KILBRIDE Open house, dog day planned for school 810 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Octobetl 4, 1967 DRUMOUIN Church welicomes new communicants at Sunday service Dy Mss Ceeil Patiesons The sacrament ot tnoty com- muniun mas obseeved lu Beth- et Unitedi Chat-eh an Sunday, (>et, t wth Rer. Keiih Hawkes n charge. Twa new cammnuni- canin Michael and Sephen Haneock et-e wetcomed, com- ing in hy peoession of faith. M. and -Ms. Ratph lteather- stan aceompanied b'> Mr. and Mes, tant Wifiams of Toronto, eturned home Ptiday f om a holiday ai Espo. M. andi Mes. ALert Mat- ment, Sixth Line. have sld iheit- fat-m and are mnoviiig soon ta Steeetsvitle. Tht-y ii he missed in tha chat-ch and communite actîvities. M. and Mes. Perry and f ani- iiy have movedt t Shethat-ne. Ftiends wish them wett in theit- new home. Oumqin W.. had a nicely art-anged displa'> at Miton Fait- in the Women's tusitte section. Horehv Wl. also had a fine ethiit. Tee art-itles. att sîvet- 75 vent-s aid were retquit- cd. Tht- "Young Folk" ut- Bethel and Hoenhy chat-tht-s had iheir firts meeting on Sonda'>, Oct, t fat- tht- new wintet- ea- son. Tht- met ai Hoenhy chat-ch fat- a pot lack sut-pet- as 5 p.m. and latet- motueed ta St. Pont's Unitedi Chut-ch. Oak- tille fat- an "American Fok Mass". Oer 600 petsons attentied thiv speciaî set-vice ofE medta- tian and wotship. Speciat ma- sie wsanincludt-d, andi tht-or- chestra nf Streetivitte United Chat-ch Young Pt-apte wan con- datted by tht- pasu, Rt-v. Pool Fietd, adding mach ta tht-net-- vice. Communion mas t-tn- bv Rer. K. N. Brden and Rt-v. . Watof St Pau's Oak- ville. asist-d by Rer. S. J. Hershey of tht- Trafatgat- pan- tnt-at charge. Tht-strmton and message. entitted "Fat- Gamin- et-n Onîn" was giren hy Rer. ASH Weddinc showers By Mms.GOreP le"telo Gatsts were pretsent tram Zimmeren and Ash district for tht- wedding Satarday af- test-oas of Donna Hatris and Btian Gotdthrop ai St. Geor-- tes Anglican chat-h, Lowvillt- Tht-etception and dent-e utet- ht-id ai tht- Plainsman Rstaur- M. and Mes. Allas Fatt-- son tntt-t among tht- gaests as a irehday purtt for Mrs. H. Heikkita, uho was celebeating ht-t 75th birthday on Sanda'> Tht- paty mas tivna y he daughten ami son-in-Iaw, Me. and Mes. Don Vahos oE Gueph. Mfle Beverty Pattereon han been guests aihonor t- itua more bridai shonnees this pas met-k. On Wednesday nigthia miscellaneous shower as ht-Id at tht- home ut Mr. ami Ms. J. Sandet-son nE Bat-intton. A kitchen shomet- mas ht-idlot- Bevery unit That-sdny nit-ht ai tht- home ofIMes. Eut-tne Coal- Tht- Young Couples Cluh met Fida'> nithifot- a dinner ai the- Tien Kue Restaurant, and aitesadneretarned otaiht- home ofEMr. and Me. Bruce Banden mhere thtehavitns meeting tonk plat-t. We at-pasead ta retpurs mhai Tanste'> Batnet has rtined home ollowing hin star in Jas- t-ph Btast Hospital. Beted birthdav greetngv ta Cindy Everit uho eehrbated htr l7th birfbday on Sunday. Mr. and Mrt-. Tam Soter "Mac'Cntson,B.C., nf Wtsîeg Centre, Hamilton. Ai tht- close of chut-ch setvice whit-h ht-t-n ai 7.30 p.m.. att were innited ta tht- Chistian Edacation Build- ing forat-alunch ostE ilîsacsosss and coffee ater ithich a hotits enany and a felawship trere enjoyed in inging folk sangs and hymns. Tht- evenint- mas an inspiration tca It attendint-. Taxpayers in rhis nottherti hait nf thet tan af Oakvitte have a chance taptotst tht- Oakviltt-counil toint- ahead mith an aitport fat- Omagh. AIl votees shoaId have a say in this huge espenditare of puhlic funds, and eau regîtor theit- feelings hy sending a let- teer of ptotst ta tlt-tk S. A. Peatht-tnntofEtht- tomn oE Oakvitle, P.0. Bas 3t0, Oakvilte htfat-e Oct. 15. Dsruptions or goad at-rit-ut- tut-e land, inconnenience ta tht- uwnet-s. tht- town is nready oneehardened hy taxt-s, and tht-e-h as utver ht-tn estahliîh- ed a hasit- need for an aitpart. should he gond rt-sons for peotestint-. Whtee it witi hart tht- mont for everyone in the- extira bueden of aes. Mont-y tntks. 'Ms Merle Leslie is thse sec- retaty-'>ai Perecy W. Met-ty Schoot and Miss J. Bauer. a teachet- on tht- staff. Sorry tht-st-namensotet- spetteti in- correet-ty lu tat mtek's nenss. Ptiends sendgRt-tVelt ishen ta Mes. Frt-d Tut-k. She is not enjoyinggond heath. -Hts. Antieew Tinthier is convaiescint- at hec homne mitis a beoken at-m. We hope ste ns soon feeing bt-t-te. Sot-ey Itanathat Hat-ry Pice is a patietIt in Brampton Hospitat. Tht- Prit-e family mere former residents of this Sitthday gteetings ta Rit-kY> OConnelt, Dont-an Craig, Pat- t-lt-Sehoonhet and Matityn Avres. g, birthday in news- anti sans of Oakvîtlt-. anti Me andi Mrs. Chat-les Blunnltard anti Tracy oi But-tint-ton rvîst- cdi Sanda> mith -Me. anti Mev James Mat-shall. Rt-n Cotiy utTnt-auto spent Sutueday ith Me. anti Mrs Fred Ait-nantitr antilamîîy. Mr. and Ht-n. Gordon Cotton anti sanssaiApplemonti Heigths, Cooknville, anti Me. anti Met Joe DeMois anti Cathy oi Etohi- coke visiteti Sait-rday mith Me. anti Mes. Bah Wheethand anti famit'>. Visituet an Suaia> ith tht- Pelletteriis meeSavan Bard- eau ai Toronto anti Gary Bt-lt- bouse ai Isîington. Annivrsar> setrit-etmili bc ht-Id ut Zimmeeman Uniteti Chant-h on Sanda>, Octoteer i. Mornint- service sylît bc-et t t at-lot-k anti tht- evenint- service milI bc aI 7.30. Rt-v. Et-atst Batkier, lBA.. B.D. miii prcach ai hoih services. Institute bursary to Andrews, Harris Peser Antirewt-lCaîipheil ville and Met-I H.îsîs ni 75 Bonrer Ave-nue-is Actait, banc t btes namedîrvinuers of the Hal. ion District Women's instîtole Butrsa c ur1967. Pt-ter altendeti tht- Univers- t'>aI Toronto St-bonis anti gradusieti wib il per t- -ianti Met-I graduatetiftram Actot- r District High ScIioni. NOW S THE TOME TO 01DM VYOUR UNUROYAL UIOA . SUDDED SNOW TIRE Tip-in Tire Sales LIMOTU MASE UNE - MOLTON CALL 878-3131 FOR 24 NOUR SERVICE 0 2 Service Trucks - Radio Equipped 0 Front End Alignment 0 Brake Service 0 Complet. Lina of Uniroyat Passenger end Truck Tires TWO FASCINATEO YaUNGSTERS and an eqoal- people, urder tht- leadiership oi Pete aremnko, y amcsed t-Rcet-t a togeiber ai the iarm oi manager oifiant-o Prodocis, wet-e gauts of Lrvv Waîket. No. 10 Sîderond. Surda'> aiter- flit Liip anti Ca., Canada Ltd. Parpose oi the tnovn an st-vnbonioads oi pharmaeeuiicni ootivg, whîch alto ivciodied a bt-an-toast at workern toared tht- poalir'> brns. Htet- Dni Keina and a tant oi Brock Harit' arm an Morris oi Torotto and Dtborah Kent ni St-ar- Appieby Line, mas toacnegaînt agricoiturni borongh ext-nte tht- poung b idThe 400 drnggin n witis tht- iatm.(StaffPhoto) OMAGH Urges area resudents protest controversial Omagh airport B'> Mrs. Cet-st Pattereon Bolatcii hrthday grcetingn tii Davd andt Danny Evst-in sons of Mr. and Mers. John Eves. Pnuth Lise. Tht-y ctle- hrated their îhst-d hrîhdav t-c Communion setvice was ht-id ai Omagh Freshstcitan chut-th on Sanday, Oct. i wiih Rt-t. Staniev Smith. pastor, in charge. Me. and Mev .Foyd Rhade oi Westtin uet- Sondas viit- at-s with M. and Mrs. Eaei St-wandt-lfamil'> Mes. George Peacat-is nas a gaest of h at-tr on Stssdav, Setp. 301 ta AlitStnts' Anglican Chuec, h Ein, t the sedding ofi hee granddlaughier, Miss Mlîtrett Jackison and Calvin ReIs toi Guelph, andlatt-r ai tis eceptiopiiinn thc Parsih tiaIL Als ,tit-ding ocre Miss Jacquielinte Petestk. Me. and Mes Heurs Peaeck Mranti MurCeciliPsttein. Conugratultioniiss ii M. and Mes MainaVn De tBntm. ceieh..ting ai sts'iitg tnt-ss- citihis psi sseeký Belel jcjbuis sse- gotrd and ungrt ta~t ions ti Mi.ssii Mes. Kennth lsn den, tat ecent bhieittand grooum. The lide was the fot-mer Sas- dra Hcwitd, Tht- voant- tou- pic-tii l t-c'nde in Miititi. Tht- taxpayers of Oakvtllc ha ancries ast chance to pratent il thes vît dessrecîotht- contes> ve, iripîst pttpnst-d fue Omae'li M,îns leel hat GOak- vil li oooiisil shoîuit i îe tht- people .a î,ît- aistht- suhieci helolte ieciling ftiseatv 1 1e fEniiiig reessn-varet i os i ies liii peîietintg: Iliasîcals the eîi tr iseat ziîspiit hast-e'tet eescestab- lîhetlhin tt-liv. 2. Gond fat-m land iv ht-mg taken anti tht- amnee-s diseopi- ed in theit- 'a'> of living. 3. Eli.-ited officiaIs nE Oak- vilte shaulti espiain mhy this att-port i% sach a stcesity fise tht- toma. 4 Oakviiie ik ovet-hutdent-d sith tant-v nom, mont-y vhoud ssii hc spent on lavant-n. and priarities shautd camne ient Tnt-oto ait-put-t ivsttyctlise and ivs ot costing Onkitte tas. pavees unvihint-. Get ot yeur perte and write sanin oreit wil hc tolat-. Tht- noise or disruption may sol annon toe butier any but tht- loa-atetsidents, but when it comt-s ta paing fart his lux- ut-v. tht- laegest inconrenience wiii bc ft-um poat-and my pt-i ket hooks. Mont-y most camne rîîm vamewhere, and lots of Birshday greetings this week tia Mev Curolyn Banner. Mes Rick Riasan. Wayne Rit-hot. Mattv Rîshi, Bsas t.endva'>. Frances Mene. Mes. J. tient. les, Dent-il Lauresce. tan Fos- ter and Helen R aver. m,îkînt-Cluh milI hntd tht-le firsi mettint- fat-thte t- unit Sietpine Garments". an Sot- ut-day. Oct. 7 at 9.t5 a.m. in tht- cluhbt-nom aittht-monet-f the leader Mr-,. Cetil Patter- son. Fourih LUne. Thse 68 Tvas are Net-e FLEETWOOD Thse F-stmrnn QUALITY Lest Word In 5TYLE COLOR B/W - Stroe.. NI- Easy Budget Tonna STEWART'S TV 348 Kingsteigis Ct. Miltan - Ph. 878-2452 L - - ---- -- - - -- --M THERE WILL BE !NO MILK DELIVERYI iMondaly, Oct. 9thi: u*THANKSGIVING DAY :Milton Park Dairy ! BELL BROS. LTD. MILTON 878-6380 ORDER NOM FOR THE COLO DAYS AHEAD, COUNT ON OUR DEPENDABLE DELIVERIES, PROMPT SERVICE AND TOP OUALITY HEATINGOOIL. Arrangements vet-e made 'ahen the execnlive members met in the school stai t-nm fur the- fit-st Homc anud Schoat meeting. The Octoher meeting on Tuesday'.v Oct. 24 at i p.m. siit bc open hanse. The est-catit-e nembers will hold their meetings onu the Mondas Eniliaiting tihe egua.r meth in nlShai.gii fiti- Hmeat andii wiii ciai t , th. at og das'csI hcargent- hots.Ho daconvnd es WatteHroWlson. The atd litg daWalesWilone The ast Weo, nda nElea ehe math.Pie, na nofhr eah t-s, s 15cet acnh. ras s1 et ia idth Lid.Bwn eiesJdughee ofMoeand Meiess Bamn E er tan,ntat-t o, ecame Sct lt-ndntLesio e tadmaite, srdon nEse. aduaMesGeg smneofiMrd.anMSaint-dry. Setembr 2ie nSat. rsA glican Chu3 t-eScttand. Tise ricpan C uh edtln. T Marks Anglican chatch hall. Anothet- pet-son ichî spatteti the strange ojeet traveling tht-ot-h the sky eat-1lsin tht mot-nint- nf Septestiet 1iua Sam Sammit aofE..2, ftoeshs. His interent in gsings.nitn the sky is flfiled lis îstdîîîîîs mark, which tires him an ahuve-average apportani ti nhser-ve them. Mr. Sammit suggestv the- îîh jeet mas a meteorite, shich' hurned itteFf oui in tht- appisisi- mate art-a of Streetsvitle. their home la Brantford. Thon. attendlng the- wedding fenm Kilht-ide st-are Mr. and Mrsv George Smnale. Mr. and Mrs. Dssavnne Ct-aier and Me. sait Mrs. William Wtson. Me. andi Mrs. Heur'> Gorter of Kithride and Mr. and Mes. D. F.Lawrence of RRI1,Mi]- ton, . iied Fvpoatndl tpper Canada .îVils ce hîsI \se-ek. Urge children say nfot' to strangers Mulitngton detachment of the OPP wilt taon laustch a new campaign In schoole ln the Burlington area. Theme of the campait-n will be nsay no ta a steanger'. A film solIl h shown in canneesion with the ht-me. Campait-ns t-f this nature arc designed ta prevent Inci- dents similar Iu the. Mat-- anne Setsoett tragedy. Mar-- anne disappeared froc' htr -Kithide home lafi May and ha, sot been found. October 17 YOUR DATE WITH PROGRESS Vour date ta keep Ontario progressive and prosperouS ... with more people, more capital, more îndustry, more wages, more opportunity and n constantly împroviog life for every one of our citizens. Your Progressive Conservative governmeni han achieved a remarkable record in the past four yedrs: aNHtw Farm Income Cammîttet- n Air anti Watt-r Pollution inws nAgrtculture Research lostitate .ng8Provincial Patkn for eCrnp Insarance aitavorable tat-s 10,000.000 îîntott * New' Capital Farm Grant n3.000 t-tw schonin or maon * OMSIP anti ,ooo0t-tw hospîtai adtioins betis . Schooi t-tanin increnseti600o * 368000 ut-w jobs n $500.000 local indasir'> * 4,000 miles ofnI tw or rebut developuet-n ons higbwapt * Cot-itderatitn ai Tomorroat * Municipal tan rtlit-i Cont-ltrt-s Good overnment ... the Robonts govertiment . .. deserves your support on October l7th. IVOTE JIM SNOW I SIn Halton EA SI IVOTE GEORGE KERR kIn Halton WEST4 RESTI VOS ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE Sweet WATERMELON, Large Size 99C ea. PEPPER SQUASH - lOc e.. NEW CARROTS 2 cello bags 19c Local New POTATOES, 25-lb. bag -- 79c Maple Leaf Mincemeat, large 28-az. tin 49c First Quality NYLONS 3 prs. $1. Duncan flimas CAKE MIXES - 7 flavars 2 pks. 79c Thrift Brand Sliced Rindless SIDE BACON 2 Ibs. 99c Fresli Park SHOULDER ROAST 39c lb. (Short-Shank End) HALF HAMS, Ready ta Serve ..... 69c Canada Peckers Devan Brand TURKEYS 39c lb. and up Free 24 Hour Service BDE EM Comfort In Our Hands Put Your METERED DELIVERY Wnt.rPROMPT SERVICE QUALITY PRODUCTS e' rua.878-6380 Milton SERVING THE DISTRICT FOR 35 YEARS a - - -- % 1 '. - "Modfiald