Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 1967, p. 10

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She Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Octaber 11, 1967 "SmeiIs just luke moluey, sonny" iosthse amietnen tram otiossIan n KellY ab-. 'Before leavitsg Briato McCris- lau taor a trip ap tise precipit- 0105 Fraser Canyon, Id ike ta tellthtie totsb aroond Miton tisaI se aceampanied Brian ta Port Moody and saw im tara in a spectacutar performance fr is iasehatt team catted Mission MIsons, a rinme hat seeras addty incompatible sithi i isef t tef t Abbotstard (and tise singutar pronoan sitt indicate tisaIt 1as travellingalaone as Norm had t ocut short is isoti- day for a business commit- menti on a clear Tuesday mornine shicis tsrned lto a snsoggy, bot Tueoday aflernoon as t was traveing thrueis tise atoresaid Fraser Canyon. A plaque at Hett's Gale Fisisway attirtos tisaItiroagh t-latons Member of Part- ament bas begun is regu. tar catumn again, since tise -liluse bas reconvened. Readers in is constitueney receive ragular irst - bund acuts af Ottawoa proceed ings fromt Dr arrsHar ]eV Th eneditsa sui- cdisfi rst vote ai non-cofit- dence in the resumned Session. If did tiis tairty easoty, sstb o samne assistance fromt ou Members ut tise Oppositton lune NDP and une Social Cred il) and despite tise vote ut ose Liborat against tise Gavern- At tise peesasotome there arc four vacancics in tise ko-toasfu Comsmuns, and snettost titis benefits tise Guers ment as tise majarity (3)1outhtie voo.nies are in tise Opposition.Tise vole ilsctl as ut conidence in'lise G avers ment and was based an isausing polies t1 sboatd expIais tisat a vote ut fan-contîdence in tise Govers ment, seioe bascd usutîts on ant: subecet, imcannnn.cit dence in ticr abiit> ta goers. tf tise Gverometit lose-. uchs a vote, it dues sut meon tise Gas- etiment hb tu change ts poicy on tiat particulr ýuh some mon - mode arrangemet n tise river betos, tise soctseYe satmon are able ta gel totliar spawning groand In spîle at tise side rock". Tise irsî impact aftie Fra- ser Canyon, 10 Iis tourist et teasî, sas one of some mld feaut of its deptis and ot admir' ation for tisose engineers and road ioriers oho consîructed he leetgs roads around its rim. tt might have ieen catted "white knuciste canyon road" as one tends to drive witis bots iands on tise iseet in a swea- tv rasp. Cresid Later aI Cache Ce l at make a decision to tamn easl wu Kamtoops and sauts af psoint in tise geserai direction of Ornsîgis or continue up ta tise Carohoo aed Prince George -which t did. This as a for- tuitous decision as tise Cari- boa. QuesnelI(tise tocat peopte say 'sanati and WitiatsLake ject. tt means tisat tise Govern-1 mont bas ta reigo and tait a generot eection. 1n ffect, tteretore. a non-confidence motion i, a tait for deteat aI tise Gaves oment, and a gencrai eletton. It is sot a simple matter t citictsol ofy par- tîcutor Government poticy. Tise Parti anent of Canada bas ince gone mtttu tudY tise Budget presentcd last Jane.i Tise Minister oi Finance noted tisat Espo hb had a very las- orabile inftuence as uae balance of pasmrents and eseisange pos- tion. Ib addition tuaist at- tractions darnse aur Centenniat ecebrations have ietped a great deat Tise Mnisterisas aked for asoun.tury restraint on prîtes and custs. He ias said tise Federat Goveromebst is reducing its espenditares great. ty and has sked for otiser leesof gveraiments. and peo- ple genera tty. ta do tise sanne. He nted tise Federat Gavera- ment bas reduced ils proposed espenditures tuor nest year 'oy $650 mitlion, and espeets tise savisgs witt be incrcased tur- tiser Tise siate ot borroming ut Provncial and Manicipal Gos esmorents bas actuaatv et- ceuded tisat ufthtie FederaI Gos- ertoment tiis ear and evea more suOast 5ear It is boped itier Gusernments witt be en- abted ta reduce tieir enpendi- For tise sent vettk the ton. sîderatias ufthtie Budget witt 1 i.tîOlOantd wli hc puncta- aled hs h ree votes, t inter- oft. two 0davs. bascod on Dp- i poivilon amendmorent, ta tise Btidget. Itarrv C. Hrlev. MD M .P. for Noion A ZOOLOGICAL PARK at Wasagn Beatis han been attrncinî record numbers af viitors thit summer. Tise hippa shaset abova gnoring tise stares of tourits. is jost ose oatie anima!s sehicis have ietame permanent residents of tise park. Lions, moane, %volves, deer and other native and tareign launa ive seat doar io eac tishier in a jungle of iemSatk and pine. (Ont. Dept. of Touritra and Information Phsot -Htltan's federat HiP. Dr. liarry Hrtey was guest speak- er aithtie Gergetown District Memoriat Hospital women's auxliary dianer recently. He spoke an drogs. -A monument ta Neson '?ôwnship sistibe dedicated on tise altertna!ofSunday, Oc toéi22 in front c tise bsoard of edcation admninistration buitld- ng in Burilogon. lihe Bue- lntnHistorîcat Society has erectta the monument ta tom- -Meisrate tise townsisip wtids ecme part of Burlington in Harley to Halton b y ha r ry h arl1e y m. p Ra. $50 A Georgetowen district f irna pîeaded guiîty ta, a contraven- tion of lise Unemptayrnent In- surance Acf in Magistrale J. R. Biackts court in Milton Tise court canvicted lise dat- endant. sentencing h o ta afine o! $50 and conîs far fallare la make a srtten return o! in- formation. IFAY'S ELETRI re reai wlld west aimatPhae mith the Esemers ioing tike tai tive cowltays tram theTV -also thse Indians, iikewiae. Dont -kWiow hase lhey'd know who asnon sehose nidO. nt any rootin' toatin' TV shootin' ever braise out! Acta- ttly they ait norta look phoney ut t guess tlsat's how they at- atty dress, tisough i sure 'ouldn't massta try ta tic mY shoc wath a pair of those cow- boy pants an. At WiliasLtake, there in consideraate togging and toto- erlng sa, 'tasein' hase thin Is oneof my interests, t got ta seet saine bagging peopte - ,hrough sheer audacity - and aIl a ride into the sitderness on one eof thase belsemaoti smoke'putsed togging truckss. 1met Hank sehat's-his-Itame at about 7 a.m. and had a spine- cruncbing but very interesting ride an titis $45,000 "rig' into atogging camp and back ta he mitt. Hank wsa a vefy inteesting, apinionated individuat; Ihere was lots of lime ta astaltisis bhis, as tm sure aur average speed coutdn't have been maore bhan 30 m.p.1o. As RIant s aifted îhrougis the 20-sodd forseard gearso, f his thraaty 350 h.p. diesel tractk, we overed many subjecîs ti- ctuding even u1Hippies". This aubject constantly recarrn in western Canada as there are so many of Ihese soapless people here. -Hank tisougint that if they seere ta recette welfare, îhey shotd be sbav- ed and have their isair cat. We gaI backtstatise Mill in Williams Lake lone fIat tant about 1.301 p. Ileove tiseougis more Caribaa ta Prince George. Eveeybady seis tives in Prince George thinks it's a greal place. Ilsa acluatly an oasis withis is big- city appiearattce - lise Gâle- seay cf tise North and att tisaI -but il bas ils shady imnder- worid, 100, as il's very Irans- lenlt witi il tas e praMperttY. il's the end of tise rainbow la inany peûple. Att puip tosens have tise samne offensive "ornait' - tMa aliy nal loa plesslantliste traveller. I astsed an oId feltase bose îiey put up selis Il and tE lhey ever gel uned ta il: "Smeils os lke mantY, son- ny, he gaaped. :'Mapbe lis. mine ay w tisints about a good, big, ricis mnanure pile,"' 1 refleeted. Moved on. Saw tise big poseer dam an tise Peace River - btgesl in North Ainerica. Wenlta Dase- son Crets hicis san isayseedy, tisen contnued an and stayed at Grande Prairie, Ails. At crénae Prairie, I did lthe asuai peranal of "motet rose" and pîctsed one sehicis jast hatspened ta bc beside a gas stational tisait 1happened ta bure ta lise graund aI 3 a.m. Tisatin itself seos really a gaod sisow. Tise firem.en seemed confused aItlise start as they were yetting aI cacis ather. Howcver, 1 feit tisaI lheyihadt risc malter seetIlaîîended wisen i heard ose coice keep yelling "mare waler. pou guys, aver iserel " ot saine god côlored pic- tares of! htia. I tiantced tise station osener, wh isaaso ôwn- cd tise motel. waIit to Ldsnmoltn for a short bots-sec and gaI camp- tely last trying; ta gel out of that elty, tisen continaed ta Red Deer for a relative stop lcalted free - boading). NesI osorning ment la Calgary for mare fret-toading la "loundry" stop). on a sparling Sanday morn- ng. storled ouI for Regina presumabty buit kept pressing an ta Winnipeg - 827 mites son - stop encept for fuel and 10.30 a.m. Mass at Medicine H4at, during whiicistise celeb ranI inslructed tise Cangregat ian on tise basic responsibitit ecs o! education (an lise par ents). Tisa long isoiiy was contin uousîs punctaated by sisriess of soggy kids in a hsot, crosedeg cisarcis. (The total effect of Va tican Il isasn'l gaI THAT fai vet). Tise man whio pried. n is andstrain tise sleeringwee Vs ofa my exisausted car knes is thIisad driven tram Ca I gars ta Winnipeg. Tseas a glood trip escept ta vethose tiiters and casopers. Bill Ketîr New Demiocrat colection of a fesa tocal anim- aIs bas now burgeuned inIoaa major aotlogicat park wiicis utimatety wmut caver 200 cres at Wasaea Beach. a Geargias Bav beach resort 90 miles sortis of Torosto. Eves nom, sitis onî tise first 25 acres uesetoped, viit- ors set out os safari past mare escltosures tisas îhey'd ind in many a futt.ftedpged city zoon- and ils a lut more atraus- pisere. Lions and noose - mon- archin stieir oses rigist - lise sent doue to eacis otiser. Cose by, a pair a! Asian mater but- taat) oots ongingty aI a pond built by beaver seiicis hase free ras of tise grousds. Tiere are iippos and bisons. caagarn and tigers. and Artie moives tisaI holins tise niehl. Amosg itsltesl acquisitions Is a vousg Mysore eiepisaft,a it t fruin lie G avers ment of India. In a watts-i bird conssrat- ory, its featheryiresidents sn- clude vulttres and iawhs and utiser birds t pres Asti mai- tels, grecslierans and ing- fisiser, ire iust a tes th ie native bird-. oisissmite tise ieaver pond tiseir home in tise sprint, summer and cartv tait. Tise carefut observer mieit sec iscacer ai sooris utcertain times The.se tndutrious creat' turcs - prood symbiti in Cas- adisos ber;ldrsi - cars tisir heep isv feling taisber for tise varnnas animat eampounds. and iheir iodges lisais) are jus1 a stoties tisewaaaS Whitie addise igniicatIvtot Otarios gramme isi o! 'liv- isg" aurist attraction, SUpper Canada Vilage, fort flenry and Straiford, ta mention a fese), seither tise provincial or tederat goveraments bave any directive csnstrot seialever is ibis prajeci ksaws a% tise On- tat'icZooiogicat Parts. A non - proflit group csicd tise Upper Canada Zoottogicat Society is crea tinsg il as a gift ta Canadas ceniessiat, raîsine a needed $3.000000 for ottim- aie devetopmest parelty ibrotîgispublic sttistciiption. And oubie %tiltifan tram ibis WANTED! By the Optimist Club of Milton SCammunily Proeets CONTRIBUTIONS 0F UNWANTED ITEMS Contribution o! unwanted items tactsas- furnit' appliances, skates, îabaggoss, steds, etc.; anyti me cas tam inIa cats t aur 'Whitie Etepi Auction Sale New la lise ime and eppeetunby le rld yatr hai ofii @Ihe bIerna wilh have heen getherl 1 soea ime. Pam plai-up ar Informationi - CeN imwadiab -MOt. MIRO IGOS .. ... ......070-400 MR. IAN ROIIRYSON ..... ....0784443 MR. CHALE THOMAS.......07840U9 aîdmissian prices Io a minimal 75 cents for aduîts andi 25 cents for voungqtet't. Sparisplat of tise stiseme iS Cas Van Essinga. a Duteis-bortt ziotlogist mitis tso impressiveI sets tif Setters isebtnd bis namne. unusual menaferiot and ensin- ced animal - Inters of tise pro- since tisat a eoologitat parts, equatl to asvtisifleotaIis con- tisnrt. sioutd ise devetoped in tisis ceortal taurist ares. At tise outnat, bis wite and ciidrcssvorked rieist atang wilis hlm Nom it is staffed by trained personnel. and almast eserv otiser dus -brises aatiset' animal mb tiste fotd. Many of bis 5cm arrivaIs came directtt tram tonds in misici tbey svere bora bt'otSont teel at home in Ontario's rue- ged wooatnds. Moreover, theougis speciltfeeding. about wisicb Van Eysinga ts an ex- pert,' masy of tise so-colled warm -islooded animnais are blse tu wiîisstand a colder en- siriinmesl tisastiseir original habiîtat. For enample, tise lions wbicis reîtteslv paw tis, sasd oft tieir cage in summer. appear hsappy sttrraanied isv snuscInsusb- ,ent socotiser Nathing mare tisastisin palvthieline siscetittg O rapped around tiseir cage bars prutects tisera frora sein- irs winds 4 FIEE lUi DOM T BLOCKR EXIlS o A COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE @ INDUSTRIAL Il COMMERCIAL 0 RESIDINTIAL 0 ELECTRIC HEATING lRURAL POL!ELUNES and SERVICES PHONE 870-2048 foc FOE MTIMATB SUNDAY DINNER SPEClAL CREAM 0F CORN SOUP MIXED VEGETABLES MASHED POTATOFS OR FRENCH PRIES CHEF SALAD STRAWBERRY JELI.O FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE S711-91 we Are Opon Every Day Throublamullthe yeav LIDO RESTAURANT lei Main AIR CONDITIONED Miet ow RALLY 4 and DANCE to meet your PC. Candidate for Halton West GEORGE KERR AT Brookville Hall FRIDAYOC«T.a 13 0 "RAY LEONARD & HIS WESTON AIRE" 0 REFRESHMENTS 1 to 5 YEAR GUARANTUID INVISTMINT CIRTFICATS AMOuNTS $100 - $100000 COME IN AND ASK US ABOUT ITI MIL TON __ I LORNE Si<UCE, Manager i 455t LOCAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Carl Martin. Vice-Preidett 0 , are, ,g ' NORTH HALTON ADVISORY BOARD fng t* " John T. Armstrong, Ciairmas: Reford Gardisoase, Marce C. DaatY. lanf, r , Michael Ledmitis. Jobs Goy, Dr. B. D. Young 0Ou mi" CONVENIENT OPFICE HOUaS -Mon. -Thurs. 9 -5 ridays .011 6 ttfrHALTON & PEEL TRUST &SAVUNîios COUPANT Head Office:t Oakville. Oliser braneis Offices: Brampton, Burtngton, Simncoe, Delhsi, Georgetowen, Coaksvttle _____Assait under Admnlstration OExeed $75000000 IMONO THE POIITICAI- HOPFuLS visiting witah hs wite is sisosn laoking aver an ex- Mtair o n h ekn a atnWs hibh by Actas Jusioa nsaite in tise 4-H and .tberat candtdate Jack Lusis of Burlingtos, misajonior former hall. (Staff Photo) At Wsua .eh Safari through zoological park reveals vast animal menaqerie LOOIK! MODERN DRIVING TECHNIQUE S Safa Driving Course conducted by the Hamilton Automobile Club and Ontario Department of Transport. lu.sdiay, October 31 and Thursday, Nov. 2 Monday, November 6, & Wedn.sday, Nov. 8 Cost - $10.00 Par Person Register befor. Friday, Octobr 20, 1967 Your Savings Earis Good l.t.met et your Local Trust Company ----------------- ------------------ - --------- ------------ ---------- - 1 end k si q

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