Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 9

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- Elutmpion YOUTH i FRONT Weekly assemblies for Martin -shool A weekly assensbly, the finit of which was held Sept. 22, sili be held in Martin St. Sen- ior public scbool with respon- sibility for the progrn rotat- ed tlrough the classrooms. In the initial giathering, ssap- ervising principal E. W. Fos- ter Save a heginning - of - the - year address, explalnng ta the student body what is ex- pected of them and emphasiz- îx96 the importanceofai epNect- ing the occasional difficulty in making progress. Supervialng principal iloster and speech correction lntruc- tor Mns. E.'Presse met wih leachen aof kindergarten, pri' mary and special education, as welt as principals of al junior public schools la Milton on lWednesday aftemnoan. Mms. Presse enlarged on ber work ln speech correction with sugestions ta the teacli' ens on how' they could help handicpped chldren in daY- to-day classeanes routine. A&'. omiereporied On Course 109, shichs le took d- rin thse pat sumnier. Thie counse speclalizes in trainlng of speech handlcapped dsltd- ren and th recognition Of early symptaSis. C.L L.ohmc MeW exocutives A four - mensier executine was chosen Manday evening aI the regular weekly oset- ing la St. Nauls United churcli off the Canadian Girls in Train- ing. For the 1967-68 term, the f- ficems will Oe president Don- na -«eatherington, vice - pres- ident Delibie Smith, secrelarY Lois Fay and treasurer Shaw- na McCoy. AW Scid s! a - -. Elect student council By Shiri tPareons Tension was high. Tht time had heen set for 1:10 Students crowded around tht guidante office andI waited for tise an- nounceOsett. Tht camnpaigns had been fan. tht speeches informative. and noso the sohole student body waited to hear soho would take the leadership of M.D.H.S.s Studeal Council. Tht time arrivtd, and M. Roinson. who had assisted with organization ai tise election, congrtulated tht neso offi- ces ýenese execîtlve. including presi- dent Jim Keane. vice-president Phillip Powell, secreary Ingrid Falk and trea- surer Wanda Guay. got tht hall rolling immtdiattly mitis as txeculive meeting and announced th finIt Student Council session would he held this week. Students af Milton Itigh had some- îhing ta smile about Tuesday. September 5, as tise annual procession pat tht school photogrepher mas made. TIhis year there mccc two plstograPhers. wbioh made il possible for students ta retors ta classmaoms. for which cries of joy ascended. Didnit lhty? Tht pictures this yar sill ho la technltolor and every- ont is anticipating a good.turnout. Speeklsn about phatogeaplsy. once again th camera club has taken UP iun past and is looking farseard ta a sucttss- fui year. Tht club, mhids is headtd by Mr. Hopking, Mr. Skate, :Mr. Sammy and Mr. VanSickle, pisys an active part in our schoal lufe. Tbis is the club responsible for tht picturea In or yearbook. tht Astra. 1l alto helps hy praviding pittures for de- manstratians In such subjecîs as gea- graphy. Tht club esecutive includes pre- sident E. Agnem. businesman-treasurer Slin 'Werner and darkroomn superinten- dent -ob Ontrend . Tht club hopes t0 ho equipped wih a darkraom of their osan this year and this sili mot likely ho a subjecl for discussion intbe Stîsdeot Council. Another club in action ný the dramna club. headed hy Mrs. MacArthtur tnd Mr Pollen. The eseculive is compo..ed of preni- dent Gardon Timbers. vice-prcsident Ttc- vor Houston, secretary Mot-f Mashas, and treasurer 5bet Wardlc. A play readisg committec a.-b. hcec set up. This vear there wiltlic bath a junior and senior play, presented at dif- ferent imes. The club bopen ttî presen t ose comedy and ose drama. A lot of baril mrk goes mb obhe production otf a plan and mach credif is due ta those whis undertake such a tesk. Once agaîn tht Miltonstanîgs base taken the Iadise rote on the foiotbal field. On Tuesdav, September 25. MD HS.'s senior eais sas hast t a H.o<ver. Hanover's tcam scored a totîchîtaîs aandl a convert in th irst quarter. Bs the ime thte-Mustangs had decided tbe'd had enough warm up enecfse and ploaf- ed inIa real action. The grande fiai found the score 14-7 for Milton. Toh- dosons were made bv Mibe Harrison ad Don Hearns. iim Keane added tseo points with a consert and a single. On Fridas the seniors once ag.in fac- cd opposition. Iis ime. Gaît Catteiate. Tht gane, shieli saplaycd in Glf, proved once again flic frcatness utfcote teais for the final score %vsan10 for Mil- tan. The teais bad ta pîav witbtt a fult backfield duc tot fliact Ihat snnie teasa miembers iee ai Espo. la spile if is. coach FoIes said thee casa pt.ised caIve Deense wasstrongtand<itfeasc isascar- rid 90 per cetioftthesi'as tiMike Ilar- risos Jus Reine scored t î uii hiîsn for the teais aflr receisiag a pins tram AI Walker. Other poisns-ire itade fis tise succestîtl eampleîitsn af .a single cossert. and a safets loocli Students of M.DOH.S. ris-ait iiti net? We've goI a sehoal taolic p-ad ifi a, our sottît confirms il! tsfiil Sisi Bots ais. - nothing but the let" MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1967 Youth's Cenrtenniial dothingq styles individual yet steeped in tradition MARSHA ZUEST, saho joins the correspondants o? "Youlh Front" this meek, iii be fili- iag as in on happenings aI M. M. Robinson Higis School, sahîc i s attended by studenîs n tht aortherri haîf of Bar- liagona. (Staff Photo) MUdrshu Zuest schuol witer YouitbFront" îstruduct.s at lie rogutor slumtsthis îîcek. îctb flicaddition of Mirh es aZuesi fa au r campany ui sorrcnposdents. A l-seae-old Grade Il nia- Liltai M. M. Robinsnt Higb huliiel, M.rsba lsa esjuys ber %i ks a Sutsday Schoul teacb- ei ai Grace Anglican Chureis. Shc îtli e telling.readers ut tImppeatags ai MM. micbis aiteactcd bs al bîgh nehical niîîdcat the ha uefl aine- tnarea. tram Hîigbmay No. 5 îîîîî btlathe Base Lise. and tioînît Tresaine Rd. ment ta tht Counîts LUne. Thins.sare realîs osnflic bal Ibis Centennial Year, one af these "tings" being the saune people. The new trends in clalhiîlf seem ta be catching every- ones eye. young and old. Whaî is i that gives thee vount people sucb enthusiassa for originality and may - out de- sign? Parents' comments rats alose the ine of "uîterly ridi- cubaus'. disgustisg!. whats Ibis morld coming ta?' and other similar remarlis. but as For as 1 cas se. these adulîs make the same commesîs ab- out aur clotbing as their par- ents mode about theirs. if ont takesa a doser look sn clotbing design post and present, they milI be able la notice clothes today are. in a form. imitations of tht aider designs af d r ess. 'For ex- ample: samte designs in girls' dresses are higli neclis and ruffles. beisg quite similar ta tht oses won in tarlier hist- ory. Boys' hair styles are gred- ually gettisg longer and again resemblisg tht page boy fash- ion. which was also common n the tarlier part of our bis- tory. Misi sirts appear ta lie tht gradualîs ineisg tbeir way up ta as estreme. Hamever. like sn evers' yperiad (if time. the lesgths vr. Manv People tend ta eraup short sirts ta the teens: but Vve seems sme preltv short sirts ons same aIder si-ames. On samne peaosle ibese short styles taak becasa- ng if saur figure llows vau ta %%car thesa attractivels. If vau are sas fitted ta wear this fs-pc af dress. sou are lioble ta gain o bit of attention, a few "remortis" and perhaps iints frant vaur fricnds that vau would bc bel ter off fa change saur wardrobe. ShIrt dresses, st ripes and dat s, off - cestercd color cois- binationss.higb linecesocks. criss- cross nylons,- sarioas cal- oreti slockisgs. wide beits. chai-n beits. painlcy shirts. mod p.snts for the boys, tien for the girls. blue ieans, Tee Ks. long dangling car rings. the pierced took, shirt tail blouses. and nbould Y go on, 1 would bave ta tahe ap the wbale of "Youth Front'. Howesier. tise geseral idea s that these styles off lothisg express tht personalities of aur youth. These designs show imagination. enlhusiasm. orig- snauits and a flare for excite- ment that mabes the charact- eristics of aur youtb today. Il wou:d be wrosg for anyone toaottempt la stamp out Ibis active age graup of wild fatsh- ions. This is part of their treedois as individuals and Ihevshsbuld be able t0 dress according ta their judgment. This, of course, doesn't mean the parents can't offer noise advice ta their growing- cancerns and perhaps try to curb fhe estreme dress. 1 sbould hope that parents care enou-gh la fiee such advice. Most ot the clothing styles today are in the classification of bhere loao and gone ta- maras. They are fads. This is another way which shows sausg peoples' ability to keep uts the go. Sa readers. whes you see a sousg lady or 'gent" dressed in tbese up-to-date fashions. tbisk of all hese variaus mes- niogs. of their dress. Tise older bibi., like their rocking chairs. the middle folks like Ibeir armchairs. and the voune people tnjoy their swingisg stools. 1 monder what tht seat tgen- eration will like? Social affluence? Students saving spare cash SING TO TM lu thoe adys of social af- program through mhic fluence, shen eenath child' students are aving tif Mw to S " renini public sehools sSem ta ckels and dimes îowar have pocket money ta spend day whes they head oti AT frey, lî's ntoumagieg ta hear sntversity course or that someone is ding $omne- other foros of higher SOYNE lhing ta ensure tht ise use tian. ai mnsy.lhes yternmaujust1 Ccnmunily Cenitre lfoly Rosary -PariMis Mii- cd in -lloly Rosary S tant Credit Union Limited is Schoal trmo eekn aga, Sat... , Od.7 onsmehg that shold far t38 students bave bcofa untaild honef il ta enery Cei Union manager ADMwISSION - $1.00 perticlpatinfi student Tht Friters satin depositsi - UPRVSE - Credit Union bas laurithed a cd 1100 in the first 1wo SUPERVISED - "student educatios savings ragng troma o Preanting: THI ""DYNAMICS" TORONT O'S WALLIUL OROUP SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 8r4 IUR MILTON PAIR GROUNDI ADMISSION - $1.50 Members DSOOR QtAT 8 PIf. Club >Kaibu ch tht their tsi- rd tht aut for a educa- tlaunch- Separate 3and sa ejoised. er Jules savera-g vo meeks a0 of10 Frijters said tht idca of regil- ar eely savings mas catch- ing on qsickly and he espeets at leant 50 per cent of tht sehool stadents milI eventual- y jis. Tht Separate 'Sehool Board han gi-ntsfull endorsement and co-operation t0 tht plan. Tht systfns of collections han been simplified ta cause tht tat possible amount ai work for tht teachers. Each student reteints a share accoast tard osnsaicli he or ords. A statement of tht at- caunt is sailed ta lise parents every six months. and no ih dramals are permitled ithout thtesritten consent ai tht par- ent. Students reteint an annuat dividend ai for and o hall Sper cent. which is paid inIa tht accouaI annually. Ail sas- ings la tht pragram are lite insured a1 no direct otntol the studenrt. ta a maimumoa 12,000. Teen drop-in club based in Kilbride runs dances, games By Larry Mailla A sense ofi irf.anizatiat, nse accasional cspericnced assistance. atsdlasti of esîab- tisbed soufli .cfisi lies anKil- bride led iii flicforaionM a "TieesDrap-la Cli'" ,Milton Ssbuit. ssho i su resus fbhe unis :iitili i.:ing r atl atise parti n tf l , sy nens mse etl tramt the Kilbide arc., iffer ta hclp, il mas bavea iibi l de cd dîîmn. Ans esecutive ofair lîîe enag- crs inclodîsg shairman "Gig" Debes, sice-ebaimits Dasid Sehueli, ss'sc.ra odv Tur- ner and Ircasurer D.îse Browns plas mach af Ihe stul.s acîts- lies sabicl i îsîldes-tgube îFriday nîglit dances, esichre Iaarnaasests. vsiic-ihall, fllî,îr hockey etc. Meetings are hefd eses Fridas night i in iliride Commuails Hall. Dances are stagsd ta fthc music of ail' ils. lit, bandstîr iccords. and vsus g pcîsPf trom aIl oser fh cotîissis ait' melcame toattieInd. Theme art 32 sisnd mst- fbers withatmore siganig irri gularty. For a villagecofuless ilsat Io 20population, flic ouaf1 peuple of Xithride hasve 'donc themnelves proud." 175 pints of blood dona;ted by ait Robinson By Marsisa Zut Et ni a M. M.Robinson buve s lt-ted rotling again and i liokas if il mitîhoea great scar. Att loyal. aflet- - sthool supporters have joined tht natiuus clubs. Tht Library Club con sow boant of isaving ifs 1f,000lh booki on tht sheif. An flic other clubs become or- 1anized, I milI briag you nows ofi Iheir happenings durlng t ise seat-. Studenî cards ment on sale ibis ns-ek and me are rather prîîad of the unique style of lisse cards. Everyone bas a hiiit s picître of himsetf for thc put-pane ot idestification i seboat aclinities. Tht piso- îiigraphcr bad as cnlirely dif- Setens method of sholing tht pi: tc tir f thecard inlils ta- iis ivins'ad af having tht cards printed. Robnson htld ils second bimsd donar linit ai tht ytar ona September 27 as part ai îîîîecestcsniat projet. Cour. .ios studenls donaled a to- al of 175 pints ai bloto aibis nsrths cause and coke and dauglinals mere semed for ibeir brovery. The grade Il merchandising students ischool classes enjoyed an excursion ta the Gifs Show in Toranto os Tbunsday. Sept. 28. This trip mas designed ta educate us in tht selling i cgoads f rom thteshlesaler ta the e- tailer. Everyone enjayed tiis trip. not only because me miss- ai a day ai schaal but ho- cause lit mas lnteresting ta set tht ide variety ai gonds Cf- ferai. Advance mies af the ytar books toob place thtis week and an assembly bas bee planned for Monday. Oct. 2 ta promote sales. We hope this year'n issue ai "Ouest' iiiho the hont ont ycl. Oum junior and senior foot- bal]lteams ment into action against Nfelson hgh schaal on Priday. Sept. 29. Unfortnate- ly, bath tems mere defeeled. the juniors 32-13 and tht sen- iors 13-7. The fIns big dance aoflise pear will be beldi on Oc. 6 illi Bobby Washington and tht Sou] Society enttrtalning. We at-e boping Iis dance iii be a succeshocause tise at- tendante aI Iis ont iti af- fect tise numer af dances me 9milI have thim year. ELECION RUSULTI et M.D.H.S. Tuesdey show- ed these four students la be tht people's cisaice. They include viee-presidenl Pbullie Powell and president Jus Kene. back; freas- urer Wenda Guay and secretary Ingrid Falk,. front (Staff Photo) News f rom 0. S. D. e reprt on activities eI Ontaria Sthool for thse Deef, Milton Tht volltybait season is litre again. 'Monday October 2 sets tht scene for a tierce battît belmeen tht girls' voltyball teas and tht 0.5.0. staff teas. Wisner takes AI On Thursday. Oct. 5,.OS.. mili play hast ta tise Milton District Higli Sebool valleptsall teas. Game ime is 4 p.m. Go. O.S.D.. go! TisIsamar up-aIde damn. right side up in tht girls' gym! Il's gytsnaslic lime againt Tht gymnasîs are pras'ticing for a spot on tht OS.. campetitive teas. Coud loch, girls! Astatherbas week bas pas- sed in tht junior girl' resid- ente. 0.S.D. Dur girls are rom ssell established in their daily routine and esjoy a fuI. meil- rounded timelable of actiit- ies. The boum leagnses are mel undtrway.illi weekly btoas- baîl gaines sohichlsbl lead tsi- entuaîly ro pay off games. The yosnger coittsters are hoping ta capture tht hctnors Ibis year. frois their more et- petitoctd oppontents. specieltIreats in store. Satur- day sot-stop finda most af our girls ap brigisl and ealy. and aff tol the swimmlng pool for fret swimmiusg. With sudh beautitul facilitits il aur dis- posai me hope Ita develap a teso "Marilyn Belin" af aur oms. A trip domntawn la tht ailet-sos. a lobk Ibrougis tht shops and a movie. ta crnm- plete tise auting. mould déllght tht heart of any young miss. and aur girls are na exception. Untortunaiely. dise ta bad meather Ibis pant meek. a scheduled msmallam toast mas potpased. but the expet- talion wil urely heigliten the esjoyment sohen tht eent dats lobe place. Doris Imo. tht Smans, cre- aled a lovely munial ofmaven mats micis they've pmaudly dinplaytd ia Ibeir dors. They also had a special treat this pant meeb mhen Miss Chai- mas and Miss Andison took ties ta tht football gaeeil which 0.S.D. mas victarloun avet- Palmerston. Tise Bannies in Damia Timet enjoy the nemly acqssred f ConttîluedonPage B2) "10 musical movers f Miltons own choie Yosth Front, tise "Ten Musi- cal Moners". voted os by Mil- ton and area. iii be pub- lished ander lise sponsorsisip ai Mayat's Harmony Records. Martin St. You tan iselp decide misaI sosods become the week's ar- lstocracy by writing your Imo favorites la order on lise bal- lots qrovidtd in thteisr urday sorsing and tise touaI- dams is made Friday at 9 p.os. Ft-optietor -Wayne Canton is affririg a 45 m.pm. recaeding -for the finIt ballot drmon thal matches tise nuoshor ont and number tma tongs picked by tht majarlty. Sa bead for tht polis. andI esercint your democracy. Itfs ElectionTirneIMeaning NOWM Pick ti.Mlo ra 0Mscal Movera es you uee 'em. Resulta Pubishad W.ekiy on this Page. Writ your Iw@ favorite 7"timeaeannr 1 Icu.ruity playei, adons with Naf por lweaim oa.,mmarnfleas the yournomeà dpiW meo r. Irally', Wn àcurrantl43raoed.I Cast Your Ballot Now at the MOVINGEST Polling Booth: WAYNE'S HARMONY RECORDS 14 M41?d S.876-2151 The TOP SPOT in Town for Amps, Musical Instruments, Tapes, Record Players and Accessories, Etc. For Young or Young-at-heurt Drivers: TAKE A FLIGHT in this 1964 Oldsmobile Starf ire. Black with red buckef seats. Power steering, aufomatic f loor shift. Whîtewatls and wheel discs. V-8 ........................-...........$1,95. GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITE D InMilton Pla 878-2883 1

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