EBEEZER12 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Ocober 4, 1967 By Mou R. MeLieu Ebeneer observod ber t45th anniversary witb twu fine con- gregations. In the morning, Rev. feouxe Dunlop, B.-A., preaebed un the subjeet "My Brothers ýKeeper" from Mat- Iheso 25. He also quoted frumn Job 31. Jobs comforters badt teidea~ tbat psi-bment fat- Icoi ;ii is nou awav.' In tbe eas!. bread is sacra mental. An American mission- arv, in a burry in Arica, gutp- cd don is noon lunch. No! bo is Africon guide, sho said -am cating mv wife." Ho uet n tu explain bhal is oua bhad pot thought and af- lection 010o the preparatiun or! is mca!, su ho would nul ca t tbougbtlessly. 'Back or the wbeal is the snow'y fluor, Hock o! the fluor sý the mi!!. Ratck o! the mi!! i, the sheal and the shosser, Aud thesttn and the Fathers AI! %%c receive is a c-upera- tiv efort ettteen God and ma.Food, clothes. everytbing wcfecvftti, the restl!t ba hrd ltbor. Snc! we grumble. Wc areclpendeut on acb ,fb-r If une man doesn't sseed-. the netgbbors sufer. Wben Crlstlanty dues nul share. Communisol stops intu the breocb. Man shahI nul live b% bretd alune. Mrs. Sondrat Boes sang ,,metls -Wben soutre une stop atsas [rom Gud.- The choirs tntbem, witb Sffc Wrd a! the trgon, wsf- "Green Pasturs" At the evealng ervice, our pas!ffr. Rev. Russel Finley. gave an anecdote -laden ad- dross rom Matthew 6, 1934. Wben Jsus advisod is fol- lower-. nou to be overly 000- iffas, bftw mucb mre dos Hts dvice applv tu as in Iis barried periud of timte. Wbeo %ofu arc in a 51010 ut anirty, keep bosv. Wben the grandfather clock -.vosa vu grandfatbor dlock, bu tarted to worry ab- out is tcks. Ho caleulaîrd 120 ticks per minute - thats 7,200 ticks per bour. That t-uld work ouf lu 6307200f ttcks in a yoar. Wben the clock figared thal in ton years ho ssould bave to tick 630.- 072,000 timos. ho bad a ner- vous breakdlown. Atter a tsbi!e. the grandfather dlock realteed bhat a!! ho bad tu do %vas le fick une ick a! a ime. su ho measurd t ho hours bap- pt!s awav anti! ho as an old, oId dlock. Wr slsuuld be ike tbe ots othe!rn workman. mbo sait -Wben 1 wrks. 1 works easy; wben 1ts 1 tvis louse; and soen t sorrios. I seep." We need a faitb deep enougb for he cbangtng imes. like thb plant in Arizona in the eift- tng sands. His rouIs go deep enougb lu reacb walr. In tho Calacumbo. wbere ho early martyrs arr buriec. the pictures carved ito tbe tones are att ut Jesus - t-is hazards, Hi s cross and His crown. Remember that you and 1 don'! bave fu run Iis oniverse. ils God's Kiogdom, God's orld. He cao makie use or us. Il's a tbritl ta know lie can use us HoseerHe' not ,tirning -i-. btck on us aod et, iog i Wt'tiro ll o ý)l Wben we make plans aod sas "We're going ta do thus aod %o." Theres God wtnu 1k- es lu go t-s ssay. Jes;us knooss the wav: ait se bave t0 do is follosc Him. Le! us laro patience ta scatk bv His side. The Eden Mts Presbyterian cboir with Mrs. Don Blocktuck a! tbe urgan. sang îwo splen- did anthemo, "O Magify the Lord" and "The Lord's Mv Shepherd." Mos, Wilson Bewley and Mrs. William Bewtev bave Ire- urned from o trip lu Victor iB.C. Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Thom- son, frmerly of R.R. Aclon, nus, residiog at RR 3, Arth- ur are on a trip 5505ftfoat- tend a wedding. Tw. fine congregutîins for 145th unnivenury EBENEZER The community ta deepty sorry about the toss by El re of the Bob Piltons' barn t Ar- kett. The 12 neigbbors wbo managed t o save the mittelng equipmont deserve a great deat df credit. A neigbbor bas offere.à Bob the use uf is stabe for the winter. More Power to you. Bob! Thse ebureh butetins were printed on a Gestniner, wicb was purcbased witb the mon- ev f rom the Del Moffatt Mem- Orial Fond. Ttt sit! continue eo bcuc %veektv in is mcm- Among Ibose attending tbe evcning service was Mrs. Car- ter, uhose tate busband was minister at the ime the pres- en! cburcb was bujît. Sbe 00W lie n Brantford and wos tbe guest of the Missrs Norrisb ofi Goelpb. MEET CANDIDATES A meet- the- candidates nigt sponsord bv the Sorto- ma Club witl be bld in Centra! Higb choot on Burlingtoo on October 10. Club prosideot Art Bourassa said ftbc meeting bad been arraoged to alow the pub- lic to bcar the candidates speak. Eacb candidate will speak for 15 minutes and then aostcer written questions from the crowd. Compare at 65c - Stafford - 24-oz. r MIN fCE .JaMET59c1 Compare at 31c - Stafford - 19-oz. Tins PUMPK1N PIEFLIc2i55~ A CROWDEO MIDWAY, piturd in mid-afler0000 Saluoday, pleased the officiais of thho lir board wbo feaoed their 1967 fir mighl be an aller flop. Salrdays crowd was dowo f rom prentous peurs. bol stil encouraging. The midway mas busy ail day. (Staff Photo) Compare at 2 for 45c - Aylrter - 1 1-oz. Botties TOMATO CATSUP 5R 99c Compare at 2 for 37c - King Suze LUSHUSF IJLYPOWDERS 81R99 >Ma RAT2FR5e-LIY COMPARE AT 49c - SUPER DUTCI' - 64-au. PLASTIC coi BLEACH 39C Compare at 79c - Maple Leaf CHED"R" CHEESE Spread 69 c 1- a REETDB O MPAE A )EEP BUTTfERED VEGETABLES Compare at 93c - Chase & Sanborn COFFEE 1-1b. Bag 69C SIZE T 39c - STUJART NOUSE - 25-ft. ROLL IL WRAP .30 - GIANT 50-au. TIN ROWAX 4 0R89]i $1.39 I.69C 99ci I FrBaby's Clothes 79 AT and Wolln 79c] LENE ýSY OFF 1 5-oz. I Spray Can 55JC V- ýý, --l ~~55 \44 ou flo £4ST&MMJ Sheder's - Canada Grade 'A' - 6 f0 9 Ibs. Avg.c TURKEYS 4b SHEDRS-CANADA GRADE "A" ol4bAg45 IDEAL FOR POULTRY STUFFINGI PURE PORK MEAT 49 lb Compare at 2 for 49c - Ocean Spray'- i 5-oz. Tins CRANBERRY SAUCE DON'T FORGET Taouf tYaur Travelogue Tickets Prom any Member af the Rotary Club af Milton TUES. ROMAIN WILHELMSEN OCT. 10 "Tibuktu.Afrc& Beuond" TUES. JAMES F0851111 NOV. 2 1 Oregonand Wuehon TUES. RENEE TAYLOR JAN. 2 '.ý." TUES. RUDI TNURAU FEB. 6 -rnzo 0vn fm nPru,. TUES. ART ERICKSON FEB. 27 Windfý oou, uAustuflia TUES. DICK REODY MAR. 26 ~~~ 3169 1 1 AT $1.87 - 27c OFF PACK E. KING 1