Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1967, p. 4

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OloalY resPrssntstl'tsa front athletic orgaistions 'W th du not9yet presas coversgse. Aquoe tram forase almp. W EdtorBrico MscCrtali hast aesmors the qssery. Heis aad: '11 would take' a Philiadelphla lamyer and a couple of 1.BM. machines lu keep track of ail 1the varous sports actvties le this tome. if t1e meanagers aad coaches of te teares chose eut lu cooperae'. A tes have acess lu arither a Philadelphia lamyer aur ose IBM. machine wre must relyons those concerned - be il a coach, manager or an appoinîrd member of the tram or club. If your tem or rgasization is amont those sot receivias press covesage, appoint someone lu heIp keep us informed su me may pasa on te nests of yuur activities lu Champion readers. A mu r aphoe oeitol Bob Burît or simply 1the Cham-. pion Sports Deparlasent as toua af er t1e event as possible (preferalnly t1e same day or t1e folluing dayl. woutd assure fair trestaseat. tecude the score of 11e game, top scorers ad cey general highilatso0f the garer. Hockey fans la 1the Milton ares have se excellent chance 10 ge a look et 1the nem 12-team National Hockey League. Exhibition garees are belas ptcyed la Toronto, Guelph, Brat- ford and Hamilton, il ithin an hours drive. The foluiag is a segment uf the NHL exhibition schedule. Wed.. Sept. 27 - California vs Pittsburgh, Bratford. Fni., Sept. 29 - Minnesota vs Pittsburgh, Brantford. Sat.. Sept. 30 -California vs Lus Angees, Guelph. Wed., Oct.. 4 -Munrral vs Toronto, Toronto. Set.. Oct. 7 - Pittsburgh vs Oklahoma <CPHLI, Bratford. Sel., Oct. 7 - Newe York vs Toronto, Toronto.4 Sua.. Oct. t - Los Angeles vs Pittsburgh. Guelph. Okviite's Lerny Shukes, a former sIen mith Multons Ia- termediate hockey club, lefI test meek for the Pilsdelpbic Fyers training camp la Ouebec. Shuker hupes lu pcab ither s conîract with the Ftyers la tise expaded NHL. or mit th11e Ftyers AItL frre club the Ouebrc Aces. Friendi here milI recal hum "Shuke' mas bath ce excel- lent frmsrd ced e good sportsman sehen 1e mure s Merehcet sweater. Bth Shuker ced is former Milton linemate Jack Price have played Senior A hockey n OakvHIle for tise Psst fete sesoas. .Milon basebsîl supporters mili 1e lhromlag ait their sup- port behiad 11e Juvenites and 11e Midgets mith hupes uf une or bth of 11e teeres curiag home mith e chempioaxhip. The. JuveaBle open their sere egaisst Chippame la Chlp- mmc Sundcy and 11e Midgets mili reset Stoney Creek la t1e scoad ganeet ofhe series ia Campbetlvilie Sueday t 2 pre. The Junur, Juveailes, Midgets end 1the Belles. la 11e ladies' leegue. att made il lu the finals mhich seys somethlag for 1the toma's overetl besebal effort. 1h. Belles, teha perhaps cuunted to0 much un the 111mw ing hernics af Sandy Cuthbhrtsus ers eliminsted Monay. Cuthbhrçoa as oul of action mith a bad rre. Football mili soo)n bc dorinating 1the spottigitI un the 1gb schoui sports scenc. Fromt thr Junior oullook, itltooks as If fans itI have soreething t,, look formard lu Iis meatou. Th. Musanmgs hat John F. Ruts la Gueph Friday mith e manviacing 136 in. The Guelph gridders are expectsd lu ha une of 11e isague pomens Ihis eatua. Bonad cch a UDIi, Duug Foley, promises a goud sourid and welI balancrd teare for 11e seeson. 'Wr should bave a cbampionship coulender barning inuries, 1e ssplsîned. ý>n Leonetl iii cch te Seniorteant 90,1111 Robin. tstn ad Hres Prinéý'c' mthcnBe lhebs. Jr. Ffilèv il kap Aneye eser bth teares. & Ailhough tse Bolr leace lacks enouueb bail players lu enter lb. Gulph league they have sehadulsd a fese exhibition gante. The hope is tbat 11ev milI ha able lu st u a gares here and thers atong the a. Huseser. noîine iti ho t stake. The Seniors met Hanover in Milon vesterdav aflernoun. (Tueçdav). Midgets to face elimination Stoney Creek wins squeaker Aler holding out Ion 12 ian- insfus-a e îleaiast Stoney Cresk Saturday, 11e Milon Mlidgets lotI a hetrt-breaes Buaday lu fait on am ee 1 hindin l the OBA. Midgsî Fin- JIKtensI coetul sy. Ms-- Grath lb.e leadoîf baller doubf- Ssslton District liIgb Scitoot gel thIbmfootballstontes- dermcy riday teben theJusa- ion Mustangs mon Ibir opeiter 13.6 agairel John F. Roms ia Guelph. lled cosah eug Poley bat bg hupes for tbe Junors thîn year. M. Poly snid tse Mus- tangs conlrolled 11e gante ai. mot enllrety frontre isto fia- isb. The onty Guelphs toucit- dowa came on ce offenive e- mnr. Guelph blos-ked a ckisad tcered a touchdoma eente play. Jusrie Kurdeatea creil ece- ly for Mlton on a souter play frureanmend i rancd sces agia laIes-on c aneendr. hPm aeest uit ha ls-Bg th pay& a. qusrtstiscck for tIse tuniors this seanon. M. Poley fet is Iseamplayed'ce ail-arouail excellent gartesced noted MatnaO'lellced Rav Tonelliase defeaive nîsedouts. ed in 1the first ieeieg. ent lu third on a steal and sconed on Ted Hods single. The one rus led bld sstil the ieth ieeisg wtene Stoney Csesk betîrd beck, scurng Imo rues. Don eacrns malked the irs haltes- and 1the aex ma guI on base lhnough aes-non te lb. second haseman and Stoney Creek sconsd Imu ruai on s mlk. an iatisld errmn and e single. Don lisam it lclisslfautisss hall for -Miltoa, aloieg oaly threbits in th1e mhoie gares. Milton seored but one rua ont six hits. G. licru siaglsd Iice tehils McGrth doublsd and Hood ted Gcry litylon each ingîrd. ta the irt gares SaIns-day Stoey Cresk tbS anc arly Iecd 3-0 n 1the fisst stanze aed backed t up mth two more ruas lan11e flfth. MItatslaremsined idis untiilb.hefourth inning mhss thsy unloaded for a pair and camne bas-klan1the fifth for Imo more and tcored lbe equatîxer le lb. eighth. Ken Perton and Ted Hood slagled Iie, t.ona Faggloe, Cbticbmmch and Gary tOytor al singled. Hurler Dos Heares aiumsd fies ruas on four bits and strus-k ouI eighl battent. Milton Ih nas ose garter ho bled len1the final series. ORUMOUIN Fia WIS as-s Halton champions. oster. J. Lacs-le, Jire Sliba, Mike Slîba. Back They ase fsr e f1t tright in the front sos, row: Gasry Gooding, Ted Hood, Roger- Dem- Coach Jack Hilton, captain Csaig Jackson and ing, J. Aides-s, Richard heure and Harold manager Keith Jackson. Second row: Doug Merry. (Staff Photo) 14,5 Iskupon amsd gi uaebsb bmered am'4 DeIesIege Pultl usrkholder hmrdà ~ ~ 'b.v~.' claglsdtwlce and Caty tila P*IAP* RU ~ltsgled twle for thseMlo tEWEWW WIIW W rmtie. Georgetown Georgetes over taseisArs was 1the vlc- powered the Milton Belles and tint 0f the final assault as shte Da walked away wîth 11e tltîoa allawed 15 bits for 20 runs UYiiWiglI Ladies Charepionship when P. Givra bit safety four times 1 .... they won tbeir tiird gamte by to Iead 1the Georgetownacssaîîlt IW c decisive 20.3 margia, Mon- p pcvîdioa bcd three its ,Mloprdn rfgW day nlgbl. 'ted S. Q.un, A. tsirclsment citos areadyt ive fsid Thse Bsllales 10 O'Clorfe ced m. Hagles cil bit lwlcc t vrrcyt fes pea. tome 19.7 Wedaotday and ea.3ech. etiO hti h ,pr Monday in the absence of Pli- pull Burkholder came ads tud e Imoer the aialpc cher Shirley Culhberlson. îhrougb wlth c double ced ,a 5df ai urdYty iade tsres Georgetowa slruck bard le pair of singles. Singles ment £inBueu 1the finIîaaniag outh11e final tcC. ean, s . MoreC. ioBue. game wîlh six big ruas. TheY Roblatua, Mss-eon Watsonancd Baidu lhe continagent of 12 meantehe weaî 10 Georgetoms.s bit wilh Ibree in 11e second, Cathy Hn wscare fi aycntil. aCI4 onein he hir ' eve inthe Mmi Wadiegropef five 100k Mltn,.i- fosrth and lhree ian11e fiftb wîîh the lns Wedskya .fie ur lti for the taIIy. Milton mc uin- allowed 19 rùas on 12 its. tiu 92tr uper chie lu musier any mure than Betty Qsackenbush, Pst Davi- with tire preventlon slogans bo acenleaniai Parade la St. sc. Imo ruas la une iaaing. son and L. Beekington led te13,1e .%ries is tied up Roberts paces Merchants to win but Harry Hamilton suffers Ioss Carephellvilte took a une came lrad lan1the best of three OBA. 'B' categos-v finals as bhey ttanded Petrolia a 2- de- frati n Carepheltville Saturday.1 But thry travetird to etroliaj the following day 10 gel set back by a 14-4 reargin. Ttlwamas fine a pitched game as enyune coutd ask la tee as Jack Drus-t of Petroia allowerd but Imu its and Jack Robers of Carephelîville Ibrer. Drut malkrd Imo and ttruck- oui six whtie Roberts didn't issue a single pass and also sent dloms a haîf dosen sing- ing. Carepbrltvttle mon the garer n the first inInt sehen Drdge Potentiel cadidates for tse Milton Meschats junior bock ey club iflreset t Milton a- eaa for their first practice on Moaday. AIl boya of juvenile or jun- ior age are melcome 10 tny out. AIl those intsrestsd sboutd 1be aI t1e 9 p.r. practice Mooday ith Iheir oma equipesent. Prectices milhochld Monay, Wednesdavad Ps-day ighsa aI 9 pr.m As of preslime. there mas nu final annouecemenee about s coach for 11e junior leace. Homever, 11e choicestiens1be- tmeen tbrer men. Ail have the neocsssery qualifications for the job. Exsoutive member A. Par- tua said 1the teare bopcd tolm r- port three or four players front Aclon and tome fror e 1de. funct Burtînglon Mobawks. Teddy Houd bas beea cul frore the Etobicoke Junior B squad and is sxpecled to blp the Merchants coetidsrebly. Rick Cote is trving for e spot on the Brantford Juaior B teare and if 11e is cul is expect. ed lu play on the Miton teare. icheidulesa mill hodrame up la Strrslsvitle t a teagus meeting Sunday. Il milI alto ho tsarned if Brantford mAit bo admitîrd lu Iis league or nul. r. malked and raced around lu third on Mores double. lis scored teben Calrsm as 1e. ieg Ibrome ouI by the second haseman 10 give Carepbelîville a 1-0 Itead. Thescaor e reained Iis mev until the battuesof 11e slxtb mlite ith Imo ouI BIS Bllot drove a hume rue over te right fild feace lu complets 11e scol'1ng aI 20 for Camp- bellvitte. Carpehotvitte didet make aey otiser îhreats and Petrolie nrvrr guI a ma past scond en a gares that mas reetsd off in oas bour and 43 minutes. Lames, Mackenzie an d Chalmaatl sngled for Pet- rula. LINESCORE r b s Petrolia 000 000 000 - 0 3 0 C'ville 100 001 x - 2 22 Petrolia: rtI and Mac Camipb6tltr11: Robmitas ad Andrewts. t Petrolia tied up tise Iter. B finals iîh Carpehlîvifle et hume oe Sueday mhen thay troueced the Malton represen. tatires by a score ut 14-4. Goieg lto lb. barttuesof 11e fifth il mas c relativeiit tigitt gares mitb Petrotia tssd- ieg 4.2 and bth teeret bavleg goI but four its but Jack Dru rît of Petrolia mas gettieg far etter support titan Sarry Hamilton. An error by the Pt. rula scoed basrman. a sacri- fice and a double by MBII llot gave Carpephotvilte a t-Oted je 1the first that 11ey betd un- tl the battuesofth11e thrd wee a single. a malk, a sacri- fice and a sngle scos-sd tien rues for Petrolia and gave there a 21 lsad. Campbellsllle lied 1the score in the top of 1the fourth. A math. a single aed an err loadsd te bases witb nouoes out. The next baller forced c man eith11e plate and lten fol- tumsd îhme s like-outs bat one ofth11e victires (RImer Dredgesi ot la first ced s rua scored seben 11e third strike got amey rumes iscatcher. Ae errmr, a sacrifices. a pcsscd hall and tmo singles gave Pet rula imo mure ruas and s 4-2 lead. inte .fftb the rouf fett ln on Carpehotvitle as Imo sin- gles, four errurs, a math. a mild pilcit and a passd hall atoeg mitb wtl toukrd like a qurslioneble caît on a play ai second ou a stotea hume gave Petrolla four more and ce -2 med. Tmo triples, Imo singles and te errmr prudutced four mute lan1the baore m o11te sitsl lugise., ,PgIJg p -lea .... . te. Muore and Bllotfoltomsd by a sacrifice fly bY Cairns eccountsd for two rues for Carpealvitie lante eenlt te close the gsp lu 124 but a bores rue, a singe, ce infistd out aed a couple of itd pIs-bms gave Petrolla Imo mure ie 11e eighhced a final vis-- tory score of 14.4. Jack Drusît, pitchint is sec- ond nias irtatet garnes la mo deys. gave up four ruas off aine its. lis malked one ced struck ouI ten. Hans-y Hamil- ton pitcbsd ive and Imo tiirds lnlgs for Campephol- ville ltomlng 12 ruas off nias 111h. He metked oas. bIt oas baller and trus-k ouI four,.lie des-sed a bellsr foIe as there teste six ms-ors hohind biîr and only five of 111e t2 ruas teste sarued. In Imo ced oas tird innngs of relief Tom Romsbam aiomsd Imo rues off four its. tRe stesseitout une and wslked oae. Lcsetscabit a triple ad Omo singles for Petrolia ced Drestt bheg lout litreesinlgles. rnIs bit a triple ced c home res and Mcls-Cahirmad Omo singles. Shannon, Patter ced Otalmets aIt siagleil. Bill Ellioti bit s double and Imo singles for CamitelIscîle. Kmn Moore andS&t King eccl singtsd tmice, Harry Haismlton doubled aed kick Repta ie- gled. Petrolia havIng mon thse tos mit ho ti sits of lthetird and final gares miich it mi h ptaysd Iis Suadav et 2.30 pr.M C'vile. 100 1W200 - 4 9 6 petre..W02 244 02x -14 13 2 Csmphafville - Ritmlton, Ramtbam (6) cedAndres. Petrolla - Druett aed Mas-- kenzile. the (so is coming to THE MILTON FAIR SIPTIMNI 29 and 30 Here is your chance ta play the oxciting Esso Hockey Gare. (the hit of ast years CNE) . ..-broms. through the colourful hockey exhibît ... and find out what's nom cnd botter in MODERN HOME HEATING EQUIPMENT. Ail this ia yours ta enjoy whon the big Esso Hockey Cafavan cornes 10 tomn. Be sure yoti attend and enter your name in the big Esso Hockey Trip Contest. Itfs the big avant of the season ... DONT miss ITI The abuous 968 On Display Now at The abuous 968 TIP-IN TIRE MOTO-SKI SALES se». U».Rd, D/Y NOW-PL1AY LAI-DR MOTOSKI> MILTON, ONT 7 MODELS To CHOOSE FROMi'8833 trip for 2 ,Mt ta mny one of the 12 N.H.L citios of your choicul cdetails at the Es..ockey Cr'" GUS MOWBRAY-S 78-13 Si YcrIWOMpellh.Aeb cdu..Hc eviaDc Pro-Arn Hockey Reglster Tu.sday, October 3 9 - 9.30 p.m. or Thursday, October 5 9 - 9.30 p.m. AT MILTON ARUA Uvmow INTURMEUATE OHA. HOCKEY PLAYERS burllne«tonMhawks ore CommmeisngPracllicesSessionts-. WONRDAY, OCT. 4 - 730 F.M. - NUSON ARINA Prelimninary Interviews conducted by Coach BOB SALVISBURG Octabas 2 end 3 - Coufral Aron& - 7.30 te 9 p.. Experience Junior and Intermodiate Playors Welcomsd ' CANADIAN LEGION I4USTRIAL DARIM The Lglon Industriel Drt Lagum Executve, 1967- 68 wlsh 10 remlnd ail service clubs end Industriel plants ln tbhes atethtmpestltion dort$ mlii omeeet .9.00 p.m., Wednaeday, Oclabe 4, 1961, ln t*e Lgor dubrooms. Amy grsrp ee«eaP wese.d, seara. cfLchn saa lsca lsqe.alsete d ML A-.1111191111M M II7 2î À

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