Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 11

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Jim's Jottings b y i im d ill Sugar and Spice b y b i1 1 s m ile y e Changes take place la a commsmity avec a period af time thal esidents 0f tee ake tar grasted. One mbo bas been absent tramt tome foc a mile milI of tee notice teen more eadily and be impcecced. On a recent vist ta Milton Ray Murphy mba is a former Bank of Monîceal manager berc, told me base impcessivc a change tbe milI pond pro- jet as. He citcd it as the mast ig niicant impravemeo-t and the most ob- vious le the toms sisce is departuce. and ofteced is commeedaion ta those esponsible. e Service clubs -have a gaod bass foc co-operolion in the location of their siges xl a cammunitys enîrance. And mitb the gcoing number of service clubs bere, it seents ju about ime c neem ige system mwas developed. A sumber o yeacc ago the Rotary Club develaped a sige and since thes the other clubs that have ieen tarled bave been taggieg their sigos as the ame post. I con ee tise ad- vantoges la Ibat avec bavieg o mhole rom of the siges along the road appcoacing the tome, but it seems nom mauld ho a goad time tac al the clubs la c-opecte on a ingle, attractive sig. e The crooked tree that bas been a kind of loedmnack aloeg Higbwav 25 eorth of toma is an the may ouI. ElIm disease scents ta bave aaken ils toîl and the leafy toliage deîeioratcd noticeably beote tite 'igheiav construction icese moved le ced put c gouge ie the hase or i. I stapped at the tree ecently and no- ticed c spile near the teece side af the tree mitb the sap floieg out. Ilts bth- eced me sînce as ta sebat the spile mas suppocedt t do and sebo mnuld put It lisece. Wbatevec the explanotian, 15 doesnlt appear the croalsed tcee il rentais toc, mucb longer. e Had came eperiece rccntly ib the staff at tbe bospitol and mbat a pleasant and casgeniol group tbey ap- peared ta ib. -ttc the kind of siuation me ail taa oten take foc granted, but1 felI it wscs ortby af mention. Their mark ment cîmcys llght or pleccant but their cmiles ere quile geseral. Ilts the kisd of attitude that makes aur commu- elty hosptal cuch c commuslty assaI. *Bcd meather 15 a ceai trest toaa faltalc. A sehole yea'c mrk and plan- ning cas ibe destroyed isy alnv ecîher ced its ane event you cont juslsdden- ly pastpoee. Fair dates ace plannerd moeths atead cnd evecy eekesd cees several. The objective s ta avold con- tlirling dates mittin eeighhorint talcs. Tbe eather an Thurcday and Friday eerlaisly iedicaled Milton fair mac le for a rougit year but the Salurday eati- er cleaced aed armed c litîle ta case the problens fortuealely ju9t le ime. . Asked abotost he first day of seboat o kindergartener otfeced hic considered judgment «I lears a lot of sîuff titece. but it suce culs ilo my day." ~~Down[s] in this a l roy d ams C o rner Wbocs goisg ta is tise Octohor 17 lise Newe Oemocrats le Burlieglas ced eetions in Halton East and Hiatan Octeville ced il may ho a close race for West? second slot holmeen tise grils aed te tintike mosI nesspapermon, my ps-. edeMr l ahcdec dictions mean absalutely notbing excspt tiisaI iley f I spoce ced couse lise neigis- Elconhece on tise etection front: bacs to ctuck-cluck about me; se itere I inally taund ouI mby JintSeose, goes: tise Hal-ton East PC. caedidate refuses PC. cndidate George Kerc mili sin to rideinthlie upper deck teataw1m- in ýHalton West, by a margin o 4000 stocey bus hecs usief for o compaige voles. And is runnisg mate, Tory Jim vebicte, The fine teet, tour inebes of Ssom le Hltan East milI likewise min bead roont doesnt suit tise paclv hope- mitis a 3,000edge avec is clocest rival, fui, wmois sicx ftedplus. Mose cae they bse? Attable George0 . * Ker, tbe prescrit member for tise seole SpeaiIng of he ustise omner of the counîy of Hatos mbîcb tormed ose double-deckec, Fred Sbomlec of Oakville s-ding until redistribution last year, bas flese ta Esglcnd ose dav at eek ta been campaignief foc Iis eletias siece make arrangements la purchase and int- ho mas icst eieted 10 paliament in pairtsewo more big buses. Fred savs SgeptembeWr of 1963. Hic record bas sol ell soan have sa, masy buses, ell hoe been outstandieg in the Onario Bouse ahIe ta sart c service cuening tram Mil- -- but tl bac vt Ieen badl, eilbec, George tan tl a Otville. la knomn as a gond mocker and a con- sciestiaus MP.P. wba bas kept is nase Theyre elling lise tucsin sipers clean isce be mon tiesceat. asoaasd campaige raoms, about ose of Ie the 1963 eletion George sean liseocal candidaes ouI campignief ans iandily avec Lihocal Oe Mullin and day aed micîakenly tnocked on tise donc NDmP. Bill Gillies: 19,931 voles compaceil o an oppoing candidate. You con tai Mullie's 13,508 and Gillies' 5187, miicis imagine the mans embaracsmesl ses become tise Tories' bggest vicias-y in ho tound ouimises-eie secs. Nelthser lise Maltas in yeacs. In the leciion beotre visitas o c liste viclted candidate mutl that, vetecan Tory M.P.P. Sanley Habl confIs-ml the rumas-. bad etained is seat by a lint 471 votes avec Mullin. If Hatean Est and Haton West had Sgripine len this acea bac se, fac been separate idingc in 1963, and r- affeced oaty ose candidate - Lihocal bcd ruts le bals. be outd stilt have Robin Steuce. They tel me tieres aise mon. Titece msel one muicipality in cornes-i l tville miere tise position of Halton tisat favoced eitberso-anovec the Ssom cnd Steuce siges rchasge dcily tise pomesful Kerr machine; altisougis Ac- - ose day Stuce s out In front ced te tas, Esnuesing, Georgetown, Milan ced nex day Seose gels his day islise lime- Nassagomeya put Mulie close o Kerr, Ilgi. a a be ssept bth tise large couthere lames of Octvitte ced Bulinglon by big mas-- gins. A discstcous chicieof events mac set Ste Seese, tise PC.isapeful sntise up- off in Londosnseben John Moflît flicte- tos-gabc nese idieg of Halton East, bas ed a drt ai lise dacîboard en is favorite only l tonteokcIiibe 1963 recuts àothlie pub. He missed cnd it as leclric light tous- muicipalities le is ridieg ('Esques- buts, cousisg a shorsrci-u ilmiicis blese log, Georgetown, Milon and Oakvillel la itie tuse. In tise dcckness, lise pub keepes- ind confidence en a cleor vicias-y Iis mont ta tht. tuse box domeclairs. Gsop- yea. Big Jint sbauld bc able la coasI isg tac il, ise tat hic footing aed felI mb ueencs Park on the coo-laits af the dams tise cairs. Ths righlened lise pub Robonts crese, ibantes ta lise excellent matcisdog, misa promptby bit hlm. Hic yeit groundmos-k tbe preseet M.P.P. bas laid caused lise bacteedes- ta smash o glass ins tiat haIt of tise sidieg tocrlise pasi ced cul hic iand. Whon te pub keepes- tour years. inlty gai lise ligitssonise came upsiairs The Liberat candidates Robin Skuce ta find tiatsaIcmease bcd stalen lise in -the east and Jack Loch enlise esl are dastioard. both capable mes but soi meli esougis 0 0 keome in theis- ridings 10 sseep asyase "Hase did yaus- ite like Ihose bock off their feet. This tinte arousd, itapes scahe-tmthctcCrima? lote gond for tise N2D.P., ecpeciolly for cahes1enlirfrCitmsf Bill Gillies le Hoton West mbo ic prob- "Yau mecs liaIs s aIthey ers? abty baller tnome tison csy alier candi- Shes ees mcking me et saad ilsit dateTise votes are almays ieany for mtni Il PEEKING INTO MILTON pS PAST I PALL PIRS AND pOttICS dont usually Premier stops ta chat with folks betîde mix, but on Saturday the tmo mant the grandstand, accampanied by PC. hand in band as Premier John Robarts candidates George Kerr and Jim Snow and f vs of the six candidates in the as nemc phatographerS (foreground) Imo Halton ridings went hand-shaking shoot the scene from a high vantage ind vote-gettng at Miton Far. The pont. (Staff Photo) The Poil Fai, that annual mixture ai midway and exhisits, bascocme end gane in Milton for anotiser year. Milton Fair, nom melI into is second century, served la remînd us once again ai thse vital place agriculture occupies in aur ecanamy. Agriculture c cîtlîl a basic îndustry The gromîng ai food ic of vital importance ta naci ai as. Thse dîcplayc aItishe Fait con tise ga- mut ai agrîculturat production in tis area. Coupled wîlh that mac tise display ai came aiflise cosly equipment te- quired for efficient production on a iarm tisaI, ai necescity, has lesc labor than mas iormerly avaitable. Handicraits dicplays mere an inter- esling part ai the chose involving peo- pIe from tome and country. And tht baking and precerves bas its moath- watering place t00. More and more agricultural fait fairs are proving a comman ground for tosen aed country folk The cattle shoms are ai prime înterest ta thse furm foik but misaI tome amily doesnt gel a better underctanding of agriculture tramn walching tise caIle ied or ready for the shsom ring. Pli Faits are not a sem thîng. They are as old as recorded hîtory, The fisf one in Canada mac beld aI Windsor, Nova Scotia in 1765ý Things bave changed considerabi ycince then but fol) lairs, like tise Milton Pair, continue ta make àn immeasurable contribution ta- mord the developmevt ai agriculture and tise fostering ai rural urban links of understandîng. Milton Pair operated under coa meather difficulties on the meekend but the tremendous number of enhibitors and the hours ai voluntary mork ted planning contributed by tise officers, produced another cuccescial event. Al respansible deserve credit. Octobep t/se 904els Quiet avd solitude, co rare in thes" dayc ai congestion and noise, brinc, monderial compensation in golden Oc- lober. Every Iuman sboatd make tise effort ta tact off tise stridencies and lise cares ai the busy places and ceek out secluded spots. ind a clump of unspoiled pines or cedars mitere tise breeze micpsrs soit- y Searcis for a stream, utaucbed by pollutîng carelessnecc and listen ta tise may it ciides tIse ticking stones. A deserted stane mail, monument ta pion- ner effort, iii give you a vine cusiin ed backing for an immersion in thse marmîb aiflIse October Sun. Tisen take tise advice ai J. B. Priest- y, mho bîmseli snjays tise unspoilsd pleacures ai an cIe ai Wighst retreat, as a guide ta soltary satisfaction: "Any mac cas be fucsy and rid him. self ai snergy al over tise place, bal a man bac ta have sometisg in iimself before Ise can settie cdoms ta do notb- ing. He must base ressrvec ta dram upon, must be able ta plonge into strange, slom rivers ai dream and ren- arie, must t issart be a pont." -Montreal Star 7T/e è'alue <'1Ça i'mile REMEMIR THEI 0W GRANDSTAND tist diomond. It might aven have boas a used ta sit le Milton air Grunds? lIýfas ci fair day, ose man suggests, because shome in tise background ai Iis photo they ailes iad a gama ai bail on fair taken aroand tise tors of tise century, dey. -is a cromd matches a bail game on tise Il cats noting, but creates mach. t enricises tisosa miso receive, ils- out impovnrishing tisose misa gins. il iappens in a flash and tise me- mary afi t cametimes lives farever. Nons are ca ricis that tisey can get along withaut it and nons are 50 poor but ars richer for ifs benef ils. t creates happinsss in tise home, fosters gaad iii in a business and is the caanisrsign of friands. t c resita otise meary, dayligbt ta tise discouragsd, sunsisinenta tiesead and natures best antidote for trouble. Vet it cannai be baugbt, begged, borromed ar stolen for it s sametiing tisat is no eathly goad ta anybady tufl ic i given amayt And if il ever happens tisat came- ans is toa trsd ta give yau a smile, please give hlm ans ai yours. For nobady needc a smile so mucis as tisose mha bave nons leit ta give. -Authar unknomn It yau thlnk il's laugis trYlng la Sot a son or daughter ready for callege. cooled out, and seflled in, yoto shasld tcy it with o ite. mho basnnI ieen Ihece tac 2f yescs. Its an exbaustlng experience. emao- tianally and tinancially. Al the kids wanl s that you sbould take aIl their stutt doms, and belp snload il, press a large sum upon tbem, and disappear back ta Hicksville, sa yaul1 stop embarcassîng them iefrtrof -Ibeir sew clas-mcles. Wilh Nomma its nat that simple. Firsl cames the Icemendous decîstan il- selt, comparable ta Moses making up bis mind ta lead tbe"Clsldree" back ta ftse Promised Land. There are surges of con- tidence, but they are oulmeighed by suddes despairs. 'tMy brain is rusty. il neyer maire it. Tbey've probably last My tiles. TherelI ise a cule retusief people avec 30. The catisse is most ikely a lot hardler nom. lFil teel like a tool mith ail tise lids in nisiskirls asd eye-sbadaw." And s0 on. Yau palienlly paiet out tisat: rust can be removed; any haIt-i cas pas touth year; univercilles neyer tose any- lhieg, eacept the letler you srole them. lasI meek; shes more mature and the course milI be a coup; shes ietter lok- ing nom thon she mas le third yecr, awsy iseet. Thus bolsleced, she sgnds ott the application. Notbing happent. Fesr and trustration mount. Sa father bas ta mrite c lellec le bis iimilaisle style, setlt torce and flrmnecs. Straigh(rbaclt cames the good mord. . This is thse ratl'lici. She casl t ise- lieve it Shes accepted. Ittc no loeger castles le Spain. And tise ceaI pancie gins. ,ttc ridiculous. 1 cent leave you and Kim alose. YouIl bornste bouse dame. Youlil forget la put ouI the garbage. Youll die of malnutrition. We cc'l af. fard Il. You canIt gel aloeg mithout me." And %o on. Sbe simply is af raid ta get ber test met ie the big, cold world froom mich, like al bousemives, shee batbeenshsetered ati these years by guess wbo. Sa sbe goes ta visit ber motber for tbree days, as a sort of trial mun. Camnes home and is a bit dasbed to tind the bouse st standing, garbage oui on schedule, lawn cut, kiteben tidy and Kim and I living ike Oriental potentates. Sbe badila c ave face and go tbrougb witb il, but sot before -trying one more gambit. It was impossible tinanciotly. Tberemss no way me could manage it. Pather points ouI shat, mitb judi- cious borrowing, me cas keep ose of tbe family going ta college. Siece Hugb lu no longer -thece, and le tact bas a splendid job laying carpels, il might as mdll be ebe. This produces boit a day's ters of mingled rage asd griet avec Hugb's iquiting. ltalsa produces a guilt comptes. Sbe vows Ibat nobody bas evec lived as cbeaply at callege assh ilI. Shes go- ing ta pig il je a gruby lttle coom. Att she needs is a sleeping-bag, card table, bot-plate aed electric kettîn. SheIlIwalk miles 10 save cartare, itcb-bikc home on week-ends. Haht Have yau tried 10 cent a cheap litîle room lalely? Pather took motber ta the cily, and wbile sire registeced et the college, poured an ale and pored avec. the classitied ads. Bcst be could ind mac a coom share bath and kitcb- en, et $20 a week. It wacnt bad. 'But Ibere mas a stumb- lieg-block, as usuat. The otbcr inmates mere callege girls, and the laedlady bad an iran cule lisat no mcx, exccpt ber oms busband were allomed inside the front doar. She mas inflexibte. Sa mas I. I'd plaeeed ta padi down with the atd, lady the odd weekeed saviegthte pricesof a hatel roam. Ta cut a long long tary ta ribbons, the sbabby little room irst suggested bas grawn into an aparîment, fureisbed. And I mauldnlt tell my closest friend, ltt alane mv banker, mbal the cent is. Pages of the Pasi f r om champion fi les 20 years ago TaSkessfs-t as Imam orT Mm Chan e.Octowit i e .14 One car reoeved sligisl damagle seben a collision ils c second car an Higbmoy 25 about Imo miles Soutit of Milton Tuesday elgitt offices-s repas-t- ed. The car, asesed ced driven by Nos-- mas Strous, -Milton, secs sidesseiped by a car driven by Vernte Wilson, also of Miton, about 10.30 p.m. Damage la the Stacuis car mas esimaled et 5U5. Ps- vincial Constable At Lemas is levestiga- iing. Os Friday, Octabes- 3, tise annual tracte and fied miel of the Mik110e Bgit Scisool itI ho hebd, Marebng eveets selîl take place aI th is'Bgis Scisol groueds. These milI inctude the runelsg iigis jump. ruseing braad jump, pote vasat, sisal put, standing bcocd jump, tirasing lise basteetisalt ced basebaîl. Cammeeclsg aI 1.30 p.m., lise tracte meet sebît eh eld aI tise talc grounds. Fifty, 75. 100, 220 yard dashec, ced 440, 8808, mile ansd relay races mili be rue. Special letures milI ho a cacte race, tireeIegged s-cee cnd stase bicycle race, Wednecdoy of lasI meete Halas Ju- eior Prters, sitis lie co-opecallon af the Ballton Plowmtens Association select. cd tise menthors ai the hosan cd traclar îeams la represeel Ballon ttise big le- ternational lo be iseld secs- Kngstons. 50 years ago Tsken tram tiss luaneeoaiTise Canade Champion, Oclobr 4, 1917 Councillas- David Clark cdvestlsed bis horse, believed ta bave bees stolen, n a Torontos nesspaper. Yesîerday ise mas eolitied by c Grand Valley tas-mer ihai a isorse ansseerieg lIse description of lise missieg anim9al mas oe a selgis- bac's tas-mced bcd camee Itly. Mr. Clark ment la Grand Valley. This macn- tsf be îtepboeed 'la Crame Attorney Dick te h e bas-se is bis. Tisetas-mec cucreedeced il aed cald it cîrayed ta is prentices tact meete. tsverytiing points ta a record aton- dande aI the tais-ofthtie Ba4ton Agricul- tucat Society isere nest Wedeesday, mils record entries ced exhîbits. Tise speedbsg coneets milI be c special teture. There mitI be c grand conecert aI tiet laMbIl n tise eveeisg, by te iloesic Quartette af Brampton cnd James 'Esple, enles-tabes, and Jean Smpson, Seottisis daccer, bath of Tas-osto. Hcmntilacily counnil bau follbosed lise action of the Iboard of isalthin l passief a resolulbon Ie favor of lifting tise ban oscolored tousgarine, linsteduce paced to sesd o large petiliiaeta the Do- minion govecemeel. The annual convcntion utftialton- Weetmoctb lespectoate milI be beld le lise Normal Schoot, Toronto, on Thurs- day and Fridov, October Il and 12 100 years ago TaSs fsarthis asssof Tise Canadan Cisampbau, Oclober t, 1867 Mc. Jay Conrad, jemelter. Milton, milI give anather lecture an Pbccnology, Elec- ticiey, etc. at Bell'c scbool bouse. Nelson. on Wedsesday nexl, tbe tth insl. AthIe close of the lecture there milI ho a spelt- ing match open ta the mortd, and o dlock selîl ho given 'la the cuccestul one. the cdockt la emain le the scboat as the propecty of the section donated le tbe name nfithe victor. Mr. Conrad bas pre- seeted dlock ta tbe Zimmerman scbool aithlie close of is second lecture. To No. 6 Ca., 2Ctb 110110 Baltalion: Tise members af the Company seba bave sol atready dose so are rcqucsied forth- milb la relus-enIa ostore at mv office, the rifles, bayonels and scabbacds, snap- caps, muecle sloppers and ammunilion in the possession, os lise nem Seider rif- les have been received. - 6. T, Sastedo, Captoin. We undecstand Ibat tl is content- plated ta orgonize o itecary society tar Milton, 10 engage the attention of the youeg men dorinthe sinter montbc. We riek the idea is a good ane and choIt give il aIl the encouragemenctt in aur power. Tbe greot draswbacke bas bereto- fore hem the mont af a suitable room. but me are confident tbat the couricit roam leinbe nesv hall milI bc gasted. A meeting foc organization will take place atie Tome Hall os Salurday eve- ning next. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION DmtRuc eet Am s UaLOMaOCO . L70. t9OiSeiet.0 pi-ns8t6-2341 d dlbk .res Au. li&,MséinivuEd.0 HyiePake. Adwofsce aréti.u. Publiilsd set e Wdo..dae *t 1 lainSi. Miseo, Owica M-,rett. Canadîie W.skt NsrsSpetssAonci,nsd h. Ontaioen mski sN-.eseses Assistin SuAsipnn sc.Pert .h.inaes-, m.00 lin c.nsd.; c.,eri. .i-nse in Miton, $se0 aterusîte n tSu maie. Pdssii.g ns -pied ceSth.srdtion t., te th.ti smilf t s mesel - nirseai l. .1ts.sd.,tiisite. srsoemeil bySth.i5s i-, ifflarrtit -.hl. fsirsisort dsaeneneilciii idsormita ,he .pplitas, i e 1. tismn-t o atypgesehiss-ed.i.ei.g #-t ose ssctet .i-s soin. &gentas servic es t cy e a- Iad, eeeisi.s svenin Authseirscis.t Secnd ct lési alAn tes Pmt Oaficsesesmene.. Os. ----------

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