Caiedoni, a cnited of

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