Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 2

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2The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Octobor 4, 1967 Cositume wuns pize in Acton competition By NiraGeorge Ingila 1Intended ft a tnteeki Congratulations ta Mrs. Ja- mes Robertson ut R-R. 6, Mii- ton. wbo received firsi prier out ut 18 contestants for the besi original centennial cas- -tome at the ýFriday night show at Acton Fai. The costume was turquoise bloc silk. fashioued alter hem moîbers wzddivg dress. She received a $10 vou cher at the Camea dress shaçi on AvIon and rude in the leasI- iug convertible in the Saturday centennial parade. M. and Mrs. James Zehr of -R.R. 2 Rckwaad, entertained 17 relatives and frieuds on Saturday eveing ai a picuiz ai their hume ta hunor is par- ents. M. and Mms. Joseph Zehr utfiKitchener ou the occasion ut their 40th weddivg auniversary. The happy couple have f ive cildren and 12 graudchildreu. A telephone cati tram une sou George ai Darmouth, Nova Seotia. was deeply apprecialed when he sas uvable lu attend. On Ssnday open huuse wsa heisI for the same couple ai the home ot their daughter. Mm. Donald Eitel iv Kitchen- er wheu lIe hosteus made the auniversary cake and puured tea for the 58 relatives and guets who aîîended ýta wish lIse happy couple many mare MILTON GOIPIL HALL 306 Onario St.N. 878-202; Christians gathemed inv lb vame ut the Lord Jesus Christ Lrds Day SI5!'DAY. OCTOBER8tîh. 1961 1030 a.m.-Breaking ot Breasd 12.15 p.m.-Sunday ScIsool. 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service. Wednesday. 8 p.m. - ay and Bible reading. Ail are wlcome tu these services. These îhings have 1 writel unta pou tIai helieve on th, namne ut the Son ot Gos; 13v ye may knoýw that ye have e enal lite. t John 5 Il LOWVILLE - ZIMMERUM UNITED CHURCHES OF' THE UNITED CURCH OF CANADA Minister: Reverend Ernes I Baskier. B.A.,.BBD. SUNDAY. O)CTOBERgtîh. 19 Zimmerman Auniversary 11.00 a.m.-Sermon' Havir No Ulterior Motive.' 7.00 p.m.--Sermon. "The Le acy ut a Great Enample ST. PAUL'S CHURCN Of THI UNIED CHURCH 0F CANADA Main St. ai James St. Minister: Rev. C. A. Hainer. B.A., B.] Orgaisi and Choir Lade Mm. Harold Magea. THANKSGIVING SUNDAY. OCTOBER Oh. IÇ 11.00 a.m.-Thatvksgiviug Ct munion. Sacrament oft Lords Supper. CHURCH SCODOL 9.30 am.-Sunday Sebol al boys andI girls ovei years. 1.0 a.m-Infantl Nums"' charge ut regislered nu and nursery deparîmenv 11.00 a.m.-Boys and girls 4 years inclusive witI att ihurch wirh parets a praceed ta their depi mneus following the and hynun. Invitation To Ali IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHUI Commercial Street,. Mut- Pastor: Rev. Clayton Col 878-4473 878-35 TIse Lrda& Day SUNDAY. OCTOBER lilIs 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Scbool al. 11.00 a.m.-Momttiig Worsh 5.00 p.m.-Yotth Time. 6.50 p.m.-Song Service. 7.00 p.m.-Evening Womnî Nursery ai Sunday service Weduesday, 8.00 p.m. -1 Study and Prayer Met Ail Are Warmly Welcon ST. DAVID'S PREBYTIRIAN CHUtE Campiseilville SUJN'DAY OCTOBER OlIs. 98fIs Anniversary out t CongregXion 11.00 adn. 7.30 p.- Mininler for bath ser TIse 0ev. Dr. Kesuail Millan, Generel Secî ut the Canadian Bible 1ty- Special mui ai the mei servce by tise Carn vile Choir; ai the esi service by thse i Lodge Men Choir o elpls. yeams of happinens. Thse daugh- ters-i-aw made and served the lunch. and many gits of ruby sere received as well an gifîs ut money and cords ot congratula-tions. Thomas Mitchell ut R.R. 3 Campbellviile. zntertaiued is usevile haill eam ai bis homne on Saturdas esevivo ai a wie- ver roas t.AIl reprird a guod time, cluivg oui the 1967 ea- son for junior bavebail. M. and Mm. Edgar Cairns vient a tev days tat week vith M. and Mm. Thomas Da- tes and famity ai London. Mr. and Mm. H-owson Lnsb lofit at Monday tam Wanaaa Beach and Orllia and retums- ed an Thurday. Symipathy ofthiis commun- ily iv exiended to M. and Mm. Roy Parker and tamily during tIe Ions tat seeot their brother-in-taw, tbe lte Orvilie Watson out Ri.. ,Bur- lingion. Severai tram iis district aîîended the muming and ev- ening avvîverary services aI Ebevezer United Cburch on the Guelph Lise, when 4ev. G. Dunlop cf Barrie Hit and Ren. Russell Fiviey, B.A, BD., wre respective miniters witb Eden Milis Prenhyterian churcis chir rend erîng spectai BOSTON AND OMAGN 12 PRUBYTRIAN CHURCHU le Miniter: -t Rev. Sanley E. Snith. B.A. 57 il-JDAY, OCTOBER Sîh, 1967 10.00 a.m.-Bosian: Tbanksgiv- vo Service. 11.15 a.m.-Bonian: Cburcb Scboat. r 10.15 a.m.-Omagb: Churcis Schoot. 11.38 a.m.-Omagh: Thankvgiv- îng Service. at GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCI t- Milton, Ontario. 3. Rectum: - Rev. T. M. Dustan, B.. B.D.. D.D. Asciate: Rev. Canon 1F. H. Mason. M.A.. B». SUNDAY. OCTOBER Oh, 1961 Trini-ty XX ;67 8.00 a.m.-HolY Communion. 925 a.m.-Jr. Cburch Sehool. itg 9.30 a.m.-Holv Commuviot and Sermon. eg 10.45 a.m.-Sr Churcb Scbool -11.00 a.m-Morving Prayer and Sermon. Thurvdav. Octîher 5-l0 a.rn Nul.. Communion. HIOHWAY GOSPEL CHURtE A local anemhly af TH4E PENiTECOSTAL r; ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA Patur: Ren. M. Chrisiensen 967 LORDS DAY onm- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8tb. I91 te 9.4 a.m-Sunday Scbool. 11.00 a.m.-Moruiug Worsiî. for 7.00 p.m.-Evatigelistic -r t Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.-Bible St in dy and rayer Meeting. ume Fiday, 8 p.m.-Young Peopl 11. Service. 4il A Chirch You Cati Hake tend YoumHome nd amt- A Warmn Welcome 10 Evemyo KNOX PRESBYTIRIAN CHURCH I1CM Minister: to Res. J. K. L. McGovnB.A es 88W6 8825 42 O0 camtelet us worshipa boss dosu; let un kneet hof the Lrd aur Maker." 1967- I tom THANKSGIVING SIJNDAY. OCTOBER tth, I hip 9.45 a.m.-Sr. Cbucb Schîc 9.45 a.m.-Young People% hi- Bible Class. es. 9.45a.m.-"Tbe Youtb Thi Bible cr.", tiug. 10.50 a.m.-Jr. Chuch ScIs ned 11.00 a.m.-Thanksgiving vice. 'Hum Thauk We Dur Gad.' CH 11.00 a.m.-Hursery. Tuesday, Octaber 10-TIse bertson Auxiliamy 1967 meet in the Chuch1 th ai 2.30 p.m. M. CHURCH OF CHRIST nMc Na 5 Sideroad and 41b L eary Tratalgar e o- SLNDAY. OCTOBUR Bh. >ning 10.00 a.m.-JBibte Seboot C ipbeil- as for att aai. etniflg lt.Wa.m.-Morning Wors tf G- 8.00 pmn-Preaching ofthI HORNSY Cà* defeut Gen squud wia Suftbdl chanpions*4 By lira. AM eHamiltonE Mr. and Mms. Earl MeDawelln enterlained the girts of they Hornby bal îeam at theirp home tollowing -their wiu of the Hallan Rural champion-a ship on .Monday nîgbt, Septem-i ber 25 wben they defeaied the Glen Wlliams teamn by a score ut 10-9. During the playoffsr lbey defeated the Omagh girls1 in a three out of five series by winning three gamnes tui Omaghs one, sud îîking the1 finals by ibrez gamces sir.îidli In the final game Linda Wat- son was the only une to it a home run. Thse winning hurl- er mas Marie Mercure-, and Gayle Lyans look the loss. M. and Mrs. Jack Plant of Islingtn and Mr. and Mrs. music as weli as the local choir. Mr. and Mms. George luglis were dinner guests ut Mr. and Mrs. Abert McCatney of Car- lisle aler anniversary servic- es ai Carlisle United chureh on Sunday. Guette of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Hurren un Sunday for a luncheon ere Mr. and Mrs. John Kitehing and famîly of Corwhin, also Mrs. J. Kiîcb- ing ut Guelph. also Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hurren and tanily ut Stoney Creek. Dinner guests the sane day were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wason and tamily of Waîerduwn, Mr. and Mrs.,Kennelh Brunlon ot Bue- lingion, Mrs. Frank WIason ot Hamilton, and -Mr. and Mm. Dennis Mitchell and famiiy ut Carlisle. EARL G. BLACK B. Comm., RIA.. CA. Cbattemed Accountant Municipal Auditor v-Bi ,163 Main Street ox40 Mitton, Ont. V"1542 ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B.Arch. - MR.A.I.C. 17A Mill Sreet, Suite 2, Aton Telephone 853-2740 or 20 Siavebank Rd.. Port Credit 274-3428 Oftfce Hour% by Appielment 67 AUCTIONEERS d. FRANK PETCH ýn Aucltuneer and Esaluator 30 Chapel St. E. Georgetuown Telephone 877-2864 Jil Bill Lyons of Rexdale scere din- ver guests un Sondas eveuing with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Plant. Mms. irane Saundars, John and Judy, enjoyed a wehtour- ina the sigisis ai Expu and report a very eujoyahle lime. Bill Bailey and A. R. Hark- urss enjoscd the seekend mooese huniing iv Norihemu Ontario. Mr. andI Mr,. Fred Lister of Palvi-m i i;ied on Saitirdav eveic, vth Mr .and Mi, Ralph Feaiber..touc. Birfbday grectines are exizu- ded lu aur local maîlînan, Geor- ge Leslie. sîho milI celebrair bis birthd.îs on Ocioher 9. Annlversamy greelings te Mr. and Mirs. Ernest Brocklcbank, who isilI celebraiz ibeir sscd- ding aunversars ou Ociober 7. Mr. and Mm.. Paul May isere guesisuon Saturday ai the sed- ding oI Douald Tayltoc andI Shar- un Griin i ssh wa-. hcld ai Firsi United Chors.h, Port Credît. ssiih Re%. Fr.d H. Joh- lin perlorming ihe cermous. Jaick Simpsonuand Iluts Lez are speudive thi..week ai Moosoue wihere ihes.v re havi ing docks and gee. Birihday gr..-.-ing-. IoiMi s. Bill Bradles on Osisiber .4, ts ScottLoir. un OtJiibem 5, tsi Mm-.. Jîm Bmasksîon Ociaher 9 and Karen Bradle% un Oc. tuber 10. Congratulations to the Humn- hy Aciionetie.. on winning the Grade A ribhon on cheir safe- ty dîsplav ai the Milton Fafl Pair. Mi. and Mm... Ken South cf Georgetown visiied un Saiur- day evening seiih Mm. andI Mrs. Gari.. Hamilion. Mm. andI Mm.. Lesc Simpson. Mm. and Mm.. Ken Ella. Will- iam Devlin, Mr. andI Mis. Pet- er Siemmavu .avd Mr. and Mms Jim Hamilton aliteded 1hc rally and recepiion for the Hue John P. Robait.. avd iim Sucs which wa.. helsI oivSaturda nighi ai thse Thomas A. Black beL High School in Oubvilte. CAMPBELLVILLE Voluntary service starts appeal for winter clotbing By lira. George nlasB Thse Norths West Haton Vol- unîary Service is lu need ut sinier ciothiug fur children four ta 14 peams ut age. nucb as shors. overnboes, leotards. svarmm iuners. mieis, toques and wvvoolien matemiain. ta be rfisiih tIse area chairman. Mm. John Wberlibau. Camp- beilvi lie. M. andI Mm. William Coul- ter are pnding a werk aitIshe Canaîlian Coud Roads Conven- tiai Vancouver, B.C. Friends cf E. . Mahan arr vorry ta heur be is in Hilton District Huspiltal eceiving trealment. Wr emIsIim a vpeedy reeovery. Mr. and Mr. Jobs Rubemt- son of Stayuer andI tumily scere Sunday visitams wit-b Mm. ansI Mm. James Robertson ansI famiîy. Mm. Roy Turner of Tim- mmi.. isuhlidaving wiih ber moiher. Mmv. Edu-ard MaIson. Sieen Agar, Regivald Caver- dlate. Adian VanTai. John Reives ut R.R. 2 Campbeilvilit andI Lloyd Resves ut Carlisle spent tise SepiembLr 23 weerti end aItIshe OsseegaIniervatiln. ai Stock Caor races in Nev YorIsSatu. M. ansi Mrs. Richard Pase ers uf Waterloo veme Sondav dînver guesis mt M. uni Mrs Neal Histead and tam- Mir, and ira. Alfred Coctitu: ut Mouve Jaw serre mccct guests sitb -Ms. William Mc- Phait. andI Mr. andI Mrs.J Robertsun andI tamily cf R.F. 6 Milton. ,f M. and Mm. -Mac Anderson ut R.R. I Campbellilir sert dînner guets with M. and Mm. Loyd Bailrv tîn Tuesday evning. Abou t 5M elatves and t Iriends calied t tIse hume o M. andI Mms. Ceurge lugih ,e andI famiiy ta elem r. andI Mrs - David Beveridge froi. w Bills Lake, Michigun oser Il( qv weekeud. Thse Seplember meeiingo tIse Campbellville Cuide ai( Cameron herd is fair's best Guernsey breeder, exhibitor hi Gu, mi C. M. TUPPIN bi AUCTIONEER AND EVALUATOR lI Phones: Roctissoe 856-4246 i 856-4373 s EDEN MILLS. ONTARIO, CHIROPRACTORS G A. P. KENT, DC. N Ducur ut Cbrupraciic N 237 ings Court Crescent Corner Martin St. Mondas - Wednevdas - Thursday I p.m tIo9 p.m. Tuevelus ansI ridas Saiidas Il a.m. 10 3 pm. Pbusne 978-2031 r INSURANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION 'iotu-Homne. Pîotectîttn-Aci.îd- eni atid SicLnevi- ranIs Liabiltv F.tmm Libilits Voto Niltotn Agent Mli. Thea Kurz R. R "u . Milian Phase 87-9741 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNERAL HOME Caîtpîvi..>Air Conditioning Siiî.:eiv. Cotit leus Settice NigIsi or Day 878-W529 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON,.0OÏ) l1-I Main S i.. iun Phone $78-9972 Re,. $78-967ê Hauru: TUESDAYS. 9 arn otu35p.M. > FRIDAYS. 9 am tut8PM. WM C. MtLLIGAN. 0.D. Ili Ti.îlgar Rd.. DaLs le * Ottîce Houri Daily -inciudini Saiurday a.m. Cal8M5-t51itfom appiniment LIBRARY HOUAS 67 ~.Tuesday. Thamday and riday 12 ,s oonl 5.30; 6.30 la 9.00 Mondav. 12 noux ta 5.30 -Ciosed Wedneuday Satumday - 930-121-5.30 J. fi. amemitn's uercsey md claimed bath the premier eedem and premier evbsbiiam lard.. ut the tiaitn and Peel aern..e Club Show helsI ai dlieu Faimrait Saiumday. The Narval breuder topped senuthem eshihiturs in the ,hss. avd ctaimed the grand vndentoi emale champion an eserve j<outchampions .se%%lta% ttereserve gand admescit eaiur hampiovn% in mate.Cantemîtît as. sta te Waltem Duîtm.îs îruphs fom grand chaîmpon ctw and te Lazy Pal F amis pcafo mreederms hdrd. Catuemun and exhîbitir.. Wtt- am G. Booth ut R. K. i. Mil- tn, Kîng..bolm Farmv. Oak- vilie; Estîtte ut H. D. Mac- pherson, R. R. 2, Georgetown;. J.M. MeCullougIs. R. R. 2, Ac- aon, John Y. MeNahIs, RAR. 2. Geoargetowsv. . S. Pickering. R. R.. 1 OaLvîlle and Reg. Blacks, ilulftimadd 77crimles in tbm Hzre arc tiberevuits gises tut by judge Rohomi Hovios il Newmarket: Bull eau. Macphersoan, Mc- 'labb. Cameras. Bull yearling, Cameruu. Juonior andI grand champicon mate. Macphers.on; reverse. Camemun. Heiler cal. McNabb, Mc. Nabh, Ktng..holm. Yearling heiler. Black, McNabh. Mc- Nabb. Juniom champion lemnale. Black; rdsemvc, MuNabb. Tss vcar saIs heilem, Came. mon. Kîngvholm. Macphersoc. Thmmm yeamuld suw, Mac pher- son, Kicg..hottn. King..hilm. Fumyeam sîlsI ou - Camemuv Macphersoan, Boîîthý Fise veat son, Cameras, Booth. Bezd- ers herd, Camerun. Booth. Kingvbaim. Opes gel-vi-sire. Kingsholm, Booth, McNabb. Progeny ut dam, Kingvhoîm. lu thse pecial hritmm ciass form 4-H club members, Ken Mc- Nabb wav f irst lollossesI y Lis McNabIs, Bruce Pickering, Ra..emary Booth ansI Harles Pickering. Alin Black isipped tIse special yearling clavv loi- lossed by Loi.. McNab Bruce Pckering, Harlzy Pckering and Rosemary Booth. Citizens Nine Milton and district ent. dents are among a gosI t92 new Cauadians 1.h 1 wil eve their Canadian ciîizenship pap. mus in a natumalizatiOti ceme- mony in Dakville Noemnber 17. The avent is part ut Oak- villes centennial cetebratian and Mayor Mactean Anderson sill be assisting the presiding judge, R. H. Tugman of the Citizenvhip and Administration Branch ufthtIe gaveremnent with the ceremony. Those aîlandlng tram this area include. Mr. and -Mrs. T. Van Kesîrren. M, and Mrs. J. Kesicren, Mr. and Mrs. Gio- vanni,.TT Kooprs and Mr. and Mrs. C. Altors. Brawnie Ladies' Auiliarv wsa held t tbe home ut Mms. Clitte Bill on Tuesday eveniug sili the nese preident Mms. Mauie Tibodeau lu charge. Mmv. George Gadd announced the urss ime tom Bowien. 4.38 p.m. ta 6 p.m. each Wed. nrvday. Mms. Beverly Bla ot- tered 10 cunvene tIse fait Pro- gressive eudtre pariv and h ake sale, Oriober 21 in tIse Masun- le hall. TIse auniliars authorzerd tIse purchusint ut nrw uitrmvs and supplies for leaders and Cuides. The vears prugruen wiil be printed au postcards and mafied ta members for fu- turc use. The meeting cloved siîh a social haîf boum sehich mas enjayed :v ail. M. and Mmv.. Tbomas Mit- chell and M. and Mm. Stew- art Cramp and family attend- cd the 42nd wzdding anuiver- ..ary ut their parents M. and Mmv. Bryan Camrponu Sunday ai their home in Meatord. v'en 33 ufthib famiiy attend- cd. i Congratuations ta lbhr Campbllsilr ITniemmediate 'B' Jhardhaîl tram ovnsinnivg ibm fOntario championsbip on Sun- sdav ai Sarnia frmr Petrolia. Svwpathv iv mscnedd l * Ru.. Ciras. Archie Cairns and * tamilv and -Mmv Loyd Kiteis. ne and famil.. un the rvt.mnl >floss.oftifheir mother. tIse laie I Mm.. William Calmens, Who upas. cd uwav last wemet and was buird in Campbeilviile. Besides ibm special.. aieady lisird, Macphers.on eviaizre ceised the Halton Braneh UC. O. special for hesi uddemmd le- maie. andI Kiugshlm the Mas- ter Peerd.. rophy for pogevcy ot dam. DYH YTTY? PHONE 878-2894 or 878-2341 herson, Botih. Dr. cow .0an MMMyUUMMMUMMU ge, Camerun. Cameran. Mac- MA heson. Senior ansI grand : OAKVILLE : 845-5553 merv Cameron. M 131 SPEERS RD. At KERR ST.___t B est oddem ctasv - Muepher- M- *- _ _________________ * STARTS THURSDAY TILL SUNDAY I * Ray Orbivan in te<'ASES GUITAR ALIVE" Shewing aI 6.30 and 9.30 daily * turday and Sunday Matins - 2 p.m. Aise "OON'T MAKE WAYS"u at 8 p.m. Oniy - Aduit ELECTRICITY: : SPECIAL SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW . IS OUR BUSINESS * Electricilli. CaII an expert for *HEATINO * WIiNGa SPECIAL MONDAY MATINES AT 2 P.M. *NEW CIRCUITS a *ADDITIONAL OUTLETS 0 AN ALL WALT DISNEY REVUE *OUTDOOR LIGHTS M * AIl Seata SOC Eaab FEATHERSTONE : SIens Manday et 630 andi 9.50 p.m. - ELECTRIC : "GUHN" - Plus ai S p.m. OnIy * "APRICA TEXAS STYLE" - Adult 878-6378 October l7th PROCLAMATION WHEREAS autharitative statistics compiled and published by the Cavadian ire Marshal show that in 1966 atone, 571 people died in the 67.970 fires reported in Canada, and the proparty Ioss tatalled $153840,000; AND WHEREAS such lontan are increasing year by year; AND WHEREAS humanirerian and economic causiderations imperatively demand that improved f ire preveution meanomen be ondertaken tc0 prevant this ecouamic waste and tragic Ions of lite in order that the niations prosperity may be maintained; 1 HEREBY PROCLAIM Sonday, October 8, 1967 ta Sunday, October 15, 1967, as FIRE PREVENTION WE1 n the towv of Mlton, and orge allcitizens 10 as St t he Mlton Fire Brigade in seek ng ta avert firas an their own property. S. G.CHILDS, Mayar The Dutch Canadian Country Club Wishes fo Thank Everyone Attending Our Very Successful Centennial Dance MILTON878-3272 UN hm MTURS THA JRE LeudoY 2 pm Matin. TI4URS..FRI..SAT.SUN.-MON..TUES. OCT. 5-6-789-10-11 Lâ E MA R"VI N THAN HIS ROLI AS - THIECAPTAIN IN "DEPUTY DROOPY" - Cartoon SATURDAY, OCTOBUR 7 MATINE ".TARZAN GOES BACK TO INDIA" - Color I THURS..PRI.-SAT. OCT. 1213-14 "CASINO ROYALE" - Color PETER SELLERS - URSULA ANDRESS "BOSTON BMANIE" -Caoon In Caler - Ail Saats $1 .50 FAY A COMPLUE ELEMIC SER7VICE INDUSTRIAL 0 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL 0 ELECTRIC HEATING RURAL POLE LINES -nd SERVICES PHONE 878-%4111 fw FREÏE ESTIMAM 1 i> Tite Dirty uovàtu]L rot 1 Il", Il I I À . à -- --- Abý à e - - - ol, Pý ag Pl Ch se 1

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