Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 1

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ïkeUnia Elîampton Autoniuta s 5.nnd ciqnMO tu 1 ! euOtfiLe pott.. OO"r'i50A 07 ,Mttmua on n pp Twenty Pages-Ten Cents. Vol. 108.-No. 22. MIL.tePaat O vOa, 5Mic.OTOeN,511 OJ N ARI..i O , E NSA OC'fl 4I YOen ea~r ving the-, . " for 10--*'*1.*..... g Edrçiinncosts plebisdite Iounched by Milton council 4H4 SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Larry Bennett barts, Milton Mayor Sidney Childs and P. C. of urlingîon received more than the usual candidates Jim Snaw and George Kerr. rom acclaim when he topped the 4-H caîf club the lett are Rabarts, Kerr, Bennett, Childs and competition t Saturday's fair with his Hol- Snow, ail admiring Larrys fine caîf. stein caîf. Among thone who dropped around ta congrtulare him were Premier John Ro- (Staff Photo Milton aunched a province-wde campalgn Monday ta meusure support for assomption by the province of 100 per cent of the cast of education. Milton electors this Deceniber will be polled an wheth- er they think the province shold tuke aver the total cost of edcetion. and the ton wmdl send out neurly 1,000 letters ta other Ontario municpalities askng them ta, take similar action. The subjeat terne up for discussion ut lest week's coun' cil meeting. At the otset of disîcussions this week Maor S. G. Chlds cautianed there were some 932 municipalities in- volved as weli as additioval cast in getting the materiet pre- pared and out ta make tf passible for municpalities ta ment a November 1 deadline ta pian thn pebiscite. Councittor B. Best, instigaut or aI 16e suggestion lest wcek, urgeli counicittors ta, îink pas- a itisely. "Il's the only wuy we are goina to provc to the pro- vnce that me OanI action." Reeve A. Ledwth noted there oas no guarantee lit oould ire placed os the ballot papers by municiplities. "You're sure ifl won't if sou dont ct." chided Cauncittor Best. 't'm fiensti convinced thse major prohlet m acina munici- palluies Iodas s te rising rosi of education. The onty wav thi.'province %iitttaIre- avnotice is wben thepeopla who fot the bill do the apea- king," Councillor Best urgoed. Coutacîl endorsad the local plehiscite and the mailing of leters toa alGnarin munici' palîtie'., rgief tiiem ta hotd a simitur sole le conjonction with Iis vers municipal e- ~ eciions. The esolution atia asked individuat monicipatities la- report ibe resaIt'.ot a nsnvotes ta Miton, and CounciltoC Besi agcced 6ciaouid tauai - aie 16cm and submit thcm s r a bnifta the provincial gov- erement. The pacmnent cWt îvertimc or the hirn of aiadditiiinai staff la aci the letiers oi hswck "ICU WUATiu PFU DUCKS« wasuapproncd bv thecouncil. erley o Miton, and the firn Chemberimet Probtems concecsing the -Mil- ton Chumber of Commerce und ideus for future actions wil bc ired t us open meeting calleli for 730 p.m. on October 9 ai the Ton Hall. Seeretary'munuger Eurl G. Black,.in announcinf the meet- ing. said parking and ioon de' s'etopmcnt wilt be on the ag- enda for discussion. Isays Allen sev. .1t prize muscovy îIv throuîrhIluq * mn Alian and the docks gaI together Setur- Fuair lists day morning t Miton Pair - Allan in his rein- ffl NW DIMOCRAT DAY t the Centenniai Mavor Donld MacDonald, Leader ai the N.D.P;Wtt iarnsGilt ns, rendidate for Haltan East end Ted MacDonald, candidata for Haltan j Wst re shawn hra speak ng ta rasidanta ai Donald C. MacDo nald. leader af the Onaro New Democratir Party, stopped ln -Miton for a brief iit Mosday as part o his campaign tour. Mr. Mac- Donald visited Hulasn Centen- nial Manor brjdfly, then went os la thsa TonHall ohece Thanksgiving s a holiday Net iMonday la Thuokagin- ing day. and a public holiday in Milton and district. V There wifl e no mail or indlk deliveey and mail stores and offices wi11 emain closcd ail day Monda . Guebage rot- lections ussaally beld Mondai witI 6e held on the cet egu- lr picup day. Clturcires wil6e obsecviea thanksgiving with peciat ser" vices on Sunday. Tire oely so- ciel avant schedulcd 'Monday is thse Burlinglov Centensial Committees "aid fasioned piceir" and parade t Lowvilc Park 'n Norths Bulîngoai. De- tails sait 6e ond in aabri elsewshere in Iis issue. the Manor. Mr. MacDonald swung through Milton stopping et the Manor. the Ton Hall and up ta, Cempbelville shaking hands with prospective votera. (Staff Photo) 6e met 'Mayor S. G. Childsanad lter weslta Campbellville. Thse leader oaa greeted by a group of supporters in front of the Ton Hall. Ne gave e bnifaddreaa oth1e amatI con- gregation in thsa cooncil chamb- Mc. MacDonald waa quile.op. timistir about thse outeome of the October 17 etectios. Sinca viitisg 'Hulas 6he feets bath Hatton East and attas Wes. coulti easity faIt is oay. Ne said Iis woutd 6e the firat ime for h paely ta have a fuît state of candidates in cacb ridisg. and Iis atone is refios for opèmism. The leader crilicized the gov- emnnent for dlaying the Smith Taxation Report unnecessaally. Ne said the conclusions druon n 'lise report oece obvions a long ime before their releuse. and shold have been acted upon wies they fiet became known. M. MacDonald visited encrv municipaliiy in NHatIon East and West ridings duing the whirtwind toue' -Indian sommner arived on Sunday. The weaîbee iis week bai bees beautiful. -The farmers are busy plowving tieir fields his oeek. Thc Champion'% fair iveck loea e i oday's issue in cludes photos ibroughoolth1e paper and lis of prize win- ecrs fIm vsariosi.iinitit lions. The isi' have been pari- y summarized tiis ear Io conervcspacie'and ime. Ci' pecialîs'in some ciimpeitions ishere a feis'eshihiiors have cane4 up os the majoîr share of prizes. c A meei.ihec.cndid.ie iighi fir Halliin We'st rîling i 'u.h- cdaicd ouîLakc place .îi Fair- vicîs Schîol in Louviillc on No. cccl end ncuwester hal. the docks in their filet oaîer-repeiient toga - and ail threa re- parted huvingae grand ime t the feir despite the weether. Wet weather hit. but show stili suc with centennical f OROOMIHO THEIR CALVUS priar ta the shawmanshîp classes, members ai Halons four cati clubs are shown in the catle ies on Saturday. In the backaround. the jodge looks avar a group ai beef entries. A total ai 77 clves mare entered in the successiol show t the 1151h annuel Milton air. (Staff Photo) te typical "showm iust go on" spiri, direction ut Nation Agri- culural Societ) pilledtihotr 1967 ediion uol Mlton Faîr agaînsi the cicînenis on the îeked - andon. Heavv raies aIl lait week and laslîng rîght up tu Frida. cloudv. hraîevîsg skies and a cool breezeon Saturdav failed to stop 16e shows and 90 per cent of16e tfair plaied 10 asmaller-than-usuicrod in spic îof Lhe clemenîs. "We reaaîy cent u.iniplaie t ail." sammed up Agi icolural Soîlict presîdeni Archie Mc- Kienon. Abiot 3,000 paîd admissions we re regsieccd ai 16e gaie. a drop of about 1,000 trom ic, %ai. Bul the resulting losof rev'enuie'%ias ottset hi thecanceil.iiion of the hre' cii raies. ligli and bravi hrîcîshowns on Saturdai af' A fesrhhune ca hiiors serc upsel sshee thes arrived ai the fir t0 ind iheir portioe of 16e show wsasas'ashed out-or cal- ber muddied oui but Ibeir tempers would base becs trvee moîre traved if ibev bad been forccd tu reige their hunses le 16e moddi mornass thai resultîd lrom the constant rain os the tcack and hall dia' mond. :s fciir ccess flavor The caIlle show. shcep. goats and swine classes wcre juil as fuît as other years. Catle. mes had a nese pale bars tii bouse their entries Iis year. and il helped a lot. NowereT att the caIl-le in the dairs' shoîs coutdn't be bousrd la the ont building and about one.tbird of tbeenrInes had 10 6e ied outside the hurn. The fait board is contemnptati ng an ad- dition tbls vear chat i 6411gmt the autside caille ai leust overbcad protection f rîm tht etements. Tire midîras perennil favor- te spending place of the voung- er sci. mas jusi as busy as ever aIl dan Saturdas'. Young- sien tflocb ed 10 a doeen large and smatl rides. lisb ponds, games of chance, ring tosses and eves a freak show. At ose point tn 1he alternon lairguers had 10 elbois theîr way through t6e midway crowd. TIhe hall fealurea mere again oulstanding. "They ocre just as good as ever. and we hada lot of ccntennial year innova- lions," remarhcd 6he presid- cnt. Amoeg 1he innovations aa ihree-eoom display ot genuine antiques including one 100 items begged. loaned. horrosi (Cnniinued on Page 5) 5 Sîdcroad Thursdas' ai t.30 p.m. The mecting is sponsor- cd hi' tppcr Barlingion Citii /cns Forum anît reftesbmenis illithc crve. MEET ALL THREE Milton voicrs sit bhavea chaniciituvieel thihi'e candi- dates for Hailoîn East and 'hear îhir piailorvi, hcrc on Tbursday nigbi. The tJnivcrsiis' Wonîcn's Club iî sponsoingan a'an didute meeting ai thc U.A.W. Centre on Martin Si. iîînîîrroîî (Thur- sdaul ai f p.m. Mrs H. Pîrrîsi iili c hc6e cbairiian and cadi oftihecacn- didateci ii i pcak brietis' and thcn însîscr questions Iroms the Iloi.iiuAil.îrc ecme. ADVANCE POLIS Advanc.e pots toc thc cleetion ssii1 hc open Thursday, Priday and Satordav, Ociîîhrr 12, 13 and 14 tram t ani ltu 5 p.m. and again tram 7 pm. 10 10 p.m. standard îumc 19 a. 6 p.ns. and t p.m. tIlp-mduy' ligb'i saviof imel. Haîton East pois unîtl be set up in Milton ai 35 Court St.. in Georgetowni ai 30 Young St.. in Oakvittr ai the Municipal Building., 1225 Tratalgar Road. Nation Wr-i pollsis ilt 6e in Bartingion il 2154 Paekoav Drivc, 5087 Lakcshîîrc Rd.. 492 Beverîs Dr. and 640 North Shore E.. in Nassaguwevu ut the resictence of Mci Luawrence Sharpc ot R.R. t, Camphelieitic: n Acion at 66 Nelson Court. an i n Eiqîtcsing ut tire cesi- îtcncc of D. Wiliams on No. 7 l-ighwsav in Sîtvcr Creek. RECEIVE NOMINATIONS Deadlineriras tbeee o'ctoek Tuesday atiernoon. und att candidates inHNotion East and Hation WestI urreolficiatîn nominatrd in goond time. Hilton Wcst retoirning oftic' cr Don MrMittan contacted att candidates and they ocre dulv nominaird on Monduv. Tbey arc: George Kerr, Progressive Conservatine; Jack Lush. Liber' at. and T. H. MacDonald. N.D. P. Hation East cturiîing utîiîcr Allan Masson reccived thre nominations from Jim Snow. Progressive Conservutive; Ro- hin Skuce Libecat. and Bill Gitties, N.D.P. SKUCE PARTY Liherat supporters olîl bave r Ibeir chunce la ment Nalton l-Wcst's Robin Skuce uit Coran- e atlion Park in Oakville. Satur- ;t day. October 7 belmeen I and e 5 p.m. Poving begas Hîghoay 2.5 hetocen Adtos and Miltone s recciaieg a neo cotof asphaît Ibis ocek. Workme hi Tuesday bad com- plcled the resucîaciea tram the main inerscclion in Acton souih iii 15 Sideroad ai Spey- sîde. The etire highway wi11 be resut laced 10 1he point wbere il mccli Higboay 401. A Iwo miîle section botocen Higbway 401 anîd 16e Campbettsitte (No. 5) Sîdcroad is also being wid- enced 10 accommadate the heavy trock trottin. Police urge motorisîs 10 obcy Ilagmen on the job. also the redoced ipeed limit signi ut the construction rcrai. Premnier John Robarts visits Milton Fair... Politics, pipers and puddles; midway and mud; hats, and hockey; coffee and quips Dp Ray Dowae Plqitîiciatta wecc plaitAly in avidesce t thse fllaitfir on St- urday, but lthe star oi the show was Onario Premier Jobn Robacta. -Mr. Robarta spent un bouc uith1e fair plug ging lthe Conservutive pucty and bis local candidates. Jîns Snow and George Kerr, wba aaek seats is the new NatIon Eat and NatIon West ridings. A week ealer. Liberat lead- erBob Nixon Iad livened up Georgetown fir whes Ie loin' ed a cesîesniul parade and plugged for voles ior tialton Eust Libecal candidate Robin Skucc. Os Manday. for tIse third imte within isc days a iird Onario leader visiled Hatîçe when N.D.P. leader Donald -MacDonald coveeed mail of bath EanI and West ridisas in a whilwind tour. M. Robuels. ike other fir- goers, ebowed is way down the erowded midway, stopped foc a calece. visitcd scverul bontha and the cardle show. and gaI is shoes muddy cross- ing 16e quagmire tbut oas once a race tcack. - Haeememed to enjoy eveey minute oait1. Ne arrived Iothbctunes ai 1he Milton Girls Pipe Banod hagpipes. and stopped auth1e PC. hootb near l6e mainenevr- once lii t6e groundîs whcre 6e %vas greeted bioastocen party wookers priig 71m Snow steao boaler bats Candidates Kerrc and Seow acconpon ed hlm on is tourofait1e grudsucrosnnled hy a doie cbitd cee carrving Seoir signs and truiled i a imal h.îiiî'îî hum tie press corps. Several lImes 1he parts' had li'rimîîîl pudîdles or stcp gînVll sîî'r sof iPots il, tire oîîdîraî'Mc. Robonts siook cvery bond 6e cautd, introduc- îîîg blîvieli witb a modesl "Johnî Roba-cii".Ai the ferris wheci. juil 10 please the pho- ographeis.' lie shook hasds wiih Ilîrce 1111e girls wtîo were lhilied wsi heuey ond oui lubed lu go lac a ride os 1he ,oniraption witb them. Ai te grondsiond, he laurcd the arts and craits and vege- table eshibits. Iben slopped for a cap af calie utth1e larnby U.CW. restaurant - aImait spillina bis cofice sev- crultimes as wlt'wiahers rusbcd up la abake is 6usd. ae autogcapb oui disappoisi- cd ahes 6e gesty cfuscd. 'l'ie sofi-spoken premier e- plaincd 6e jual didn'l baie tIhe lime iv tarI sigvissg auto. graphs. ot 6e wostd neyer 6e isisbcd in surIs coodcd suc- couediega. "Bt tWrite me a citter some ime. and I prom- ise t-Iltalswer il." 6e tld ber. The girl -baamed broadly aI even betier Iban an auto- graph feom an important par- sonage. Gingeiy oadieg acrmstse race 'raek, 16e P.C. leader îîoppcd ut lire Esaa hockey shot bontir ohere 6e and Jim Snoo attempted la break ax-, isting recarda wilh 16e speed of tIheir ýlap abola. Balla fait- tCnitned onsPage t) N.DP. leader D. MucDenuld. seus Mikton on counaty tour1 l t n, ir iy n S t a

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