Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1967, p. 9

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i.. i,~s1 * 4 ~ pFbqplace 0 haeAtn 853-1818 PACONI Dead Stock Removal 8fl~ csh rtes or mm or C"tJ.OPERATO, - A«K 10 Zenith 9-7950 Li. «a. 7311P7 M7 Ilicti WALNUT RANCH LTM. Crippisi aidssblei Cos aidHanses 24 ous Service Lic. Nos. 133-liP 208-C-62 Watordown MU 9-1044 îlt GEORGE'S DEAD OR DISABLED STOCK SERVICE Rigliesi cash pric- apoi. Telaphoae: CAPBELLVILL CoIIect - 854-2485 24.haur srice 7 isys a sscmk. Licens. N. 106C047. lc7.cf Wood Spraying For compîtte seei contrai on lassas an fiels CAIL Formosa Landscaping 87"-263 Custom Haying Swathlig and Ballng 878-3263 Septic Tank Pumping BLUE SPRUCE ENTRPRSES Darnestlc aidIndusirisi. MILTON - 878-6869 16ctl 17 REAL ESTATE Christie & Woods IRI. ESTATE BRORERS 189 Main St. - Milton 114,300 ftalprire. 3 - btirooae aIder type home ssth ltamin tan siding, kitchen. dlnlag ad living roors, 3piece bath,2 beiroorsa upstar.aid I VILLAGE HOMES $125W0 ful price, 4 - beiroom siscca home, ilisasiti an lot 158 f. a 162 f. Ternis. $10.000 fll prire. 4raar coi- tage, 2 bedroams, on lot 132 a 132 t. COUNTRY HOMES 320,500 full price. 3 - bedroan brick bungalow, kitchen, dis, lng aid living roor, 4-PieS bath aidfull baserneni, clos ta iito. Ternis. 321,500ll price, 3 - beinonm ahaminuni siing horst, kit- chea, Lshaped diing ant Il. vina roors. 4.pece bath. fui1 ballement, patcielt. A skiOnî 13,500 dow asmreoi. FARMS 100 arr dais>' farr, large bai barn, 4 - beiroars home si min coavénlencea, close ta l' tan. rim WM500. 1060amrfamn. Iroor tram home. baak barnsmaiY 1ai sol). ric. 442.. .23 acme, irarne bouacl a Mt Uliltas. Frime 24.900 sii 140»0 dome payesn. 871-2095 87S-6051 WANTEb TO WY, Imn HILTO88. 17b31 A. E L.PAGE MMgM Um PRIVATE SALE S$1930. liai brick bisagelOw., 3bei. msewllb dinsugmg,fs bu.mmt,faraad *lf0ailboat, p .ari irIvo. $?110 a 878-3277 17c21l and Oakvlle -Tr.ialar Reid Brick Ranch House 34 Yunr' Coci uSarvlc For Sale ACTON 20 ACRES 89000, latantly appealing pnnp. erty. garden salI, lovly bush. consitlog af mapis, beecli soi oak tlrnber, nlce pond. gond rosito aearof propea' iy, li.mi for grossn bouse, man- kat gardening or weekend re. triai, itai a step off No. 7 ltwy. 50 ACRES LOTS 0F IEUE 2,000 asltlcg prie. for Uhila se.. ic anti loieresting rolllng tes. raite, ctneb. dlvied inia 10. acre lais. 2»00 lest af front. age, corner prapety. Tisala s gaad buy soi a souni las. vestmeot. MILTON HOBBY PARU P28.000 or besi cash aller for Uis ver>' appealing 10 acres. beautifull>' tre iai slu 0roorn lsnraculate home, oli heatlng. modernisai Uihroughout. 3 storcy barns, sater, .lectriclty ilirougliont. A real farsly> home soi apportsrslty tasuap- plenent your incorne. MILTON FOR MENT 200 Fertile Acres 2 separate 100 acre farms, close ly locaei. excellent land, close la Milton in Oakvlllt, 1 wlth. ot buildings, I1ssth tacet. lent barn, eleciricity and wat- er. 35.00 ani 37.00 per acre wilh lease for 3 years. CMIL TOM BRADLEY Country Luxury Luxuriaus country' homo with spaciaus living rorne with min- rared fireplace. large dilng ares, breakfast nook anti kit- chtn, 2 large bedrooarnd o f panelliet ten, 2 fll bath- rooms, mammoili salk.out r- creation room ta large patte with inspiriog porch i.ck mab. ove, ituateti an 5 laniscapeti acres, convenisct ta 401 inter- change. Requises 535.00 D.P. Owner silling ta take baci lirai:rnrtgag.. Pricai ai 135»0 or gaod offer. Incomne Properties i osaiinvesiment ber. for ambi 1- tinus buyer i. h18 substaci. 1 lai rai brick home with3 2 large self - conialei apart. 1 menis, econoorical gaa stem pressurei heating aystem, att minur stormsanmai creens and oUer extras. Tht work la doce. Siep i. and cllect the a revenue. rici ai 135.001 4 Terms arracgei. 3ubsisoilal rud brick home witl t- 2 large self.ontined 3 - bed ,2 roors spartesents, close tc iowcîowc ares. Let your home wrk for you.,rire 825,00. Farms and Acreageà l;31,0, 14 acre garien farm siil 7-oo stucco home, g=o barns with watrtender pres n sure, canveient ta maic rosi for markt and cammutlng. '.0,00, in central Burlingn 1W0 acres productive landi wll 9 large farm pond, large barn lrsplersect shed, li - .starw house ceeu tsoe repai wooierful location. Ossas illing ta take back firs ,k morigage with subsonil h iowc payrnt. SM5 par acre, 22 acres ai woaa ci property wihstrong floN Le lag strears, convenleni ta 40 M ictercisange._ 10 as owfor (mliis"a. th cuyourGabme Wlloasghby sept entatlvea. Anna&Arcbie Caimi 7 , M min $ trt lian Phone 878.6M8 ns l7c2 4 rniles outaie Milon, 3.bed- roorn brick home wll IL sape living aso iiburomr, farslY aise kitchon anti ai- tachai garage, nie. lot 100 x 3W.Bolionlagond conil"b tiroujlsout and pricem right et CALL EVELYN BURKE Burlington 634-3360 ERNIE L GEISEL, Rtealtor. 17c21 NEW HOME 100 ACRES $19,000 total price for Uhs farm, plus 3 rasss, traclor and less oUser paces machlnery. also 2.5W0 bales haey. Contalca 43 worltable. Gond- stock bans with 20 tie.ups, plus baose pena, al steel roaf, Iydroanso wttr are in. Hmre up 001>' 6 years,.cdean soi ceai as a pn ioslde aidoui. 2 beiroarni, ballirtor (ixiaires brsod new 'but nai lully installti), bright living rorn, pliasrnoi. ern kitchen, farçed air il hetlicg. lForced ta sell due ta pon healili. Try 10w as 37,000 iown. M~ K HENDRY REAITR Tel.: 519923-2812 17c21 For Service à Satisfaction consuft 310 Main St., Milts, Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 114,000 - Cotsntry home, situai. ci an a 23A acre lot on Use baks of the Siteen mle Critk, iteaI gardes land, ibm home consistsah a living roors, kitchen. 2 beiroorna aidbathroars, (rame garage anti ouibuildlngs. lacaigi on. ly 3 miles front Milton. Von. dar wlllaccepi 56,O00 iasn payrsent anti take bock a rsartgmge mi 7"41. This la properi> wlich qualiies for a VILA. purcisase. 10 Acre Country "Specials" Burlinglon. 10 acre ssoodti lot wilh criek. No. 10 Siierasi. $12,000 witi 36.000do»s. 10 acre lot on higli gratni ssuh a gondi vicw, 300 fi. frantage. 39,500 wiîh 34,000 tosso. 3 mi- les [rmrsMiltan 12 acre corner lot on main pav- ci rami, 2 moiles fnom Milton. S12,50) full price.. 36.000iasn. 10 acres, atuaici an the top of tht Niagara -Escarpaneni, 2 miles Wsest aI Milton wth a beautilul viw of th Oakvlllt, Burlingion, Lake Ontario ar- es. Lisci pice $18».0 NOW RENTING" - Tii. Mi- ion Meical Arts Centre mi 1 224 Martin St., sutes avail 1 ahI. wllh loor spart ai3354 sq. fi. anti up selth mrocthly paymenis frors 5100 including heal, electririt>', wtan. air condtloning, musir systers. wal.all bromloors, 31 parking spaces. "Thteimeai business location". Cai Bria Bogt r'OAKVII.LE - Can you mi ford 3 115 monîhly . I. aid T.? U 1 s, ihia la th home you ara lnoklng for, locateti an Ri- bak C ris., a dellghtful 9- moornspli-level home, carnbt. 1 naion living a iing roors, kitceso.3Sbeienorna, 4&, mii>' omr, 114 bathrooAesa 694% MA monigage. For the Best ln Roai Estt or Insurance CAL BEST AT 878-6292 CHANOILIR Ra.aI"TATE BROUi CounteauPriionk a wvins Thinking cf Seling? FPM FAST RESULTS 1LIST WITM Loonarci R. Chandler AleaMing Rai Estat. Broker 824-9199 R.R. 1, Moffat Homes - Far5D5 - Acragma.- Bunineusea 17a49.tf Acton House Bargain Only 11,974 iossn. 310,674 full pnice. 390.78 monthl>' incluies taxes ati morigage sahen qum- rors 114 - sioreyaltier homne, t close ta stores anti bus. il Country IHome sites1' lase Io hlghwa>', Acton and golf1 course, rolling hills ssith es- enici vimw. nese homes being bult in aras, anl>' a fese leit. fnom 4 acres up, siarting ai 14,500. JACK HOLMES aRAL. STATE BROKER a ACTON - 853-1650 84 Churcis Sireet (lormti neat ta telaphone building) 17h13 OWNMERS MUST SEIL 121,000 or besi ai her, aci. 3- bedroors all-tertrte homo, misa. minurs siiing, 45 fi. paaellci rer. roars wilh separite uni' rmnc, 14 acre lot. 3 minutes ta 401, school bus eitidoo. Car- ries fan $124 mocihl>'. Dosen payeSet ispfn ta elfes. ANVONE FOR STREETSVILLE I This lovel>' 4 - bedrooni yelloss brick bungalow, situateti on 'large carner lai, features large living ronlm ciii lire. place. large kitchen wiii built- In slave aidaven, brosiloors. wasier « iryer, large coverti patio. fish pond and btaui- huil>' laniscapti, man>' camas. Owner. have bought. FOR SALE Lots anti acreages Ib MIlton- CamphtUlville arim. Ters ma>' be arringeti. We arc in tiespermi. neeif aitai ingu. If yon are thlnklng of buying or selllng, picase con- tari yaur local KelUs mgent. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17c21 PAUL S. STARR REALTORS LIMITED 173 Woolwici Si., Guelph, Ont. V.L.A, Bungalow S23,900, new 3 - bedrours brick bungalow. loraieti 4 miles narli ai Hilton. on 120' a 200' loi, apariaus living roors, dining mrea, lovel>' viesa, large brighi kitchen, 4 - piece tileti bath, harissoati loors, atiari. ci garage. Taxes $233. Carries Ill . . I.arI>' possession. Milton Bungalow ; 24,O. immaculale. 3-batirootn bungalow, spariaus living roors wiii broailooan, lovel>' brighl kitchen with euting ar- e, 4 - puae. ilet issh, finish. ci rer. roors, 2-piee sasi. roors, launir>', mîtacheti 2-car garage wlth breerewa>', mac>' extra,. Terms. Speculative Farmn .75 acres, 7 miles south ai Mil- ton. 2 nies nnti ofHws>. 5, close 10 several mmailhgh- 1ways, bak ban, poulir>' house, 114-store>' aIder horst, In an arts wieri 1aidprires are much iigher aid rapidl>' iocreamlcg makre Use asklng prire aif370 per acrr a rea bargin. BARBARA KING' Tel. 878-3551 PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO. ELECION THE VOTERS' LIST ACT FART Ili NOTICE 0F REVISION 0F VOTERS' For the Town cf M1L TO0N LISTS Electoral District cf Halton East Public notice is htreby given, pursuaci to Section 73 of rater.' Lisis Act, of the Revision ai the Voter.' Lisis for ail1 lg subdivisions for tht TOWN 0F MILTON ta theiERiccoral District aifItaltan East AND FIJRTHER TAKE NOTICE Ihat iiitings wall b. held the Revltiag Oflicer aI the times and place heassioster sci M Acy persan qisalifiei to vote ai the pecding election to tiseLA ltive Assersbly and whast came hss been arsitici frorsoc correcily enterti in, thtecumerstor's lsi of voters is caliti to attend at -the tumes and place heressnier meotionci for Uiec po.e of htvlcgis came ecrollai upon the voter.' lisista ob. at the mid election. Complalats which have been propenly 1 euth referenre ta cernes wracglully caiereti upoc ithe entamerai lis wlll b. heari ai these sittingi. Such carnplalats mrusi b. euth the. Cierk ta t Revislag Officer an or belon. OCTOBER 2nd, 1967 VOTERS' LISTS for ai polllag aubdivisions aifeh. Tou Milton w111 b. open for public inspecion ai Uit officeaoaitUs tursslag Offices locatei at '103 George Street, OakvIlle, barmen. saur. of dine o'clock am. aid Ice o'clock pin., D.ST.. an suter Thursia>', Seplember 21st, 1967. Thse Lista rsay misa b. inspectei ai the office of ibm Cler the Town ofaIMilton lathse Municipal Builing beet Uehb of ndat o'clock mm. aid Ice o'clock pas., DAST, on mndi Thursday, September 2lst, 1967. SITTINOS vs eil bheli for teRegistration and Revlalng tict af Uic Toma ai Milton ai 219 MinlaStreet But. R.giairmtionand maReialg 010m- F. DAVID TIIOMPOC Ck tael0ocliag 010cm. - 'LORRAINE GARDS Office of 'Revising Officer ani Clark. 219 Main Strict Eas IIOURS 0F SITTING: <'Ail DAT.) Octoer 2ai, 1967-2.00 p.rs. ta 4.00 pin.aid7.30 pin. ta 9.30 Octaber 3ri, 1967-2.00 p.rs. ta 4.00 pi. n.do 7.30 pin. ta 930 October 4th,,1967-2.0 pin. ta 4.30 pi.n.do 7.30 pin. ta 9.30 DATES ai &MILTON, September 12Ui, 1967. ALAN B. IBiAGUE. Chairman of Uic Election ïBoa for Uic Casaty oaf Illton. maiw mtas filai wuai le Re- am the a ani erk of houri alte 4 Dis- ION BRR t. Ud . 9f21 THE ELECTION ACT Section 3(7)» APPOINTMENT 0F CLERK TO THE ELECTION BOARD TO ML WHOM IT MAY CONCEEN1 This ta iven tice saiM. Dorene ier. af the Town of Mloanin the County of Malice was by resolution ai ibm Election1 Board af the County ai Hallon an Use 6Ui day af Septernb.r, 1967. appolctedl Clerk ai Use aid Board. Correspondence aliauli b. ai. drssed la Use sai Clerk ai The Court itous,. Milton, Ontario, end the. telephont rais ta Milice 878-2801, extension 41. DATED ai Mlton, Sepieniber 6U, 1967. ALAN B. SPRAGUE, Charrsan of Use Election Bord for Uic County aifItalton. 1*c21 PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO ELECION THE VOTERS' LIST ACT PART III NOICE 0F REVISION 0F VOTERS' LISTS For the Town cf OA K VI1LL E Electoral District cf Halton East Public notice la hereby Viv.n, pursuanita Section 73 af, Use Voers' Lisis At, af the Revsion o ithe Votra' Lista for al poil. ing subdivisions for Us. TOWN 0F OAKVILLE In the Electaral District ai Hatan BEut AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE Uai sittinga will b. held by the Revising Officers ai the tirts andi places berelnafter set forth. Any person qualiici ta vote ai Uic ptnding eleclion ta Use Legisiative Assembly andi whos. narne las been omiittid fronn or incorreclly entered In, thtecumeratara liai af voter. is called upi> an ta attend ai th tilDes and places htasunicr rsentionedl for the. purpose of having lis carne enrlici tapon Use voter' Blisatab. used ai the sai eleclian. Complants whlcb have been properly filci waih referenre to carnes wrongiully entertd tapon the enurn- eratrs 1lis. wiIlbe heari ai Uhsetsittinga. Such cornplaicts rnust b. filed wlUs the Clerk ta the Revising Officer on ar b.fore OCTOBER 2nd, 1967 VOTERS' LISTS for ml pollina subivisians of Use Towen ai Oakvlie wll b. open for public inspecioan ai UitofficmaifibmelRa- turnIng Officer locaici ai 103 George Sreet b.iween thm houri af ntne oclock am. sni iv. o'clock p.rs., .D.S.T., on soi mter Thur sday, Septeniber 2lsi,,1967. Tht Lista ra msa ýb.inspected at the oafite. ofthe Clerk of Uic Town aof kvle 4n ithe Municipal Building betwmen ithebitri of aine o'clnck ar. n.doi v. oclock pm.n.. DAT.. on andi mter Thurnday, Septernber 2lat, 1967. SITTINOS wtli b. bold for the Reistration and ltaviing Dli irici af th Town of Obltvtlle as follosa: 1. For tisai portIonàai tise Town ofa Oakvillla basnimi on ihe nons by the Que= Elizabeth Way; on itmeai b> bm eFouton PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO ELECION THE VOTERS' LIST ACI PARtT I NOTICEOF REVISION 0F VOTERS' LISTS Fot thae Town cf BURLI NGTON Electoral District cf Halton West Public notice la hereby given, prsumntta Badin. 73 aetidm Voter.' LUsta Act, aofithe itvisian ai the. Vogessafor OU PÔ&l laS subdvsions for the. TOWN 0F BURLINGION lai ti. lecora tri ai limta. ý MO>M M1ItBEqiiiBNOTICE that sittinga ssiI b. hm14by ithe kavtsng Offiers attith. Urnesa"d plais hereinafiar st uth. Amy~ ~ ~~t prnqalidtavote at tise pnl dce aimLg Isiativo Aa emby aiwhose anme elib.l=ttedtamo lncarrety eniered ln, thtecumeratar's liai ofvoter. la caledsap- an ta attend at thetimres and places hercunier mentaoned for thm pipaseoahavlag lis narne enrolliedupan the. votueat semabc used at the. Laid eecia. Camplaints whlcâhhm ba. proped fimid witisreftrence ta Dnes wrangftslly etitrs tapon Ueibmm traors lists wll bc htard et these sittinga. Sich comapta"nimuei b. filed with the. Clark ta t Revisins Offier onaorbolets, OCTOBER 2nd, 1967 VOTERS' LISTS for aIl palllag subdivisions of tise Town of Buringion wW lb. open for public inspection at ibm offitm of tbm Retrnlg Oilcr lcae t 458 Elizabethi Street bum ibm mur atain a'loc s n d fuve ndock pmL A..IST., on mai ater Tlnrsday, Septembr 2lst, 19M. The Lise ray msa b. laspected at ibm office of ibm Clark et the Tana ~ tn la the Musibpl uilin mbt e b haurs a ieo'cýlac r.and U.o'lckprn 5T,a.oa suter Tburmday, Septernier 2lat, .97 SITTINGS wlli b. hlt for Uie Regitration and iiagDis- trict ai the Towan aifEsanlngon as foUbow: 1. Far that portion ai ihe Taown et Burlintgbmio Wesat ai a narlherly.saulhcrly lhn. campDof aKIerns Rond. M s'aLamm4 and the portion ai Uie QueaElisabeth Way rsaning a mtahmiy directioan a North Shore Boulevard; andiafaartbmrportonaofith Tawn af Burlinggtoc lylngsouUi-wesierly pi ibm NorthbMoBircDmi vari ta, and inludlng, Ui Brant Inn at SU2 Oborali Creaani Rmialraties m lan elmg 010cm.- JEROMY RUTTY assis te Revislag 010icer - GLADYS SPRKOO Office of Revlslng Olficer and Clark, SU2 Déborah CsescmaL 2. Par Uiaî portion ai Uie Taown ai Burlingion boumid a.nibm West by a nrthrly.- sautherly lin. aornposedaiof mmuaRami, Jobs Lane and the portion of the Osseen Elisb.th Way unnnin in a sautheriy directian ta Narths Shoe Boulevard,, on ibe ce by a weterly.- easterty line drawn frorn the point of intertections ai the Queen Elizabeth Wayad the North Shor oueatast erly along the North Shorm Boulevard ta Ith. Brant Inn, aaudi.y ta Lake Ontario andi then easterly ta Uie Guelphs Lie; on thbmomas bl te Gelp Une an ontihe nas'Uiby ibm Northi Srvice Rami th uenEiabt at 704 Courtiand Plans. eRegstatin. mi Ravlsg Ofllcmr--WILLIAU E. MItOJMOi asitte RaalalagOfMMe - DMA TUILY Office af Revsing Oflcer and Matrk, 704 Cnurilnd Plans. 3. For that portion ai Uie Tawn af Buringian baundmd a. ibm West by Uic Guelph ULns; an the aauUi by Laio Ontiari. ibmh eass by Uie Town Une b.tween Burllngton and Okvllle. and on 1the forth by Uic Oueen Elizabeth Wmy ai 5370 Bnrley Road. t Raglaisileesami Raviaina 010cer - iJOUDEAN e Clark ta Reviug OMMer - EY 051 Office af Revlslng Officer and Clerk. 3370 Bramiey Rami. 4. For that portion ai Uie Town ai Bunlngia ouc41a ib West by aa rhrly-southerly lin. comnposeai imr= m isa ybarougli Town LUne and Ierns itosi; on the souuli by them orib Service Rçad ai the Queen Elizabeth -Way canlinulng eaairy juta ithe Queen Elizabeth Way; an the ami b1 tise Toum Linu b.iwum OakvillI and Burlingion; and an the norib by ibm Town Lina b.. isemon Burlingion and Sassagaweya ei 418 Brant Striai. Rmgiatem0am vls O10M - OMMI EIGI 1 ark ta RftamagOffMaM - MAIEBL E Office ai Revlslcg Officer and Cork, 48lngSg et >HOURS 0F SITTINS: (Ail OS.T.) October 2ni, 1967-2.00 p.rn. ta4M pm. and 7» 0pas&t .10 epas. Octob.r ird, t967-2.OOp.nta 4.Op.r.Mdn7.30 pM. ta 9.0 p:M October 4U, 1967-2.00Op.rn. ta 4.00 pan. and 7.iOp.m.4g .309.m.j rDATES mt Moltn. Bpterb.r l2tli 1967. (Continueia.onaga Ton) 4 i Soh. Cnd I j i. For ta adna b oe iO b a i~ west b>' Uic Fouptee=MlctCnmkT;% a. tise unspuis Office of Revlsing Offilcer ant i Cenk, 235 Cburch $tramt. 3. For ihai partion of the Towna oh Oakville bouaici on ibm wesî by Use Sixteen-Mile Creek; on te norih by the Quea Elizm- beth Way; on the essi by tht Town Une baiseen Use Caunties ai Hallan anti Fetl and on the souil b>' Lake Otarioata 168 Lake- shore Rosi East, RegstraiosaiM vidang 010e. - 38151P. 9H. FMS2' Clark ta iesg Oftie. - 3*30 O)8, Office ai -Revliog Officer anti Clark, 168 LakcheistsRomi Baut 4. For Usai portion af heticTassaaf Oakville north af the Que.. Elizabeth Way ai 103 George Street. 1 t airtion 8"soibe OMMg 0..- JAMES O. liStspimY pi, Clark ta Rmvlslag 010m. - DORIS MTNE p Office of Revlslng Ofilcer aid Clerk, 103 George listai. HOURI 0F SITTINGS: <l DS.T.) Ortobar 2od, .197-2.00 pin. to 4.00 pin.aid 7»30pa. ta 9.30 Viii. Ortober 3rd, 191-2.00 pa. ta 4.00 ps. aid 7.30 pan, ta 9.M pin. Id y Ociober 4Ui, 197-2.00 p.rs. ta 4.00 pin.. mi 7.30 pa to 930 pas. brUs. DATRO et Milton, September 12Us, 1967. £815.- stSAN B. PADILi mr lan- upon ChairmanofatheBmlectia. Bord e pur-for the Cauaiy oai ata. ý %tsed1*21

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