Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 4

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4 Tihe Canadien Champion, Wadnesday, Ocober 4, 1967 S ports forum Et ~b y b ob b urt t Ed Swiss has been named as the man who ilii hold tbe reins tu the Milton Junior Hockey clubs bopes thia year. Final word of his appointment came junt prior la the teamas firai practice -Monday. Swiss, a 2isout nid residvnt of Hamilton has had an iltastrtotts ho>tkes ijicer as apiaser. [i s tureer inctudes pay- ing tsso yVo.,i n Eoîi, l o ir\ai in Philadlphi.î and a*seat in Newn Jersey inthe Easter n Hoches Le. He ai-o piairod for Dayton, Ohio, in teInternational Lague and for the Windsor Maplo Leats in the Maritime Senior League and Junior Hockey in Waterloo. The nein coach is employed ut the Hamilton Forum and makes his home in Hamilton. He st-lit rplae Murray Gi-cake and Enio Sclisizzi. Botb Enio and Murray turned the job down becauseoftaiincreased cammitments at ork. Considering is paying es- ~ perieno, Swtss srould uppear ta hase ail the neessary quait- liain or the job. Hl ces a guod sl ung bais .and a bhot ougb knoiccigo ot the tunda- ment.ts areo the makings ofa gasicijunior club. Swlna was pteased sith the stock hbcsaw MoodaN, altbough r hererono n 30 boysot t the jont juvenil-junior prac- ice. Thero are scviraiboys fwbo arecpectcdlut tra out bat wcre absent fronmthe l9 opentuf practice. ED SISSSos on boys from Aclon antd ED SWISS une îrom Burtngtnn workeît out at the su îîttnîagoit Paut oîd Mtko Cooper. Jan Riddelt. Gars Taietot, AI MKitneîîBirs tilinit and ete Marin ait from Acton atnd eakSiioifot Bartîngton sei hob trsing oui for the Mcrchallti bts i Leon Stiî.kic, Steve Gortios. Maurice Mît joui. Ceig Brusb and Bob Le llo m let iters clubhatihe hik ith the * squad ts ReorcceBt sun Lvîsot Gvient t\ni otioint hestable ut proiessiinnali cieeions cibis on t0015atlnded .t lourdas C inie in Kitcheno ci -nt]it tihe o nteiîceoîîsirec-în-chiei Scoitta Morrison and tjpel tiin, ra tnk Ldstî and Dutoh Vant iDîoîoan îîcissî i tleintelpieiitiitt s. Athough he Is not espccted il tork ik v NHL. gamnes tisseasnbc oiih krpt btoîil hscircuitttobtichittiudes trip., taHotston,. Dalla,. Sot 3-ega, Foirt WViîh. Mempbis. Okahoma Cils, Pot dandt R),hctîri>Phoenoîs Bîntiai, Vancou- ver anct Ocebot Cits Georgo to%%iha tittined Bob \IcMetiems %,iii Manage bheRaies- ni nitoL-iiýl01.Jno ege GeryIgi,%h inldte]j a[%ýrhsrsge n isexece l hl uit hoKi iccrt\ iitu eno AlBp Sen iors rattie Guelph win gcame shorthanded Miltan Snioe ýMustangs tank contrai ai a hudiaougiti aggrea- sive game ad camne ant ofiti wtitt a 10-8 ia avec Suth- woad Cotiegiate la Guelpit on Friday. The ieam piaycd sbriad- cd. Senerai nofte plases bud gane ta Expo oitit a school on- peditian. nais ioth ie rgu- lac hactfield membees meee titere. Mike Harrison as te hbo ai te game. Harrison piayed haib olicasise and dmfnaîve and ucconiod tfor 75 per cent. of tetueries. John Green, Robert Le anti Joha Fortir salt pave o h ,fivîîoandt ilet-aieand uIt pot forth giod effots. Theounis Mlititn tuttdoîro came n a Lucher iii Keîve puss. Roahkicd tatacon- vertsuand stored asafois îîîrh. Tees Hausian ntecteldfor Miton tice and Richard Kier- stead caugiti anc tteecepttna Harrison triples in .lev.nth_ Juveniles surge toward champilonship squeak by Chippawa in eleventh inning Miton Juvonites battied ta, Ontaria Basebali Associatian an 87 itory nier Chipanra in Champiaaship. an t îinntttg îhîîiîalltCippaî Chlppawa jumped on Miltîn t,,, tultoî l itonî. 4Tbetin startrlortiîcice for ilrco goto Xliii,, -0 Ioad ithbe tans o inte lîrst tmng and hesi ai tiîîoo eries for theo omîîtaoîtodthatl oadi otîllthe Midg ets eliminated bow to Stoney Creek Stoncly Creek came up wiîb mare ummanilian than the Mit- tan Midgets cou id bandie and isaiboci off tbe Cumpbeltvilic hall park tsitb an 8-3 vielorv. their second %v-mn ita staris and the Ontarin Baîebal A ssîîc- itiona championnsip Santias Stoney Creek pouadcd tart- er Dîna Hens for fîor ruas in te secoînd iriniafThe champions nver losI contrai i h h algamo .Thon scorod once inthe third and pitcd bhrc motre ta tbe fiflh for te igbl mans.Miton seored once an the ixîbandti ttccin tbe cightti. Simons, tbe Stoney Creek pileher, bctd Milton la is its. Gary, Nasior sinftOd liec Loris Fuffi-Mon doubted and sn- fies went ta G. liera. Citaci- machad Hearna. Higgs and Dan Hearas shar cd tho pitcbinc dalles lite Mil- ton. Hcras sarted and mas reliived bv Higgs but came bark in o finish te pamri. The plavera and management ai te Milton Midgel lcam os- peessed tikant nd gratitude Io the Campheitsilte Bih Club ifor te use nifte Cimpheilvilte diumond. Skatirq uttrwcts goed *.aagcr.wd A croad ai ovor 200 more (,ul for their first sktelofa te scastîn Sturdav nigbt ai Mit- toc A rona. The ire mas baril and in tp top condition. Arenu manager Lares Arbie reports a fulsiale of evonts for the inier. The ire %vil] tof counrse have lis baviesl aseoon tho smchcends hauI noterai groups busc resecli imes ituring te stock, iuurfb inniaf ashen Milton ciosed the gap no 3-2. Miton scoted tIwo runs on tîîiso Bt tît Bîohoiîtn andi toîtî Stitchie i1tittot inn a doublie hs' Caie Brnsh. Steve Gervais tripiod and piated the tbtrd and tving rua inte fiftb inninf. Trev Hous- on guiotîn irsi traagb an or- ror- anti Brian Bîîngbton drove hem bîîth in on bis sinîgle ta gito Mitth Ie iead fnr tbe fîrsî ime in the fume. Chitipassa tnnk a 74 ioud n ho sitbh inning. Lee tired and gav up fis-e base bits and toîur rans in Ibat inning. Coacb "Nip" Gersais reieed Lae in la irutTren Houston. Wiih uineoaut. Houston îtired tbe Milton piatcd twooans in the seîoîîtb inning an a double bv Stevo Gervais und singlcs by Mîko Harrtson und Brian Bîtugbton. Brush carcd the tving rua n ree ogbîbinaine witcn be singtod und Gervais doublad. Houston piicbod fiamîs ballin tbe romaining tnnîngs. Richard Ciomont slurted nbe 11th inning niffoitit a single but Gervais bit inia a force- nul ai second. Witb anc out antiGoervais on firsi busc. big Mibo Harrisoîn morked tbe roui tauthîe and lwoanud thon ici go wstiba ag abot nIa centre fid forthIe gfume- iinniaf triple. Houstonalatiwed a trait anti asingleein theIlthb stanea but acorked bis mas ouI of trouble. Miton cunend tho soies in Campbelisiiic îndav scitt a ain. If a tird fumneisances- Brian Boughion ws astand- ouat t shîtrtstop in Sandavs roaiest. He made severai gond WADINO OFF froot first base, Chachmach, tine Milton base runner baibers Saney Crack pilciter buita v o avail. The Stoney Crack pîlciter mas te main alay of te lcam. Saneyî Crack eiminaîed Milon in te final acries of te Midget OBA. playoffa Sanday in Campbellniile. (Staff Phota) Villlagers edge Petrolia hold Intermediate crown Caoiitbti lite Mtrchlants but ied back alter îîaîtîag eirahaa 3-0 ta ivin Ihe lmalgie ai ho OBA. latermediaite '-- plaits ,4-f SaiidLtn 4Tbe ula mut kedithe 12h Ontario ta- iernietditiCbainlioasip siace 1953 loiiithe Merebunis. Jack Robters iandIed t e Caîlîphotllie pttliîng dalles anid liet Jul, [raet as is ippii-itiitn. Roberts retirdithe Iiii Il bauds ,ho l,ccdý Potîtîttu droit irsi lootîtin ih luith iinîg. sctring tbrc rît ilstiti litirhts McKti, sîngicî ol iîiiîîîîih\i tiitil clohie, hiititiiis ipie .îîî MClclaiUnis %st o ii Fm-riii% hi-tu m iing. J,.c îîic ioln base in li, 111h iiii ihroiigh an On m d sciirti ienRbît epi snged and DrLddic popped up iigit biad eist anit the rîgbt tielder drîp- ped the hait Reptscirt-d g.tp ta 3-2. CampiteilvtIclie ed the bhall game itatho sîslh tania Cuairas singled. wet tu iihirît an KinW'. douable and stoivd on Cietersb ling ls bail. Cuirasisn god intee i ghib inningaîit iasiînui,.îadvancced isecond an Kîngýsisngle aîd stitd on Chester',giouiter. Theîftsb,tstenin gîtt i.îîgtcî ap îîîaking theplis Mansîie Robertsb.iîinl- med clotse thetiîîîriimi Pîrîîitî Ho h,îd taliiiiiv p i mlieî,ilh ouîi Ileii iiii lîi îi sedîîli .îîîîi bc aland trit aîdoublhe in theî sxîhibit thibatic onev,,>rid .as lilest iîîo opîpcîiiopThicc Viiiani onisinti-hec pttiios \,h i ii tank tante sevenitand su an the lbeaw in tu, close te Caopbttillttt ont lmiilte tllant ofithe cîgh lîttlading 4-3 and necdiing isîot. Roiterts tank three an gnaoad balla ta the cîgh bt amltcd Dracti. te pllenal itvlng rua. ta tpon theomth 4T-lic Foa- a picbri\sas sýrllî.cctu t seoind and thon Dredgo stumb- led nd tcil gîiiig alter a POuP btticho tavvil ti-til i iland natetehocailcbii is kaec forthe-ecLcitilîioitThe et Inutiel tiînd1ttrl i 3dge sebt Cairnshielicbiilfaille Isî tiser and L .îintpiiiille tore '13 Cîetîl i hampioins Escept for [iclitelpsitilte lînîr-ili titi R,heî s htt ed a iatrlu aioe 0itii0 lititîsy lb tee rutîs lt Isîx bts, He ,truck aut titre ad waiked Jaier victry Mustangs stage comehack chalk Up Wifl number two Milton Juniar Mustangs bat- lied ta a 20-8 sin afier trail- iag Georgetown f - 6 ut bal ime. The in Mondas mark- cd tesecond foc thc juniors la toto stelrs and louvestem undefeaed. Quarterbaek PauaierreIt sel Miton op oitit an caris leud miea ho scored on un end rua on te firsi plus ai tbe gume. Georgetowna came bock in te second quarter wit a toucitdowv sapparted mt a rwoapint cansert. Il mantuavIlite mut quarter tai te Mustangs re- covered titir lead. Trev Rab- erts scored on a shart pas. fromthlit m yard lin. Thte plusyitad been sel up on a long titroin ta PhitiBaltev wotoas Register for MMHA fees up slightly A tOadollar ike la registra- ion lacs for Miltan Minor Hockey tiis ear bas teen an- aounrced by residet Bill Rom- ney. Toma eident regitea- djons iii be raised fram $5 ta $7 and couatry registralians ii be moved irom $7 ta 59. Titese rates arc applicable ta theafilintto ciildeen la anc faatily and cter tai a raie of S2 iii apply. Tise rei« compare fasor- ably mt tiose of aeigtboitig oms. Regstrations iii ha taken aI te arena Wedaesday, Set: tember Il froot 7 pm. ta 9 p.m. and Tbarsdayu ailte ame ima and agan on Surday mnorig front 9-12. sinppedutai te Georegetown tam varîl ine. Perrit kicd foe a ingle concet Thc final tîîîchîiitancme ihen tin ,rs .a",cuiit pass inercrption and Ferrait %%-on ibrîîghthe fine on a l qoariorhtt.h seak. Judo Kaîr- tiaocanne rlcd. Coauch Dnîîg Polos saidthlie clatit golifli[t) apoor tart and nover rcllv ettledd iiota avýtili thoseocr nd hall John WbolihanandatIJohn Dvla isore siandouts la tho bard- cb,îrging dteoaise linoeseicit prnaed to ho te malastas of thete icuo Skutig cluss set to $toit Figure skating t lises il begin Niiseothr 7 îatb refis-c trutiîn ut 430 pot., club pre- sideat Mrs L.Tarer announi- ed Tuosdav. Mrs Mars Jane Roinson oi rolurn as pro for the sou- san. Pro sebant ayo ohldîca oilskate ai 4.30 and the sen- iac otomners %i l skate at 6 pot. The caraival is tentative- v satoît for Februars 24 and lests mlil ho beld atprtiio atels une mounit talter. KELSO GETS GRANT A provincial gavera mont grant oa i 50, unaounc-ed ibis meck, iii assiat te Haltua R- glan Conservation Autbority mitit deelopoteot moct ai Kel- sa Conservation Accu. The moaey otilitlp ta prepure a design for a large picale ablI- e and pavillion, ramone tics and clear accus on te ecart> ment. CAMPSELLVILLB MURCI4ANTS 010 UT AGAI4, lTe Marchants wotan Ir 12th Interotadiala rbaotpinhîp siace 1953 whien lbey cdgael Petralia 4-3 Sanday la min lte final norias lina Miller sets pace W series ail lied up Weeke 4-be Chartes Hoiet cdgod te Meier Plant 8-7 Tuesdas nîgit Sunc tu tic lte Miltoan InuJusîriai Final socles ut toto gamos cacit. The runiesi mus a seosain bat- lie from slart ta finish.,otitit acither leaot being able in con- Regi trîtt uny coasiderable iaad. W 1 Thte wiaaing rua came aie W an lte fuma st-bn BiltBrushtBAI scored on Bruce Mutleras dou- j ie. Milter and Merv Fletchter ted the Gitarles battiaf. Miller itad faur bits othile Fletecher itud titrer. John Survis itad thee bits Cr for lte Mater Fiant. Gîca Wea- C ver mus lte losing pitcher and Wite H. Pcbe Kuekara otan lte inner.1 guotes ta anc. Campbelliliie bad to refuie n 3-0 edge tbat Petrolia tank in lte eariy 1 nnnsto a in the game. l (Staff Photo) Hll Be Open TIîanksgiving end: Fri. & Sat.. to Midnight iay & Monday to il p.m. -Special Thiis Woek guler $2.50 LANCING $ ,0 MILTON ESSO (Faroteriy Alien's Esso Service) ,r Main end Ontarioolits. - 878-3641 aonar All Spacial Bookiefa Previauaiy Inaued anc. Jack Drueil for Peiralia atiasacd toue rons (>i i egit its. Ho walked tine and struckS Sbaring the rotte (,l stars ai itit Roberts store pluiaf manager. Eurt C.airn,. Stu King and the wiole Cumpbtell- tille lnfield. Cirn aud brce oltild bits anîd stiieed tien cons. King bit a double and a sngle bath la bey siuations and te in- Iid piaî ed tiawtcss bail as thoN arraunîrd bforis-cnty-onc ai the toentyscioen ptauta. Robrts sirack olai brcad theo îuttiil caugbi bhrocivsa. Cie gaine ruliînnaied a mit ýuLc--iu ýeaon tir rînukie mnîagert FuriCairns. Ho tank tirer ai cuil l liiimoni peoîple lîîîgbt il .îscînîîng upuri ai he scumi aîîd guided them -ntat alirsi place inishith le taguc sabodute and un Ontario Cbam- pionsbip ini is h st voerus Athaugi t aas piamriat or siilausorne pai Cumpitell- ville squuds. Cairns developed flbomn ia oa sors versa-ile and reailurcefat group. la six play- ail gîmes tho Campbelivitte meatar emplnvcd ise dilierent iniield conilintions. toto ouI- filed aligaiments. iwo tciera, four pitchors and wo piacit hittees. Camp. 000 021 010 4 8 0 Petesitia -000 300 000 3 b 3 Cumiaheitaile: Robertsaund Joste. F tola:Do et nd MeKen- MILTON ARENA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5 6-9 p ot. - Hockeny Scitool 9-lt p.m. - Pro-Amn Hockcy FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6 9.30-t11 pot. - Junior Practice SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 A.M. - Hockey Scitoal 2-4 p ot -Public Skating. 25c 8-10 pot --Public Skating, 50C MONDAY, OCTOBOR 9 6-9 pot. - Hackey Scbool 9.30-t1t pot - Junior Praclicc TUESDAY, OCTOSIR 10 9.30-il potn-Hockey Scitool WEDNESDAY, OCTOBIR il 2-4 pv,. - Adult and Pre- Scitoot Skating, 25c and loc 4-5 pot. - O.S.D. Skating 6-9 pot. - Hockey School PoIoni, Straw Iead .D.H.S. soccer win Milton District HightScbool aoccer team, as incil an bain football tea. sare mcli an their mas ta a seasan of at- leîic encetteace. lIane a lthe ceama bus tasted defeat yat. The sacrer toam haut George- town in Georgetown Monday i-1.- Dorianu Poloal and George Stram mccc theMiltan marks- Thoy sec action aI Bisbap McDonneilla Guelpht Friday. limtes in six trips ta, the plate. Tbe entire Miton iniield ptaved one ni ibeir betier de- fenstvc famnes. ta fine and one ibird innings Lee atiowed 13 bits for brece cana and stcuck oui anc Cbip- pama btter. Houston aitasged tino its and foaur run in ive and tino ibird innings and steack ouiibrece buttera. Lasiag pitcher Bah Capier aiiamed 17 biia, waiked otpe and stracit out 1 il Mitaabat- ter%. Linesenre M --02220 0-8 171 C . ..300 04 000 00 -715 3 Milton - Lem (51/t). Hauston and Gervais. Chippawa - Cnpfer and 1. Sormers le. CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM. FRESN LOOK Conme in for a complet. appraisal today. BflLS AUTO BODY M ,878-2721 1Main st. 878-32511 BASEBALL Ontario Juvenile 'B' Championship 2nd Ge Milton vs Chippoa AT CAMPBELLVILLE Sunday, October 8 -- 2 p.m. ADMISSION - 50c YOUR MIDGETS Went to the O.B.A.A. Finals YOUR JUNIORS Went to the O.B.A.A. Finals The Juveniles won an il inning gante ai Chippowa an Sunday, October 1 SUPPORT YOUR HOME TEAM FRED'S Toiloring Shop FOR MEN 217 MAIN ST. MILTON WE FEATURE "LONDON FOG" ALL WEATHER RAINCOATS "Tae Mecterotear of Disinction" Ie Beige, Navy, *iack, Brown, CharcoeaiGrey " PORTREL AND COTTOfN " MACHINE WASHABLE A Real AIl Weether Coet $4000 Wiih Zip-in LinIng - $4993 a a I/ %1

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