inSt. JUS? POI.OWNO TM B ISSINGofaithse nae Anglican Churcri, Sewrtton, urs n ndface iych gais at St. Stephens Chorcis Casas J. E. the choir endl congregatiia gathereal ta match. Maiwell, Asisant Niagara diacese blshap Rt. Consecratias, of sese cemsssry grausd mes Rat. C. R. H. Wilkinson, andl Bshap's Chap- included ip tise ceremany. lon Tioamas Warnes. warden of St. John's (Staff Photo) Dedcatuons, special speakers for Palermo's lOOth anniversary By Rir. Geos-ge Peflsiieslo Palerma United Cisurvis as filleal ia capacity Susday mor nisg and ivining as tise I t aaniversary of is conception wsa celeirated. Visiiors fcsom maay distant parts mre pris- ent for this spiciat occasion. 'Rev. John Staples candoctîd tise marnlng service, assisted by risc Rîv. Dr. Arhur Rey- notds and tise Rev. Ken Pt- tirsan. Tise dedicailan of a cissrvis indase given by Mrs. Vira Bail ln memory of hec husbosd Fao Bail was anvelîed isv Ken Giles. A eteal plaqua mas de- cilctd in cammemarailan of att tise eha have srved Gad is the congrigatiln. Tise cburch chair donoated a cisan- cet cross whiscis wos also de- dicatial ai this service. Tisa Ruest preacisîr for ihis occas- ion mas the Re. Dr. Artisur Revnoldn, MA., D.D.. registror of Emmanuel Tieotagical Col- lae. Tronta. Allas Pari of Guelphs mas giessi sm. Spa- doal muie mas supplied by tise chir ladies, misa wece ait nuaisilv drissed in old fasis- lgned dressest 'Tise venine'servtcewas- con. cdlciid by Re. John Siaptan siti tise Riv. Paul B. Feld listing tise cangregatios in tise sisging of eeraI iynns. Th chir sang speciol astis- ans. Polowing bth mrnisg and aving services, tise con- grigtilos ere al inviied ta tise Palerma cammosity bal, misr a delîclous luscisean mas served by tise ladies of tise cisurcis. Ms-. a"nAm. Gordon Tisant psanf entertained friands and neigisisrs at tiseir home Fri- day nigist witis Donna Marris and Brian Goldtisorp os iheir euesis af botter. Donna and Brios mari presentid mitis a Miantastar. calte troy and cav- er, slsk drainisoard and rock, and a sont of mnny prier ta tiseir fortisconting marrioge. Mm. Brock Harris iseld Op- en House an Sunday aftérnoon mises friends mire lnvlted ta visit witis ber daugistir Danna and ta see hec lovely medding andl sisoer glîts tysd ta enjoy refresismenis. A aseiisumity misceltaniaus bridaI ssower mas held at tise Ba-ese contnunity centre Fri- day nigist.misere friands and neigisiors gatharedtet preseni Beverty Pattarsas and Hlarold Sandersos mitis mony lovely and usiful gifts. prier intisteir Octaisar medding. We are soccy ta repart tisaI Tansley Barnes is once again a ptie t in thuse sphsfBrant is te taer- torn ta bis hante againsoton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sin- clair entertained frietds and neigisiors Saturday night mush Beverty 'Pattersan and 'Harold Sanderson as guists of isonor. Tise voong couple mire pris- cnted mils many lavaty gifîs. for misicis tiey enprntsed their t basks and appreciation. Rev. Emest E. Baskier new United minister During tise priod Rev. Er- neta E. Bakier as in charge of 'ublin St U.nited Cisurcis, Gueph, f iva members of hs congregation bacante candi. dates for th isntnistry. One of tient was A. K. Gril- fith. 3EV. . E. BSBIEZ On Augusit1, Rev. Griiiths cfficially tacninatad iis mrk ai Lomvile anal Zintnermsn Unite Cisrcisas and tisa clergyman misa replaces hisl titisaina Baskiar. Dmcelu Wiotgosg, ise attend- id th lUniversity of Wstern Ottaria in London, analtisa Unitd Colligi of Winnipeg, isebihiricaivial us Sacislor of 01ihiuy tigrai in twa yaac of post-graduatc study. "ehdwhat yo ouit caU i ' 9inig ministcy'," ha slat*d5 lckistg off hutidres of ibaanas af dllarsinla asi- iectre mits bas bain non- sleucleal turing is stay with tllasecongregafiona. I"thtink h111 be. abla tagaet oma reni fonraie Ib bav 1Me, OaaklWsacfivtiin bave »ekded a large numbar of af- Umotiethse churchi. Hi is a pasi master aI tise Was.lcy Masnnts Ludge, a iltcmber ut tace iepo Vatley bcttton Rite,aa urdnal t.iap- tam ta i ne iviasonte Uruer in. Untarto rOia Joly f1ot ta JUlp Vittin tise cisurci, ie bas been chiatnir ut laoetpn antd ,e p iresbyteries, as Welias l.ontntsstaaer f0 tise t,ettrai Couaicil. For tse 147U ternt, bciss District Ciapiain ut Haniltan Masatîi isltsrict "A". Hobbies tacioda golf and plittogcapisy, and li as taken cotor photograpiss of most ai tise eadingo tbc bas otilciaed ai during thi pot 20 years. Mrs. Baskiar is a Rîgitea Nurse, a profession ta ta nee in Owen Soun wierelhec fus- band bas worked tise pot six yacs, shi mas askad ta con- tinue hc service ai an Owen Sound hospitai rigit op ta tise andl uf Augtàt. isuk eIder doogitar. Mrs. Davi Wilson lElinori, is also a ausa anal taking post-gradu- ata stody at Omen Sound, in the position ut assistant super- intendant of nursing attise bas- pitl. Madaliiîne 15 attends M. M. Robinson Higis Scisool in Duc- ingtan. Contnenting on tise position of tisa ciurcis at prenant, Rav. Baskiar predictad a spiritual revival. 'Th Csurcci is nieedalmare naw tisa il bas at any tinte hi- tari," ha itatid. "I heiiva peopl ittill gin saarching focriappinasso hifra tolong." Ha plans ta da pot-graduata stody on ties sbjait. -A M)2 by 30 foot shade sisal- ter Io neaing contpletion ln tise lower portion of RattIs- anake Pint Park on the escarp- mini esi of Miton. Tiesela- ter weul ha i boont tapicknick- an on rainy days. -Oon't forget Mfilon Fair, Iis Friday and Saturday. About 20 fiat long and t5 ideI hbas a iigis iipped roaf, giving il an Oriental ap- peaconce. It stands aitishe estronce ta, as addition in cimetecv land beisina tise cisurcis. A isovl tonuh mas added ta, tise crvntany tsy tise addition of a four-puece orchestra sn- cf odisg Worm Wisaley on gui- tac, Alvin Bye as vialin, Joe Waters os trompai and Ro- bert Gracey as accardion. THE aId tyle .dress.-Ms-s. Iean joineal a somiser af aria resial- est% s ho turned ot ntttb ad- nafed for talting a griot le- ferest ln maintenance of tise cemeter.v groundls. Name John Charlton to position at Manor John W. Csrifos uf Miltan has beeît nanted Assistant Su- ps'rinfendenf aftishe Halton Cc:n'çnniat Mottor in Mil ton. Superinfendent Stan Affen es- pfained Mr. Cbartton's dut les andl responsibifitivs %wosfd be many and varis'd. Thev include everythîttg front gess'rtf main- tenatfce fa recteafion aadcv- fuatly be wilf bock Mr. Allen up and tokor uer h., esponsi' hulitles in fis absence. "I hope that evefftufl'y Mr. C.harton wiff be troinealinn oh phases of manfagement andl administ ration" Mr. Atlen said. '68 Tiie nsw assistant mas born anal raised in Mil ton andaletl bis job 0f P. L Robserfson Man- ulacluring ta accept tise posi- ion at tise Manor. He ssorked n tise shipping department, attd hetl varions supecvisary posttions whiie sitistise ficm. His last position ssas as jais an- otîsf. Mr. Charlton bas been active w5if h yoong pettplein botis ininoi' ballf and Optimitf sork. Alfersvorking s'ffh tise yooth ol fthe comtttnif y he n flooking forîvard f0 bis mort sitistise senior citiens, ment acrosbis farm for the installation of the Kelto water fine to town. He isad taken the price for the casernent, %%hich granted him one water connection to the property. Subsequently he solal the farm and re-purcisased an acre of it for construction of a hausa. lie had ittdicated ta councillors Ste feit he was entitted ta the water connectian. Reeve A. Ladwith suggested Mr. Service shoutd have the connection, since he took the tower price for the casernent he granted before setling the fart. 'Mayor S. G. Chitds and Coun- citior Chartes Johnson pointed oip t he problem t hot he had sofd his landl and the water conection right woutd obvious- lv go sifh ise tand untess if had been specificatls' refaineal. Tise tosss. t svos ssggested, ssoutd still bc obtiged ta grant the connect ion ta fthe purchas. ers of the land. Casincillos B. flest maintain- Councillars G. Ifraniz and P. Bacc recalleal infarmailon front tise soticitor wisicis is was fhought supporfeal grantingaa conncction. Tisey notad hi had kept part of tise original prapecty. Memiesac finally voted not ta grant a connictian 'at Ihis tinte"' and directea Mc. Bei,- vice bi natiiied. Ornamentail MRON RAILINOS Wrought Iron W@.k 0 Ploe.8784827 FORDS HERE SEESThexciungnew Torino -The. Thunderbird, stili unique and more désirabe thon ever -- and the. rest of the. spirited n.w Ford '68's. Botter Idoas mate botter cars. Ford has a history of being f irst with btter ideas. This year's no exception. Fastbacks in three sizes. A six-passenger Thunderbird with new Thunder Jet power. Falcon - the compact car for the big wide country. 2-way Magic Doorgate availabie on ail Wagonsl SeiectShift Cruise-O-Matic works automaticaiiy - or lais you shift for yourseif. Canadas newest V-8, the 302 CID. Sa. ail of Ford's btter ideas now ... and drive the car of your choice: Ford, Torino, Fairlane, Mustang, Falcon or Thunderbird. 1968 Ford - Quiet. Strong. beautiful. A groat roadi car. Corne enjoy the new smoother rida and luxurious styling. Listen to th-e quiet rida. Sea the handsome new front end - wîth disappearing headlights standard on LTD, XL and Squire. And Ford's quiet strangth has boan proved ovar the years. Ford for '68 - more than aver the botter car at a baffer price. P. . Dy enterlng Our dram for tise Stroo artlousPithbl Car, pou eutoamstleslly gat a chance ta wln one of ton nae Frds ta b. gItan ay by Ford Mtai Ca. CAinners re requirsal ta ansoer esimple okli test- Ing question). Torino - Ford's nowest bright ideai Light Up your life wlth Torino. It cornes on strong et the top of the Fairlane lina with a glamorous fast back that seats six. A luxury wagon, 2-door hardtops, 4-door sedans. Six naw models et a surprising low price ... ail with better ideas. Go GT, if you like, ail the way up to 427 CID V-8. (Plus eight action-sized Fairlanes too1) Ride one - just for the fun of it Mustang - OnIy Mustang makes it happen. Drive one and sea why. t'ii turn you on. In '68, aven Mustangs steering wheel goas out of its way to please you with new optionai Tilt-Away Wheai, You know Mustangs success because evarybodys trying to copy it. But Mustang beats them ail in '68 with a new smoother rida, new power, naw sporty fun and Mustangs famous hond- ling. See ail 3 modals - hardtops, fastbacks and convertibles - ail with Fords botter ideas for you. MOTORS 1FC W 7 o 00. L-i 409 Main St. East MILTON AT THEFAIR ... I - As iessiusi»Lefl denmsarits. vrae fer fivye mnst Phon S7S-236fnsls ARE WI N A BEAUTUFUL NEW PHILCO STEREO HI-FI wl m OR A LOTUS PEDAL CAR. -N.tImgtoRuy- Jst Commela end RH Out Tour ballot. - Draw Takes Place Oct. 22, 1967. GET YOIJR ENTRY IN NOW 1 1 OnIy Ford has ali the better udeas Milton Councli cuis4 it ed tise «tiBectiofli ,lwa %Would flot ratitt a waieecon - ben arnged blt h nection toA. R Service on bis $ale. Thewtr i. àssZ ' 0fiiIod Mr ce was designer and fasisiaed costuaac d Town Lime lot 'at Ibis tinta0 sit tise land. 1%poid Chieci, buder of-thse lycis gale. !cation. u frdO dO& l aldyngsiscm-oui an ettoaliy uwufbe #isupt service Among titane attending was The lycis gatei en ese cil meeting, mginialinia lits uatlon ou~ a bouse il i e Harvest Mrs. D. Iean. research officer odddvtelt i. pollcydf not grentlngosrvices sathisoaItise tawwaeth don of of the Ontario Centennial ofdthedlae E other menu" beyond tise tosen limita muat battndirY, wisicb h pieiI~ d les-Panin rach o helaeE.Pote rasa b. opisald. 1a a Wteilino, bout10 whisut tisa I bies-PlaningBranis.former member of tise Synod, lit sa revlewed tisai Mc. tawn cannai grant a aossnet- Baseleedet l warcens and chairman ~Service isad permîtteal an sase- [on underlits praseuti lcy. 1 .1