S U Tie Cnadien Champion. Wmdsseday. OCloba 4. 1967 Politics, pipers, puddlesan cd miserably. (We have been tourage moved an, nkltng asked ta keep their recorded inch-deep puddles of teter ta scores secret.) wend their eay ta tise 4-H Htem, George Kerr introdstc- caîf cluh shose that seas Ist cd hlm ta ise fairs lemparar- clusing. ily unemployed master of cere- On the svay, they cao lto monies, Vince Moualford tram local car denler, George CIe- Brampton. "Say, t like your ments, svhu shook the Presa- isat," quipped the premier. and ier's proffered hand andi told iefore he knew il Vince had hlm Jlm Saow wsa a fine cao- whipped off the green plaid didate. George and Jim have. fedora and placed lu on Mr. known each other foc yearn, Roharîs' heati. It dido't seat- through seork seitiste Lions IV fil. Clah of sehicis Mc. Saow in a The two tratird guips for a past district goveIttor. MA*ONIC SERVICE byterlan Church on Octatter 15. 'Membeca of St. Clair Masonie -Menthers of tise latige wi at- Ladge will hald thoir anoual tend the 1l arn. service in a church service et Knox Pros- group. A thea 4-H club lutai.* microphone wsanpresseetiloto une and Mayor Syd Chuils - troduced Mr. Robati ta tise sparse crowd. Tise vîsitor stop,- peti long enough ta congratu- laie the champion 4-H nShowy- man, Larrv Bennett. Tisen it wsa backIs o tise PC. 'haothh on ta a meeting ai tise town hall, tisea doten to ak.it ville for a big raf1la ein ich the premier paticipated siths seseral district Conservative candidates. All la ail, il sens a husv hour ni the fair! POLIICAL HOT-SHOTSjint Snow, tot, anti speeti but iflt short ofthe average. "'l'u Premier John Robarts, rigit. tound tiey lellows iad btter stick ta politits," murmuroti werea't so "bot' when il came ta puci-sisoot- another PC. candidate George Kerr, showa ing at the ts Hockey Caravan aItishe faie giviag vocal encouragement in the back- Saturdiay.lise machine testedt ieir sioolng ground. (Staff Photo) * \ ~ ~AV PUFMIER JOHN ROSAflIeaioyed the. midway tisey fouad out il stoppeti $0 tiey coulti siske at Milton air as mucis as everyone ese. Tiese bonds witi tise premier. Laurie Vivian, Colleer tbree lttie girls seere disappoînieteisen tise Tonelli andi Brendla Vivian gave tise politiciar terris wheel stoppeti runiag la tise mitdle of a big hello. fieir ride - but tiey weee pretty oncitet wi is( Staf Photo) Milton Cou ncil B r Doring a bicef cee-lac mcct-in ing un Mondav memisers of hE Milton Councit: "I e Lcarnied tise Hilton Pan- INe ning Board would t*Ject to el severat recent decision of tise Commilîce of Adjusîmetit, ce- f. quiriof in one case a plan of Sk subsdivision on industrial landtia fronIing on Ontario St., ent in lu prevent a landilociset area i in property on tise Base Line i Roantin tise otiser case. I e Remindedt hat delegations s ta couac il woutd he heard on i thie fivst andi third Moaday of r, cacis moirts witis notice given t0 tise municipal office on tbd - Friday prior btise meeting. A1 spokemana ista ise tesgaatedc for cacis group.1 e Heard Reeve A. Ledwitis1 anti Mayor S. Chisits declare( tise weather hati avedt iern from tise Lions Club dunking1 machine tisat sens to hase been Purchaser ot f ive foot sid Tise reqoîrement of fllse foot sidesealits on euacisde of a resideatial streel was objecteti ta hy 1H. J. Merrit in a letter 10 Hilton Couni Moaday. He suggested tise equire- ment la a ine lot subdivision lef t hlm dutnbfoutided." ,Tiis seul detroci veey mucti af rom tise appearance of tiss n street, andi where seul ehis 1l feet of concrete lead ta?' Mr. MereIitt explaineti he was a prospective purdiaser of a lotinithe McWlliams sudiv- iion. Wfsle lie agreet i seti te neeti for building regila- ions, pasetironds sitiscucbs anti a storm sewer, ise object- cd tu tise excessimve ice cof ide- senti. He asised an opportuaity of meeting Couacil or a commit- tee la tise accu, '10 learo tise justification of 10 feet oif con- creie pus a paveti rond sering aine iouses and perisaps up (o 30 evcntually." Mayoe S. ClAsasuggested suis a meeting shoulti be de- *layeti unlil tise developer, mndi- *cales ise plans t0 go aiseati. * "Weve oly givea lise develop- *er a copy of our standard suis- * divsion rettitCeats, Councillor C. Fay notedth ie specifications iacluding thse ABoy Scout paper colection scheduled for Pnd' aysn e f s rasiset ouI by heavy calas al e I fs lastweek. Officiais hope ta ce- schedule the drive Iter this monlh before Daylight Snviag n use at Milton ti Pît. acis Time ends, hut tise date has ia reluctatitly s*Pced ta nul yel been decided an. ýpend some ime heîng "dmlt- 1" hy macksmea. but the cold Organizer Joe MeCann sid A, weether isnd cancelledth ie ise sens sorry if anvone sens in- vent. convenienced whien the collec- 0 Wcote off two accotants lion w as cancelled. Il sens silîl ar seseer rentai of 560l.60 and rainiof iseasily on Thursdny 162.45 ta PitmanColb-fn Ltd. seien officiais decidud 10 fore- nd Carpenter Bus and Coach, go the drive, Ion late ta nortify lance both firms sere bans- tise public. "Tisese lhings cao tipI. Tise depts clerk -ens not be planned la une day", he instructed ta taise steps 10 esplaiaed. have the seseer rentai agre- ment registercd on tise tle of ,he property concerned asucisc prolem seoulti not recurr. ARTHUR A. e Advîsed E. C. Manfielti of A R Toronto tisetosens policy pro- J0 HN SO N, 0. D. hibisied il front gcanting seater Opeaatis connections aulside tise town ioundaies aItishe preslent lime. Tuea Mc. Maxfleld applied for sater 9aL go Pau on tise advice of tise Haltan Courpty Healtis Unit. Tise ie Healtis Unit was msa ta ttc at- vised of lise tosesupollcy. 9 i& e.m Ilt Spi& >Ijects to (Devis s @MILTie) lewalksBE SURE sidesealk wsere desigttcd for * S E aay developrat ln thse town. BESF Members agreed 10 ads'ise BE CERTAIN Mr. Merriti no agreement iad heen reacised wsiti tise develop- e, anti a meeting wlth a "pros- pective purciaser' sens pre- mature at tiis ime. *iim .u l Minor accidents MEMEROFdU: THE Only tseo minor accidents ic oclsjusiaon dur- b a r nR o itise pait eceis. nLtishappened SturdaY. Eitate soura caus¶ttg $10 anti Sn0property -Net t eec is F ire Preven- ion Wcek in Milton. 878-2343 Dolivemed FREE DELIVERY ILe's TONkTurkoy ABO)UT DRAPERIES 10% Off All Draperiesà Up te und Incuding Oct. 14 MUD, MUCK AND OM PM greefet every- Jim Snawl hadt t sktrt vasf puddles ai muddy ane aîîentiing tie rain-soaket ilteton air water oni their way around tise grounds. Tise Groundis ai tise riday anti Saturtiay tait.tEven fair mas o saccess despile tise dreary. coa. tise politicians (John Robarts, George Kerr anti meatiser. (Staff Photo) in lamanagement. ettecttve ttter Couail s ut s riiaf, speeti rcading and bacc.., fe uj~~ otier skisits are part of tise O mu.o progra a Imlias lise promo- Support ta lise extent of en- titia of civc respont'ihilits andi AIL THAHKSGIVIHG dorsing a proclamasion was Canadianisat. WEEKEND given by MiltIon Council -Mon- Council agree t u upport day to tise organiztion of a tise proclamation ant i ihed local Junior Ciamiser of Comn- tise group suceess in its endea- merce. tacs. L. rage, Dis. Preient of tise Ontaro Junior Chamber cilY Commerce tolet Counci thtie D Yp Burlington orgatization sn interestet inl focming a local Y Y group. He envisioneti a group y I r y 10 establisheti by next May. PO E8829 Thse setisonitise Jayces or PDrive8Over894 Junior Ciamber of Commerce, orDrv e t M. Drage ýtotId counicit, os es- 8824 ougis commuaity seori. Courses SPO TTO S sentlaty netf-evetopmnt thr FRUIT MARKET 0 Fresis Fruit 10 revs Vegetabies 0 Watcb for Weekiy Speciais Open 7 tinys a week tram 9 ar.- 9 p. Steelen Ave. W., /à Mlle West ot Brampton Drive-in Theatre Dom,'t You Think if's About lime We Stopped "Beatlng Around the Bush?" BILL GILLIES DES Not the bushes of liton East, of course. Beatiag arounti the bush in this case retors ta the inadlequafe answers. the verbal side-stepping of the present Ontario government on issues crucial ta the people of Hlton East. Bill Gillies end tise Newe Democratic Party has specific proposais for specific action on such erjous problems as: " The crushlng fax bardes on thse praparfy owflor " the serlous housing ehorfage "*these svere pollution af aur efreams 11> the hlgh cost of univ.rsity e-lucation Isn't It About lime YOUR Interests Wers Represented at Queen's Park? BILL GULLIES VOilEPOSITIVE ACTION E NEW DEMOCRAT REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS Protessional Valuations. easibility Studi es, Court Testimony D. K. Mashke A.AC.X. S.R.A.. Ontaio Lanti cononst manager - Appealsau Deparment 50 Houp Seet- TORONTO 7 - NU. 14233 ... . . . . . . . ()Ni PAC ()I WO but ------------------------------------ b ---------- 1 1 il L --, -- 1